{CINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 19 2 7 CARBONS KALEE The W INDOM DIRECT FR zrshaw's speciali \RC LAM .CCESSORI CARBON SEATING VERYTHN ir the KINEfl SOLE KERSHAW PROJ (Proprietors : Amalgamated Ph LONDON SALES OFFICES 3, Soho Square :: :: W.l Telephone : Regent 1230. 'd- Famous TABLE NO. 7 i MANUFACTURER TO BUYER DIRECT SALES SERVICE FROM MAKER TO BUYER— ^TT Think what this means ! You can instal the latest model KALEE INDOM. No. 7 at once with the Manufacturers service behind you. Then you will be not only relieved of all worry, but assured of 100% perfect projection and years of faultless running with the minimum of atten- tion or replacements. Write Kershaw's for catalogue and full particulars. j REPAIRS When your Kalee Projectors require attention, come to the actual makers for your repairs. We are equipped with special tools and machines to assure you maximum service and satisfaction. ;ers CTOR COMPANY ohic Manufacturers, Limited.) LEEDS SALES OFFICES: Albion Walk, Albion Street, Telephone: :-: :-: :-: Leeds 22237. WALTURDAW POWER MACHINE AS ILLUSTRATED £87-10 OVER 5,000 SOLD. AND EVERY CINEMA ACCESSORY. CASH OR HIRE PURCHASE. The oldest House in the Trade — Established 1896. | Copy JT W^P* WALTURDAW CINEMA SUPPLY CO. LTD. (E. G TURNER, Managing Director.) 46, Gerrard St., London, W.l Telephone: Re gen 3310. Telegrams : "Albertype. Westrand ." Scanned from the collections of The Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation www.loc.gov/avconservation Motion Picture and Television Reading Room www.loc.gov/rr/mopic Recorded Sound Reference Center www.loc.gov/rr/record The Kinemalograpk Year Book. ERNEM ANN IMPERATOR CASH OR HIRE PURCHASE NUMBER in USE NOW EXCEEDS 1 6,000 ERNEMANN MIRROR ARC LAMPS ALL TYPES. ALL MODELS OF ERNEMANN MACHINES & OTHER ACCESSORIES KEPT IN STOCK. FIRE PREVENTION DEVICES. BUY THE GENUINE ARTICLE. Sole Agens — WALTURDAW CINEMA SUPPLY CO. LTD. Telephone : (E. G. TURNER, Managing Director.) Telegrams 46, Gerrard St., London, W.l 3310. We.tr and. 2 The Kinematograph Year Book. LAWRENCE PATENT SILVER BULMAN WHITE-WHITE OPAQUE BRITISH PATENT SURBRITE CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, GOUNTERWEIGHTING, ETC, BULMAN SCREENS PERLANTINO BEADED BULMAN REAR PROJECTION DRESSINGS AND BRUSHES Telephone : Regent 3310 Ciissold. 46, GERRARD ST., LONDON, W.1. Studios : Stamford Hill and Enfield. The OMNI ELECTRIC VAPORISER THE ONLY REALLY EFFICIENT MEANS of keeping the air in your theatre fragrant and germ free. The Omni Vaporiser, complete with flex and plug for attachment to Electric Light Socket (Stale Voltage required) . 25/- Omni Fluids, i-gallon, 30 - I -gallon, 55/- Bouquet, Lavender, Pine, etc. Let its send you, free, the Omni Booklet- M. & P. ENTERPRISES, LTD., NEWTON WORKS, Goldsmith St., London, HolbDM 0497. W.C 2 The Kinematograph Year Book. piillllllllM | "AN ORCHESTRA IN | | ITSELF" | | The Jardine J I Orchestral Organ | B THE Instrument that H W MUST have a place in = H every up-to-date Kinema = These magnificent instruments are now installed in the NEW TIVOLI PALACE, Strand, London and the STOLL PICTURE THEATRE {London Opera House, Kin&sway, W.C.) They are a surprise an d revelation of amazing musical possibilities in full orchestration or accompaniment. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS: JARDINE & Co. Ltd ORGAN BUILDERS AND TONE SPECIALISTS, Old Trafford, MANCHESTER. ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS. !ll!llllllllll!lllllllllllllllll!lll!l!llll!!lii>niii mi mm The Kinematograph Year Book. Premier Cinematograph Apparatus is used in all the Best Cinemas "Supplied through all the leading trade houses." MANUFACTURED BY ROBERT RIGBY, LI£ PREMIER WORKS, LITTLE JAMES ST. LONDON, W.C.I. Telephone : Museum 9001 (2 lines). Telegrams : Precinemat, Phone, London, KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 19 2 7 FOURTEENTH YEAR LONDON KINEMATOGRAPH PUBLICATIONS LTD, 93 Long Acre ...... W.C . 2 Telephone . . . Gerrard 9870 ill lines) Telegraphic Address . Southernwood, Rand, London MANCHESTER 4 Corporation Street Telephone . . . Central 4660 The Kinematograph Year Book. , 3 66 t> r\r t Tir< 99 ROLLTIC Approved by H.M. Customs and Excise. To be on top — right up-to-date — You must not stop. At once instate The " ROLLTIC." BEST OF ALL TICKET ISSUING AND REGISTERING MACHINES NOT DEPENDENT UPON ELECTRIC CURRENT & MOTORS I I Rolltic can be Fixed to any Pay Window. NO SPECIAL FITTING Three Screws Only Being Necessary. FOR SPEEDY DELIVERY AND ACCURACY IN CHECKING ROLLTIC HAS BROKEN ALL RECORDS. EXTENSIVELY USED. OVER 800 "ROLLTIC" ISSUERS are in operation in the London Area alone, delivering MILLIONS OF TICKETS WEEKLY. Write or Telephone (Clerkenwell 1686) for appointment, or illustrated leaflet and full particulars : Rolltic Limited, 70, Finsbury Pavement, London , E X. CONTENTS PAGE Story of the Year 9 Events of the Year ... 19 The Year in America 32 Foreign Trade Directory — - United States of America 35 Australia ' ... 35 Austria ... 36 Belgium 37 Canada 37 Czechoslovakia 38 France 39 Germany 42 Greece v. ... 44 Holland ... 44 Hungary 45 Italy 46 Jugoslavia 47 New Zealand 47 Poland 47 Roumania ... 48 Spain 48 Switzerland ... 49 Turkey ... .... 50 Union of South Africa 50 To and From our Shores 51 Films Section — Trade Shown Films of 1926 57 Calendar of 1926 Trade Shows ... 87 Renters' Offers of the Year 93 Films Released in 1926 101 Trade Organisations — - Incorporated Association of Kine- matograph Manufacturers 122 Cinematograph Exhibitors' Associa- tion ... ... ... 125 Kinematograph Renters' Society ... 132 Faculty of Arts 134 British Motion Picture Advertisers ... 134 Musicians' Union 134 British Empire Film Institute ... 134 PAGE Trade Organisations — -continued. National Association of Theatrical Employees 134 Incorporated Society of Authors, etc. 134 Optical Society 134 Cinematograph Trade Benevolent Fund 135 Cinematograph Trade Provident In- stitution 135 Electrical Trades Union 135 British National Film League ... 135 Performing Right Society 135 Variety Artistes' Federation 135 Actors' Association 135 London Poster Association, Ltd. ... 135 lin l sh Poster Association 135 Legal Section - Digest of Acts an- ! se ulations ... 138 In the Courts 161 Financial Section — New Companies ... 17^ Mortgages and Charges 17) Bankruptcies, Liquidations, etc. ... 189 Showmanship in the Kinema... ... T96 Equipment and Technical Section — Equipment and Technique in 1926... 205 Data for Kinematograph Technicians 225 Technical Tables ... 229 Electrical Supply in Chief Towns ... 233 Directory Section— Trade Directory 248 Provincia Renters 270 Welsh do 273 Scottish do. * 273 Irish do 274 British Studios and Producing Com- panies 274 Theatre Circuits ... 278 London Kinemas ... 290 English do. 305 Welsh do 415 Scottish do 426 Irish do. ... 445 The Kinematograph Year Book. SOLE CONCESSIONNAIRES : J. FRANK BROCKLISS, LTD., 10, POLAND ST., Phone : REGENT 4776, 4777. LONDON, W. 1. The btory or 1926 by S. G. Rayment, Acting Editor, Kinemato graph Weekly. IF hitherto the kinematograph industry has been given less recognition than its importance merited, the past year has seen this injustice rectified with a vengeance. At the beginning of the period under review there was in process of development a strong movement which aimed at finding for the British film a place in the sun. Originating from the exhibitors, and in fact deriving its initial impetus from the Glasgow C.E.A. Conference of 1925, a Joint Production Committee was formed and held several meetings, which were at first notable for their sincere efforts to secure a unanimous trade solution of the problem. But like King Charles's head, the quota proposal could not be kept out, and the group of British directors who were represented on the committee are entitled to claim that their efforts to enforce a scheme guaranteeing a certain proportion of bookings for British films was the rock on which the joint body came to grief. There was another important consideration which afforded much trouble to the men who worked so hard to find a solution. They realised that something more than a British market was essential, and that no picture made for this country alone would be a worth- while proposition. The reciprocity suggestion, by which American firms were asked to undertake the distribution of British pictures in the United States on a proportional ratio to the pictures they imported, had three 10 The Kinematograph Year Book. difficult problems in its train. In the first place any immediate settlement was impossible because the representatives over here of American firms, however willing to co-operate, were obviously unable to commit their principals in New York to an important policy. Secondly, the definition of what constituted a British film was. and still is, a ticklish question. It might well be asked whether any film made in this country was a British film ; although the capital, the direction and the stars might be foreign ? If not, what line of demarcation would be acceptable to both sides ? The British ideal, that such a film would be entirely financed, directed and acted by Britons, independent of any help or control from the other side of the Atlantic, was recognised as representing an entirely different proposition to the solution visualised by the Americans. Then, thirdly, what was the point at which Government backing of the British producing industry would be effective. It was made clear that jurisdiction of our Government ceased at our shores, and to make stipulations as to the conduct of American business by Americans was outside its scope. Legislation. It will be seen by this that the British trade had definitely accepted the idea that the Government was to be called upon to act. and that no voluntary scheme would serve to clear up the problem. This was by no means unanimously recognised at first, and it was in virtue of its demand for the cessation of blind-booking that the C.E.A. had to face the question and to prove to its members that it was the only way. As a matter of fact the actual suggestion that legislation should be set on foot was not at first welcomed by the rank and file of exhibitors, but the following resolutions, which were passed at a meeting of the Joint Production Committee at the end of March, show how the necessity for something nore than a voluntary agree- ment was recognised : 1. This Joint Trade Committee, being satisfied that the abolition of blind booking is a necessity for the rehabilitation of British films welcomes the statement of the President of the Board of Trade that the Government is prepared to introduce immediate legislation on that subject if desired, and authorises a Sub-Committee, consisting of Sir Wm, Jury, W. N. Blake, W. Evans, E. E. Lyons, T. Ormiston, S. Rowson, T. A. Welsh, A. C. Bromhead and A. J. Gale, to take at once all necessary Story of the Year, ii steps for securing that legislation after consultation with the different interests of the Trade. 2. That the same Committee be authorised to continue* negotiations with the importers of American films to arrive at a mutual voluntary arrangement for the release of British films in America. 3. That the same Committee be instructed to formulate a voluntary effort within the Trade for ascertaining the results of (1) and (2). Much discussion took place throughout the country for months, but eventually it was decided to carry out a plebiscite on the subject, and on July 7 it was announced that by a majority of 1,704 to 198 the members of the C.E.A. (of whom 71 per cent, voted) agreed to the necessity of Government measures prohibiting Blind Booking. It was in February that the F.B.I, published its suggested measure, the salient points of which were : A registration authority was to be instituted, and it was to be illegal to show any film which had not been registered. No picture was to be registered unless the person presenting it for registration had acquired the right, and intended to rent for public exhibition a certain quota of British films. The prescribed quota was to be 12J per cent, and to rise to 37| per cent, of British as compared to foreign pictures for renters and exhibitors, with the sliding scale for the exhibitor operating at a date three months after that for the renter. This scheme was promptly objected to by the C.E.A. General Council, and further "round table" conferences were arranged. The feeling was expressed that the Trade was big enough to find its own solution of its troubles. This belief, unfortunately, was not justified by after events. The Trade's Fruitless Effort S. Rowson put in much hard work in the position of a convenor to an informal sub-committee, but the only practical outcome of the many sincere efforts that were made was the acceptance of an understanding that no legislation would be asked for until after a year's voluntary effort had shown the Trade's inability to solve the problem. Meanwhile the official interest of the Board of Trade was frequently in evidence. The informal committee was approached by Sir Philip Cunliffe -Lister quite early in its deliberations, and the Trade leaders afterwards gave testimony to the keen appreciation of the facts of the case and its possible developments that was shown. 12 The Kinemcitogyaph Year Booh. Reciprocity, as a means of an outlet for independently produced British films into the world market — with particular reference, of course, to America — was quickly recognised as being a vital question. It was quickly seen that the obvious next step would merely be the establishment of producing units over here by American organisations. The output might be British in one sense of the term, in that the pictures would be made in this country, but this would by no means satisfy the genuine demand for a growth of our producing industry. While it was felt that we badly needed to learn the lessons of organisation and technique that the Americans could teach us, it was made quite clear on all hands that a British film must mean a film made by British finance and enterprise. Needless to say the discussions were followed with the greatest keenness in America, and an emissary of Will Hays was in London during the sittings of the Joint Production Committee, to keep the Trade leaders in New York and Hollywood in touch with all developments. The impression here was that the Americans' chief fear was of the quota, and the opinion was pretty freely expressed that recipro- city would mean their co-operation just as far as the big stick threw its shadow. How much justification there was in this reading of the situation has not yet, of course, been revealed; for as far as concrete effects are concerned there is no advance, even at this date, to record. All this time the anti blind-booking attitude of the C.E.A. had been vigorously maintained. It had been said in many quarters that no scheme would be laid down which would prove effective, and it was the determined way in which W. N. Blake, the President of the C.E.A., kept hammering at this question that finally settled the policy. The many voices that had appealed for " no Government interven- tion ;' died down ; it was realised that legislation was the only remedy, and the referendum to which I have referred above was the result. Imperial Conference. Meantime, as a reminder that the independence of the British screen was no longer to be regarded as a domestic matter, there came the Imperial Conference demand. Colonial views had been Story of the Year. 13 receiving more and more attention, and there was little surprise when in November the Economic Sub-committee of the Imperial Conference, in its report, suggested that the Governments of the various parts of the Empire should take such action " as they may severally find possible." On the whole the report was lacking in decision, but its suggestions conveyed a clear impression that the whole of the Dominions were concerned in finding a solution, and that there was a real demand existing for British films in every part of the Empire. That, after all, was worth establishing, and there was a striking confirmation of the fact in the steady preparations that were being made during the last few months of the year for a " big British offensive." Preliminary organising work had been pushed on quietly but patiently in two directions which even yet we are not allowed to particularise, but the early months of 1927 will bear witness to their thoroughness. For a long time we heard beatings of the patriotic drum by enthusiastic but ill-informed outsiders, but behind the scenes very great efforts had been silently made, and active co- operation of the Trade in the Dominions with finance and distribu- tion systems was being organised. As in other cases, those who were doing the most work had the least to say. and the more vocal of those who were demanding Empire films would probably be completely surprised had they but a glimmering of the elaborate and carefully worked out schemes which were in preparation. The CE.A. Bill. At this stage it is advisable to study the Bill drafted by the CE.A. This, it will be noted, is essentially an anti blind-booking measure; any "quota" provisions that may eventually be in- corporated in it will be contributed from outside. On these, it is true, discussions with Trade leaders have been held, but exhibitors as a body have steadfastly shown their objection to the principle. The draft Bill itself was definitely limited in its preamble to the function of preventing " booking of large numbers of films for long- periods before the films have been produced to the prejudice of producers of British films." Its first provision demanded that the producer of a new film should procure its registration before he rented it for exhibition, The Kinemafograph Year Book. and this registration was not to be granted until a complete copy should be available for viewing. The announcement of the trade showing was, furthermore, to be advertised in the Trade Press. The Registration Committee was to consist of not more than six or less than three members, selected by the President of the Board of Trade from panels agreed upon by the I.A.K.M., the K.R.S., and the C.E.A. It was to appoint a registrar, and its decisions were to be subject to appeal to the Board of Trade. Any person exhibiting an unregistered film was to be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months, or to a fine up to £20 for each day. Contracts for the renting or exhibition of a new film which was not registered were to be void, and deemed to have been made for an illegal consideration. It will be seen that the aim of those responsible for the drafting of this Bill was clear and definite, and the examination of its provi- sions, which every member of the Trade entered upon with zest, failed to discover any very serious flaws in the proposals. It was in fact greeted with a very satisfactory feeling, and it promised a much-needed reform with the minimum of interference with trade custom. In submitting it to the General Council of the C.E.A. , Thomas Ormiston moved a resolution to the effect that the Draft Bill and regulations be presented to the President of the Board of Trade, "failing the promised scheme from the K.R.S. reaching them within two weeks, and being in the opinion of the Blind- Booking Committee such as would justify delaying the presentation to the Board of Trade." This was carried by 28 votes to four. The debate upon it was notable for a strong speech by E. E. Lyons in support of an amend- ment referring it back. He had previously resigned from the Com- mittee as a protest, and took his stand as a whole-hearted opponent to any form of legislation. Two or three other members of the Council took exception to the clause providing the penalty of imprisonment, but the majority in favour left no doubt of the general acceptance. The Renters' Reply. Within the period stipulated the K.R.S. had called to a con- ference all renting firms, whether members or not, and had prepared \ Story of the Year. *5 a scheme which was duly submitted to the C.E.A. for con- sideration. It was of course based on voluntary lines, and its punitive clauses relied upon the infliction upon renters of fines and other disabilities, such as prohibition to participate in the scheme and the refusal of registration. As to exhibitors there was an under- taking that the Tenters would bar any one of them who offended against the agreement, or who booked with a renter who remained outside it. The C.E.A. was further asked to make such rules as would compel its members to conform to the scheme. The committee was to consist of 24 members, half renters and half exhibitors. Its essential quality was that it was a renters' scheme, and the exhibitors were to enter it in a spirit of co-operation instead of assuming equal responsibility. Its effectiveness, in short, demanded such a condition of the Trade that no single renter or exhioitor could afford to ignore the risk of incurring the penalties, and its weak - ness therefore lay in the fact that neither of the parties could guarantee 100 per cent, adherence. This scheme failing to secure acceptance by the C.E.A., the Trade was left in the rather undignified position of having to confess that it was incapable of putting its house in order. The news that Sir Philip Cunliffe- Lister had prepared a Memorandum for submission to the Imperial Conference was therefore received with little surprise. To the report of the Conference's Economic Committee I have already referred ; the proposed Government Bill is at the time of writing, a very strictly guarded secret, and its fate in the House of Commons will depend on several factors which not the wisest Parliamentarian can foretell, but every indication suggests that the failure of the Trade to agree upon its own policy will mean a measure that will cause much anxiety all round. British Productions. With so much publicity devoted to the support of our own pictures, it is a matter of regret that the output has to be registered as the smallest on record since the war. In 1925 we made 34, last year there were only 23 films completed . in our studios, and a few which came from overseas, but were certainly British — T allude to " With Cobham to the Cape," " Hine-Moa," "Palaver" and one or two like them. i6 The Kinematograph Year Book. Of those produced entirely in this country there were perhaps not more than four big pictures. We may count "The Lodger," " Mons," " Madamoiselle from Armentieres/- and " The Flag Lieutenant " as first-class attractions, the rest can hardly come into this category. So far, then, the demand has not succeeded in creating the supply. But in the coming year facilities will certainly he greater — thanks chiefly to the opening of the British National Studios at Elstree — and two or three firms which have not yet entered this branch of the industry are talking of making pictures. So far Pathe, Wardour, F.B.O., and Allied Artists, have announced this intention, and with the organisations already recognised as British producing units one should see a marked advance in 1927. In addition, Paramount, Metro, and Warner Bros., have broached the subject ; how far their suggestion will be justified by perform- ance has yet to be seen, Entertainment Tax. Quite unavailing endeavours were made, at the time the Budget was presented to the House, to secure abolition or reduction of the Entertainment Tax, but there was little hope. The Committee of the C.E.A. appointed to deal with this question is still in being, and has not relaxed its efforts, but in view of the industrial unrest of the year, and the financial handicap under which the Chancellor has had to work, prospects are dark for 1927. Harry Day, M.P.. tabled a reduced scale in June, but had to acknowledge Mr. Churchill's argument that the cost to the revenue — £1,000,000 that year, and £1,350,000 in a full year, could not he afforded. The Chancellor's statements that he shared the general prejudice against the Tax, and that if he could afford to make any modification it would be on the lines of the Snowden reduction of 1924 affecting the whole range of seats, is worth noting for future reference. The Strike. What might have been a crushing blow to the trade in May, the General Strike, was met with a courage and resourcefulness which were wholly admirable. Normal transport being entirely held up, the trade organised its own dumps, and by a complicated but highly Story of the Year. I? efficient series of motor connections, the supply of pictures to kinemas throughout the country was carried out with hardly a let down from start to finish, It was a remarkable achievement, and the organisers, F. A. Enders, managing director of F.B.O., and Frank Hill, secretary of the K.R.S., were publicly thanked at a luncheon over which S. Rowson, the chairman of the K.R.S. presided. The actual supply of films was, of course, not the only trouble that the trade had to surmount. On the first day of the hold-up. the President of the C.E.A., W. N. Blake, with the Secretary. W. R. Fuller, and Captain J. W. Barber, after much searching- of various Government Departments, secured the attention of the Minister of Mines, and proved to him that to close the kinemas (as was suggested) would be an unwise act. They obtained permission to carry on as best they could, and although a few halls in the mining areas were obliged to close down, the effect on the industry as a whole was wonderfully small. In one or two districts the action of over-cautious Coal Controllers led to curtailment of hours, and Bristol exhibitors in particular had a hard struggle before they were allowed to return to the normal, but the trade can pride itself on having weathered a storm of un- exampled fierceness with remarkable success. Theatre Developments. Towards the end of the 3^ear the announcement was made that a big financial house had acquired the Biocolor circuit. The purchasing syndicate included Ostrer Bros., a city firm previously interested in the film business. Much more excitement was caused throughout the trade when an announcement was made, just before Christmas, by Sol Levy, that his two Birmingham halls, the Futurist and the Scala, had been bought by Famous Players-Lasky. . Local exhibitors quickly took up arms, and great indignation was expressed. Vigorously expressed protests were sent . to the C.E.A. headquarters, and there was much talk of boycotting the pictures of any firm entering into competition with the exhibitor by running kinemas. C.E.A. branches in other areas beside the one affected showed active sympathy, but the outcome will be a matter for the future. Enough to say that when the year 1926 lay dying, it died with a kick. i8 The Kinemciogmph Year Bcok. Organisations. The story of the K.R.S. and the G.E.A., during the period under review is practically the story of the trade. Their work has been carried on with a notable absence of friction, and although they failed to achieve the one big task to which they set themselves. S. Rowson, chairman of the Renters' Society, and W. N. Blake, president of the Exhibitors' Association, have served their consti- tuents with devotion and success in every other direction. To mark their appreciation of the work of W. Gavazzi King, who retired from the General Secretaryship of the C.E.A., full of years and honour, the members dined him in October, and presented him with a cheque for £1,400. His services are not lost to the Association, for he has been appointed to the new post of Consultative Secretary, and continues to edit the film reports. His successor is W. R. Fuller, who had an apprenticeship as Assistant Secretary for some years. After a considerable period in which its usefulness was shown to he doubtful, the Cinematograph Trade Council, of which Lord Burnham was the president, finally passed out of existence in July. It was felt that the organisations which had represented the manu- facturers, the renters and the exhibitors for so many years were the fit and proper bodies to carry on, and there were few dissentients to the suggestion of ending the C.T.C. A new body, the British Empire Film Institute \ came into being in May. Several important and influential names are attached to its Council, and its weight has been lent to the patriotic, as distinct from the Trade, efforts to rehabilitate British films. Its actual achievements are perhaps abstract rather than concrete. To sum up the work of the year, one would suggest that it has been a period of ploughing and seed-time. If the harvest in 1927 is worthy of all the work of 1926, the coming year should be one of very great prosperity for all branches of the industry. Events of the Year. ig Events of the Year DECEMBER, 1925. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., absorbed the separate Stoll renting com- pany, the Stoll Film Co., Ltd. Fifty-eight exhibitors joined the Manchester Branch of the C.E.A., with the definite object of opposing the Quota Scheme. It was announced that P.C.T. had acquired the Majestic, Leeds, and intends to build a new super kinema in Sheffield. The Daily Express announced its intentions of producing an All-British film upon which it would spend £50,000. Joe Schenck announced the definite abandonment of the Metro-U.A. merge. Staff Changes, Appointments, etc. A. E. Woodman, charge of Ideal P.H., Poplar. The Hon. Mrs. Norton was appointed G. Manziel joined Allied Artists' Cardiff manageress of the New Gallery. Branch. F. G. Donne terminated his engagement with Harry Reubin joined European's Birniing- Argosy. ham Staff. Tom Graham took over the managing director- T. Connor succeeded E. Mathewson in the ship of the Imperial, North Shore. Dublin office of J.M.G. Stanley Chipperfield, F.R.C.O., organist- H. D. Wood resigned joint managing director- conductor at the Cinedrome, Plymouth. ship of Fox. H. C. Bishop succeeded Sam Bennett as Anatole Melzak, musical director of the Butcher's S. Yorks representative. Stamford Hill Kinema. S. A. Jones joined Sid Lewis at Languish, tx:„»— „ D„„...;M„, „*„ AianrhPQtPr Kinema Reopenings, etc. xuancnester s & H Ltd acquired the Grand Theatre J- fRA^.KffB«OCK"sS seeded Ralph J. Pugh Nottinghain. fishponds P.H., Bristol, was as managing director of F.>>. sold tcf the Bristol Corporation or conversion r\ 1 VARp Xt J G' SC ^rh t intoa library.— Prince's, Harpurhev, opened. I ' U £UCCe5S1°n t0 Albert Pavilion, Johnstone, acquired bv George ; |o^Vhitnev, charge of S toll's interests w -r at tw-,~>Tt ™. r, ■ i * t ( Burgh Quav, Dublin. Kinema at Athlone fJL' r; i w \ \ Trf /l nlni opened under proprietorship of Heavev aid Gem, Great Western Road, Glasgow. David ,f n c\ -f, , tt+„ j^ mJ „ Mills succeeded him at the Grand Central, MeCrann. Stamford Hill Kinema was Rutherglen. opened. L. W. Beaham appointed to Ideal's staff at Obituary. Leeds. Isaac St-\rk and Roland Kemp, operator Philip Cleife succeeded Rex Dooley at the and manager respectively of the Premier. Kensington Palace, Liverpool. Macclesfield, in motor accident. JANUARY, 1926. Work was commenced on British National's Studios at Boreham Wood, Herts. E. E. Hewitson accepted nomination for the Vice-Presidency of the C.E.A. The only other candidate was W. Stephenson, of Manchester. The Joint Committee on Production abandoned the Quota and recom- mended the adoption of the Release Reform and Central Studio parts of the original scheme. W. Gavazzi King's resignation from the active secretaryship of the C.E.A. was accepted by the General Council. Dorothy Gish was signed by British National Pictures for three more pictures under the direction of Herbert Wilcox. Famous and Metro-Goldwyn succeeded in booking the U.F.A. deal. An " all renters " meeting declined to endorse the block-booking sug- gestions of the Joint-Committee unless they were parts of a large scheme. Staff Changes, Appointments, etc. Joe Gillich joined Liverpool office of Famous- H. Bruce Woolfe appointed joint managing Lasky. director of the Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd. , -d™,^,.^^ „t +v„ xt„™ r^n E. Hills joined F.B.O. in the Four Northern r J™ E ° ' ' Counties. Glasgow. R. Kenneth Higgins appointed to succeed Victor A. Newton appointed assist; nt R. R. Paterson at the Pavilion, Newcastle. manager at same hall. " IF Y00 WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. " 20 The Kinematograph Year Book, Pat Ci.ark, managerial control of the Empire, Larkhall. G. G. T, Williams succeeded Stanley Jones in the management of the Royalty, Cowes. John Tidswell, jun., manager of the Victor}', Camp Road, Leeds. R. J. Vivian Parsons transferred from New Era's Cardiff Branch to Manchester office. John Pettrik managerial charge of Stamford Hill Cinema. Harry Carey, succeeded Charlie Rass in the management of the Empire, Bradford. H. Booth, charge of the Woodhouse P.P., near Sheffield. Joseph Engleman, musical director of the West End, Birmingham. Gerald Standing, manager of the Rivoli, London. Douglas Scott, musicaL directorship of Victoria P.H., Chesterfield. Frank Cross joined Allied Artists in Scotland. Frank N. Bloomfield appointed manager for P.D.C. at Cardiff. Ralph H anbury, general manager of Stoll Picture Productions. "Jerry" Reid, charge of Fox's Glasgow office. Bob Bruce joined W. W. Jay of B.O.A. Victor Jones joined United Films in Bir- mingham. Capt. Glasspoole, S. Yorks, manager for F.B.O. A. S. Moss, managerial control of Majestic, Leeds, in succession to B. H. Weighill. Reginald Feather, management of the Central P.H., Sheffield. D. E. Griffith appointed F.N.'s Cardiff manager. W. L. Trytel succeeded Leonard Allchurch as musical director of Camherwell Empire. H. A. Romain, management of the Broadway Palladium, Ealing. Torry Humphreys, control of Wardour's Manchester Branch. W. L. Streeton joined the Publicity Staff of Fox. A. Harrington Hollis, musical director, Blue Hall, Putney. Edward Bell, managerial charge of Lorry P.H., Aberdeen. - C. T. Hutchison, general manager, of the Blackpool Winter Gardens. G. L Abercrombie succeeded Tom Graham at the Regent, Blackpool. Steve Doyle rejoined Fox's Dublin office. George Dartnall, Fox's Liverpool branch manager. Reginald Feather, management of Central, Sheffield, vice Capt. Glasspoole. Tom Charles, managerfor Fox at Manchester. E. B. Gold, charge of Royal, Dordon. Leopold Lurey joined Ideal in Leeds. Kinema Openings, etc. The Kensington Kinema was opened. — —The New Carlton, Townshead, Glasgow, was opened by James Graham. The Star, Kildare, was burned to the ground. The Palace^ Yeovil, reopened. Royal, Dorton, Warwickshire, re- opened.— ■ — -Thomas Butt acquired the Victoria, Kilsyth. St. George's Hall, Bradford, was purchased by New Century for conversion into a kinema. Empire, Leith, reopened. Obituary. W. D. Littlejohn, of Glasgow.- J. Keppcl Hopkins, of the Corinthian, Dublin. William Saddler, of Sheffield. FEBRUARY Famous-Lasky acquired Herbert Wilcox's " Nell Gwyn " for distribution in the States. Tt was announced that Vitagraph was to carry on as a separate British distributing organisation, but, George H. Smith, the company's managing director, retired. Warners announced that they would distribute their own films in this country, through the Vitagraph organisation, when the Gaumont contract expired in September, 1926. Glasgow magistrates decided to take no further action in regard to the establishment of a local Censorship. At the L.C.C. meeting on February 2, the report of the Music Hall and Theatre Committee, which recommended increased powers under the Cinematograph Act and legislation on block-booking and the standard of films, was accepted. First National joined the K.R.S. The President of the Board of Trade announced that he had no money with which to finance a Central Studio. London and the Home Counties C.E.A. branch entertained Ralph J. Pugh at a luncheon. The Trade Benevolent Fund became a licensed employment bureau. T. Jennings manager of the Grev Street P.H., Newcastle. F. J. Morgan re-joined S toll's Cardiff office. J. F Stephenson joined Booth Grainge. Leds. D. E. Griffith succeeded Sir-John Owen at F.N.'s Cardiff Branch. Horace Froude, managerial control of Lavender Hill Pavilion, London. S*aS Changes, Appointments, etc. F. W. Kilner returned to the Renting side of the Trade. J. L. Carrol appointed principal director of the Pavilion, Newcastle. W. Smith, representative for All British Films in S. Yorks. Joseph Green promoted general manager of Irish Kinematograph Co. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Events of the Year. 21 William McMarlin, management of the Parkhead P.P. Glasgow. Ben C. Gibbs opened business as an in- dependent renter. D. Davies joined Stoll's Cardiff staff. R. E. Lowe appointed manager of Gaiety, Southampton. A. L. Ktng, management of the Dorking Pavilion . Tom Preston joined the Manchester branch of Fox. E. O'Keefe, Fox representative in Ulster. R. W. T. Scawn, managerial control of St. George's Hall, Bristol. C. F. West succeeded E. Hills at Stoll's Newcastle Office. F. Hardy promoted manager of Palladium, Bolton. Nat Winter and S. Gerson joined Stoll's in Glasgow. R. H. Smith appointed to Gaumont's staff in the Four Northern Counties. Percy Longhome succeeded Tr Wilkinson in the S. Yorks representation of Western Import. Winifred Gibbs succeeded S. Payne as musical director of the Derby Turn P.H., Bur ton-on -Trent. Harry Chadwick control of the Rivoli, Southend. J. E. Middleton was succeeded by Lindon Travers as manager for F.N. at Newcastle. Jimmy Reay charge of the Empire, Bury. A. Griffin and Harold E. Gilbert, manager and musical director, respectively, of the Westleigh, Leicester. W. Hinchcliffe and Bert Dan vers ap- pointed to Wardour's Manchester branch. W. G. Thompson joined Fox in the Midlands. T. Van Gelder joined Allied Artists sales staff. "Tim" Coop, traveller for P.D.C. in Man- chester. Andrew Gillespie, representative for P.D.C. in the Scottish territory. Mathew H. Glenville, general manager of the Corporation Theatre and Hippodrome, Chesterfield. C. A. Spalding, assistant manager, Pavilion, F. J. Truran joined P.D.C. in S. Wales. Archie Blair, management of the Hillhead Salon, Glasgow. W. D. Strongitharm appointed manager of Stoll P.T., Kingsway. Kinema Openings, etc. Westleigh Kinema, Leicester, was opened.— — The Star, Great Ducie Street, Manchester, opened. Obituary. Barbara la Marr, First National Star.- Harold Shaw, Edison Co., America, and late London Film Co. MARCH The British Empire Film Institute was founded, with distinguished patronage, to encourage and officially recognise native screen work of merit. Members of the Royal Family and a distinguished audience attended the Plaza first night of " Nell Gwyn " on March 1 . The Rt. Hon. Philip Snowden, M.P., was the guest, of honour at the C.E.A. annual dinner at the Hotel Victoria on March 15. Formal approval was extended to the policy of reciprocity as a solution of production problems at the meeting of the Joint Committee on March 24. E. E. Hewitson was elected to the Vice-Presidency of the C.E.A. by a big majority. The Kinema Carnival held on March 19, was a triumphant success and benefited the Benevolent Fund by ^ome £750. Staff Changes, Appointments, etc. John T. Thompson was appointed organist of the Plaza. Harry Reubin joined Graham Wilcox, Birmingham. S. N. Thompson, Junr., succeeded Kenneth Higgins in the management of the Pavilion, Newcastle. A. Coles, representative of Gaumont in West Wales vice E.Catliffe. George Wood, musical director of Dennis- toun P.H. Gertrude Riley, A.R.C.M., musical director of Globe P.P., Barnsley. Henry Houston, managerial charge of the Rink Cinema, Finsbury Park, London. J. W. Stevenson, charge of the Arcade, Worcester. Harry Nicholls resumed the management of the Morice Town P.H., Devonport. J M. Tiktin joined Western Import in S. Wales. Francis Wilkinson succeeded him at European's Cardiff branch. Harry Lipson joined P.D.C. in Manchester. Victor A. Newton returned to the Casino, Saltcoats. W. J. Laing, of Newcastle, opened as an in- dependent renter. Frank Gerald succeeded Falconer Jackes at the Theatre Royal, Barry. Harry Rodgers joined John Lambert of All British Films. Frank A. Wood succeeded T. W. C. Curd as manager of the Cinema House, Oxford Street, London . Ernest Barnard, musical director of Pavilion, Rochdale. Louis Harris, F.P.L.'s Manchester branch manager in succession to Phil Harrison . Ben Simmons, supervisor for F.P.L. over Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds areas. Ashley Bates succeeded him as Leeds manager. Isaac Collins, district manager for F.P.L. in the Four Northern Counties. Milton Parker, managerial charge of the Princess, Stalybridge. J. Gaunt succeeded Arnold Burrows at the Crooke P.P.. Sheffield. Mrs. Unwin, manageress of the Hillsborough, Sheffield. Thomas Pailor, charge of the Palace, West Hartlepool. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 2 2 The Kinematograph Year Book Fred Kitchen appointed musical director of the New Gallery. Harry J. Rose bourne succeeded him at the Majestic, Leeds. A. J. Thompson promoted manager of Grand Cinema, Herne Hill, London. Hamlet Hope succeeded J. Bryning as S. Yorks representative of Wellington Film Service. J. Owen joined P.D.C. at Cardiff. P. M. Rogers joined European's Exploitation staff. Harry Harrison succeeded Clifford Hogg as P.D.C. 's Leeds manager. George Pearson, general sales manager of British Screen Classics. C. Bernstein succeeded Harold Pier on the Midland staff of P.D.C. Helsby Wright, management of Prince's Hall, Smethwick, vice Tom Buckley, who was promoted manager of C. Deemings Hall at Coalville . Lionel Belmont, manager, and Percy Hesp, musical director of the Hippodrome, Nuneaton. Fred Orr, joined Ideal in Dublin; Fred Heath, manager of the Palladium, Brighton, in succession to the late H. G. Beau- mont. Basil Kay, control of the Princes, Shaw. T. F. Massicks, manager of the Castle, Egremont. Kinema Openings, etc. The Plaza, Regent Street, opened.- ■ Coliseum, Eastmoor, Wakefield, re-opened. — — T. Morgan acquired the Empire, Shotton Colliery. The Club House, Ushaw Moor, Durham, opened as a kinema by Mr. Hatley. junr. Palace, Blackwood, S. Wales, closed. Kingswear Hall, Bristol, opened.- Princess, Stalybridge, opened. Palace, West Hartlepool, re-opened. — — P.C.T. acquired the West End, Birmingham. Hipprodrome. Nuneaton, reopened. Princes, Shaw, opened. Obituary. H. G. Beaumont, of the Palladium, Brighton. — — Joe Dannenberg of the American " Film Daily." APRIL, Richard Strauss conducted the orchestra at the display of the film of his opera, " Rosenkavalier," in London on April 12. A further extension of the producer-theatre plan in America was indicated in the story that Famous Players may take over the Balaban and Katz theatres. It was announced that Warner's had arranged for production Units in France, Germany and England. The Government received a deputation from the Trade on the subject of the Entertainment Tax. The Hampshire C.E.A. recommended its members to vote in favour of the abolition of block-booking by legislation. The C.E.A. General Council resolved that it " does not admit the principle of a pre-release," and rules that " the first public exhibition of a film is the release date." Staff Changes, Appointments, etc. Frank A. Ellesmere, general manager of Valley Picture Theatre, Co., Holmfirth, nr. Huddersfield. Shirley Simpson, transferred to London headquarters of Midland Counties Circuit. Clifford Hogg joined Fox at Birmingham. J. J. Moore succeeded Shirley Simpson at the Savoy, Great Grimsby. Ray Warner, management of the Coliseum, Wolverhampton. Mont Gilpin, appointed manager of the Alhambra, Devonport. Achille Ralfini, musical director of the Sherbourn, Hull. Reg. Jonson, control of orchestra at the Majestic, Castleford. Neville Small, succeed G. James as manager at the Picture House, Aberdeen. Alec Fleming, representative for P.D.C. in the West Country. Harry Fryer, musical director, Sauchiehall Street PH., Glasgow. Russell Yeui.ett, management of the Salters Hall, Droitwich. David Rose joined Stoll's Newcastle branch. A. F. Chappell, managerial control of Theatre Royal, Swansea. J. G. Middleton, charge of the Kosy Kinema, Saltburn. P. Berkery succeeded Mr. O'Moore as manager of the Rin Kinema, Ringsend, Irish Free State. Douglas Hall, orchestral director of the Crescent, Leeds. W. Newman succeeded Sidney Lester as manager of the Court Kinema, Darlington. Sammy Rogers, musical director, Theatre Royal, Manchester. Bernard Rayner, management of the King's Hall, Ilkley. George Watterson succeeded Charlie Rogers in the management of the Sandro. Belfast. C. M. Fraser, charge of the Pavilion, New- castle, John Moody, orchestral director, Stella Dublin. E. Taylor, managerial charge of Palace,Wells. Charles Harrington, musical director of the Avenue P.H. Sunderland. Archie Little, musical director, King's, Bishop Auckland. J. Drew, management of the Scala, Long Eaton. Bob Bruce, joined Mercury Film Service. Leeds. Alfred Steeples succeeded L. Collumbine in the management of the Swallownest P.P., nr. Sheffield. Chris. E. Wilson re-joined S. Yorks branch of H. Whincup. Tim Coop, manager of P.D.C. 's Manchester branch. F. E. Mitchell, joined F.N,'s Newcastle branch. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C, PICTURES. " Events _of the Year. 23 Kinema Openings, etc. E. Collins. H. E. Andrews disposed of the _,, , ••• . nu . „ r ~, „ , Palladium and Kings Kinema, Gloucester, to Electric Theatre, Charing Cross Glasgow, H. S. Bayliss. New Street P.H., Biimingham, closed. -Hipprodrome Sauchiehall Street, disposed of by P.D.C. Glasgow, closed.— —St. George s Hall, Bradford, ^ 3 re-opened.— — New Palladium, Southport, re- Obituary. opened. — ■ — The Palace, Wells, acquired by William Gilliespy, Sunderland, 56. MAY. The Walton-on-Thames studios, long associated with Cecil Hepworth, were acquired by a new production organisation. W. A. Lott was appointed manager, and behind the project is Archibald Nettlefold. United Artists signed a contract with the Phoebus Co., of Berlin, to use their many theatres and to co-operate in the production of fifteen pictures for the American market. As a result chiefly of the Trade's highly efficient road transport organisation,, theatres as a whole suffered little inconvenience from the General Strike. Many C.E.A. branches deprecated the efforts to revive the C.T.C. A complimentary luncheon was given to F. A. Enders and Frank Hill, on May 28, in recognition of their work on the Emergency Transport. Staff Changes, Appointments, etc. Frank Clifford, manager of the Majestic, G. C. H. Dicker, M.B.E., and B. Darley, W'ath-upon-Dearne. manager and assistant manager, respectively, of H. Cloughton joined Ben. C Gibbs, of the West End, Birmingham. Manchester. Charles Williams, control of the Futurist, A. V. Brain joined Western Import, at and A. W. Smith the Scala, Birmingham. Cardiff. Philip Gorton, management of the Silver Dave Gilpin appointed manager for F. P.-L. Cinema, Worcester. in Yorkshire, V. Felix Walshaw joined Astra-National. James A. Eagle, musical director of the A. W. Austin appointed Yorkshire repre- Queen's Hall, Newcastle, sentative for Walturdaw. F. R. Gogan joined F. P.-L. in Dublin. George Daniels joined Western Import in James Noble promoted manager of the Manchester. « Pavilion, Wishaw. W. W. Jay appointed to the London office Walter Baxter succeeded Harry O'Donovan of F.B.O. as manager of the Grand Central, Dublin. Coram Smart succeeded F. W. Jay as A. A. Catliffe and H. Stone, joined A. M. manager of the Clare Street P.H., Bristol. Bass, Ideal's manager, at Cardiff. Cecil Stout, manager of the Avenue P.T., w „ :„„_,„„ D„ »*« c a in a ' t w nr;n„ New Kinemas, Re-openings, etc. OwENJj™e Topical Film Co. Barry, re-opeMd. _ W. Walker and S. H. Cohen joined Star Obituary. t-ilm Service, Cardiff. Saul Harrison, 39, F.P.-L.'s Leeds manager. Norman F. Whitney transferred to Stoll's, Arthur Backner, 38, manager, Granger's Manchester branch. Alec. Lever succeeded Exclusives from 19^-1924. Harold M. him at Cardiff. Lomas, camera and research expert. Charles Freshville Downing appointed to Western Mercer, director of the Devonshire and Princess Import's S. York's staff. Kinemas, Broughton and Harpurhey, respec- Miss D. Gammon appointed secretary to tively. W. H. Rickard, 70, late manager of Fox's London Sales manager. the Zetland and Cheltenham P.H., Bristol. JUNE The Kine celebrated its thousandth issue on June 17 and was the first film paper in the world to do so. The C.E.A. Summer Conference was held at Brighton on June 14. Marcus Loew at a complimentary lunch in London on June 21 expressed the view that it was impossible to do anything for British Production, because even the nucleus of an organisation was lacking. A suggested reduced scale of Entertainment Tax was rejected in the House of Commons. W. Gavazzi King issued a special request to exhibitors to use their votes in the Blind-booking referendum. Under the title of Piccadilly Pictures a company was formed to handle Gainsborough Pictures, and acquire the Famous-Lasky Studios at Islington. Staff Changes, Appointments, etc. House, Weston-super-Mare. — — V. G. Cox suc- Arthur E. Marlowe, management of the ceeded him at the Britannia, Camden Town, Carlton, Tottenham Court Road, London. Fred Sears, managerial charge of the Cosy, W. Johns appointed manager of the Picture Swan Street, Manchester. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." 24 The Rinemaio graph Year Booh. W. E. Townsend appointed assistant to G. Spathacky at the Pavilion, Cardiff. M. Thompson charge of the Place, Liverpool. J. F. O'Kelly appointed manager of the Super Cinema, Walthamstow. Mr. Kennerly succeeded T. Colcott Riley as manager, Palais de Luxe, Liverpool. C. Etheridge and N. H. Chetwynd, manager and operator respectively of the New Pavilion, Harley, Janetta Kellock, musical director, Rams- gate Picture House. John Morgan joined Board of Directors, Star Film Service, Cardiff. C. Starling Defrez resigned management ox the Regent, Weston-super-Mare. Stanley Collins joined European's Publicity Department. Frank Montrose joined Fuller's Exclusives, Manchester. Percy Longhorne succeeded by George Bess- ford at Western Import's Sheffield office. H. J. Nicholls, manager of the Chapeltown Picture Palace, vice A. E. Hodgson. J. O. Driscoll promoted manager of the Palace, Rothesay. Leslie Elbourne, charge of the Nuneaton Hippodrome. A. R. Tilwey succeeded Mrs. J. W. Wiffen as manager of the Olympia, Newport D. Robertson, manager of the Palace, West Hartlepool. J. Harris, Stoll's representative for Notts, and Derby. A. Manzell joined Independent Supers, Ltd., Cardiff. Kenneth Edmondson appointed relief man- ager on the New Century Circuit. R. G. E. Williams succeeded J. S. Nickson at the Central, Hulk Sidney Jackson manager of Allied Artists, Cardiff office, vice Attwood Allen, who joined F.N. Charles Lapworth resigned from Gains- borough Pictures Ltd. J. A. McGilley accepted a position as Assis- tant Sales manager with Fox. Bert Spathakey succeeded A. S. Whittaker as manager of the Queen's, Cardiff. H. Green joined Graham Wilcox in Birming- ham. Tommy Green controls W. & F.'s interests in S. Yorks. W. Chilton, manager of Brookliss', Man- chester branch. W. Hinchci.iffe joined Stoll's Manchester office. Harold Buxton, Scala, Pendleton. Mark Grotsky, P.D.C.'s Sheffield manager. Dan Eriston joined F.P.-L's, Manchester staff. M. Vallance succeeded J. Ormond Dann at Wardour, Dublin office. Frank McGinnes joined Fox at Glasgow. Jack Williams, assistant manager of the Futurist, Birmingham. Sydney Kirsk joined F.P.-L. in Yorks. Alphonse Rosenti, orchestral director of the Scala, Dublin, vice John Moody. J. T. Colcott Riley, managerial control of the Royal Picture House, Egremont. Arthur Silverstone, assistant sales manager of Allied Artists. M. Smart succeeded H. Brownrigg at Ideal's Manchester office. Walter Hume, manager of the King's, Preston, vice Frank Tilsey. Harold B. Gent, manager for Allied Artists in Yorks. J. Wright, management of the Poly, St. Albans. H. W. Weaver, promoted manager of the Palace, High Wycombe. New Kinemas, Re-openings, etc. Eden Theatre, Bishops Auckland, closed. Palace, West Hartlepool, reopened. Sol Sheckman acquired Tynemouth Palace. Obituary. E. M. Barker, an early president of C.E.A. F. S. Brier, 64, of Leeds. J. T. Rothwell, late of the Tower, Leeds. H. C. Tonking, 66, organist Grosvenor Picture House, Glasgow. James McArthur, Carlton Picture House, Glasgow, JULY. The C.E.A.'s Blind-booking Referendum resulted in 1,704 for measures prohibiting Blind-booking and 198 against: 71 per cent, of the C.E.A. Membership voted. T. A. Welsh/of Welsh Pearson and Co., Ltd., resigned from the Production Joint Committee. It was definitely announced that the Vitagraph Co. would handle the Warner 1927 output. Following the hostile C.E.A vote, the C.T.C., in effect, voted its own suspension. The Cinematograph Garden Party, in aid of the Benevolent Fund, was held on Saturday/, July 17. The " Critics' Film " was purchased by New Era Films, Ltd., for fifty guineas. The C.EA. definitely informed Renters that it regarded legislation as the only effective method of giving effect to the Referendum decision against Blind-booking. Ray Allan, charge of the Elysium, East- bourne. Mr. Thorneycroft joined the Manchester staff of Languish. W. A. GREENpromoted manager of Gaumont's Belfast branch. C. E. Alfred succeeded him at Birmingham. Sic ft Changes, Appointments, etc. Harry Johnson, manager of the Savoy P.H., Grimsby. L. B. Vereycken, musical director of the Elite, Nottingham. E. A. Roberts joined Kinematograph Equip- ment Co., Ltd. P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." Events of the Year. 25 J. T. Crane relinquished the management of the Palace, Doncaster. Wally Power joined Rev. C. Gibbs, Man- chester. B. Harris succeeded Kenneth Isaacs as S toll's S. Yorks representative. John Fielding, management of the Prince o f Wales, Liverpool, vice Capt . Norman . Hughie Jones, chief operator, at the same theatre. Xat Dix, charge of Ideal's Swansea branch. Frank Tapp and F. Roland Timms, organists at the Capitol. Leslie Collumbine, managerial control of the Hippodrome, Wombwell. Tom Shayler, manager of the Princess, Hayland, vice F. Howorth. C. Clayton Hutton succeeded Harold Pontefract as Fox's Publicity chief. W. Holbrook, management of the Grand, Nottingham. Tim Cooper joined Marks Films, Manchester . L. E.Thomas, charge of the Hotwells Kinema, Bristol. Harold Reading, promoted manager, Theal re Royal, Ryde, I.O.W. R. J. Whiteside succeeded A. Hardcastle as manager of the King's Playhouse, Chels a. S.J. Ryan, assistant manager of the Finsbury Park Rink Cinena, London. Liszt Nainne, orchestral cha>ge of the Central, Maidstone. E. L. Jennings, manager of the Gaumont's Dublin Branch. W. A. Green succeded him at Belfast. Douglas Lowe, Midland agent for Reciprocity Films. Alexander Gibson, manager of the Grand, Cowcaddens, Glasgow. R. B. Peters succeeded Nat Winters as Stoll's Glasgow Representative. T. Bell, manager of the Gem, Vauhxall Road, Liverpool. Fred T. Powers, managerial charge of the Playhouse, Loughborough. Norman Stancliffe, promoted manager of the Imperial, Manchester, in succession to R. J. Whiteside. New Kinemas, Re-openings, etc. Cinema de Luxe, acquired by R. Hardistay. H. Collumbine, acquired the Hippcdrome, Wombwell. — — Classic, Belfast, purchased by P.C.T. J. G. L. Drummond bought the Eden Theatre, Bishops Auckland. R. Gregory disposed of the Hotwells Kinema, Bristol. Picture House, Hamilton, re-opened. Public Hall, Uddington, re-opened. The Coronation, Bournemouth, re-opened. Picture House Prestwick, re-opened. Picture Palace, High Green: Palace, Clay Cross; Royal P.H., Mexboro' ; and the Empire, Heanor, closed owing to the strike. Obituary. John Bennett Lawton, 65, B.B. Pictures, Ltd., Glasgow. — —Harold Northcliffe, 45, manager of the Empire Super, Bradford. W. Pendleton, of the Cosy Kinema, Dawley, Salop. T. F. T. Walker, 52, of the Pavilion P.H., Wigan. AUGUST. Announcing to the Board of Trade its inability to agree on any scheme the Production Joint Committee suspended activity. Sir Philip Cunlifie-Lister officially stated that no Government action in regard to films would be taken until the Imperial Conference had discussed the matter. The K.R.S. appointed a Sub-Committee of five to consider and suggest amendments or alternatives to the C.E.A. draft Bill prohibiting Blind- booking. Famous Players-Lasky acquired three British National pictures for world distribution on a percentage contract which guaranteed full production costs. Rudolph Valentino died on August 23. The Garden Party's balance-sheet showed a profit of £1,598 '9s. 5d. for the Trade Benevolent Fund. E. E. Lyons, in a letter to the C.E.A. General Secretary, denounced the proposed legislation against Blind-booking and announced his intention of opposing it. Staff Changes, Appointments, etc. Frank Clifford, management of the Majestic, Wath-upon-Dearne . Georce Hawkins muscial director of the Picture House, Aberdeen in succession to Mau- rice Bromberg. J. Watson promoted manager of the Tower. Hull. Ritson Bennell succeeded the late J. B. Lawton as managing director of B. B. Pictures, Ltd. C. W. Scott Buccleuch manager of the Coli- seum, Glasgow, vice G. Guthrie. W. S. Brown charge of the Rialto, Kirkcaldy. W. J. Wilkinson, general manager of the Abertillery Kinemas. George Toplev; Walter Davil and Fred. King, joined Argosy. Chris. Hadfield resigned the assistant man- agership of the Piccadilly, Manchester. H. Brownfoot, musical director of the Star Picture House, Sheffield. W. Bristow, Gaumont's Glasgow branch manager. R. A.. O'Flanagan succeeded Dick Smith as European's Belfast manager. Jack Hayes managerial control of the Scala, Saltcoats. Harold Taylor, charge of orchestra at Futurist, Warrington. J. Lewis, management of Vitagraph's, Man- chester branch. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. " 26 The Kinematograph Year Book. George Rees joined Fox at Bristol. Leopold Lurey joined Butcher's Yorkshire staff. S. G. Wingfield succeeded Percy Swauwick at the Empire, Broughton. F. Montrose, manager for British Screen classics in Manchester, vice A. J. Saunders. Tom A. Weir, control of the Empire, Kilmar- nock. Jack Baum joined Fuller's Exclusives, Man- chester. Harry Edwards, orchestral control at the Globe, Acton, London. S. Sussman succeeded him at the New Picture House, Edinburgh. S.Goldman, assistant manager of the Theatre Royal. Manchester. Allan Matler, manager of the Scala, Glasgow. Leonard Morgan, acting manager Midland branch of F.N. Percy F. Inkester charge of the Capitol Kinema, Wallasey. New Kinemas, Re-openings, etc. Majestic, Wath-upon-Dearne, opened. Regent, Weymouth, opened. -Savoy, Mold, opened. Gem Picture House, Liverpool. opened. Dalton Picture House, Dalton Brook, nr. Rotherham, closed. Obituary. Hyman Winik, late of Western Import. — — Thomas Richard Abbot, of the Playhouse, Hitchen. Ernest Hervidge, 48, of the Empire Staine?. SEPTEMBER. Bank finance on the lines general in America was secured by British National on the strength of its " Famous " contract. The C.E.A.'s draft Bill against Blind Booking was issued by the Council and appeared in full in the Kine, September 16. By 28 votes to 4, the Council authorised the Blind Booking Committee to present the Bill to Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister unless serious alternative proposals were received for the K.R.S. within 14 days. The K.R.S. prepared a " voluntary " scheme for the abolition of Blind Booking as an alternative to the C.E.A.'s legislative plan. Arthur Clavering was appointed managing director of the Warner British organisation. Ideal Films, Ltd., signed a contract whereby it would control the output of F.B.O. of America in this country. Staff Changes and Appointments. Percy Swanvvick appointed manager of the King's, Bristol. " Mick " Nolan charge of the star, Strange- ways. E. Hardiman joined F.N. at Birmingham. Victor Jones F.N.'s representative in Worcestershire. A. Roscoe, manager of the Colleen, Ber- mondsey. Dudley A. Bott was succeeded by Leila Stewart as Vitagraph's Publicity Manager. Margaret Marshall succeeded the latter at W. & F. Harold Possener transferred to European's London branch ; Percy Tatem succeeded him at Bristol. Fred Heath managerial control of the Regent, Weymouth. C. S. MacGregor joined F.N.'s Newcastle staff. E. Duboul F.P.L.'s Yorkshire and Lanes representative vice Sydney Kirsh. H. Shawcross management of the Queen's Wolverhampton vice Arthur Keen. J. S. Wyndham, musical director. Palace, Bristol. Mrs. L. A. Lor'd manageress of Ye Arden, Solihull. T. A. Finnicane joined P.D.C. 's Leeds staff. W. Jordan, musical director, Ye Arden, Solihull. A. J. Saunders joined P.D.C. in London. Lee O'Connor, management of the Empire, Kilmarnock. Harry Snook succeeded A. Dennison as manager of the Derby Kinema, Liverpool. Hal Cumings, manager of the Award, Cirencester. E. Forster succeeded A. Lovelady as manager of the Tivoli, Liverpool, the latter transferred to Rice Lane Super Kinema. Sam Sussman conductor New P.H. Edinburgh. Percy Phtllipson, managing director of Automaticket, Ltd. Bert Darley, manager of the Picture House, Aberdeen. Attwood Allen rejoined Allied Artists. H. Henri joined Bernhard-Kean, Glasgow. George L. Zalva, musical director, King's Theatre, Sunderland. Herbert A. Jones, manager and licensee of the New Savoy, Liverpool. Walter Hanbury succeeded Louis Deal as manager of Stoll's Manchester branch. Kinema Re-openings, etc. The King's, Bristol, was acquired by E. Carreras and J. F. Emery. — ■ — The Colleen Cinema, Bermondsey, opened. — The Dingwall P.H. re-opened. — Queen's, Seaton Burns, New- castle, re-opened. — Ye Arden, Solihull, Bir- mingham, opened. The Capitol, Wallasey, opened. Memorial Hall, Lanark, opened. New P.H. Cirencester, opened. La Scala, Helensburgh and the Lochaber, Fort William, were both destroyed by fire. Obituary. Leo Kamm, the well-known Trade inventor. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Events of -the Year. 27 CCTOBE^. The Trade gathered in record numbers at the Connaught Rooms, on Tuesday October 12, to honour W. Gavazzi King, who was formally pre- sented with a cheque for the Testimonial Fund and also with a gift from the Branch secretaries. The revival of the Quota campaign was signalised by the presentation of a new Memorandum to the Government from the F.B.I, in which it urged the quality of recent British films as an argument for the policy. It was understood that a majority of British producers were in agreement with the F.B.I. The C.E.A. Council's resolution to oppose Quota legislation in Parliament was, however, still in force. At its October meeting the C.E.A- Council unanimously rejected a request from Carl Laemmle that the ban on " The Phantom of the Opera " should be rescinded. Inconclusive results appeared to have followed the discussion of pro- duction problems by the Imperial Conference which opened in London on October 19, but the matter was to be further investigated by the Economic Sub-Committee. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister stated the problem facing that body to be to " help efficiency in film production by giving it some measure of security." Staff Changes and Appointments. Dan Godfrey, musical director of the Gaiety, Manchester. E. A. Sawkins, general manager, J. C. Vickers, musical director and Mr. Elliman, chief operator of the New Popular Pavilion. F. Cooper, exploitation manager of European. R. G. Coleman, assistant manager of the Central P.H., Hull. Joe Mitchell opened as a film agent in Dublin. W. Peet Leslie joined Famous I.asky Exploitation Staff. G. Wrightson succeeded William Burnell as lessee of the Electra Palace, Elsecar. W. Hunchliffe succeeded Norman Bain at F.N.'s Manchester branch. T. Connors joined J.M.G. at Manchester. Norman Bain joined Wardour in Man- chester. Julius Harris charge of Stolls' Leeds office. S. F. Downing joined the Mercury Film Service, Leeds. H. W. Harwood, manager of the Olympia- drome, Shoreditch ; Bennett Kaye succeeded him at the Queen's, Forest Gate. J. Pounds, management of the Central. Dublin. Reg. E. Askew, branch management of Butchers, Liverpool. Guy K. Austin, appointed to F.N. publicity department; Granville Stutely succeeded him at Norwich. P. M. Rogers, publicity manager, Graham Wilcox. Alec. J. Braid retired from position of Stoll's publicity director. F. Bloomfield manager of P.D.C.'s Leeds branch vice H. Harrison. G. Turnbull charge of Vitagraph's New- castle branch. Mr. Owen succeeds the former at Cardiff. R. G. Coffin, managerial charge of the Paik Kinema, Birkenhead. Victor Collingridge, manager. Eugene Old, musical director, George F. Somes, organis t , all Putney Palace appointments. A. H. Thomas, management of the Perfect P.H., Crouch End. Harry Houston succeeded by Mr. Buckett at the Finsbury Park Cinema. Stephen J. Ryan management of the New Barnet Kinema. James Colville joined F.B.O. in Glasgow. Willie Mann transferred to F.B.O. 's New- castle office. Ernest Colton joined P.D.C.'s Manchester branch. Mr. Chisnail succeeded Jack Hampson at Vitagraph's Manchester office. Sidney F. Lyndon, manager, M. de Blanc, musical director, and E. Peto, organist, at the Grand, Edgware Road, London. W. H. G. Newman, control of the Court Kinema, Darlington. A. S. Barber, promoted to the managership of Fox's Manchester branch. " Chic k " Ellis, Tommy Murphy and G. Gothorl joined F.N.'s Glasgow branch ; Ernest Pyser W. & F.'s Scottish staff ; Nat Winters representative for Schofield, Glasgow. Kinema Re-rpenings, etc. The Poplar Pavilion opened.-- Putney Palace, opened. George Alexander acquired the Kinema, Horn Lane, Acton. Picture Palace, Keith, re-opened. — — Palladium, Aber- deen, re-opened. The Grand, Edgware Road, opened. The Cinema, Manningtree, Essex, was acquired by J. Graham, junr. Obituary. A. Bowler-Reed, well-known film reviewer. ■ George Kutnow, 68, of Brondesbury. NOVEMBER. European acquired the distribution of British Screen Classics and the Empire New Bulletin. William Vogel of P.D.C. confirmed the news of the Pathe-P.D.C. merger in America. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY.' 28 The Kinematografih Year Book. A deputation to the Home Secretary was unsuccessful in an attempt to have " The Unknown Soldier " banned for Armistice Day exhibition, but raised important principles in regard to censorship. W. R. Fuller, general secretary of the C.E.A., issued an official statement analysing and criticising the Quota proposals. Following protests by Charlie Chaplin and Allied Artists, H. B. Parkinson's " Life of Chaplin " was viewed on November 16 by the joint C.E.A. — K.R.S. Standing Committee, which deprecated such films in principle. A scheme for the co-operative distribution of British films in the Dominions was prepared by the Federation of British Industries. A recommendation that the Governments of the Empire should individually retain liberty to take action to encourage production by revised customs duties, full preference, blind booking legislation and/or a quota as the outcome of the deliberations of the Economic Sub-Committee of the Imperial Con- The Biocolor Circuit was purchased by a financial house, which is also interested in the Gaumont Co., Ltd. Ralph Davis resigned his directorship in the Circuit bearing his name, and it was rumoured that P.C.T., Ltd., may acquire the halls. Staff Changes and Appointments. Isidore Jacobs, manager of Warner's Cardiff office. Alex C. Grant succeeded B. L. Edwards in the charge of Butchers' Midland branch. Collie Esner, conductor of the La Scala. Dublin. Ernest B. Hellard, management of the Super Palace, Battersea. J. E. Barry, P.D.C. N.W. London repre- sentative vice J. Pinney. Milbourne Holman, organist, Brixton Palladium. Alf Roberts joined European's Sheffield office. Lewis H. Abrams, musical director, Queen's, l'n field. Robert Evans, Western Import's Cheshire r. presentative. S. Abbott, assistant manager of the Music Hall, Cheshire. Cecil Fogarty, managerial duties of the Ti oli, Dublin. William Best, managerial control of the Kilmarnock P.H. R. Wil-de-Gose, manager of the Crescent Pontefract. H. White, musVal director of the descent, .Pontefract. J. B. ARNOTTand John Bell, representatives of Warner's in the four Northern Counties. Louis Baxter, musical director of the Palace P.T. , Barrow. Fred Stafford, manager of the Aylestone Kinema. A. Roscoe , manager of the Electric Pavilion, Tooting. A. W. Rushton succeeded him at the Colleen, Bermondsey. Geo. Jackson, lessee of the Empire, Luton. Arthur Lunn, control of the Picture House, Edinburgh. Frank Manson, joined Bendon at Glasgow. W. Bach, general sale manager for F.N. in London. A. V. Brain joined Western Import in Cardiff. George Morris, managerial change of the Baau Nash, Bath, vice J. Jarratt. M. Thorpe, joined European's London staff. H. P. Jones succeeded him at Manchester. Emmanuel M. Fish, circuit representative for European. Betty Shinebourne. musical director of the Barnet P.T. Henry Houston, manager, and Sydney Shinebourne, musical director, of the Coliseum. Harrow. Victor A. Newton joined European's exploitation staff. Oliver Ward, proprietor of the Perfect P.H., Crouch End. A. H. Thomas, controlof the Scala, Dartfoid. Henry Carlton joined Butchers' in S . Vorks . Ernest Angers, general manager, Capt. T. W. C. Curd, publicity manager, of the Astoria, Charing Cross Road. Laurie Howe joined Argosy. D. E. Griffith joined F.N. in London. A. G. Mountrey succeeded him at Cardiff. R. W. McGillivray, assistant general sales manager. European. L. Freeman, manager of the Royal, Croydon . Alec J. Braid, retired, Lillian M. Bunce appointed publicity director of Stoll. New Kinemas, Re-openings, etc. Lyceum, Edinburgh, opened. Crescent, Pontefract, opened. The Davis Circuit (The Angel, Islington, King's Cross Cinema, The Tower and the Tower Annexe, Peckham) was acquired by P.C.T. Scala Cinema, Dartford. re-opened. New Barnet Kinema, opened. — Bicolor Circuit was purchased. Obituary. Hiram Abrams, president of United Artists. Ernest F. Moy, 57. Emile J. Bennett. musicaldirectorof the Burlington P.H., Torquay . " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." The Kimmatograph Year Book. 29 FLORA LE BRETON Latest Production— Lead in "THE ROLLING ROAD" for Piccadilly Pictures. The Year Abroad and Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. U.S. of America Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czechoslovakia France Germany- Greece Holland Hungary- Italy Jugoslavia New Zealand Poland Roumania Spain Switzerland Turkey Union of South Africa 33 The Kinematogvaph Year Book. THE YEAR IN AMERICA. By PAUL THOMPSON. Probably no feature of the motion picture history of 1926 is quite so significant as the fact that the year has been marked by an un- paralleled striving for finer and more significant things. The phrase " Bigger and Better Pictures " has been a meaningless shibboleth of the industry for ten years — but 1926 has seen it become a very valid expression, backed up by every resource in men, money and materials obtainable. The year's crop of pictures is not nearly so important as the fact that into that group of films has gone more thought, more care and more effort than ever before — which marks a happy augury for the future. Foremost among developments in motion picture showmanship is the Vitaphone — significant not because it solves some of the pro- blems of synchronising sound and the motion picture but because for the first time such a device has been put in its proper place and given its correct function. In the past, the goal of inventors has been the " talking picture " — and all such efforts have failed, regardless of technical shortcomings. Speech added to the motion picture is foreign to every characteristic of the art, and nothing less than an atrocity. The sponsors of the Vitaphone, however, including soma of the best electrical laboratories in the world, have realised this, and the device has been put to two important uses, which are revolutionising the exhibition of films throughout the country. The first is for the musical accompaniment of motion pictures, and the second is for the presenta- tion of noted concert, vaudeville and musical comedy stats in the sort of acts which have made them famous. Of the 15,000 odd motion picture theatres in the United States, only a handful can afford or obtain really adequate orchestras, which means that the patrons of other houses have had to be content with inferior rendering of the all-important musical accompaniment. Vitaphone changes all this. Scores to films can be recorded by the world's greatest orchestras, under the baton of conductors impossible to obtain for motion picture houses. Once impressed on the wax records of the device, audiences from Terre Haute to Timbuctoo can see and hear the great pictures of the screen to the accompaniment of the identical music. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." The Year in America. 33 This will enhance the success of pictures of the type which demand musical interpretation of the best sort, and in addition will probably do more to promote good music in America and raise the level of musical appreciation than anything since the invention of the phono- graph. In its other function — that of presenting musical and vocal speciali- ties— Vitaphone has already recorded such diverse artists as Martinelli, Al Jolson, Albert Spalding, George Jessel, Harold Bauer, Elsie Janis, Marion Talley, the Howards and a number of others. This will give motion picture theatres the advantage of the greatest stars of the operatic, concert, vaudeville and legitimate stages, widening the appeal of motion pictures and winning new audiences. Already a dozen other devices have appeared of a' similar nature, and the coming year will see great advance in this field. Another development during 1926 has been the continued advance of the move toward mergers and consolidations in all branches of the industry. The small producing and distributing companies have virtually disappeared from the field, and as this is written at least three of the large companies are discussing deals which would -merge them with other firms. The reason for this is mainly that banking interests — ." Wall Street," so-called — -have come to be heavily interested in the motion picture industry, and the bankers feel that there is an unnecessary duplication of effort and facilities. The mergers tend toward economy and strength, and the probabilities are that after this movement has run its course general conditions will be more stable and the business less irrational. The public, in any event, will see greater and finer pictures, regardless of mergers, for the picture theatre patron is the real ruler of the industry, and he will get what he demands. The same tendency toward consolidation is rapidly aligning most of the theatres in the United States into a few large circuits, not unlike the chain store methods which have proved so important in other lines. The general result of this is to bring finer programmes and ser- vice to the public — and if the circuits fail to do this, they will fail, and individual operation will return. With the enormous financial resources of these circuits, some of them owned by leading film distributors, the past year has seen the erection of motion picture " palaces " the cost of which staggers belief. Outstanding among these, at the moment, are the Paramount theatre and office building at Times Square in New York City, representing an investment of $17,000,000, which opened in November, and the Roxy, almost as palatial, now n earing completion. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." B 34 l he Kinematograph Year Book. The real difficulty at present is to rind pictures worthy of exhibition in these temples of art, and they will eventually stimulate the pro- duction of finer "pictures in a great degree. Film relations between the United States and Europe have been rather strained during 1926. As every daity newspaper reader knows there have been numerous outbreaks of one sort and another abrcad against American films. To -understand this it is necessary to realise that moticn picture have become the greatest medium ever known for the dissemination of ideas. Consciously or unconsciously, the motion picture makei is spreading over the world the ideals, the tastes, the habits and th merchandise of his nation. Since American films constitute som 90 per cent, of the world's film fare, several foreign naticns have beccm aroused over the possible effect upon their peoples, their colonies and their trade. These countries feel that they contribute a large share of America's him revenue, and that America, in turn, refuses to show their film on its screens. A large picture can hardly be commercially successful to-day unless it is shown in the United States, for it is only there that a large enough revenue is returned. America, however, cannot force the circulation of foreign films unless the American public likes them and will pay to see them — which in most cases the American public has no done. This has resulted in a difficult situation which will probabh be solved only by America assisting other nations to produce film which will be acceptable in America, resulting in a suitable reciprccit} and interchange. As regards pictures themselves, 1926 has seen some notable con tributions to the screen. " The Big Parade." which properly belongs to the end of 1925, continues to lead the field, closely followed bj '"' Ben-Hur." Other worthwhile films of the year include " Beau Geste," a splendid story of the Foreign Legion ; " Variety," a German triumph ; " The Black Pirate," in colour ; " Stella Dallas " ; " The Winning of Barbara Worth " ; " The Son of the Sheik " ; " Behind the Front " ; " Bardelys the Magnificent " ; " The Scarlet Letter " "The Temptress"; "The Volga Boatmen," and many others. As this is written, three pictures are in the offing which promise much- — " What Price Glory," " Old Ironsides," and " The World, the Flesl and the Devil." In closing, it is only fitting to pay tribute to a great favourite whc passed in 1926 — Rudolph Valentine — who achieved a popularity sur passed by none and remained to those who knew him a sincere, loya friend and a widely misunderstood but genuinely admirable mar The screen will not soon see his like. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. 35 FOREIGN AND COLONIAL TRADE DIRECTORY. United States of America. Arrow Film Corp., 220, West 42nd Street, New York City. Associated Exhibitors, Inc., 35, West 45th Street, New York City. Associated First National Pictures, Inc., 383, Madison Avenue, New York City. Criterion Pictures Corporation, 48, Piedmont Street, Boston, Mass. Educational Pictures Corporation, 370, Seventh Avenue, New York. Equity Pictures Corporation, 723, Seventh Avenue, New York City. Export and Import Film Co., Inc., 729, Seventh Avenue, New York. Famous Players-Lasky Corp., 485, Fifth Avenue, New York. Film Booking Offices cf America, Inc., 1560. Broadway. New York City. Fox Film Corporation, Tenth Avenue and 56th Street, New York. Grand-Asher Dist. Corporation, 15, West 44th Street, New York City. W. W. Hodkinson Corporation, 469, Fifth Avenue, New York City. Inter Ocean Film Corp., 218, West 42nd Street, New York. Edward L. Klein Co., 25, West 43rd Street, New York. Loew's Inc., 1540, Broadway, New York. Metro Goldwyn Pictures Corp., 1540, Broadway, New York. TRADE Moving Picture World, 516, Fifth Avenue, New York. Motion Picture News, 729, Seventh Avenue, New York City. Exhibitor's Trade Review, Knickerbocker Build- ing, Broadway, and 42nd Street, New York. The Film Daily, 1650, Broadway, New York. N.Y. Exhibitors' Herald, 407, South Dearborn Street, Chicago. The Momir.g Telegraph, 722, Eighth Avenue, New York. Moredall Realty Co., 469, Fifth Avenue, New York City. Pathe Exchange Inc., 35, West 45th Street. New York. Principal Pictures Corp., 1540, Broadway, New York. Producers Distributing Corp., 465, Fifth Avenue, New York. Producers Security Corp., 516, Fifth Avenue, New York City. Richmount Pictures Inc., 723, Seventh Avenue, New York. Ritz-Carlton Pictures Corp., 8, West 48th Street, New York. ' Joseph M. Schenck Motion Picture Enterprises, 1540, Broadway, New York. Selznick Distributing Corp., 729, Seventh Avenue, New York. Simmonds-Kann Enterprises Inc., 220.. West 42nd Street, New York. Theatre Owners Distributing Corp., 25, West 43rd Street, New York City. Tiffany Productions, Inc., 1540, Broadway, New York, N.Y. Truart Prod., 1540, Broadway, New York. United Artists Corporation, 729, Seventh Avenue, New York. Universal Pictures Corp., Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue, New York. Warner Bros., 1600, Broadway, New York. William M. Vogel, 130, West 46th Street, New York. JOURNALS Harrison's Reports, 1431, Broadway, New York, N.Y. Variety, 152, West 46th Street, New York. Film Curb News, 729, Seventh Avenue, New York. The Exhibitor, 255, North 13th Street, Fhiladel phia, Pa. Moving Picture Bulletin, 231, Collins Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Independent Exhibitor, Golden Gate Avei ue> San Francisco, Cal. Australia. PRODUCERS, DISTRIBUTORS, Australasian Filers, Ltd., 251.4, Pitt Street, Sydney, also Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart. Australasian Releasing Corpn., Ltd., 214. Pitt Street, Sydney. British Exclusive Films ( Australasia), Ltd., 214, Pitt Street, Sydney. Carroll, E. J. & Dan, 228, Pitt Street, Sydney. Commonwealth Film Censorship, 16, Spring Street, Sydney. Commonwealth Film Laboratories Ltd., n. Commonwealth Street, Sydney. Counsell Film Process Co., Flinders Road, Canter- bury, Sydney. ETC. NEW SOUTH WALES. E. B. Film Service, 779. Oxford Street, Sydney Educational and Industrial Films (Alfred Spence) 21, Oxford Street, Sydney. Express Fil^ Seryice, 95 Palace Street, Peter- sham. F. B.O. Films of Australasia, 143, Castkreagh Street, Sydney. Famous Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 302, Pitt Street, Sydney. Feature Fiims, L'd., Stanmore Road, Marrick- ville, Sydney- Film Craft Laboratories, 93, Forbes Street, Svdney. First Nntl. Exhibitors of Aust., Ltd., 143, Castle- reagh. Street, Sydnev. •' IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. 3^ The Kinematograph Year Book. First Natl. Pictures (Australasia), Ltd., 305, Pit Street. Svdnev. Fox Film Corpn. (Australasia), Ltd., 305, Pitt Street Sydney, and. 93, Goulburn Street, Sydney. Gaumont Co. of Australasia, Ltd., 9, Oxford Street, Sydney. Greater Imperial Films, Ltd., 30s. Pitt Street, Sydney. Gunn, Alex. & Sons, 9. Collins Place. Melbourne. Metro-Goidwyn Films, Ltd., 160, Castlereagh Street, Sydney. N. Z. Picture Supplies, Ltd., Agents Australasian Films Ltd.. 25ra. Pitt Street, Svdnev. Spectator Film Mfg. Co., 222, Palmer Street Sydney. United Artists (Australasia), Ltd., 51 and 140, Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Universal Film fVtfg. Co. (Australasia), Ltd., 143, Castlereagh Street. Svdnev. Williamson Films, J. C, " 22S, Pitt Street, Sydney. Cummings and Wilson, Cinematograph Manu- facturers, 29, Alberta Street, Svdnev. Harringtons, Ltd., 388, George Street. Svdnev. Pyramid Pictures, 250, Pitt Street. Sydney. Vincent, George, M.I.H.V.E., Barrack House, Barrack Street, Sydney. VICTORIA. Amalgan&tsd Pictures Film Prod. Laboratory, 125, Fitzroy Street, St. Kilda, Melbourne. Associated Theafrss Pty., Ltd., 206. Bourke Street, Melbourne. Australasian Films, Ltd., 172, Flinders Street, Melbourne. Celebrity Pictures Pty., Ltd., Bourke House, Melbourne. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 250. Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. Fox Film Corpn., Ltd., 132, Russell Street, Melbourne . Harringtons, Ltd., 266, Collins Street, Melbourne. Melbourne Cinema Alliance, 145, Russell Street, Melbourne. Metro-Goldwyn Films, Ltd., 145, Russell Street, Melbourne. Morgan Pty., Ltd., Advertising Contractors. Collins Court, Little Collins Street, Melbourne. Pat he House, Railway Buildings, Flinders Street, Melbourne. Premier National Pictures (Aust.), Ltd., 184, Russell Street, Melbourne. P.eilly Advertising Coy., Ltd., 31. Queen Street, Melbourne. Selznick Pictures (Aust.), Ltd., 145, Russell Street, Melbourne. Universal Film Co., 186, Bourke Street, Mel- bourne. Williamson, J. C, 205, Russell Street , Melbourne TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Everyones, 102, Sussex Street, Sydney, and Photoplayer, 22-23, The Banking House, 22S, Bourke House, Bourke and Russell Streets, Pitt Street, Sydney. Melbourne. Austria. FILM PRODUCERS. Listo-Film, Gesellschaft m.b. H. Gumpendor- Sascha-Filmindustrie A.G., Siebensterngasse 31 ferstrasse 132, Vienna. Vienna. Pan-Film A.G., Neubaugasse 64/66, Vienna. Schonbrunn-Film, Ges. m.b.H., Mariahilfer- strasse 88a, Vienna. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. Allianz-Filmfabrikations-und Vertriebs-Ges. m.b. H.. Neubaugasse 38, Vienna. American-Film Co., Mariahilferstrasse 7, Vienna. Apjlb-Film, A. G., Lindengrasse 53, Vienna. Engel Hugo, Ges. m.b.H., Filmleiiianj'alt, Neubaugasse 28, Vienna. Engel and Walter, Filmverleift-und Vertriebs- Ges. m.b.H., Neubaugasse 25, Vienna. Excelsior-Lerr.berger and Komp, Filmvertrieb und Verleih, Siebensterngasse 39, Vienna. Fox-Film Corporation, Ges.m.b.H., Mariahil- ferstrasse 47, Vienna. Gaumont-Ges.m.b.H., Mariahilferstrasse 57/59, Vienna . Ifuk, Filmvertrieb und Verleih, Kommand, Ges., Mariahilferstrasse 47, Vienna. Micco-Film A.G., Maraiahilferstr. 88a, Vienna. Lux-Film, Ges.m.b.H., Neubaugasse 25, Vienna. Micheluzzi Viktor, Filmvertrieb und Verlain. Mariahilferstr. 88a, Vienna. Pan-Film A.G., Neubaugasse 64/66, Vienna. Filmvertrieb, Neubaugasse 3-^ Filmvertrieb, Neubau- Projektograph, Film-Ges., Neubaugasse 25, Vienna. Sascha-Filmindustrie A.G., Siebensterngasse 31, Vienna. Ufa-Film, Ges.m.b.H., Neubaugasse 1, Vienna. Weil and Co., Eduard, Filmverleih und Vertrieb, Neubaugasse 25, Vienna. WulZ-AntoniO, Filmve"-*"'*!* Npnhaiifa^p *8. Vienna. Eska-Film Ges.m.b.H. gasse 21, Vienna. Gaby-Film, Ges.m.b.H., Filmvertrieb, Schottten- feldgasse 26, Vienna. Itala Filmvertrieb, Neubaugasse 2, Vienna. Koppelmann and Reiter, Filmimport unj Export, Neubaugasse 25, Vienna. Muller Robert, Filmvertrieb, Gusshausstrasse 5, Vienna '. Primax-Film, Ges.m.b.H., Filmvertrieb, Neubau- gasse 31, Vienna. Schafer Josef & Gutman, Filmvertrieb, Neubau- gasse 2, Vienna. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. Berka Oskar, Kopieranstalt, Braunschweiggasse 17, Vienna. Ottol-Film, Ges.m.b.H., Kopieranstalt, Kaiser- strasse 57, Vienna. Sascha-Filmindusrtrie A.G., Siebensterngasse 31, Vienna. Vogel Martin, Neubaugasse 38, Vienna. Ehrenfeld Alex, Agfa Rohfllm, Dominikaner bastei 8, Vienna. Goldenweiser E., Filmvertrieb, Pathe-Rohfllm, Neubangasse 30, Vienna. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE.' I' '.reign and Colonial Trade Directory, 27 Hippsich Wilhelm, Ingenieur, Rohfllmvertrieb, Schonburgstrasse 19, Vienna. Akt.iengesellschaft fur elektrischen Bedaif. Xeubaugasse 15, Vienna. Hahn-Gcerz, Ges.m.b.H., Optisci s Ans'alt, Stiftgasse 21, Vienna. Herlango, Aktiengesellschaft f ur phctcgraphische Industrie, Rennweg 58. Vienna, Krupp-Ernemann, Kincapparate Ges.m.b.H., Berggasse 14, Vienna. Springer I. Kandelsges, m.b.H., Xeubaugasie 44, Vienna. Waehtl Siegfried, Photo-Kinc-und Projekficr- apparate, Xeubaugasse 34, Vienna. KJNEfilA TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Der Filrr bote, Zeitscr.rift fur alle Gebiete der Khematographie, Xeubaugasse 36. Vienna. Cas Kino Journal, Zeifschrift fur alle Gebiete e'er Kinematographie, Xeustiftgasse 54, Vienna' TRADE SOCIETIES AMD ASSOCIATIONS. Bund der osterreichischen LicLtspieitheater, Verband der osterreichisefcen Filmleihanstalten, Mariahilferstr 57. Vienna. Xeubaugasse 1, Vienna. Bund der Kinoindustriellen Oesterreicbs, Xeubaugasse 36, Vienna. Belgium. PRODUCERS, RENTERS, ETC. Aubert, 68. Rue Xeuve, Brussels. Dardenne, Rue Dupont, 30, Brussels. Dubcis, Rue des Plantes, Brussels. Fox Film, 35, Rue du Fosse aux Loups, Brussels. First National, 138, Chaussee de Haecht, Brussels. Gaumont-Metro-Goldwyn, it, Quai au Bois de Construction, Brussels. Gilbert Sallenaeve, 28, Rue de la Blanchisserie, Brussels. Hendrickx, Rue des Plantes, 67, Brussels. Hisbe, 68, Rue Xeuve, Brussels. Inter-Filirs, 26, Quai aux Pierrcs de Taillc. Brussels. ParamcuRt, 31, Chaussee de Haecht. Brussels. Pathe, Rue Dupont, Brussels. Producers Distributing Company, 68, Boulevard Adolphe Max. Brussels. Soleil Levant, 19, Rue Zerezo, Brussels. Universal, 20, Place des Martyrs, Brussels. Vitagraph, 85, Rue de Laeken, Brussels. K5NEVSA TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Cinema Beige, 45, Rue de Roumanie, Brussels. Studio, Rue Delin, 37, Antwerp. Cinema lllustre, 94, Rue du Progres, Brussels. Tecneel*er6!ti, Courte Rue de l'Hopital, 16, Revue Beige Du Cinema, 64, Boulevard Emile Antweip. Jacqmain, Brussels. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KSNEfVIA ACCESSORIES. Aubert, 68, Rue Xeuve, Brussels. Hardy, 33, Rue des Plantes, Brussels. Belot, Rue du Poincon 26, Brussels. Pathe, Rue Dupont, Brussels. Guillaume, 64, Boulevard Emile Jacqmain, C. Rombauts, Rue Verte 142, Brusseh . Brussels. [TRADE ASSOCIATIONS, Federaticn Beige Cinematcgrapfcique, Place Ligue Beige Cinemaiographique, Rue Xeuve 92, Rogier, Brussels. Brussels. Canada. Canadian Educational Films, Ltd. Head Office • 277, Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, O. R. Hanson, Canadian general manager. Branches: St. John, X.B., 39, Waterloo Street, S. Jacobs; Montreal, Albee Building, 12, Mayor Street, Phil Hazza ; Toronto, 277, Victoria Street, Louis Klar ; Winnipeg, Film Exchange Building, Ellice and Hargrave Streets, E. O. Sonsteby ; Calgary, 212, Traders Building, R. J. Appleton ; Vancouver, B.C.. Exchange Building. 553. Granville Street, ]. Welch. Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd. Head Office for Canada : 277-9, Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Clair Hague, general manager. Branches: St. Tohn, X.B., 158. Union Street, W. A. Sault : Montreal" 12, Mayor Street, D. Leduc ; Toronto, 277, Victoria Street, H. Law; Winnipeg, Film Exchange Building, Ellice and Hargrave Streets, H. Swartz ; Calgary, 407, West Eighth Avenue, F. L. Vaughan ; Vancouver, B.C.. Exchange Buildings, 553. Granville Street, R. A. Scott. P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY.' 38 The Kinematograph Year Book. Columbia Pictures of Canada, Ltd. Head Office : 21, Wilton Square, Toronto, Ontario, L. Rosenfeld, general manager. Branches : St. John, N.B., 87, Union Street, M. S. Bernstein ; Montreal, 12, Mayor Street, Jules Levine ; Toronto. 21, Wilton Square, L. Rosenfeld; Winnipeg, Manitoba, 302, Film Exchange Building. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd. Head Office : in. Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, M. A. Milligan- Canadian general manager. Branches: St. John, N.B., P. J. Hogan ; Montreal. 12, Mayor Street, Ed. English ; Toronto, in. Bend Street, A. C. Benson: Winnipeg. Manitoba , Film Exchange Building. Hargrave Street, A. E. Ritchie ; Calgary, 320, Traders Building, W. O. Kelly; Vancouver, B. C.. 553. Granville Street, A. W. Friemei. Film Booking Offices of Canatfa, Ltd. Head Office for Canada : 277, Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, P. C. Taylor, Canadian general manager. Branches : Toronto. 277, Victoria Street. W. E. Allen; Montreal, 12, Mavor Street, Harry E. Decker; St. John, N.B., 27, Prince William Street, Alfred E. Gaudet ; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Film Exchange Building, T. Newcomen ; Calgary, 405, Eighth Avenue West, Vernon Dixon ; Van- couver, B.C., 553. Granville Street, A. E. Rolston. Film De Luxe, Ltd. Head Office : Albee Build- ing, 12, Mayor Street, Montreal, Charles Lalumiere, managing director. Branches : Montreal, Room 33, 12, Mayor Street, C. Lalumiere, manager; Toronto, 21, Wilton Square, James C. Kirkpatrick. Independent film distributors. First National Pictures, Incorporated. District Manager's Office, 277, Victoria Street, Toronto, William Bach, district manager. Branches : St. John, N.B., 29, Prince William Street, W. A. Owens; Montreal, 12, Mayor Street, A. L. Gorman ; Toronto, 277, Victoria Street, J. I. Foy ; Winnipeg, Film Exchange Building, M. Isman ; Calgary, 300, Traders Building, H. T. Long; Vancouver, B.C., 553, Granville Street, J. E. Archer. Fox Film Corporation, Ltd. Canadian Head Office: 21, Wilton Square, Toronto, Ontario, J. P: O'Loghlin, Canadian district manager. Branches : St. John, N.B., 87, Union Street. R. G. March ; Montreal, 12, Mayor Street, W. C. Gehring ; Toronto, 287, Victoria Street, J. P. O'Loghlin ; Winnipeg, Manitoba. 365, Hargrave Street, J. A. Wilson ; Calgary, Traders Building, J. H. Huber : Vancouver, B.C. . Leigh-Spencer Building. C. R. Dippie. Regal Films, Ltd. Executive offices: 1200, Royal Bank Building, Toronto, Ontario, Arthur Cohen, vice-president. Branches : Toronto. Ontario, 277, Victoria Street, H. V. O'Connor, manager ; Montreal, Quebec. 12, Mayor Street, M. M. Davis; St. Tohn, N.B., 131. Princess Street, A. E. Smith; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Film Exchange Build- ing, T. J. Gould: Calgary, Alberta. 308, Traders -Building, L. M. Taylor: Vancouver. 553, Granville Street, C. C. Kenning. United Artists Corporation, Ltd. Canadian Head Office : Hermant Building . 21, Dundas Street East, Toronto, J. W. Berman, general manager of Canadian exchanges. Branches : Montreal. Albee Building, 12. Mavor Street, Charles W. Weiner ; St. John, N.B., 162, Union Street, Walter Golding ; Winnipeg. Manitoba, 403, Film Exchange Building:. Joseph Shaen ; Calgary, Alberta, 310. Traders Building, L. C. Smait ; Vancouver, B.C., 'Room 53, Exchange Building. Granville Street, E. Hayter ; Toronto, 21, Wilton Square. J. W. Berman. Vital Exchanges of Canada, Ltd. Head Office : 27 Prince William Street, St. John, N.B., Robert J. Romnev, president. Branches : St. John, 27, Prince William Street, J. M. Anderson; Toronto, 21, Dundas Street East, George A. Balsdon ; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Film Exchange Building, W. A. -Noble ; Montreal, Albee Building, 12, Mayor Street. Warner Bros., Pictures, incorporated. Canadian Division Office : 21, Wilton Square, Toronto. Ontario, B. F. Lyon, Canadian divisional manager. Branches: Toronto, 21, Wilton Square, L F. Mevers ; Montreal, 12, Mavor Street, C. R. Osborn ; St. John, N.B., 162, Union Street, J. Lieberman ; Winnipeg, 404, Film Exchange Building, W. Cohen ; Calgary, Alberta, 330, Traders Building, E. James ; Vancouver, B.C., 8i, Exchange Building. R. W. Wilson. Czechoslovakia. FILM PRODUCERS. A.B. akc. spol., Korunni c 102, Prague. Bratri Deglove, fllmova spol., Stepanska 57, Prague. Filmova Industrie, Josef Kokeisl, Karlova tr.35, Prague. Chicago-Film Co., Vodickova 704, Prague. Elekta-Film, spol.S.r.O.. Vodickova 7. Prague. Gloria-Film, Krai. Vinohrady, Manesova 20, Prague . Kinema-Film, spol.S.r.O., Vodickova 39, Prague. Ocean-Film, spol. s.r.O., Narodni tr. 25, Prague. Slavia-Film, ake. spol., Lvovska 3, Prague. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. Biografla, akc. spol., Nekazanka 1, Prague. Chicago-Film Co., Vodickova 704, Prague. Elekta-Film, spol.S.r.O., Vodickova 7, Prague. Fanamet-Films, akc. spol., Palais Avion, Prague. P.D.C., Havlickovo nam. 24, Prague. Fox-Film-Corporation, spol.s.r.o., Poric 15, Prague. Gaumcnt Leon. Jungmannova 17, Prague. Iris-Film, spol.s.r.o., Krai. Vinohrady, Ripska 24, Prague. Kinema, spol.s.r.o., Vodickova 39, Prague. La Tricolore, akc. spsl., Yaclavske nam. iS, Prague . Lloyd-Film, akc. spol., Brunn. Moldavia-Film, Hybernska 9, Prague. Meteor-Film, Josefska 23, Brunn. Monopol-Film, spol.S.r.O., Jakubska 1, Brunn. Ufa-Film, spol.S.r.O., Vaclavske nam. 1, Prague. Universal-Film, Hyb?rnska ulice 9. Prague. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. 30 MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. A.E.6. Union, elektr. spol.s.r.o., ulice A Dvoraka I. Krai, Trojanova 10, Prague. ii a, Brunn. T. Loukcta a spol., Narodni trida 27, Prague. Kinotechnika, Ing. Jindrich Vavrina, Rasinovo Wachtl Emil, Jachymova ulice 2, Prague. nabrezi 76, Prague. A. B„, akc. spol., Korunni 102, Prague. Bsrger a spsl., Prikopy 14, Prague. Bratri Deglove, Stepanska 57, Prague. Rudolf Stuchlik, U Puj Covny 4, Prague. KINEiVS A TRADE PUBLICATIONS. ' Film," Vaciavske nam. 37, Prague. "Die Lichtbildbuhne," Filmborse, Aussigon, "Internationale Filmschau," Stepanska 57, Elbe. Prague . TRADE SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Svaz filmovych vyrobcu ceskoslovenskych, Svaz ftlmoveho prumyslu a obchodu v Res., Vodickova 20, Prague. Stepanska 50, Prague. France (Paris)* PRODUCERS, RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, ETC. A. B.C. Films (Progressive, N.Y. Agents), 15 Avenue Matignon. A.E.I.O.U. (P. Clair), 53, Rue St. Rock. Agence Franco-Americaine (J. Driger), 33, Boulevard du Temple. Agence Generale Girtematographique, 8, Avenue de Clichy. Airell Films, 84, Rue d'Amsterdam. Albatros Films, (Kamenka), 106, Rue de- Richelieu. Alliance Cinema Eurepeenne, 11 bis, Rue Volney. Amit, American Pictures, 5, Rue Cardinal Mercier. Argus Films, 39, Boulevard Haussmann. Argus Productions (J. D. Ricaud), 39, Boulevard Houssmann, Artists Associes, (Guy Croswell-Smith), 12, Rue d'Aguesseau. Artistes Reunis, 15, Avenue Matignon. Art & Cinema, 8, Rue La Michodiere. Armor Films, 12, Rue Gaillon. Associated Exhibitors (Maurice Lauzin), 61, Rue de Ghabrol. Astoria, 1, Rue des Jardins, Sevres, S. et O. Auhert (EtablissementsL. Aubert), 124, Avenue de la Republique. Aurore Films, 4, Rue Puteaux. Barbaza, 25, Rue Drouot. Beaudon de Saint-Lo, 345, Rue St. Martin. Betancourt, 5, Rue Saulnier. Black Cat Service, 44, Rue de l'Echiquier. Bon Film, 63, Av. des Champs Elysees. Butcher's, Htd., 5, Rue Saulnier. Byre (Allan), 56, Faubourg St. Honore. Calberto, 13, Faubourg Montmartre. Car Film Co., 28, Place St. Georges. Celtic Cinema CO., 14, Avenue Troudaine. Centrale Cinema (Etievant, Nalpas and Natanson), 19, Rue Oberkampf. Central Film Location, 46, Rue Monsieur le Prince . Central Union (C. Klein), 105, Av. Parmentier. Chavez Hermanos, 16, Avenue Matigon. Christmas Films Location, 11, Rue de la Fidelite. Cie. Internationale de Distribution des Films, 51, Avenue George V. Cinedor, (R. Bassenko), 7, Rue Cardinal Mercier. Cine-France-Film (Westi, Wengeroff), 50, Rue de Bondy. Cinegramm'e, 84, Rue d'Amsterdam. Cinema a la Campagne (Rural), 23, Rue Moliere . Cinex (Sacex Film Co.), (A. Schwartzmann), 94, Rue St. Lazare. Ciphora Photo-Radio-Cinema, 16, Av. de l'Opera. Compagnie Francaise de Film, 53, Rue St. Roch. Compagnie Franco Caspienne, 9, Rue de Trevise. Compagnie Generale Francaise de Cinema, 4, Rue d'Aguesseau. Compagnie Universelle Cinema (P. Marcel), 40, Rue Vignon. Gomptcir Francais (Riisfeld), 4, Boulevard St. Martin. Consortium Central de Paris, 26, Avenue Tokio. Continental Agency (F. de Sacadura), 2, Rue de Lancr y. Cosmograph, 7, Faubourg Montmartre. Dal Film (Dal Medico), 13, Rue Ambroise Thomas. De Barcncelli, J., 47, Rue des Mathurins. De Canoilge, no, Boulevard St. Germain. Delac & Vandal, 11, Boulevard des Italiens. de WSerly, Jean, 63, Avenue des Champs-Elysees. De Thoran, 15, Boulevard des Batignolles. Diamant Film Co., 30, Rue de Grammont. D. K. Films, 26, Rue des Francs Bourgeois. Driger, 33, Boulevard du Temple. Dussaix (Ch.), 12, Rue Chaussee d'Antin, (Films CD.). Eclair (Union-Eclair), 12, Rue Gaillon. Eclipse Pictures, 5, Rue Nouvelles. Edelstein (Jacques), 42, Rue Le Peletier. Edition Francaise Cinema, (Jean Benoit Levy), 42, Rue de Paradis. E. F.G. Films (M. (iraeff), 29, Rue de Rome. - Elegances Parisiennes (A, Nalpas), 16, Rue Grange Bateliere. Elysees Films (A. Schneider), 126, Rue de Provence . Equitable Films (Marc), 416, Rue Saint-Konorc. Erka, 38, bis, Ave. de la Republique. Now " Erka Prodisco." Est Europe Films (G. Seyta), 17, Rue Bieue. Etoile, 49, Boulevard St. Germain. Etoiie-Film, 49, Boulevard Saint Germain. European Film Exchange, 4, Faubourg Mont- martre. Excelsion (L. de Carbonnat), 1, Rue des Italiens. Exchange-Film (Pierre Javouhey), 17, Faubourg du Temple. Exclusive Agency (Moriaud and Arditi), 5, Rue Bouchardon. " IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE — IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." 40 The Kmematograph Year Book. Fantasio (P. Matras), 13, Rue Piat. F.B.O. (M. Koenig), 69, Faubourg St. Honore. Fernand (Rene), 64, Kue Pierre Charron. Films-Baroncelli, 94, Rue St. Lazare. Films Celsbres (H. Grossman), 36, Rue du Mont Thabor. Films-Fordys (Reginald Ford), 14, Rue Auber. Films-Henry Rousseli, 63, Avenue des Champs- Elysees. Films-^erauSt (Film-ro), 20 Rue Orfila. Films-Lcgrand, 19, Rue d'Aguesseau. Films-Marcel Sanchez, 36, Avenue Hoche. Fil n d'Art (Vandel & Delac), 14, Rue Cbauveau Neuilly-sur-Seine . Films-Pierre EVaaradon, 118, Avenue des Champs- Elysees. First National, 25, Rue de Courcelles. Ford, R., 14, Rue Auber. Foucher, 31, Boulevard Bonne -Nouvelle. Fox Film Co., 17, Rue Pigalle. Gau raont (Foreign Service), 12, Rue Carducci, Buttes Chaumont, P. Gau nont-&etre- ieldft-yn, 3, Rue Caulaincourt. Gliscksmann (Max), 46, Rue de la Victorie. Grandes Productions Cinematograpliiques, 14 bis, Avenue Rachel. Grands Spectacles Cfaetta, 8, Av. Clichy. Halk Etablissements (Jacques Halk), 63. Avenue des Champs-Elysees. Himalaya-Film Go., 17, Rue Choiseul. Lowells, David P., 69, Faubourg, St. Honore. Inter-Fil us, 51, Avenue George V. Katlinsky, 16, Rue Grange, Bateliere. Loew-Metro, 35, Rue du Plaiteau. Lu niere Freres (address, Lyons, France). Mappemonde-Fil n, 28, Place St. Georges. Marzitto, E. (5.A.I.C., Romi), Italian alms, 5, Rue Nouvelle. Mercanton, 23, Rue de la Michodiere. Meric, 17, Rue Bleue. Metro-Gold wyn, (see Loew-Metro). fiftonatam (G. Monat), 42, Rue Ls Peletier. Moniiial-Film, 5, Rue Saulnier. Moriaud (Louis), 18, Cite Trevise. Halpas, Alex, 16, Rue de la Grange -Bateliere. Natan (Famous-Players-Lasky), 63, Avenue des Champs Elysees. National-Film (German Agency) 50, Rue de Rondy. Nordisfs Film &\, 64, Rue Pierre Charron. Para nount (Famous-Players-Lasky), 63, Avenue des Champs Elysees. Paris Fil n (Passet & Laune), 21, Rue Tronchet. Parisienne-Films, 21, Rue Saulnier. Paris Films (Passet & Laune), 21, Rue Trouchet Pathe Cine rsa, 30, Boulevard des Italiens. Pat ie-Cons°»rtium-Cinema, 5, Rue Faubourg, Paissonniere 5. CINEMA TRADE "Comoedia" (daily), 51, Rue St. Georges. "Cine-Journal and Journal du Film," 30, Rue Bergere, Paris. " La Cinematograpm'e Francaise," 5, Rue Saulnier (P. A. Harle). " L'Ecran " (Exhibitors' Syndicate Organ), 17, Rue Etienne Marcel. " La Griffe Cinematographique," 29, Rue St. Georges. "Cinoedia" (Verhyile), 16, Rue du Croissant. "La Critique Cine natcgraphique," 5 bis, Boulevard des Italiens. Petit (Georges), 19, Rue Bergere. Phoeea-Location, 8, Rue de la Michodiere. Phenix, 12, Rue de Casliglione. Pietrini, J., 9, Boulevard des Italiens. Pruvost, 45 , Boulevard de la Chapelle. Plutus, Societe (Politi et Sidi), 39, Rue du Chateaudun. Primior Films, 84, Rue d'Amsterdam. Publi-Cine, 40, Rue Vignon. Radia (Soulat et Benedetti), 94, Rue St. Lazare. Renoir, 15, Avenue Matignon. Reyssier (Films, E. Reyssier), 12, Rue Lincoln. Ringler, 30, Avenue Hoche. Rcuraier (Maurice), 14, Rue Grange Bateliere. Rosenva g, 27, Rue Saint-Sabin. Sacex (Cinex-Film), Soviet Agency, 94, Rue Saint-Lazare. S.A.F.F.S. (Societe-Anonyme Francaise des Films Internationaux), 10, Rue Berangere Sandberg (S.), 30, Rue Louis-le-Grand. Sirerol, Miguel, -73, Faubourg Poissonniere. Societe Cinegraphique (Marcel l'Herbier), 9, Rue Boissy d'Anglais. Societe Cinematographique A^ur, 19, Rue Bargue. Societe de S'Art-Muet (Riven), 3, Rue de ia Chausee d'Antin. Societe d9 Films Historiques, 48, Boulevard Haussmann. Societe des Cineromans (J. Sapene), 8, Boulevard Poissonniere. Societe des Grands Spectacles Cinematc- graphiques, 6, Rue Francceur. Societe Generale de Films, 36, Avenue Hoche. Sofar Films, 3, Rue d'Anjou. Sofracor (C. Duclaux), 8, Rue de Parsdis. Soriano, Maurice, n, Rue Villaret de Joveuse. Star Film (C Galls), 2r,Ru? Saulnier. Super-Film Location (Weil and Lauzin). 8 bis Cite Trevise. L. Sutto, 23, Rue Pasquier. Sveniska Office (Folke Holmberg), 38, Rue des Maturins. Thoran (Grands Films de), 15, Boulevard des Batignolles. Triomphe Film, 33, Rue de Surene. Union Artisques Films, 12, Rue Lincoln. United Artistes (see Artists Associes). Universal Film Mfg. Go. (Societe Anonyme Universal Film), 12, Rue de la Tour des Dames. Univers-Location (Rosenvaig), 4, Boulevard Saint Martin. Vandal and Belac, 11, Bould des Italiens. Van Goiishoven, 16, Rue Chauveau-Lagarde. Vatiderheyden, J., 94, Boulevard Batignolles. ViDtir-Marcel-Productions, 33, Rue de Surene. Vitagraph, 25, Rue de l'Echiguier. Wail and Lauzin, 8 bis, Cite Trevise. PUBLICATIONS. " La Seir.aine Cinematographique," 48, Boule- vard Beaumarchais. " Hebdo-Film," 23, Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle. " Lo Semaine Cinematographique," 15, Place de la Republique. " Lumiers," 14 bis, Avenue Rachel. "Schema" (Germaine Dulac), 46,. Rue du General Foy. "Cinespss," 73, Boulevard de 'Grenelle (T. M. Coissax). " Filma," 166, Rue Montmartre. Kinematograph Weekly (Ed. G. Kendrew, correspondent), 66, bis, Rue Saint-Didier. WEEKLY FAN JOURNALS. Gineiragszine " 3, Rue Rossini. " Cine SViircir," 18, Rue d'Enghien. (Every Mon Cine," 3, Rue Recroy. two weeks.) Mon Film," 8, Rue du Croissant.. " Ginea-Cine pour to us," 39, Boulevard Raspail. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY."^ Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. CINEMA ACCESSORIES AND MATERIALS, MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS. Bertand (G.), et Ch. Fort, 4, Rue du Marche- Popincourt. Bleritt (now G. Lemarie), 187, Rue du Temple. Bordereau, 262, Rue de Belleville. Garburox, 66, Rue Claude-Vellefaux (ioe). Central Agence Cinema, 77, Faubourg Saint- Denis. Cine-Materiel, 9, Rue Lapyrere (i8e). Cinema-Gffiice, 22, Rue de Trevise (ge). Cirsema-Tirage, 1, Rue de Marivaux (ae). Clement, 18, Rue d'Albouy. Compagnie General de la Cinematographic Moderne, 91, Rue Villiers de l'lsle Adam. Compagnie industrielle ti'Optique, 3, Rue Dieu. Ginegramme, 84, Rue d'Amsterdam. Cine Photo, 12, Chaussee d'Antin. Continsouza (Establissements), 403, Rue des Pyr6n6es. Darlot-barberon, 121, Rue Gravel, Levallois (Seine). Debrie, Andre, rn, Rue Saint-Maur. Decaix, 25, Rue de la Folie-Mericourt (ne). Delalande, 104, Faubourg Poissonniere. Deiaporte, 62, Rue Saint-Antoine. Cemaria (Etablissements), 35, Rue de Clichy. Demaria-Lapierre, 169, Quar de Valmy (ioe). Etablissements Aubert, 124, Avenue de la Republique (2oe). Ernemann, (Rombouts Fr6res), 16, Rue Chaveau Lagarde. Etablissements Ch. Fort, i3, Rue Gabrielle, Gentilly. Etablissements Herrr.agis, 20, Rue de Louvre. Etablissements Mollier, 65, Rue des Archives. Fournler, 107, Avenue Parmentier (ne). Fritz et Co., 8, Place de la Republique. Gaumont, 57, Rue St. Roch. Gleysal, 58, Rue due Chateau-d'Eau. Guilbert, 59, Boulevard Richard-Lenoir. (Herault), 20, Rue Orfila. Gallay, R., 141, Rue de Vanves, Paris. Hemes, 8, Rue de Bellefond. Jourjon, Ch., 12, Rue Gaillon. Juiiat, 24, Rue de Trevise (9). ,'accpozzi, 44, Rue de Bondy. Kersten, 10, Rue Lebrun (ise). Kodak (Eastman Kodak), 39, Avenue Mon- taigne. Lapierre (Rene), 68, Rue des Haies, Laval, 10 bis, Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle. Liordet, 17, Rue des Messageries. SViassiott, 15, Boulevard des Filles-du-Cahaire. !VSazo, 33, Boulevard Saint-Martin. Meilor, 18, Faubourg de Temple. Mcisson, 1, Rue Boulard (14c). Collier, 40, Rue Vignon. Paz and Silva, 55, Rue Saint-Anne. Pathe Baby, 20 bis, Rue Lafayette. Phebus, Societe, (Durbec & Ballency), 20, Rue Richer. Pierrat & Gallay, (R. Gallay), 33, Rue Santiez. Piquois et Bourdereau, 262, Rue de Belleville. Rapid Film, 6, Rue Francoeur. Saint-Genest et Co., 61, Faubourg Poissonniere Siamcr et Plasii r, Aufreville, Nantes, Seine. Societe Anonyme La Community, 33, Rue de Surene (8e). Stengel, n, Faubourg St. Martin. Strauss Freres, 16, Boulevard Saint-Denis. Tasse (Henry), 9, Rue Mogadon Tirantz, 91, Rue Lafayette. Union Cisiematographiq^e de France, 34, Rue Charles-Beaudelaire . Wain wright (J. et R.), 5; Rue Saulnier. Almanach du Cinema" (" Cinemagazine " offices.) Le Tout Cinema" (" Filma " offices), 166, Rue Montmartre. TRADE SOCIETIES Amicalle des Artistes de Cinema, 54, Rue Etienne-Marcel, Paris. Amis du Ci erm?, 3, Rue Rossini. Association Amicalc des Operaieurs de Pro- jection, Chambre Syndicale, 13 bis, Rue des Mathurins. Association Professionnelle de la Presse Gine- mategraphiques, 17, Rue Etienne Marcelle. (J. I. Croze, President). Association des Directeurs de Theatre de Province, 1, Rue Rossini. Chambre Syndicale Francaise de la Cinemato- graphic Francaise et des industries qui s'y ratachent, 13 bis, Rue des Mathurins, Paris IX. (M. Roquais, Secretary). Cine Club de France, 4, Avenue de l'Opera. Corporation de la Cinematographic Francaise, 4, Boulevard Beaumarchais . Ecole Technique de Photo et Cinema, 85, Rue de Vangirard. Federation Generate du Spectacles (Bourse de Travail), 3, Rue du Chateau d'Eau. Federation Francaise de la Cinematographic 54, Rue Etienne-Marcel, Paris. Federation de la Cinematographic de Midi de France, ibis, Rue Cannebiere, Marseilles. Liberie (VSasicale, 39, Boulevard de Strasbourg, Paris. YEAR BOOKS. Annuaire General de la Cinematographic (Jean Pascal), 3, Rue Rossini. " Le Bottin Cinematographique," Didot-Bottn 19, Rue de FUniversite. " L' Annuaire des Artistes." 15, Rue de Madrid AND ASSOCIATIONS. Ligne Francaise d'education par le Fi'm, un Rue du Faubourg St. Honore. Mutuelle du Cinema, 17, Rue Etienne Marcel. Section de Cinema de la Federation Francaise, des Artistes, Chambre Syndicale. Societe Amicate " La Projection," 199, Rue Saint-Martin, Paris. Societe des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique, 10, Rue Chaptal, Paris. Societe des Auteurs de Films, 51, Rue de Clichy, Pari?. Societe des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques, 22, Rue Henner, Paris. Syndicat des directeurs de Ginematograph.es du Gentre, 6, Quai d'Orleans, Tours (Indre & Loire). Syndicat Francais des directeurs de Ginemato- graphes, 199, Rue Saint-Martin, Paris (Leon Brezillon, president). Syndicat des Operaieurs de Prises de Vues, 54, Rue Etienne Marcel. Syndicat sur la Cote d'Azur, 19, Rue Honore Sauvan, Nice. Union des Regisseurs Cinematographes, 56.. Rue de la Bidassoa. Ursicn des Artistes de langue Frarscaise dramati- ques et Oisiematographsques, 45, Faubourg Montmartre. * IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES," 42 The Kinemato graph Year Book. Germany. FILM PRODUCERS. Aafa-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 223, Berlin. Albani-Film G.m.b.H., Kaiser-Allee 172. Berlin. Ama-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr 236. Berlin. American Continental Film Association, G.m.b.H., " Acfa." Friedrichstr. 233, Berlin. Assa-Film A.G., Fabr. v. Ku!tur-Lehr-u. Trick- fllmen, Kurfuerstendamm 16. Berhn. Bismarck-Film G.m.b.H. Kurfuerstendamm 211. Berlin. Boston-Films Co., G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr 12, Berlin. Bruckmann-FHm. Fabrikations-Ges.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 25, Berhn. Continental-Kunstfllm G.m.b.H., Hedemannstr. 0, Berlin. Emelka-Konzern, Sonnenstr. 15, Munich. Enders-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 7, Berhn. Europaeische Film-Allian2 (EF A) G.m.b.H., Hardenberstr 29a. Berhn. Express-Film G.m.b.H., Zimmerstr. 13. Berlin. Gloria-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 224. Berhn. Hernes-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 250, Berlin. Internationale-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 8, Berlin. May-Film A.G., Tauentzienstrasse 14. Berlin. National-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 10. Berlin. Nero-Film G.m.b.H. (Nebenzahl & Co.), Jaegerstr. 13, Berlin. Noa-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstrasse 5 ,'6. Berlin Phoebus-Film A.G., Friedrichstrasse 225. Berlin. Phoenix-Film A.G., Meierottostrasse 1, Berhn. Plastrick-Film A.G., Augsburgerstr. 68. Berhn. Porten-Froelich-Produktion G.m.b.H. Henny, Friedrichstrasse 37a. Berlin. Primus-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 220.. Berhn. Royal-Film Corporation G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 207.. Berhn. Sascha-Filmindustrie A.G. ;Wien), Friedrichstr. 224, Berlin. Sphinx-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 204. Berlin. SternfHm G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 223. Berlin. Terra-Film, Akt. Ges, Kochstrasse 73.. Berhn. Ufa-Fi!m-Vertriebs. Ges.m.b.H., Koethenerstr. - 1 /4, Berhn. Universum-Film Aktiengesellschaft Ufa) Ufa- haus, a Potsdamerplatz. Berlin. Veritas-Film G.m.b.H., Markgrafenstr. 77, Berlin. Vicor-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 13. Berhn. Vita-Fslmindustrie-Vertriebs. G.m.b.H., Fried- richstr. 24. Berlin. Wegener-Film, Paul A.G., Friedrichstr. 93, Berlin. Wengeroff-Film G.m.b.H., Kurfuerstendamrr; 161. Berlin. RENTERS. A.B.C. Gottschalk, Friedrichstr. 32. Berlin. A f U. Akt. Ges. fuer, Filmunternehmungen Kochstr. 12, Berlin. Alboefilm | Althoff-Boecker). Wilhelmstr. 37/38, Berlin. Alhambra-Filmverleih G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. i2S Berlin. Althoff-Film Willy, Friedrichstr. 44. Berlin. Althoff & Co. (Gustav Althoff), Friedrichstr 204. Berlin. Aequator-Film G.m.b.H,; Friedrichstr. 23. Berlin' Arminius-Film, Verleih, Berlinerstr. 33, Berlin. Badner-Film Ges.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 5 6, Berlin . Bayerische FHmgesellsch. m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 210, Berlin. Berolina-Fi!m G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 232. Berlin, Continent-Film A. G. " Contag ," Friedrichstr 217, Berlin. Decla. Bioscop-Verleih A. 6., Friedrichstr. 22, Berlin. Martin Dentler-Film-Verleih, Potsdamerplatz, Berlin. Deulig-Film A.G., Krauseustr. 38/39- Berlin. Deutsch-Nordische-Film Union G.m.b.H., Fried- richstr. 13, Berlin. Elbe-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 37. Berlin. Filmhaus Bruchmann &Co. A.G. , Friedrichstr. 25, Berlin . Filmhaus Wilhelm Feindt, Friedrichstr. 246, Berhn. Film-Verleih United Artist G.m.b.H., Fried- richstr. 8, Berlin. Film-Verleih-und Vetrieb Hans Engelke & Co., Verlj Hedemannstr. 5, Berhn. Germania-Film Verleih" G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 233, Berlin, Glombeck Robert, Friedrichstr. 37, Berlin. Hanewaker & Lorenz G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 238, Berlin. Hansa-Film-Verleih A.G., Ufahaus, Potsdamer- platz, Berlin. Hegewald-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr.25o,Berlin. Hirschel-Sofar-Film-Verleih G.m.b.H., Fried- richstr. 21, Berhn. Ifa-Verleih G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. S: Berhn. International Film-Verleih Deitz & Co., G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 225, Ber.lin. Internationale Kinematographen und Films, Pallas," Charlottenstr. 89, Berhn. Licho-Film Verleih G.m.b.H., Prinzregentenstr. 88, Berlin. Lloyd-Fiim-Verleih G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 224, Berhn. ^ Mebter-Ostermayr-Film G.m.b.H., Leipzigerstr. 110/11, Berlin. M inerva-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 236.. Berhn. Monopol-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 11. Berhn. Naxos-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 20. Berhn. Nemo-Film-Verleih G.m.b.H.. Friedrichstr. 238, Berlin. Nitzsche A.G. Kinemategraphen & Filrr.e, Friedrichstr. 25/26. Berhn. Nivelli-Film Max~ Nivelli & Co., Friedrichstr. 5 J 6. Berhn. Orbis-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 5/6. Berhn. Pantomim-Film A.G., Friedsrichstr. 224. Berhn. Ranneg-Film, Charlottenstr. 82, Berhn. Rex-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 10, Berhn. Rideg-Film Joseph, Vertriebs G.m.b.H., Fried- richstr. 11, Berlin. Ring-Film-Verleih G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 5 6, Berhn. Stern-Film-Verleih G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 21, Berhn. Sud-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 207. Berlin. Teano-Film G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 19. Berlin. Terra-Film-Verleih G.m.b.H., Kochstr. 3. Berhn. Trianon-Filmverleih G.m.b.H., Dessauerstr. 250, Ber,in. Universal-Film-Company G.m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 250. Berlin. Vicor-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. 13. Berlin. Westfalia-Film A.G., Hochstr. 12. Berlin. " IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. 4 J ACCESSORIES AND MATERIALS. " Abag " Apparatebaugesellscfraft m.b.H., Bran- denburgstr. 21, Berlin. Akt. Ges Fur Filmfabrikation " Aflfa," Victoriastr 13/18, Berlin. Akt. Ges. fur Film-iVIeci.anik, Andreasstr. 32, Berlin. Akt. Ges. f. Ozon-lndustrie, Grobbeerenstr. 82, Berlin. Akt. Ges. Hahn fur Optik u Mechanir, Fried- richstr. 218, Berlin. Allgemeine Elektricitaias-Ges, Friedrich-Karl- Ufer 2 /4, Berlin. Amigo, Gustav, Ritterstr. 4r, Berlin. Apparatebau Freiburg G. m.b.H., Lyta-Kino- werke, Friedrichstr. 9, Berlin. Askania-Werke A.G., Kaiserallee 87/88, Berlin. Behrenwerk, Kopenickerstr. 147, Berlin. Deka-Compagnie Sckatz & Co., Kochstr. 9, Berlin. Deulig-Film A.G., Krausenstr. 38/39. Berlin. Deutschmann & Hoffmann G. m.b.H., Fried- richstr. 23, Berlin. Duoskop G. m.b.H., Jagerstr. r7, Berlin. Efa Gesellschaft fur Kino-Foto und Elektrc- Technik, Hollmannstr. 16, Berlin. Elmecia Ges. fur eiectr. Median, u kinotechn. App., Nollendorfplatz 6, Berlin. Erko. Maschinenbau-Ges. Erdmann & Korth, Kopenickerstr. 32, Berlin. Excelsior-Film KopieranstaltG. m.b.H. .Lindenstr. 4, Berlin. Film-Kopieranstalt, Drcge & Lorenz, Grobe Seestr. 4, Berlin. Film-Kopieranstalf, Liebenau & Co., G. m.b.H., Markgrafenstr. 77 .Berlin. Filmmaschinenfabrik " Rapid " G. m.b.H., Alex- andrinenstr. 137, Berlin. Filmtitel u Kopier 6. m.b.H., Urbanstr. 70a, Berlin. Geyer, Carl, t£sch. u Apparate Bau G. m.b.H., Auguste-Victoria Str. 6/7, Berlin. Geyer Karl, Harzerstr. 39, Berlin. Glanzfllm A.G., Friedrichshagenerstr. 9, Berlin. Gleicrrickter Ges.m.b.H., Quecksilberdampf- Umfcrmer u eiectr. App., Elisabethufer 44, Berlin. Grab Worff, Inn. Walter Vollmann, Markgra- fenstr. 18, Berfin. Gunzel F. Fabr. f. elektr. Anlagen, Beleuch- tungskorper, Friedrichstr. 35, Berlin, Heimlicht, G. m.b.H. (Beulig-Conzern), Krau- senstr. 38 /39, Berlin. Hochformatbr U. m.b.H., Luisenplatz. 8, Berlin. lea A.G., Wallstr. 13, Berhn. Industrie-Film A.G. Filmaufnahmen fur Handel, Industrie, Landwirtschaf Sport, Verkauf von kleinen handlichen, Vorfuhrungsapp, Gent- hinerstr. 32, Berlin. Internationale Filmtitel-Fabrik, Friedrichstr. 242 Berlin. Jenne, Fritz Generalvertr, der Apparatebau Frieburg G. m.b.H., Lyta-Mino-Werke, Fried- richstr. 9, Berlin. Kinophot, G. m.b.H., Markgrafenstr. 18, Berlin. Kino-Schuch, Schuch & duller, Friedrichstr 31, Berlin. Kino-Werk Stachov." & Co., Friedrichstr. 226 /27, Berlin. Kreul, Wilhelm Licht-u Kraftmasch Fabr. Beleuchtung, Berlinerstr. 18, Berlin. Levy Dr. Rfiax. Fabr. elektr. IVcasch U. App., Mullerstr. 30, Berlin. Lichte & Co., Heinr., Wilhelmstr. 6, Berlin. Lippa, Viktcr Ing. Buro Elektr. Licht. u Kraftanl, Apparateb. fur die gesamte Filmindustrie tech. Einr., Badenschestr. 34, Berlin. Maschinen & Apparatefabr, Oscar Lange A.G., Friedrichstr. 220, Berlin. Maschinen u, Elektromotoren-Veririeb, Gerhard Schulz, Konigin-Luisestr. 8, Berlin. Mechanische-Werkstatt f. Kinoreparet u. Ersatzteile Neumann & Boker, Leipzigerstr. 103, Berlin. Minimax A.G. Feuerlcscher fur die Filminduslrie Schiffbauer-Damm 20, Berlin. National-Film A.G., Friedrichstr. io, Berlin. Nitzsche Akt., Friedrichstr. 25/26, Berlin. Phcto-Kinc-U Radio G. m.b.H., Friedrichstr. 14, Berlin. Projektions-Maschinenbau G. m.b.H., Urbanstr. 7oa, Berlin. Rex-Film A.G., Blucherstr. 12, and Friedrichstr. 10, Berlin. Rutgerswerke A.G., Brln-Charl 2, Harden- bergstr. 43, Berlin. Schimpf, Kurt Filmapp, fVZaschinenbau, Git- schinerstr. 92, Berlin. Siemens & Co., Gebr. Brin-Lichtenberg, Herz- bergstr. 128/37, Berlin. StachOW & Co'., Friedrichstr. 226/27, Berlin. Tesch, Paul Filmfabrik G. m.b.H., Bergmannstr. 68, Berlin. Ufa-Kino-Bedarf, Kothenerstr. 5, Berlin. Universum-Film A.G., Oberlandstr. 26/35, Berlin. Wenskus John Apparatebau, Wassertorstr. 51, Berlin. W'erkstalte fur Feinmechanik " Werfak " G. m.b.H., Wassertorstr. 34, Berlin. Westinghouse Cooper Hewitt G. m.b.H. Fabr. v. elektr. Apparaten, Wilhelmstr. i3r j^2, Berlin. RAW STOCK. Act. Ges. fur Anilin-Fabrikation "Agfa," Lohmuhlenstr. 67/69, Berlin. Gevaert-Werke G. m.b.H., Lutzowstr. 9, Berlin. Glanzfllm A.G., Friedrichshagenerstr. 7, Berlin. Goerz, Photochemische Werke G. m.b.H., Wann- seebahn Goerzallee, Berlin. Kodak G. m.b.H., Markgrafenstr. 76, Berlin. Lignose-Film G. m.b.H., Moltkestr. 1, Berlin. Nobel-Film G. m.b.H., Juhlich im Rheinland, Berlin. Strehle Walter G. m.b.H., Generalvertrieb der "Agfa" Kinefllms und Farben, Wilhelmstr. 106, Berlin. TRADE SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Allgemeine Film und Buhnenkunster-Vereini- Deutsche Filmewerkschaft, Charlottenstr. S7, gung, Wilmersdorferstr. 15, Berlin. Berlin. Bildspieibund Sceutscher Stadte e. V., Bochu- Deutsche-Film u Buhnen-Gesellschaft, Wallstr. merstr. 8, Berlin. r, Hamburg. ~"P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 44 The Kinemalograph Year Book. Deutsche Kinotechnische Ges. E.V., Lindenstr. Verband der Theater u Filmfriseure Deutsch- 26, Berlin. Deutsche Film und e.V., Brandenburgischestr. 7. Berlin. Genossensc!taft Deutscher Buhnen-Angehorigen, Keithstr. 11, Berlin. Prasidium der Genossenschaft Deutscher Buh- nenangehorigen, Keithstr. n, Berlin. Reichsverband deutscher Lichtspieltheater- besitzer E.V., Kochstr. 73, Berlin. Schutzverband der Filmfabrikanten Deutsch- lands, Pfa sburgerstr. 72a, Berl n. Schutzverband Deutscher Filmkopieranstalten E.V., Friedr chstr. 231, Berlin. Schutzverband Deutscher Schriftsteller E.V., Schoneberger. Ufer 25, Berlin. Schutzverband Deutscher Filmtheater E.V., Potsdamerstr. 113, Berlin. Spitzenorganisation d, deutschen Filmindustrie, Ziethenstr. 23. Berlin. Verband der Film-lndustriellene V„, Koth- enerstr. 1 \\, Berlin. lands e.V., Scbumannstr. 13. Berlin. Verband Deutscher Filmateliers E.V., Fried- richstr. 22, Berlin. Verband Deutscher Filmautoren e.V., Spon- holzstr. ii, Berlin. Verband Deutscher Filmverleiher e.V., Fried- richstr. 246, Be Jin. Vereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbande, Burggrafenstr. 11, Berlin. Vereinigung der Import-und Export-Firmen der Film-Industrie E.V., Friedrichstr. 16 Berlin. Vereinigung Deutscher Filmfabrikanten E.V. Kochstr. 73, Berlin. Versicherungsverband fur Lichthitd-Theater, Unter d. Linden 70, Berlin. Zentralausschub fur Landlichtspiele, Bern- burgerstr. 13, Berlin. Zentralverband der Filmverleiher Deutschiands e.V., Charlottenstr. 13, Berlin. TRACE PUBLICATIONS. Deutsche-Filmwcche, Friedrichstr. 231, Berlin. Deutsche Lichtbild-Zeitung, Kurfurstenstr. 42, Berlin. Film, Der Gustav Kuhn, Kochstr. 5, Berlin. Film-Expreb Gebr. Wolffsohn G.m.b.K., Fried- richstr. 225, Berlin. Filmfreund Der, Sonnenstr. 15, Emelkahaus, Munich. Film-Journal Hamburger Lichtspiel u Theater- WOChe, Johanniswall 20, Hamburg. Film-Kurier, Kothenerstr. 37, Berlin. i.b.H. Filmspiegel, Der Gebr. Wolffssohn G.r Friedrichstr. 225, Berlin. Filmtechnik Die, Friedrichstr. 46, Berlin. FilmwGChe Die, Xeuenburgerstr. 4. Berlin. " Kinematograph," Zimmerstr. 35/41, Berlin. Lichtbildbuhne " taglich, Friedrichstr. 225, Berhn. Lichtspiel-Anzeiger, Kanalstr. 5, fflunchener Munich. Suddeutsche lozzistr. 1 Film-Zeitung Munich. G.m.b.H., Pesta- Greece, RENTERS. DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. American-Film C3., OdosLykourgou 14, Athens. Anglo-Hellenik Etairia-Frank & Co.. Odos Chalkokondvlis 37 c, Athens. Eastern Fil m G)., Odos Padepistimiou 36, Athens. Gaitis & Moschcs, Stoa Pesmandioglou. Athens. Iris Films, Serao & Papandelides, 6, Rue Vis- sarionos 36. Athens. Lazannis & Kraemer, Odos Panepistimiou 36 Athens. SVtarguIies Jean, Odos 3, Septembre 38, Athens. Printzis & Serbis, Odos Akademias S6 a. Athens. Fanamet-Films, Odos PhilheUinon 3, Athens. Cine Orient, Odos Stadiou, Athens. MANUFACTURER AND AGENT OF KINEiVEA ACCESSORIES. Stamos 8. Stamoulis, Odos Charil, Trikoupis 5, Athens. Holland. FILM PRODUCERS. Filmfabriek, Holland, Bestevaerstraat, 7, Amsterdam. Fil rtfabriek, Polygoon, Koudenhoorn, 8, Haarlem. Fil nfabriek, Ncggerath, Heerengracht, 107, Amsterdam. Fil r.fabriek, Haghe, J. Maetsuikerstraat, st, The Hague. Filmfabriek, Orion, Pletterijkade, io, The Hague. Actisoei Films, A. Benno, Duvenvoordestraat, 94, Haarlem. W. Schoolman, Emma Straat, 7, Rijswijk. M.W. Photo Films, E. M. Weissmann, Kruis- straat, 5, Rotterdam. Holland-Belgica, Film IV5y, Goudschesingel, 230, Rotterdam. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. M.W. Photo Films, E. M. Weissmann, Kruis Straat, 5, Rotterdam. Actueel Fil rss, A. Benno, Duveuvoorde Straat, 94, Haarlem. B.en S. Fil ns, Hoefkade, 9, The Hague. British Fil m, Stationsplein, 7, The Hague. Fii nbureau Central, Ruvsdelstraat. Amsterdam. Fil nvernuur Cinema Palace, Kalverstraat, 224, Amsterdam. Filmverhuur Croexe, Nieuwe Prinsengracht. 37. Amsterdam. Dutch American Film (Universal), Keizersgracht, Amsterdam. Dutch Fil Tl Co., Sparne. 5, Haarlem. Films Emelka, Heerengracht .285. Amsterdam. Excelsior Films, Elandstraat, 60, The Hague. Famous Players Lasky Films, Keizersgracht.. 399, Amsterdam. j " If YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. : Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. 4^ F.A.N. Films, Heerengracht, 156, Amsterdam. Bureau Fil.ua, Prinsengracht, Amsterdam. First National Films, Nw. Doelenstraat. 8 Amsterdam . Netherlands Fox Films, Rokin, 36, Amsterdam. 9, The Hague. v Stolberglaan, 103, H.A.P. Films, Hoeikade. N. V. Hofstad Films, Jul The Hague. Holland-oelgica. Films, Goudschesingel, 230, Rotterdam. Films Interfilex, Xieuwendijk, 128, .Amsterdam. Loet C. Barnstijn Standard Films, Stationsplein, 7, The Hague. Meteor Films, Keizersgracht, 794, Amsterdam. Munt Films, Kalverstraat, 226, Amsterdam. Odeon Films, Singel, 44, Amsterdam. Filmverhuur Het Oosten, Schiekade, 208, Rotterdam. Pathe Freres, Raadhuis Straat, 42, Amsterdam. P.I.G. Filris, Heerengracht, r44, Amsterdam. Rofilex, Hertekade, 4, Rotterdam. Trio Film, Fluweelen, Burgwal, 76, TheHagu? Tuschinsky, Afd. Yerhuur, Hoogstraat, 323. Rotterdam. U.F.A. Films, Heerengracht, 592, Amsterdam. U.F.O. Fiins, Hoofdsteeg, 34, Rotterdam. Universal Film Agency, van Baarlestraat. 63. Amsterdam. Fil ns van de Bam, Hillegersberg. Rotterdam. Wiiton-Metro-Goldwijn, Xieuwstraat, 24, The Hague. Societe des Films Artistiques, Prinsenstraat. 40, The Hague. KINEiViA TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Nieuw Weekblad der Cinerr.atografie, Xieuwe Cinema en Theater, Galgewater, 22. Leyden. Molstraat, 24, The Hague. De Rolprent, Weteringschans, Amsterdam. Kunsten Amusement, Amstel, 50, Amsterdam. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. E. M. Weissmann's Kino-House, Kruis Straat, Capi Kino Handel, Kalverstraat, 115, Amster 5, Rotterdam. dam. Pathe Freres, Raadhuistraat, 42, Amsterdam. Marijnen (Debrie), Prinsengracht, 840, Amster- Firma Sikkens, Singel, 62, Amsterdam. dam. Van Duinen, Prinsengracht, 530, Amsterdam. Kinohuis de Ridder, Prinsengracht, 729, Firma A. Jung, Padangstraat, 15, Groningen. Amsterdam. TRADE SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Nederlandsche Bond van Bioscoop en Theater Crasnapolsky (Societie of the above mentioned Directeuren, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Mr. L. Harrburger, President. Hungary* FILM PRODUCERS. Corvin-Filmfabriks-und Filmvertriebs A.G., Slar-Fil.r.fabrik und Filmhandsls A.G., Kossuth Rakoczi ut. 9. Budapest. Lajos ut. 13, Budapest. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. AHalanos Mosgokepipari Vallalat, Rakoczi utca 8a, Budapest. American-Film Co., Rakoczi utca 51, Budapest. Cito Cinema Izso Feldmann, Rokk Szilard ut. rr, Budapest. Eco-Film A.G., Dohany utca 47, Budapest. Farago Reszo, Filmlsihanstalt und Vertrieb, Dohany utca 47, Budapest. Fox-Film' A.G., Rokk Szilard utca 20, Budapest. Gaumont Leon, Rokk Szilard utca 20, Budapest. Goldstein Leo, Pathe Consortium Cinema, Ferencz Jozsef Rakpart 26, Budapest. Ufa-Film A.G., Kolcsey utca 4, Budapest. Lloyd-Film A.G., Rakoczi utca 9, Budapest. Muveszfilm-KolczDnzo-Vallalat, Rakoczi utca 40. Budapest. Cberlander Film-Vertriebs und Verlei>. A.G., Rakoczi ut. 57, Budapest. Radius-Filmindustrie A.G., Rakoczi utca 34, Budapest. Fanamet-Films A.G., Erzsebet korut 9, Budapest. Star-Filmfabrik und Fil nhandels A.G., Kossuth Lajos-ut. 13, Budapest. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. tamman, Fabrik fur feinmechanische Maschinen Pannsnia. Erzsebet korut 48; Budapest, und Apparate A.G., Fehervari ut . 73, Budapest. KINEMA TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Kepes Mcszivilag, Dohany utca 37, Budapest. Mozi es Film, Rokk Szilard utca 4, Budapes TRADE SOCIETY. O.m.m.e., Erszebet korut, Palais Royal, Budapest. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE.' 46 The Kinematograph Year Book. Italy, Adriatica Film, Fiume. Alba Film, Via Roma, Turin. Ars et Labor, Via Sacra di St. Michele, Turin. Astrale Film, Palermo, Sicily. Bernini Film, Via Nazionale 46, Rome. Bonnard Film, Via Appia Nuova. Rome. F.E.R.T., Via Rome 42, Turin. Filmgraf, Via Flaminia 187, Rome. Firenze Film, Florence. Flareal Film, Via Agostino de Pretis 104, Rome. Gallone Film, Via dei Villini 15, Rome. Genina Film, Via Tacito, Rome. Gladiator Film, Via San Anselmo, Turin. Guazzoni Film, Via Torino, Rome, ilubiter Film, Via Belfiore, Turin. Latina Film, Via Cavour, Turin. LombardO Film, Via Roma 348, Naples. Liguori Films, Rome. Lucarelli Film, Via M. Stabile, Palermo. Medusa Film, Via Vettellia, Rome. Milano Film, Milano Bovisa, Milan. Molinari Films, Via G. Vacca, Naples. Ney Fil n, Piazza Colo de Rienzo 68. Rome. Nova Film, Vicolo della Farnesina, Rome. Novo Film, Turin. PRINCIPAL FILM PRODUCERS. Olympus Film, Via Valeria, Rome. Ghione Film, Via Stupinigi, Turin. Palerrrri Film, Rome. Faris Film, Via L. Giordano, Naples. Pasquali Film, Corso Stupinigi. Turin. Piitaluga-Fert, Turin. Rinascimento Film, Via de Parioli 83, Rome. Rodolfi Film, Corso Vercelli, Turin. SabDUdc Film, Via Monte Napoleone. Milan. Selecta Toddi Film, Via Castro Pretorio. Rome Silentium Film, Via Silvio Pellico. Milan. S.A.I.C., Via del Tritone 210, Rome. S.G.F.I., Rome. Sphinx Film, Via Tacito 46, Rome. Tespi Film, Villa Floria, Via Forli. Rome. Tiber Film Ambrosic Film Caesar Film Cines Palaiino Fil: Italia Film Ultra Film, Piazza de Pietra 26, Rome. V.I.S., Florence. Westi Film, Via delle Fiamme, Rome. Zannini Film, Via Umbria, Milan. Zanr.otta Film, Piazza del Duomo, Milan. » J U.C.I. Unione Cinematogranca Italiana, Via Maghera 2, Rome. RENTERS AND A.C.I., Via Frattina 89, Rome. A. Moscow, Via Valadier 42, Rome. Aurea Film, Via Avigmomesi. Rome. 5. Aversanc, Via S. Andrea, Milano. Pintucci Balmas, Via delle Fiamme rS, Rome. Carlo Bassoli, Piazza 20 Septembre, Bologna. Cav A. Bocchi, Via Delle Fiamme 18, Rome. 6. Bonnano, Via Montforte, Milan. Fernando Bonotti, Via Firenze 47. Rome. Bcsia Films, Milano. I. broggi, Via Nutera 7, Palermo. A. M. Capasso, Via Gregoriana 5, Rome. Raffaele Carctenuto, Via Ouattro Fontane 25, Rome. E. Ciappa and C.s Via Ghiaja 254, Naples. Alfredo Carpentiere, Via 20 Settembre 44, Rome Cinegraf, Via S. Francesco di Paola, Turin. ' Cite Cinema, Via Balbo 11, Rome. Arturo Contestable, Via Rasella r25, Rome. Vav C. Corti, Via Rovello, Milan. E.A.F., Via Cavur 247, Rome. Augosto Ferretti, Via Nazionale 51, Rome. Gaytis and MOSCOW, Via Valadier 43, Rome. Guido Paris, Via Agostino Depretis 104, Rome. Italtca, Via Nizza 43, Turin. Charles Lauri, Via 4, Novembre. Rcme. Linnini and Bonotti, Via Venti Settembre 44. Rome. Gustavo LombardO, Piazza San Silvestro 81, Rome. MONOPOLISTS. Di Madio, Piazza Cavour 17, Rome. Maggi Films, Via Germano Sommeiller 25. Rome. Di iVtario, Via Gregoriana 5, Rome. L. Malnieri, Via Torino 26, Rome. A. Moscow, Via Valadier 42, Rome. Maxima Film, Via Santa Lucia 20, Naples. M J.F.I. , Via Santa Brigida 68, Naples. Monopolia, Via Quattro Fontane 149, Rome. Omnium Film, Via Dorino 148, Rome. Dante Griandini, Via Nizza 50. Turin. G. Peltini, Corso Venzia 82, Milan. L. Piermatter, Via San Nicolo Tolentino 50, Rome. A. Pizzi, Via delle Finanze 14. Rome. Rorrifiim, Ma Curtatone 6. Rome. Rossi and Montanari Via S.Andrea, delle Fratte, Rome. S.A.I.C., Via del Tritone 210, Rome. F. Scardigi, Via Nazionale 2, Florence. S.C.M., Via Venti Settembre T., Palermo. Sindicato Cinema Italians, Via Ouattro Novem- bre 149, Rome. Sindicato Cinema Meridionsle, Via Guglielmo Sanfelice 33, Naples. Soc. An. Moretto, Via Rome 306. Naples. Stefano Pittaliga, Via delle Finanze, Rome. Rsndto Tasselli, Piazza di Pietra 26, Rcme. T.E.S.A.C, Via delle Miratte 25. Rome. U.C.I., Via Maghera 2, Rome. TRADE PAPERS. Casa di Vetro, Turin. Film, Rome. II Corriere Cinematografico, Qalleria Nazionale Turin. II Cinema, Naples. FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES AND HOUSES La Cina Foro, Via San Aspreno 2. Naples. L'Eco del Cinema, Via Cesare Battisti 24. Bologna. Vita Cinematografica, Turin. Allied Artists, Via Quirnale, Rome. First National, Via Roma 20, Turin. Fox Film, Via Venti Settembre 58, Rome. Metro-Goldwyn, Via Quattro Novembre 149, Rome. Paramount, Via Magenta, Rome. Universal Film, Via S. Nicolo da Tolentino 74. Rome. Ufa, Via delle Fiamme. Rome. Westi Film, Via Delle Fiamme 9, Rome. P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY. Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. 47 Jugoslavia. FILM PRODUCERS. Balkan, zavod za filmsku industriju, Alfred und Eosna d.d. za filmsku industriju. Boskoviceva ul. Leo Muller, Marovska ul. 10, Zagreb. 40. Zagreb. American-Film Co., Ilica 90. Zagreb. Apollo-Film, Slavko Ziza, Kralja Milana ul. 77, Belgrade. Balkan, zavod za ifimsku industriju, Marovska ul. 10. Zagreb. Bosna, zavod za filmsku industriju, Boskoviceva ul. 40, Zagreb. Fox-Film, C.-ulica 2. Zagreb. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. Jugoslaviscke Fan-Film A.G., Starcevicev trg 2 Zagreb. Mcnopcl-Fiim, zavod R. Mosinger, Ilica 55, Zagreb. Omnia-Film, Furtinger i drug, Bogovic ul. 7. Zagreb. Panamet-Filn1, Marovska ul. 10, Zagreb. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. Ocean-Film-lndustrie, Petrinjska ul. 28, Zagreb. Orient-Film A.G.,Ciril Mete da trg. 19.. Subotica. Unger i Patacic, " Kinematik," Starcevie trg. 3, Zagreb. Balkan, zavod za filmsku industriju.. Marovska ul. 10. Zagreb. Bosna d.d. za filmsku industriju, Kopieranstalt, Boskoviceva ul. 40. Zagreb. New Zealand* PRODUCERS, DISTRIBUTORS, Etc. Australasian Films (N.Z.), Ltd., Head Office, 68-70, Jervois Quay. Wellington. Branch at Auckland. Dominion Film Co., Ltd., Manners Street, Wellington. Exhibitors Alliance Films (N.Z.) Ltd. , Wellington . Famous-Lasky Film Service (N.Z.), Ltd., 33-35, Cuba Street, Wellington. Fox Film Corpn. (Australia), Ltd., 16. Wyndham Street. Auckland. Fox Film Corpn. (Australia), Ltd., 55, Courtenay Place, Wellington. Harringtons (N.Z.), Ltd., 4?,. Willis Street, Wellington . Metro-Goldwyn Film Ccrpn., r, Woodward Street. Wellington. N.Z. Supplies, Ltd, , Film House. Jervois Quay , Wellington . Premier National Pictures (Aust.), Ltd., 47, Courtenay Place, Wellington. Selznick Pictures (Aust.), Ltd., 47, Courtenay Place. Wellington. Smith, Wm. C, 609, Colombo Street. Christ- church . United Pictures, Ltd., 89, Worcester Street, Christchurch. Universal Pictures Corpn., 47, Courtenay Place, Wellington . Vinsen, J. S., Jervois Quay. Wellington. Poland. FILM PRODUCERS. Lechfilira, Polska Spolka Kinematograficzna, Sfinks, Biuro kinematograficzne, Swietokrzyska Cyzsta 1, Warsaw. 35, Warsaw. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. American-Film, sp.z.ogr.odp., ul. Gdanska 147, Gloria-Film, sp.z.ogr.odp., Marszalkowska 119, Warsaw. Warsaw. Biuro kinematograficzne Tarlerfilm. Swieto- Kinotechnika, Chmielna 48. Warsaw. krzyska 25, Warsaw. Kolos-Film, sp.z.egr.cc!p., Marszalkowska 152. Dom Handlowy Estefilm, Marszalkowska ir2, Warsaw. Warsaw. Lechfilma, sp.z.ogr.odp., Czysta 1, Warsaw. Enhafilm, sp.z.ogr.odp., Marszalkowska 125, Lux, Przemysl Kinematogfaficzny S.A., Jasna Warsaw. 24, Warsaw. Fsniks-Film. Marszalkowska 116. Warsaw. Fetef, Powszechne Tcwarzystwo Filmowe S.A., Fanamet-Films S.A., Zielna 46. Warsaw. Al. Jerozolimska 29, Warsaw. Fox-Film, Towarzystwo, sp.z.ogr.odp., Wierz- Sfinks^ Eiuro kinematograficzne, Swietokrzyska bowa 7, Warsaw. , 25. Warsaw. KINEMA TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Kinema i Nowosci Filmowe, Sienna 32, Warsaw. Kinoteatr, Wierzbowa 7. Warsaw. TRADE SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Francusko-Polskie Konsorcjum, Aleja Jerozo- Gloria, Towarzystwo Kinematograficzne sp.z.ogr. limska r5, Warsaw. Odp., Marszalkowska 119, Warsaw. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FQR YOUR BOX OFFICE— BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." 48 The Kinematograph Year Book. Roumania. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. American-Film Co., Luterana 22. Bucharest. Apollo-Film S.A.R., Boulevard Domnitei 44 Bucharest. . Atlantic-Film, Bulevardul Elisabeta 55, Bucharest. Astoria-Film. Strada Carol 57, Bucharest. Dorian-Film S.A., Strada Sarindar 7, Bucharest. Gaumont Leon, Bulevardul Elisabeta 36-38. Bucharest. Lux-Film, Strada Sarindar 16, Bucharest. Metro Galdwyn S.A.R., Strada Lipscani 29 Bucharest. Oer-Film, M . Segall, Bulevardul Elisabeta 9, Bucharest. Pathe freres, Calea Victoriei 14, Bucharest. Phoebus-Phonix-Film, Strada Luterana S, Bucharest. S.A.R.P.i.C, Strada Bucesti 9-11, Bucharest. Transatlantic-Fiim, Strada Biserica Enei 11, Bucharest. Victoria-Film, Strada Decebal 8-10. Bucharest. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. Basil J. & Cie., Strada Griselini 1, Temesvar. Bertofllm, Strada Ghiba Birta 40. Arad. Projekter, Consortium, Stefan L. Strada Raureau 5 B, Bucharest. Scherer, KINEMA TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Cinema, Strada Sarindar 7, Bucharest. Filmul, Bulevardul Domnitei 44. Bucharest. TRADE SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Uniunea Caselor de Filme, Calea Victoriei 60, Bucharest. Uniunea Cinematografilor in Romania. Strada Lipscani 5r, Bucharest. Spain, FILM BUYERS AND RENTERS. J. Alfonso, Rambla Catalufia 58, Barcelona. Allied Artists, Rambla Catalufia 62. Barcelona. Jose M. BOSCh, Plaza Buensuceso 3, Barcelona. Julio Cesar, S. A., Aragon 316, Barcelona. H. Choi met, Aribau 37. Barcelona. Cia. Hispano-Alemana, S. A., Rambla Catalufia 62, Barcelona. C.I. E.G., Aragon 231 bis, Barcelona. Cinematografica Miro, Plaza Letamendi 10, Barcelona. Cinnamond Films, Calle Aduana 3, Barcelona. Cinematografica Verdaguer, S. A., Consejo de Ciento 290, Barcelona. Compania Cinematografica Hispano-Portugiesa, Rambla Catalufia 56, Barcelona. JOS3 Covalle, Aragon 225. Barcelona. Jaime Costa, Consejo de Ciento 317, Barcelona. E.C.A., Consejo de Ciento 278, Barcelona. • Empresas Reunidas, Paseo de Gracia 56, Barcelona. Expbitacion de Grandes Producciones Cinerrato- graficas, Valencia 218, Barcelona. Exclusivas Fenix, Rambla Catalufia 46, Bar- celona. E.C.A., Valencia 292, Barcelona. Federacien Cinematografica Latina, Valencia 208, Barcelona. Films Pinot, Valencia 228, Barcelona. L. Gaumont, Paseo de Gracia 66, Barcelona. Goldwyn Films Corporation, Rambla Catalufia 122, Barcelona. Eduardo Gurt, Rambla Catalufia 62, Barcelona. Hispano American Films (Universal), Valencia 233, Barcelona. Hispano Fox Films, S. A., Valencia 280, Bar- celona. S. Huguet, Provenza 292. Barcelona. Internacional Films, Valencia 292, Barcelona. Levantische Films, Fontanella 9, Barcelona. Lotsir Films, Pasaje de la Merced, Barcelona. Maraviila Films, Paseo San Juan, 33, Barcelona. M. de Miguel, Consejo de Ciento 292, Barcelona. E. Pinol, Rambla Catalufia 63, Barcelona. B. Prades, Valencia 222, Barcelona. Paramount Films (Seleccine, S. A.), Paseo de Gracia 9r, Barcelona. Principe Films, Aragon 225, Barcelona. Procine, S. A., Consejo de Ciento 332, Barcelona. F. Trian, S. en C, Consejo de Ciento 261, Bar- celona . Vilaseca y Ledessrta (Pathe Freres), Gran Via Layetana 59, Barcelona. U.F.A. (Universum Film A.), Plaza Catalufia 9, Barcelona. PRINCIPAL FILM BUYERS AND RENTERS. Gran Empresa Sagarra, S. A., Plaza de Isabel 1 1-6, Madrid. Atanea, S. A., Barquillo 9, Madrid. Cinematografia Iberica, calle de Belen 3, Madrid. Notario y De! Cierrc, Los Madrazo 22, Madrid. Principe Films, San Sebastian. " IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE. Foreign and Colonial Trade Directory. 49 FILM MANUFACTURERS AND PRINTERS. Alfredo Fontanels Sala, Carretera de Sans 106, Barcelona. Jose IV! . Bosch, Plaza Buensuceso 3, Barcelona. Ricardo de Banos, Royal Films, Paseo de Gracia 105, Barcelona. Orilla, S. A., Industria 105-109, Barcelona. Tscsar Hornemann, Conde de Romanones, 12, Madrid. CdiSSCR Films, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands. Balear Films, calle de Santo Domingo 34-35 Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands. Programa Ruano, Colon 44, Valencia. Troya Films, Gran Via 13, Madrid. Armando Pcu, Fuencarral 138, Madrid. Goya Film, Echegaray 27, Madrid. Cinematografia AsturU na, Marques de Casa Valdes L. Gijon (Asturias). Ediciones Raya, calle Barbieri 7, Madrid. Switzerland* FILM PRODUCERS. tclair-Film Suisse, M. Wullimann, Dubendorf Office Cinematographique, rue du Midi 15, Eos-Film. R. Rosenthal, Rheingasse 35, Basle- Lausanne. . Praesens-Film, Moussonstr. 22, Zurich. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. Eos-Film (R. Rosenthal), Rheingasse 35, Basle. Paramount Film, Rheingasse 35, Basle. Olympia-Film (J. Georgopoulos), Schneider- gasse 5, Basle. Rob. Rosenthal, Rheingasse 35, Basle. Neuland-Film, Neu-Allschwil, Basle. Hessfilm, Mezenerweg 8, Berne. R. Landolt-Tosca-Film, Elisabethenstr. 28, Berne. Cine Films S.A., Amthausgasse 1, Berne. Agence generale cinematographique (M. Monbon, dir.), Rue du Commerce 9, Geneva. ArtistiC-Film S.A., Rue Levrier 15, Geneva. Bourquin, Rue Rothschild 11, Geneva. Coiisee-Film, Rue d'ltalie 10, Geneva. Consortium-Films, Rue Levrier 11, Geneva. Elpan-Films, Rue du Marche 9, Geneva. Etna-Film (agence de Geneve), Rue du Marche, 9, Geneva. Film d'Art et d'Histoire, Rue du Rhone 36, Geneva . Fex-Film, R. de la Croix d'Or 12, Geneva. Gaumont-Metro-Goldwyn, Bd. du Theatre 12, Geneva. Majestic-Film (Proh Cursat), Rue Pierre Fatio 5, Geneva. Monopsle Pathe-Films, Rue de la Rotisserie 4, Geneva. Pandora-Film S.A., Rue du Marche 9, Geneva. Propagande alpine par Is film, Av. de la Grenade 8, Geneva. Schuliz, W., Rue du Marche 9, Geneva. United Artists (P. Strasse), R. De la Confeder 3, Geneva . S.K. Cinematographique-Editenro Associes, Rue de Prince 11, Geneva. Ste. Suisse des Films P. D.C.Chemindesclochettes 4, Geneva. MotO-Film (R. Limgor), Mittelstr. 16* (Berne), Langenthal. Film Artes, Galeries St. Francois, Lausanne. Office cinematographique, Rue du Midi 15, Lausanne. Burkiiardt-Films, Grabenhof 4-6, Lucerne. Etna Co. A.G. (Dir., Chr; Karg), Museggstrasse 4, Lucerne. Agence Suisse du Cinema, Avenue du Kursaal 10, Montreux. Hipleh G., jr., Avenue du Kursaal io, Montreux. Star-Film (Ernst Isenreich), Zuchwillerstrasse, Solothurn. Alpenfllm A.G., Schonbuhlstr. 21, Zurich. Alpenfllm Friboug (Intern. Produktion u Ver- leih), Schonbuhlstr. 21, Zurich Astoria-Film, Wuhrstrasse 18, Zurich. Carola Kunstfllm, Weinbergstrasse 31, Zurich. Emelka Filmgesellschaft, Lowenstrasse 31, Zurich. First National-Film, Stampfenbachstr. 69, Zurich. Gotthard-Film, Frohburgstrasse 60, Zurich. Lang Joseph, Iris-Film, Weinbergstrasse 31, Zurich. Leo-Film, Stampfenbachstr. 69, Zurich. Lumina-Film, Bahnhofstrasse 98, Zurich; Mantovani W. Rigo-Film, Kornhausstrasse 29, Zurich. Metrcpslfflms (Max Koch), Bahnhofstrasse 33, Zurich. Nordisk-Films Co., A.G., Bahnhofquai 7, Zurich. Praesens-Film, Moussonstrasse 22, Zurich. Schweizerlandfllm (R. Deyle), Uraniastrasse 16, Zurich. Westi-Film (Emelka), Lowenstrasse 31, Zurich. Turicia-Film, Walchestrasse 20, Zurich. Bobbi-Film A.G., Stampfenbachplatz 7, Zurich. Meyer P. & Cie EM-BE-Film, Carmenstr 24, Zurich. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. Eos-Film (Aufnahmen, Filmtitel), Rheingasse 35, Basle. Konrad Lips (r'ilmfabrikation), Guterstrasse 248, Basle. Kahn Berthcld, Kinostuhle (Thonet-Kohn), Leonhardsgraben 10-14, Basle. Kling Jenny, Kincapparate, Freiestrasse 105, Basle. Meidinger & Cie. Elektro Motcren, Maiengasse Basle. Rilter & Uhlmann, Clarastrasse 5, Basle. Schweiz Schul u Volkskino, Schlosslistrasse 51, Berne. A. Hauser, Cliches, Steinweg 31, Berne. Uva-Chrom, Dispositive, Biel, Bienne. P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." So The Kinematograph Year Book. Eclair-Film Suisse (Wullimann Titelfabrik), Dubendorf. Bouche Marcel, cartonnages, Rue du Commerce 5, Geneva. Compagnie Bol. app cine mat, R. du Leopard- Acacias, Geneva. Gaumont, Kinoapparate, Bd. du Theatre 12, Geneva. Sicli, Extincteurs, Rue Petifot 4, Geneva. Soc. du Film et du Cinema S.A., Rue Etienne- Dumont 20-22, Geneva. Donze Emile, Fauteuils (Lac de Bienne), Lan- deron. Assurance Mutuelle Vaudoise, Galeries du Commerce, Lausanne. Cinemo scolaire et populaire suisse (Lausanne, Geneva, Berne, Zurich), E. Eberhard, Avenue Ruchonnet 3, Lausanne. Office cinematcgraphique, Rue du Midi 15, Lausanne . Heisch & Pagant, Luzern-Kriens, Stcrnwarte, Lucerne. Emch A. Pianos electriques, Av. du Kursaal, Montreux. Hipieh Gesrges jr. Installation complete de Cinemas, Av. du Kursaal 10, Montreux. Kino und Film-Borse (Agence Suisse du Cinema), Av. du Kursaal 10, Montreux. Alpenfllm (Reise-Kinos und Apparate), Schon- buhlstr. 21, Zurich. Aksa A.G. Vertreter v Krupp-Ernerrann, Dresden, Rennweg 35, Zurich. Ganz & Cie Kinc apparate (Krupp-Ememann DsVry, etc.), Bahnhcfstrasse 40, Zurich. Just R. Photomontierung, N. Beckenhofstr. 42 Zurich. Osiam A.G.. Sonnenquai 3, Zurich. Ptaesensfilm (Reklame und iniiustrielle Filme), Mussonstrasse 22, Zurich. Schmidt, Paul (internat. Film Agentur), Sonnen bergstr. 77, Zurich. Schuppli, Dr. Ernst Treuhand & Beratungsstelle, Bahnhofstrasse 58, Zurich. Siemens-Schuckertwerke G.m.b.H. Kino-Kohlen, Lowenstrasse, Zurich. Volksfllm (Der), Uraniastrasse 24. Zurich. Oschwald Alfred, Kino-Reparaturen, Augus- tinergassse 42, Zurich. Lanz Wfax, Cine Material, Wuhrstrasse 18, Zurich. KINEM A TRADE PUBLICATIONS. Schweizer Cinema Suisse, organe officiel de Vada Mecum, Abenda do poche, edite par l'association cinematographique Suisse, Mon- Schweizer Cinema Suisse, Montreux. treux. Cine Programme, edite par le Schweizer Cinema Suisse, Montreux. TRADE SCCIETSES. Association Cinematographique, Kornhaus- Association des Lcueurs de Films Suisse, Am- strasse 29, Zurich. thausgasse 4, Berne. Union Suisse des Amis du Cinema, 5843 Postfach, Deitingen (Solothurn). . Turkey, FILM-PRODUCER. Kernel-Film, Sirkedji, Sirkcdji Palace, Constantir.cple. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS. Fanamet-Films Co., Galata, Ab:d Effendi Han. Const antinople . Pathe Consortium Cinema, Galata, Agopian Han, Constantinople. Scciete Gaumctlt, Galata, Bereket Han, Con- stantinople. Sirad Bey Kara Osman. Galata, Tidjaret Han Const atinople. Grabovski S. Georges, Pera, Grand Rue de Pera 83, Constantinople. Habib S. & CD., Galata, Eski Posta Han, Con- stantinople. Haireddin Bey, Pera, Grand Rue de Pera, Constantinople. Hamberger Maurice, Stamboul, Postfach 46, Constantinople. Kosmos-Film, P. Coulouthros & Co., Pera Rue Sofiali 20, Constantinople. MANUFACTURER AND AGENT OF KINESVSA ACCESSORIES. Ipekdji Freres, Bon Marche de Salonique, Stamboul, 63-65. Emine-Eunu, Constantinople. KINEMA TRADE PUBLICATION. Cine Opsrra, Constantinople. Union of South Africa- African Film Productions, Ltd., Box 2787, Johannesburg. African Films, Ltd., Box 4552, Johannesburg. Sneider's Film Exchange, Box 6745, Johannes- burg. African Films, Ltd., Box 701. Cape Town, Paris-London Universal Studios (S.A.L Ltd., 24, Exploration Buildings, Johannesburg. United Film Corporation, Ltd., 15-19, Cullinan Buildings, Johannesburg. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." To and From our Shores. 51 TO AND FROM OUR SHORES By C. L. Cattermoul. No great variation in the import and export figures is shown for the year 1926, with the exception that blank (unexposed) film imported shows a decided decrease, this on account of the normal supplies reaching us, whereas last year the duties were re-imposed which caused a flood of raw film to be imported just before the duties were put on. IMPORTS INTO UNITED KINGDOM. Blank ... Positive Negative 1925. Feet. Value. 126,343,416 /356,458 43,645,852 i33>89° 9,315,199 689,060 1926 (10 months). Feet. Value. 31,705,109 £105,588 12,269,251 5,181,267 12,184 673.704 Blank ... Positive Negative EXPORTS FROM U.K. 63,868,182 2,939,521 710,046 168,638 164,826 17.369 29,379,937 20,708,694 295.477 81,883 92,828 6,629 RE-EXPORTS FROM U.K. Blank 18,683,125 59,169 17,107,911 72,460 Positive ... 5>I95>354 3^667 2,773,218 18,384 Negative ... 6,253,323 14/.237 2,873,598 92,276 RETAINED IN THIS COUNTRY. Blank ... ... 107,660,291 297,289 No figures obtainable Positive ... 38,450,498 202,229 yet. Negative .... 3,061,876 541,823 THE BRITISH QUOTA. The proposed protection for British films, which the British Govern- ment have announced, will be put before Parliament early this year, and which undoubtedly will be made law, affects not only the United Kingdom, but the whole of the British colonies as well. Whatever duties or impositions may be made will, in the opinion of the writer, be made applicable to the British colonies, as the basis of these measures have been drawn during the visit to London of the Dominion Premiers who have long been aiming at some such pro- tection in the colonies. No matter what other effect the quota may have, at least it will give the greatest impetus to British production, and if advantage is not properly taken now Great Britain may lose the opportunity o 5^ The Kinematograph Year Book. re-establishing herself, and taking her proper position at the head of the world's film production. At the present moment at least two of our colonies are in the hands of American distributors, who, by means of their efficient organisation and good product, have swamped all other competition, with the result that the screens of those colonies are not less than 90 per cent. American, instilling American methods, idea]s, morals and language into the minds of people whose assimilation of amrthing new and novel is probably faster than anywhere else in the world. It might be extravagant to say that one of the main objects of dis- cussion at the Imperial Conference in London this year was the Movie Picture business ; nevertheless, it is correct to say that the whole question is, in the colonies, considered of primary importance, and the views of the responsible leaders of the colonies coincide with the aims of the British society behind which stand England's greatest industries. This society is now fully alive to the importance of the film as a means of propaganda abroad for the commercial wares of Great Britain, and it is generally felt that in the Government of the day they will receive the most sympathetic consideration they may ever expect. EUROPEAN QUOTAS. If, therefore, the British Quota is made law, it is more than possible that other European countries may follow suit by increasing their present protectionary tariffs, which will make even more difficult the trading between countries unless a scheme of reciprocity is effected. In certain small European countries, whose needs greatly exceed the home production, no alteration of the existing import duties or control may be looked for ; but in the bigger countries, where production is on a big scale and where this may be adversely affected through their exports, I think we may look for some change in the near future. CHANGE IN EUROPEAN TASTE. With the collapse of the independent producing firms of America, the consequent lessening of the supply of such films and the steady deterioration from such sources of films of high quality through force majeure, the independent renters of Europe are finding that films . of European manufacture are slowly but surely coming into public favour, whereas not more than two years ago the vast majority of European films were doubtful propositions. The situation is reversed to-day. There is keen competition to secure the type of films which two years ago would not have been considered. Furthermore, Europe can justly claim this year at least to have made a large number of films whose quality is equal to the best American and in certain countries considered better. In some of the European markets to-day it is easy to secure distribution of European films, whereas American films of the same qualfty are difficult to dispose of. A good film, no matter what its origin, will always secure an outlet, but even ordinary European productions are in demand where once they would not have been looked at. The world is ever seeking something new. New faces, new locations, new treatment. The star system still prevails, but there are not suffi- cient stars in the world to meet all demands. To and From our Shores. 53 Europe has in ten years become used to a certain type of star of production. It now needs a change and is asking for it in no un- certain manner. This same applies to America. They need a change, as may be seen in the wholesale rush to the U.S.A. of European stars and producers, and the time is not far distant when the American people will need many European productions in the same way as we need American productions now. EUROPEAN BUSINESS IN 1926. It is regrettable to have to record once again an industrial upheaval in England, which has retarded rather seriously our foreign business. Indirectly, the coal strike has affected the activities of production in this country. Finance for films has not been forthcoming and the number of British productions made are much below what was expected. Those made, however, have raised the standard of British films throughout the world, and are the forerunners of what is hoped in 1927 to begin the new era ol British -made pictures. Most of the British films made this year have been exploited throughout the world. French studios have been working overtime and giving to the world films of magnificence and charm which is enhancing their already high reputation. In France finance for film production appears, to be easily obtainable, and it must be remembered that even if foreign productions exploited there do not always prove a success, French films, thcugn of no particular merit, can invariably recoup the producer with the cost of their production in France alone. German companies are giving their colossal productions which are commanding the admiration of the world and, in America especially, one or two German films have grossed fabulous figures in exploitation. Scandinavia has made few films this year, but these are of a higher quality than ever before. Italy's productions also have been few but good ; but Italy may prove to be a surprise packet, so far as production is concerned, during 1927, as there are many ambitious schemes on foot for a great revival. Japan. Generally considered to be one of the most enterprising races in the world, Japan has given one of the biggest surprises of the year. Five years ago she imported 90 per cent, of her wants, whilst her home production was negligible. So rapidly has this progressed, however, that to-day Japan imports not more than 50 per cent, of her require- ments ; whilst with the exception of a few famous stars, whose films are demanded, she prefers her native productions. These are made solely for the Japanese market and are seldom, if ever, seen outside Japan. MUSSOLINI IN CONTROL? §g Italy has recently felt the iron hand of its " Strong Man." There were practically only two concerns there which controlled the dis- tribution of films throughout the country. Certain American firms have branches there, but who, in face of the monopoly held by the 54 The Kinematograph Year Book. two Italian firms, who control the theatres, have not been as successful as in other European countries. The Italian firms were in competition with each other, but now one has absorbed the other ; thus the film industry is in the hands of one vast Italian company. It is stated thatSignor Mussolini takes a keen interest in the Italian film industry, and that his was the hand which brought about the recent amalgama- tion, and most significant is the news that all the money for the new concern is Italian and that the administration is purely Italian. It is generally believed that the cause of this establishing of Italian supremacy was the recent efforts of a certain group of foreign film pro- ducers to obtain a real outlet for their product by buying one of the existing Italian exchanges who controlled a large number of theatres, but. that before any sale could be made the matter was brought to the notice of Mussolini, who saw the danger of the screens of Italy coming into the hands of' foreigners. With his characteristic boldness he took steps to avert this ; thus the present Italian control of its own industry. THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE. The language difficulty which has kept the countries of Europe in a state of isolation from each other is almost insurmountable ; but the film which knows no nationality may mean the breaking down of the barriers, so that eventually there will be two great production territories of the world, i.e., Europe, as a whole, and America. In America the basis of production is simplification in itself, as each national company, controlling its own theatres and renting organisa- tions, schedules a certain number of productions necessary for its needs yearly, which are eventually produced in its studios, which it also owns ; whilst its foreign branches take care of the distribution of its product outside America. In Europe there is no purely European film company which has its own distribution offices in every country, thus another means of pro- duction which will enable films to be distributed in the best possible manner had to be found. This resulted in the " co-operative" pro- ductions movement which has been found to be a good financial proposition for those who undertake it. The co-operative production arrangement is an agreement between two or more firms who decide on a story, mutually agree on the cast and make the film according to the taste of their own country, each financing it according to the size of the country in which they are interested. This may seem difficult at first sight, but in actual practice it has been found to work out very satisfactorily. There is no doubt that the increasing cost of production all over the world will force distributors in different countries to consider this method of production more and more and will eventually prove to the benefit of all concerned, because by their united efforts and financial support they will be enabled to obtain more costly films with a much reduced liability, such films being on a scale which would be., generally speak- ing, impossible for them to finance individually. This will thus lead to the purely European costly production being soundly financed, which should be equal to the costliest of American and yet be, in sentiment and ideals, European. The Kinematograph Year Book. The " JOHN BULL" 5/- Lever -Filler Model, Ms itself, cleans itself — cannot leak. Note the superb • ly chased barrel. Guaranteed for . 2 years. PRAISE INDEED, I cannot express how delighted I am. Believe me, I am not exaggerating when I say I prefer your Pen to a 30/- Pen in the posses- sion of my brother. * G. Singleton, 1, Rugby Street, Portsmouth. The best value in the world The JOHNgOLL 51- Lever-Filler Pen Fitted with 14ct. solid gold nib, iridium tipped. t_JERE is a Pen fitted with every A * possible refinement, and which for all practical purposes is the equal of Pens costing 17/6. The solid gold nib, the safety cap, the superbly chased barrel — all proclaim its real worth. Two years' written guarantee. A MODEL FOR EVERY HAND. A PRICE FOR EVERY PURSE. At the " JOHN BULL " Pen Shops you will find Pens in almost bewilder- ing variety. Before buying a Pen be sure and inspect the " JOHN BULL" range. See them at any of the following London branches. 21, ENDELL STREET, W.C.2. 1, CANNON STREET, APPROACH. 323, HIGH HOLBORN. 19, LUDGATE HILL. PORTSMOUTH: 214, Commercial Road. 56 The Kinematograph Year Book. Olympic Print Quality Print Are You Qetting Them 2 (SHjmtptt liinnnatograplr laboratories Itmttro SCHOOL ROAD, LONDON N.W.10. rELEPHONE : WILLESDEN 1974. TELEGRAMS : OHKAYLAB. HARLES, LONDON. The Films of 1926. 57 Trade Shown Films of 1926 British films and films made in British Colonies denoted by an asterisk (*). T rade show date in brackets following title. The Kine. date given is that of the issue in which the -review appeared. The length and release are as supplied by the renters. List covers all films reviewed in Kine. up to November 25 issue. Across the Deadline. (Feb. 24.) Leo Maloney. 5 reels. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Pathe. Across the Desert to Siwa. (Dec. 2.) Travel. 3,000 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. United Films. Across the Pacific. (Oct. 12.) Monte Blue. 7 reels. A. Rel. June 20, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Warner Bros. Adventures of Sybil Brent, The. (Sept. 13.) Henny Porten. 5.600 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. United Kingdom. Ain't Love Just Wonderful ? (Feb. 19.) Wanda Hawley and Mae Busch. 5 reels. U. Rel. Sept., 1926. " Kine." March 4, 1926. Crest Films. Aloma of the South Seas. (Oct. 5.) Gilda Gray and Percy Marmont. 8,151 ft. U. Rel. April 11, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Amateur Gentleman, The. (Nov. 22.) Richard Barthelmess. 7,850 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 22, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. F.N. Amazing Elopement, The. (Dec. 4.) Karina Bell and G. S. Tolness. 6 reels. U. Rel. July 22, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Phillips. American Venus, The. (Apr. 26.) Esther Ralston and Lawrence Gray. 7,000 ft. Rel. Sept., 1926. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Ancient Highway, The. (Apr. 16.) Jack Holt and Billie Dove. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Ancient Mariner, The. (Feb. 24.) Clara Bow and Earle Williams. 5,480 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine." March 4, 1926. Fox. Anne of Green Gables. (Jan. 8.) Mary Miles Minter. 5,460 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 10, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. W. & F. April Showers. (Nov. 8.) Alexander Carr and Mary Alden. 7,374 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Gaumont. Auction Block, The. (Feb. 25.) Charles Ray and Eleanor Boardman. 5,900 ft. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Jury- Goldwyn. * Awakening, The. (Jan. 29.) Isobel Elsom. 6,500 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Astra-National. Bachelor Brides. (July 7.) Rod la Rocque. 6,102 ft. U. Rel. Mar., 1927. " Kine." July 15, 1926. P.D.C. Baffled. (Dec. 17.) Franklyn Farnum. 5 reels. U. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Renters. *Ball of Fortune, The. (June 18.) James Knight, Mabel Poulton and Billy Meredith. 6 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Booth Grainge. Bandit's Baby, The. (June 1.) Fred Thomson. 5,250 ft. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Ideal. Bandits of the Air. (Mar. 17.) Bruce Gordon and Charlotte Pierce. 4,160 ft. Rel. Aug. 21, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Unity. Bar C Mystery, The. (Sept. 29.) Dorothy Phillips and Wallace MacDonald. 10 2-reelers. U. Rel. Feb. 21, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Pathe. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." 58 The Kin emato graph Year Book. Bardely's the Magnificent. (Oct. 20.) John Gilbert and Eleanor Boardman. 8,500 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 12, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Jury-Gold wyn. Barocco. (April 18.) Jean Angelo and Nilda Duplessy. 7,000 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Graham Wilcox. Barrier, The. (April 15.) Norman Kerry and Marceline Day. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine," April 22, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Barriers of the Law. (June 10.) William Desmond. 5,100 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 19, 1926. " Kine.'' June 17, 1926. Ideal. Bashful Buccaneer, The. (Jan. — .) Reed Howes. 5,628 ft. U. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Butcher's. Bat," The. (May — .) Emily Fitzroy and Jack Pickford. 8,219 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 1, 1926. "Kine." May 20, 1926. Allied Artists. Battler, The. (Sept. 15.) Kenneth McDonald. 5 reels. A. Rel. Jan., 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Pathe. Battling Butler. (Aug. 6.) Buster Keaton. 6,500 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 21, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Beau Geste. (Spec, run.) Ronald Colman and Noah Beery. 10,895 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Beautiful Cheat, The. (Feb. 22.) Laura la Plante. 6,558 ft. Rel. June 21, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. European. Beautiful City, The. (May 25.) Richard Barthelmess and Dorothy Gish. 6,400 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine." June 3, 1926. F.N. Behind the Front. (June 22.) Wallace Beery and Mary Brian. 5,465 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 13, 1926. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Bells, The. (Sept. 17.) Lionel Barrymore. 6,300 ft. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. F.B.O. Ben Hur. (Spec, run.) Ramon Novarro and May McAvoy. 11,600 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Best Bad Man, The. (Dec. 16.) Tom Mix. 4,986 ft. U. Rel. April 26, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Fox. Best People, The. (Feb. 16.)' Warner Baxter and Esther Ralston. 5,6oo"ft. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Beverley of Graustark. (Apr. 30.) Marion Davies. 6,900 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 13, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Bigger than Barnum's. (Oct. 28.) Viola Dana, George O'Hara and Ralphlnce. 5,400ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. "Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Ideal. Big Parade, The. (Spec, run.) John Gilbert and ReneeAdoree. 11,144 ft. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Bilberries. (April 20.) Long ?nd Short. 5,226 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 13, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. W. & F. :Bindle. (May 31.) Tom Reynolds and Annie Esmond. 2 reelers. XJ. Rel. Nov. 19, 1926. " Kine." June 3, 1926. Graham Wilcox. Blackbird, The. (Feb. 26.) Lon Chaney. 6,300 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 13, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Black Cyclone, The. (Mar. 26.) "Rex." 5,067 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. " Kine." April 1, 1926. W. & F. Black Flash, The. (July 8.) Richard Talmadge. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 7, 1927. " Kine." Julv 15, 1926. Ideal. Black Hawk, The. (Jan. 27.) Bob Custer. 5 reels. U. Rel. Aug., 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Phillips. Black Paradise. (Julv 1.) Madge Bellamy and Edmund Lowe. 4,900 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 18, 1926. " Kine." July 8, 1926. Fox. Black Pirate, The. (Spec, run.) Douglas Fairbanks. 8,300 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Allied Artists. Blarney. (Oct. 22.) Renee Adoree and Ralph Graves. 5,800 ft. A. Rel. April 25, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. " IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." The Films of 1926. 59 Blind Goddess, The. (Aug. 10.) Louise Dresser and Jack Holt. 7,200 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 7, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Blind Husbands. (Re-issue.) ' (Dec. 7.) Eric Yon Stroheim and Qibson Gowland. 6 reels. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Dec. jo, 1925. European. (See " Kine.") Blind Trail. The. (Nov. 17.) Leo Maloney. 4,800 ft. U. Rel. June 20, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Pathe. *Blinkeyes. (Sept. 28.) Betty Balfour and Tom Douglas. 7,300 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 21, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. Gaumont. Blood Bond, The. (July 21.) Leo Maloney. 5,000 ft. A. Rel. Nov., 1926. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Pathe. Blood and Steel. (June 3.) William Desmond. 5,000 ft. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Ideal. Bluebeard's Seven Wives. (Feb. 19.) Ben Lyon and Blanche Sweet. 7,676ft. U. Rel. Dec. 27, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. F.N. Blue Blood. (Sept. 21.) George Walsh. 5,950 ft. U. Rel. May 27, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. W. & F. Blue Danube^ The. (Nov. 8.) Lya Mara. 7,300 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Graham Wilcox. Blue Eagle, The. (Oct. 7.) George O'Brien. 6,180 ft. Rel. Mar. 28, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Fox. Blue Streak, The. (May 19.) Richard Talmadge. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Ideal. *Boadicea. (Nov. 9.) Phyllis Neilson-Terry and Clifford McLaglen. 8,000 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 5, 1927. " Kine." Nov. n, 1926. Stoll. Boaster, The. (Sept. 22.) Richard Holt. 5,109 ft. U. Rel. May 9, T927. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. Argosy. Bon Jour Paris. (Mar. 15.) Mistinguett. 3,700 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. W. & F; Born to Battle. (July 22.) Tom Tjler. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. April 18, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Ideal. Born to the West. (Oct. 19.) Jack Holt. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. April 21, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, £926. Famous-Lasky. Borrowed Finery. (Feb. 9.) Lou Tellegen and Louise Lorraine. 5, coo ft. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. B.E.F.- Boy Friend, The. (July 23.) Marceline Day. 5,150 ft. U. Rel. Feb. j, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Braveheart. (Feb. 2.) Rod la Rocque and Lillian Rich. 7,152 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. P.D.C. Breed of the Border. (Dec. 1.) Lefty Flynn. 5,000 ft. Rel. not fixed. Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Ideal. Bride of the Storm. (Apr. 29.) Dolores Ccstello. 6,000 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Gaumont. Bright Lights. (Jan, 22.) Pauline Starke and Charles Ray. 5,550 ft. U. Rel. June, 3, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Broadway Billy. (Jan. 8.) Billy Sullivan. 5,195 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Argosy. Broadway Lady, A. (Nov. 10.) Evelyn Brent. 5,409 ft. A. Rel. May, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. Pathe. Broken Hearts of Hollywood. (Oct. 7.) Patsy Ruth Miller. 6,600 ft. A. Rel. April 5, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Gaumont. Brooding Eyes. (April 20.) Lionel Barrymore. 5,800 ft. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Wardour. Brothers. (June 17.) Napierskowska and Constant Remy. 5,423 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Ki^e." June 24, 1926. Gaumont. Brown Derby, The. (Oct. 1.) Johnny Hines. 6,644 U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. F.N. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY; 6o The Kinematograph Year Booh. Brown of Harvard. (May 28.) Mary Brian, William Haines and Jack Pickford. 8 reels. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." June 10, 1926. J URY-GOLDWYN. Buckaroo Kid, The. (Nov. 19.) Hoot Gibson. 6,134 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 24, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. European. Bucking the Truth. (June 17.) Pete Morrison. 4,277 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine." June 24, 1926. European. Bustin' Through. (Dec. 7.) Jack Hoxie. 4,465 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 22, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. European. Butterflies in the Rain. (Oct. 13.) Laura la Plante and James Kirk- wood. 7,276 ft. A. Rel. April 25, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. European. Captain's Courage, A. (Nov. 3.) Dorothy Dwan and Edward Earle. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. June 13, 1927. " Kine." Nov. it, 1926. Wardour. Cat's Pyjamas, The. (Oct. 26.) Ricardo Cortez and Betty Bronson. 5,500 ft. A. Rel. May 2, 1927. "Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Cave Man, The. (April 15.) Matt Moore and Marie Prevost. 6,200 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 16, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Gaumont. Chequered Flag, The. (Feb. 24.) Elaine Hammerstein and Wallace MacDonald. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Wardour. Children of the Whirlwind. (Jure 25.) Marguerite de la Motte and Lionel Barrymore. 6,400 ft. IT. Rel. Dec. 13, 1926. "Kine." July 1, 1926. F.B.O. ^Chinese Bungalow, The. (May 14.) Matheson Lang and Juliette Compton. 6,700 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 22, 1926. " Kine." May 27, 1926. Stoll. Chip of the Flying " U." (June 1.) Hoot Gibson and Virginia Browne Faire. 6,570 ft. U. Rel. immediately. " Kine." June 3, 1926. European. Christine of the Circus. (Aug. 25.) Pauline Garon and Cuilen Landis. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. April 25, 1927. " Kine." Sept 2, 1926. Argosy. *Cinders. (Sept. 7.) Betty Balfour and Fred Wright. 7,180 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 7, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. W. & F. Circus Kid, The. (Mar. 30.) Maurice de Feraudy. 7,273 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 27, 1926. " Kine." April 1, 1926. W. & F. C'ash of the Wolves, The. (Dec. 10.) June Marlowe and Rin-Tin-Tin. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. Gaumont. Classified. (Jan. 7.) Corinne Griffith. 6,799 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. F.N. Clinging Vine, The. (Aug. 26.) Leatrice Joy. 6,480 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 7, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. P.D.C. Clothes Make the Pirate. (Feb. 12.) Leon Errol ard Dorothv Gish. 8,140 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. F.N. Coast of Foily, The. (Dec. 18.) Gloria Swanson. 6,100 ft. A. Rel. June 14, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Famous-Lasky. Coast Patrol, The. (Jan — .) Kenneth McDcnald. 4,835 ft. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. W. & F. Cobra. (Jan. 8.) Rudolph Valentino. 6 reels: A. Rel. May 31, 192G. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Famous Lasky. Cohens and the Kellys, The. (April 27.) George Sidney and Vera Gordon. 7,725 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine." April 29, 1926. European. Combat, The. (Mar. 12.) House Peters. 6,715 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. European. Compromise. (Dec. 17.) Irene Rich and dive Brook. 5,900 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Gaumont. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. " The Films of 1926. 61 Conquering Blood. (Feb. 3.) Tom Mix. 4,900 ft. U.. Rel. May 24, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Fox. Count of Luxembourg, The, (Mar. 19.) George Walsh. 6,500 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. W. & F. Country Beyond, The. (Nov. 3.) Olive Borden. 5,300 ft. A. Rel. April 25, 1927. "Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Fox. Cowboy and the Countess, The. (Jan. 15-) Buck Jones. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kire." Jan. 21, 1926. Fox. Cowboy Grit. (Jan. 14.) Pete Morrison. 3,500 ft. U. Rel. June, 2i, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Vitagraph. Counsel for the Defence. (Jan. 1.) Betty Compson and House Peters. 6,200 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 3, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Ideal. Crack 0' Dawn. (Jan. 25.) Reed Howes and Ruth Dwyer. 5,423 ft. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Butcher's. Cradle of God, The. (Oct. 22.) LeonMathot. 5,900 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 30, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Ward our. Crashin' Through. (June — .) Jack Perrin. 4,700 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Western Import. Crossed Signals. (Oct. 11.) Henry Victor. 4,342 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Oct. 14, [926. Butcher's. Crossed Trails. (Sept. 29.) Franklyn F rnum. 4,800 ft. U. Rel. April 14, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Renters. Crowded Hour, The. (Mar. 2.) Bebe Daniels and Kenneth Harlan. 6 reels. U. Rel. Oct. 23, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Crown of Lies, The. (Aug. 13.) Pola Negri. 4,900 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Famous Lasky. Cyclone Cavalier, The. (Feb. 8,) Reed Howes. 5,170 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 17, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Butcher's. "Daily Mirror" Competition Films. (Oct. 19.) Six 2-reelers. U. Rel. Mar. 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. British Screen. Dame Chance. (Oct. 21.) Julanne Johnston and David Hartford. 6,700 ft. A. Rel. May 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Inter Cine. Dance Madness. (Feb. 4.) Claire Windsor and Conrad Nagel. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. April 19, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Dancer of Paris, The. (Oct. 4.) Dorothy Mackaill and Conway Tearle 5.959 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. F.N. Dancing Mothers. (July 20.) Alice Joyce. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Danger Girl. (Mar. 3.) Priscilla Dean and John Bowers. 5,648 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. P.D.C. Dangerous Dude, The. (July 12.) Reed Howes. 5,226 ft. U. Rel. £eb. 28, 1927. " Kine." July 15, 1926. Butcher's. Dangerous Fists. (Mar. 15.) Jack Perrin. 4,360 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 15, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Western Import. Dangerous Odds. (April 1.) Bill Cody. 4,600 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 8, 1926. "Kine." April 8, 1926. . Ward our. Dangerous Pleasures. (Jan. 22.) Dorothy Revier. 6 reels. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. W. & F. Danger Quest, The. (Sept. 20.) Reed Howes. 5,360 ft. U. Rel. April 18, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Butcher's. Daring Doris. (April 14.) Herbert Rawlinson and Grace Darmond. 4,825 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Pathe. Dark Angel, The. (Jan. — .) Ronald Colman. 7,150 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 20, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. F.N. Darling of Paris, The. (Sept. 3.) Betty Compson and Herbert Raw- linson. 6,ogo ft. U. Rel. Mar. 1927. " Kine/' Sept. 9, 1926. F.B.O. Daughter of Israel. (July 20.) Betty Blythe. 7,500 ft. A. Rel. April 1927. " Kine." Julv 29, 1926. Wardour. " IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." 62 The Kinemaio graph Year Book. Daughters of To-Day. ' Jan. 29.) Patsy Ruth Miller and Edna Murphy. 6reels. A. Rel. Aug! 23, 1926. ''Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Graham Wilcox. Dead Line, The. (Nov. 19.) Bob Custer. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Moss Empires. Desert Gold. (Aug. 20.) Xeil Hamilton, Robert Frazer and Shirley Mason. 6,500 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. "Kine." Aug. 26, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Desert Healer, The. (Sept. 15.) Lewis Stone and Barbara Bedford. 7,064 ft. A. Rel. Ma}- 9, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. F.N. Desert's Price, The. (Jan. 6.) Buck Jones. 5,500 ft. U. Rel. June 7, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Fox. Desires of Youth. (Dec. ■ — .) Mildred Harris and Cullen Landis. 5 reels. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Bee. 17, 1925. Crest Films. Destruction of Paris. (Feb. 16.) David Mandeville. 4,700 ft. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. European. Devil's Circus, The. (Apr. 29.) Norma Shearer. 6,500 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Jury-Goldwyx. Devil's Dice. (Nov. 9.) Barbara Bedford and Robert Ellis. 5,350 ft. A. Rel. July 18, 1927. " Kine " Nov. 11, 1926. Argosy. Devil's Island, The. (Nov. 16.) Pauline Frederick. 6, coo ft. A. Rel. July ii, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. Gaumont. Devil's Masterpiece, The. (Oct. 4.) Virignia Browne Faire and Gordcn Brinkley. 6,000 ft. A. Rel. May 16, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Butcher's. Dice Woman, The. (July S.) Priscilla Dean. 5,622 ft. U. Rel. April 1927. " Kine." July 15, 1926. P.D.C. Dixie Flyer, The. (Oct. 13.) Cullen Landis and Eva Novak. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. May 23, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Wardour. Dixie Merchant, The. (Mar. 26.) J. Farrell McDonald and Madge Bellamy. .5,100 ft. U. Rel. July 12, 1926. "Kine." April i, 1926. Fox. Don Juan. (Oct. 28.) John Barrymore. 10,100 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Warner Bros. Don't. (Feb. 18.) Sally O'Neil and John Patrick. 5,200 ft. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kire." Feb. 25, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Do It Now. (Feb. 19.) Madge Bellamy. 5,000 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Stole. Down Upon The Swanee River. (Feb. 10.) Charles Emmett Mack and Maty Thurman. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 20, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18*, 1926. Wardour. Dreams of Monte Carlo. (April 22.) Lew Cody and Gertrude Olmstead. 6,200 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Jury- GOLDWYN. Drills and Thrills. (June 16.) Billy Sullivan. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Argosy. Duchess of Buffalo, The. (Aug. 25.) Constance Talmadge. 6,852 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. F.N. Duke's Motto, The. (Feb. 8.) Gaston Jacquet and Nilda du Plessy. 8,200 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Gaumont. Early to Wed. (June 2.) Matt Moore and Kathryn Perry. U. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Fox. Edge Of Destiny. (July 14.) Bill Miller. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. Jan. ^0, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Renters. Enduring ' Flame, The. (See "Steel Preferred.") F.B.O. Ella Cinders. (Oct. 6.) Colleen Moore. 6,147 ft. U. Rel. May 23, 192 7. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. F.N. Enchanted Hill, The. (May - — .) Jack Holt and Florence Vidor. 6,190 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." Ma}- 20, 1926. Famous-Lasky. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." The Films of 1926. 63 *E very Mother's Son. (Spec, run.) Rex Davis. 8,000 ft. U. Re]. Nov. 8, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. United Kingdom. Eve's Leaves. (Tune 2^.) Leatrice JoV and William Bovd. 6,456 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 1927. "Kine." July 1,-1926. P.D.C. Evolution. (Jan. 17.) Interest. 4,200 ft. U. Rel. Sept., 1926. " Kine." Jap. 21, 1926. Unity. Eyes of Mystery. (Jan. 20.) 6 reels. U. Rel. Aug. g, 1926. "Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Graham Wilcox. *Fake Spiritualism Exposed. (June 24.) Arthur Prince and Yvonne Thomas. 2,800 ft. U. Rel. July 1926. "Kine." July 1, 1926. Pioneer. False Alarm, The. (Aug. 20.) Johnnie Harron. 5,580 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Aug. 26, 1926. F.B.O. Family Upstairs, The. (Aug. 12.) Virginia Valli. 5,920 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 1927. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Fox. ^Famous Song-Seena Series. (Oct. 15.) Six i-reelers. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Pioneer. Far Cry, The. (Sept. 13.) Blanche Sweet and Jack Mulhall. 6,722 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. "Kine.". Sept. 16, 1926. F.N. Farmer's Boy, A. (Oct. 15.) Charles Ray. 5,70. ft. U. Rel. April 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. F.B.O. Fascinating Youth. (Oct. 29.) Buddy Rogers and Ivy Harris. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. April 25, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Fast Freight, The. (Oct. 13.) Helen Holmes. 4,106 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 15, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Butcher's. Faun, The. (Aug. 27.) Agnes Ayres and Jack Holt. 6,400 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 20, 1927. "Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Fighting Buckaroo, The. (May — .) Buck Jones. 4,760 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 10, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Fox. Fighting Edge, The. (Feb. 25.) Patsy Ruth Miller and Kenneth Harlan. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 9, • 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Gaumont. Fighting Fists. (Oct. 27.) Richard Holt. 4,962 ft. A. Rel. April, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Pathe. Fighting Hearts. (July 9.) Alberta Vaughn. Twelve 2-reelers. Rel. Dec. 30, 1926. "Kine." July 15, 1926. Wardour. Fighting Thoroughbred, The. (Feb. 16.) Billy Sullivan. 5,075 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Argosy. Fighting With Buffalo Bill. (Oct. 29.) Wallace MacDcnald. Ten 2-reelers. U. Rel. Jan. io, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. European. Fightin' Jack. "(Nov. 2.) Bill Bailey. 4,coo ft. U. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Western Import. Fighting for Justice. (Dec. 11.) Art Acord. 5.300 ft. Rel. April 22, 1926. "Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. West Central. Fight to a Finish. (Feb. 17.) William Fairbanks and Phvllis Haver. 4,Cco ft. A. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. F.B.O. Fig Leaves. (Aug. 11.) George O'Brien and Olive Borden. 6,500 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Fox. Fine Feathers, (Sept. 23.) Louise Fazenda and Jacqueline Logan. 7,000 ft. A. April 7, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. Gaumont. Firefly. (June 11.) Kenneth McDonald. 4,300 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 1926. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Vitagraph. First Year, The. (Feb. 25.) Matt Moore and Kathryn Perry. 5,980 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Fox. *Flag Lieutenant, The. (Oct. 2,9.) Henry Edwards. 8,900 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 3, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Astra National. Flame, The. (Mar. 24.) Jack Hobbs. 7,837 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine." April* 1, 1926. Pathe. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. " 64 The Kine mat o graph Year Book. Flame Fighter, The. (Feb. 2.) Herbert Rawlinson. 10 eps. TJ Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Pathe, Fiaming Frontier, The. (Mar. 8.) Hoot Gibson and Annie Cornwall. 8,769 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. European. Flame of the Yukon. (Aug. 27.) Seena Owen and Arnold Grey. 5,746 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 1927. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. P.D.C. Flaming Waters. (Mar. 26.) Mary~Carr and Pauline Garon. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 22, 1926. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Ideal. Flash o' Lightning. (April 21.) Leo Maloney and Josephine Earle. 5 reels. U. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Pathe. Flood, The. (Mar. 24.) George O'Brien. 6,180 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Fox. Flower of the Forest. (May — .) Lya Mara and Harry Liedtke. 6,800 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Stole. Flower of Night. (Feb. 12.) Pola Negri. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Flying Fool, The. (Sept. 21.) Dick Grace and Wanda Haw ley. 4,500 ft. TJ. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Ideal. Flying Horseman, The. (Oct. 5.) Buck Jones. 4,930 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Fox. Flying Mail, The. (Nov. 23.) Al Wilson. 4,423 ft. U. Rel. June, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Pathe. Foiled. (Dec. 16.) Johnny Fox. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Wardour. Folly of Doubt, The. (June 10.) Maria Corda. 6 reels. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Ducal. Foolish Wager, The. (Mar. 12.) C. Aldini. 5 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Hayward. Fools of Fashion. (Nov. 9) Mae Busch and Theodore von Eltz. 6 reels. A. Rel. June, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. B.E.F. Footlights. (Aug. 24.) Vera Reynolds. 5,977 ft. U. Rel. Feb., 1927. " Kine." Aug. 26, 1926. P.D.C. For Alimony Only. (Oct. 22.) Leatrice Joy and Clive Brook. 5,986 ft. A. Rel. Aug., 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. P.D.C. Forgotten Wife, The. (Jan. 15.) Pauline Starke. 4,750 ft. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Western Import. Foreman of Bar Z. (Dec. 18.) Tom Mix. 4,600 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 19, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1926. Unity. For Heaven's Sake! (Spec. run.) Harold Lloyd. 5,500 ft. A. Rel. Jan., 1927. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Famous-Lasky. For Wives Only. (Nov. 23.) Marie Prevost and Victor Varconi. 5,700 ft. U. Rel. Oct., 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. P.D.C. For Your Children's Sake. (Feb. 10.) Nita NaldiandRod la Rocque. 6 reels. A. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Morris Films. Free to Love. (Mar. 25.) Clara Bow and Donald Keith. 4,300 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." April, 1926. Vitagraph. Fresh Paint. (Sept. 14.) Raymond Griffith. 5,008 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 4, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. Famous Lasky. Galloping Vengeance. (Dec. 16.) Bob Custer. 5,023 ft. U. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Phillips. Gay Cavalier, The. (Aug. 30.) Simon Gerard and Simone Vaudry. 7,517 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept 2, 1926. Butcher's. Gay Deceiver, The. (Oct. 14.) Lew Cody and Carmel Myers. 6,500 ft. A. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Gay Nights. (Jan. 21.) Dorothy Revier, Forrest Stanley and Tom Ricketts. 5,733 ft. U. Rel. July, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. F.B.O. Geared to Go. (Jan. 13.) Reed Howes. 5 reels. U. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926. "Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Western Import. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." The Films of 1926. 65 Gentle Cyclone, The. (July 21.) Buck Jones, 4,760 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 2i, 1926. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Fox. Gentlemen of the Ring. (Aug. 31.) Andre Roanne. 7,000 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. Stoll. Gigolo. (Sept. 17.) Rod la Rocque and Louise Dresser. 7,200 ft. U Rel. April, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. P.D.C. Getting 'Em Right. (Feb." 8.) George Larkin. 5 reels. U. Rel. Oct. 18, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Western Import. Gilded Butterfly, The. (Jan. 27.) Alma Rubens and Bert Ly tell. 6, 100 ft. A. Rel. June 14, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Fox. Gilded Highway, The. (-Feb. 18.) Dorothy Devore and John Harron. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Gaumont. Girl from Montmartre, The. (June 11.) Barbara la Marr and Lewis Stone. 7,039 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." June 17, 1926. F.N. Girl Who Wouldn't Work, The. (Dec. 18.) Lionel Barrymore and Marguerite de la Motte. 6,000 ft. A. Rel. July 5, 1926. " Kine." Dec- 24, 1925. Vitagraph. Golden Butterfly, The. (July 16.) Lili Damita. 7,500 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 21, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Stoll. Golden Princess, The. (Jan. 19.) Betty Bronson. 6 reels. U. Rel. July 5, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Golden Strain, The. (Jan. 20.) Madge Bellamy, Kenneth Harlan and Hobart Bosworth. 6 reels. U. Rel. May 31, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Fox. Golden Youth. (Sept. 10.) Richard Barthelmess and Lcis Morr.n. 6,195 ft. U. Mar. 28, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. F.N. Good and Naughty. (Sept. 28.) Pola Negri and Tom Moore. 5,400 ft. A. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Go West. (Dec. — .) Buster Keaton. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. June 3, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 31, 1925. Jury-Goldwyn. Grand Duchess and the Waiter. (April 20.) Adolpbe Menjou and Florence Vidor. 5 reels. U. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Grass. (May 25.) Interest. 4,000 ft. U. Rel. July 5, 1926. "Kine." May 27, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Great Deception, The. (Oct. 15.) Ben Lyon and Aileen Pringle. 5,856 ft. U. Rel. July 11, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. F.N. Greater Glory, The. (May — .) Anna O. Nilsson. 9,500 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." June 13, 1926. F.N. Greater Jewel Robbery, The. (Feb. 24.) Grace Darmond and Herbert Rawlinson. 4,136 ft. A. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Pathe. Great K. and A. Train Robbery. (Nov. 4.) Tom Mix. 4,700 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Fox. Great Love, The. (Feb. 12.) Viola Dana. 4,400 ft. U. Rel. June 28, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Green Archer, The. (Mar. 31.) Allene Ray and Walter Miller, to eps. U. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." April 8, 1926. Pathe. Guardsman, The. (Sept. 7.) Maria Corda and Alfred Abel. 6,240 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 21, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Graham Wilcox. Handsome Brute, The. (Jan. 13.) William Fairbanks and Virginia Lee Corbin. 4,800 ft. U. Rel. Julv 1, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. F.B.O. Hands Up! (April 20.) Raymond Griffith. 5,900 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 19, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Famous-Lasky. *" Happy Rascals " Series. (Nov. 2.) Moore Marriott and Judd Green. Six 2-reelers. Rel. April 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. European. (British Screen.) ! P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY.' 66 The Kinematograph Year Book. Hard Boiled. (July 2.) Tom Mix. 5,590 ft. TJ. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. Kine." July 8, 1926. Fox. Heads Up! (July 7.) Maurice "Lefty" Flynn. 5,169 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." July 15, 1926. Pathe. Heart of an Actress, The. (Dec. 14.) Mabel Poulton and Nicholas Kolme. . 6,900 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. "Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. H. & S. Heart of a Coward, The. (Sept. 6.) Billy Sullivan. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. April 25, 1927. " Kine. ' Sept. 19, 1926. W ardour. Heart of the West. (Dec. 17.) William Fairbanks. 5 reels. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Renters. Hearts and Fists. (Mar. 5.) John Bowers and Marguerite de la Motte. 5,600 ft. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Ideal. Hearts and Spangles. (June 8.) Wanda Hawley and Frankie Darrow. 5,000 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Stole. Her Betrayal. (June 25.) Lya de Putti. 7,250 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 21, 1927. " Kine." July 1, 1926. W. & F. Her Big Adventure. (Jan. 27.) Herbert Rawlinson. 4,830 ft. U. Rel. June 14, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Pathe. Her Big Night. (Aug. 9.) Laura la Plante. 7,561 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 28, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. European. Her Dancing Partner. (Mar. 10.) Maria Corda. 6,900 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 14, 1926. "Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. VV ardour. Her Dear Enemy. (Apr. 28.) Norman, Kerry and Alice Brody. 5 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Crest Films. Her Fateful Marriage. (Feb. 4.) Lil Dagover. 6,300 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine " Feb. 11, 1926. Gaumont. Her Man o5 War, (Aug. 25.) Jetta Goudal. 6,118 ft. Rel. Feb. 1927. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. P.D.C. Hero of the Big Snows. (Aug. 12.) Rin-Tin-Tin. 4,906 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Gaumont. Her People. (Oct. 5.) Raquel Meller and Andre Roa.nne. 5 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Butcher (Astoria). Her Second Chance. (Sept. 1.) Anna Q. Nilsson and Huntley Gordon. 6,140 ft. U. Rel. April 13, 1927. "Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. F.N. Hidden Loot. (Nov. 2.) Jack Hoxie. 5 reels. TJ. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. European. High Flyer, The. (Oct. 27.) Reed Howes. 5,300 ft. U. Rel. June, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4. 1926. Wardour. High Steppers. (Oct. — .) Lloyd Hughes and Mary Astor. • 6,000 ft. U. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7. 1926. F.N. Hill Folk. (May — .) Alice Calhoun. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 2o; 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Butcher's. His Big Pal. (Nov. 4.) Fred Thomson. 5,316 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Ideal. His Jazz Bride. (Feb. 11.) M itt Moore and Marie Prevost. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Gaumont. His Pal's Wife. (Jan. 6.) Glenn Hunter and Edna Murphy. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Ideal. His People. (Nov. 30.) Rudolph Schildkraut. 8,934 ft. U. Rel. June 14, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. European. His Secretary. (Jan. 21.) Lew Cody and Norma Shearer. 6,100 ft. U. Rel. June 14, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Hogan's Alley. (Jan. 25.) Monte Blue and Patsy Ruth Miller. 5,600 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Gaumont. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. The Films oj 1926. 67 Honesty — the Best Policy. (Nov. 5.) Johnny Walker and Pauline Starke. 4,200 ft. U. Rel. April 18, 1927. "Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Fox. Honeymoon Express, The. (Nov. 4.) Irene Rich and Louise Willard. 5,700 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Gaumont. *Human Law. (May 30.) Isobel Elsom. 7,000 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 28, 1927. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Astra National. Human Sparrows. (Spec, run.) Mary Pickford. 7,600 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Allied Artists. Hypocrite, The. (July 29.) Patsy Ruth Miller and James Gardner. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 28, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 5, 1926. Gaumont. Ibanez' Torrent. (Mar. 11.) Ricardo Cortez and Greta Garbo. 6,450 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Ice Flood, The. (Sept. 8.) Kenneth Harlan and Viola Dana. 5,717 ft. U. Rel. June 6, 1927. " Kine," Sept. 16, 1926. European. If Marriage Fails. (Jan. 8.) Jacqueline Logan and Clive Brook. 5,441 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 14, 1926. Phillips. *If Youth But Knew. (Aug. 31.) Godfrey Tearle and Lillian Hall- Davis. 8,000 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Sept. 2, 1926. Re- ciprocity. Impetuous Youth. (Oct. 5.) Elizabeth Bergner and Conrad Veidt. 5,670 ft. U. Rel. May. 16, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 7, 1926. Wardour. Impostor, The. (Sept. 3.) Evelyn Brent. 5,831 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Sept. 9, 1926. Film Distributors. Indiscretion. (Aug. 4.) Grace Darmond and Herbert Rawlinson. 5 reels. A. Rel. Oct., 1926. " Kine," Aug. 12, 1926, Pathr. Infatuation. (Aug. 23.^ Corinne Griffith, Percy Marmont and Malcolm MacGregor. 5,308 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. "Kine," Aug. 26, 1926. F.N. Interrupted Wedding, The. (Apr. 27.) Blanche Sweet and Roy Stewart. 4,900 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine," Apr. 29, 1926. Ideal. Into Her Kingdom. (Nov. 10.) Corrinne Griffith, Einar Hanson and Claude Gillingwater. 6,320 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 1, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 18, 1926. F.N. Irene. (Apr. 16.) Colleen Moore, Lloyd Hughes, George K. Arthur and Charles Murray. 8,356 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 24, 1926. "Kine," April 22, 1926. F.N. Irish Luck. (April 27.) Thomas Meighan. 6,900 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 21, 1926. " Kine," April 29, 1926. Famous-Lasky. * Island of Despair, The (May 24.) Matheson Lang and Mar jorie Hume. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 27, 1926. " Kine," June 3, 1926. Stoll. Island of Tears, The. (June 10.) Lya de Putti. 5,000 ft. Rel. Jan. 1927. " Kine," June 17, 1926. Inter. Cine. Isle of Retribution, The. (Aug. 13.) Victor McLaglen, Mildred Harris, Robert Frazer and Lillian Rich. 6,170 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Aug. 19, 1926. Moss' Empires. It Must Be Love. (Oct. 20.) Colleen Mocre, Malcolm McGregor and Jean Hersholt. 6,838 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 8, 1927. " Ki .e," Oct. 28, 1926. F.N. It's the Old Army Game. (Nov. 9.) W. C. Fields and Louise Brooks. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. May 19, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 11, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Jealousy. (May.) Werner Krauss and Lya de Putti. 6,300 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine," May 20, 1026. Wardour. Joana. (May 28.) Dorothy MacKaill, Jack Mulhall and George Fawcett. 7,727 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 22, 1926. " Kine," June 3, 1926. F.N." "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE. 68 The Kinematograph Year Book. *John Henry Calling. (May 27.) John Henry, Mabel Poulton, Mary Brough, and Tom Coventry. 2 reelers. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1927. " Kine," June 3, 1926. Gaumont. Judy of Rogues Harbour. (Jan. 19.) Mary Miles Minter. 5,581 ft. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 21, 1926. W: & F. Just and Unjust. (April 22.) Margaret Livingstone and Harrison Ford. 5,900 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine," April 29, 1926. Fox. Kentucky Luck. (Mar. 8.) Reed Howes. 6 reels. U. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 11, 1926. Butcher's. Kiki. (April — .) Norma Talmadge and Ronald Colman. 8,000 ft- A. Rel. April 19, 1926. " Kine," April 8, 1926. F.N. Kingdom of Darkness, The. (July 14). Justine Johnston and Harrison Ford. 5,100 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," July 22, 1296. Crest Films. King of the Turf. (June 23.) Patsy Ruth Miller and Kenneth Harlan. 6 reels. U. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. " Kine," July 1, 1926. Pathe. King on Main Street. (July 23.) Adolphe Menjou, Bessie Love and Greta Nissen. 6,042 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 10, 1926. " Kine," July 29, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Kiss for Cinderella, A. (July 13.) Betty Bronson and Tom Moore. 9,700 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 27, 1926. " Kine," July 15, 1926. Famous-Lasky. La Boheme. (Oct — .) John Gilbert and Lillian Gish. 8,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 9, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 28, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. La Boheme. (Nov. 22.) Maria Jacobini. 7 reels. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Nov. 25, 1926. Brit. Gen. Films. Laddie. (Nov. 11.) John Bowers and Little Gene Stratton. 6,380 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 19, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 18, 1926. Ideal. Ladies of Leisure. (April 9.) Elaine Hammerstein and T. Roy Barnes. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. Oct., 1926. "Kine," April 15, 1926. F.B.O. Lady of the Camellias. (Apr. 27.) Tora Teje and Uno Hennings. 7 reels. A. Rel. Nov., 1926. " Kine," April 29, 1926. Western Import. Lady of the Harem, The. (Nov. 19.) Ernest Torrence, Greta Nissen and William Collier, Junr., 5,400 ft, A. Rel. May 23, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 25, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Lady Windermere's Fan. (Jan. 31.) Irene Rich, Bert Lytell, May McAvoy and Ronald Colman. 6,650 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 4, 1926. Gaumont. Last Days Of Pompeii, The. (Mar. 28.) Maria Corda and Bernardt Goetzke. 9,240 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine," April 1, 1926. W. & F. Last Edition, The. (Apr. 28.) Ralph Lewis. 6,345 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine," May 20, 1926. Pathe. Law and Loyalty. (Dec 1.) Len Leo. 4,847 ft. A. Rel. July 15, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 3, 1925. Unity. Lend Me Your Husband. (Jan. 6.) Doris Kenyon. 6 reels. A. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 14, 1926. Western Import. Les Miserables. (April 9.) Gabriel Gabrio and Sandra Milowanoff. Two parts. 12,000 ft. each. A. Rel. Nov. 15 and 22, 1926. "Kine," April 15, 1926. European. Let's Get Married. (June 15.) Richard Dix and Lois Wilson. 6 reels. Rel. Dec. 8, 1926. " Kine," June 17, 1926. Famous-Lasky. * Life on the Ocean Wave. (April 29.) Naval interest. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine," May 20, 1926. New Era. Lightning Jack. (Feb. 23.) Jack Perrin. 4,900 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Feb. 25, 1926. Ideal. Lightnin' Strikes. (July 16.) Eileen Sedgwick and " Lightnin'," the dog. T2 two-reelers. Rel. from Mar., 1927. " Kine," July 15, 1926. Wardour. P.D.C — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." The Films of 1926. 69 Lillies of the City. (Feb. 5.) Virginia Lee Corbin and Johnny Walker. 6,260 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Feb. n, 1926. Phillips. Lily, The. (Oct. 8.) Belle Bennett and John Sainpolis. 6 reels- Rel. April 11, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 14, 1926. Fox. Little Firebrands, The. (Jan. 6.) Edith Thornton and Lou Tellegeiv 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 14, 1926. W. &. F. Little Irish Girl, The. (May 20.) Dolores Costello and John Harron. 6,100 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 27, 1926. " Kine," May 27, 1926. Gaumont, * Little People, The. (April 26 and June 28.) Mona Maris and Frank Stanmore. 7,500 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," April 29 and July 1, 1926. Butcher's. * Lodger, The. (Sept. 14.) Ivor Novello and June. 7,500 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 14, 1926. " Kine," Sept. 16, 1926. W. S& F. Lodge in the Wilderness. (Oct. 12.) Anita Stewart, Edmund Burns and Eddie Lvon. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. June 13, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 14, 1926. B.E.F. * London Love. (July 19.) Fay Compton, Moore Marriott, John Stewart and Miles Mander. 7,560 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 7, 1927. " Kine," July 22, 1926. Gaumont. Lone Wolf Returns, The, (Aug.. 6.) Bert Lytell and Billie Dove. 6,050 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Aug. 12, 1926. F.B.O. Looking for Trouble. (June 16.) Jack Hoxie. 4,361ft. U. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926., " Kine." June 24, 1926. European. Looped for Life. (Dec. 16.) Art Acord. 5 reels. . U. Rel. May 25, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 24, 1925. West Central. Lord Jim. (Feb. 5.) Percy Marmont and Shirley Mason. 6,555 ft. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. "Kine,"- Feb. n, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Loser's End, The. (Jan. 13.) Leo Maloney and Josephine Hill. 4,387 ft. U. Rel. May 31, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 21, 1926. Pathe. Lost at Sea. (Sept. 28.) Jane Novak and Lowell Sherman. 6,300 ft. A. Rel. Mar., 1927. ''' Kine," Sept. 30, 1926. B.E.F. Lost Express, The. (Oct. 11. V Helen Holmes. 4,471 ft. U. Rel. July 18, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 14, 1926. Butcher's. Love Is Blind. (Jan. 13.) Lil Dagover and Lillian Hall-Davis. 6,000 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 21, 1926. Wardour. Lovely Mary. (July 2.) Bessie Love. 6 reels. U. Rel. Dec. 24, 1926. " Kine," July 8, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Lovers' Island. (Mar. 3.) James Kirkwood and Hope Hampton. 4,500 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 11, 1926. Ideal. Lovers in Quarantine. (Jan. 26.) Bebe Daniels and Harrison Ford. 6 reels. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 28, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Love's Blindness. (Oct. — .) Pauline Starke and Antonio Moreno. 6,000 ft. A. Rel. April 18, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 28, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Love's Sacrifice. (Dec. 15.) Linda Maglea. 5,282 ft. A. Rel. May 17, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 24, 1925. Pathe. Love of Women, The. (Dec. 4.) Helene Chadwick. 5,400 ft. A. Rel. July 5, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 10, 1925. Moss' Empires. Love Test, The. (May 21.) Clara Bow and Alan Forrest. 5,300 ft. A. Rel, July 26, 1926. " Kine," May 27, 1926. Ideal. Love Thief, The. (June 21.)" Norman Kerry and Greta Mssen. 6,300 ft. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine." June 24, 1926. European. Love Toy, The. (Mar. 30.) Lowell Sherman. 5 reels. U. Rel. Aug. 4, 1926. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Gaumont. Lucky Fool, The. (June 18.) Billy West. 4,40c ft. U. Bel. Dec. 1926. " Kine." June 24, 19 6. Vitagraph. " ff YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." 70 The Kinematognaph Year Book. Lucky Lady, The. (July 27.) Greta Nissen. 5,400 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Lure of the Sea. (Jan. 12.) John Dehelly. 5.340 ft. U. Rel. July 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Crest Films. Lure of the Wild. (Jan. 29.) Jane Novak and " Lightning." 5,800 ft- U. Rel. Sept., 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. F.B.O. Madam Behave. (June 1.) Julian Eltinge and Jack Duffy. 5,430 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine." June 3, 1926. P.D.C. Madame Mystery. (Sept. 15.) Theda Bara. 4,370 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Ideal. Made for Love. (Feb. 23.) Leatrice Joy and Edmund Burns. 6,647 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 18, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. P.D.C. ^Mademoiselle from Armentieres. (Sept. 13.) Estelle Brody, Humber- ston Wright and John Stuart. 7,900 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 4, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. Gaumont. M'lle Modiste. (Sept. 8.) Corinne Griffith and Willard Louis. 6,051 ft. A. Rel. April 11, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. F.N. Mad Marriage, The. (Jan. 15.) Rosemary Davies. 6 reels. U. Rel. Sept. 30, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Western Import. Magician, The. (Oct. 21.) Alice Terry and Paul Wegener. 6,870 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 19, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Makers of Men. (Feb. 2.) Kenneth McDonald. 5,955 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. W. 8s F. Man Four Square, A. (June 4.) Buck Jones. 4,680 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 8, 1926. " Kine," June 10, 1926. Fox. Man From Beyond, The. (May.) Houdini. 5,700 ft. Rel. Dec. 27, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Unity. Man From Red Gulch. June.) Harry Carey. 5,404 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine." June 10, 1926. P.D.C. Man From the West, The. (Nov. 23.) Art Acord. 4,536 ft. U- Rel. May 2, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. European. Manicure Girl, The. (Dec. 1.) Bebe Daniels. 5,700 ft. U. Rel. May 31, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Famous-Lasky. Man in the Saddle, The. (July 12.) Hoot Gibson. 5,464 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 20, 1926. " Kine." July 15, 1926. European. Man in the Shadow, The. (Nov. 10.) David Torrence and Mary McAllister. 5,632 ft. A. Rel. July, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. Inter. Cine. Mannequin, The. (Mar. 23.) Alice Joyce and Warner Baxter. 7 reels. A. Rel. Sept., 1926. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Manon Lescaut. (Sept. 6.) Lya de Putti. 8,700 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 28, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Wardour. Mantrap. (Oct. 12.) Clara Bow and Ernest Torrence. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. April 18, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Man Upstairs, The. (Mar. 25.) Monte Blue and Dorothy Devore. 6 reels. A. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Gaumont. Man Who Found Himself. (Dec. ii.) Thomas Meighan and Virginia Valli. 7, too ft. A. Rel. June, 7, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. Famous- Lasky. - Man Who Sold Himself. (Aug. 27.) Olaf Fjord and Nora Gregor. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 28, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. Stoll. Man Without Nerves, The. (Oct. 12.) Harry Peel. 6 reels. U. Rel. May 2, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Western Import. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." The Films of 1926. 71 Man With the Scar, The. (April 28.) Yakima Canutt. 4,600 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 13, 1927. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Ideal. Mare Nostrum. (Nov. 4.) Alice Terry and Antonio Moreno. 9,700 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 5, 1927. "Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Marriage Clause, The. (July 26.) Billie Dove, Francis X. Bushman and Warner Oland. 7,460 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. European. Marriage Hotel, The. (Aug. 27.) Livio Pavanelli and Elga Brink. 7 reels. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. Western Import. Married? (June 25.) Owen Moore and Constance Bennett. 5,670 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." July 1, 1926. Vitagraph. Marry Me. (Nov. 24.) Florence Vidor and Edward Everett Hortcn. 5,380 ft. U. Rel. May 1 7, 1926. "Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Famous-Lasky. Masked Bride, The. (Jan. 6.) Mae Murray. 5,550 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 22, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Meet the Prince. (Sept. 21.) Joseph Schildkraut and Marguerite de la Motte. 5,868 ft. U. Rel. April, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. P.D.C Memory Lane. (June 4.) Eleanor Boardman and Conrad Nagel. 7 reels. U. Rel. Dec. 13, 1926. " Kine." June 10, 1926. F.N. Men of the Night. (Sept. 14.) Herbert Rawlinson and Gareth Hughes. 5,651 ft. U. Rel. May 23, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. Argosy. Men of Steel. (Aug. 27.) Milton Sills and Doris Keynon. 9,283 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 21, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. F.N. Merry Cavalier, The. (Nov. 18.) Richard Talmadge. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug., 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Ideal. Michael Strogoff. (Oct. 6.) Ivan Mosjoukine and Nathalie Kovanko. 1^,5^>9 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 12, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. European. Midnight Flyer, The. (May 14.) Cullen Landis and Dorothy Devore. 5,900 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Ideal. Midnight Kiss, The. (Aug. 13.) Janet Gaynor and Richard Walling. 4,970 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 21, 1927. "Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Fox. Midnight Limited, The. (May 26.) Wanda Hawley and Gaston Glass. 5,676 ft. U. Rel. Jan.. 17, 1927. " Kine." June 3, 1926. Pathe. Midnight Sun, The. (Feb. 26.) Laura la Plante and Pat O'Malley. 8,991 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. European. Midshipman, The. (Jan. — •.) Ramon Novarro, Harriet Hammcnd, Wesley Barry and Crawford Kent. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 8, 1926. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Mill, The. (Sept. 17.) "Long" and "Short." 6,500 ft. U. Rel. April 18, 1927. " Kire." Sept. 23, 1926. W. & F. Millionaire Cowboy, The. (Dec. — .) Maurice " Lefty " Flynn. 5, 100 ft. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Dec. io, 1925. Ideal. Millionaire Mystery, The. (Aug. 5.) Livio Pavanelli. 7 reels. U Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Western Import. Millionaire Policeman, The. (July 23.) Herbert Rawlinson. 4,500 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 4, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Wardour. Miss Brewster's Millions. (Aug. 6.) Bebe Daniels and Ford Sterling. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 24, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Miss 1926. (April 9.) Margita Alfven. 6 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." April 15, 1926. Western Import. Miss Nobody. (Oct. 13.) Anna Q. Nilsson, Walter Pidgeon and Louise Fazenda. 6,540 ft. A. Rel. June 13, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. F.N. Mistaken Orders. (Oct. 11.) jack Perrin and Helen Holmes. 4,834 ft. U. Rel. July 4, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Butcher's. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 7-7 The Kinematograph Year Book. Mistress of Men. (Sept. 23.) Arlette Marchal. 7,500 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. Gaumont. Mists of the Past. (Aug. 17.) Karina Bell. 7,100 ft. A. Rel. Alar., 1927. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Kinema Expansions. Moana. (May 25.) Interest. 6 reels. U. Rel. Nov. 18, 1926. " Kine." May 27, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Modern Magdalene, A. (June 11.) Maria Jacobini. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." June 15, 1926. H. & S. Modern Venus, The. (See "American Venus.") Money Grabbers. (June.) Tom Tyler. 5,000 ft. Rel. Feb. 21, 1927. " Kine." July 1, 1926. Tdeal. Money Talks. (June 4.) Claire Windsor and Owen Mcore. 5,750 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. *Mons. (Sept. 16.) War epic. 8 reels.' U. Rel. Nov. 8, 1926. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. New Era. Montana Bill. (Sept. 29.) William Fairbanks. 4,500 ft. U. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Renters'. Morals for Men. (Jan. 12.) Agnes Ayres. 7,300 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. B.E.F. Moran 01 the Mounted. (Sept. 6.) Reed Howes. 5,429 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 28, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Butcher's. More Pay, Less Work. (July 23.) Charles Rogers, Mary Brian and Chester Conklin. 5,900 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Fox. Morganson's Finish. (July 6.) Anita Stewart and Johnnv Walker. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Feb., 1927". " Kine." July 8, 1926. B.E.F. Mother's Boy. (Oct. 6.) Betty Blythe, Charles Ray and Victor McLaglen. 5,130 ft. U. Rel. May 9, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. W. & F. Mountain Eagle, The. (Oct. 1.) Malcolm Keen and Bernhard Goetzke. 7,503 ft. A. Rel. May 25, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. W. 6: F. My Bachelor Husbands. (Mar. 5.) Henry Porten. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. United Kingdom. My Lady's Lips. (Dec. 15.) Clara Bow and William Powell. 6,100 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Moss Empires. My Official Wife. (Oct. 19.) Conway Tearle and Irene Rich. 7,800 ft. A. Rel. June 10, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Vitagraph. My Old Dutch. (May 21.) Pat O'Malley and May McAvoy. 7,300 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine." May 20/ 1926. European. My Own Pal. (Feb. 26.) Tom Mix. 5,970 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Fox. Mystery Bracelet, The. (July 16.) Tom Tyler. 5,000 ft. Rel. Mar. 2T, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Ideal. Mystery Club, The. (June 11.) Matt Moore and Edith Roberts. 6,923 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine." June 17, 1926. European. Mystery of Room 19. (May 20.) Helena Mackrowska. 5,200 ft. Rel. Jan. 6, 1927. " Kine." May 27, 1926. Unity. *Nell ftwyn. (Spec, run.) Dorothy Gish, Juliette Compton and Randle Ayrton. 7,760 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. F.X. "•Nelson. (Sept. 14.)' Cyril Hardwicke. 8,000 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. New Era. Nest, The. (June 22.) Pauline Frederick, Ruth Dwyer and Holmes Herbert. 6,900 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Ideal. New Brooms. (Feb. 25.) Bessie Love and Neil Hamilton. 4,900 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 19, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Famous-Lasky. " IF YOU WANT m BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. " The Films of 1926. 73 New Butler, The. (June 25.) Richard Talmadge and Marceline Day. 4,900 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." July 1, 1926. Ideal. New Commandment, The. (Feb. 10.) Ben Lyon and Blanche Sweet- 6,744 ft- A. Rel. Nov. 8, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 15, 1926. F.N. New Klondike, The. (June 29.) Thomas Meighan and Lila Lee. 7 reels. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine." July 8, 1926. Famous Lasky. New Professor, The. (Mar. 8.) Chic Sale. 5,000 ft, U. Rel. Nov- 29, 1926. " Kine." Mar. n, 1926. Western Import. Night Cry, The. (June 3.) June Marlowe and Rin-Tin-Tin. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Gaumont. Night Patrol, The. (July—.) Richard Talmadge. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. iDE.ti.. Night of Romance, A. "(Aug. 4.) Simonne Vaudry. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. April 21, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Wardour. No-Gun Man, The. 'Dec. 28.) Maurice " Lefty " Flynn. 4,600 ft. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Ideal. No Man's Gold. (Sept. 9.) Tom Mix. 5,660 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 24, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. Fox. No More Troubles. (May 18.) Richard Holt. 5,250 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Ideal. North of Nome. (Oct. 18.") Robert McKim. 5,634 ft. U. Rel. May 30, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Butcher's. North Star, The. (Jan.). " Strongheart." 4,800 ft. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Ideal. Nostromo. (July 22.) George O'Brien. 5,300 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Fox. Not Built for Running. (Feb. 10.) Leo Maloney and Josephine Hill. 5 reels. U. Rel. June 28, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Pathe. Not Guilty. (Feb. 15.) Richard Dix and Sylvia Breamer. 6,170 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Moss Empires. Nurse Marjorie. (Jan. 29.) Mary Miles Minter. 6 reels. U. Rel. July 5, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. W. & F. Obey The Law. (Nov. 12.) Bert Lytell and Eugenia Gilbert. 5,870 ft. A. Rel. May, 1927. "Kine." Nov. iS, 1926. F.B.O. Octopus, The. (Mar.) Marguerite de la Motte and Louise Dresser. 5,596ft. A. Rel. Oct. 1926. "Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. P.D.C. Odds on Gallagher. (June 4.) Tom Tyler, 5,100 ft. U, Rel. Jan. 24, 1927. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Ideal. Oh, What A Little Queen ! (Oct. 8.) Constance Binney. 5 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Crest Films. Oh, What A Nurse ! (May.) Syd Chaplin and Patsy Ruth Miller. 6,300 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 1, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Gaumont. Old Clothes. ( Jan. 7.) Jackie Coogan. 5,600 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 29, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Old Home, The. (Dec. 1.) Johnny Walker and Mary Carr. 5,055 ft. U. Rel. May 3, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Pathe. Old Soak, The. (Aug. 2.) Jean Hersholt. 7,332 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 5, 1926. European. *One Colombo Night. (Feb. 5.) Godfrey Tearle and Marjory Hume. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Stoll. One Minute to Twelve. (Oct. 28.) Albertini. 6 reels. U. Rel. July 4, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Gaumont. One of the Bravest. (Nov. 24.) Edward Hearne. 5,500 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Stoll. One Shot Ranger. ( Jan. 14.) Pete Moriison. 3,700 ft. U. Rel. May 24, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Vitagraph. IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE. 74 The Kinematograph Year Book. On Probation. (Jan. 27.) Edith Thornton. 4,500 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Wardour. Open Switch. (June 25.) Lillian Rich and H. B. Warner. 5,495 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 1927. " Kine." July 1, 1926. P.D.C. Oriental Love. (Aug. 10.) Karina Bell. 8 reels. U. Rel. Mar. 1927. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Kinema Expansions. Other Woman's Story, The. (Mar. 12.) Alice Calhoun. 6 reels. A. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 15, 1926. Vitagraph. Other Women's Husbands. (May 6.) Monte Blue and Marie Prevost. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 13, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Gaumont. Out of the Storm. (May 28.) Jacqueline Logan and Edmund Burns. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine." June 3, 1926. B.E.F. Outsider, The. (Feb. 22.) Jacqueline Logan and Lou Tellegen. 5,380 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Fox. 0. U. West. (Dec.) Maurice " Lefty " Flynn. 5,2co ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Ideal. Oyster Princess, The. (June 6.) Ossi Oswaldi. 4,800 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 5, 1927. " Kine." June 10, T926. Ideal. Padlocked. (Sept. 7.) LoisMorari. 6,405 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. •' Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Palace of Pleasures, The. (Jan. 29.) Betty ' Compson and Edmund Lowe. 5,450 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Fox. ^Palaver. (Sept. 15.) Haddou M.ason and Hilda Cowley. 7,500 ft- U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. New Era. Palm Beach Girl, The. (Nov. 16.) Bebe Daniels. 6,900 ft. U. Rel. May 30, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Pals. (Aug. 6.) Louise Lorraine and Art Acord. 5 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Film Distributors. Pals First. (Oct. 29.) Lloyd Hughes and Dolores del Rio. 6,814 ft- U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. F.N. Parisian Love. (Jan. 7.) Clara Bow and Lou Tellegen. 5,800 ft. A. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Vitagraph. Partners Again. (N.T.S.) George Sidney. 5,500 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Allied Artists. Part Time Husbands. (May.) Alma Rubens and H. E. Herbert. 6,250 ft. A. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Butcher's. Part Time Wife. (Jan. 1.) Alice Calhoun and Robert Ellis. 5 reels. U. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Stole. Passionate Quest, The. (Oct. 14.) Willard Louis and May McAvoy. 6,097 ft. Rel. May 23, 1927. "Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Gaumont. Passions of Men. (Nov. 3.) Lya de Putti. 5,500 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Astra National. Paths to Paradise. (Jan. 12.) Betty Compson and Raymond Griffith. 6 reels. A. Rel. June 28, 1926. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Pedlar, The. (Sept. 2.) Georges Bisot. 10 eps. U. Rel. immediately " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Gaumont. Pelican, The. (Sept. 23.) Alma Rubens and Walter MacGrail. 7,050 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 7, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1026. Fox. People v. Nancy Preston. (Dec. 3.) John Bowers and Marguerite de la Motte. 6,358 ft. A. Rel. May, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. P.D.C. Perch "of the Devil, The. (Sept. 22.) Pat O'Malley and Mae Busch. 6,814 ft. A. Rel. June 20, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. European. Perfect Clown, The. (Dec. 29.) Larry Semon. 6 reels. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Wardour. P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY," The Films of 1926. 75 Perils of the Rails, The. (July 2.) Helen Holmes. 4,900 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." July 8, 1926. Ideal. Phantom Bullet, The. (June 3.) Hoot Gibson. 6,143 ft- U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine." June 10, 1926. European. Phantom Express, The. (Jan. 8.) David Butler and Ethel Shannon. 4,600 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Wardour. Phantom of the Forest, The. (Feb. 23.) "Thunder." 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Stoll. Phantom Police, The. (Aug. 31.) Herbert Rawlinson. 10 eps. A. Rel. Jan. 6, 1926. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. European. Plastic Age, The. (Feb. it.) Clara Bow and Donald Keith. 5,600 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Vitagraph. Pleasure Garden, The. (Mar. 23.) Virginia Valli,. john Stuart and Miles Mander. 7,808ft. A. Rel. Jan. 14, 1927. "Kine." Mar.25,1926. W.&F. Pleasures of the Rich. (April 13.) Helene Cbadwick and Jack Mulhall. 6 reels. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine." April 15, 1926. B.E.F. Poker Faces. (June 28.) Laura la Plante and Edward Everett Horton. 7,779 ft. TJ. Rel. Nov. 22, 1926. " Kine." July 1, 1926. European. Pony Express, The. (Spec, run.) Betty Compson, Ricardo Cortez, Ernest Torrence and Wallace Beery. 7 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." July 1, 1926, Famous-Lasky. Pride of the Force. (April 30.) Tom Santschi. 4,700 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Ideal. Pride of the Paddock, The. (Mar. 23.) Vera Reynolds. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 1926. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. F.B.O. Pride of Sunshine Alley, The. (Jan. 26.) Kenneth McDonald. 4,897 ft. U. Rel. June 28, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. W. & F. Primitive Love, (June 10.) Ok-Ba-Ok and Sicca Bruna. 6,200 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. "Kine." June 17, 1926. Stoll. Primrose Path, The. (June 1.) Wallace MacDonald and Clara Bow. 6 reels. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." June 3, 1926. Graham Wilcox. Prince of Pilson, The. ( — ) Anita Stewart and George Sidney. 5,971 ft. Rel. June, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 5, 1926. P.D.C. Princess on Broadway, A. {Nov. 1.) Pauline Garon and Johnny Walker. 5,545 ft. U. Rel. June 13, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Butcher's. Princess and the Clown, The. (May.) Hugette Duflos and Charles de Roche. 5,500 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. "Kine." May 20, 1926. Stoll. Prisoners Of the Storm. (Sept. 2.) House Peters, Walter McGrail and Peggy Montgomery. 6,067 U. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Private Izzy Murphy. (Oct. 26.) George Jessel and Patsy Ruth Miller. 7,600 ft. U. Rel. July 4, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Vitagraph. Prowlers of the Night. (Nov. 16.) Fred Humes. 4,367 ft. U. Rel. April 21, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. European. Puppets. (Nov. 12.) Milton Sills and Gertrude Olmstead. 7,315 ft. A. Rel. June 27, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. F.N. Queen of Diamonds. (Sept. 1.) Evelyn Brent. 4,936 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Pathe. Race for Love, A. (April 9.) Georges Biscot. 10 eps. U. Rel. June 14, 1926. " Kine." April 15, 1926. Gaumont. Racewild. (Oct. 29.) Eileen Percy. 5,300 ft. U. Rel. May 16, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Stoll. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." 76 The KinematogVaph Year Book. Racing Blood. (Aug. ii;) Annie Cornwall and Robert Agnew. 5,100 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Stoll. Rainbow Riley. (June 8.) Johnny Hines. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 7, 1927. Kine." June 10, 1926. F.N; Rainmaker, The. (Sept. 21.) Ernest Torrence, Georgia Hale and William Collier, Junr. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 21, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Range Buzzards. (Feb. 18.) Pete Morrison. 3,700 ft. U. Rel. July 19, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Vitagraph. Ransom's Folly. (Oct. 8.) Richard Barthelmess and Dorothy MacKaill. 7,600 ft. XL Rel. May 16, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. F.N. Reckless Lady, The. (Sept. 6.) Belle Bennett and James Kirkwocd. 7,186ft. A. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. "Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. F.ft. Red Blood and Blue. (Aug. 6.) Big Boy Williams. 4,600 ft. U. Rel. Dec. j 1926. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926; Inter. Cine. Red Clay* (Nov. 19.) William Desmond. 4,592 ft. U. Rel. April 28, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. European. Red Dice. (Sept. 15.) Rod la Rocque. 6,710 ft. A. Rel. May, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. P.D.C Red Heels. (Jan. 10.) Lili Damita and Eric Barclay. 7,900 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. • Stoll. Red Hot Leather. (Nov. 9.) Jack Hoxie. 4,525 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 28, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. European. Return of Peter Grimm, The. (Nov. 19.) Alec B. Francis. 6,900 ft. Rel. Aug. 15, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Fox. Revelation. (Sept. 28.) Edmond van Daele and Marguerite Madys. 8,800 ft. U. Rel. April, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Stoll. Revenge, The. (Oct. 8.) Robert Dissel and Suzy Vernon. 5,750 ft. U. Rel. May 30, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. W. & F. Riders of Mystery. (Dec. 8.) Bill Cody. 4,200 ft. U. Bel. June 17, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 13, 1925. Unity. Ridin' Comet, The. (July 2.) Valeima Carnett. 4,500 ft. Rel. Feb. 28, 1927. " Kine." July 8, 1926. Ideal. Ridin' Rascal, The. (Nov. 12.) Art Acord. 4,470 ft. U, Rel. Mar. 7, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. European. Right Man, The. (Mar. 1.) George Larkin. 4,400 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Western Import. Risky Business. (Sept. 16.) Vera Reynolds. 6,646 ft. A. Rel. May, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. P.D.C. • Road to Glory, The. (Mar. 25.) May McAvoy. 5,590 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Fox. Road to Happiness. (July 13.) Lili Damita. 6,900 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Stoll. Road to Mandalay, The. (July 16.) Lon Chaney. 6,200 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 31, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Road to Yesterday, The. (Jan. 11.) Jetta Goudal and Joseph Schild- kraut. 9,792 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. P.D.C. Rocking Moon, The. (Mar. 15.) Libyan T ashman. 6,237 ft U. Rel. Nov., 1926. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. P.D.C. Rogues of the West. (June 9.) Leo Maloney. 5 reels. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. "Kine." June 17, 1926. .Pathe. Rolling Home. (June 4.) Reginald Denny. 7 reels. U. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. "Kine." June 10, 1926. European. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE. The Films of 1926. 77 *Romances of the Prize Ring. (June 18.) British Heavyweights. 2 reelers. U. Rel. Jan., 1927, " Kine." June 24, 1926 Pioneer Rosenkavalier. (Apr. 13.) Hugette Duflos and Jaque Catelain. 6,047 ft- U- Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine." April 15, 1926 W. Si F. Roses of the South. (Sept. 6.) Henny Porten. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. United Kingdom. Rugged Water. (Dec. 8.) Lois Wilson and Warner Baxter. 5,886 ft. U. Rel. May 24, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Famous-Lasky. Rum Runners, The. (May 20.) Leo Maloney. 3,700 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 30, 1926. "Kine." May, 27/1926. Unity. Runaway, The. (July 6.) Clara Bow and Warner Baxter. 6,100 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 23, 1926. "Kine." July 8, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Runaway Bride, The. (Dec. 15.) Joe Moore and Louise Lorraine. 4,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 12, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. Unity. Runaway Express, The. (Aug. 16.) Jack Daugherty and Blanche Mahaffrey. 5,843 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. European. Rustler's Ranch. (Mar. 22.) Art Acord. 5 reels. U. Rel. June 28, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. European; Rustling for Cupid. (May.) George O'Brien and Anita Stewart. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Fox. *Safety First. (Oct.) Queenie Thomas and Brian Aherne. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 1, 1926. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1936. Stoll. ^Sahara Love. (Mar. 19.) Marie Colette, Gordon Hopkirk and John Dahelly. 7,000 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 18, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Stoll. Salammbo. (Jan.) Jeanne de Balzac. 6,900 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Isis. Sally, Irene and Mary. (Jan. 13.) Sally O'Neil and Constance Bennett.. 5,400 ft. A. Rel. April, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn.. Salome of the Tenements. (Jan. 5.) Jetta Goudal and Godfrey Tearle. 6 reels. U. Rel. June 24, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Sandy. (April 15.) Madge Bellamy. 6 reels. A. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926- " Kine." April 22, 1926. Fox. Sap, The. (July 1.) Kenneth Harlan. 5,400 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 31,. 1927. " Kine." July 8, 1926. Gaumont. Savage, The. (Oct. 27.) May McAvoy. 6,233 ft. U. Rel. July 6, 1927. "Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. F.N. Scandal Street. (July 23.) Madge Kennedy. 6,000 ft. U. ReL Jan. 3, 1927. " Kine," July 29, 1926. F.B.O. Scarlet Saint, The. (July 25.) Mary Astor and Lloyd Hughes. 6,496 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine," Aug. 5, 1926. F.N. Scarlet Streak, The. (July 23.) JacK Daugherty and Lola Todd. 10 episodes. Rel. April 8, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 25, 1926. European. Scarlet West, The. (Feb. 17.) Robert Frazer and Clara Bow. 6,028 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 25, 1926. F.N. Scrappin' Kid. (June 22.) Art Acord. 4,671 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 23, 1926. " Kine," June 24, 1926. European. * Screen Playlets. (Nov. 16.) Six 2-reelers; Rel. Sept., 1927. " Kine," Nov. 18, 1926. Gaumont. Sea Beast, The. (Mar. 8.) John Barrymore. 9,800 ft. A. Rel. Nov., 1926. " Kine," Mar. n, 1926. Gaumont. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 78 The Kinematograph Year Book. Sea Horses. (Aug. 31.) Jack Holt and Florence Vidor. 6,568 ft. A. Rel. Feb. 28, 1927. " Kine," Sept 2, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Sealed Lips. (Dec. 2.) Dorothy Revier and Cullen Landis. 5,600 ft. A. Rel. June 21, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 10, 1925. F.B.O. * Sea Urchin, The. (Feb. 10.) Betty Balfour and George Hackathorne. 7,954 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 1, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 18, 1926. W. &. F. Sea Wolf, The. (Mar. 16.) Ralph Ince and Claire Adams. 6,178 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 10, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 18, 1926. "W. & F. Sea Wolves, The. (Mar. 18.) Paul Richter. 7,600 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 25, 1926. Wardour. Secret Orders. (June 7.) Evelyn Brent. 5,547 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 17, 1927. " Kine," June 10, 1926. Butcher's. Secret Service Sanders. (Jan. 7.) Richard Holt. 15 Eps. U. Rel. Mar. 1, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 14, 1926. Gaumont. Self Starter, The. (June 21.) Reed Howes and Mildred Harris. 5,500 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 31, 1926. " Kine," June 24, 1926. Butcher's. Senor Daredevil. (Oct. 22.) Ken Maynard. 6,312 ft. U. Rel. July 18, 1927. •' Kine," Oct. 28, 1926. F.N. Sentinels of the Sea; (April 14.) Ralph Lewis. 5,825 ft. U. Rel. Dec, 1926. " Kine," April 22, 1926. Phillips. Serpent's Bite, The. (Nov. 3^.) Jean Angelo. 7,300 ft. U. Rel. May 17, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 3, 1925. European. Seven Keys to Baldpate. (June 8.) Douglas MacLean. 6,500 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine," June 10, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Shadows of Conscience. (June 22.) Gertrude Olmstead. 5,500 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," June 24, 1926. Geoffrey Benstead. Shadow on the Wall, The. (Jan. 7.) Creighton Hale and Eileen Percy 5,500 ft. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 14, 1926. Stoll. Shamrock Handicap, The. (June 3.) Leslie Fenton and Janet Gaynor. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 22, 1926. " Kine," June 10, 1926. Fox. Shattered Lives. (Nov. 25.) Edith Roberts and Robert Gordon. 4,700 ft. U. Rel. June 28, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 3, 1926. Unity. Ship of Souls, The. (Mar. 1.) Lillian Rich and Bert Lytell. 5,200 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 4, 1926. Ideal. Shipwrecked. (June 24.) Joseph Schildkraut and Seena Owen. 5,207 ft. A. Rel. Feb., 1927. " Kine," July 1, 1926. P.D.C. Shooting Square. (June 11.) Jack Perrin and Peggy O'Day. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 19, 1926. " Kine," June 17, 1926. Ideal. Shore Leave. (Feb. 26.) Richard Barthelmess. and Dorothy Mackaill. 6,530 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 4, 1926. F.N. Should a Woman Tell? (July 9.) Constance Bennett and George Hacka- thorne. 5,700 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine," July 15, 1926. F.B.O. Show-Off, The. (Nov. 2.) Ford Sterling and Lois Wilson. 6,200 ft. U. Rel. May 16, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 4, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Siberia. (May.) Alma Rubens and Edmund Lowe. 6,800 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 1, 1926. " Kine," May 20, 1926. Fox. Sign of the Claw, The. (July 21.) Peter the Great. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine," July 29, 1926. Stoll. Silence. (June.) H. B. Warner and Vera Reynolds. 7,234 ft. A. Rel. Jan., 1927. " Kine," June 24, 1926. P.D.C. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." The Films of 1926. 79 Silken Shackles. (Aug. 26.) Irene Rich and Victor Varconi. 6,180 ft- A. Rel. Mar. 28, 1927. " Kine," Sept. 2, 1926. Gaumont. Simon the Jester. (Jan. 15.) Eugene O'Brien and Lillian Rich. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 21, 1926. F.B.O. Six Shooting Romance, A. (Mar. 15.) Jack Hoxie. 5 reels. U. Rel. July 2, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 18, 1926. European. Skinner's Dress Suit. (Feb. 12.) Reginald Denny and Laura la Plante. 7 reels. U. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 18, 1926. European. Smiling at Trouble. (April 1.) Maurice " Lefty " Flynn. 5,400 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," April 8, 1926. Film Distrib. Smooth as Satin. (May.) Evelyn Brent. 4,489 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," May 20, 1926. Phillips. Social Celebrity, A. (Aug. 17.) Adolphe Menjou, Louise Brooks and Chester Conklin. 5,926. ft, U. Rel. Feb. 21, 1926. " Kine," Aug. 19, 1926. . Famous- Lasky. Social Highwayman, The. (Sept. 9.) Dorothy Devcre and John Pattrick- 5,800 ft. A. Rel. May 9, 1927. " Kine," Sept. 16, 1926. Gaumont. Son of the Sheik, The. (Special run.) Vilma Banky and Rudolph Valentino. 6,300 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. "Kine," Sept. 23, 1926. Allied Artists. * Somebody's Darling. (Dec. 4.) Betty Balfour, Rex O'Malley and Forrester Harvey. 8,800 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 20, 1926, " Kine," Dec. 10, 1925. Gaumont. Somebody's Mother. (Mar. 22.) Mary Carr. 5,500 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 25, 1926. Butcher's. Somebody's Son. (July 6.) Mady Christians and Willy Fritsch. 5,700 ft. U. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine," July 8, 1926. Wardour. Something for Nothing. (Oct, 12.) Hal Waters and Muriel Paull. 5 reels. U. Rel. Mar., 1927. " Kine," Oct. 21, 1926. Pathe. Song and Dance Man. (May.) Tom Moore and Bessie Love. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Nov., 1926. " Kine," May 20, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Son of His Father. (Dec. 22.) Bessie Love. 6,700 ft. Rel. June 28, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 31, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Son 0' Mine. (Feb. 22.) Wesley Barry. 6,012 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 25, 1926. Butcher's. S.O.S. Perils of the Sea. (May 21.) Elaine Hammerstein. 5,100 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 22, 1926. " Kine," May 27, 1926. F.B.O. So This Is Paris? (Sept. 30.) Monte Blue and Patsy Ruth Miller. 6,191 ft. A. Rel. April 18, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 7, 1926. Gaumont. Soul of Humanity. (Les Miserables Part 1.) Soul Mates. (Feb. 11.) Aileen Pringle and Edmund Lowe. 5,400 ft. A. Rel. June 21, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 21, 1926, Jury-Goldwyn. South of the Equator. (Nov. 26.) Kenneth MacDonald. 4,810 ft. U. Rel. May 3, 1926. " Kine," Dec. 3, 1926. W. & F. Southward Bound. (Sept. 20.) Knute Eriscon and Virginia Fry. 5,500 ft. A. Rel. May 2, 1927. " Kine," Sept. 23, 1926. Butcher's. Spangles. (Sept. 10.) Marion Nixon and Pat O'Malley. 5,607 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. " Kine," Sept. 16, 1926. European. Spanish Passion. (Sept. 10.) Lya de Putti. 6,818 ft. U, Rel. April 25, 1927. " Kine," Sept. 16, 1926. W. & F. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE — IT IS A P.DX. PICTURE INSIDE." So The Kinematograph Year Book. Speed Crazed. (Nov. 17.) Billy Sullivan. 5,100 ft. U. Rel. June 27, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Wardour. Speed Demon, The. (Jan. 15.) Kenneth McDonald. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 23, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 21, 1926. W. & F. Speeding Venus, The. (Sept. 14.) Priscilla Dean and Robert Frazer. 5,473 ft. U. Rel. May, 1927. " Kine," Sept. 16, 1926. P.D.C. Speed Limit, The. (Mar. 9.) Raymond McKee. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine," Mar. 11, 1926,. Stoll. Splendid Crime, The. (Mar. 30.) Bebe Daniels and Neil Hamilton. 6,800 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 20, 1926. " Kine," April 1, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Splendid Road, The. (Jan. 7.) Anna Q. Nilsson and Lionel Barrymore. 7,657 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Jan. 14, 1926. F.N Stage Struck. (April 9.) Gloria Swanson. 6,000 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine," April 15, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Stampede Thunder. (Feb. 18.) Pete Morrison. 3,500 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 25, 1926. Vitagraph. Starlight, the Untamed. (Jan. 22.) Jack Perrin. 5 reels. U.' Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine," Jan. 28, 1926. Western Import. Steel and Gold. (Oct. 13.) William Desmond. 4,989 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 1, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 21, 1926. Butcher's. Steel Preferred. (Feb. 12.) Vera Reynolds and William Boyd. 5,200 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 1926. (Under the title of " The Enduring Flame.") •' Kine," Feb. 18, 1926. F.B.O. Stalla Dallas. (N.T.S.) Belle Bennett and Lois Moran. 7,500 ft. U. Rel. Oct, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 4, 1926. Allied Artists. Stella Maris. (Feb. 1.) Mary Philbin. 5 reels. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 4, 1926. European. Still Alarm, The. (Feb. 19.) Helene Chadwick and William Russell. 7,367 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine," Feb. 25, 1926. European. Strong Man, The. (Nov. 17.) Harry Langdon. 6,840 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 29, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 25, 1926. F.N. Substitute Wife, The. (June 11.) Jane Novak. 5,200 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine," June 17, 1926. F.B.O. Subway Sadie. (Nov. 5.) Jack Mulhall and Dorothy Mackaill. 6,593 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 15, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 11, 1926. F.N. Sweet Rosie O'Grady. (Oct. 1.) Shirley Mason and Cullen Landis. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. April, 1927. " Kine," Oct. 7, 1926. F.B.O. Take It From Me. (Oct. 28.) Reginald Denny. 6,745 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. " Kine," Nov. 4, 1926. European. Taxi Mystery, The. (April 28.) Edith Roberts and Robert Agnew. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine," May 20, 1926. Wardour. Taxi! Taxi! (Nov. 8.) Marion Nixon. 7,152 ft. A. Rel. July 4, 1927. " Kine," Nov. ii, 1926. European. Temptation. (July 30.) Xenia Desni. 5,400 ft. U. Rel. April 18, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 5, 1926. Wardour. Terror. The. (June 23.) Art Acord. 4,834 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 1, 1926. " Kine." July 1, 1926. European. Texas Streak, The. (Sept. 24-) Hoot Gibson. 6,235 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. European. Texas Trail, The. (Feb.) Harry Carey. 4,616 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. P.D.C. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." The Films of 1926. 81 Thank You. (April 14.) Alec B. Francis, George O'Brien and Jacqueline Logan. 6,820 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Fox. That Model From Paris. (Oct. 26.) Marceline Day, Bert Lytell and Eileen Percy. 6,000 ft. A. Rel. June 20, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. B.E.F. That Royle Girl. (May 25.) Carol Dempster and Harrison Ford. 9,200 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 8, 1926. "Kine." May 27, 1926. Famous-Lasky. That's My Baby. (Aug. 24.) Douglas MacLean. 6,700 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 24, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 26, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Then Came the Woman. (Oct. 7.) Frank Mayo, Cullen Landis and Mildred Ryan. 6,900 ft. U. Rel. April, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Inter. Cine. Thirty Below Zero. (Nov.—.) Buck Jones. 4,800 ft. U. Rel. April 4, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. Fox. Thoroughbred, The. (Jan. 12.) Gladys Hulette and Theodore Von Eltz. 5,485 ft. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. W. & F. Three Bad Men. (Sept. 16.) Tom Santschi and J. Farrell MacDonald. 8,500 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Fox. Three Cuckoo Clocks, The. (Sept. 21.) Lillian Hall-Davis, NinaVanna and Eric Barclay. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. May 2, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Wardour. Three in Exile. (Sept. 17.) Art Acord and Louise Lorraine. 4,867 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Film Distributors. Three Faces East. (Feb. 15.) Jetta-Goudal and Clive Brook. 7,452 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 13, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. P.D.C. Three Oi a Kind. (Jan. 11.) Evelyn Brent. 5,388 ft. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Butcher's. Thrill Hunter, The. (April 23.) William Haines and Kathryn McGuire. 6 reels. U. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." April 29, 1926. F.B.O. Through Wildest Africa. (Oct.) Interest. Eight i-reelers. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Gaumont. Thundering Speed. (Nov. 19.) Creighton Hale and Judy King. 5,200 ft. TJ. Rel. June 13, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Stoll. Time the Comedian. (Dec.) Lew Cody and Mae Busch. 5,000 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 1, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 31, 1925. Jury-Goldwyn. Tin Gods. (Nov. 23.) Thomas Meighan and Renee Adoree. 8,300 ft. A. Rel. June 6, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Tony Runs Wild. (May 5.) Tom Mix. 5,430 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 18, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Fox. Too Much Money. (June 1.) Lewis Stone and Anna Q. Nilsson. 7,564 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine." June 3, 1926. F.N. Too Much Wife. (Nov. 26.) Wanda Hawley. 5 reels. U. Rel. Sept. 1926. " Kine." Dec. 13, 1925. Ducal. Torrent, The. (April 9.) William Fairbanks and Ora Carew. 5,245 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine." April 15, 1926. W. & F. Tragedy. (Feb. 11.) Henny Porten. 6,800 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. United Kingdom. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. (July 27.) Harry Langdon, Alec B. Francis and Joan Crawford. 5,816 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 7, 1927. " Kine." Aug. 5, 1926. F.N. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." 82 The Kinematograph Year Book. Transcontinental Limited. (Sept. 24.) Johnnie Walker and Eugenia Gilbert. 6,250 ft. A. Rel. April 11, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 30 1026. W. 8s F. Travelling Fast. (June 6.) Jack Perrin. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. July i, 1926. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Ideal. Trip to Chinatown, The. (June 30.) Earle Fox and Margaret Living- stone. 5,500 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 3, 1927. "Kine." July- 8, 1926. Fox. Triumph of the Rat, The. (Sept. 5.) Ivor Novello and Isabel Jeans. 7,550 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 21, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. W. & F. Trouble Buster, The. (May.) Leo Maloney. 5 reels. U. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Pathe. Trouble With Wives, The. (Dec. 15.) Tom Moore aud Florence Vidor. 6,400 ft. U. Rel. June 10, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Famous-Lasky. Trunk Mystery, The. (April 16.) Charles Hutchison and Alice Calhoun. 4,458 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 20, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. W. & F. Tumbleweeds. (N.T.S.) William S.'Hart. 7,250 ft. U. Rel. May 3, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Allied Artists. Turned Up. (July 14.) Charles Hutchison. 4,500 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 13, • 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Renters. * Twisted Tales. (Aug. 31) All British cast. Twelve one reelers. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. Reciprocity. Two Brothers, The. (Nov. 9.) Lil Dagover, Liane Haid and Conrad Veidt. 8,300 ft. A. Rel. June 20, 1927. "Kine." Nov. 11, 1926. Wardour. Two Fisted Tenderfoot, The. (Dec. — .) Franklyn Farnum. 5 reels. U. Rel. June, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 13, 1925. Renters. Unchastened Woman, The. (April 13.) Theda Bara, Wyndham Standing and Eileen Percy. 6,220 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 10, 1927. " Kine." April 15, 1926. W. & F. Under Fire. (Feb. 15.) Bill Patton. 5,100 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Western Import. Under Western Skies. (Feb. 8.) Norman Kerry, George Fawcett, Anne Cornwall and Ward Crane. 6,320 ft. Rel. Mar. 29, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. European. Unguarded Hour, The. (Jan. 14.) Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 1, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. F.N. Unknown Soldier, The. (July 8.) Charles Emmett Mack, Marguerite delaMotte, H. B. Walthall and Ethel Wales. 8,166 ft. U. Rel. Nov., 1926. " Kine." July 15, 1926. P.D.C. Unnamed Woman, The. (Nov. 5) Katherine MacDonald. 6 reels. A. Rel. July 5-, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Graham Wilcox. Unseen Forces. (Mar. 5.) Sylvia Breamer and Conrad Nagel. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Mar. 11,-1926. Moss Empires. Untamed Lady, The. (Oct. 1.) Gloria Swanson and Laurence Grey. 6,100 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 28, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Famous- Le.sky. Unwritten Law, The. (Feb. 4.) Elaine Hammerstein, William V. Mong, Forrest Stanley and Mary Alden. 5,480 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. "Kine." Feb. ix, 1926. F.B.O. Up in Mabel's Room. (July 6.) Marie Prevost and Harrison Ford. 6,100 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 23, 1926. " Kine." July 8, 1926. P.D.C. Vanishing Race, The. (June 1.) Richard Dix and Lois Wilson. 9,700 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine." June 3, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Vaudeville. (Jan. 19.) Emil Jannings, Warwick Ward, and Lya de Putti. 8,400 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Wardour. Vendetta. (Feb. 26.) William Desmond. 4^50 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 1926. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Ideal. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE. The Films of 1926. 83 Venetian Lovers, The. (Mar. 24.) Hugh Miller and Arlette Marchel 6 reels. A. Rel. Nov. i, 1926. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Phillips. Virginian Outcast. (Feb.. 11.) Marjorie Daw. 5 reels. U. Rel. July 26, 1926. " Kine. Feb. 25, 1926. Unity. Volcano, The. (Sept. 7.) Bebe Daniels and Wallace Beery. 4,665 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 30, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Volga Boatman, The. (Spec. Run) William Boyd and Elinor Fair. 9,200 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 1927. " Kine." April 22, 1926. P.D.C. Vow, The. (Oct. 6.) Mile. Vaudry. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Butcher's (Astoria). Wages for Wives. (Dec. 18.) Jacqueline Logan and Creighton Hale, 6,300 ft. U. Rel. May 17, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Fox. Wagon Trail, The. (Dec. 15.) Tom Mix. 3,600 ft. U. Rel. July 8, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Unity. Waltz Dream, The. (Mar. 14.) Willy Fitsch and Mady Christians. 9,000 ft. A. Rel. Jan. 24, 1927. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Wardour. Wanderer, The (Mar. 15.) William Collier, junr. and Greta Nissen 7,000 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 20, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Waning Sex, The. (Sept. 1.) Norma Shearer and Conrad Nagel. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 24, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. Warning Signal, The. (Nov. 2.) Gladys Hulette. 5,100 ft. A. Rel. May 30,- 1927. " Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. Stoll. Was It Bigamy ? (April 8.) Edith Thornton, Earle Williams, Charles Corry and Tom Ricketts. 4,500 ft. A. Rel. Nov. 15, 1926. " Kine." April 15, 1926. Wardour. Waster, The. (Oct. 22.) Richard Holt. 5,573 ft. U. Rel: June 13, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Argosy. Webs of Steel. (June 11.) Helen Holmes. 5 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." July 17, 1926. Ideal. Wedding Song, The. (Jan. 7.) Leatrice Joy and Robert Ames. 7,325 ft. A. Rel. July, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. P.D.C. Welcome Home. (Feb. 2.) Lois Wilson and Warner Baxter. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. June 22, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Famous-Lasky. We Moderns. (Jan. 11.) Colleen Moore, Jack Mulhall and Carl Miller. 6,566 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, C926. F.N. Western Pep. (Nov. — .) William Fairbanks. 5 reels. U. Rel. June, 1926. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Renters. Western Pluck. (July 5.) Art Acord. 4,160 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 21, 1927. " Kine." July 8, 1926. Eurcpean. West of Rainbow's End. (Nov. 17.) Jack Perrin. 5, too ft. A. Pel. Feb. 28, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Western Import. What Fools Men. (Feb. 24.) Lewis Stone and Shirlev Mason. 7,541ft. U. Rel. Sept. 6, 1926. " Kine." March 4, 1926. F.N. What Happened to Jones? (Jan. 22.) Reginald Denny. 6,262 ft. U. Rel. Oct. 11, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. European. What Three Men Wanted. (Feb. 9.) Miss Dupont, Catherine Murphy and Jack Livingstone. 4,600 ft. U. Rel. July 5, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Unity. When the Door Opened. (Dec. 10.) Jacqueline Logan and Walter McGrail. 6,400 ft. A. Rel. Aug. 27, 1926. " Kine. Dec. 17, 1925. Fox. When East Meets West. (Feb. 1.) Bill Bailey and Alma Ray ford. 4,450 ft. Rel. Aug. 9, 1926. " Kine. Sept. 4, 1926. Western Import. When Heroes Love. (Nov. 18.) Maurice " Lefty Flynn and Henry Victor. 4,989 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine. Nov. 25, 1926. Film Distributers. P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY.' §4 The Kinematograph Year Book4 When Husbands Flirt. (Feb. 26.) Tom Ricketts, Ethel Wales, Dorothy Revier and Forrest Stanley. 6 reels. A. Rel. Oct., 1926. " Kine. Mar. 4, 1926. F.B.O. When Love Grows Cold. (May — .) Mrs. Rudolph Valentino and Clive, Brook. 6,300 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. "Kine. June 3, 1926. Ideal. When She Starts — Look Out. (Aug. 30.) Henny Porten. 6,500 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine. Sept. 2, 1926. United Kingdom, When the Wife's Away. (Oct. 20.) Tom Ricketts, George K. Arthur, and Dorothy Revier. 6,040 ft. U. Rel. Mav, 1927. '.' Kine." Nov. 4, 1926. F.B.O. Whispering Canyon, The. (July 27.) Jane Novak and Robert Ellis* 5,586 ft. U. Rel. Mar. io, 1927. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Wardour. Whispering Wires. (Nov. 18.) Anita Stewart and Edmund Burns, 5,900 ft. A. Rel. June 20, 1926. " Kine." Nov. 25, 1926. Fox. Whistling Jim. (Aug. 6.) Big Boy Williams. 4,600 ft. U. Rel. Jan- 1927. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Inter-Cine. White Fang. (Feb. 16.) " Strongheart," Ruth Dwyer and Charles Murray. 5,500 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 21, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Wardour. * White Heat. (Sept. 1.) Walter Butler, Juliette Compton, Wyndham Standing and Vesta Sylva. 7,000 ft. A. Rel. Mar. 14, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Graham Wilcox. Whole Town's Talking. (Sept. 6.) Edward Everett Horton, Virginia Lee Corbin and Dolores del Rio. 6,631ft. U. Rel. May 23, 1927. "Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. European. Who's Cheating? (July 14.) Dorothy Chappell and Ralph Kellard. 5 Reels. Rel. Feb. 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Morris Films. Who Was the Man? (Mar. 22.) George Larkin. 4,600 ft. A. Rel. Dec. 27, 1926. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Western Import. Why Girls Go Back Home. (July 15.) Clive Brook and Patsy Ruth Miller. 5,400 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. " Kine." July 22, 1926. Gaumont. Why Women Love.. (Jan. 13) Blanche Sweet, Dorothy Sebastian, Robert Frazer and Alan Roscoe. 6,560 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 18, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 2i, 1926. F.N. Wild Bull's Lair, The. (July 9.) Fred Thomson. 5,300 ft. Rel. Mar 14, 1927. " Kine." June 15, 1926. Ideal. Wilderness Woman, The. (Sept. 24.) Aileen Pringle and Lowell Sherman, 7,410 ft. U. Rel. May 9, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. F.N. Wild Horse Mesa. (Jan. 22.) Jack Holt, Billie Dove and Noah Beery. 7,313 ft. U. Rel. July 12, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Wild Horse Stamp ade. (Sept. 6.) Jack Hoxie. 4,747 ft. U. Rel. May 16, 1927. " Kipe." Sept. 9, 1926. European. Wild Oats. (May 4.) Viola Dana and Robert Agnew. 6 reels. Rel. Nov. 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. P.D.C. Wild, Wild Susan. (Feb. 9.) Rod la Rocque and Bebe Daniels. 5,400 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 2, 1926. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. . Famous-Lasky. Windjammer, The. (June 18.) Billy Sullivan. 6 reels. A. Rel. Feb. 6, 1927. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Argosy. Win, Lose, or Draw. (Oct. 20.) Leo Maloney. 5 reels. U. Rel. April, 1927. "Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Pathe. Winner, The. (Sept. 7.) Billy Sullivan. 5,090 ft. A. Rel. June 6, 1927. " Kine." Sept. 9, i926- Argosy. Win the Futurity. (Sept. 28.) Cullen Landis and Clara Horton. 5,250 ft. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Sept. 30, 1926. W. & F. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." The Films of 19^6. 8S Winning His Stripes. (May.) .Maurice "Lefty" Flynn and Kathleen Myers. 5,285 ft. A. Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Pathe. With Cherry Kearton in the Jungle. (N.S.) Travelogue. 5,000 ft- A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine," Mar. 18, 1926. Cherry Kearton Films. With Cobham to the Cape. (June 10.) Alan Cobham. 7,000 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 16, 1926. "Kine." June 17, 1926. Gaumont. Without Orders. (Nov. 3.) Leo Maloney. 4,387 ft. U. Rel. May, 27, 1927. " Kine." Nov. it, 1926. Pathe. With This Ring. (Jan. 21.) Alyce Mills and Donald Keith. 4,900 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Vitagraph. Wolf Hunters, The. (Sept. 29.) Virginia Browne Fair and Allan Roscoe. 5,500 ft. A. Rel. May 9, 1926. "Kine." Oct. 7, 1926. Wardour. Wolf of Placer, The. (May.) Fred Church and Katherine Grant. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Nov. 29, 1926. " Kine." May 27, 1926. Ducal. Womanhandled. (Mar. 9.) Richard Dix and Esther Ralston. 5,800 ft. U. Rel. Aug. 30, 1926. "Kine." Mar. if, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Woman of the World, A. (April 15.) Pola Negri and Holmes Herbert. 6,000 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 27, 1926. " Kine." April 15, 1926. Famous- Lasky. Woman Power. (Oct. 6.; Ralph Graves and Kathryn Perry. 5,200 ft. U. Rel. Mar. 21, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Fox. Woman's Heart, A. (Oct. 8.) Enid Bennett. 5,113 ft. A. Rel. June 20, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 14, 1926. Argosy. *Woman Tempted, The. (June 7.) Juliette Compton and Warwick Ward. 7,500 ft. A. Rel. date not fixed. "Kine." June 10, 1926. Wardour. Wonderful Adventure, The. (May.) Vilma Banky. 7,015 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 13, 1926. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Inter. Cine. Wooing of Eve, The. (July 27.) Warwick Ward and Ossi Oswaldi. 6,800 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 1927. "Kine." July 29, 1926. United Kingdom. Yankee Doodle Junr. (Feb. 2.) Frank Glendon and Zelma Morgan. 5,000 ft. U. Rel. Sept. 23, 1926. "Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Inter. Cine. Yasmina. (Oct. 21.) Huguette Duflos and Leon Mathot. 7 reels. A. Rel. May 30, 1927. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Gaumont. Yellow Fingers. (April 16.) Ralph Ince and Olive Borden. 5,500 ft. Rel. Oct. 25, 1926. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Fox. Yellow Seal, The. (June—.) Harry Carey. 4,594 ft. U. Rel. Dec. 6, 1926. " Kine." June. 10, 1926. P.D.C. Yokel, The. (June 25.) George K. Arthur and Gertrude Olmsted. 4,000 ft. U. Rel. Jan. 1927. " Kine." July 1, 1926. Jury-Goldwyn. You Can't Figure Women. (Nov. 10.) Wanda Hawley. 4,000 ft. TJ. Rel. Feb. 14, 1927. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1926. Western Import. You Can't Fool Your Wife. (Aug. 17.) Edward Everett Horton. 6 reels. U. Rel. date not fixed. " Kine." Aug. 19, 1926. Ideal. You Never Know Women. (Oct. 19.) Florence Vidor, Clive Brook and Lowell Sherman. 5,953 ft. U. Rel. May 9, 1927. "Kine." Oct. 21, 1926. Famous-Lasky. Young April. (Sept. 10.) Joseph Schildkraut arid Rudolph Schildkraut. 6,903 ft. U. Rel. Feb. 1927. " Kine." Sept. 16, 1926. P.D.C. Youth For Sale. (Jan. 8.) Sigiid Holmquist. 5,377 ft. A. Rel. Oct. 4, 1926. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Western Import. Youth's Gamble. (Feb. 22.) Reed Howes. 5 reels. U. Rel. Nov. ij 1926. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Western Import. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE — IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE. 86 The Kinematograph Year Book. Head Offices of Odhams Press Ltd. A "Star" Programme Every kinema manager knows the value of good printing for keeping his patrons interested in the doings of his house. We can print " star" programmes, circulars and other announcements that will be a credit to your house. ODHAMS PRESS LTD. Printers & Publishers, Long Acre, London, w.c.2 Telephone : Gerrard 9S70 (14 lines). Trade Shows of 1926. 87 A Calendar of 1926 Trade Shows Arranged in order of date. For further details of these subjects refer to alphabetical list of film titles in "Trade Shown Films of 1926" on page 57 and following. DECEMBER (1925). i Pathe i Famous-Lasky... 1 Unity 4 Gaumont 4 West Central 4 Moss Empires 2 F.B.O 2 United Films ... 4 Gaumont 4 Phillips 7 European 8 Famous-Lasky... io Gaumont 10 Fox 11 Famous-Lasky... 13 Blattner 14 European 14 H. and S. 15 Pathe 15 Unity 15 Famous-Lasky... 15 Moss Empires 16 Fox 16 Wardour 16 Phillips 17 Gaumont 17 Renters 18 Unity 18 Famous-Lasky... 18 Vitagraph 18 Fox 21 European 21 Moss Empires 22 Famous-Lasky... 23 Wardour 28 Ideal 29 F.N 29 Wardour Old Home, The Manicure Girl, The Law and the Lady. Somebody's Darling. House under the Snow. Love of Women. Sealed Lips. Across the Desert to Siwa Somebody's Darling. Amazing Elopement, The Blind Husbands. Rugged Water. Clash of the Wolves, The When the Door Opened. Man Who Found Himself. Pair of Silk Stockings, A. His People. Heart of an Actress. Love's Sacrifice. Wagon Trail, The Trouble with Wives, The My Ladv's Lips. Best Bad Man, The Foiled. Galloping Vengeance. Compromise . Baffled. Forman of Bar Z, The Coast of Folly, The Girl Who Wouldn't Work. Wages for Wives. Arizona Sweepstakes. Specialitv Football Film. Son of His Father, A Adventures of Mazie. No -gun Man. The Live Wire, The Perfect Clown, The JANUARY (1926). Ideal Fox Jury-Gold wyn Western Import W. and F. Ideal Jury-Goldwyn Gaumont F.N. Stoll Vitagraph P.D.C Wardour Counsel for the Defence. Desert's Price, The Masked Bride, The Lend Me Your Husband. Little Firebrand, The His Pal's Wife.. Old Clothes. Secret Service Sanders. Classified. Shadow on the Wall, The Parisian Love. Wedding Song, The Phantom Express. 8 Phillips 8 Argosy 8 Western Import 8 F.B.O 8 W. and F. 8 Famous-Lasky... 11 P.D.C 11 F.N. ..: 11 Butcher's 12 W. and F. 12 B.E.F 12 Famous-Lasky... 12 Crest Films ... 13 Western Import 13 F.B.O 13 Wardour 13 F.N 13 Pathe 14 Vitagraph H F.N 14 Jury- Gold wyn 15 European 15 W. and F. 15 Western Import 15 Jury-Goldwyn 15 Fox 15 F.B.O 17 Unity 17 Unity 19 Wardour 19 W. and F. 19 Famous-Lasky... 20 Fox 20 Graham Wilcox 21 F.B.O 21 Jury-Goldwyn 21 Vitagraph 22 jury-goldwyn 22 W. and F. 22 Famous-Lasky... 22 Wardour 22 European 25 Butcher's 26 Famous-Lasky... 26 W. and F. 26 Phillips 27 Pathe 27 Wardour 27 Phillips 27 Fox 28 United Kingdom 2S Gaumont 29 F.B.O. 29 Astra-NatiOnal 2Q FOX If Marriage Fails. Broadway Billy. Youth for Sale. Simon the Jester. Anne of Green Gables. Cobra. Road to Yesterday, The We Moderns. Three of a Kind. Thoroughbred, The Morals for Men. Paths to Paradise. Lure of the Sea, The Geared to Go. Handsome Brute, The Love is Blind. Why Women Love. Loser's End. One Shot Ranger. Unguarded Hour, The Time, the Comedian. Andy Takes a Flyer. Speed Demon, The Mad Marriage, The Sally, Irene and Mary. Cowboy and the Coun- tess, The S'mon the Jester. Evolution. Guess Who ? Vaudeville. Judy of Rogues Harbour. Golden Princess, The Golden Strain, The Eyes of Mystery. Gay Nights. His Secetarv. With This Ring. Bright Lights. Dangerous Pleasure. Wild Horse Mesa. Desperate Moment, A What Happenedto Jones ? Crack o' Dawn. Lovers in Quarantine. Pride of Sunshine Allev. Black Hawk. The Her Big Adventure. On Probation. Black Hawk, The Gilded Butterfly, The Every Mother's Son. Hogan's Alley. Lure of the Wild, The Awakening, The Palace of Pleasure, The " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 88 The Kinematograph Year Book. 29 W. and F. ... Nurse Marjorie. 29 Graham Wilcox Daughters of To-day. 31 Gaumont ... Lady Windermere's Fan. FEBRUARY. 1 Western Import 2 W. and F. 2 Inter. Cine ... 2 Famous-Lasky... 2 Pathe 2 P.D.C 3 Wardour 3 Fox 4 Gaumont 4 F.B.O. 4 JURY-GOLDWYN 5 STOLL 5 Famous-Lasky... 5 Phillips 8 Western Import 8 Gaumont 8 Butcher's 9 Famous-Lasky... 9 B.E.F 9 Unity 10 W. and F. • ... 10 Pathe 10 F.N 10 Morris Films ... 10 Wardour 11 United Kingdom 11 Vitagraph 11 Gaumont 11 Unity ii jury-goldwyn 11 P.D.C 12 F.B.O. ... 12 JURY-GOLDWYN 12 F.N 12 Famous-Lasky... 12 European 15 P.D.C 15 Western Import 15 Moss Empires ... 16 Famous-Lasky... 16 Argosy 16 Wardour .;. 16 European 17 F.N 17 F.B.O 18 Jury-Gold wyn 18 Gaumont 18 Vitagraph 19 F.N 19 Stoll 19 European 22 Fox 22 Butcher's 22 Western Import 22 European 23 P.D.C 23 Famous-Lasky... 23 Ideal 23 Stoll 24 Fox 24 Pathe 24 Wardour 24 F.N 25 Fox 25 Gaumont 25 Jury-Gold wyn 26 Jury-Goldwyn 26 F.N When East Meets West. Makers of Men. Yankee Doodle, Junr. Welcome Home. Flame Fighter, The Braveheart. Classics With a Punch. Conquering Blood. Her Fateful Marriage. Unwritten Law, The Dance Madness. One Colombo Night. Lord Jim. Lillies of the City. Getting 'Em Right. Duke's Motto, The Cyclone Cavalier. Wild, Wild Susan. Borrowed Finery. What Three Men Wanted. Sea Urchin, The Not Built for Running. New Commandment, The For Your Children's Sake. Down Upon the Swanee River. Tragedy. Plastic Age, The His Jazz Bride. Virginian Outcast, The Soul Mates. Braveheart. Steel Preferred. Great Love, The Clothes Make the Pirate. Flower of the Night. Skinner's Dress Suit. Three Faces East. Under Fire. Not Guilty. Best People, The Fighting Thoroughbred, The White Fang. Destruction of Paris. Scarlet West, The Fight to a Finish. Don't. Gilded Highway, The Range Buzzards. Bluebeard's Seven Wives. Do It Now. Still Alarm, The Outsider, The Son o' Mine. Youth's Gamble. Beautiful Cheat, The Made for Love. New Brooms. Lightning Jack. Phantom of the Forest. Ancient Mariner, The Great Jewel Robbery, The Checkered Flag, The What Fools Men. First Year, The Fighting Edge. Auction Block, The Blackbird, The Shore Leave. 26 Fox 26 F.B.O. ... 26 Ideal ... 26 European 28 European My Own Pal. When Husbands Vendetta, The Midnight Sun, The Flaming Frontier. Flirt MARCH. Western Import Ideal ... Famous-Lasky Ideal ... P.D.C. ... European Moss Empires Ideal United Kingdom 8 Western Import 8 European 8 Butcher's 8 Gaumont 9 Famous-Lasky 9 Stoll ... 10 Pathe ... 10 Wardour 11 Jury-Goldwy 12 European 12 United Films 12 H. E. Hay'yvard 12 Vitagraph 14 Wardour 15 Western Import 15 P-D.C 15 W. and F. 16 W. and F. 17 Unity 18 Wardour 19 W. and F. 19 Stoll 21 European 22 Butcher's 22 Western Import 22 European 23 Famous-Lasky... 23 W. and F. 23 F.B.O 23 Morris Films ... 24 Pathe ... 24 British Screen 24 Fox 25 Gaumont 25 Fox 25 Vitagraph 25 New Era 26 Ideal 26 W. and F. 26 Fox 28 W. and F. 30 Famous-Lasky... 30 Gaumont 30 W. and F. 31 Pathe Right Man , The Ship of Souls. Crowded Hour, The Lover's Island. Danger Girl, The Scarlet Streak. Unseen Forces. Hearts and Fists. My Bachelor Husband. New Professor. Watch Your Step. Kentucky Luck. Sea Beast, The Womanhandled. Speed Limit, The Across the Deadline. Her Dancing Partner. Ibanez' Torrent. Combat. Tragedy of the " Hamp- shire." Foolish Wager, The Other Woman's Storv, The Waltz Dream, The Dangerous Fists. Rocking Moon. Bonjour Paris. Sea Wolf, The Bandits of the Air. Sea Wolves, The Count of Luxembourg. Sahara Love. Cohens and the Kellys, The Somebody's Mother. Who Was the Man? Rustler's Ranch. Mannequin . Pleasure Garden, The Pride of the Paddock. Fair Maid of Perth. Flame, The Venetian Lovers. Flood, The Man Upstairs, The Road to Glory. Free to Love. Secrets of Nature. Flaming Waters. Black Cyclone. Dixie Merchant, The Last Days of Pompeii, The Splendid Crime, The Love Toy, The Circus Kid, The Green Archer, The APRIL. 1 Wardour 7 European 8 Wardour 9 W. and F. 9 Famous-Lasky 9 Gaumont 9 F.B.O. ... 9 Western Import 9 European Dangerous Odds. Chip of the Flying Was It Bigamy ? Torrent, The Stage Struck. Race for Love, A Ladies of Leisure. Miss 1926. Les Miserables. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." Trade Shows of 1926. 89 13 B.E.F. ... 13 W. and F. 14 Pathe ... 14 Phillips 14 Fox 15 Fox 15 jury-goldwyn 15 Gaumont 16 F.N 16 Fox 16 W. and F. 16 Famous-Lasky... 18 Graham-Wilcox 20 Famous-Lasky... 20 W. and F. 20 Wardour 21 Pathe 22 Fox 22 Jury-Goldwyn 23 F.B.O. ... 23 jury-goldwyn 26 Butcher's . 27 Ideal 27 Famous-Lasky... 28 Ideal 28 Pathe 28 Wardour 28 Crest 29 Gaumont 29 jury-goldwyn 29 New Era 30 Jury-Goldwyn 30 Ideal 14 Stoll 14 Ideal 18 Stoll 18 Ideal 19 Ideal 20 Gaumont 21 Ducal 21 F.B.O. 21 Ideal 21 Stoll 21 European 25 F.N. ... 25 Famous-Lasky... 26 Pathe 27 Gaumont 28 B.E.F. 28 Inter Cine 28 Jury-Goldwyn 28 Stoll 28 F.N. ... 30 Astra- Nat. 31 Graham Wilcox 1 Graham Wilcox 1 Ideal... 1 F.N 1 Famous-Lasky.. 3 Gaumont 2 Fox ... 3 Fox ... 3 European 4 Ideal 4 Fox ... 4 F.N. ... 4 European 4 Jury-Goldwyn 6 Ideal 7 Butcher's 7 Wardour Pleasures of the Rich. Unchastened Woman, The Daring Doris. Sentinels of the Sea. Thank You. Sandy. Barrier, The Cave Man, The Irene. Yellow Fingers. Trunk Mystery, The Ancient Highway, The Barocco. Hands Up. Bilberries, The Brooding Eves. Flash o' Lightning. Just and Uniust. Dreams of Monte Carlo. Thrill Hunter, The Beautiful Rebel, The Little People, The Interrupted Wedding, The Irish Luck. Man With the Scar, The Last Edition. Taxi Mystery, The Her Dear Enemy. Bride of the Storm. Devil's Circus, The Life on the Ocean Wave. Beverley of Graustark. Pride of the Force. MAY. Chinese Bungalow, The Midnight Flyer, The Island of Despair, The No More Troubles. Blue Streak, The Little Irish Girl. Wolf of Place, The S.O.S. Perils of the Sea Love Test, The Chinese Bungalow, The My Old Dutch. Beautiful City, The Moana. . Midnight Limited, The John Henry Calling. . Out of the Storm. , Power God, The Brown of Harvard. Island of Despair, The . Joanna. . Human Law. Bindle. JUNE. Primrose Path. . Bandit's Baby, The . Too Much Money. . Vanishing Race, The . Night Cry, The . Early to Wed. . Shamrock Handicap, The . Phantom Bullet. . Odds on Gallagher. . Man Four Square, A . Memory Lane. . Rolling Home. Money Talks. . Oyster Princess, The . Secret Orders. . Woman Tempted. The Famous-Lasky F.N Stoll Famous-Lasky Gaumont Pathe Napoleon ... Ducal Stoll New Era Inter Cine ... Gaumont Wardour Vitagraph ... H. & S. F.B.O. F.N European ... Famous-Lasky Argosy Gaumont European ... European ... Vitagraph ... Argosy Pioneer European ... Butcher's ... Ideal Famous-Lasky European ... Geoffrey Benstead ... Geoffrey Benstead ... Pathe European ... Pathe P.D.C. Pioneer P.D.C. ]ury-Goldwyn W. &F. F.B.O. P.D.C. Vitagraph ... Butcher's ... European ... Famous-Lasky Fox ... 1 Gaumont 1 Fox ... 2 Fox ... 2 Jury-Goldwyn 2 Inter Cine ... 6 Wardour 6 P.D.C. 6 B.E.F. 6 Famous-Lasky 7 P.D.C. 7 Pathe 8 P.D.C. 8 P.D.C. 9 F.B.O. 9 Wardour] ... 12 Butcher's ... 13 Stoll 13 Wardour 13 Famous-Lasky 14 Morris Films 14 Renters 14 Renters 14 Crest Films... 15 Gaumont Seven Keys to Baldpate. Rainbow Riley. Hearts and Spangles. For Heaven's Sake. " Featherland " Series. Rogues of the West. Cinema Revelations. Folly of Doubt, The Primitive Love. Secrets of Nature, Island of Tears, The With Cobham to the Cape. Sea Wolves, The Firefly. Modern Magdalene, A Substitute Wife, The Girl from Montmartre* The Mystery Club, The Let's Get Married. Drills and Thrills. Brothers. Looking for Trouble. Bucking the Truth. Lucky Fool, The Windjammer, The Romances of the Prize Ring. Love Thief, The Self Starter. Nest, The Behind the Front. Scrappin' Kid. Wonderful Women. Shadows of Conscience King of the Turf. Terror, The King of the Turf. Eve's Leaves. Fake Spiritualism Exposed . Shipwrecked. Yokel, The Her Betrayal. Children of the Whirlwind. Open Switch, The Married ? Little People, The Poker Faces. New Klondike, The Trip to Chinatown, A JULY. Sap, The Black Paradise. Hard Boiled. Lovey Mary. Riders of the Sandstorm. Somebody's Son. Up in Mabel's Room. Morganson's Finish. Runaway, The . . Bachelor Brides. Heads Up. Dice Woman, The Unknown Soldier, The Should a Woman Tell ? Fighting Hearts. Dangerous Dude. Road to Happiness, The Walter Ford Comedies. Kiss for Cinderella, A Who's Cheating ? Turned Up. Edge of Destiny. Kingdom of Darkness. Why Girls Go Back Home. . "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." go The Kinematograpk Year Book. 15 British Screen Santa Claus. 16 Jury-Gold wyn Road to Mandalay, The 16 Stoll ... Golden Butterflv, The 19 Gaumont ... London Love. 20 Ward our ... Daughter of Israel, A 20 Famous-Lasky Dancing Mothers. 21 Fox Gentle Cvclone, The 21 Pathe ... Blood Bond. 22 Fox Nostromo. 21 Stoll ... Sign of the Claw, The 23 F.B.O. ... Scandal Street. 23 Ward our ... Millionaire Policeman, The 23 Jury- Gold wyn Boy Friend, The 23 Fox More Pay Less Work. 23 Famous-Lasky King on Main Street, The 27 Famous-Lasky Lucky Lady, The 27 U.K. 27 Wardour 27 F.N. 28 F.N. ... 28 European 29 Gaumont 30 Wardour 2 European . 4 Wardour 4 Pathe 5 Western Imp 5 European ., 6 F.B.O. 6 Jury-Gold wyn 6 Inter Cine. 6 Famous-Lasky 6 Film Distrib. 9 European ... 10 KinemaEx 10 Famous-Lasky 11 Fox 11 Stoll 12 Fox 12 Gaumont 13 Moss Empires 13 Famous-Lasky 13 Fox 16 European ... 17 Kinema Ex.... 17 Ideal 18 Pathe 20 United Films 20 F.B.O. 23 F.N. 24. P.D.C. 24 Famous-Lasky 24 Film Distrib. 25 P.D.C. 25 F.N. 25 Argosy 26 P.D.C. 26 Gaumont 27 P.D.C. 27 F.N 27 Stoll 27 Famous-Lasky 27 Western Im. 30 Butcher's ... 30 U.K 31 Stoll 31 Famous-Lasky 31 European ... Wooing of Eve, The Whispering Canyon. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. Scarlet Saint, The Marriage Clause, The Hypocrite, The Temptation. AUGUST. Old Soak, The Night of Romance, A Indiscretion. Millionaire Mystery, The Strings of Steel. Lone Wolf Returns, The Battling Butler Red Blood and Blue. Miss Brewster's Millions Pals. Her Big Night. Oriental Love. Blind Goddess, The Fig Leaves. Racing Blood. Family Upstairs, The Hero of the Big Snows Isle of Retribution, The Crown of Lies, The Midnight Kiss, The Runawav Express. Mists of' the Past. You Can't Fool Your Wife. Casey of the Coast Guard. Little Dramas of Big Places. False Alarm. Infatuation. Footlights. That's My Baby. Blue Lagoon (Re-issue). Her Man o' War. Duchess of Buffalo, The Christine of the Circus. Clinging Vine, The Silken Shackles. Flame of the Yukon, The Men of Steel. Man Who Sold Himself, The Faun, The Marriage Hotel, The Gay Cavalier, The When She Starts-Look Out ! Gentleman of the Ring, A Sea Horses. Phantom Police. SEPTEMBER. 1 Pathe ... Queen o' Diamonds. 1 F.N Her Second Chance. 1 Graham Wilcox White Heat. 2 European ... Prisoners of the Storrr; Gaumont F.B.O. Film Dis- tributors ... W. &F. Butcher's ... U.K F.N European ... Wardour W. &F. Fox Pedlar, The. Darling of Paris, The. Impostor, The. Triumph of the Rat, The. Moran of the Mounted. Roses of the South. Reckless Ladv. The. Whole Town's'Talking, The Manon Lescaut. Cinders. Honestv the Best Policv. 7 Graham Wn.cox Guardsman, The. Argosy F.N. ... European Gaumont Fox ... W. & F. F.N. ... P.D.C. European Gaumont 13 U.K. -Lasky F.N. .. W. & F. Famous New Era P.D.C. Argosy P.D.C. Ideal F.N Pathe New Era New Era Fox Tury- Gold wyn P.D.C. Film Distributors W. &F. P.D.C. Butcher's ... W. & F. Ideal Wardour Famous-Lasky P.D.C Argosy European ... Gaumont Gaumont Fox ... W. & F. F.N. ... Pioneer European ... Gaumont Stoll W. &F. Famous-Lasky B.E.F. Wardour Pathe Renters Renters Gaumont Jury- Gold wyn Winner, The. Mademoiselle Modiste. Ice Flood, The. Social Highwavman. The No Man's Gold. Spanish Passion. Golden Youth. Young April. Spangles. Mademoiselle from Armen- tieres. Adventures of Svbil Brent. The. Far Cry, The. Lodger. The. Fresh Paint. Nelson. Speeding Venus. Men of the Night. Red Dice. Madame Mystery. Desert Healer, The. Battler, The. Palaver. Mons. Three Bad Men. Waning Sex, The. Risky Business. Three in Exile. Mill; The. Gigolo. Danger Guest, The. Blue Blood. Flying Fool, The. Three Cuckoo Clocks, The. Rainmaker, The. Meet the Prince. Boaster, The. Perch of the Devil. Mistress of Men. Fine Feathers. Pelican. The. Transcontinental Limited. Wilderness Woman. The. Ball of Fortune, The. Texas Streak. Blinkeyes. Revelation. Winning the Futurity. Good and Naughty. Lost at Sea. Wolf Hunters, The. Bar C Mystery, The. Montana Bill. Crossed Trails. So This is Paris ? Three Two-reel Comedies. OCTOBER. F.N Brown Derby, The. Jury-Goldwyn Three Two-reel Comedies. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 1 rade snows of 1920. 91 i F.B.O. Sweet Rosie 0 'Grady. 2 European ... Hidden Loot. i W. &F. Mountain Eagle, The. 2 B.S.C Happv Rascals. i Famous-Lasky Untamed Lady, The. 2 Famous-Lasky The Show Off. 4 F.N Dancer of Paris, The. 3 Fox Country Beyond, The. 4 Butcher's ... Devil's Masterpiece, The. 3 Astra-Nat'l... Passions of Men. 5 Famous-Lasky Aloma of the South Seas. 3 W ARDOUR Captain's Courage. A. 5 Fox Flying Horseman, The. 3 Pathe Without Orders. 5 W ARDOUR Impetuous Youth. 4 Ideal... His Big Pal. 5 Butcher's ... Her People. 4 Fox ... Gt. K. & A. Train Robbery. 6 European ... Michael Strogoff. 4 Gaumont Honeymoon Express , The . 6 F.N Ella Cinders. 4 Jury Gold wyn Mare Nostrum. 6 Fox ... Woman Power. 5 F.N Subway Sadie. 6 W. &F. Mother's Boy. 5 Fox Honesty the Best Policy. 6 Butcher's ... Vow, The. 8 Gaumont April Showers. 7 Inter. Cine. Then Came the Woman. 8 Graham-Wilcox Blue Danube, The. 7 Fox Blue Eagle. The. 9 Famous-Lasky It's the Old Army Game. 7 Gaumont Broken Hearts of Holly- 9 B.E.F. Tools of Fashion. wood. 9 Wardour Two Brothers, The. 8 Argosy Woman's Heart. A. 9 Stoll Boadicea. 8 Crest Films Oh, What a Little Queen. 9 European Red Hot Leather. 8 F.N Ranson's Folly. 9 Argosy Devil's Dice, The. 8 W. &F. Revenge, The. 10 F.N Into Her Kingdom. 8 Fox ... Lily, The. 10 Western Imp. You Can't Figure Women. ii Butcher's ... High Speed Pictures. 10 Pathe Broadway Lady. 12 Western Imp. Man Without Nerves. The. 10 Inter. Cine. Man in the Shadow. 12 Butcher's ... High Speed Pictures. 11 Ideal... Laddie. 12 VlTAGRAPH ... Across the Pacific. 12 F.N Puppets. 12 B.E.F. Lodge in the Wilderness. 12 F.B.O. Obey the Law. 12 Famous-Lasky Mantrap. 12 European ... Ridin' Rascal. 12 Pathe Something for Nothing. 16 Gaumont Devil's Island. 13 W ARDOUR Dixie Flyer, The. 16 Gaumont Screen Playlets. 13 F.N M'ss Nobody. 16 Famous-Lasky Palm Beach Girl, The. 13 Butcher's ... High Speed Pictures. 16 European ... Prowlers of the Night. 13 European ... Butterflies in the Rain. 17 European ... Take it from Me. 14 Gaumont Passionate Quest, The. 17 Fox Yankee at the Court of 14 Jury- Gold wyn Gay Deceiver, The. King Arthur. 15 Pioneer Famous "Song Scena 17 Wardour Speed Crazed. Series. 17 Pathe Blind Trail, The. 15 F.B.O. Farmer's Boy. A. 17 F.N '.. Strong Man, The. 15 F.N Great Deception, The. 17 Western Imp. West of Rainbow's End. 18 Butcher's ... North of Nome. 18 Film Dist. ... When Heroes Love. 19 VlTAGRAPH ... My Official Wife. 18 Ideal... Merry Cavalier, The. 0 19 Famous-Lasky Born to the West. 18 Fox Whispering Wires. 19 B.S.C Daily Mirror Films. 19 Moss' Empires Deadline. The. 20 F.N It Must be Love. 19 Famous-Lasky Lady of the Harem, The. 20 Pathe Win, Lose or Draw. 19 European ... Red Clay. 21 Inter. Cine. Dame Chance. 19 Fox Return of Peter Grimm. 21 Gaumont Yasmina. 19 European ... Buckaroo Kid. 20 Jury-Gold wyn Bardelys the Magnificent. 19 Stoll Thundering Speed. 21 Jury-Goldwyn Magician, The. 7 2 FN Amateur Gentleman, The. 22 Jury- Gold wyn Blarney. 22 West Central La Boheme. 22 Argosy Waster, The. 23 Famous-Lasky Tin Gods. 22 P.D.C. For Alimony Only. 23 Pioneer Life Story of C. Chaplin. 22 F.N Senor Dare Devil. 23 Pathe Flying Mail, The. 22 W ARDOUR Cradle of God, The. 23 European ... Man From The West. 26 Cine. Exclu. Dumb Girl of Portici. 23 P.D.C. For Wives Only. 26 VlTAGRAPH ... Private Izzy Murphy. 24 Wardour Circus of Life, The. 26 Famous-Lasky Cat's Pyjamas, The. 24 F.N. ... ... Sweet Daddies. 26 B.E.F. That Model from Paris. 24 Western Imp. Lash of the Law, The. 27 F.N Savage, The. 24 P.D.C. Pals in Paradise. 27 W ARDOUR High Flyer, The. 24 Wardour Thrilling Youth. 27 Pathe FightingFists. 25 Gaumont Stop, Look and Listen. 28 Ideal Bigger than Barnum's. 25 Inter. Cine. Adventures of Maya, The. 28 Gaumont One Minute to Twelve. 25 Ideal... " ... A Gamble in Hearts. 28 European ... Take it From Me. 25 Jury-Gold wyn Scarlet Letter, The. 28 VlTAGRAPH ... Don Juan. 26 Gaumont Second to None. 29 F.N Pals First. 26 F.B.O. Better Way, The. 29 Stoll Racewild. 26 Pathe Snowed In. 29 European rignung v\ ltn rsunaio r>JiJ. 26 Warner Bros. Better 'Ole, The. 29 F.B.O. * When the Wife's Away. 26 European ... Lazy Lightning. 29 Astra-Nat. ... Flag Lieutenant, Tne. 29 W. &F. 29 Moss' Empires A Modern du Barry, 29 Famous-Lasky Fascinating Youth. That Man Jack. NOVEMBER. 30 Pathe Traffic Cop, The. 2 Western Imp. Fightin' Jack. 30 B.E.F. Younger Generation, The. 2 Stoll Warning Signal, The. 30 Stoll Frenzied Flames. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE- •IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." 92 rz The Kinematograph Year Book. Exclusive American News FREE to Subscribers. The Kine Weekly's Film Index — an Index to the Trade Shows, the mon h's releases, et?., A Guide to every Exhibitor. The Kine Monthy Film Record. "The Brad- shaw to the Kinemato- graph Industry." The THE KINE" receives exclusive American new, FIRST by arrangement with 'The Motion Picture Newi," the leading organ of the American Film Industry. TVs is IN ADDITION to the excellent s.rvice supplied by "BERTAD" in New York and PHIL LONERGAN at the Coast. Kine Weekly The Key to Trade Problems* One Shilling. 30/- per annum, post free. J**IL^ Publicity service hp \7UDE/ MflCflZINE/ r^flBINET/ &c J 40, MfllDfl VflLE, LONDON-W9 1/81, val& , . ;^ _ Est^ 15 Years HlCH ClMS PRODUCJION^ ONLY The Renters of 1926 Films 93 RENTERS' OFFERS OF THE YEAR. . Subjects TRADE SHOWN bij renting houses from Dec. 1925— Nov. 1926, arranged in order of date of London display. For RELEASE DATES and other details of these subjects see "TRADE SHOWN FILMS of 1926 " on page 57 and following. Argosy. Jan. 8. Broadway Billy. Feb. 16. Fighting Thoroughbred, June 16. Drills and Thrills. 18. Windjammer. Aug. 25. Christine of the Circus. Sept. 7. Winner, The. ,, 14. Men of the Night. ,, 22. Boaster, The. Oct. 8. Woman's Heart, A. ,, 22. Waster, The. Nov. 9. Devil's Dice, The. Astra-National. Jan. 29. Awakening, The. May 30. Human Law. Oct. 29. Flag Lieutenant, The. Nov. 3. Passions of Men. The. Feb. Apr. May July Nov Oct. Nov. Jan. 4. Devil's Masterpiece, The 5. Her People. 6. Vow, The. ci. " High Speed " Pictures. 12. "Highspeed" Pictures. [2. " High Speed " Pictures. :8. North of Rome. 1. Princess on Broadway, A. C. & M. 5. Riding for a King. ,, 5. Haunted Castles. Apl. 13. Rosenkavalier. Cinema Exclusives. Oct. 26. Dumb Girlof Portici (re-issue). Crest Films. B.E.F. Dec. 9- Desires of Youth. Jan. 12. Lure of the Sea. 12. Morals for Men. Feb. 26. Ain't Love Just Wonderful. 9- Borrowed Finery. Apl. 28. Her Dear Enemy. 1. Pleasures of the Rich. July 14. 8. Kingdom of Darkness. 28. Out of the Storm. Oct. O-i, What a Little Queen. 6. Morganson's Finish. 28. Lost at Sea. 12. Lodge in the Wilderness. Ducal. 26. 9- 30. That Model From Paris. Fools of Fashion. Younger Generation, The. May June 21. 10. Wolf of Placer, The. Folly of Doubt, The. Mar. 24. July 15- Oct. 19. Nov. 2. Jan. Feb. 8. •„ 22. Mar. 8. ,, 22. Apl. 26. June 7. ,, 21. „ 28. July 12. Aug. 30. Sept. 6. British Screen. Venetian Lovers. Dec. Santa Claus. ,, "Daily M rror " Competition Films. ,, "Happy Rascals" Series. Jan. Butcher's. " Bashful Buccaneer, A. Feb. Three of a Kind. ,, Crack o' Dawn. ,, Cyclone Cavalier. ,, Son o' Mine. ,, Kentucky Luck. ,, Somebody's Mother. Mar. Little People, The. „ Secret Orders. ,, Self Starter, The. Little People, The. Dangerous Dude. Apl. Gay Cavalier. The. ,, Moran of the Mounted. May Danger Quest, The. June Southward Bound. European. Blind Husbands. His People. Arizona Sweepstakes. Buster Brown Comedies. Comedies. What Happened to Jones Stella Maris. Skinner's Dress Suit. Destruction of Paris. Still Alarm. Beautiful Cheat, The. Midnight Sun, The. Flaming Frontier. Scarlet Streak, The. Watch Your Wife. Combat, The. Cohens and the Kellys. Rustler's Ranch. Chip of the Flying " U." Les Miser ables. My Old Dutch. Phantom Bullet, The. Rolling Home. « IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES," 94 The Kinematograph Year Book. June ii. Mystery Club, The. ,, 16. Looking for Trouble. ,, 17. Backing the Truth. 21. Love Thief, The. ,, 22. Scrappin' Kid, The. ,, 23. Terror, The. ,, 28. Poker Faces. Aug. 2. Old Soak, The. ,, 5. Strings of Steel. „ 9. Her Big Night. ,, 16. Runaway Express, The. ., 27. Comedies. ,, 31. Phantom Police. Sept. 2. Prisoners of the Storm. ,, 6. Whole Town's Talking, The. 8. Ice Flood, The. ,, 10. Spangles. ,, 22. Perch of the Devil. ,, 24. Texas Streak. Oct. 6. Michael Strogoff. ,, 13. Butterflies in the Rain. ,, 28. Take it from Me. ,, 29. Fighting with Buffalo Bill. Nov. 2. Hidden Loot. ,, 12. Red Hot Leather. ,, 12. Ridin' Rascal. Prowlers of the Night. Take it from Me. Red Clay. Buckaroo Kid, The. Man from the West. Lazy Lightning. Fam:us-Lasky. Manicure Girl, The. Rugged Water. Man Who Found Himself. Trouble With Wives, The. Coast of Folly. ,, 22. Son and His Father, A. Jan. 5. Salome of the Tenements. 8. Cobra. ,, 12. Paths to Paradise. ,, 19. Golden Princess, The. ,, 22. Wild Horse "Mesa. ,, 26 Lovers in Quarantine. Feb. 2. Welcome Home. ,, 5. Lord Jim. 9. Wild, Wild Susan. ,, 12. Flower of Night. ,, 16. Best People, The. ,, 23. New Brooms. Mch. 2. Crowded Hour, The. ,, 9. Womanhandled. ,, 23. Mannequin. ,, 30. Splendid Crime, The. Apl. 9. Stage Struck. ,, 16. Ancient Highway, The. „ 20. Hands Up. ,, 27. Irish Luck. May 4. Song and Dance Man, The. „ 21. That Royle Girl. ,, 25. Moana. June 1. Vanishing Race. The. ,, 8. Seven Keys to Baldpate. ,, 9. For Heaven's Sake. ,, 15. Let's Get Married. 2 ; Behind the Front. ,, 29. New Klond;ke, The July 2. Pony Express, The. ,, 6. Runaway, The. ,, - 13. Kiss for Cinderella, The. „ 20. Dancing Mothers. Dec. 1. 8. ,, 11. » 15- „ 18. July 23. 27. Aug. 6. ,, 10. „ 13- „ 17. ,, 20. „ 24. „ 27. ■ „ 31. Sept. 14. ,, 21. 28. 1. Oct. Nov. 19. 26. 29. Feb. Dec. 2. Jan. 13. >, is. ,, 21. 29. 4- „ 12. „ 17- „ 26. Mar. 23. Apl. 9. „ 23. May 21. June 11. „ 25. July 9- 23- 6. 20. 3- 17. 1. 15- 29. 12. 26. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Apl. 1. Aug. 6. „ 24. Sept. 3. 17- Nov. 18. Dec. Jan. Feb. 29. 4- 5- 7- 11. 13- 14. 10. 12. i7- 19. King on Main Street. Lucky Lady, The. Miss Brewster's Millions. Blind Goddess, The. Crown of Lies, The. Social Celebrity, The. Desert Gold. That's My Baby. Faun, The. Sea Horses. Fresh Paint. Rainmaker, The. Good and Naughty. Untamed Lady, The. Aloma of the South Seas. Mantrap. You Never Know Women Born to the West. Cat's Pyjamas, The. Fascinating "Youth. Show Off, The. It's the Old Army Game. Palm Beach Girl, The. Lady of the Harem, The. Tin Gods. F.B.O. Sealed Lips. Handsome Brute, The. Simon the Jester. Gay Nights. Lure of the Wild. Unwritten Law, The. Steel Preferred (Enduring Flame Fight to a Finish. When Husbands Flirt. Pride of the Paddock. Ladies of Leisu e. Thrill Hunter, The. S.O.S. Perils of the Sea. Substitute Wife, The. Children of the Whirlwind. Should a Woman Tell ? Scandal Street. Lone Wolf Returns, The. False Alarm, The. Darling of Paris, The. Bells, The. Sweet Rosie O'Grady. Farmer's Boy, The. When the Wife's Away. Obey the Law. Better Way, The. Film Distributors. Smiling at Trouble. Pals. Blue Lagoon, The (Re-issue). Imposter, The. Three in Exile. When Heroes Love. F.N. Live Wire, The. Dark Angel, The. Splendid Road, The. Classified. We Moderns. Why Women Love. Unguarded Hour, The. New Commandment. Clothes Make the Pirate. Scarlet West, The. Bluebeard's Seven Wives. IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT 1$ A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE," The Renters of 1926 Films. 95 Feb. 24. What Fools Men. ,, 26. Shore Lea\e. Apr. 16. Irene. May 25. Beautiful City, The. ,, 28. Joanna. June 1. Too Much Money. ,, 4. Memory Lane. , , 8. Rainbow Riley. ,, 11. Girl from Montmartre, The. July 7. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. 8. Scarlet Saint. Aug. 25. Duchess of Buffalo. ,, 27. Men of Steel. Sept. 1. Her Second Chance. ,, 6. Reckless Lady, The. ,, 8. M'lle, Modiste. ,, 10. Golden Youth. ,, 13. Far Cry, The. 15. Desert Healer, The. ,, 24. Wilderness Woman, The. Oct. 1. Brown Derby, The. ,, 4. Dancer of Paris, The. ,, 6. Ella Cinders. 8. Ranson's Folly. ,, 13. Miss Nobody. ,, 15. Great Deception, The. ,, 20. It Must Be Love. ,, 22. Senor Daredevil. ,, 27. Savage, The. ,, 29. Pals First. Nov. 5. Subway Sadie. ,, 10. Into Her Kingdom. ,, 12. Puppets. ,, 17. Strong Man, The. ,, 22. Amateur Gentleman, The. ,, 24. Sweet Daddies. Fox. When the Door Opened. The Best Bal Man. Wages for Wives. Desert's Price. Cowboy and the Countess. Golden Strain, The. Gilded Butterfly, The. Palace of Pleasure, The. Conquering Blood. Outsider, The. Ancient Mariner. First Year, The. My Own Pal. Flood, The. Road to Glory, The. Dixie Merchant, The. Thank You. Sandy. Yellow Fingers. Just and Unjust. Siberia. Tony Runs Wild. Rustling for Cupid. Early to Wed. Shamrock Handicap, The. Man Four Square, A. Trip to Chinatown, A. Black Paradise. Hard Boiled. Gentle Cyclone, The. Nostromo. More Pay, Less Work. Fig Leaves. Family Upstairs, The. Midnight Kiss, The. Dec. 10. ' 16. ' 18. 1 Jan. 6. ] 15. ( 20. < 27. 1 29- 1 Feb. 3- < 22. ( 24. . 25- ■ 26. : Mar. 24. ] 25. j 26. ] Apl. 14. IS- ! 16. ' 22. May 3- ! 5- ' 6. June 2. 3- ! 4- 30. ' July I. 2. 21. ' 22 23- Aug. II. 12. 13- p . 7 • nuucSiy lb me DL-bi -rum, v. 9- No Man's Gold. 16. Three Bad Men. 23. Pelican, The. n " 5- Flying Horseman, JThe. " Worn a n Powe r . 7- Blue Eagle, The. "_ 8. Lily, The. Nov. 3- Country Beyond, The. 4- Great K. and A. Train Robbery. 5- xiuilcsiy lb Lilt DCM ± \Jll^y . " i7- Vonl/oo at flic* frm-rt r*f TCinff Arthn r 18. Whispering Wires. 19. Return of Peter Grimm. Gaumont. Dec. 4. Somebody's Darling. 10. Clash of the Wolves. 17. Compromise . Jan 7- Secret Service Sanders. 28. Hogan's Alley. 31. Lady Windermere's Fan. Feb. 4- 8. Duke's Motto, The. 11. His fazz Bride. 18. Gilded Highway, The. 25- Fighting Edge, The. Mar. 8. Sea Beast, The. 25- Man Upstairs, The. ,, 30. Love Toy, The. Apl. 9- Race for Love, A. 15- Cave Man, The. 29. Bride of the Storm. May 6. Other Women's Husbands 20. Little Irish Girl. 27. John Henry Calling. June 17- July 1. 15- 19- „ 29. Aug. 12. ,, 26. Sept. 2. 9- „ 13. 23. „ 23. „ 28. 30. 7- 14. Oct. Nov. 8. 16. 16. 25- 26. Jan. 20. ,, 29. Apl. 18. May. 31. June 1. Sept. 3. „ 7. Nov. 8. Night Cry, The. " Featherland " Series. With Cobham to the Cape. Brothers. Sap, The. Why Girls Go Back Home. London Love. Hypocrite, The. Hero of the Big Snows. Silken Shackles Pedlar, The. Social Highwayman, The. Mademoiselle from Armentieres. Mistress of Men. Fine Feathers. Blinkeyes. So this is Paris ? Broken Hearts of Hollywood. Through Wildest Africa. Passionate Quest, The. Yasmina. One Minute to Twelve. Honeymoon Express, The. April Showers. Devil's Island. Screen Playlets. Stop, Look and Listen. Second to None. Graham Wilcox. Eyes of Mystery. Daughters of To-day. Barocco . Bindle. Primrose Path, The. White Heat. Guardsman, The. Blue Danube, The. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 96 The Rinetnatograph Year Book. Feb. 26. D3C. June Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Feb. May June July Aug. Oct. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. April 25- H. E. Hay ward. Beauty Spots of Britain. H. & S. Heart of An Actress. Modern Magdalene, A. Ideal. 28. No-G in Man, The. Counsel for the Defence. North Star. His Pal's Wife. Tom Webster Cartoons. Lightning Jack. Vendetta, The. Ship of Souls. Lovers' Island. Hearts and Fists. Flaming Waters. Interrupted Wedding. Man with the Scar. Pride of the Force. Midnight Flyer, The. Blue Streak, The. Love Test, The. Odds on Gallagher. Oyster Princess, The. Bandit's Baby, The. Nest, The. You Can't Fool Your Wife. Madame Mystery. Flying Fool, The. Bigger than Barnum's. His Big Pal. Laddie. Merry Cavalier, The. Gamble in Hearts, A. Inter. Cine. Yankee Doodle, Junr. Power God, The. Island of Tears, The. Riders of the Sandstorm. Red Blood and Blue. Then Came the Woman. Dame Chance. Man in the Shadow, The. Adventures of Maya, The. Jury-Soldwyn. Masked Bride, The. Old Clothes. Time the Comedian. Sally, Irene and Mary. His Secretary. Bright Lights. Dance Madness. Soul Mates. Great Love, The. Don't. Auction Block, The Black Bird, The. Ibanez' Torrent. Barrier, The. Dreams of Monte Carlo. Devil's Circus, The. Beverley of Graustark. May 28. Brown of Harvard. June 4. Money Talks. „ 25. Yokel, The. July 2. Lovely Mary. ,, 16. Road to Mandalay, The. ,, 23. Boy Friend, The. Aug. 6. Battling Butler. Sept. 16. Waning Sex, The. ,, 30. Comedies (3). Oct. 1. Comedies (3). ,, 14. Gay Deceiver, The. ,, 20. Bardely's the Magnificent. ,, 21. Magician, The. 22. Blarney. Nov. 4. Mare Nostrum. ,, 25. Scarlet Letter, The. Kinema Expansions. Aug. 10. Oriental Love. ,, 17. Mists of the Past. Morris Films. Feb. 10. For Your Children's Sake. Mar. 23. Fair Maid of Perth. July 14. Who's Cheating? Moss' Empires. Dec. 4. Love of Women. ,, 15. My Lady's Lips. ,, 21. Speciality Football Film. Feb. 15. Not Guilty. Mar. 5. Unseen Forces. Aug. 13. Isle of Retribution, The. Nov. 19. Dead Line, The. ,, 29. That Man Jack. Napoleon. June 9. Cinema Revelations. New Era. Mar. 25. Secrets of Nature. April 29. Life on the Ocean Wave. June 10. Secrets of Nature. Sept. 14. Nelson. ,, 15. Palaver. ,, 16. Mons. Pathe. Dec. 1. Old Home, The. „ 8. Wild West. ,, 15. Love's Sacrifice. 13. Loser's End, The. 27. Her Big Adventure. 2. Flame Fighter, The. ,, 10. Not Built for Running. ,, 24. Great Jewel Robbery. Mar. 10. Across the Deadline. ,, 24. Flame, The- ,, 31. Green Archer, The. April 14., Daring Doris. „ 21. Flash o' Lightning. ,, 28. Last Edition, The. May 5. Trouble Baxter. ,, 26. Midnight Limited. June 9. Rogues of the West. ,, 23. King of the West. July 1. Heads Up. ,, 21. Blood Bond. Aug. 4. Indiscretion. ,, 18. Casey of the Coastguard. Jan. Feb. « IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." The Renters of 1926 Films. 97 Sept. 1. „ 15- „ 29. Oct. 20. „ 27. Nov. Dec. 3. Jan. 7. ,, 11. Feb. 11. 15- „ 23. Mar. 3. „ 15- May 4. June 23. „ 24. » 25. July 6. „ 7- Aug. 24. „ 25. ,, 26. » 27. Sept. 10. „ 14- „ 15- „ 16. „ 17. „ 21. Oct. £2. Nov. 23. 24. Dec. 4. Jan. 8. >, 15- „ 27. Feb. 5. April 14. May 6. Sept. 27. Queen of Diamonds. Battler, The. Bar of Mystery, The. Win, Lose or Draw. Fighting Fists. Without Orders. Broadway Lady, The. Blind Trail, The. Flying Mail, The. Snowed In. Traffic Cop, The. People P.D.C. . Nancy Preston, The. Wedding Song, The. Road to Yesterday. Braveheart. Three Faces East. Made for Love. Danger Girl, The. Mocking Moon. Wild Oats. Eve's Leaves. Shipwrecked. Open Switch. Up in Mabel's Room. Bachelor Brides. Dice Woman, The. Unknown Soldier, The. Footlights. Her Man o' War. Clinging Vine, The. Flame of the Yukon. Young April. Speeding Venus. Red Dice. Risky Business. Gigolo. Meet the Prince. For Alimony Only. For Wives Only. Pals in Paradise. Phillips. Amazing Elopement, The. If Marriage Fails. Mask, The. Black Hawk, The. Lilies of the City. Sentinels of the Sea. Smooth as Satin. Phono Films. De Forest Phonofilms. Pioneer. June 18. Romances of the Prize Rin£ ,, 28. Fake Spiritualism Exposed. Sept. 24. Ball of Fortune, The. Oct. 15. Famous Song Scenas. Reciprocity. Aug. 31. If Youth But Knew. ,, 31. Twisted Tales. Dec. 17. July 14. M 14- Sept. 29. 29. Jan Renters. Baffled. Turned Up. Edge of Destiny. Montana Bill. Crossed Trails. Stcll. 7- Shadow on the Wall. » 10. Red Heels. Feb. 5- One Colombo Night. " 19. DO It iNOW. 23. Phantom of the Forest. Mar. 9- Speed Limit, The. 19. Sahara Love. May 2. Flower of the Forest. 21. Chinese Bungalow, The. ". 28. Island of Despair, The. June 8. Hearts and Spangles 10. Primitive Love. July 13- Road to Happiness, The. 16. Golden Butterfly, The. 21. Sign of the Claw, The. Aug. 11. Racing Blood. 27. Man Who Sold Himself. 3i- Gentleman of the Ring, A. Sept. 28. Revelation. Oct 29. i\atc vv im. Nov. 2. Warning Signal, The. 9- Boadicea. 19. Thuink 1 iiif; Steed. " 30. Frenzied Fiaim s. United Films. Dec. 2. Aeross the Siwa. Mar. 12 Tragedy of Hampshire. Aug. 20. Little Dramas in Big Place United Kingdom. Jan. 28. Every Mother's Son. Feb. 11. Tragedy. Mar. 5. My Bachelor Husband. July 27. Wooing of Eve, The. Aug. 30. When She Starts— Look Ou Sept. 6. Roses of the South. 13- Adventures of Sybil Brent . Unity. Dec. 1. Law and the Lady. 15- Wagon Trail. 15. Runaway Bride. 18. Foreman of Bar Z. Jan. 17- Evolution. Feb. 9: What Three Men Wanted.. II. Virginian Outcast, The. Mar. i7- Bandits of the Air. May 20. Rum Runners, The. 20. Mystery of Room 19, The. Wardour. Dec. 16. Foiled. 23- Adventures of Mazie. 29. Perfect Clown. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." D 98 The Kinematograph Year Booh. Jan. 8. Phantom Express, The. ,, 13. Love is Blind. ,, 19. Vaudeville. ,, 22. Dasperate Moment, A. ,, 27. On Probation. Feb. 3. Classics with a Punch. ,, 3. Stories of Pioneer Days. ,, 10. Down Upon the Swanee River. ,, 16. White Fang. ,, 24. Checkered Flag. Mar. 10. Her Dancing Partner. ,, 14. Waltz Dream, The. ,, 18. Sea Wolves, The. April 1. Dangerous Odds. ,, 8. Was it Bigamy ? ,, 20. Brooding Eyes. ,, 28. Taxi Mystery, The. May — . Jealousy. June 7. Woman Tempted, The. ,, 10. Sea Wolves, The (New Version). July 6. Somebody's Son. ,, 9. Fighting Hearts. „ 9. Lightning Strikes. ,, 13. Walter Forde Comedies. ,, 20. Daughter of Israel. ,, 23. Millionaire Policeman, The. ,, 27. Whispering Canyon, The. ,, 30. Temptation. Aug. 4. Night of Romance, A. Sept. 21. Three Cuckoo Clocks, The. ,, 29. Wolf Hunters, The. Oct. 5. Impetuous Youth. ,, 13. Dixie Flyer, The. ,, 22. Cradle of God, The. „ 27. High Flyer, The. Nov. 3. Captain's Courage, A. ,, 9. Two Brothers, The. ,, 17. Speed Crazed. „ 24. Thrilling Youth. ,, 24. Circus of Life. Jan. Feb. Mar. April 9 . u 27. Oct. Nov Jan. 12. 15- 19. 12. 26. 29. Western Import. Lend Me Your Husband. Youth for Sale. Geared To Go. Mad Marriage, The. Forgotten Woman, The. When East Meets West. Getting 'Em Right. Under Fire. Youth's Gamble. Right Man, The. New Professor, The. Dangerous Fists. Who Was the Man ? Miss 1926. Lady of the Camellias. Millionaire Mystery, The. Marriage Hotel, The. Man without Nerves. Fighting Jack. You Can't Figure Women West of Rainbow's End. Lash of the Law. W. & F. Coast Patrol, The. Little Firebrand, The. Anne of Green Gables. Thoroughbred, The. Speed Damon, The. Judy of Rogue's Harbour. Dangerous Pleasure. Pride of Sunshine Alley. Nurse Marjorie. Feb. 2. Makers of Men. 10. Sea Urchin, The. Warner Bros, (late Vitagraph). Dec. 18. Girl Who Wouldn't Work, The. Jan. 7. Parisian Love. ,, 14. One Shot Ranger. Feb. Mar. June Oct. Cowbov Grit. With this Ring. Plastic Age, The. Range Buzzards. Stampede Thunder. Other Woman's Story, Free to Love. Firefly. Lucky Fool, The. Married. Across the Pacific. My Official Wife. Private Izzy Murphy. ,, 28. Don Juan. Nov. 26. Better 'Ole, The. 18. 12. 19. 26. Mar. 15. Bon Jour Paris. ,, 16. Sea Wolf, The. ,, 19. Count of Luxembourg, The. ,, 23. Pleasure Garden, The. ,, 26. Black Cyclone. ,, 28. Last Days of Pompeii. ,, 30. Circus Kid, The. April 9. Torrent, The. ,, 13. Unchastened Woman, The. ,, 16. Trunk Mystery, The. „ 20. Bilberries, The. June 25. Her Betrayal. Sept. 5. Triumph of the Rat, The. ,, 7. Cinders. ,, 10. Spanish Passions. ., 14. Lodger, The. „ 17. Mill, The. ,, 21. Blue Blood, The. ,, 24. Transcontinental, Ltd. ,, 28. Winning the Futurity. Dec. 9- 16. West Central. Fighting for Justice. Looped for Life. Nov. 22. La Boheme. Oct. r. Mountain Eagle, The. ', 6. Mother's Boy. 8. Revenge, The. Nov. 29. Modern du Barry, A. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." The Kinematograph Year Booh. 99 A Kinema Manager tried this dodge! On " Souvenii " nightr — or whenever some star cf the fir.-t magnitude was being featured, he presented every patron with a " Picturegoer " postcard, thus leaving a gocd and lasting im- pression behind. " The Picturegoer " offers special terms for postcards to kinema managers. Write for full particulars : — Piclwe&oeK Salorv 23, ENDELL STREET, LONDON, W.C.2. ioo The Kinematograph Year Book. AUTOMATICKET USED WHEREVER TICKETS ARE SOLD. THE SYSTEM YOU WILL EVENTUALLY USE. AUTOMATICKET LTD., 112, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 . Phone: Garrard 1 020 , 'Grans : " Tradr ego , London." : FILMS : RELEASED January 1926 - December 1926 Features and First Episodes of Serials only. With details of Renters, Leading Players., and Publicity Matter available. (Note. — The lengths and release dates are as supplied by the renters concerned, and while every effort has been made to secure the fullest possible information, we cannot accept respon- sibility for omissions or inaccuracies.) 102 The Kinematograph Year Book. Films Released during the Year. JANUARY (FEATURES). Adventure. Famous-Laskv. U. Pauline Starke and Tom Moore. 5.557 ft. " Kine." Aug:. 6, 1925. Posters 1 6. 1 12, 1 48. Released Jan. 18. After Business Hours. Fathe. A. Elaine Hammer stein and Lou Tellesen. 6 reels. " Kine." Julv 2.3, 1925. Released Jan. 25. Are Children to Blame ? W. & F. E. Gorman. 5,081ft. Posters 1 6, 1 12. Released Jan. 11. Back to Life. Butcher's. U. Pat sv Ruth Miller. 5.660 ft. " Kine." June 18, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1 48. Re- leased Jan. 11. Beautiful Sinner. Wardour. U. William Fairbanks and Eva Novak. 4.600 ft, " Kine," May 21, 1925. Posters, 1/6, 112. Released Jan. 4. Calgary Stanmede. European. U. Hoot Gibson. 5,889 ft. "Kine." Oct. 22, 1925. Released Jan. 11.x Code of the West. Famous-Lasky. U. Owen Moore and Constance Bennett. 6,612 ft, "Kine." Aug. 6. 1925. Posters, 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Jan. 21. Call of Courage. European. U. Art Acord. 4,604 ft. ReleasedJan.il. College Davs. W. & F. U. Harold Llovd. 6,748 ft, "Kine." Julv 25, 1925. rosters, 2/6, 1/12, 1 48. Re- leased Jan. 4. Confessions. Stoll. U. Ian Hunter and Joan Lockton. 6,200 ft, " Kine." May 21. 1925. Posters, 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Jan. 25. Dangerous Days. Ducal. Lawson Butt and Barbara Castleton. " Kine." April 30. 1925. Posters. 2 6, 1/12, 1/4 8. Released Jan. 25. Danger Signal. F.B.O. U. Porothv Revier. 5,500 ft, " Kine." Aug. 6, 1925. Posters, 2 6, 1/12, 1 48. Re- leased Jan. 25. Defying Destiny. European. Irene Rich and Monte Blue. 5.549 ft. " Kine." Nov. 5, 1925. Released Jan. 4. Easy Money. Butcher's. A. Cullen Landis, Mary Oarr and Mildred Harris. 6.150 ft, "Kine." June 25. 1925. Posters, 1/6, 1/12, 1/4 8. Released Jan. 25. Fifty-Fifty. Ideal. A. Lionel Barrymore and Hope Hampton. 5,000ft. "Kine." Aug. 20, 192 5. Posters, 2/6, 1 12, Released Jan. 11. Fighting Youth. F.B.O. A. William Fairbanks. 4,640 ft, " Kine." Julv 23. 1925. Posters, 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Jan. 11. Fog Man, The. Phillips. U. Jack Hoxie. 4.130 ft. " Kine." Julv 16, 1925. Posters, 16, 1 12. Released Jan. 25. Foolish Daughters. Unity. U. Florence Vidor. 5.600 ft. " Kine." June 4, 1925. Posters, 2-'6f 1/12. Released Jan. 11. Forbidden Cargoes. Western Import, U. Peggy Hvland and Clifford McLaglen. 6,120 ft. "Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters, 1/6, 1/12. Released Jan. 11. Hearts' Desires. Wardour. U. Beniamin Christensen. 5,600ft. " Kine." June 4. 1925. Posters, 1 6. 1 12. Released Jan. 25. Hsarts of the World. (Rs-issue.) Stoll. U. Lillian and Dorothv Gish. 8.000 ft. Posters, 2/6, 2/12, 1 4 8. Released Jan. 4. Hearts and Spurs. Fox. U. Buck Jones. 4.850 ft, "Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters, 2/6, 1 12. Relea-ed Jan. 25. Jimmy's Millions. Ideal. U. Richard Talmadee. 5,500 ft. " Kine." Aug. 13, 1925. Posters. 2 6, 1 12. Released Jan. 11. Kentucky Pride. Fox. U. Gertrude Astor. 6.600 ft. "Kine.*' Julv 30, 1925. Posters, 2/6, 1/12, 1 48/ Re- leased Jan. 18. Kiss in the Dark, A. Famous-Lasky. U. Adolphe Menjou and Aileen Prinsle. 5.500 ft, "Kine." Julv 30, 1925. Posters, 1 6, 1 12, 1 4 8. ' Released Jan. 4. Kiss Me Again. Gaumont. A. Marie Prevost and Monte Blue. 6.45 5 ft. " Kine." June 4, 1925. Posters, 2/6, 1'12, 1/48. Released Jan. 18. Little Dorritt. Phillips. U. Karma Bell. 8.446 ft. "Kine." Julv 9. 1925. Posters. 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Keleased Jan. 18. Lorraine of the Lions. European. U. Patsy Ruth Miller. 6.700 ft. " Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Released Jan. 18. Merry Widow, The. Juxy-Goldwyn. U. Mae Murrav and John Gilbert . 9. 2 5 0 ft, " Kine." Oct, 1, 1925. Posters, 2/6, 1 12. 1 4 8. Released Jan. 25. Mother. Stoll. U. Jean Forest. 7.500 ft. "Kine." Mav 21. 1925. Posters, 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Jan. 18. Mv Son. F.X. A. Xazimova. 5.790 ft. " Kine." June 4, 1925. Posters, 1/6, 1 12,1/48. Released Jan. 18. Never the Twain Shall Meet. Jury- Goldwvn. U. Anita Stewart and Bert LvtelL 6,400 ft. " Kine." Sept. 3. 1925. Posters, 2 6, 1 12, 1 48. Re- leased Jan. 11. Night Club, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Vera Revnolds and Wallace Beerv. 5.635 ft. "Kine." Aug. 20. 1925. Posters. 1 6, 1 12. 1 48. Released Jan. 25. Nothing to Wear. Jmy-Goldwyn. U. Norma Shearer and Lew Codv. 5,600 ft. " Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters. 2 6. 1 12, 1/48. Released Jan. 4. Playing With Souls. F.N. A. Mary Astor, Clive Brook and WilUam Collier. 5.747 ft, "Kine." Mav 28. 1925. Posters, 16, 1 12, 1 48. Released Jan. 25. Quo Vadis ? F.N. A. Emil Jannings and Lilian Hall Davis. 9.760 ft. " Kine." Apr. 30. 192 5. Posters, 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Jan. 11. Riders of the Law. Pioneer. U. Jack Hoxie. 5,000 ft. Posters, 1. 6, 1. 12, Released Jan. 4. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." Films Released during the Year. 103 Sacrifice. Pioneer. A. Mary Johnson. 5,500 ft. " Kine." June 4, 1925. Posters, 1/6, 1/12. Released Jan. 4. Shield of Silence. Pathe. U. Leo Maloney. 5 reels. " Kine." July 16, 1925. Re- leased Jan. 11. Silas Marner. Unity. U. Crawford Kent and Margaret Courtot. 5 reels. June 4. 1925. Posters 2/6. Released Jan. 25 Silk Stocking Sal. Wardour. A. Evelyn Brent. 5,300 ft. " Kine." May 28, 192 5. Posters 16, 1/12. Released Jan. 18. Spanish Love. Famous-Laskv. U- Ricardo Cortez. 6,581 ft. "Kine.'' July 30, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Jan. 11. Squire of Long Hadley. St oil. U. Mar- jorieHume. 6,450ft. " Kine." Mar 14, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Jan. 11. Sun Up. Jury- Go] dwyn1. A. Pauline Starke and Lucille La Verne. 5, 700 ft. " Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12,1/4 8. Released Jan. 18. Superstition. Argosy. U. John Bower and Marguerite de la Motte. 5,160 ft " Kine." May 21, 1925. Posters 1/6 1/12. Released Jan. 4. Tie That Binds, The. Vitagraph. A. Barbara Bedford. 5,900 ft. " Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Jan. 25. Tracked in the Snow Country. Gaumont. U. Rin-Tin-Tin. 6,055 ft. "Kine." June 11, 192 5. Posters 2 6, 2 12, 1/48. Released Jan. 25. Two Fisted Jones. European U. Jack Hoxie. Released Jan. 7. Valley of Vanishing Men. Renters'. Neal Hart. 4,800 ft. Posters 2/6. Released Jan. 4. Winning a Woman. Western Import. U. Ken Mavnard and Esther Ralston. 4,400 ft. " Kine." Sept. 3, 1925. Posters 1 - 6, 1 / 12. Released Jan. 25. SERIALS. Head Hunters of the South Seas. Unity. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson. Episode 1. Released Jan. 4. Mystery Man, The. European. James J. Corbett. Episode 1. Released Jan. 4. FEBRUARY (FEATURES). Bustin' Through. Emopean. U. Jack Hoxie. 4,46 5. ft. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Released Feb. 22. California Straight Ahead. European. U. Reginald Dennv. 7.038 ft. " Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Released Feb. 15. Charmer, The. — Fanious-Laskv. A. Pola Negri. 6,921ft. "Kine." Sept. 3. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 8. Chickie. F. N. A. Dorothy Mackaill and Hobart Boswortb. 7.628 ft. " Kine." June 4, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 22. Circus Cyclone, The. — European. A. Art Acord. 4,356 ft. Released Feb. 8. Desert Rider, The. — Phillips. U. Jack Hoxie. 4.114 ft. U. " Kine." Jidv 23, 1925. Posters 16, 1/12. Released Feb. 22. Dressmaker from Paris. Famous - Lasky. U. Beatrice Joy and Ernest Torrence. " Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 148. Released Feb. 22. Drusilla with a Million. Pathe. Mary Carr and Kenneth Harlan. 7,000 ft. " Kine." Aug. 27, 1926. Released Feb. 22. Eagle, The. — Allied Artists. U. Ru- dolph Valentino. 6,800 ft. U. " Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters 6, 12, and 48 sheets. Released Feb. 22. Enemy of man. — E.B.O. A. Dorothy Revier and Cullen Landis. 5,634 ft. " Kine." Aug. 13, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 1. Eve's Secret. Famous-Lasky. U. Betty Compson and Jack Holt. 6,218 ft. " Kine." Aug. 13, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 15. Fear Fighter, The. Argosv. A. Billv Sullivan. 4,700 ft. "Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Re- leased Feb. 8. Fighting Demon, The. Ideal. U. Richard Talmadge. 5,350 ft. "Kine." Sept. 10. 1925. Released Feb. 22. Fighting the Flames. Pathe. U. William Raines and Dorothv Devore. 6 reels. " Kino." Aug. 20, 1925. Re- leased Feb. 8. Fog Man, The. Phillips. U. Jack Hoxie. 4,130;t. "Kine." July 16, 1925, Posters 1/6, 1/12. Re- leased Feb. 8. Fool, The. Fox. A. Edmund Lowe . 9,160 ft. "Kine." Julv 30, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 1. Forbidden Trail, The. Pioneer. U. Jack Hoxie. 4,800 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Feb. 1. Girls Men Forget. Graham Wilcox. U. Patsy Ruth Miller, and Johnny Walker. 6 reels. " Kine." July 9, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Feb. 15. Graustark. F. N. U. Norma Tal- madge and Eugene O'Brien. 5,842 ft. " Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 2/ 6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 1. Heart of a Siren. F. N. A. Barbara la Marr and Conway Tearle. 6, 5 5 4 ft . " Kine." Mav 21, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 15. How Baxter Butted In. Gaumont. U. Matt Moore and Dorothy Devore. 5,992 ft. "Kine." June 18, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 1. Jew of Mestri. StoJl. U. Werner Krauss and Henny Porten. 6.600 ft. " Kine." Aug. 6, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released Feb. 1. Last Witness. Stoll. A. Isobe Elsom and Fred Paul. 6,100 ft. " Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12,1/48. Released Feb. 22. Laughing at Danger. Unity. U. Richard Talmadge. 5.000 ft. "Kine." May 14, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Feb. 15. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." 104 The Kinematograph Year Book. Lightnin'. Fox. U. Jav Hunt. 7.780 ft. "Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters 2 6. 2 12, 1 48. Released Feb. 22. Little French Girl, The. Famous- Lasky. A. Alice Joyce, Neil Hamilton and Esther Ralston. 5,529 ft. " Kine." Aug. 13, 1925. Posters 1/ 6, 1/ 1 2, 1 / 4 8. Released Feb. 1 . Loyalty. Wardour. A. Sessne Hayakawa, 6.000 ft. "Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 16. 1 12. Released Feb. 15. Lucky Horseshoe, The. Fox. U. Tom Mix. 4.990 ft. "Kine." Oct, 1, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Re- leased Feb. 15. Lying Wives. Wardotir. A. Clara Kimball Youner. 6.900 ft. A. "Kine.*' Aug. 20. 1925. Posters 16. 1 12. Releaed Feb. 8. Man of Iron. F.B.O. A. Lionel Barrymore and Mildred Harris. 5,670 ft, " Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 15. Men and Women. Famous Laskv. A. Richard Dix and Clare Adams. 6.17 8 ft. " Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Re- leased Feb. 18. Merry Wives of Gotham. Jurv-Gold- wyn. U. Marion Davies. 6.200 ft. " Kine." Nov. 26. 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 22. Midnight Molly. Graham Wilcox. A. Evelyn Brent and Bruce Gordon. 6 reels. " Kine." June 25. 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Feb. 1. Midshipman, The. Jurv-Goldwvn. U. Ramon Novarro. 6,800 ft. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 5. Mystic, The. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Aileen Pringle and Conway Tearle. 6,000 ft, "Kine." Oct, 1. 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 1. Nionga. Stoll. U. Travel Picture. 5.000 ft. "Kine." Mav 28. 1925. Released Feb. 8. Once to Every Man. Fox. A. George O'Brien. 10,212 ft, "Kine." July 30, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/4 8. Released Feb. 8. Only Way, The. F.X. U. Sir John Martin Harvey. 6.920 ft, " Kine." Sept, 3, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 8. Patsy. W. & F. U. Wallace Beery and Marj orie Daw. 5, 3 8 3 ft, Posters 1 16, 1 12. Released Feb. 8. Pretty Ladies. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Zasu Pitts and Tom Moore. 5.300 ft. " Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters 2/6, 112. 14 8. Released Feb. 15. Rat, The. W. & F. A. Ivor Novello and Isabel Jeans. 7.330 ft, "Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 2 6, 1 12. 1 4 8. Released Feb. 1. Regular Sport, A. Butcher's. A. Reed Howes. 5.400 ft. " Kine," Julv 2. 1925. Posters 1 6. 1 12. Released Feb. 8. Rugged Path. Pioneer. A. Stewart Rome and Marv Odette. 5.300 ft. " Kine." July 30. 192 5. Posters 1 6. Released Feb. 1. Secret Code, The. (Re-issue.) Pioneer. U" Gloria Swanson. 4.700 ft, Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Feb. 1. Secret Kingdon. The. Stoll. A; Matheson Lang. 5,900 ft, " Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 2 6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 8. Speed Mad. F.B.O. U. William Fairbanks and Edith Roberts. 4.432 ft, " Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1 12, 1 4 8. Released Feb. 22. Steel of the Royal Mounted. Yitagraph. U. Bert Lytell and Stuart Holmes. 4,600ft, "Kine." Aug. 13, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1 48. Released Feb. 1. Super Speed. Inter. Cine. U. Mil- dred Harris and Reed Howes. 5.116 ft. " Kine." Julv 16, 1925. Posters 1 6, 1 12. Released Feb. 1. Teaser, The. European. A. Laura la Plant e and Pat O'Mallev. 6.917 ft, " Kine." Julv 23, 1925. Released Feb. 1. That Devil Quemado. Gaumont. U. Fred Thomson. 4.600 ft, "Kine." Aug. 6, 1925. Posters 2 6, 2 12, Released Feb. 22. Thundering Herd. Famous Lasky. U. Jack Holt. Lois Wilson and Noah Beery. 6,980 ft. "Kine." Sept. 17, 1925. Posters 16, 1/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 22. Try and Get It. Unit v. U. Bryant Washburn and Billie Dove. 4, 7 0 0 ft, "Kine." July 2, 1925. Posters 2 6. Released Feb. 25. Woman Hater, The. Gaumont. U. Helene Chadwick and Clive Brook. 5.981ft. "Kine." June 25, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Feb. 15. Woman Who Did. W. & F. A- Lionel Barrvmore. 6.310 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Feb. 22. You Never Know Your Luck. Butcher's. U. Nicholas Rimsky. 5.070 ft. " Kine." Julv 23, 1925. Posters 1 6. 1/12. Released Feb. 22. MARCH (FEATURES). Air Mail, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Warner Baxter and Billie Dove. 6.928 ft, "Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 15. Are Parents People? Famous-Lasky. U. Adolphe Menjou, Betty Bronson and Florence Yidor. 6.546 ft. " Kine." Sept, 17, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 1. Before Midnight. Wardour. U, William Russell. 4,900 ft. " Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 29. Beggar on Horseback. Famous -La-sky. U. Edward Everett Horton. and Esther Ralston. 6,700 ft. " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 22. " IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Films Released during the Year, 105 Blue Blazes, The. European. Pete Morrison. 5 reels. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 4. Blue Mountain Mystery. Western Import. U. BerniceVere. 5,100 ft. " Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 22. Bobbed Hair. Gauruont. U. Marie Prevost and Kenneth Harlan. 7, 1 7 9 ft ,. " Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released Mar. 29. Courageous Fool. Butcher's U. Reed Howes. 5,433ft. "Kine." July 23, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 8. Crimson Gold. Western Import. U. J. B. Warner. 4,400ft. "Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released Mar. 8. Defying the Law. Unity. A. Lew Cody and Renee Adoree. 4.800 ft. " Kine." July 30, 1925. Posters 2/6. Released Mar. 11. Don Q. Son of Zorro. Allied Artists. U . Douglas Fairbanks. 10,000ft. "Kine." Sept. 3, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 22. Everlasting Whisper, The. Fox. U. Tom Mix and Alice Calhoun. 5, 5 70 ft . " Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 22. Exchange of Wives, An. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Lew Codv and Eleanor Boardman. 5,750 ft. "Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 15. Fair Play. Wardour. U. Lou Tellegen. 4,900 ft. "Kine." Sept 3, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 1. Goat Getter. Argosy. A. Billy Sxulivan. 4,950 ft. "Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 8. Gold Rush, The. Allied Artists. U. Charles Chaplin. 8,535 ft. "Kine." Sept. 17, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 8. Goose Woman, The. European. A. Louise Dresser and Jack Pickford. 7,588 ft. "Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 15. Grounds for Divorce. Famous-Lasky. U. Florence Vidor and Matt Moore. 5,618 ft. "Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 3/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 29. Havoc." Fox. A. George O'Brien and Madge Bellamy. 9,200 ft. "Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 1. Hell's Highroad. P.D.C. A. Leatrice Joy. 5,959 ft. "Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 29. Her Sister from Paris. F.N. A. Con- stance Talmadge and Ronald Colman. 6,803ft. "Kine." Oct. 29. 1925. Posters 3/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 1. His Last Race. Inter. Cine. U. Pauline Starke and Noah Beery. 5,168 ft. "Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 29. His Supreme Moment. F.N. U. Blanche Sweet and Ronald Colman. 6,636 ft. " Kine." June 18, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 8. Imperilled Possessions. F.B.O. A. Alice Lake and Florence Turner. 5,500 ft. "Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 3/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 29. King of the Castle. Stoll. A. Marjory Hume and Brian Aherne. 6,000 ft. " Kine." Sept. 3, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 8. Lazy Bones. Fox. A. Charles Jones, Zasu Pitts and Madge Bellamy. 7,100 ft. "Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Posters 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar 29. Limited Mail, The. Gaumont. U. Monte Blue. 6,900ft. "Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 8. Love Hour, The. Vitagraph. A. Ruth Clifford and Huntley Gordon. 6, 300 ft. " Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Posters 2/6^ 1/12,1/48. Released Mar. 1. Masked Bride, The. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Mae Murray. 5,5 50 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 22. Midnight Girl, The. W. and F. A. Lila Lee. 6,285 ft. "Kine." Oct. 22, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 22. Nancy From Nowhere. W. and F. A. Bebe Daniels. 5,131ft. "Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 8. Necessary Evil, The. F.N. A. Ben Lyon and Viola Dana. 6,939ft. "Kine." June 11, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 15. Night Life of New York. Fainous-Lasky. U. Rod la Rocque and Dorothy Gish. 6,500 ft. "Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Pos- ters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 8. Old Clothes. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Jackie Coogan and Alan Forrest. 5,600 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 29. Old Home Week. Famous-Lasky. U. Thomas Meighan and Lila Lee. 7,025 ft. " Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/18. Released Mar. 18. Paris. Wardour. A. Pierre Magnier. 7,300 ft. "Kine." Aug. 27, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar, 15. Purple Dawn, The. Graham Wilcox. U. Bessie Love. 6 reels. " Kine." July 23, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 1. Qualified Adventurer, The. Stoll. U. Matheson Lang and Genevieve Town- send. 6,700 ft. "Kine." Sept. 3, 1925. Posters 3/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 22. Ranger of the Big Pines. Vitagraph. U. Kenneth Harlan and Helen Costello. 6,200 ft. "Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 15. Rapids. Pathe. U. Mary Astor and Walter Miller. 5 reels. " Kine.' Oct. 15, 1925. Released Mar. 8. Remorseless Love. European. U. Elaine Hammerstien. 3,800 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 22. Siege. European. U. Virginia Valli and George O'Brien. 6,385 ft. " Kine." July 30, 1925. Posters 1/6 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 1. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." io6 The Kinematograph Year Book. Society Snobs. European. U. Conway Tearle. 424 ft. " Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 1 6, 1 12, 1/4S. Released Mar. 11 = Soul Fire. F.X. A. Richard Barthelniess and Bessie Love. 6,968 ft. "Kine." July 2. 1925. Posters 1 6. 1 12, 1/48. Released Mar. 29. Spider's Web, The. Phillips. U. Boh Custer and Marguerite Clavton. 5.111 ft, " Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 1. Spook Ranch. European. U. Hoot Gibson. 5,170ft. "Kine." Sept, 24, 1925. Posters 16, 112, 1/48. Released Mar. 8. Station Content. (Re-issue.) Pioneer. U. Gloria Swanson. 4.500 ft. Posters 1 6, 1 12, Released Mar. 1. Timber Wolf. Fox. U. Buck Jones and Elinor Faire. 4.800ft. "Kine." Oct, 1. 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, Released Mar. 8. Time the Comedian. Jurv-Goldwvn. A. Mae Murray and Lew Cody. 4.800 ft. " Kine." Dec. 31, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1. 12, 1 4 8. Released Mar. 1. Tower of Lies. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Lon Chanev and Norrna Shearer. 6.400 ft. " Kine." Oct, 15, 192 5. Poster? 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 8. Under Western Skies. European. U. Norman Kerry. 6,320 ft. "Kine." Feb. 11. 1926. Posters 1/6. 1/12. 1/48. Released Mar. 25. West of Arizona. YitagTaph. U. Pete Morrison. 4.300 ft. " Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 1 6. Released Mar. 29 . Wheel, The. Fox. A. Harrison Ford, Claire Adams and Margaret Living- stone. 7.260 ft. " Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters 2 6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Mar. 15. When the Devil Drives. Unity. A. Ledh Baird. 4.300 ft. 1925. Posters 2 " Kine." July 30, 6. Released Mar. 25. Wife Who Wasn't Wanted. Gauruont. 7,000 ft. "Kine." Posters 2/6, 2/12. A. Irene Rich Sept. 3, 1925. Released Mar. 15. Wild Night, A. Ideal. U. Jack Demp- sev and Estelle Tavlor. 5,700 ft. " Kine." Aug. 20, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Mar. 22. Wolf's Fangs. W. and F. U. Wilfred Lytell. 4,886 ft. Posters 16, 1 12. Released Mar. 1. Wolf Tracks. Pioneer. U. Jack Hoxie. 4.800 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12, Released Mar. 1. Woman of Forty, A. Pathe. A. Diana Karene. 5 reels. " Kine." Oct. 29. 1925. Released Mar. 22. SERIAL. Playing the Game. Pathe. Allene Rav. 2 reels. Episode 1. Released Mar. 8. APRIL (FEATURES). Ace of the Cactus Range. Napoleon. U. George Kesterson. 4,520 ft, Posters 1/6,1/12. Released Apr. — . Alias Mary Flynn. Butcher's. A. Evelyn Kine. 1/12, Sept. 10, Re- -Lasky. Butt. 1925. U. Alice 5,800 ft. Released Brent. 5,775 ft. ' 1925. Posters 1 6, leased Apr. 5. Any Woman. Famou- Terry and Laws on " Kine." Oct. 29, Apr. 19. Arizona Sweepstakes. European. U. Hoot Gibson. 5,377 ft, "Kine." Oct. 29, 192 5. Released Apr. 19. Barb Wire. Pioneer. U. Jack Hoxie. 4,800 ft. Posters 1/6, 1 12. Released Apr. 5. Below the Line. Gauniont. A. Rin-Tin- Tin. 5,900 ft. "Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released Apr. 19. Best Bad Man. Fox. Tom Mix. 4,900 ft. "Kine." Dec, 24, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 26. Circle, The. Jurv-Goldwvn. U. Eleanor Boardman. 5,250ft, "Kine.' 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Apr. 26. Coming of Amos, The. P.D.C. la Rocque and Jetta Goudal. " Kine." Oct, 8, 1925. Posters 1 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 12. Condemned. Unit v. U. Mildred Davies. 5,000 ft. " Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Posters 2/6. Released Apr. 26. Dance Madness. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Conrad Nagel and Claire Windsor. 6,000 ft. "Kine." Feb. 11. 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 19. A. Edmund Lowe 8.560 ft. " Kine." Posters 2 6, 1 48. Sept. 24, Released U. Rod 5.65 8 ft. 6, Durand of the Bad Lands. Fox. U. Buck Jones. 5,500 ft. "Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 2 6. 1 12, Released Apr. 12. East Lynne. Fox. and Alma Rubens Sept. 17, 1925. Released Apr. 5. Every Woman's Husband. Pioneer. A. Gloria Swanson. 4,500 ft. Posters 1 6. 112. Released Apr. 5. Fighting Fate. Argosy. A. Billy Sullivan. 4.92 8 ft, "Kine." Oct. 15. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 12. Footlights and Shadows. F.B.O. A. Elaine Hammerstein. 7.200 ft, " Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 26. Gold Cure, The. St oil. U. Queenie Thomas. 5.700 ft, " Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 5. Go West. Jurv-Goldwvn. U. Buster Keaton. 6.000 ft, " Kine." Dec. 31, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Apr. 12. Home Maker, The. European. U. Alice Joyce and Clive Brook. 6,000 ft. "Kine." Sept. 10. 1925. Released Apr. 26. In the Name of Love. Fanious-Lasky. U. Ricardo Cortez and Greta Nissen. Kine.' 1 12, Oct. 1 48. 5.930 ft. Posters 1 Apr. 5. Introduce Me. Ideal. U. Mac-Lean. 6.400 ft. "Kine." 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1 leased Apr. — . 15, 1925. Released Douglas Sept. 17, 48. Re- " If YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. Films Released during the Year. 107 Iron Horse, The. Fox. A. George O'Brien and Madge Bellamy. 10,100 ft, " Kine." Sept, 17, 1925. Posters 4/6, 2/12. Released Apr. 12. Is Love Everything ? W. & F. U. Alma Rubens. 5,340 ft. "Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 5. Light of Western Stars. Famous-Lasky. U. Jack Holt and Billie Dove. 6,57 8 ft, " Kine." Nov. 5, 192 5. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 26. . Livingstone. Butcher's. U. M. A. Wetherell. 6,500 ft. " Kine." Feb. 5, and Sept, 25, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48 and D.C. Released Apr. 12. Lost — A Wife. Famous-Lasky. A. Adolphe Menjou and Greta Nissen. 6,326 ft. "Kine." Nov. 5, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48.. Released Apr. 22. Love Gamble. Wardour. A. Lillian Rich. 5,800 ft, "Kine." Sept, 24, 1925. Posters 16, 1/12. Released Apr. 12. Lucky Devil, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Richard Dix. 6,097 ft. "Kine." Oct. 22, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 12. Madame Sans Gene. Famous-Lasky. U. Gloria Swanson. 10,392 ft, " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48 and D.C. Released Apr. 19. Miracle of Manhattan^ The. European. A. Elaine Hammerstein. 5 reels. " Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Released Apr. 15. Mystery of Lost Ranch. Vitagraph. U. Pete Morrison. 3.900 ft. "Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released Apr. 26. Other Men's Daughters. Unity. A. Bryant Washburn and Mabel Forrest, 5,100 ft, "Kine." Sept, 3, 1925. •Posters 2 '6. Released Apr. 19. Panther of Paris, The. Pioneer. A. Emil Jannines. 7.300 ft, " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Tosters 2/6, 1/12, 1/24, 1/48. Released Apr. 26. Peacock Feathers. European. U. Jacque- line Logan. 5 reels. " Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Released Apr. 12. Sailor Made Man, A. (Re-issue.) W. & F. U. Harold Lloyd, 3.800 ft. " Kine." Mar. 23, 1922. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 5. Sally, Irene and Mary. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Sally O'Neil. 5,400 ft, " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 5. Sally of the Sawdust. Famous-Lasky. U. Carol Dempster and W. C. Fields. 9,751 ft, "Kine." Sept. 17, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 26. Satan in Sables. Gaumont. A. Lowel Sherman and Pauline Garon. 6,100 ft, " Kine." Nov. 5, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released Apr. 26. Settled Out of Court. Gaumont. A. Fay Comnton and Jack Buchanan. 8, 500 ft, "Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 2 6, 2/12, 1/48 and 2 D.C, Released Apr. 12. Seven Days. Gaumont, U. Lillian Rich. 5,900 ft, " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released Apr. 19. Silent Sanderson. P.D.C. A. Harry Carev. 5,211ft. " Kine." Oct. 8. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 26. Tearing Through. Ideal. A. Richard Talmadge. 4,900ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 19. Three Weeks in Paris. Gaumont, U. Matt Moore and Dorothy Devore. 5.900 ft, "Kine" Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 2 '6, 2 12. Released Apr. 5. Thunder Mountain. Fox. U. Madge Bellamv. 7,400 ft. " Kine." Nov. 12, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. -Re- leased Apr. 19. Tillie. W. & F. A. - Mary Miles Minter. 4,833 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. — . Top Speed Love. Butcher's. U. Richard Holt, 5.235 ft. " Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 19. Tower of Silence, The. Wardour. U. Nigel Barrie. 7.000 ft. " Kine." Sept. 17, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 5. Winds of Chance. F.N. U. Anna Q, Nilsson and Ben Lyon. 9,445 ft. " Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 12. Without Mercy. F.B.O. U. Dorothy Phillips. 6,385 ft, " Kine." Sept. 17, 1925. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Apr. 19. Woman Scorned, A. Wardour. U. J. B. Warner. 4,800 ft. "Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Apr. 26. Women and Gold. Phillips. A. Frank Mavo and Svlvia Breamer. 5,12 5 ft, " Kine." Sept, 17, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1 12. Released Apr. 5. Wonderful Wooing, The. St oil. A. Marjorie Hume. 6,300 ft. "Kine." Oct, 1, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Re- leased Apr. 19. You Are Guilty. LTnity. U. James Kirkwood, Marv Carr and Doris Kenvon. 4,700 ft, U. "Kine." Sept, 3,192 5. Posters 2/6. Released Apr. 8. SERIAL. Scarlet Streak, The. European. Jack Daugherty. 2 reels. Episode 1. Re- leased Apr. 8. Amazon of the Hills. Evelyn Brent and Robert Ellis. 5,810 ft. "Kine." Oct. 22, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 10. As No Man Has Loved. Fox. U. All star cast. 7,800 ft. " Kine." Julv 30, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Re- leased May 3. MAY (FEATURES). Butcher's. U. Beyond the Border. P.D.C. U. Harry Carev. 4,676 ft, " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925^ Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased May 17. Black Lightning. Unitv. A. Clara Bow and " Thunder." 4,650 ft. " Kine." Oct, 1, 1925. Posters 2/6. Released May 3. . "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." io8 The Kinematograph Year Book. Brand of Cowardice. Unity. U. Bruce Gordon and Carmelita Geraghtv. 4,250 ft. " Kine." Oct. 22, 192*5. Posters 2/6. Released May 24. Cobra. Famous Laskv. A. Rudolph Valentino. 6,862 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased May 31. Conquering Blood. Fox. U. Tom Mix. 4,900 ft. "Kine." Feb. 11, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 24. Desert Flower, The. F.N. A. Colleen Moore. 6,525 ft. " Kine." July 13, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- Released May 3. Fearless Lover, The. Wardour; U. William Fairbanks and Eva Novak. 4,800 ft. "Kine." Sept. 25, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released May 3. Golden Cocoon, The. Gaumont. A. Helene Chadwick. 7,000 ft. " Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released May 17. Golden Strain, The. Fox. U. All star cast. 5,900 ft. "-Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 31. Grandma's Boy (Re-issue). W. & F. U- Harold Llovd. 4,800 ft. "Kine.' July 6, 1922. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released May 24. Great Sensation, The. F.B.O. U. Pauline Garon and William Fairbanks. 4,495 ft. "Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 31. Her Market Value. P.D.C. A. Agnes Avres. 5,659 ft. " Kine." Oct, 15, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 21. If Business Interferes ? F.B.O. U. Tom Rickets and Dorothy Revier . 5,778 ft, " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 10. In the Night Watch. W. & F. U. Nina Vanna. 6,255 ft. " Kine." Sept. 10, 192 5. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released May 31. Just a Woman. F.N. A. Claire Windsor and Conway Tearle. 6,103ft. "Kine." July 2, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 10. Little Girl in a Big City. Stoll. A. Gladys Walton and Niles Welch. 5,500 ft, " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released May 31. Loser's End. Pathe. A. Leo Maloney and Josephine Hill. 5 reels. " Kine." Jan. 2 i, 1925. Released May 31. Love's Sacrifice. Pathe. A. Linda Moglia 5 reels. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Re- leased May 17. Making of O'Malley. F.N. U. Milton Sills and Dorothy Mackaill. 7,35 8 ft. " Kine." Julv 30, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 31. Manicure Girl, The. Famous-Lasky. U- Bebe Daniels and Edmund Burns. 5,769 ft. "Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 31. Man on the Box. Gaumont. U. Svd Chaplin. 8,000 ft. " Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased May 3. Marry Me. Famous-Lasky. U. Florence Vidor and Edward Horton. 5,38 8 ft. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 20. Mike. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Sally O'Neil and William Haines. 6,500ft. "Kine." Aug. 6. 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 10. Not So Long Ago. Famous -Laskyi. U. Betty Bronson and Ricardo Cortez. 6,944 ft. "Kine." Nov. 19. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1 12, 1/48. Released May 10. Old Home. Pathe. U. Mary Carr and Johnny Walker. 6 reels. " Kine." Dec, 3, 1925. Released May 3. One Shot Ranger. Vitagraph. U. Pete Morrison. 3,700 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released May 24. Overland Limited. Stoll. A. Malcolm McGregor, Alice Lake and B a!ph Lewis. 5,800 ft, " Kine." Oct, 8, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released May 17. People V. Nancy Preston. P.D.C. A. William V. Mong, Marguerite de la Motte and John Bowers. 6,35 8 ft. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Posters 1/6 1/12, 1/48. Released May 3. Private Affairs. P.D.C. U. Mildred Harris, Gladys Hulette and Robert Agnew. 5658 ft. "Kine." Oct, 15, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Mav 10. Red Hot Tyres. Gaumont, U. Monte Blue and Patsy Ruth Miller. 6,000 ft, " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released May 31. Rose of the World. Gaumont. U. Patsy Ruth Miller. 7,000 ft. " Kine." Sept, 10, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released May 10. Rugged Water. Famous-Lasky. U. Lois Wilson and Warner Baxter. 5,880 ft. "Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 24. Serpent's Bite, The. European. U. Jean Angelo. 7,300 ft. " Kine." . Dec. 3, 1925. Released May 7. Shadow of His Sin. Graham Wilcox. U. Kenneth Harlan, Mary Carr and Helen Chadwick. 6 reels. " Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released May. Shock Punch, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Richard Dix and Francis Marion. 6.064 ft. " Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 17. Silent Pal, The. Phillips. U. " Thunder." 5,294 ft, " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 3. Souls for Sables. B.E.F. A. Claire Windsor and Eugene O'Brien. 7,200 ft. " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 2/6, 112,1/48. Released May 17. South of the Equator. W. & F. U. Kenneth McDonald. 4.810 ft. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Re- leased May 3. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." Films Released during the Year. Speed Champion, The. Argosy. A. Billv Sullivan. 4,599 ft. " Kine." Nov. 12, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released May 10. Stella Maris. European. U. Mary Philbin. f reels. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Released May. Storm Breaker, The. European. U. House Peters. 6 reels. " Kine." Oct. 12,1925. Released May 10. Street of Forgotten Men. Fanious-Lasky. A. Percv Marmont, Neil Hamilton and Mary Brian. 6,009 ft. " Kine/"' Nov. 12, 192 5. Posters 16, 1/12, 1/4 8. Released May 3. Talker, The. F.X. A. Anna Q. Miss on and Lewis S. Stone. 7,430 ft. "Kine." June 25, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 17. Tragedy of the Hampshire. United Films. • U. 3,000 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Re- leased May 31. Tumbleweeds. Allied Artists. U. William S.Hart. 7,284 ft. "Kine." March 4 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1 48. Re- leased May 3. Virgin, The. W. & F. U. Dorothv Revier. 6,375 ft. " Kine." Sept. 2.4 1925. Posters 16, 112. Released May 17. Virtue's Revolt. Wardoiu. A. Edith Thornton. 5,000 ft. " Kine. ' Oct. 2 9, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1 12. Released May 24. JUNE Bad Lands, The. P.D.C. U. Harrv Carev. 5,393 ft, " Kine." Oct, 29, 1925. Posters 1 '6 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased June 28. Big Pal. Wardour. A. William Russell. 4,500 ft. "Kine." Nov. 19. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 28. Boomerang Justice. Western Import, U. George Larkin. 5 reels. " Kine." Nov. 19, 1925. Posters 1 '6, 1/12. Released June 28. Bright Lights. Jury-Goldvyn. U. Charles Rav and Pauline Starke. 5,600 ft, "Kine." Jan. 28, 1296. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 3. Broadway Angel. Ducal. U. Reginald Dennv and Constance Binnev. 4,5 70 ft, "'Kine." Nov. 5. 1926/ Posters 1 6, 1/12. Released June 14. Coast of Folly, The. Famous Laskv. A. Gloria Swanson. 6.854 ft, "Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 14. Danger. Western Import. U. J. B. Warner. 5,019 ft, " Kine." Nov. 5, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released June 14. Dangerous Cargo. Butcher's. A. Evelyn Brent and Robert Ellis. 5,012 ft. " Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 21. Dangerous Pleasures. W. & F. A. Dorothv Revier. 5.590 ft. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 21. Demands of Love. Ducal. U. Margery Madys. 5,200 ft. " Kine." Nov. 12, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 21. Wages for Wives. Fox. U. All star cast. 6,300 ft. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released May 17. Wasted Lives. Graham Wilcox. U. Edith Roberts and Cullen I andis. " Kine." Oct, 22, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released May 24. White Desert, The. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Claire Windsor and Pat O'Mallev. 6,100 ft. " Kine." Aug. 13. 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Release May 3. Wild Justice. Allied Artists. U. Peter the Great, 5,959ft, Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released May 17. Winding Stair, The. Fox. A. Edmxtnd Love and Alma Rubens. 5.980 ft. " Kine." Nov. 19. 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released May 10. Woman Tamer, The. Unity. U. Derek Gl vnne and Virginia Warwick. 4. 1 5 Oft. " Kine." Oct, 22, 1925. Posters 2/6. Released May 10. Wreckage. Wardour. U. Rosemarv Theby. 5,800 ft, "Kine." Oct. 22',. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released. May 17. SERIAL. Wild West. Pathe. Helen Ferguson and Jack Mulhall. Episode 1. Released. May 17. Desert's Price, The. Fox. U. Buck Jones. 5,650 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released June 7. Desperate Finish, A. Argosy. A. Billv Sullivan. 4,564 ft, " Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 14. Fallen Angel, The. Ideal. A. Mae Busch and Owen Moore. 5,000 ft, " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 1 6, 1 12. Released June 7. Fight fcr Honour, A. Wardour. U. Eva Novak and William Fairbanks. 4,500 ft, "Kine." Nov. 5, 1925. Posters, 1/6, 1/12. Released June 14. Friendly Enemies. P.D.C. U. Lew Fields and Joe Weber. 5,432 ft, " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 14. Gilded Butterfly, The. Fox. A. Alma Rubens. 6,100 ft, " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased June 14. Great Love, The. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Viola Dana and Robert Aa;new. 4,400 ft. "Kine." Feb. 18.1926. Posters 2/6, 112, 1/48. Released June 28. Handscme Brute, The. F.B.O. U. William Fairbanks and Virginia Lee Corbin. 4,631 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21. 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased June 28. Her Big Adventure. Pathe. U. Her- bert Rawlinson and Grace Daimond. 4,830 ft, "Kine." Feb. 4, 1296. Released June 14. (FEATURES). IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX 0FFICE-B00X P.D.C. PICTURES. no The Kinemaiograph Year Book. His Majesty Bunker Bean. Gaumont. U. Matt Moore and Dorothy Devore. 6,300 ft. "Kine." Nov. 19, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released June 28. His Secretary. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Norma Shearer and Lew Cody. 6,000 ft. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 14. Isle of Hope, The. Ideal. A. Richard Talmadge. 5,150 ft. " Kine." Nov. 5, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 28. Keep Smiling. Ideal. U. Monty Banks. 5.000 ft. "Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 10. Lady Who Lied, The. F.N. A. Lewis Stone and Virginia Valli. 7,041 ft. " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 1/6,1/12,1/48. Released June 7. Leave It To Me. Unity. U. E. Everett Horton and Barbara Bedford. 5,200 ft. " Kine." Oct. 22, 1925. Posters 2/ 6, 1/12. Released June 7. Man Who Found Himself. Famous Lasky. A. Thomas Meighan and Virginia Valli. 7,100 ft. "Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1 12, 1/48. Released June 7. Night Ship, The. Phillips. U. Mary Carr and Robert Gordon. 5,212 ft. " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 3. Not Built For Running. Pathe. U. Leo Malonev and Josephine Hill. 5 reels. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Released June 28. On Tour. Ideal. U. Gareth Hughes. 5,000 ft. " Kine." Nov. 12, 1925. Posters, 1/6, 1/12. Released June 21. Paths to Paradise. Famous Lasky. A. Betty Compson and Raymond Griffith. 6,500 ft. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 28. Pleasure Buyers, The. Gaumont. A. Irene Rich and Clive Brook. 7,200 ft. " Kine." Oct. 15, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released June 14. Queen of Sheba, The. (Re-issue). Fox. A. Bettv Blythe. 9,000 ft. " Kine." Jan. 12, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 28. Riders of Mystery. Unity. U. Bill Codv. 4,200 ft. "Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released June 17. Riders of Mystery Ranch. Napoleon. U. George Kesterson. 4,400 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 17. Salome of the Tenements. Famous Lasky. U. Jetta Goudal and Godfrey Tearle. 6,500 ft, "Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased June 24. Sealed Lips. F.B.O. A. Dorothy Revier and Cullen Landis. 5,600 ft. " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 21. Seven Sinners. Gaumont. A. Marie Prevost and Clive Brook. 6,600 ft, " Kine." Oct, 15, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12. Released June 21. Shattered Lives. Unity. U. Edith Roberts. 4,7 00 ft, " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released June 28.. Son of His Father, A. Famous Lasky. U. Bessie Love and Warner Baxter. 7.016 ft, "Kine." Dec. 31, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 21. Soul Mates. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Aileen Prmgle and Edmund Lowe. 5,400 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 21. Sporting Chance. B.E.F. U. Dorothy Phillips and Lou Tellegen. 6,200 ft. " Kine." Oct. 29, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 7. Trouble With Wives, The. Famous Lasky. U. Florence Vidor and Tom Moore. 6.400 ft, "Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 10. Wandering Footsteps. Wardour. U. Bryant Washburn. 5,000 ft. "Kine." Nov. 12, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released June 14. White Monkey, The. F.N. A. Barbara la Marr. 5,158 ft, "Kine." Oct. 8, 192 5. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released June 14. Wrongdoers. Ideal. A. Lionel Barry- more. 5,600 ft, " Kine." Nov. 12, 1925. Posters 1/6. 1/12. Released June 21. SERIAL. Race for Love, A. Gaumont. Georges Biscot. 2 reels. Episode 1. Relesaed June 14. JULY (FEATURES). Across the Deadline. Pathe. U. Leo Malonev and Josephine Hill. 3 reels. " Kine." Nov. 18, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released July 26. After Dark. Inter. Cine. U. Charles Hutchinson. 4,500 ft, " Kine." Nov. 19, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released July 26. Amazing Elopement, The. Phillips. U. Karina Bell and G. S. Tolness. 4, 700 ft, " Kine." Dec. 10, 1925. Released July 22. Auction Block, The. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Charles Ray, Eleanor Boardman and Sally O'Neil. 5,900 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 19. Bashful Buccaneer, The. Butcher's. XL Reed Howes. 5,628 ft. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 12. Clash of the Wolves, The. Gaumont, U. Rin-Tin-Tin. 6,400 ft. " Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released July 12. Coast Patrol, The. W. & F. Kenneth McDonald. 4,835 ft. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released July 19. Cowboy and the Countess, The. Fox. U. Buck Jones. 5,240 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released July 26. Dating Days. European. U. Josie Sedgwick. 4,587 ft. Released July 22. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Films Released during the Year. in Destruction of Paris, The. European. U. All star cast. 4,700 ft. "Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Released July 26. Dixie Merchant, The. Fox. U. J. Farrell McDonald and Madge Bellamy. 5,100 ft. " Kine." Apr. 1. 1926. Posters 2 6. 1 12, 1, 48. Released July 12. Don't. Jurv-Goldwvn. U. Sally O'Xeil. 5,200 ft. "' Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1 12. 1 48. Released July 12. Fine Clothes. F.X. A. Lewis Stone, Percv Marmont and Alma Rnbens. 7,047 ft. " Kine." Oct. 15. 1925. Posters 16, 1 12, 1 4 8. Released July 5. Foiled. Wardour. U. Johnny Fox and Wanda Hawlev. 5.000 ft. "Kine." Dec. 24. 1925. Posters 1 6, 1 12. Released July 19. Gay Nights. F.B.O. U. Tom Ricketts and Dorothv Revier. 5.733ft. "Kine.' Jan. 28. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 26. Gilied Highway, The. Gaumont. U Dorothv Devore. 6.000 ft. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 2 6, 2 12, 1/48 Released July 19. Girl Who Wouldn't Work. Yitagraph. A. Lionel Barrvniore and Marguerite de la Motte. 6.000 ft. " Kine." Dec, 24, 1925. Posters 2 6, 2 12, 1 48. Released July 5. Gclden Princess, The. Famous Lasky. U. Bettv Bronson and Xeil Hamilton. 6,492 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 5. Great Jewel Robbery, The. Pathe. A. Herbert Rawlinson and Grace Dar- mond. 4.136 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 1 6. 1 12. Released July 12. Halfway Girl, The. F.X. A. Doris Kenvon and Llovd Hughes.- 7.2 86 ft. "Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 12. I Love You. Wardour. U. Liane Haid. 6,500 ft. "Kine." Xov. 26, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1 12. Released July 5. Judy of Rogues Harbour. W. & F. U. Mary Miles Minter. 5.587 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1 6, 1/12. Released July 26. Law and Loyalty. Unity. A. Alice Lake, Len Leo and Maurice Costello. 4.8 50 ft. • " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released July 15. Live Wire, The. F.X. U. Johnny Hines. 6,866 ft. Posters 16, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 19. Lord Jim. Famous Lasky. U. Percy Marmont and Shirley Mason. 6, 555 ft. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 26. Lovers' Island. Ideal. A. Hope Hamp- ton, Flora le Breton and James Kirk- wood. 4.500 ft. "Kine." Mar. 11. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released July 22. Lovers in Quarantine. Famous Lasky. U. Bebe Daniels and Harrison Ford. 6.459 ft. " Kine." Mar 27, 1926. Posters 1 6. 1/12, 1 48. Released July 19. Love Test, The. Ideal. A. Clara Bow. 5.300 ft, " Kine." Mav 27, 1926. Posters 2 '6, 1/12. Released July 26. North Star, The. Ideal. U. " Strong- heart." Virginia Lee Corbin. 4.800 ft. " Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1 12. Released July 19. Nurse Marjory. W. & F. U. Marv Miles Minter. 5,795 ft, " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 1 6. 1 12, Released July 12. Parisian Love. YitasTaph. A. Clara Bow and Lou Tellegen. 5.800 ft. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1 12, 1/48. Released July 19. Part Time Wife, The. St oil. A. Alice Calhoun and Robert Ellis. 5.000 ft. " Kine." Jan. 7. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1 12. Released July 12. Perfect Clown, The. War dour. U. Larrv Semon. 5,600 ft. " Kine." Jan. 7. 1926. Posters 1 6, 1/12. Released July 26. Phantom Bullet, The. European. U. Hoot Gibson. 6,143 ft. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Released July 26. Pride of Sunshine Alley. W. & F. U. Kenneth McDonald. 4.897ft. "Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 1 6, 1 12 Released July 5. Rainbow Rangers. Renters. U. Pete Morrison. 4.800 ft. " Kine." Xov. 19, 1925. Posters 1 6. 1/12. Released July 19. Range Buzzards. Vitagraph. U. Pete Morrison. 3,700 ft. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released July 26. Satin Girl, The. Phillips. A. Mabe Forrest, Xorman Kerry and Marc MacDermott, 5.430 ft. " Kine." Xov. 26, 192 5. Posters 2 6, 1/12. Released July 5. Second Fiddle. P.D.C. Mary -Astor and GleDnHunter. 5.382 ft. " Kine." Oct, 29, 1925. Posters 16, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 12. Shadow on the Wall. Stoll. A. Eileen Percy and Creighton Hale. 5.500 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1 12, Released July 26. Ship of Souls, The. Ideal. A. Lillian Rich and Bert Lvtell. 5.200 ft. "Kine" Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1 12. Released July 8. Six Shooting Romance. European. U. JaekHosie. 4,829ft. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Released July 12. Sporting Life. European. U. Bert Lytell and Marion Xixon. 6,500 ft. "Kine." Xov. 5, 1925. Released July 5. Three of a Kind. Butcher's. A. Evelvn Brent. 5,588 ft, "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1,6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased July 19. Travelling Fast. Ideal. U. Jack Perrin and Peggv O'Dav. 5.000 ft. "Kine." Jxme 10, 1926. * Posters 1 6, 1/12. Released July 1. Unnamed Woman, The. Graham Wilcox. A. Katherine MacDonald, Wanda Hawley and Herbert Rawlinson. 6 reels. " Kine," Dec. 3. 1925. Posters 1 6, 1 12. Released July 5. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY.' 112 The Kinematograph Year Book. Wagon Trail, The. Unity. U. Tonx Mix. 3,600 ft. ~"Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released July 8. Wedding Song, The. P.D.C. A. Leatrice Joy and Robert Ames. 7,325 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 26. Welcome Horn?. Famous Lasky. U. Lois Wilson and Warner Baxter. 5.814 ft. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 22. Western Pap. Renters. U. William Fairbanks. 4,500 ft. " Kine." Dec. 3. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1'12. Released July 5. What Three Men Wanted. Unity. U. Miss Dupont. 4,600' ft. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released July 5. Wild Horse Mesa. Famous Lasky. U. Jack Holt, Noah Beery, Billie Dove and Douglas Fairbanks, jun. 7,313 ft. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released July 12. Worlds Apart. European. A. Eugene O'Brien. 5,500 ft. " Kine." Nov. 12, 1925. Released July 29. SERIAL. Flame Fighter, The. Pathe. Herbert Rawlinson. 2 reels. Episode 1. Released July 26. AUGUST (FEATURES), Anne of Green Gables. W. & F. U. Mary Miles Minter. 5,460 ft. "Kine. Jan. 14, 1926. Posters, 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 23. Baffled. Renters. U. Franklin Farnum. 4,800 ft. " Kine." Dec. 24. 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 2. Bandits of the Air. Unity. A. Bruce Gordon. 4,100 ft. " Kine." Mar. 25. 1926. Posters 1/6. Released Aug. 2. Best People, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Warner Baxter, Esther Ralston and Kathleen Williams. 5,600 ft. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. Blaokbird, The. Jury-Goldwvn. A. LonChanev. 6,300 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Aug. 23. Black Hawk, The. Phillips. U. Bob Custer and Margaret Landis. 4,754 ft. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 2. Borrow Finery. B.E.F. U. Lou Tellegen, Louise Lorraine and Gertrude Astor. 6,000 ft. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 30. Braveheart. P.D.C. A. Rod la Roccme. 7,152 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Aug. 30. Breaking Records. Ideal. U. Charles Paddock. 5,000 ft. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 12. Breed of the Border. Ideal. U. "Lefty" Flynn. 4,950 ft. " Kine." Dec. 10, 192 5. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Aug. 23. Broadway Billy. Argosy. A. Billy Sullivan. 5,195 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 2. Checkered Flag, The. Wardour. U. Elaine Hammerstein. 6,000 ft. "Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 30. Combat, The. European. U. House Peters. 6,715 ft. "Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Released Aug. 16. Crack o' Dawn, The. Butcher's. U. Reed Howes. 5,426 ft. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 2. Crashin' Through. Ideal. U. Jack Perrin. 4,700 ft. "Kine." June 24, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 23. Crowded Hour, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Bebe Daniels, Kenneth Harlan and T. Roy Barnes. 6,000 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 23. Cyclone Cavalier, The. Butcher's. U. Reed Howes. 5,120 ft. "Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. Danger Rider, The. Napoleon. U. George Kesterson. 4,703 ft. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. Daughters of To-day. Graham Wilcox. A. Patsy Ruth Miller, Zasu Pitts and Ralph Graves. 7 reels. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 23. Eyes of Mystery. Graham Wilcox. U. Miles Mount. 6 reels. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 2. Fighting Edge, The. Gaumont. U. Patsy Ruth Miller and Kenneth Harlan. 5,500 ft. "Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. . Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48/ Released Aug. 9. Fight to a Finish. F.B.O. A. William Fairbanks and Phvllis Haver. 4,535 ft. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 2. Flower of the Night. Famous-Lasky. A. Pola Negri and Joseph Dowling. 6,200 ft. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 9. Foreman of Bar Z. Unity. U. Tom Mix. 4,000 ft. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Poster 1/6. Released Aug. 19. Galloping Vengeance. Phillips. U. Bob Custer and Marv Beth Milford. 5,023 ft. "Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 12. Geared to Go. Western Import. U. Reed Howes. 4,990 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 23. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." Films Released during the Year. "3 Greater Glory, The. F. N. Conway Tearle and Anna Q. Nilsson. 9,500 ft. " Kine." June 3, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 30. Heart of a Child. Ducal. U. France Dhelia. 5,700 ft. " Kine." Nov. 19, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 16. Haart of the West. Renters. U. William Fairbanks. 4,800 ft. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 16. Hearts and Fists. Ideal. U, Marguerite de la Motte and John Bowers. 5,600 ft. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 19. Hearts and Spangles. Stoll. A. Wanda Hawley. 5,500 ft. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 2. His Jazz Bride. Gaumont. U. Matt Moore and Marie Prevost. 6,000 ft. "£Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 30. Hogan's Alley. Gaumont. A. Monte Blue and Patsy Ruth Miller. 5,600 ft. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 23. Just and Unjust. Fox. A. Margaret Livingstone and Harrison Ford. 5,500 "ft. " Kine." April, 29, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 9. Knockout, The. F.N. A. Milton Sills. 7,104 ft. "Kine." Oct. 22, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 23. Life on the Ocean Wave. New Era. U. Naval interest. 5,000 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 9. Little Firebrand, The. W. & F. U. Edith Thornton. 5,600 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 16. Looking for Trouble. European. U. Jack Hoxie. 4,316 ft. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Released Aug. 23. Love is Blind. Wardo\ir. A. Lillian Hall -Davis. 6,000 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 16. Lovers' Island. Ideal. A. Hope Hamp- ton, James Kirkwood and Flora le Breton. 4,500 ft. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Aug. 16. Love Toy, The. Gaumont. U. Lowell Sherman. 5,371 ft. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48.. Released Aug. 2. Makers of Men. W. & F. U. Kenneth MacDonald. 5,595 ft. "Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 9. Man Upstairs, The. Gaumont. A. Monte Blue and Dorothy Devore. 5,500 ft. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. Modern Madness. F. N. A. Corinne Griffith, Kenneth Harlan and Nita Naldi. 6,156ft. "Kine." Oct. 22, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Aug. 9. Mord Em'ly. (Re-issue) Jury-Goldwyn. U. Betty Balfour. 6,000 ft. " Kine." Feb. 2, 1922. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 12. Morals for Men. B. E. F. A. Conway Tearle and Agnes Ayres. 7,200 ft. " Kine." Jan. 11, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. My Own Pal. Fox. U. Tom Mix. 5,970 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1'48. Released Aug. 30. Mystery Club, The. European. U. Matt Moore and Edith Roberts. 6,923 ft. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Released Aug. 30. New Brooms. Famous-Lasky. U. Bessie Love, Neil Hamilton and Phyllis Haver. 5,300 ft. "Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 19. One of the Bravest. Stoll. U. Ralph Lewis. 5,200 ft. "Kine." Dec. 13, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 16. Pace That Thrills, The. F. N. A. Ben Lyon, Mary Astor, and Tully Marshall. 6,762 ft. "Kine." Nov. 5, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. Palace of Pleasures. Fox. U. Betty Compson and Edmund Lowe. 5,450 ft. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. Phantom Express, The. Wardour. U. Ethel Shannon. 4,600 ft. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 9. Phantom of the Forest, The. Stoll. "Thunder." 5,600ft. "Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Re- leased Aug. 23. Plastic Age, The. Vitagraph. U. Clara Bow and Donald Keith. 5,600 ft. V Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 9. Runaway Bride, The. Unity. U. Louise Lorraine and Joe Moore. 4,000 ft. " Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. Posters 1/6. Released Aug. 12. Ship of Souls, The. Ideal. A. Lillian Rich and Bert Lytell. 5,000 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 23. Simon the Jester. F. B. O. U. Eugene O'Brien and Lillian Rich. 6,468 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 30. Sky High Corral. European. U. Art Acord. 4,832 ft. Released Aug. 9. Speed Demon, The, W. & F. U. Ken- neth McDonald. 5,002 ft. "Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 30. Stampede Thunder. Vitagraph. U. Pete Morrison. 3,500 ft. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1296. Posters 1/6. Re- leased Aug. 16. Texas Trail. P.D.C. U. Harry Carey . 4,776 ft. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. Thank You. Fox. U. Jacqueline Logan, George O'Brien and Alex. B.Francis. 6,820 ft. "Kine." April 23, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 2. IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." H4 The Kinematograph Year Book. Thoroughbred, The. W. & F. U. Gladys Hulette. 5,485 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 2. Unwritten Law, The. F.B.O. A. Elaine Hammerstein. 5,480 ft. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 16. When the Door Opened. Fox. A. Jacqueline Logan and Walter Mac- Grail. 6,400 ft. " Kine." Dec. 17, 1925. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Aug. 23. When East Meets West. Western Im- port. U. Bill Bailey and Alma Ravford. 4,425 ft. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Aug. 9. SEPTEMBER Bucking the Truth. European. U. Pete Morrison. 4,277 ft. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Released Sept. 6. Classified. F.N. U. Corinne Griffith and Jack Mulhall. 6,800 ft. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 13. Compromise. Gaumont, U. Irene Rich and Olive Brook. 5,900 ft. " Kine." Dec. 24, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 13. Counsel for the Defence. Ideal. U. Betty Compton and House Peters. 6.2 00 ft. "Kine." Jan. 7, 1927. Posters 2/6, 1 12. 1/6. Released Sept. 13. Danger Girl, The. P.D.C. U. Priscilla Dean. b,648 ft. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Sept. 27. Dark Angel, The. F.N. U. Ronald Colman, Yilrna Bankv and Wvndham Standing. 7.156ft. "Kine." Jan. 7, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Sept. 20. Down upon the Swanee River. Wardour. U. Mary Thurman and Charles Emmett Mack. 5,000 ft. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 20. Enduring Flame. (Steel Preferred'. F.B.O. A. Vera Reynolds and William Bovd. 6,741 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 27. Evolution. Unity. U. Interest. 4,100 ft, "Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters, 2/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 6. Fighting Buckoo. The. Fox. U. Buck Jones. 4,760 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 20. First Year, The. Fox. U. Matt Moore and Kathryn Perry. 5,930 ft, "Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 6. Flood, The. Fox. U. George O'Brien and Janet Gavnor. 6.190 ft. "Kine." April 1, 1926. Posters 2 '6, 1/12. 1/48. Released Sept. 27. Flash o' Lightning. Pathe. U. Leo Malonev. b reels. " Kine." April 2 9, 1926. Released Sept. 13. Where Was I ? European. U. Reginald Denny. 6,564 ft. "Kine." Sept, 17, 1925. Released Aug. 2. Wild, Wild, Susan. Famous Lasky. U. Bebe Daniels and Rod la Rocque. 5,600 ft. "Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 2. With This Ring. Yitagraph. A. Alyce Mills and Donald Keith. 4,900 ft. " Kine." Jan. 28, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Aug. 2. SERIAL. Radio Detective, The. European. Joe Bonomo. 2 reels. Episode 1. Re- leased Aug. 26. (FEATURES). He Who Laughs Last. W. & F. A. Kenneth McDonald. 4,746ft, "Kine." Nov. 19, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 27. Lend Me Your Husband. Western Import. A. Doris Kenvon. 5,300 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 6. Lillies of the City. Phillips. A. Jobnny Walker and "Virginia Lee Oorbin. 6,260 ft. "Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 2 '6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 20. Lure of the Wild. F.B.O. A. Jane Novak, Alan Roscoeand" Lightning." 5,780, ft. "Kine." Feb., 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 13. Mad Marriage. Western Import. U. Rosemarv Davies and Harrison Ford. 5,6£0 ft. "Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 20. Man in the Saddle, The. European. U. Hoot Gibson. 5,464 ft. " Kine." July 15, 192 6. Released Sept. 20. Mannequin. Famous Lasky. A. Alice Jovce and Warner Baxter. 6,900 ft, " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Released Sept. 13. Midnight Sun, The. European. A. Laura la Plante. 8,991 ft. "Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Released Sept. 6. My Old Dutch. European. U. Pat O'Malley and May McAvoy. 7,347 ft, " Kine." Mav 27, 1926. Released Sept. 27. On Probation. Wardour. U. Edith Thornton. 4.500 ft. "Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 6. Other Woman's Story, The. Yitagraph. A. Alice Calhoun, Mahlon Hamilton. Helen Lee Worthing and Robert Frazer. 5,900 ft. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/4 8. Released Sept. 13. Outsider, The. Fox. U. Lou Tellegen. and Jacqueline Logan. 5,380 ft " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 2/ 6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 13. Partners Again. Allied Artists. U. George Sidnev and Alexander Carr. 5,500 ft. "Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Released Sept. 6. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." Films Released during the Year. "5 Pleasures of the Rich. B.E.F. A. Helene Chadwick and Jack Mulhall. 6,000 it. " Kine." April 15, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 13. Pluck. W. & F. A. George Walsh. 6,178 ft. "Kine." Sept. 17, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 13. Racing Blood. Stoll. U. Robert Agnew and Anne Cornwall. 5,200 ft. "Kine." Aug. 19. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 13. Red Heels. Stoll. A. Lili Damita. 7,900 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 4/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 6. Rolling Home. European. U. Reginald Denny. 6,843 ft. "Kine." June 10, 1926. Released Sept. 13. Rosenkavalier. W, & F. U. Hugette Duflos. 8,047 ft. "Kine." April 15, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Sept. 27. Scrappin' Kid. European. U. Art Acord. 4,671ft. "Kine." June 24, 1925. Released Sept. 23. Sea Wolf, The. W. & F. A. Ralph Ince. 6.178 ft. "Kine." Mar. 15, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 20. Shore Leave. F.N. U. Richard Bart- helmess and Dorothy Mackaill. 6,520 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 27. Sign of the Claw. Stoll. A. " Peter the Great" and Edward Hearn. 5,300ft. " Kine." julv 29, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 27. Somebody's Darling. Gaumont. U- Betty Balfour. 7,926 ft. " Kine.". Dec. 10, 1925. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 20. Splendid Crime, The. Famous-Lasky. A. Behe Daniels and Neil Hamilton. 5,900 ft. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Released Sept. 20. Stage Coach Driver. The. Unity. U. Tom Mix. 4,000 ft. Posters 1/6. Re- leased Sept. 6. Stage Struck. Famous-Laskv. U. Gloria Swanson. 6,600 ft. "Kine." April 15, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/16, 1/48. Released Sept. 3. OCTOBER Ancient Highway, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Jack Holt, Billie Dove and Mon- tague Love. 5,800 ft. "Kine." April 22, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 11. Eeautiful Rebel, The. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Marion Davies. 8,400 ft. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 18. Border Sheriff, The. European. U. Jack Hoxie. 4,402 ft. Released Oct. 4. Brooding Eyes. Wardour. U. Lionel Barrymore. 5,800 ft. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 25. Clothes Make the Pirate. F.N. U. Leon Errol and Dorothy Gish. 7,250 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 4. Sweet Lavender. W. & F. U. Mary Miles Minter. 5,700 ft. " Kine." Sept. 10, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 6. Three Faces East. P.D.C. U. Jetta Goudal and Olive Brook. 7,452 ft. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/4 . Released Sept. 13. Too Much Wife. Ducal. U. Wanda Hawley and T. Roy Barnes. 4,300 ft. " Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 6. Tragedy. United Kingdom. A. Henny Porten. 6,650 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 2/6. Released Sept 27. Verdict, The. W. & F. A. Lou Tellegen. 6,123 ft. " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 20. Wanderer, The. Famous-Lasky. A. Ernest Torrence and Greta Nissen. 7,500 ft. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/16, 1/48. Re- leased Sept. 20. What Fools Men. F.N. U. Lewis Stone, Shirley Mason and Barbara Bedford. 7,340 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 6. White Fang. Wardour. A. " Strono;- heart." 5,500 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Sept. 27. Winning His Stripes. Pathe. A. Maurice " Lefty " Flynn. 5 reels. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Released Sept. 27. Woman Handled. Famous-Lasky. U. Richard Dix and Esther Ralston. 6,700 ft. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Sept. 30. Woman of the World. Famous-Lasky. U. Pola Negri and Charles Emmett Mack. 6,800 ft. "Kine." April 15, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/16, 1/48. Released Sept. 27. Yankee Doodle, Junr. Inter. Cine. U. J. Frank Glendon. 5,000 ft. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released Sept. 23. SERIAL. Power God, The. Inter. Cine. Neva Gerber and Ben Wilsou. 2 reels. Episode 1. Released Sept. 2. (FEATURES). Cumberland Romance. W. & F. U. Mary Miles Minter. 5,670 ft. "Kine." Oct. 1, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12 Released Oct. 11. Desperate Moment, A. Wardour. A. Wanda Hawley. 5,800 ft. " Kine." Jan, 28, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 4. Escape, The. European. U. Pete Morrison. 4,246ft. Released Oct. 18. Fighting Thoroughbred, The. Argosy. A. Billy Sullivan. 5,075 ft. "Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 4. Flaming Frontier, The. European. U. Hoot Gibson. 8,769 ft. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Released Oct. 4. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. n6 The Kinematogvaph Year Book. Free to Love. Vitagraph. A. Clara Bow, Donald Keith and Raymond McKee. 4,300 ft. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/4 8. Released Oct. 4. Getting 'Em Right. Western Import. U. George Larldn. 4,537 ft. " Kine." Feh. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 18. Girl of London, A. Stoll. A. Genevieve Townsend and Ian Hunter. 6,500 ft. "Kine." Oct. 15, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 4. Grand Duchess and the Waiter. Famous- Lasky. U. Adolphe Menjou and Florence Vidor. 6,300 ft. "Kine." April 22. 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 4. Hands Up. Famous -Lasky. U. Ray- mond Griffith, Marion Nixon and Virginia Lee Corbin. 5,900 ft. "Kine." April 22, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 18. Her Dancing Partner. Wardour. Maria Corda. 6,000 ft. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 18. How Are All the Boys. W. & F. U. Glenn Tiyon. £,438 ft. "Kine." Sept. 17, 1925. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 18. Human Sparrows. Allied Artists. A. Mary Pickford. 7,760 ft. " Kine." Sept. 9, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1'48. Released Oct. 4. Ibanez' Torrent. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Ricardo Cortez and Greta Garbo. 6,450 ft. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Posters 2 ' 6, J/] 2, 1/48. Released Oct. 11. Indiscretion. Pathe. A. Grace Darmond and Herbert Rawlinson. 5 reels. " Kine." Aug. 12, 1926. Released Oct. 25. Irish Luck. Famous-Lasky. U. Thomas Meighan, Lois Wilson and Cecil Humphries. 6,900 ft. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 21. Kentucky Luck. Butcher's. U. Reed Howes. 5,77b ft. "Kine." Mar. 1 1, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Oct. 4. Lady Windermere's Fan. Gaumont. A. Irene Rich, May McAvoy, Bert Lytell and Ronald Colman. 6,650 ft. "Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 11. Made For Love. P.D.C. U. Leatrice Joy. 6,647 ft. " Kine." Feb. 25, 1926. Posters 1 '6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 18. Man From Red Gulch. P.D.C. U. Harry Carey. 5,404 ft. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 25. Man From Texas, The. 1 Unity. U. Tom Mix. 4,500 ft. Posters 1 6. Released Oct. 7. Octopus. P.D.C. A. Marguerite de la Motte and Louise Dresser, 5,596 ft. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Posters 1/6. 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 4. Pride of the Paddock. F.B.O. U. Vera Reynolds and Edmund Burns. 5,848 ft. '" Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 25. Riders of the Sandstorm. Inter. Cine U. Big Boy Williams. 5,000 ft. Posters 1/6, 1 12. Released Oct. 4. Road to Glory, The. Fox. U. May McAvoy. 5,590 ft. "Kine." April 1, 192 6. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Oct. 4. Sahara Love. Stoll. A. Marie Colette, Gordon Hopkirk and John Dahellv. 7,300 ft. " Kine." Mar. 25, 1926, Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 18. Sandy. Fox. A. Madge Bellamy and Harrison Ford. 7,700 ft. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Posters' 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 11. Scarlet Saint, The. F.N. A. Lloyd Hughes, Mary Astor and Tuily Marshall, 6,490 ft. " Kine." Aug. 5. 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased O^t. 11. Sea Beast, The. Gaiimont. A. John Barrymore and Dolores Costello. 9,200 ft. "Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Posters, 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 18. Speed Limit, The. Stoll. A. Raymond McKee and Ethel Shannon. 5,200 ft. " Kine." Mar. 11, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 11. Stella Dallas. Allied Artists. U. Belle Bennett and Ronald Colnian. " Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 25. Tony Runs Wild. Fox. U. Tom Mix. 5,430 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 18. Trouble Buster, The. Pathe. TJ. Leo Malone.v. 4,500 ft. "Kine." May 20, 1926. Released Oct. 11. Under Fire. Western Import. U. Bill Patton and Catherine Calhoun. 5,049 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6,1/12. Released Oct. 25. Vanishing Race, The. Famous Lasky. U. Richard Dix, Lois Wilson, Noah Beerv and Malcolm McGregor. 9.700 ft. " Kine." June 3, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 25. We Moderns. F. N. A. Colleen Moore and Jack Mulhall. 6, 530 ft. "Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 25. What Happened to Jones. European. U. Reginal Denny. 6,262 ft. "Kine." Jan. 2 8, 1926. Released Oct. 11. When Husbands Flirt. F.B.O. A. Tom Rickett and Dorothy Reyier. 5,521 ft. "Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 11. Why Women Love. F.N. A. Blanche Sweet and Robert Frazer. 6,550 ft, " Kine." Jan. 21, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 18. Yellow Fingers. Fox. U. Olive Borden and Ralph Ince. 5,500 ft. " Kine." April 22. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Oct. 25. Youth For Sale. Western Import. A. Sigrid Holmquist and May Allison. 5,377 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Oct. 4. SERIAL. Green Archer, The. Pathe. Allene Ray. 2 reels. Episode 1. Released Oct. 4. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE — IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Films Released NOVEMBER Adventures of Tom Mix. Unity. U. Tom Mix. 3,650 ft. Posters 1/6. Released Nov. 11. American Venus, The. Famous -L ask y. U. Esther Ralston and Ford Sterling. 7,821ft. "Kine." April 29, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 22. Barricade (Les Miserables, Part II.). European. A. Sandra Milowanoff, Gabriel Gabrio and Andree Rolane. 9,898 ft. "Kine." April 15, 1926. Released Nov. 22. Barrier, The. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Nor- man Kerrv and Lionel Barrymore. 5,200 ft. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Posters 2X6, 1/12, 1/4 8. Released Nov. 1. Bat, The. Allied Artists. U. All-Star cast. 8,219 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters, 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 1. Blood Bond, The. Pathe. U. Leo Malonev. 5 reels. " Kine." July 29, 1926. Released Nov. 22. Bride of the Storm. Gaumont, A. Dolores Costello and John Harron. 6.000 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 29. Cave Man, The. Gaumont. U. Matt Moore and Marie Prevost. 6.200 ft. ''Kine." April 22, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 15. Chinese Bungalow, The. St oil. A. Matheson Lang, Genevieve Townsend and Juliette Compton. 6,800 ft. " Kine." Mav 27, 1926. Posters -2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 22. Count of Luxembourg, The. W. & F. U. George Walsh. 6,5 00 ft. " Kine." March 2 5, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 8. Dangerous Odds. Wardour. U. Bill Cody. 4,600 ft. " Kine." April 8, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Nov. 8. Devil's Circus, The. Jury-Goldwyn. A. Norma Shearer and Charles Emmett Mack. 6,300 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/4.8. Re- leased Nov. 29. Dreams of Monte Carlo. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Lew Cody and Gertrude Olmstead. 6,200 ft. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 15. Early to Wed. Fox. U. Kathryn Perrv and Matt Moore. 5,830 ft. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 29. Enchanted Hill, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Jack Holt, Florence Yidor and Mary Brian. 6,100 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Nov. 15. Every Mother's Son. United Kingdom. U. Rex Davis, M.C. 7,925 ft. "Kine." Feb. 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 8. during the Year, 117 (FEATURES). Fighting Peacemaker, The. European. U. Jack Hoxie. 4,278 ft. Released Nov. 29. Firefly. Vitagraph. U. Kenneth Mc- Donald. 4,300 ft. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released Nov. 29. Flaming Waters. Ideal. U. Mary Carr, Pauline Garon and Malcolm Mc- Gregor. 6,400 ft. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Released Nov. 22. Her Beloved Villain. W. & F. U. Wanda Hawley. 4,125ft. "Kine." Nov. 26, 1925. Posters >!/ 6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Nov. 15. His People. European. U. Rudolph Schildkraut and George Lewis. 8,934 ft. "Kine." Dec. 3, 1925. Released Nov. 8. Joanna. F.N. Dorothy Mackaill and Jack Mulhall. 7,727 ft. "Kine." June 3, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 22. Ladies of Leisure. F.B.O. U. Elaine Hammerstein and Robert Ellis. 5,100 ft. " Kine." April 15, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 1. Last Days of Pompeii. W. & F. U. Maria Corda. 9,240 ft. " Kine." April 1, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 29. Little Giant, The. European. Glenn Hunter. 6,896 ft. ReleasedNov.il. Man Four Square, A. Fox. U. Buck Jones. 4,680 ft. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12. Released Nov. 8. Moana. Famous-Laskv. U. Samoan Natives. 6,055 ft. " Kine." Mav 27, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Nov. 18. New Commandment, The. F.N. A. Ben Lyon and Blanche Sweet. 6,744 ft. " Kine." Feb. 15, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 8. New Professor. Western Import. U. Chic Sale a.nd Russell Griffin. 5,000 ft, " Kine." March 11, 1926. Posters 1/6,1/12. Released Nov. 29. Oh, What a Nurse. Gaumont . U. Syd Chaplin and Patsv Ruth Miller. 6,300 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 1. One Colombo Night, Stoll. A. Godfrev Tearle and Marjorie Hume. 5,000 ft. " Kine." Feb. 11, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Nov. 15. Poker Faces. European. U. LaTira la Plante. 7,449 ft. "Kine." July 1, 1926. Released Nov. 22. Pony Express, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Betty Compson. Ricardo Cortez and Ernest Torrence, 9,800 ft. "Kine." July 1, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 15. Right Man, The. Western Import. A. George Larkin. 4,500 ft. " Kine." Mar. 4, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Nov. 15. Rocking Moon, The. P.D.C. U. Lilyan Tashman and John Bowers. 6.237 ft. " Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Nov. 15. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES." n8 The Kinemato graph Year Book. Rogues of the West. Pathe. U. Leo Malonev. 5 reels. " Kine." June 17, 1926. Released Nov. 8. Rustling for Cupid. Fox. Anita Stewart and George O'Brien. 5.000 ft. "Kine." Mav 20. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1 12. 1 48. Released Nov. 15. Safety First. St oil. Queenie Thomas and Brian Aherne. 5.200 ft. " Kine." Oct. 28, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Nov. 1. Sea Urchin, The. W. & F. A. Bettv Balfour. 7,340 ft. " Kine." Feb. 18. 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1 48. Re- leased Nov. 1. Sea Wolves. The. Wardour. A. Paul Richter. 7,000 ft. "Kine." Mar. 2 5. 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Nov. 29. Seven Keys to Baldpate. Famous-Lasky. U. Douglas McLean and Edith Roberts. 6.500 ft. '-Kine." June 10, 1926. Posters 16, 1/12, 1 48. Re- leased Nov. 29. Shamrock Handicap, The. Fox. U. Janet Gaynor, J. Fari ell MacPonald and Leslie Fenton. 5,800 ft. " Kine." June 10. 1926. Posters 2 6, 1 12, 1/4 8. Released Nov. 22. Siberia. Fox. A. Alma Ruben=, Ed- mund Lowe and Lou Tellegen. 6,800 ft. " Kine." Mav 20, 1926. Posters 2 6, 2 12, 1 48. Released Nov. 1. Somebody's Mother. Butcher's. Mary Carr. 5,500 ft. " Kine." Mai'. 25, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1 12, 1. 48. Re- leased Nov. 29. Song and Dance Man. Famous-Lasky. U. Tom Moore. Bessie Love and Harrison Ford. 6.900 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 1 6, 1 12,1. 48. Released Nov. 1. Son of the Sheik, The. Allied Artists. A. Rudolph Valentino. 6.300ft. "Kine." Sept. 23, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 148. Released Nov. 15. S.O.S. Perils of the Sea. F.B.O. U. Elaine Hammerstein and Robert Ellis. 5.300 ft. " Kine." Mav 27. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Nov. 22. Soul of Humanity (Les Miserable s, Part I.). European. A. Sandra Milowanoff, Gabriel Gabrio and Andree Rolane. 10.381 ft. " Kine." April 15, 1926. Released Nov. 15. CECJABIR Ancient Mariner, The. Fox. U. Clara Bow, Earle Williams and Leslie Fenton. 5.480 ft. " Kine." Mar, 4, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1 48. Re- leased Dec. 20. Barocco. Graham Wilcox. A. Jean Angelo and Xilda Duplessy. 6.330 ft. " Kine." April 22, 1926. Posters. 1/6, 1/12. Released Dec. 6. Behind the Front. Famous-Lasky. U. Wallace Beary, Raymond Hat ton and Marv Brian. 5.465 ft. "Kine." June 24, 1926. Posters, 1 6, 1 12, 1/48. Released Dec. 13. South of Suva. W. & F. A. Mary Miles Minter. 4.795 ft. " Kine." Sept. 24, 1925. Posters 1 6. 1 12. Released Nov. 22. Splendid Road, The. F.X. U. Anna Q. Xilsson. Lionel Barrymore and Robert Frazer. 7.657 ft. " Kine." Jan. 14, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1 12, 1 48. Released Nov. 15. Sporting West. Inter. Cine. U. Big Boy Williams. 4,800 ft. Posters 1 6, 1 12. Released Nov. 1. Terror, The. European. U. Art Accord. 4,834 ft. "Kine." Jxdy, 1, 1926. Released Nov. 1. Texas Streak, The. European. Hoot Gibson. 6,25 5 ft. Released Nov. 15. That Royle Girl. Famous-Lasky. A. Carol Dempster, W. C. Fields and Harrison Ford. 9,700 ft. "Kine." May 27, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1 12, 1/48. Released Nov. 8. Thrill Hunter. The. F.B.O. U. William Haines and Kathryn McGiure. 5.400 ft. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Posters 2 6. 1 12, 1/48. Released Nov. 15. Unguarded Hour, The. F.X. A. Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon. 6,6 00 ft. " Kine." Jan. 21. 1926. Posters 2/6, 1 12, 1/48. Released Nov. 1. Unknown Soldier, The. - P.D.C U. Charles Emmet Mack and Marguerite de la Motte. 8.166 ft. "Kine." Julv 15. 1926. Posters 2/6. 1 12. 1, 48. Released Nov. 8. Unrestrained Youth. W. & F. A. Bran- don Tvnan. 6.311 ft. " Kine." Oct. 8, 1925. Posters 1 6, 1 12. Released Nov. 29. Was It Bigamy ? Wardour. A. Edith Thornton. 4,500 ft. "Kine." April 15. 1926. Posters 16, 1/12. Released Nov. 15 = Wild Oats. P.D.C. A. Viola Dana and Robert Agnew. 6,448 ft. " Kine." Mav 20. 1926. Posters 2, 6, 1 12, 1 48. Released N'cv. 29. Youth's Gamble. Western Import. U. Reed Howes. 5,200 ft. " Kine." Feb. 2 5, 192 6. Posters 16, 1 12. Released Nov. 1. SERIALS. Pedlar, The. Gaumont. Georges Biscot. 2 reels. Episode I. Released Nov. 1. Strings of Steel. European. William Desmond. 2 reels. Episode I. Re- leased Nov. 1. (FEATURES). Beverley of Graustark. Jury-Goldwyn. U. Marion Davies and Antonio Moreno. 6,900 ft. "Kine." Mav 20, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48/ Released Dec. 13. Black Paradise. Fox. A. Edmund Lowe. 4.900ft. "Kine." Julv 8. 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 13. Bluebeard's Seven Wives. F.X. U. Ben Lvon, Blanche Sweet and Lois Wilson. 7.657 ft. " Kine." Feb. 25. 1926. Posters 1 6, 1 12, 1 48. Released Dec. 27. IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Films Released during the Year- 119 Brothers. Gaumont. U. Stacia Xapierskowska, 5,423 ft. " Kine." June 24, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12. Released Dec. 6. Children of the Whirlwind, The. F.B.O. U. Marguerite de la Motte and Johnny Walker. 6,400 ft. " Kine." July 10, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12. 1/48. Re- leased Dec. 13. Cohens and the Kellys, The. European. U. Charles Murrav and Vera Gordon. 7,725 ft. "Kine.'" April 29, 1926. Released Dec. 20. Dangerous Fist. Western Import. U. Jack Perrin. 4.400 ft. "Kine." Mar. 18, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released Dec. 13. Drills and Thrills. Argosy. U. Billy Sullivan. 5,000 ft. "Kine." June 24. 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Dec. 6. Duchess of Buffalo, The. F.X. A. Constance Talinadge. 6,852 ft. "Kine." Sept. 2, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 6. Gentle Cyclone, The. Fox. U. Buck Jones and Rose Blossom. 4,760 ft. " Kine." Julv 29, 1926. Posters 2/6, 112. Released Dec. 27. Hard Boiled. Fox. U. Tom Mix and Phvllis Haver. 5,590 ft, " Kine." July 8, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1 48. Released Dec. 6. Heart of a Wolf, The. (Re-issuei. European. A. Lon Chanev. 5.231 ft. " Kine." June 29, 1922. Released Dec. 27. Hill Folk. Butcher's. U. Alice Calhoun. 5,000 ft. " Kine." Mav 10, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/4 8. Released Dec. 20. Interrupted Wedding, The. Ideal. U. Blanche Sweet, 4.900 ft. " Kine." April 29, 1926. Posters 2 6. 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 20. Island of Despair, The. Stoll. A. Mathe- son Lang and Marjorv Hume. 6.500 ft. " Kine." June 3, 1926. Posters 2 6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 27. Jealousy. Wardour. A. Lya de Putti and Werner Krauss. 6.300 ft. "Kine." Mav 20, 1926. Posters 1, 6. 1/12. Released Dec. 20. Kiss for Cinderella, A. Famous-Lasky. U. Bettv Bronson and Tom Moore. 9,562 ft.' "Kine." July 15, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 27. Last Edition, The. Pathe. U. Ralph Lewis. 6 reels. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Released Dec. 6. Let's Get Married. Famous-Lasky. U- Richard Dix and Lois Wilson. 6,381 ft, " Kine." June 17, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1 48. Released Dec. 6. Little Irish Girl, The. Gaumont. U. Dolores Costello. 6.100 ft, "Kine." May 27, 1926. Posters 2/6, 2 12, 1/48. Released Dec. 27. Lucky Fool, The. Vitagraph. A. Billv West. 4,400 ft. •• Kine." June 24, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released Dec. 3. Madame, Behave. P.D.C. U, Julian Eltinge. 6,430 ft. " Kine." June. 3, 1926. Posters 16, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Dec. 20. Man From Beyond, The. Unity. A. Houdini. 5,700 ft. "Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 16. Released Dec. 27. Memory Lane. F.N. U. Eleanor Board- man and Conrad Xagel. 6,836 ft. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 13. New Klondyke, The. Famous-Lasky. U. Thomas Meighan and Lila Lee. 7,221 ft. "Kine." July 8, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 20. Other Woman's Husbands. Gaumont, A. Marie Prevost and Monte Blue. 6,200 ft. " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 13. Part-lime Husbands. Butcher's. U. Alma Rubens. 6,000 ft, " Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 6. Pilgrim, The. (Re-issue.) Western Import, U. Charlie Chaplin. 3,600 ft, " Kine." June 28, 1923. Posters 2/6, 1/6, 1/48. Released Dec. 27. Robinson Crusoe. Renters. U. 6,500 ft. Released Dec. 20. Rum Runners, The. Unity. U. Leo Malonev. 3,700 ft. "Kine." May 27, 1926. Posters 1- 6. Released Dec. 30. Runaway, The. Famous-Lasky. A. Clara Bow and Warner Baxter. 6,190 ft. " Kine." Julv 8, 1926. Posters 16, 1 12. 1 48. 'Released Dec. 23. Should a Woman Tell? F.B.O. A. Constance Bennett, Wallace McDonald and George Haekathorne. 5,400 ft. " Kine." Julv 15, 1926. Posters 2/6, 112, 1 48. Released Dec. 20. Skinner's Dress Suit. European. U. Reginald Dennv and Lama la Plante. 6,965 ft. " Kine." Feb, 18, 1926. Released Dec. 6. Substitute Wife, The. F.B.O. A. Jane Xovak and Xiles Welsh. 5,900 ft, " Kine." June 17. 1926. Posters 2 6, 1 12, 1/48. Released Dec. 6. Taxi Mystery, The. Wardom\ U. Edith Thornton. 5.000 ft, "Kine." May 20, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12. Released Dec. 6. Too Much Money. F.X. U. Lewis Stone and Anna Q. Xilsson. 7,564ft, " Kine." June 3, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1, 48. Released Dec. 20. Western Pluck. European. U. Art Accord. 4,160ft. "Kine." July 8, 1926. Released Dec. 27. Who Was the Man ? Western Import, A. George Larkin. 4.600 ft, "Kine." Mar. 25, 1926. Posters 1/6. Released Dec. 27. Wonderful Adventure, The. Inter. Cine. U. Vilma Bankv. 7.015ft. "Kine." Mav 20, 1926. Posters 2/6, 1/12, 1/48. Released Dec. 13. Yellow Seal, The. P.D.C, U. Harry Carey. 4,594 ft. " Kine." June 10, 1926. Posters 1/6, 1/12, 1/48. Re- leased Dec. 6. "P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 120 The Kmematograph Year Book. The Acme of Perfection, WILLIAMSON LONDON FILM GO. FOR FILM PRINTING QUALITY AND SERVICE. Local Films expeditiously dealt with. WILLIAMSON FILM PRINTING COMPANY 80/82, Wardour Street, London, W.I. [Incorporated with London Film Co. Ltd.) Gerrard 9751/2. Telegraphic Address: WINPRINCOL, LONDON. General Manager - - JACK SMITH. TRADE ORGANISATIONS (ASSOCIATIONS, SOCIETIES, UNIONS, ETC.) INDEX Incorporated Association of Kinematograph Manu- facturers, Limited ... ... ... ... 122 Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association ... 125 Kinematograph Renters' Society I 2 Faculty of Arts ... ... ... ... 134 British Motion Picture Advertisers 134 Musicians' Union ... ... ... ... ... ... 134 British Empire Film Institute 134 National Association of Theatrical Employees... 134 Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights and Com- posers ... ... ... . ... 134 Optical Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 134 Cinematograph Trade Benevolent Fund ... 135 Cinematograph Trade Provident Institution 135 Electrical Trades Union ... *35 British National Film League 135 Performing Right Society, Limited 135 Variety Artistes' Federation ... 13 5 Actors' Association ... 135 London Poster Advertising Association, Limited 135 British Poster Advertisirg Association ... 135 122 The Kinematograph Year Book. Trade Organisations. The Incorporated Association of Kinematograph Manufacturers, Ltd. Offices : 80-82, Wardour Street, London, W.i. Phone : Regent 2076. OFFICERS. Chairman : . . . . . . . . . . Tom E. Davies. Vice-chairman : . . . . . . . . Col. A. C. Bromhead Treasurer : .... . . . . C. G. Fox. Secretary . . . . . . . . J. Brooke Wilkinson COUNCIL. Cecil M. Hepworth, The Studio, Walton-on- Thames. E. F. Moy, E. F. Moy, Ltd., Greenland Place, Camden Town, N.W. A. S. Newman, Newman & Sinclair Ltd., 2 Salisbury Road, Highgate, N. J. W. Smith, Williamson Film Printing Co., 80-82, Wardour Street, W.i. J. Skittrell. Olympic Kine Laboratories Ltd., School Road, Victoria Road, N.W. W. Vinten, 89, Wardour Street, W.i. A. J. Williamson, Automatic Film Printers, Ltd., 90, Wardour Street, W.i OBJECTS. (a) To promote the consideration and discussion of all questions affecting, and generally to watch over, protect, and advance the interests of the trade of manufacturers and/or publishers and/or sellers of kinematograph films (in this memorandum called the " said trade," which expression shall include all ancillary and allied trades and every branch of any such trade and whether such trade or trades shall be carried on in England or elsewhere), to promote economy, efficiency and excellence in the said trade, and to facilitate the operations thereof, and to co-operate with members of the Association of the various branches of the said trade for the promotion of mutual interests. (£) To consider, originate, promote, and support improvements in any laws, bye-laws or regulations affecting the interests of the Association or the members thereof, and to promote and support by all constitutional means the passage through Parliament of any Bill or Bills, and the making of any bye-laws or regulations, by any competent authority in furtherance of the objects of the Association, and to resist and oppose alterations in any laws, bye-laws, or regulations, and tha enactment of laws, and the making of bye-laws and regulations, which may seem, directly or indirectly, opposed to the said trade, or to the interests of the Associa- tion or any members thereof. {c) To give the legislature and public bodies and others facilities of conferring with and ascertaining the views of persons engaged in the said trade as regards matters directly or indirectly affecting the said trade. (d) To confer with the County Councils, Local Boards, and any other public bodies in regard to all matters affecting the Association or the members thereof, or the said trade. (e) To improve and elevate the technical and general knowledge of members of the Association and/or persons engaged in or about to engage in the said trade or in any employment, manual or otherwise, in con nection therewith and with a view thereto to provide for the delivery of lectures and the holding of classes, and to test by examination or otherwise the competence of members of the Association and/or such persons, and to award certificates and distinctions or prizes and to institute and establish scholarships, grants, rewards, and other benefactions. (/) To arrange and promote the adoption of equitable forms of contracts Trade Organisations. 123 and other documents used in the said trade, and to encourage and promote the settlement of disputes by conciliation or arbitration, and to act as or nominate arbitrators and umpires on such terms and in such cases as may seem expedient and to assist in the formation, development and main- tenance of Boards of Conciliation and Arbitration. (g) To make, from time to time, investigations into, or furnish assistance and advice as to, any conditions affecting the said trade, or in connection with any particular business either for the Association or for, or to, any member thereof, and in the latter cases (if thought fit) to charge and accept such remuneration as may be expedient. (h) To retain or, from time to time, to employ skilled professional or technical advisers in connection with, or for the purposes of carrying into effect, the objects of the Association, and pay therefor such fees or remunera- tion as may be thought expedient. .(1) To procure information for the members of the Association as to the standing and responsibility of parties with whom they propose to transact business, and to collect and disseminate among the members of the Associa- tion statistics and other information on all matters affecting the Association or the members thereof, or the said trade, and to print, publish, issue, and circulate such papers, periodicals, books, circulars, and other literary matter as may conduce to any of these objects, and in particular, and without prejudice to the scope or effect of the preceding provisions of this paragraph, to acquire by purchase or otherwise or to 'establish a trade journal or any other similar journal or journals, for the promotion of the trade interests of the members of the Association, and to print and publish any such journal or journals as aforesaid, and also to compile, print, publish, issue and circulate an annual directory of manufacturers and/or publishers, and other persons and/or corporations engaged in the said trade, whether members of the Association or not. (;) To establish, form, and maintain a library and collection of literature, statistics, and information relating to the said trade, or to matters of interest to members thereof, and to compile, collect, publish, lend, and sell, and endeavour to secure, or contribute to, the compilation, collection, and publication by Parliament, Government Departments, and other bodies or persons of any literature, statistics and information, and to permit the same to be used by members of the Association. (k) To undertake, or assist financially, or otherwise, in promoting or opposing, litigation or to obtain legal advice in any cases affecting the Association or the interests of the members thereof, in connection with the said trade, so far as may legally be done, and without infringing the rules of law against maintenance and champerty and in particular and without prejudice to the preceding provisions of this paragraph, but always so far as may legally be done, and without infringing the rules of law against maintenance and champerty, to undertake or assist financially or otherwise in the suppression or prevention of infringements, piracies, or duplications of copyrights, or other interests in kinematograph films, or subjects for the same or of violation of any property, right, or interest whatsoever of any member of the Association manufactured, published, acquired, used or dealt with in connection with the said "trade. (I) To encourage the discovery of, and investigate and make known the nature and merits of inventions and processes which may seem capable of being used by members of the Association for any of the purposes of the said trade, and to acquire any patents, or licences, relating to any such inventions or to acquire any copyrights or other interest in kinematograph films or any other property of whatsoever nature with a view to the use thereof by the members of the Association and others, either gratuitously or upon such terms as may seem expedient. (m) To establish, subsidise, promote, co-operate with, receive into union, become a member of, act as, or appoint trustees, agents or delegates for, control, manage, superintend, afford financial assistance to, or otherwise assist any associations and institutions, incorporated or not incorporated, 124 The Kinematograph Year Book. whose objects are in whole or in part similar to those of the Association, and which shall prohibit the payment of any dividend or profit to their members, wholly, or at least to the same extent as such payment is pro- hibited by this memorandum to members of the Association. (n) To establish, undertake, superintend, administer, and contribute, to any charitable or benevolent institution or fund, whose objects are to assist deserving persons who may be or have been members of the Associa- tion, or the relations or immediate dependents of any such persons, and to contribute towards, or otherwise assist, any charitable or benevolent institu- tions or undertakings. (o) To undertake and execute any trusts which may be conducive to any of the objects of the Association. if) To provide facilities for social intercourse between members of the Association and their friends, and, if thought fit, to afford them all or any of the usual privileges, advantages, conveniences, and accommodation of a club. [q) To make arrangements with railway or other companies, or corpora- tions, and with persons engaged in any trade, business, or profession, for the concession to members of the Association, or their friends, of any special rights, privileges, and advantages. (r) To admit any persons (whether eligible or not eligible for membership) to be associates or honorary members of the Association on such terms, and to confer on them such rights or privileges as may seem expedient. (s) To borrow any money that may be required by the association upon such terms as may be deemed advisable. (/) To sell, improve, manage, develop, lease, mortgage, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property of the Association. («) To invest the moneys of the Association not immediately required upon such investments, and in such a manner as may from time to time be determined. (v) Subject to the provisions of the 19th section of the Companies' (Con- solidation) Act, 1898, to purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire, or otherwise acquire any real and personal property, and any rights 01 privileges necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Association, and to construct, alter and maintain any buildings required for the purposes of the Association. (w) To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute, and issue promis- sory notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading, warrants, debentures, and other negotiable or transferable instruments. (x) To pay all expenses preliminary or incidental to the formation of the Association and its registration. (y) To sell or dispose of the undertaking or property of the Association, or any part thereof, for such consideration as the Association may think fit, and in particular for shares, debentures, securities, or other interests, in any other company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of the Association. (2) To procure the Association to be registered or recognised in any foreign country or place. (za) To do all such other lawful things as may be incidental to or con- ducive to the attainment of the above objects. Provided that in case the Association shall take or hold any property subject to the jurisdiction ct the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, the Association shall not sell, mortgage, or lease the same without such consent as may be required by law, and, as regards any such property, the managers, or trustees, of the Association shall be chargeable for such property as may come into their hands and shall be answerable and accountable for their own acts, receipts, neglects, and default, and for the due administration of such property in the same manner and to the same extent as they would, as such managers or trustees have been if no incorporation had been effected and the incorporation of the Association shall not diminish or Trade Organisations. impair any control or authority exercisable by the Chancery Division or the Charity Commissioners over such managers or trustees, but they shall, as regards any ., Ltd. — Mortgage dated October 21, 1926, to secure advances not exceed- ing £75,000, charged on certain land and buildings in Haymarket, etc., S.W. Holders: — Mercantile Marine Finance Corporation, Ltd. . 3. Old Broad Street, E.C. eiaycrsss Hippodrome, Ltd.— Issue on October 9, 1926, of £400 debentures, part of a series already registered. Enpire Kine.Tsa (Leytonstone), Ltd. — Particu- lars filed of £12,500 debentures authorised October 19, 1926, charged on the company's undertaking and propert}7, present and future, including uncalled capital, the amount of the present issue being £2,500. Excelisnt Cinemas (1924), Ltd.— Letter of deposit dated October 4, 1926, charged on the Great Hampton Picture Palace, Livery Street, and Kenyon Street, Birmingham, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to the Westminster Bank, Ltd. Film Booking OfSces (1959), Ltd. — Satisfaction in full on December 24, 1924, of debentures dated July 22, 1920, securing £50,000. (Notice filed October 20, 1926.) Fishponds Picture House, Ltd. — Deposit on October 8, 1926, of deeds of picture house and premises at Fishponds Road, Fishponds, and 11, Argyle Avenue, Eastville, Bristol, to secure all monies due or to become due from the company to the Westminster Bank, Ltd. Gcltthcrpe Hippcdreire, Ltd. — Satisfaction in full on July r, 1926, of mortgage dated January 2, 1924, securing £920. (Notice filed October 21.) Grar.d Theatre (Glasgow), Ltd.— Par iculars filed of £16,000 debentures and premium of 5 per cent, authorised October 6, and covered by trust deed dated Ostober 1, 1926, charged on properties at Glasgow and the company's undertaking and property present and future, including uncalled capital, the amount of the present issue being £15,150. Trustees: — J. Wolfe, A. Edelshain and F. J. King. Hunts Ciftexas, Ltd. — Mortgage on " The Picturedrome," High Street, Boston, and as collateral security thereto a debenture charged on the company's property, present and future, including uncalled capital, both dated October 25, 1926, to secure £1,600. Holder: — G. Sadler, Alexandra Park, Nottingham. NOVEMBER. AsS-.fcrd Entertainer en's C?., Ltd. — Debenture and collateral mortgage, both dated November 18, 1926, to secure £3,500, charged on the Palace, Tuf ton Street, Ashfcid, and the company's other assets, present and future, including uncalled capital. Holder: Mrs. E.M.B. Webb, Henghurst Wocdchurch, Kent. Erilish Fihrcraft, Ltd.— Particulars filed of £300 debentures and £700 debentures authorised November 12, 1926, charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, including uncalled capital, the whole amoimts being now issued. Mortgages and Charges. 187 British National Pictures, Ltd. — Satisfaction in full on November 6, of charge dated August 27, 1926, securing £29.000. County Electric Pavilions. Ltd. — Mortgage on County Electric Pavilion, Gordon Street, Luton, dated November 11, r926, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to Barclays Bank, Ltd. (subject to a prior mort- gage.) Cromer Theatre cf Varieties, Ltd.— Satisfaction to the extent of £1,500 on October 29, 1926, of mortgage dated May 12, r92i, securing £2, ceo. F.S. Production, Ltd. — Particulars filed of £8co debentures authorised November 17, 192b, charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, including un- called capital, the whole amount being now issued . H. and S. Film service. Ltd. — Mortgage debenture dated Novemter 25, 1926, to secure £300, charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future. Holder: G.W. Stock, 18, Moorside, Fenham, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Hunts Cinemas, Ltd.. — Mortgage on "The Picture drome," Hight Street, Boston, and as collateral security thereto a debenture, charged on the company's property, present and future, including uncalled capital, both dated October 25, 192^, to secure £r,6oo. Holder : G. Sadler, Alexandra Park, Nottingham. H. and W., Ltd. — Satisfaction to the extent of £12,500 on July 3, of debentures dated March 30, 1926, securing £25,000. (Notice filed October 19, 1926.) Luton Cinemas, Ltd. — Issue on November 9, 1926, of £500 debentures, part of a series already registered. IVtercsiry (Sooth Grainge) Film Service, Lid. — Debenture dated November 24, 1926, to secure £4,500 charged on land at Leeds and the company's undertaking and property present and future, including uncalled capital. Holders : Branch Nominees, Ltd., 15, Bishopsgate, E.C.2. Metropolitan Electric Theatres, Ltd. — Mortgage on lease of Court Theatre , Brighton , with utensils , etc. , dated October 14, 1924, to secure all moneys due, or to become due, from the company to the Midland Bank, Ltd. National Projacfs, Ltd. — Charge on the Kinema, Northfield Avenue, West Ealing, with, fixtures, etc., dated November 29, 1926, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to the National Provincial Bank, Ltd_ New Parkhisrst Halls, Ltd.— Particulars filed of £500 debentures authorised October 20, 1926, charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, including uncalled capital, the amount of the present issue being £100. Norris, Ltd. — Charge on 172 and 174. Balham High Road, S.W. , plant, machinery, etc., thereon, dated November 1, 1926, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to the National Provincial Bank, Ltd.. Also two debentures of same date to secure £2,502 and £1,000 respectively, charged on real, lease- hold and other property of the company, present and future, including uncalled capital. Holders : Mrs. E. N. Riviera, Lansdowne Place, Hove, and others. Norris, Ltd. — Satisfaction in full on November 19, 1926, of Land Registry charge and first debenture, both dated January 28, 1916, securing £3,600. Norris, Ltd. — Satisfaction in full on November 19, 1926, of 2nd debenture dated January 28, 1916, securing £1,000. Ncr.voed Cinemas, Ltd. — Deposit on October 28, r926, of deeds of certain freehold lands in Norwood Road and Lambeth , S .E . , to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to Barclays Bank, Ltd. Palace (Arssifield Plain), Ltd.— Satisfaction in full on October 16, 1926, of two mortgages dated May 27, 1916, and February 24, r92o, securing all moneys due or to become due from the com- pany to the Midland Bank, Ltd. , respectively. Piccadilly Pictures, Ltd.— Issue on November 2 of £r,ooo and on November 5, 1926, of £1,000 debentures, parts of a series. Pilsley Palate, Ltd.— Particulars filed of £i,oco debentures authorised September 14, 1926, charged on the company's property, present and future, including uncalled capital, the amount of the present issue being £900. Pontard'ilais Cinema C3., Ltd.— Charge on certain premises at Pontardulais, Glam., dated October 21, 1926, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to Lloyds Bank, Ltd,, not exceeding £1,000. Portsmouth Town Cinemas, Ltd. — Deposit on November 4, 1926, of deeds of the Palace Cinema, Commercial Road, Portsmouth, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to Barclay's Bank, Ltd. Putney Palace Theatre, Ltd.— Particulars filed of £io,oco debentures authorised September 21, and covered by trust deed dated November 5, 1926, charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, the whole amount being now issued. Trustees: A. J. L. Searle and C. Farmer. Ratcliffe Holmes Prcdycticns, Ltd. — Three debentures, all dated November 5, 1926, to secure £50, £30, and £50 respectively, charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, including uncalled capital. Holder : L. C. Robinson, 17, Montpelier Square, Kensington, S.W. 3, and others. Regent Picture Kcuse (Liverpool), Ltd.— Charge on land with the Regent Picture House, fittings, etc., thereon in Prescot Road, Knotty Ash, Liverpool, dated October 27, 1926, to secure £3,000 and further advances. Holder : C.J. Doyle, 15, Victoria Street, Liverpool. Retford Devslop.nent Syndicate, Ltd.— Satis- faction in full on November 6, 1926, of charge dated October 27, 1925, securing all moneys due or to become due. Standard Kinemaicgraph Co., Ltd. — Mortgage on May Cottages, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, and Rythe Works, adjoining, dated November 12, 1926, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to the Midland Bank, Ltd. West Eslisig Kinem?., Ltd. — Satisfaction in full on November 29, 1926, of mortgage dated May 16, 1924, securing all moneys due or to become due from the company to the West- minister Bank, Ltd. Whitby Empire Electric Theatre, Ltd.— Mort- gage dated October 6, 1926, to secure £3,000, charged on land at Whitby, with the Coliseum thereon. Holders : J. Duck and J. R. Johnson, both of Whitby. (Registered November 24, by permission of the Court.) 88 The key to kinema trade problems will be found in the pages of "The Kmematograph Weekly," the original and leading Trade organ devoted to kinemato- graphy. Managers will welcome the news of new methods and enterprises, the reviews of coming releases, the latest film intelligence from all over the world, and other vital information which is contained in every number. Keep in touch with Tiade developments by reading "The Kinematograph Weekly." ONE SHILLING 30/- per annum, post free. Bankruptcies, Liquidations, etc. 189 Bankruptcies, Liquidations, etc No attempt has been made, under this heading, to cover all the minor instances of failure in the Industry, only cases likely to have a general interest being included. RECEIVERSHIPS. AP?aiN?ffiENTS Autoscspas, Ltd.— J. E. Percival, of 6, Old Jewry, E.C., ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on June 16, 1926. Barker Motion Photography, Ltd.— S. Cole, of Sardinia House, Sardinia Street, Kingsway, W.C.2, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on Decembers. 1925. Blackpool Trocadero, Ltd. — R. E. Smalley, of 9, Chapel Street, Preston, C.A., was appointed Receiver and Manager by Order of Court dated Januarv 18, 1926. (Notice filed June 12, 1926.) Captain Noel's Produetisns, Ltd.— E. H. Wingfield, of 67, Watling Street, E.C.4, was appointed Receiver and Manager on March 1, 1926, under powers contained in debentures dated September 10, 1925. Collage Picture Theatre, Ltd. (Old Co.).— W. E. Jones, of 40, Brazennose Street, Manchester, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on Novem- ber 15, 1926. John Drummond and Co., Ltd. — E. James, of St. Lawrence House, lrump Street, Cheapside. E.C., was appointed Receiver and Manager by Order of Court dated November 26, 1926. Du;ai FN as, Ltd.— S. R. Worley, of 23, Bush Lane, E.C. , was appointed Receiverand Manager on October 11, under powers contained in debenture dated May 20, 1926. Electro Pocket Cinemas, Ltd.— H. Chapman, of 171, High Street, Lowestoft, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on December 18. 1925. Empire (Whitley Bay), Ltd.— W. H. Hutchin- son, of 15, Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on Decem- ber 23, 1925. Filmit, Hi.— Miss E. F. McClean, of 14, Chester House, Eccleston Place, S.W.i, was appointed Receiver and Manager in place of J. W. Curtis, on May 5, 1926. under powers contained in debenture dated September 20, 1924. Filmit, Ltd.— J. W. Curtis, of 12, Charing Cross Road, W:C, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on May 5, 1926. Gee Construction Co., Ltd. — G. W. Killick. of 17, Dumbarton Road, S.W.2, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on April 20, 1926. George Abrahamson, Ltd. — A. C. Lucas, of 6o,Watling Street, E.C, ceased to act as Receiver on June 18, 1926, on behalf of the holder of the 1st debentures dated March 18, 1925, and Inter- mediate debentures, dated November 4, 1925. Giilings Kinenas Exciusives, Ltd. — A. Place, of 105, Market Street. Manchester, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on February 9, 1926. Greville's Travel Films, Ltd. — L. Barber, of 31, Great James Street, Bedford Row, W.C.i, was appointed Receiver and Manager on November 12, 1926, under powers contained in debenture dated October 6, 1921. W. S. Dawson, of the same address, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on the above date. AND RELEASES. J. Springer, Ltd. — (In liquidation.) — R. H. Collett, of 84, Chancery Lane, E.C, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on March 12, 1926. S/iaiicftester and District Picture House Co., Ltd.— W, F. Wrigley, of 53, Brown Street, Man- chester, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on June 4, 1926. Morton's Ci.i3.ras and Theatres, Ltd. — R. R. F. Groves, of Tower Chambers, 30A, Pride Hill, Shrewsbury, Incorporated Accountant, was appointed Receiver and Manager on February- 23, 1926, under powers contained in debentures, dated February 20, 1923. Ncltingi\a;n Grand Theatre and Estates, Ltd.— R. A. Page, of Milton Chambers, Milton Street, Nottingham, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on April 1, 1926. Grisl Picture House and Theatre Co., Ltd.— T. Keens, of 11, George Street West, Luton, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on June 30, 1926. Parsgon Films, Ltd.— A. B. Watts, of 15, Windsor Place, Cardiff, was appointed Receiver and Manager by Order of Court dated October^, 1925. (Notice filed April 13, 1926.) Pavilion (Cardiff), Ltd. — D. Roth, C.A., of 6, Vigo Street, W. , was appointed Receiver and Manager on February 18, 1926, under powers containedin trust deed dated November 28, 192 1. Pictos, Ltd.— T. Manby, of 6, Vigo Street, Londori, Was appointed Receiver and Manager on July 14, 1926, under powers contained in debentures dated February 1 and April 20, 1926. Phillips Film Co^pafiy, Ltd.— J. L. Milligan, of 33, Paternoster Row, E.C.4, was appointed Receiver or Manager on October 28, 1926, under powers contained in mortgage debenture dated March 5, 1925. Playhouse (Cardiff), Ltd. — J. W. Williams, of 5, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff, was appointed Receiver by Order of Court dated April 3, 1925. Principal" Pictures, Ltd. — R. Ferguson, of 10, New Bond Street, W.i, was appointed Receiver on November 1, 1926, under powers contained in debenture deed dated September 4. 1925. Provincial Yaudeviiles, Ltd. — F. West, of 5, Courtenay Street, Plymouth, c:ased to act as Receiver or Manager on August 31, 1926. Ractoscope, Ltd. — E. W. Viney, of 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4, was appointed Receiver and Manager on June 21, under powers contained in first mortgage debenture dated March 4, 1926. St. James' Picture Theatre, Ltd. — L. A. Thomson, of 513, Salisbury House, Londcn Wall, E.C. 2, ceasea to act as Receiver or Manager on April 21, 1926. Sa;idA'eil Ghana, Ltd.— W. M. Paul, of 43, Castle Street, Liverpool, was appointed Receiver on December 5, 1925, under powers contained in debenture dated June 5, 1923- 190 The Kinematograph Year Book. Scala (Wilmslow Read, Manchester), Ltd.— J. S. Smith, of 36, Spring Gardens, Manchester, and A. J. Connelly, of 29A, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2, were appointed Receivers and Managers, on May 21, 1926, under powers contained in debenture dated May 3. 1922. Unity Filti Company, Ltd. — L. E. Sacks, of 115, Melrose Avenue, Cricklewood, N.W., was appointed Receiver on August 16, 1926, under powers contained in first mortgage debenture dated November 5, 1924. Victory Palaces (Sheffield), Ltd.— F. J. Slater, of Wentworth Chambers, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, ceased to act as Receiver or Manager on October 11, 1926. Wainwright Manufacturing Co., Ltd.— A. C. Vincent, of 13, Queen Street, Cheapside, E.C.4, was appointed Receiver on May 25, 1926, under powers contained in debenture dated July 20, 1925. COMPANIES WINDING UP. (VOLUNTARY AND COMPULSORY LIQUIDATIONS ) Artistic Filiis, Ltd., 93-96, VVardour Street, W.i. — Under the winding-up order made on March 4, 1925, particulars of the promotion, dealings and collapse of the company have been issued to creditors and shareholders. Ac- cording to the statement of affairs filed in the proceedings, the ranking liabilities are £34>748, and there are no assets ; whilst as regards the creditors the total deficiency is £49>433- It appears that the company was registered as a private company on January 30, 1915, as Lucorme, Limited. On December 16, 191S, the name waschangedto Artistic Films, Limited. The audited accounts of the company show that a net profit of £990 was made at the end of Mirch, 1917. The next year showed a loss of £11,235, and further losses were made in the next three years to March 31, 1921, amounting to £6,363. The trading from January 31, 1922, to February 20, 1925, the date of the appoint- ment of the receiver for the debenture holders, resulted in the following further losses. Year ending March 31, 1923, £8,870 15s. nd. ; year ending March 31, 1924, £6,144 16s. nd. ; April 1, 1924, to February 20, 1925, £4,316 10s. 4d. The failure is attributed to the fact that the company had not the necessary working capital to produce films on the scale required by modern competition, and incurred a bad debt of approximately £2,000, and a further con- tributory cause was the failure of an American firm to complete a contract which should have shown a profit of between £2,000 and £3,000. The liquidation of the company was left in the hands of the Official Receiver. Blackpool Trocadero, Linited., 49, Deansgate, Manchester. — The winding-up order in this matter was made on a creditor's petition. The statement of affairs showed a deficiency as regards the contributories of £85,693 7s. 6d. The failure of the company is attributed to Insufficient capital subscribed on formation necessitating the borrowing of money at interest, heavy cost of reconstruction and purchase of fixtures, fittings, etc., at the then high price purchase of two licences to obtain present restricted licence, bad climatic conditions and general bad trade. For the twelve months to October 31, 1921, there was a loss of the catering and rents side of the business of £1,833, and in the following year of £3,369. For 1923, how- ever, there was a profit of £20, in the next twelve months £32, and for the year to October 31, 1925, £1,811. Net losses, however, were made on the picture house each year, that during the first year being £467, in 1922 £4,300, 1923, £1,225, 1924 £1,176, and 1925 £729. Full accounts appear to have been kept of the company's transactions, and these have been regjlarly audited. The Official Receiver is of opinion that further enquiries are necessary into the formation of the company and the conduct of its affairs. Cardiff Cinema Theatre, Ltd.— In the com- panies winding-up court on March 16, Mr. Justice Eve had before him a petition by W. and F. Film Service, Ltd. . and others, for a compulsory order to wind up Cardiff Cinema Theatre, Ltd. For the respondent company and for the liquidator in the voluntary winding up of the company it was submitted that this did not seem to be a case for a compulsory order. The voluntary liquidator was willing to retire if it was thought someone else should be ap- pointed. His lordship said the liquidator having expressed a desire to retire, he will refer the matter to chambers to appoint a liquidator, and there would be no order on the petition except that the costs will be paid out of the assets of the company. The Cosmopslitan Productions, Ltd., 30, Gerrard Street, W. — Particulars issued under a winding-up order made on January 12 shews liabilities £,5299, on which £4,649 is unsecured, assets £349, and as regards the shareholders a total deficiency of £4,399. The company was registered as a private company on October 18, 1924, with a nominal capital of £1,000, divided into shares of £1 each. In December, 1925, the company was being pressed by a creditor, and a meeting of trade creditors was held, to explain the company's position, which was done. The position as disclosed to the meeting was that the company had a substantial asset in a film " Haunted Houses and Castles of England," and that as soon as the rights could be disposed of the proceeds would be more than sufficient to discharge the creditors' claim. It appears, however, that before any further steps could be taken the petition to wind-up the company had been presented, and the winding-up order was made. No balance sheets or accounts were prepared during the period of the company's trading, but it is evident from accounts filed in support of the statement of affairs that business had been carried on at heavy loss. In the Official Receiver's opinion the company had been attempting to carry on business with insufficient capital, and it would appear that there had been bad management thourghout. Sidney Reginald Worley, chartered accountant, of 23, Bush Lane, Cannon Street, London, E.C., was appointed liquidator by the Court, with a Committee of Inspection con- sisting of three creditors. Interest Filns, Ltd., 37 and 39, Oxford Street, W. — Particulars issued under the winding-up or der recently made against the above company show that the liabilities amount to £5,629, the assets to £195, and that as regards the contributories there is a total deficiency of £5,434. According to the printed observations of the Official Receiver on the history of the company, the company was formed in 1921, with a nominal capital of £roo, subsequently Bankruptcies, Liquidations, etc. 192 increased to £2,000. R. J. Pugh was managing director and Edward Mann was secretary at the date of the winding-up order. According to the Official Receiver, Pugh stated that at the time the company was formed he was a director of David P. Howells, Ltd., also a director of that company, promoted Interest Films, Limited, with a view to utilising it for the purpose of selling "Interest" films (i.e.. films relating to travel and educational subjects) through the post instead of through salesmen, as is the usual practice in the Trade. In the opinion of Mr. Pugh, the failure of the company is attributable to the fact that the delay occasioned by the original adoption of the postal system for the distribution of films affected it adversely in competing with other concerns which utilised the services of salesmen, the prices paid for " Kineto Reviews" were excessive, and the films purchased by the company itself did not appeal to exhibitors. The Official Receiver, who is the liquidator of the company's affairs, has no reason to disagree with these views. London and Counties Fil.ti Bureau, Ltd. 5, Chancery Lane. — A winding-up order was made on March 2, and the statement of affairs submitted by Mario Pettinati, a director, showed liabilities £2,814, assets, £35, and as regards the shareholders a total deficiency of £3,279. The company was registered as a private company on May 4 , 1915, with a nominal capital of £3,500, formed to carry on business as manufacturers and hirers of and dealers in films . The failure o f t he company is attributable to insufficient working capital. The liquidation is in the hands of the Official Receiver. Manchester and District Picture House Co., Ltd., 22, Cathedral House, Manchester. — Par- ticulars issued under a w'nding up order mace December 1, 1925, showed total deficiencies as regards shareholders tOibe £55,492. The company was incorporate din August, 1920, with a nominal capital of £70,000 for the purpose of acquiring five picture theatres in the Manchester district and of carrying on business as proprietors and managers of cinematograph theatres. On August 27, 1920, a prospectus was issued to the public inviting subscriptions of 52,700 ordinary £1 shares. The minimum subscription was fixed at £13,000, but the prospectus met with little response, only 9,067 shares being applied for. The company was always hard pressed for money and in 1923 several writs were issued against it, and an execution was levied on one of the theatres but without result, and on December iy, 1924, a Receiver and Manager was appointed on behalf of the debenture holders. The failure of the company was attributed to the coal and printers strikes in 1 920-1921, and sub- sequent depression in trade. The liquidation is in the hands of the Official Receiver. North Lane Picture Lcunge (Keadingley), Ltd., Pearl Chambers, East Parade, Leeds, Yorkshire. — The statement of affairs of the above company against which a winding-up order was made on May 19, 1925, showed liabilities £r,i89, assets of an equal amount, and as regards the contributories a total de- ficiency of £26,000. The company was registere d in igr 6 with anominal capita! I of £f ceo, increased in 1919 to £20,000, and acquired a site for about £370, the cost of the erection amounting to £8,584. Early in 1918 the company granted to the Mid- Yorkshire Entertainments, Ltd., an option to purchase the whole of its assets for a sum of £7,000. The option was sub- sequently purchased by Leonard Denham, a director, and a Mr. Hilton, for £8,000, who were to form a partnership, and later disposed of by them to the Leeds and Picture Houses, Ltd., which was formed to acquire this and other picture houses in the district and the theatre was taken over by theminMay,i92o. On the completion of the sale to the Leeds and District a conveyance was executed by the original company which, however, never received the £7,000 payable to them. Denham, who since the winding-up order had offered to provide a fund sufficient to discharge the claim (which is a claim of E.P.D.), states that he is unable to express any opinion as to the iailure of the company, this being impossible as no actual failure took place, the assets having b;en disposed of previously to the liquidator. The liquidation is in the hands of A. E. Silvester, chartered accountant, of Alderman's House, Bishopsgate, E.C. BANKRUPTCIES. William John Banks, Glyncorrwg, near Port Talbot, Glamorganshire, late The Cinema, Glyncorrwg. — At the public examination held at the Town Hall, Neath, the statement of affairs showed liabilities of £219 12s. -7d., and there was a deficiency of £204 17s. id. Debtor attributed his failure to depression in trade and local coal dispute. He said his takings were between £6 and £7 a week, and he paid about £7 per week for the hire of films. The examination was adjourned. Olive Becket, The Cinema, Handcross, and The Cinema , Henfield, Sussex. — The statement of affairs produced at the public examination on April 21 at Brighton showed liabilities of £694 19s. gd. against assets of £38 15s. id., or a deficiency of £656 4s. 8d. Debtor attributed her failure to commencing business with in- sufficient capital and heavy overhead expenses. She became aware of her position in December 1924, but hoped that matters would improve. She had since been continually sued. After further questions, the examinalion was formally adjourned to be closed. J. F. Carr. — Appearing at his public examina" tion in bankruptcy at Manchester in November, John Frederick Carr, 37, of 89, Aston Avenue, Fallowfield, Manchester, said he was formerly in the film industry, but gave it up because it had become a matter of big syndicates. Debtor added that he did not think there was an individual renter in the film business, and the small man had no chance because of the million pounds' capital firms. It was stated that debtor had latterly traded as an electrical goods agent. His liabilities amounted to £1,995, with the deficiency £1,963 . The examination was closed. In 1917 Carr entered into a partnership trading as the Tower Film Co., but the business was unsuccessful, and the partnership was dissolved in December, 1918, debtor then taking over the business. Carr paid his partner £7co on the understanding that the latter indemnified him (debtor) in respect of contingent liabilities on existing contracts and pending law actions. These obligations were fulfilled by the partner, it was stated, until 1921, when he became bank- rupt. The outstanding partnership liabilities were £1,550, and debtor, becoming responsible for them, they were the beginning of his mis- IQ2 The Kinematograph Year Book. fortur.es." Debtor continued in business until 1924, when he was compelled to abandon it due to the competition of large syndicates whereby the small man had no chance. Arthur Wi!!iam Gill, 14, Church Lane, Romiley, Cheshire, late Gem Cinema, Marplc the Savoy Picture House, Mottram, and the Palace, Woolley Bridge, late kinema proprietor. The public examination of this debtor was held on November 29, at Ashton-under-Lyne. The gross liabilities were returned at £1,087 12s. 6d., and there was a deficiency of £869 r2s. 6d. In addition to the kinemas mentioned, debtor, in conjunction with his father-in-law, took over the Koz.y Cinema at Hayfield. Debtor also went travelling for film firms. After further questions, the examination was closed. Francis Ryan Joseph Jartion, film renter, of Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue. W.C. — At debtor's public examination on March 26 he produced accounts showing liabilities of £2,998 and assets £144. Previous to the war, debtor wasin the timbertrade, but after demobilisation he commenced business in 192 r as a film renter. In November, 1923, a company, styled the Janion Film Renting Co., Ltd., was formed to acquire the assets of his business and the lease of his premises, and as vendor he received £500 in cash and 2,500 £1 shares in the company, of which he acted as managing director till July, 1924, when it went into voluntary liquida- tion. The examination was concluded'. L. Levy, trading as L. Segal, film hirer, 29, Blenheim Terrace, St. John's Wood. — The statement of affairs filed in the proceedings showed liabilities £833 and no assets. A. W. Nicholson (22), kinema proprietor, Rialto Kmema, Kirkham. — At the Preston Bankruptcy Court, on November 19, debtor told the Official Receiver that when he took a two years' lease of the " Rialto " he had no capital, but a friend gave a guarantee to the lessors of the theatre for £400 for rent, and had paid the rent up to the time of the bankruptcy. The debtor's deficiency was stated to be £1,751. Debtor said he did not make any profits in the kinema business, and also informed 'the Court that he had never been solvent in the whole of his business career. He had had three motor cars. His horse-betting losses were between £50 and £80. ■ Reginald Palmer, trading as the Queen's Cinema, Ramsgate, and at the Cosy Cinema, Southampton Street, Camberwell, London, film hirer. — The receiving order against the above was made on the petition of creditors, and the first meeting of the creditors took place at the London Bankruptcy Court. The Official Re- ceiver reported that the debtor had not sur- rendered to the proceedings, and that his whereabouts were unknown, and there were no particulars as to his liabilities and assets. Even- tually the creditors appointed A. H. Partridge, 3, Warwick Court, Holborn, W.C, as trustee to wind up the estate in bankruptcy. Albert Chas. Rennie (sued as C. A. Rennie), Deibigh Street, London. — This debtor, who failed in April with liabilities £620 (£364 un- secured) and assets £4, stated at his examination that in December, 1924, he purchased for £550 a kinema at Oxted, which, anticipating that it would not be possible to run it at a profit, he sold it for £300, which he used in paying various debts and in living expenses. The examination was concluded. Walter Henry Roberts, Imperial - Picture Palace, Cottingham, East Riding, Yorkshire, kinema proprietor. — The statement of affairs showed liabilities of £959 3s. nd. and no assets. Debtor attributed his failure to entering into contractsforfilms. insufficient takingsto meet his trade and household expenses, and through loss consequent upon a bill of sale. The ex- amination was closed. Oswald Harry Snazelle, land agent, of 144, High Street, FulhamT London, formerlv associated with the Elite, Wimbledon. — Debtor was publicly examined in August on accounts showing liabilities £2r,4oi (£rS,8oi unsecured) and assets £25 . In the course of the examination he was questioned as to his interest in the Cinema Estates and Finance Co.. Ltd.. a com- pany registered in March, 1924, for the purpose of acquiring a lease of the Elite Picture Palace, Wimbledon. He admitted he was shown as the registered holder of i,oor £r shares as at June, 1924, but he was, he said, never the real ownerof those shares, he was nominee for his son. Later the debtor transferred the whole of the shares to his son. The examination was ordered to be concluded. Albert Douglas Thomas, "Oakdene," Ely, Glamorganshire, and 3, Pembroke Terrace, Cardiff, film renter. — The public examination of this debtor was held on March 5, at Cardiff. The statement of affairs showed liabilities of £1,946 rs. id. against assets of £97 12s. 4m i 1 c d th at the plaintiffs' claim failed and that the claim of the debenture holders took priority of any rights which the plaintiffs might have asserted against Hep- worths. Giving judgment, his lordship held that the agreement did not affect the owner- ship of the film, but was merely the machinery by which to ascertain the remuneration of the services rendered by the vendor. There was a special bargain which created a charge as security for the debt, and there being this charge coming within the first condition of the deben- ture, no prior or part H passu charge could be created, the charge could not be set up by the plaintiffs. The action, therefore, must be. dismissed against both defendants with costs. Apparatus Claimed. — At a meeting of the Barnsley Town Council reference was made to the liquidation of the United Picture Co., Ltd., who were the lessees of the Public Hall, of which the Barnsley Corporation are the proprietors. A letter was read from J. A. Harris, liquidator of the company, with regard to the seating and kinematograph apparatus at the hall, Mr. Harris suggesting a meeting at the hall to negotiate the purchase. It was decided that the apparatus should be claimed as the property of the Corporation under an agreement. io6 The Kinematograph Year Book. SHOWMANSHIP IN THE KINEMA. By Harry Hutchison. (Showmanship Section of the "Kinematograph Weekly") THERE being very little space at my disposal, it is a difficult matter to deal with the subject of Showmanship adequately, as it is a matter that requires a great amount of space to discuss each of its many angles. Anyhow, I will try to be brief, although, of course, it is only possible for me to mention one or two sides of the subject. " Showmanship " now covers every one of the kinema manager's many tasks, advertising, presentation and a hundred and one other things. Presentation is only just beginning to become popular in this country. Many managers have realised its value in putting a picture over and as an excuse for introducing a variety turn of one kind or another. Presentation. Presentation is becoming very popular in England, and by this time next year I have no doubt that we will have to devote a great deal of space to the subject. At present, however, it is hardly important enough for discussion, so I will confine my remarks to the advertising side of picture exhibiting. During the year there has been a big advance in picture exploita- tion. Exhibitors now realise that there is no use paying a heavy price for an attraction, if the public does not know that he has secured it, and the result is that one hall vies with its opposition in attempts to attract by means of new advertising ideas the atten- tion of the public to the pictures on view. Tie-Ups. Posters, newspaper advertisements, street stunts, trailers, slides, lobby displays and teasers are all means of attracting attention, but perhaps one of the most popular forms of advertising is the tie-up, and the reason for its popularity is not at all difficult to understand. The tie-up is effective, usually easy to arrange, and is certainly the most inexpensive method of advertising known. The tie-up has taken many forms. A picture is showing which is a screen version of a well-known novel ; it is not at all difficult to arrange for a local bookseller to have a window display of the book. The display may consist of the books, with a few stills from the film and a nicely painted card announcing that a screen version of the novel is snowing at the star kinema, Showmanship in the Kinema. 197 More ambitious and more valuable displays can be arranged by fixing up a small tableau showing a scene from the film. When the co-operation of the bookseller is secured, have bookmarks printed for insertion in all books sold or lent out by his library. Bookmarks are always handy things, and are obviously a fine method of drawing attention to a theatre. Fashion Parades- It was during 1926 that fashion parades became popular. Here again is an instance of the value of tie-ups. You have a film such as " Fig Leaves," which deals with women's dress. You approach the big drapers' store and suggest that it runs a fashion parade in your hall during the week. You point out that you have lighting and scenery which will display the costumes at their best, and that by staging the parade the store will benefit by bringing its goods to the notice of thousands of your patrons. Obviously the shop itself has neither space or the material available to stage a parade on the lines your theatre can, and this is a point which should be brought out in discussing the matter with the manager of the establishment. By means of this co-operation you secure a terrific, attraction for the week, entirely free of charge, and the drapery store gets a big advertisement at a very reasonable cost. Almost every picture has some point which gives one an excuse for tieing up with something or other. Stories of modern youth can be advertised by displays of ukeleles, gramophones, saxophones, jazz outfits, latest dance hits and gramo- phone records in the music shop. Usually, too, this type of story offers an excuse for arranging dancing competitions, for having in a jazz band as a special attrac- tion for the week, for controversial articles in the local paper on the lines : " Is modern youth going to the dogs ?" The Dance Hall. The dance hall can generally be depended upon to run special nights in conjunction with some film or other you are showing. " A Peter Pan Night," " A Black Pirate Night," or " A Merry Widow Night," can all be arranged, prizes, of course, being awarded for the best impersonation of the leading characters in the film. With many big films a special song is published, and naturally this should be the featured number at any special " night " at the dance hall. The local paper, providing you are fairly friendly with the editor, will occasionally co-operate with your hall in running competitions which can be tied up to your picture and which is likely to be of interest to the paper's readers. There is not the space here to give a list of the tie-ups that can be arranged with beauty parlours, toy shops, hairdressers, boot 198 The Kinematograph Year Book. shops, caf^s and dozens of other establishments in. the town, but certainly the really live manager need never pay for a thing. He can borrow almost everything he needs from one or other of the local shops and can pay for the hire by placing a ticket on the article reading " Kindly lent by Jones and Smith " or by showing a slide advertising the firm. Find a Reason for it. There is only one point that should be observed in tie-ups, and that is whatever tie-up is arranged should have some bearing on the film. For instance, a railway drama might have a display of a toy engine running round a track in a toy shop window ; but the display would be no use for a picture dealing with the manu- facture of ships. Remember also the public will stop and look at a familiar object in an unusual setting. A toy train running round a track in a toy shop window will not attract a great deal of attention, because that's where it ought to be, but placed in your lobby, the pedestrian will stop and say, " Hello, this is unusual, what's on here ? " and will gaze at the display and read all the particulars to find out exactly what the idea is. A wax model, displaying dresses in the local departmental stores, attracts few, but put the same model in your lobby and you'll have a crowd round gazing at it in no time, simply because they are not used to seeing such an article in your lobby, and therefore con- clude there must be something out of the ordinary happening. The Lobby Display. A good lobby display is a sure means of attracting attention and at the same time it can create the proper atmosphere for patrons entering the hall. If by fixing a small motor to it the display can be made to move its value is doubled. Novelty lobby displays of the " Don't look in here " type always attract attention, and although they cannot be worked on every film they occur just often enough to be of real value. A renter's poster, stuck on a board in the lobby, will attract a certain amount of attention ; but if the poster — as most posters can be — is cut out, fixed upon a shadow box and carefully lighted, it will be well worth the trouble for the extra amount of attention it attracts. Occasionally, when the opportunity occurs, it is a good idea to use coloured lights in the lobby instead of the bright white ones in general use. Say you are showing a story of the desert, then a blue lighting scheme can be fixed up so that in entering one gets an impression of the East on a starlit night. The change in lighting will attract attention because it is different, and everything different arouses the curiosity of the public. EQUIPMENT AND TECHNICAL SECTION INDEX Equipment and Technique in 1926 205 Data for Kinematograph Technicians ... 225 Technical Tables ... 229 Electrical Supply in Chief Towns 233 200 The Kinematograph Year Book. I II ^ THE ONLY GENUINE COMPLETE i POWER'S PROJECTOR Is sold by the Sole Concessionnaires : — POWER'S DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION, LTD., ^POLEBROOK HOUSE, GOLDEN SQUARE, f LONDON, W.I. Tele. :Reg.,S14. Equipment and Technical Section. 201 H. LAZARUS & SON, LTD. Offices & Showrooms Factory - Tel.: Bishopsgate 1829. Central : 8538. 10as Gt. Eastern Street, E.C.2. 51, Curtain Road, E.C.2. Telegrams: Malleable, Finsquare, London. THE PREMIER SPECIALISTS FOR CINEMA AND THEATRE FURNISHING. ESTABLISHED OVER 56 YEARS. We shall be pleased to forward our new 1927 Illustrated Cata- logue post free on application. Estimates submitted for FLOOR COVERINGS DRAPERIES, Etc, Write : Theatrical Furnishing Dept. f / SEMI-TUB CHAIR. Regd. Design No. 585,082. The following are some Cinemas, etc., furnished Chatham Picture House. The Palace, Yeovil. Clapton Cinematograph Theatie. Electric Theatre, Sevenoaks. His Majesty's Theatre, Aberdeen. Grand Cinema Herne Hill. Castle Cinema, Swansea, Marlborough Theatre, London. Oxford Picture Palace, Sheffield. Hoxton Cinema, London. Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh. Victoria Picture Theatre, London. King's Theatre, Glasgow. Pavilion Picture House, Motherwell. of the Leading Theatres, by us during the year : — Regent Theatre, Weymouth. Theatre Royal, Newcastle. Globe Theatre, Coventry. Heeley Palace, Sheffield. Picture Coliseum, Harlesden. Picture House, Cirencester, Poplar Hippodrome. Princes Theatre, London. Colleen Cinema, London. Shepherd's Bush Empire. London Hippodrome. Grand Kinema, London. Hackney Pavilion, London. Queen's Cinema, London, etc. 202 The Kinematograph Year Book. PATHE PROJECTORS DARK ROOM EQUIPMENT STUDIO New and Second - hand Outfits. Spare parts. Repairs. Automatic or Hand In- stallations. Iron Joining Tables. Title Outfits. Cameras. Tripods. Cartoon Outfit. Repairs to — B. & //., Mitchel, Debrie. ]f 89-91, WARDOUR ST., LONDON, W.l 'Phone — 'Grams — Regent 2702 Vintacinni, , in-,, 1 „ii .I,,,,,.!, ..PUB Westcent. London. THE 1|i#JEl UNIT ORGAN RISTI A TRIUMPH OF BRITISH PRODUCTION. The Kinema Orchestral Organ built by WM. HILL & SON and NORMAN & BEARD, Ltd. Organ Builders to H.M. the King. Let us save you that 33^% duty, and let the "CHRISTIE" increase your box-office receipts. Write for particulars and demonstration. DEFERRED PAYMENTS World's sole agents — THE ELITE ORGAN SYNDICATE, Ltd., ~ , . SCEPTRE HOUSE, ~ , Telephone: dd/-D\tT cT w/ 1 TeleSrams: Gerrard33n. 169-173, REGENT ST., W.l Snazelle, Piccv. TWO MANUAL ORCHESTRAL UNIT ORGAN, electric pneumatic action throughout and complete with effects, from £1,450 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE ARRANGED Equipment and Technical Section. 203 REGENT 4904/5. Telephones : Telegrams : ELLANGRICA, WESTCENT, LONDON. EVERYTHING for the CINEMA MUSIC HALL & THEATRE PRICES TO INTEREST DELIVERIES TO PLEASE. SPECIALITIES- "KALEE" ALL BRITISH PROJECTORS. "H. & C." HIGH INTENSITY ARCS. SEATING AND FURNISHINGS, SCREENS, MOTORS. FUSE AND SWITCHGEAR. STAGE AND SPOTLIGHTS. "SHIP" and atl other BRANDS OF CARBONS. E. A. LANGRISH & Co., Ltd., 94, WARDOUR ST., W.l. BRANCHES CARDIFF BIRMINGHAM GLASGOW MANCHESTER NEWCASTLE T 4, Park Lane. 1/7, Hill Street. 88, Renfrew St. 13, Gt. Ducie St. 33, Bath Lane. AT AND THE CINEMA SERVICE HOUSE 204 The Kinematogmph Year Booh. THE WEMBLEY PROJECTOR r t ~" Lens locking. Enclosed mechanism. Stand specially made for steep projection angle, Fitted with high amperage incandescent lamps. Kamm high efficiency Mirror Arc, or Straight Arc. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS TO The Sole Patentees and Manufacturers KAMM & COMPANY, LTD., 27, Powell St., GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON, E.C. 1 . Telephone : Clerkenwell 6595. Telegrams : " Zerograph, Barb, London." Equipment and Technique in 1926. 205 Equipment and Technique in 1 926. By A. LESLIE CARTER. ALTHOUGH the past year can show no outstanding developments in picture theatre management or the technical progress of the kinema, it has by no means proved an uneventful period. Indeed, for many exhibitors, notably in industrial areas, 1926 has "been little short of catastrophic owing to the General Strike and the prolonged coal dispute, with their attendant severe limitation of the spending power of millions of working-class patrons. The reactions of these industrial troubles are dealt with elsewhere, but in this section a tribute is due to the work of William Blake, the president of the C.E.A. and Capt. A. W. Barber, who, by their prompt representation at the time of the General Strike to the Ministry of Mines, successfully prevented the closing of kinemas as at one time was contemplated. Never- theless, the period was an anxious one, and in many districts houses un- provided with an independent source of supply, were compelled to remain dark during the nine eventful days. This immediate and satisfactory response by a Government department afforded conclusive evidence of the satisfactory status now achieved by the trade, and the strength of the exhibitors' representative body. It is, however, but the logical outcome of the collaboration that is now generally practised in London and the provinces between C.E.A. branches and the local authorities. Further proof of this was forthcoming by the compliment paid it by the invitation of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts to Capt. Barber, the C.E.A. delegate and technician to be the Keith lecturer for 1926. His subject was "The Kinematograph : its Art, Mystery and Promise." Threats of a new Kinematograph Act have been heard, but for the moment the matter seems to be in abeyance. SAFETY IN PROJECTION. In the L.C.C. area a joint committee is concerned with the prevention of fire at the gate. The subject arose early in the year, before the Drumcollogher tragedy, where some 60 persons perished at an Irish kinema fire, but it will be understood that the lessons of the unhappy occurrence had a significant bearing on the discussions. The terms of reference suggested an investigation of the design of the gate, and of the film slots of projectors, so as to prevent risk of fire owing to the increasing use of mirror arcs. As a matter of fact, little has been accomplished in this connection by the series of meetings held during the past twelve months by representatives of the I.A.K.M., C.E.A. and the. L.C.C, the delay, apparently, being due to the search for a device which, while satisfying the L.C.C. requirements, would not involve the exhibitor in too heavy an expense. Meanwhile, however, some very efficient methods of complying with these requirements have been placed "upon the market and the present position of affairs seems to be that the London C.E.A. has arranged with the manufacturers to view demonstrations of such safety devices and advise the L.C.C. A recommendation was also made by the same sub-committee of the L.C.C. that all canvas picture screens should For all TICKET ISSUING MACHINES, Tally or Paper, apply for particulars to the Leading Manufacturers, ACCURATE CHECK TAKER LIMITED, 17-21, TAVISTOCK ST., COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C.2. 206 The Kinematograph Year Book. be backed with incombustible materials — a regulation which is now in effect in the London area, and which has also been adopted by some provincial licensing authorities. ELECTRICITY BILL BURDENS. The provisions of the new Electricity Bill have led to a curious position which, it may turn out, will cause additional expense to London exhibitors. The requirements of the L.C.C. demand dual lighting, and the source of the alternative supply at the present must be distinct and independent of the other . The proposed unification of sources will prevent this, and, therefore, unless the regulations are modified, which seems unlikely, the exhibitor will have to arrange to take current for secondary lighting from some other source than the public supplies of electricity. The point has been referred by the L.C.C. to the London and Home Counties C.E.A. The Rules of Management of Places of Entertainment which accompany all L.C.C. licences formed the subject of discussions between the Council and the London and Home Counties C.E.A. After twelve months' ex- perience of the working of these regulations, the matter was considered by the Technical Committee and subsequently a delegation waited upon the Theatre and Music Halls Committee and pointed out clauses which, in the opinion of the C.E.A., called for revision and suggesting amendments thereto, and also asking for interpretation of various clauses. The subject has since been again before the London C.E.A., who, at the request of the council, have for- warded further observations, and there, for the moment, the matter ends. "SAFEGUARDING" DUTIES. Contrary to expectations, exhibitors found themselves unpleasantly concerned with the provisions of the 1926 Budget which, at the time of the imposition of increased import duties on optical glass and optical instru- ments and arc-carbons, promised seriously to disturb importers and users of these articles. It has, however, turned out that competition of home- product has effectively prevented any tendency that might have existed to raise prices extravagantly : although foreign carbons have certainly in- creased in price, it represents so small a proportion of kinema overheads as to be almost negligible. KINE. STANDARDISATION. The report, sponsored by W. Vinten, of the Kine section of the Inter- national Photographic Congress in Paris, appeared early in the year. Dimen- sions for the projector and camera sprockets, the film tracks of projector gates and the sprocket holes of both negative and positive films were tenta- tively agreed upon. EYE STRAIN BOGEY DISMISSED. An interesting report giving the conclusion of the American Medical Association has conclusively disposed of the contention that motion pictures are injurious to the eyes. One of the arresting points of the report em- phasised the fact that the eye suffers less fatigue from viewing moving pictures than it does from reading plain print for even a short time. It is admitted, however, that sitting too close to the screen is harmful because of the strain on the eye muscles in following the movements of the picture at too wide an angle. PERCEPT" OPAQUE LANTERN PLATES ■ blirtU I Stocked by every House of Repute. WHOLESALE AND EXPORT ONLY. Lantern Slides written and despatched by return of post. Speedy service. 'Phone your Requirements Mount view 7187. High class work only. Send for sample slide to your own wording. P. SMITH, Imperial Works, Shanklin Road, Crouch End, LONDON, N.8 Equipment and Technique in 1926. 207 AT THE EXHIBITIONS. It is a source of surprise that our manufacturers of kinema equipment do not make use of the facilities afforded by the British Industries' Fair for securing Dominiori and foreign markets, especially as the cost of a stall amounts to barely one-fifth that at any of the ordinary industrial exhibitions. On the other hand, quite a respectable representation of British manu- facturers participated in last year's Optical Convention, the exhibits of which would assuredly have formed an admirable nucleus of a purely kine- matograph trades show. It is rumoured, however, that the possibilities of a kinematograph exhibition in the near fure are now being canvassed. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES. The need for a purely technical organisation for operators and of securing to them increased status and wages, has been widely canvassed during the year. Some support has been forthcoming for an independent organisation formed for this purpose in view by Norman Stancliffe, an operator who has since assumed managerial status. Correspondence in the Kine, however, has induced the E.T.U. specially to appeal to operators, and it is anticipated that ere long some means may be found to surmount the difficulties arising for the claims of both the E.T.U. and N.A.T.E. to represent operators' interests. It has been suggested by Dr. K. C. D. Hickman, the British laboratory expert, who is now with Eastman-Kodak in America, that England would do well to follow the example of the States, and form a body similar in composition to the Society of Motion Picture Engineers of America — a course which, as Dr. Hickman rightly points out, would, by opportunities presented by the interchange of views on all subjects concerning the running of kinemas, confer many benefits upon both individuals in the Trade and the kinema Industry as a whole of this country. COLOUR FILMS. There is a continued interest in the subject of colour kinematography. One of the first exhaustive descriptions of the " Technicolour " process was given to the R.P.S. by Leslie Eveleigh, F.R.P.S. He menticned that the cost was about 3d. per foot, as against i^d. a foot for the ordinary mono- chrome dim. Technicolour is a two-colour process, the negative being taken two pictures at a time — one each of the red and blue sensations, on specially pan chromatic film. In printing, the negative is shifted two spaces — the positive one, so that only the red sensation pictures are printed, and then on another film the blue sensation pictures are printed. The two positives, each of only ordinary thickness, are brought back to back in perfect register and are firmly cemented together. The compound film is then developed, washed, dried, and passed over the surfaces of the dye solutions. Mr. Eveleigh announced that the Technicolour experts are now engaged on a three-colour method. In the lay Press a description appeared of a process evolved by P. A. Mills, a London photographic research worker, who was said to have evolved a three-colour process — red, blue and green — but no public demon- stration has yet been given. Another London inventor, J. E. Thornton, has been experimenting with a process by which a four-colour screen is built up by two partial screens comprising coloured lines produced by photographic W HAHN-GOERZ "ARTISOL" LAMP The only worth-while proposition for the up-to-date Exhibitor. Efficiency and Economy, There are over 1 ,200 in use. PEELI NG & VAN NECK, LD,, 4/6, Holborn Circus, London, E.G.1 208 The Kinematograph Year Book. means, so superimposed that the lines of one partial screen cross those of the other. The possibilities of the Friese- Greene colour process have been demon- strated in a coloured series of shorts, "The Open Road," which though booking fairly well, had to overcome no inconsiderable prejudice on the part of operators who objected to speeding up their projectors to the extent neces- sitated by the screening of the process. THE INDEPENDENT PLANT. The one great lesson learned by the exhibitors from the industrial troubles of the year has been the benefits to be derived from the possession of a source of current supply independent of the town mains, whether of " juice " or gas. The closure — compulsory — of some power stations during the General Strike or through lack of fuel during the coal crisis affected a great number of halls. The consequence was that managements were forced seriously to consider the use of independent prime movers, the fuel for which was economical and easily obtained. For these purposes nothing has been found more satisfactory than the heavy oil engine. Even taking into account the actual cost of installation, it will be found m the majority of cases that the B.O.T. units charged by the local authority will show a balance in favour of difference in cost of operating the independent plant and the price of the independent unit. Many reliable makers are available. For instance, Crossley Bros, can supply a G.E.1085 unit operating on Diesel oil which, assuming 5 per cent, interest on capital, works out to approximately 13s. 6d. weekly, allowing a generous sum for depreciation. A new type is Crossley 's new enclosed oil engine. The 10-h.p. industrial type engine manufactured by Campbell Gas Engine Co., Ltd., is another type especially handy for the medium- size hall. Ruston Hornsby manufactures both cold-starting oil engines and petrol-paraffin engines ; the former, with a slight alteration in parts, can be run on either gas or engine fuel. It possesses an automatic atomiser, and the full consumption for a medium kinema type does not exceed .48 lb. of fuel oil per b.h.p. hour. The National engines embody all the latest improvements, the design combining all the advantages of a reliable engine coupled to a highly efficient generator. The complete units occupy minimum floor space. The 5V type is a petrol-paraffin set suitable for small kinemas. NEW THEATRES. There has been much activity in the erection and reconstruction of picture theatres, but few of the new buildings show any distinctive departure from time-honoured principles of kinema design. Perhaps the most interest- ing building of the year was the Plaza, in London, which is hardly a satis- factory economic example, as it was erected as Paramount 's key theatre in this country. Frank T. Verity's plan of an Italian Renaissance kinema is, however, distinctive in design and in luxury of appointments. Other notable new theatres are the Kensington (architects, Granger and Leatheart) , and the Astoria, E. A. Stone's fine Pompeian conception in Charing Cross Road. Enlargement of existing houses, 2,000-3,000 capacity, have been numerous in London, and during the next twelve months at least six more kinemas of super dimensions will be built. Provincial building has been prolific, the majority of the halls opened being of medium size. Are You Satisfied With Your Pay-box Receipts ? ArriTDATR TICKET ISSUING AND AfjLUlfiilEr REGISTERING MACHINES will improve them by speeding up admission and checking the takings accurately. The registers are infallible. ACCURATE CHECK TAKER LTD., 17-21, Tavistock St., Covent Gdn., London, W.C.t Equipment and Technique in 1926. 209 BRITISH PRODUCTION SLUMP. The problem of British films does not seem to have benefited eithe ' by the prolonged deliberation of the Joint Committee or the intensive publicity propaganda accorded to the subject. As a matter of fact, the year has wit- nessed the most disastrous slump in British production since the war ; the output for 1926 for British studios barely totals thirty feature films. Perhaps the most distinctive picture of the year for technique and direction has been " The Lodger," produced by Alfred Hitchcock at the Islington studios, now occupied by Piccadilly Pictures, and in which Baron Ventimiglia, the camera- man, has achieved some remarkable photographic work. Other worthy technical work which included some novel shots was done by Graham Cutts in " The Triumph of the Rat," for which Hal Young was photographer. The camera work in " The Flag Lieutenant " of William Shenton was also excellent. At the Alliance Studios at Twickenham, British National have completed two pictures pending their occupation of the huge studios at Elstree. The Twickenham studios have lately been taken over by W ardour Films, who propose to build an additional floor. Early in the year much publicity was given to the proposal to make the environs of Brighton a British Hollywood, but although facilities were promised by the corporation nothing since has been heard of the project, although it will probably be revived should the Government quota proposals materialise. It is generally accepted that momentous issues for British production are involved in the success or otherwise of the Elstree Studios, which British National opened on December 28 for the production of " Madame Pompadour." With the advantages possessed by the company in its studio and equipment, and with the benefit of the Lasky contract, it is recognised that few home units have been in so secure a position to achieve success for British product. LABORATORY WORK. Complaints in the Kine, from operators of the quality of film prints led to a defence of the printer by A. W. Griffin, who pointed out that quality was largely dependent on the price paid to the printer, who did his best with what was often a bad camera job or a faulty negative. One material achieve- ment of 1926 was the cessation of the price-cutting war indulged in by film- printing companies. Before charges were stabilised at a conference of the chief film printers there were some houses prepared to supply prints at the ridiculous price of id. per foot, less 7 \ per cent. ! The taking of local topicals has received increasing attention among exhibitors, who have been quick to appreciate their benefit to the pay box. Difficulties previously experi- enced regarding rapid printing service have been solved by many film printers who specially cater for this trade. THE NEWMAN CAMERA. A new spring-driven kine-camera has been perfected by Arthur S. Newman and has easily achieved a non-stop run exceeding 150 feet. The alternating mechanism economises to the last degree the power available in the motor. A new type of gate has a pressure plate which lifts as the film moves, leaving the latter quite free. There is even action at all stages For all Studio Lighting Equipment — JUPITER ARCS Sole Importers and Distributors in Great Britain : PEE LI NG & V AIM IM ECK, LP., 4/6, Holborn Circus, London, E.C.I 210 The Kinematograph Year Book. of tension of the motor springs. Winding is eas> and noiseless and threading up is extremely rapid. Loading is simple and the outfit weighs only n lb. t: | Among the new cameras put on the market have been the Vinten Model C — an adaptation of which was responsible for the latest Friese-Greene colour films. The Eymo camera of Bell and Howell, who have this year instituted a London branch, has proved a valuable addition to the cameraman's equip- ment. All the requirements of a modern kine cameraman are embodied in the lea which is geared for two speeds, one fast or normal, the other eight times slower for trick and scientific work. From America comes the in- formation that C. Francis Jenkins, the veteran inventor, has evolved a new multilens high speed camera which has successfully achieved a taking rate of 12,000 ft. a minute, the photographic quality being pronounced as ex- cellent. LENSES. British lenses continue to demonstrate their excellence abroad as well as at home, no less than 100 Taylor Hobson Cooke lenses of various focus lengths being used in the Famous-Lasky studios alone, Fresh powers are conferred on the studio worker by the latest Taylor Taylor Hobson telephoto lens made in foci of 8- ins. and 10J ins. and working at the phenomenal aperture of 3.5. Taylor Hobson lenses are in almost standard use for projectors ; the two series Maximum and UnifTt present a selection for every type of projector in use. STUDIO LIGHTING. The introduction to the British market by Peeling and Van Neck of the Jupiter studio lamps places at the disposal of our producers the illuminant used at the UFA studios in Berlin. The Jupiter sun, for example, provides pure white light of extraordinary intensity of the highest actinic quality, while the 3,000 c.p. and 6,500 c.p. miniature arcs are excellent for title making and copying work and for small scale interiors. An interesting experiment was made at the Strand Electrical Company's showrooms when a film was shot, the illumination being supplied by 17 in. Sun -Rays and Arenas 1,000 watt lanterns and two arc spots. ILLUMINATION. The advent of colour sprayed lamps used in conjunction with specially manufactured and scientifically true glassware forming a totally enclosed unit with a matt surface has introduced a new area of theatre illumination, but many new theatres have demonstrated the necessity of collaboration I between architects and illuminating engineers. Concealed lighting is largely adopted nowadays in modern auditoriums and for this purpose the B.T.H. X-Ray reflectors are . most satisfactory ; with the addition of colour screens units may be used for continuous lighting during the run of the programme. Distinctive fittings for auditoriums, lounges, etc., are the " Ace " and "Trojan" decorative units. Installations for which the G.E.C. have been responsible are representative of the highest standard of lighting service. Typical examples are the Tivoli, New Cross Kinema, etc., the employment of Osram lamps and especially the colour spray varieties adding materially to the general effect. 1 I I |1 I nil i m ' FOR EVERYTHING -EXCEPT FILMS MOV- OMNIA PKONENORTH 2652«978 • 120, BAY-HAM STREET, CAMDEN TOWN,LONDON,N.\V.I. ■ TELEGRNA0RWESTtoND( Equipment and Technique in 1926. 211 Great improvements have taken place in the use of stage colour lighting schemes. The experiment made last year of the Schwabe Hasait system has been carried to perfection at the Plaza where the examples of the beautiful effects to be attained by the use of cloud-apparatus and panorama pro- jectors in conjunction with an artificial horizon or cyclorama promises to be followed in other theatres of similar calibre. The cyclorama was the subject of an interesting paper read by H. Lester Groome, the G.E.C. lighting expert, to the Society of Illuminating Engineers. Screen illumination has also been tackled by the Holophane Company, whose latest batten achieves some delightful colour effects. The device is certainly economical in first cost and consumption of current and any desired colour effect or combination can be arranged by the dimmer control. Holophane colour units may be used with effect both in auditorium and stage and with the Holophane coloured projection apparatus innumerable coloured lighting displays can be obtained. Little has been possible during the year as regards exterior illumination owing to the lighting restrictions, but now that situation is normal the problem of exterior publicity must be considered. One solution is the use of the " Strand " interchangeable lamp-outline letters, the bus-bar connection of which eliminates all wiring. The letters are weatherproof and fireproof and as they are interchangeable and designed to slide snugly and smoothly into channels, they can be changed at will by anyone without technical knowledge. A standard set contains about 100 letters, including stops, supplied with 200 special sign type lamps. ORGANS IN THE KINEMA. Probably at no other period has more attention been paid to the musical accompaniment of films than at the present. In most of our halls the musical director, by reason of his real box office value, is almost as important as the manager and his orchestra supplies in many cases the only element of show- manship about the theatre. Recently, however, a potent rival to the theatre band has arisen in the kinema organ which, in its various types specially designed for motion picture work, has proved an attraction in itself. The needs of every kind of theatre are catered for by one instrument or another. For the small hall, an " Orgapian " is a most compact and delightful instru- ment in which is combined a really beautiful toned and powerful organ and a fine upright grand piano. As both are played from the same keyboard it does not entail the employment of an additional instrumentalist. There is also the Mustel, which will suit all requirements in cases where the cost of a large organ is prohibitive. They range in price from 335 guineas for a single manual instrument with eight rows of reeds, 24 stops and a pedal for the full organ, to 650 guineas for a two manual instrument with pedal organ, motor driven. A combined jazz band and piano has been put on the market by Keith Prowse. It can be played by hand or mechanically by rolls, so is admirably suitable as a relief to pianists of small halls. The most remarkable factor in kinema music has been the recognition of the possibilities of what is known as the orchestral unit organ. The Wurlitzer, for instance, unknown over here two years ago, have made some twelve "installations, including the marvellous £15,000 instrument at the Plaza, one of the most remarkable organs in Europe. Walter Pearce, by the EFFICIENCY AND PROMPT DELIVERY GUARANTEED B\ THEATRE EQUIPMENT LTD. 179, W ARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l. EVERY REQUISITE FOR THE KINEMA, Tel.: Regent 1373. 'Grams: " Theatequip, Westcent." 212 The Kinematograph Year Book, way, also handles a more modest priced organ suitable for medium size houses. British organ builders have not been slow to take up the American challenge, and the John Compton Organ Company, who did the fine organ at the Shepherd's Bush Pavilion and other Davis houses, have been particularly active, their most recent installation being that at the Astoria, Charing Cross Road. One of the best known firms of builders, Norman Hill, Sons and Beard, who were responsible for, among others, the instrument at the Capitol, have paid special attention to this development, and their acknow- ledged workmanship is evident in the Christie orchestral unit organs, which, supplied by the Elite Organ Syndicate in varying types and at prices ranging from £1,400 to. £12,000, is receiving the attention of managements, a three manual model having just been supplied to the Elite at Wimbledon. The merits of the Jardine organ, representative examples of which have proved premier attractions at the Tivoli and the Stoll Picture Theatre, London, are well known as are also the kinema instruments made by Gray and David- son, William Andrews, Ltd., and other long established firms of British organ builders. MUSIC. The musical accompaniment of the film is a matter of prime importance to the modern showman and the year has witnessed continued progress in this direction. Fortunately for both patrons and directors of music, the enterprise of music publishers has led to the improvement and expansion of the type of music primarily intended for this purpose. For instance, orchestral publications are published by Paxton's specially designed to be of service to the kinema, such as " Carr's Cine-Music — Music for All Occasions," while a considerable portion" of this catalogue is devoted to com- positions suitable for picture fitting. Elkin and Co., are also preparing special music, many of this firm's publications by Brian Hope being widely used and they have in preparation two sets of pieces, " Filmelodies," by Montagu Ewen, designed to meet most screen situations. So also are the series, " Loose Leaf Cinema Incidentals," by Charles Ancliffe, issued by Bosworth and Co., which offers a wide range of suggested music. Descriptive pieces suitable for kinema use have also been composed by Albert W. Ketelby, whose organ arrangements have proved so popular in the past year. Another line of interest are the pot-pourri arrangements by Frank Tapp. The Lennox " Classica " library provides the conductor with a classical interlude, comprising complete movements from 14 of the most famous standard works. Suitable kinema music is also included in the publications of the Herman Darewski Co., L. Silberman, Feldman, Metzler, etc. The big part played by the popular film theme song is worth more than passing reference. The pioneers of these songs were Francis, Day and Hunter, whose numbers, based on the theme of the film, are essentially tuneful and melodic, and while for that reason intrinsically popular, prove admirable publicity for the film concerned. This firm's prologue service is also in great request among exhibitors. As with Francis, Day and Hunter, Feldman and Co. have made a speciality of theme songs, and the demand for the musical scores has been so great that a special department has had to be opened to cope with it. The demand is on the increase, according to these firms and others, such as Worton David, who are successfully meeting the need for HAHN-GOERZ Projectors with their many advantages are supreme in Value, Efficiency, and Quality. PEELING&VAN 1VECK,LD., 4/6, Holborn Circus, London, E.C.I Equipment and Technique in 1926. 213 film songs. In some districts the authorities have objected to the sale of these songs after closing hours, but it has been emphasised by John Abbott, managing director of Francis, Day and Hunter, that such songs come within the legal definition of a programme when they contain the synopsis of a film story and form part of the entertainment, and he has expressed willingness to defend exhibitors' rights on this point. SPECIAL KINE-PIANO. A very useful innovation has been introduced by Allison pianos, especially for thekinema trade ; it is the hire maintenance system. This old-established firm of piano manufacturers has gone thoroughly into the problem of main- taining a piano in first-class condition under the difficult circumstances which obtain in a picture theatre, with the result that a special kinema model has been produced, and is being marketed on a rental maintenance system. In this way the capital outlay is eliminated and exhibitors are assured of the instiument being in first-class condition always. TICKET MACHINES. It is not known whether a metal disc is an unsuitable admission check, but undoubtedly in some areas the superior amenities of the picture theatre have led to a demand for ticket-issuing machines. This demand has been met by an automatic paper ticket-issuing and registering machine which has been put on the market by the makers of the Accurate Checktaker, Ltd., who during 30 years have supplied well over 6,000 metal offset issuing and registering machines in this country. Percy Phillipson, formerly of First National, is at the head of Automaticket, another popular device for paper ticket issuing. Mention should also be made of the Express, a reliable device made by Ellison of Manchester for check issuing and registering. The Rolltic, another high-grade machine, has proved very successful in this country and is in large demand in the Dominions. THE SODA FOUNTAIN. Although many managements would consider their equipment in- complete without a soda fountain, it is a fact that exhibitors are even yet not fully alive to the possibilities of such an installation, both as a begetter of good will and also as a real financial proposition. Installations may be made of a size suitable to the requirements of the theatre, and if the soda fountain be properly advertised and a little trouble taken with the arrangement of the menus and dispensing, a very considerable measure of profit should accrue. A very well-known equipment is that supplied by the Flugel Company, whose soda fountains and aerated water machines are specially designed for kinema use. The many attractive adjuncts to this department, such as fruit juice, extracts, etc., are well worth consideration. A remarkable range of equip- ment and material is offered to the exhibitor by the Dairy Supply Company, whose experience of all requisites, including syrups, fruits, etc., is always at the service of theatre managements. Care expended on the installation is well repaid, and nothing is more appealing to the patron than a view of a spotless vitrolite and marble counter with its dazzling nickel silver fittings of the soda fountain supplied by L. Lumley and Co. In any case it is essential to consult a specialist on the subject, and in addition to those names, other firms who specialise in this department are Consol, Ltd., Soda Stream Co., Norman Patterson, Pascalls. STILL LEADING THE FIELD ! ACCURATE TICKET ISSUING AND REGISTERING MACHINES. Unequalled for Speed and General Efficiency. ACCURATE CHECK TAKER LTD., 17-21, Tavistock St, Covent Gdn., London, W.C.2 214 The Kinematograph Year Book, VENTILATION. The comfort of an audience depends largely on the efficiency of the ventilating system, and in this respect, despite the criticisms of Col. Levita, of the L.C.C., the kinema has made remarkable progress and is nowadays unapproached by any other house of amusement. The latest application of the almost universal Plenum system of ventilation directs the air movement on the faces of the audience, that is, fresh air is admitted at the foot of pros- cenium opening and extracted at the back of the balcony and pit. Another step forward has been introduced in the Carlton Theatre, Haymarket, by the Carrier Engineering Co., Ltd., this year, the principle of which is the introduc- tion of the " down feed " system, conditioned air being brought in at the ceiling and drawn off at the floor, thus obviating any possibility of draught. CARBONS. The importance of the carbon in securing good screen illumination needs no emphasis. Operators in this country are fortunate in having a wide selection of brands and varieties, which as a result of the growing interest in high intensity arcs, have been considerably added to. One of the latest types is the Columbia white flame H.I. carbon. Another is the " Orotip " which, used as a metal-coated negative, has proved itself for heavy duty projection service. Early this year the Henrion carbon — a French product — became prominent, and has since won appreciation for fixity and volume of light, economy and clean burning. The only British kine-carbon is the well-known Kinarko, and it is gratifying to remark there appears to be a growing inclination to use this brand. The new Kinarko mirror arc carbons mark a decided advance in these types, and their quality and uniformity have won wide popularity. It is interesting to hear of the unanimous response to the " Ship " special mirror carbons packed in Red Seal cartons after twelve months of service and continued use. This type was initiated to meet the growing demand of mirror arc users and has won a large number of satisfied consumers. Announcements made last year of big physical improvements in Ship carbons have been fully realised Were any other proof needed of the ability of the Siemens carbons to meet any and all of the requirements of kine users of carbons, the fact that this firm manufacture no fewer than 56 different brands of carbons for all purposes shows the extent of their business. The famous S.A. brand has achieved wide popularity for use with mirror arcs. THE SCREEN. The third component of ideal projection, the screen, has received particular attention, and the number of already well-known varieties has been largely augmented. Two other new screens are sponsored by Bulmans. The Jupiter, a French product, is a metallic screen with a granulated surface .covered with precious and other laminated metal. Tests have proved its efficiency, even illumination and lack of distortion. Miss Bulman's company is also interested in the new patent fireproof rear projection screen, which, while conforming to all fire regulations, gives a brilliantly white illuminated picture. A Nottingham inventor scored a success with another screen that can be rolled without injury and is guaranteed against oxidisation. This, a directive type of screen, proved on test efficient and economical. The latest invention is associated with Claude Friese-Greene, who with the inventor has marketed 7242 Nottingham. SPECIALIST IN CINEMA DECORATING. FRED. A. FOSTER, Artistic Cinema Decorator and Contractor. 69, Arnold Road, Basford, NOTTINGHAM. Decorator of The ELITE, Nottingham, and principal Cinemas in Midlands. Equipment and Technique in 1926. 2r5 the Optha Stereo. It is a metallic type of screen and gives an improved screen picture, irrespective of angle, and with no falling off of illumination at the most extreme angle. Definition is clear and it affords pseudo stereo- scopic effects. TALKING FILMS. A certain amount of diffidence is excusable in dealing with the subject of Talking Films, because there has been no opportunity for a comparison to be made in this country between the PhonofLlm, Dr. Lee de Forest's system that we know, and the Vitaphone which, apparently, has caused a wave of enthusiasm in America, but will not be heard over here for a month or so, when it is expected it will be presented in connection with the film " Manon Lescaut." The two methods present radical differences. In the Phonofilm the sound record is produced in synchronisation with the picture on the edge of standard film. Recording and reproduction is by selenium and photo electric cell. In the Vitaphone a phonographic record is made simul- taneously with the film, the reproduction taking place through a machine coupled to the motor drive of the projector. A high-tension current trans- forms the sound into electrical voltage with the current in turn passing through an amplifying reproducer and thus transmitted into sound, as with the Phono-film, through loud-speakers. In England the Phonofilm has achieved much more than a novelty success. Attention has been given to the provision of variety " shorts " both vocal and instrumental, and many well-known artistes have provided programme subjects, while two real vocalised dramas have engaged the activities of four or five of the best-known B.itish directors at the Clapham studios, which in consequence will shortly be con- siderably enlarged. Any advance in the selection of subject matter of Phonofilms would be of no avail unless accompanied by a distinct advance in the tone quality of the recording. Difficulties in this respect have been largely surmounted and the presentations at the Capitol show that a great improvement in tone rendering has been secured by using, an image of the light slit formed by a microscopic objective instead of the slit itself. Practical proof of the success attending C. F. Elwell's experiments is forthcoming in the large number of managements who have contracted for the Phonofilm service. The success in America of the Vitaphone, which has largely been concerned with the reproduction of orchestral accompaniment to the Warner pictures and to films of operatic excerpts, has naturally encouraged hosts of inventors on both sides of the Atlantic, and there seems to have been a scramble on the part of American producing firms for rights of talking pictures, the latest of which, the Fox-Case Moviephone and the Pallaphotophone, promise more than ephemeral success. On this side, the Gaumont Company has announced its Acoustic Films, and other experiments are taking place. STEREOSCOPY. According to the American Trade press reports, George K. Spoor, the veteran of Essanay fame, has successfully projected pictures upon a single plane that are perfectly stereoscopic. No particulars have been published of the taking and projector mechanism, although these are said to be so complicated as to prevent the use of the device in any save special picture theatres. An abnormal size screen is also necessary. Production of Show to capacity houses every day with a well- balanced programme projected on the screen with Columbia carbons 2l6 The Kinematograph Year Book. " America " — the first stereoscopic or natural vision full-length drama — commenced on December 15, and a public presentation is announced to take place in New York early this year. PROJECTORS AND SAFE PROJECTION. Proposals to ensure safety in projection by the institution of a cooling device on the projector have been referred to, and the year has witnessed the production of several methods by which the heat of the beam of light may be tempered before it reaches the film aperture. In some cases these devices are an integral part of the projector, in others apparatus has been evolved adaptable to any make of machine. THE A.E.G. An example of the former method appears in the latest model A.E.G. projector, for which Theatre Equipment has the agency, in which the protection of the gate from the extra heat generated by mirror arcs and the consequent elimination of fire risks is one of its three outstanding features. The rotary shutter is situated behind the gate aperture and doubles the function of an ordinary flicker shutter and a suction ventilating fan. It is claimed that the heat is reduced by 50 per cent., because the gate is subjected to two cooling devices ; one being the wind vane action of the shutter, and* the other the interception of the light beam during the cover period. The whole is encased in a ball shaped housing which increases the cooling effect. Other distinctive features are the self-acting oil mechanism which ensures the even and automatic lubrication of all essential parts. Steadiness in projection is secured by the exact working of the intermittent movement and the introduction of a spring-roller device that adapts itself to the breadth of the film, together with a film track of exceptional length. These factors make for perfect projection results, and reduces risk of film damage to the minimum. THE ERNEMANN "IMPERATOR." On the new model Krupp-Ernemann " Imperator," a blowing attach- ment is supplied, which also very largely eliminates the fire risk. This takes the form of a centrifugal fan cooling blower, fitted above the gate and attached to the upper spool box. The fitment is neat and unobtrusive, motive power being supplied by a built-in small electric motor which can be directly connected with the lighting main. This is one of the most interesting accessories of Walturdaw's new machine, the performance of which enhances the already widespread repute of former Ernemann models. Every essential to first-class projection is to be found in the " Imperator," which while being of the simplest possible operation, combines strong and workmanlike construction with the highest mechanical and optical efficiency. The Maltese cross runs in an oil bath, and all cogs and bevel wheels are com- pletely enclosed, the entire mechanism being automatically lubricated from centrally arranged oil holes. All parts, especially those subjected to wear, are standardised. The optical axis is fixed. Masking is easy and may be performed during running without interfering with the film. The construction HALL & DIXON, Ltd. FOR SEATING, CARPETS, CURTAINS Estimates Free. 19. GARRICK STREET, LONDON. Regent 1930 Equipment and Technique in 1926. 217 of the film guide gives every protection to the film as the emulsion never comes in contact with the mechanism. The metal shield for the automatic shutter, actuated by friction and placed in front of the gate, automatically cuts out the light immediately the machine stops running. Heat from the lamphouse cannot reach the mechanism owing to the intervention of an asbestos-lined firewall. Spool boxes are fireproof, and long firetraps prevent the flame entering the box. Any make of lamp can be supplied with the " Imperator," ranging from £8 to £40. The Ernemann lamp has a steel mirror which has proved very successful. Dependability and simplicity is the kejmote of this favourite machine, the absence in which of functionless working parts is one secret of its longevity in use. Consistent lubrication is ensured by the enclosure of the Maltese cross in a grease bath. In the latest model considerable improvement is noted in spool arms, both of which incorporate two springs by which maga- zines are firmly secured to their castings. The take-up arm is now prac- tically an integral body of the mechanism, and is provided with an auxiliary bearing supporting the spindle of the take-up clutch, which greatly enhances its long-wearing qualities. The arm supporting the bracket of the outside shutter of the marking device has been lengthened, and now connects with the fillet of the main casting, and is so arranged that the arm rises and falls with the marking movement, giving greater stability to the shutter gearing. The automatic light cut-off is controlled by a centrifugal governor in flywheel, and its closure is instantaneous with the stoppage of the mechanism. The take-up is governed by an efficient sensitive friction clutch, and may be regulated to ensure adequate tension. The velvet-gate with the two spiral springs produces the famous " human finger " pressure on the film, the latter being supplied with adjusting screws to vary the pressure on the film. In the " Mirrolite " reflector arc special attention has been paid to the design of the carbon and mirror controls, and its consumption is claimed to be one-third of that necessary with the ordinary arc. HAHN-GOERZ. Although of comparatively recent introduction to this country, the Hahn-Goerz projector has proved by its performance to have fulfilled all the requirements of many exhibitors. Perhaps the best tribute to this pro- jector is that it is a fitting complement to the Hahn-Goerz " Artisol " mirror arc that is well toward becoming a standard installation. Among the many interesting features of this projector is the manner in which the problem of lubrication has been solved by the establishment of only three oil points and the enclosing of all gearing and axles, which are run in oil baths. In con- sequence, wear on gear teeth and bearings is minimised, and the running is practically silent, a fact to which the system of worm-wheel gearing and the accuracy of every mechanical part contributes. The gearing is easily adjus- ted and is made of the best grade steel or a special oronze, and are standard- ised. The distinctive take-up device is claimed to be absolutely reliable in its action, slip being between a driving wheel and driver-disc, the rims of which are held in contact by a coiled tension spring. This fricticri clutch GAUMONT CHRONO, II! Ill III •1 2i8 The Kinematograph Year Book. can be adjusted for tension even while the machine is running. By swivel- ling the motor upon a bracket motor belt tension is constant. The gate has an arrangement by which six teeth of the intermittent sprocket engage the film instead of the usual three teeth. The Hahn-Goerz has a fixed optical centre and framing is done by a T shaped handle in either direction which operates an eccentric cam movement. A description of the " Artisol "mirror arc with which the motor is fitted is superfluous at this stage, but exhit itors have the choice of an 8 in. or 10 in. lamp, the latter being specially intended for the largest theatres. A special arrangement now enables the Hahn-Goerz to be accommodated to the steepest throws without any possible injury to the mirror, samples of which have not required re-silvering after 18 months' use. The new slide attachment of this projector, by which the light for the arc is deflected into a slide projector outside the lamphouse, is a boon to operators. As the picture can be focussed immediately in the centre of the screen, a fade on the film is possible without interruption. A speed indicator and automatic motor-driven carbon control are other invaluable accessories. The remarkable number of Kalee installations that have been made during the year points to the exhibitors' valuation of Model No. 7 of this British projector, which, like its forerunners, combines simplicity with efficiency. Many improvements are embodied in this new model. The locking cam of the intermittent movement, for example, is of new and novel design, constructed of steel, hardened and ground perfectly true. The gate has been re-designed so that lateral movement has been over- come by adopting automatic tracking rollers in place of a fixed width of gate track. A new type of lens support is swung from a point at the top of the gate and has an automatic catch which permits easy threading of films. A new loose type of shutter spindle has been adopted, and requires no atten- tion once the shutter is set correctly. The shutter itself now revolves inside a detachable guard, which, while protecting it from damage, also prevents possible injury to the operator. In the improved and simple form of auto- matic light cut-off the action is dependent on oil friction between two .steel discs. At the back of the gate a small steel shield is fixed to keep it cool and a large shield of steel plate on the back of the mechanism from the top spool box prevents the film running into the heated lamphouse should a break occur. The No. 7 lamphouse is of extra large capacity, with large sight glasses ; the base is clear of protuberances that may prevent proper cleaning. The new Kalee mirror arc has proved a remarkably efficient illuminant. In this 8 in. model the central hole in the mirror has been done away with, and the interposition of the thin 8 in. convex condenser has proved an effective heat absorber. Sprocket replacement is easily performed by the unscrewing of the side screw which secures either feed or take-up to the shaft. The many users of the Kamm projector testify to the quality of its performance, and the latest Wembley model is, indeed, a remarkable example of small engineering. The distinctive feature of this projector is the mount- KALEE No. 7. THE KAMM. FOR ALL KINDS OF CINEMA PROJECTORS, MIRROR ARCS, LENSES, ACCESSORIES, FURNISHING AND ELECTRICAL FITTINGS, THEATRE EQUIPMENT LTD. CANNOT BE BEATEN. 179, WARDOUR STREET, - - LONDON, W.l. Tel. : Regent 1373. 'Grams : " Theatequip, Westcent." Equipment and Technique in 1926. 219 ing of the whole of the apparatus on the lower spool box, which is clamped by the end stands, and easy tilting adjustment is effected by releasing the clamping jaws by the simple slackening and tightening of the rod connecting the standards. The many refinements on this machine all go to facilitate operation. Among them are the novelty of the ball bearings, which obviates any need for oil, the protection of the gate aperture given by a slot formed just behind the aperture plate containing optically worked fireproof glass and the cooling of the mirror by means of a small power-driven fan playing on the back of the silvering : a method that enables the mirror to be brought comparatively near to the arc crater without fear of deterioration. This model can be supplied with the patent re-winder spool box, which feeds as freely and as smoothly as the ordinary model. The Kamm presents no intricacies in threading up, as casing and lens jackets are all swung clear away from the sprockets. The lens can be focussed from the front of the machine by a special mounting. The Maltese cross mechanism works in an oil bath and all mechanism is encased. From start to finish the film is com- pletely enclosed and this portion of the apparatus is therefore completely fireproof. The framework is of aluminium alloy and is wonderfully rigid. An alternative illuminant is available in two high-power incandescent focus lamps. By this system two sources of light are received, one through the condenser and the other by reflection from the mirror. Lampholders are movable and the shifting into position of reserve lamps is almost instan- taneous. POWER'S " 6B" IMPROVED. Although possessing all the characteristics of design and construction of former models, the Power's " 6B " Improved projector contains some interesting features which make the latest type quite distinct. Among them is the new and improved front plate and lens mount with its rack and pinion adjustment with double focussing knobs, which permit of the lens being easily focussed from either side. The mount proper consists of a split collar clamped by means of a set screw which holds the lens firmly in position. Framing is facilitated by a small framing lamp mounted inside the mechanism in a most convenient position. A double eye-shield of ruby glass covers the aperture. By means of a vernier adjustment, the blades of the cover shutter may be adjusted during running ; a clutch to the take-up sprocket permitting facile adjustment of a short lower loop. The governor type speed control is a refinement that all operators will appreciate. Absolute accuracy and dependability are claimed for it ; by setting the double-ended control lever and then simply throwing in the motor switch, the projector speed will at once reach the exact speed for which the control is adjusted, and if used in con- junction with the Power's speed indicator, the problem of the correct timing of pictures is eliminated. Another advantage of the control is that a drop of line voltage should not affect the speed of the mechanism even if the motor slows down considerably. Minor points of difference with previous models are the round-cornered spool boxes, and the more substantial construction of the stand. THE ROSS. The distinctive qualities of the Ross projector and its workmanship have led to its widespread adoption. The Ross system ensures an increase of KIN EM A SPARES ARE PALMERS CARES. NEATEST ARE OUR TIP-UP CHAIRS, GEORGE PALMER'S 13, Gerrard Street, LONDON, W.l. 'Phone : REGENT 1475. 220 The Kinemafograph Year Book. 30 per cent, to 40 per cent, in the quality of illumination secured. Another feature is the easy access secured to the vital parts of the machine, which are also so constructed as to be instantly replacable. The intermittent movement, which is an entirely self-contained unit, is similarly easily replacable. Specially designed sprocket teeth are of great strength, but permit the film — even when worn — to leave the teeth with absolute freedom. Attached to the gate door is an adjusting roller which guides the film through the gate and ensures the correct positioning of any width of film. The spiral gears connecting the shutter spindle to the main driving spindle enatle the operator to eliminate " ghosts " even when running at full speed. The counter-balanced motor, with its direct drive, is another simplification which gives perfect reel tension. Special Ross lenses are fitted, giving a very high degree of correction. The Ross high intensity searchlight arc gives, with a current consumption of 60-70 amps., a brilliant picture, while maintaining the heat at the gate at a temperature no greater than that of an ordinary arc working a,t 60 amps, with a 4I- in. condenser. THE SIMPLEX. The new double bearing Simplex projector introduced by J. Frank Brockliss, Ltd., last year has been in great demand ; quite a large number having been installed during the past twelve months, especially in some of the most recent super kinemas, two noteworthy installations being four machines at the Plaza and three at the Astoria in London. The intermittent movement is immersed in oil, and any wear is quickly taken up by turning a single eccentric bushing. It is easily accessible, and the complete movement may be removed in less than a minute. Bearings are enlarged and lengthened. A simple movement of a lever frames the picture, either when the machine is running or standing still, and as the shutter moves in unison with this lever, " travel ghost " is eliminated. The fire shutter is operated by a centrifugal governor which is absolutely dependable. The film tracks have four wearing surfaces equivalent to three extra pairs of tracks. A reflector in the lamp- house enables the operator to view the arc from his usual position at the machine. The Simplex is usually fitted with Hahn-Goerz mirror arcs, but an alternative illuminant, the Hall-Conelly high intensity arc, has also been largely adopted this year. A new lamp to this country, the Peerless arc, is another of the Brockliss features which also include the Power's speedometer — a very important device nowadays, that enables the musical director to have on his desk a dial that is in synchronisation with the speedometer in the projection room. FLICKERLESS PROJECTORS. After two years' experience under normal projection practice, the merits of the Arcadia non-intermittent projector are admitted by operators at one house, where the two machines have been running daily and have required no attention whatever. One other important point in their favour is the entire elimination of any possibility of fire. During the year the Carey-Gavey Syndicate exhibited a shutterless projector of continuous movement type at the Optical Convention, but it does not seem to have yet reached the market. Another flickerless product from the same firm embodied a patented PROJECTOR— MIRROR— HIGH INTENSITY CARBONS Equipment and Technique in 1926. 221 epicycloidal Maltese cross movement, which effects a picture change in 30 degrees of movement. SAFETY DEVICES. Apart from those devices that are essential accessories to particular projectors, two new Continental apparatus claim attention by reason of their absolute efficiency. Both depend on the principle of playing currents of air on each side of the gate. The Aeronor apparatus comprises a small £ h.p. motor air compressor that forces cleansed air along to two fitments, one at the bottom of the aperture plate and the other at the top of the gate channel. An additional automatic safety air-operated fire trap is included. The Walturdaw safety device possesses an ^ h.p. motor and air pump, which forces an air current through a water chamber where it is cleansed and cooled before being propelled to the tube distributors on the gate. Tests of both apparatus show that films will stand up unscathed for up to 20 minutes under 25 to 30 amps, with mirror arcs. There is also, of course, the well- known " Vintalite " attachment which practically halves the intense gate heat produced by mirror arcs. HIGH INTENSITY ARC LAMPS. The merits of the High Intensity arc have been recognised by the majority of the largest American kinemas, and the past two years have witnessed a remarkable accession to the number of uses of this illuminant in this country. The H.I. arc is claimed to be the more brilliant source of pure penetrating light obtainable for projection purposes and thus difficulties hitherto encountered with dense film atmosphere is obviated. One of the first lamps of this type on the market was the Sunlight arc, distributed by Duncan Watson and Co., which incorporates all the desirable features of the H.I. arc and has a very ingenious device to control the fading of the electrodes. The Walturdaw H.I. arc is found in many of the better class theatres and is so constructed that it requires no adjustment during opera- tion. Three types of lamps are stocked : for 50 amps., 75 amps, and 100 amps. Similar in design is the Hall-Conelly H.I. arc, marketed by Frank Brockliss and Co., Ltd. and E. A. Langrish and Co., Ltd., which although only quite recently introduced is already firmly established in popularity. There is also the Ross arc, to which allusion has already been made. Not only can it be used as an H.I. lamp, but, if desired, also as an ordinary minor lamp — 'almost a universal lamp. NON-FLAM FILM. The closing months of the year witnessed the announcement of a new non-flam base, the invention of an Englishman, H. J. Mallatar, F.R.P.S. The product in which strong financial and scientific interests are concerned has this important characterisation, that its flexibility increases rather than decreases with the passage of time, while in mechanical properties, purity of colour, it is also the equal in every respect to standard films. A factory is being projected designed for an output of 250 million feet annually. Hot on this came the announcement from S. Rowson, of Ideal, that he was interested in a non-flam base which as a test film had been circulated to his AUTOMATIC «!!&-• 90, WARDOUR ST., LONDON, W.I. Telephone: and at Barnes. Gerrard 3964. FOR BETTER PRINTS EVERY FACILITY FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT 222 The Kinematograph Year Book. firm's customers for some months and had met all the rigid requirements of the film trade. FURNISHING The New Year promises to be an exceptionally busy one for theatre furnishers, and there is a distinct improvement in the demand for the better- class installations. Among the features of the past year is the original chair design by Waring and Gillow that forms the basis of the Plaza seating. This particular chair is a de luxe article, covered wholly in tapestry and having no excrescences to catch the patron's clothes. A similar but less pretentious type is available for exhibitors who desire a quality article at moderate cost. The new bract et devised by W. W. Turner and Co. is a simple labour-saving device which necessitates only the loosening of a screw to unstrap the seat. In another Turner chair the compression of a spring enables the seat to be lifted out. Cafe and lounge furnishings are a speciality of L. B. Lockwood and Co., whose " Wembley " theatre chair has proved in great request. One of the most progressive houses of the Trade, H. Lazarus and Sons, have been responsible for several big London contracts, the most recent being the " Astoria." The mass production of G. Pixton and Co., of a standard plush tip-up has proved successful in fostering a big business for this firm, who are noted for craftsmanship. Complete theatre furnishing, especially rush contracts, are specialised in by Beck and Windibank, the Birmingham firm, and another firm with deservedly high reputation for draperies, etc., and presentation accessories are G. H. Edgcombe, Ltd. Originality and quality are keynotes of all the products of H. A. Whitaker and Co., of Scarborough, whose wide experience as theatre furnishers and seating experts is frequently celled upon. Everything that is needed within the four walls of the theatre can be supplied by Theatre Equipment, Ltd., who possess special facilities for seating and furrishing. In this direction mention must of course be made to the pioneer firm of kinema suppliers, the Walturdaw Company, who have long deserved their repute for theatre accessories and all kinds of furnishings. The A.I. Seating Company and Goodalls of Manchester are two more firms whose product carries a high reputation in the Trade. Among the chief specialists in Cafe furnishing are L. Hart, Combe and Co., Ltd., of Holloway Road. OBITUARY. The year has been a sad one by reason of the death of four of the pioneer technicians of the Industry. By the passing of H. M. Lomas, F.R.P.S.,the Trade lost one of the earliest cameramen who was long associated with Charles Urban. The deaths of Leo Kamm and Ernest F. Moy were an irreparable loss to the technical side. Both were inventors whese labours and ingenuity contributed largely to the progress of the Industry during a period of nearly 30 years. Mr. Kamm experimented in all branches and his projector has been in popular use for years. The name of Moy was associated with kine accessories of all kinds from jointing clips to complete automatic film printing plants. The Moy camera and the Omnia projector were known all over the world. Another veteran who has passed is John Stuart, F.R.P.S., proprietor of the " British Journal of Photography," and formerly associated with Ross, Ltd. HALL & DIXON, Ltd. FOR SEATING, CARPETS, CURTAINS Estimates Free. 19, GARRICK STREET, LONDON. Regent 1930 Equipment and Technique in 1926. huMi o$f Chi Lt\aJjl So long has it been the custom to link large expenditure with the Cinema that it is now taken for granted. Make the first cut in overheads with the Piano, now! Forget the idea that one must be purchased every two years. Get the best without capital outlay. ALLISON offer the Cinema Industry a model the result of ninety years' experience with several of specialised research into Cinema requirements— the ALLISON CIMEMA PIANO. For sheer Power and Purity of Tone, for Almost-Human Responsiveness, for ability to " stand up " to the hardest usage, the ALLISON CINEMA PIANO can have no equal. Don't buy it : just hire it. Throw the responsibility for maintenance and depreciation on to Allison and convert the 50% write-off into a saving. Particulars of the ALLISON CINEMA PIANO and attrac- tive hiring terms will gladly be supplied. The Piano of the Great ALLISON PIANOS LTD., 60, WIGMORE STREET, W.l Telephone: Langham 1418 FOUNDED 1837 The Great English Piano 224 The Kinematograph Year Book. Broadcaster AND WIRELESS RETAILER The Leading Wireless Trade Paper "The Broadcaster" contains a summary of the newest and best apparatus and the latest trade news. Sub cription Rates (To Trade onlv) : 12 months postfree 7/6 6 months post free 4/- Send your sub- scriptions to ; The Subscription Dept., " The Broadcaster and Wireless Re- tailer," 93, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. Bush House, where traders may examine at "The Broadcaster'' Trade Showrooms the products of over seventy wireless manufacturers . Technical Section. 225 Data for Kinematograph Technicians. AN ALL-ROUND DEVELOPER FOR TOPICALS. NEGATIVES AND POSITIVES.) Metol 3 oz., Hydroquinone 1 lb., Pot. Metabisnlphite 2 oz., Citric Acid 2 oz., Pot. Bromide J oz., Soda Sulphite (cryst.) 4 lb., Soda Carbonate (cryst.) 2 lb., Water 65 pints. Developing temperature 65 to 75 F. (The warmer temperature only in the case of under-exposed negatives.) This bath is extremely quick working, development being complete in 2 to 3 minutes. — (From " The Handbook of Kinematography.") TO KEEP LENS GLASSES FROM STEAMING. Rub on them lightly a very little spermaceti wax, and polish it off well with a clean dry silk rag. A better way is to dissolve the wax in a small quantity of benzine, drop a single drop of the benzine-wax solution on a clean silk and with the silk proceed to polish over the lens glass. The polished glass must not show any visible trace of wax upon its surface, or the definition of the picture thrown by the lens will be injured. A FINE SURFACE FOR SCRATCH-IN ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mix together equal parts of artists' liquid Indian ink and strong liquid gum arabic. Clean 3 \ by 3 \ glass plates thoroughly, first in soda solution, then under the tap, dry them without touching the surface with the fingers, and coat one side of each with the Indian ink-gum mixture till it is just opaque. Allow to dry naturally. The prepared announcement slides may after- wards be stored indefinitely. Before writing on them with the needle or graver, breathe over the surface, and the finest lines may then be put in without a suspicion of flaking. ORDINARY FILM CEMENT. Amyl Acetate 4 oz., Acetone 6 oz. This may either be used as it is, in which case the cement will be a thin fluid with not much more body in it than water, or it may be thickened to any desired extent by dissolving it in celluloid chips. Celluloid film base from which the gelatine coating has been cleaned off will serve. A RECOMMENDED FORMULA FOR NON-FLAM FILM CEMENT. (From " The Guide to Kinematography.") Cellulose Acetate 1 oz., Acetone 14 oz., Amyl .Acetate 1% oz., Xycl 3 oz. Non-flam film varies so much according to the maker that it is impossible to say, without trial, which of the three above formulae will be most suitable in any particular user's hands. H 226 The Kinematograph Year Book. UNIVERSAL FILM CEMENT. Acetone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 oz. " Amyl acetate . . . . . . . . . . ... 2. oz. Glacial Acetic acid . . . . . . . . . . ' . . 2 oz. Shake well before using. Tins cement will stick either ordinary or non- flam film, and some workers find it possible to use it without scraping the lap, though this is not recommended as a general rule. GROUND GLASS VARNISH FOR ELECTRIC LAMPS. Dip the lamps (which should be small and of the vacuum type) in the following solution, which must be made up by adding the various constituents in the order stated : — Commercial ether Gum sandarac Gum mastic .. .. -.. Benzole Do not add the benzole until the gums are completely ether, and on no account use heat for the solution, or let the 'ether come near to a naked light. Cork up tightly when not being used. The lamps must not be warm when dipped, or the varnish coating will dry bright on the glass instead of with a matt finish. 1 pint. 2 oz. . i oz. I pint. dissolved in the MATT SOLUTION WITH WATER BASE. Use a cold, saturated solution in water of Epsom salts, dip lamps and hang up to dry in a warm place. This matt surface stands heat fairly well, but is removed at once by washing. WASHING THE GEARS. Dust, pieces of metal, and other obstacles are attracted and stick to the gear, in time forming hard cakes which render the working jumpy and far from easy. It is advisable occasionally to clear these gears by soaking well in kerosene, paraffin, or benzine. THE RATIO OF GURRENT TO RESISTANCE IN A CIRCUIT. Divide the voltage of the supply by the amperes required, and the result will give the resistance in ohms. Conversely, if the supply voltage is divided by the resistance in ohms, the result will give the current in amperes flowing through the conductor. The above facts form a part of what is known in electrical parlance as " Ohm's Law." The equivalent electrical formula are : Let V stand for voltage or potential difference. ,, C , ,, current. „ R ,, resistance V V . Then R = — and C = — C B When calculating out resistance for an arc lamp circuit (D.C.) on the above formula it must be remembered that the arc itself possesses a back voltage varying from 35 to 50 or more volts according to the current taken For kinematograph projection purposes this back voltage may conveniently be reckoned as 45. Thus the rule for computing resistance in the case of a kine, arc will be : Deduct 45 from the line voltage (represented as " V " in the above formulas), and proceed to apply " Ohm's Law" : " V-45 R == — , etc. C where " V " still represents total line voltage Technical Section. 227 FIREPROOFING SOLUTIONS FOR FABRIC. Dissolve in 5 pints of hot water, alum S oz., ammonium carbonate i\ oz.} borax 2 oz., boric acid oz. Alternatively, use the following solution : — Boric acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 oz. Ammonium phosphate . . . . . . . . 8 oz. ;* 'Water . . . . .... . . . . 5 pints. Materials to be fireproofed should be dipped into the solution, or sprayed over with it applied hot with a sprayer or a fine rose-nozzled garden syringe. The treatment does not prevent the fabric charring when subjected to flame, but does prevent it taking fire and so increasing the conflagration, A COATING FOR PROJECTION SCREENS. Cut up a pound of ordinary scrubbing soap into thin small pieces, pour on to it a pint of hot water and keep the mixture hot and well stirred until the soap is all dissolved. Then mix with two pounds of best white oil paint to which a trace of blue may with advantage be added, just sufficient to neutralise the faint yellow tinge of the mixture. Strain through flannel or through fine mesh brass gauze. The dressing will be found suitable for re-surfacing screens which have to be rolled up when not in use. To remove any tendency of the coating to dry shiny, it should be stippled over when acky with a dry badger-hair brush. Another and rather easier way to take he whole of the shine of the screen surface is to let it dry without stippling, and then apply a coat of white turpentine " flatting " similarly made flexible by mixing with strong soap solution. GAS FUEL DATA. A British Thermal Unit (B.Th.U.) is the quantity of heat required to raise one pound of pure water from 320 to 330 Fahrenheit. CALORIFIC VALUE OF VARIOUS GASES. Good coal gas . . . . . . 650 B.Th.U. to the cubic foot Water gas .. .. .. . . 400 B.Th.U. to the cubic foot. Producer gas . . . . . . 150 B.Th.U. to the cubic foot. Blast furnace gas . . . . . . 100 B.Th.U. to the cubic foot. Gas with a less calorific value than 100 British Thermal Units to the cubic foot is generally unsuitable as fuel for internal combustion engines. To find the correct size of gas meter for a gas engine : — Multiply the rated horse-power of the gas engine by 3.4, and add 5 to the answer. The figure so found represents the number of " lights " which the correct sized meter would be intended to serve if used in a lighting installation. Average gas consumption in town gas engines. — This depends upon quality of the gas. With good gas an engine should consume from 18 to 25 cubic feet for each brake horse-power hour, gas consumption becoming more economical with increase in the size of the engine. A GOOD POSITIVE DEVELOPER. Soda Sulphite (cryst.) 6 lb. 10 oz., Soda Carbonate (cryst.) 3 lb. 2 oz., Metol 180 grains, Hydroquinone 8 oz., Pot. Bromide 1 oz. 63 grains, Citric Acid 400 grains, Pot. Metabi sulphite 2 oz., Water 67 pints. Dissolve the ingredients in the same general order and manner as in the case of the negative developer above. Use the bath at a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. — (Kodak Formula.) 228 The Kinematograph Year Book. BRIGHT DIP FOR COPPER AND BRASS. Dilute strong nitric acid with two-thirds of its volume of water, and to each five pints of solution add one ounce of ordinary table salt. The dip is instantly ruinous to clothes, and may cause painful wounds on the flesh, so must be handled with great care. The right way to bright-dip an article is to attach it to a piece of copper wire and lower it into the dip momentarily, removing it at once and rinsing in plenty of running water. Repeat this if necessary. Slow, over-prolonged dipping gives the metal a matt instead of a bright surface. To prevent unduly rapid oxidation follow the water rinse with a second dip in a bath of weak tartaric acid, then dry and lacquer at once. FOCAL LENGTH OF LENSES. To find the focal length of two not over widely separated lenses, multiply their focal lengths together and divide the product by the sum of the focal lengths less the distance between the lenses. The formula is : — Focal length to be found = ^ * ^ 3 where d — lens separation. 0 fi x fz - d . TO FIND SUPPLEMENTARY LENS FOCUS. To find what focus of supplementary lens will be needed to alter to a given amount the focus of a lens at present in use, multiply the focal length to be altered by the focal length wanted, and divide by the original focal length less the final focal length. To reduce focal length, use a positive (convex) lens. To increase focal length use a minus (concave) lens, and carry the minus sign into the formula. Putting the rule into a formula, where /i equals original focal length, fi required focal length of supplementary lens, and F the final focal length desired, then :— /i x F /2 Reflective Efficiency of Opaque Screens. WHITE SURFACES (NON-SELECTIVE). At 15 Degrees At 45 Degrees At 60 Degrees Magnesium oxide coating (taken as standard) IOO 83 Plaster of Paris ... 96 89 78 White cardboard (not glossy) ... 85 67 Bristol board 92 White lead 89 80 Zinc white paint ... 84 77 METALLIC SURFACES (SELECTIVE). Aluminium paint on card ' 2IO 18 Smooth (Proprietary) Metallic Screen 136 *4 Mirror screen 200 (very slight) TRANSLUCENT SCREEN EFFICIENCIES. White muslin (untreated) 39 30 Ground glass 300 14 It will be noted that, whereas dull or "flatted" screens distribute the reflected light fairly even over wide angles, bright or polished surface screens show a high reflection value at small and a correspondingly low reflection value at great angles, this corresponding with the well-known tendency of polished surface screens to give unequally illuminated pictures — ■ that is to say, pictures which appear bright from the centre, but dull from the sides, of the house. Technical Tables. 229 h m CO O 0^ OJ \^ ^ ^ 00 000000 tJ- 1-1 I>-0 CO 000000 ji"^ co 0 oi ^t* T^- 0 r*i f^i f\ w C U O O CO 01 to 04 CO CO ^1" O CO @\ M CO IO CO 1—1 CO CO CO '^O 0s* u • < tfl M M M M 01 01 M CO CO 10 * 9 < 'Si ■31 O S !-< > O «5 CO TT rt- 00 oi rt-o O 0> ts 01 O 00 n co 0^ 01 O^ O O M IO 0^ m O CO CO IO CO -^-O iO aj O 00 O ^l- O Q\ 01 10 CO O C>« Tt- lOO 01 CO CO C CO O IO ^j- CO •ONNNNff) C> 01 i-i r(- C> O 0 0 in 0 co co oi 01 c^ »o -rr o\ O O 0~* O 04 CO < < 0 CTiO m CO CO CO Cl -- O M O 01 Tt- O O 01 0 CO O CO 04 0 0 01 0) O M O CO tJ- COO m O CO 01 d M M O 000000 ^rO ci CO J> 10 CO 01 H H 01 M H § *0 0 to h coco co i>- co ^t- O M M O >O CO IO M IO 1-1 O IO 0) C^O M ^J" >OCO IO i- 1 ^t" ^^co CO C^- 0*n i—i 0s! 01 O O i—i CO M t ci 06 ci 4- co "1" If N IM H H Q\ M H 0^ O^ O M O 01 O 0~1 1-1 Oh 0 OC l>. IO Tt- M M 0 - O O O O -^"Ol M M . IO CO 01 01 M O CO CO O 01 O O >0 O M 0> O 0 NOC 000 000000 m m m ro ro -rj- t^. Ot 01 '-O 0 10 CO 0 O 01 0 000000 000000 O M M N Tj-O nci h loco m 0 0 0 0 >o 0 a* 000000 000000 O 0 M W M 01 CO sf- too ts O M . < <| >Q Q m M s = ) ' 6 ■s'e O O • 01 M 1-1 b Q §H Qs O CO 01 O O 01 0 CO t>-o o-o lO-^O IO ^- CO ci co oi ^ 2 2 ^ M M M M M M CO CO CO CO coo O O 0> 01 0 O CO 10, coco 00 01 IO CO s O O O 0^ iO N Tt" fO Tl N 0 H + T|-0 O OOOOOO s- H H 01 01 tJ-O 0^ ^ lOCO C\ 10 10 10 is G> lOM N H O C> h d co ■"tf-O !>• 0~> 01 IO 0> O OI 0^00 O as w 01 co CO Tt-O < Q Pi Is O 01 IO O 'O 0 0 0 0 10 0 H cr 000000 000000 CO ^- IT, O O Ms 0 C^O tJ- 0> O t}- 0) Tj- 01 ">*■■ 01 CO 01 CO CO CO CO co CO CO CO CO Tf M COO 01 CO "<*■ lOO lOO r^co 0 is co o\ 0 ao ao 0 55 3 q q q q q q 0 0 0 q_ o q q q q q q q m q h q m h ^ t> On O 0> N N N N O be i-h m CO CO CO CO COO O a. 01 £ o.S 230 The Kinematograph Year Book. FOCUS OF KINEMATOGRAPH LENS IN INCHES. Calculated on 15-16 inch Mask Aperture. and ! 2f ] 3l Screen. 2 in. 2\ in. 1 2| in. n n. 3 m. 3i in. 3$ in. in. ft. ft. in. ft. in'.' ft. in ft. ^n. ft in. ff. in. "ff. in. ft in. 10 4 8 4 2 3 ) 3 5 \ 2 3 0 2 8 2 6 \ 12 5 8 5 0 4 3 4 1 I 9 3 6 3 3 3 0 > 15 7 0 6 3 5 8 5 1 A g 4 4 4 0 3 9 20 9 5 8 4 7 5 6 10 fi 0 3 5 9 5 4 5 0 25 1 1 9 10 5 9 5 8 6 7 10 7 3 6 8 5 3 30 14 0 12 6 11 3 10 3 9 5 8 8 8 0 7 6 • '35 16 5 14 7 13 2 11 10 10 1 9 5 g 9 H O 40 18 9 16 8 15 0 13 I8 11 6 10 9 0 45 21 1 18 9 16 11 15 4 14 13 0 12 1 11 3 50 23 5 20 10 18 9 17 0 15 8 14 5 13 5 12 6 s 55 25 9 22 11 20 8 18 9 17 2 15 10 14 9 13 9 60 28 2 25 0 22 6 20 5 18 9 17 4 16 p 15 0 to 65 30 6 27 0 24 5 22 2 20 4 s 9 17 5 16 3 O 70 32 10 29 2 26 3 23 10 21 11 20 2 18 9 17 6 til 75 35 2 3i 3 28 2 25 7 23 5 21 8 20 1 18 9 N 80 37 6 33 4 30 0 27 3 25 0 23 0 21 4 20 0 85 39 10 35 5 31 11 29 0 26 7 24 6 22 9 21 3 90 42 2 37 6 33 9 30 8 2S 2 26 0 24 1 22 6 95 44 6 39 .7 35 8 32 5 29 8 27 5 25 5 23 9 100 46 11 4i 8 37 6 34 0 31 3 28 10 26 9 25 0 1 10 5i 7 45 10 4i 3 37 6 34 5 3i 9 29 10 27 6 120 56 3 5Q p 45 > 40 11 37 6 M 7 32 12 30 0 Distance between FOCUS OF KINEMATOGRAPH LENS IN INCHES. Machine and Screen. 4 in. 4i in. \\ in. 4f in. 5 n. 5i in. 5* in. 5f in. 6 in. ft. ft. in. ft. in ft. in. ft . in. It. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft in. ft. in. 10 2' 4 2 2, 1 2 0 1 11 9 1 8 1 7h 1 7 \ 12 2 [O 2 8 2 6 2 4 2 3 2 2 0 1 11 1 10 1 5 3 6 3 3 3 2 3 0 2 10 8 2 7 2 5 2 4 20 4 8 4 5 4 2 4 0 3 9 3 7 3 5 3 3 3 25 5 10 5 6 5 3 4 11 4 8 4 6 4 3 4 1 3 1 1 30 7 0 6 7 6 3 5 1 1 5 8 5 4 5 1 4 11 4 8 35 8 2 7 9 7 4 6 1 1 6 7 6- 3 6 0 5 8 5 5 W 40 9 5 8 9 8 4 7 11 7 6 7 2 6 [0 6 6 6 3 ruR 45 10 7 9 " 9 5 8 11 8- 5 8 0 7 8 7 4 7 0 50 1 1 9 11 0 10 5 9 10 9 5 9 0 8 6 ' 8 2 7 10 0 55 12 12 2 11 6 10 10 10 4 9 10 9 5 9 0 8 7 60 14 0 13 3 12 6 11 10 11 3 10 9 10 9 9 5 65 15 3 14 4 13 7 12 10 12 2 7 j 10 7 10 2 0 70 16 5 15 5 14 7 13 10 13 2 12 6 11 11 5 10 11 75 17 7 16 7 15 8 14 10 14 O 13 5 12 12 3 11 9 w 80 18 9 17 8 16 8 15 9 15 O 14 3 13 I 13 1 12 6 N 85 19 11 18 9 17 9 16 9 15 II 15 2 14 6 13 10 13 3 to 90 21 1 19 10 18 9 i7 0 16 II 16 1 15- 4 14 8 14 1 95 22 3 20 11 19 10 18 9 17 10 17 0 16 2 ; J5 6 14 10 100 23 5 22 0 20 10 19 9 18 9 17 10 17 0 16 4 15 8 no 25 9 24 3 22 11 21 9 20 8 19 8 18 9 i 17 11 17 2 120 28 2 26 5 25 0 23 8 22 6 21 5 20 5 19 7 IS 9 Focal length of the Lantern Lens should be approximately 3% times that of Kinematograph Lens. Distance between Lantern and Screen. FOCUS OF STILL-VIEW LANTERN LENS. 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. DIAMETER OF PICTURE (calculated on a 3-inch mask). ft. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. 10 7 6 5' 0 3 9 3 0 2 6 2 2 12 9 0 6 0 4 6 3 7 3 0 2 7 15 3 7 6 5 8 4 6 3 9 3 3 20 . . 15 0 10 0 7 6 6 0 5 0 4 3 25 18 9 12 6 9 4 7 6 6 3 5 4 30 22 6 15 0 11 3 9 0 7 6 6 35 26 3 17 6 13 1 10 6 8 9 7 6 40 30 0 20 0. 15 0 12 0 10 0 8 6 45 33 9 22 6 16 10 13 6 11 3 9 8 50 37 6 25 0 18 9 15 0 12 6 10 9 60 45 0 30 0 22 6 18 0 *5 0 12 1 1 7o 52 6 35 0 26 3 21 0 17 6 15 80 60 0 40 0 30 0 24 0 20 0 17 3 90 67 6 45 0 33 9 27 0 22 6 19 5 100 75 0 50 0 37 6 30 0 25 0 21 7 Technical Tables. 231 Table of Wire Fuses. Approximate Approximate Standard Wire Gauge. Fusing Current in Amps, 1 Tin. Lead. 1 Copper. 5 25 23 38 10 21 20 33 15 19 18 30 20 17 17 28 25 16 15 26 30 15 14 25 35 14 13 24 40 14 13 23 45 13 12 22 50 13 12 21 60 12 21 70 20 80 Strip fuses above Strip fuses above 19 90 this gauge. this gauge. 18 C DO 18 I20 17 Note.— The full normal load on a fuse should be two-thirds of its fusing load. For projector aros, however, it is wise to allow a margin of 50 per cent., or double the current between full and fusing load. Always use copper wire for arc fuses. Size of Carbons for Projecting Arcs. CONTINUOUS. CURRENT. ALTERNATING CURRENT. Current in Amps. Lower Solid Carbon. Top Carbon Cored. Current in Amps. Top and Bottom Carbons, both cored IO.15 15-25 25.40 35-5° 40.60 60.100 10 mm. *4 16 , ; 18 „ 1 13 mm. 16 „ 18 „ 20 „ 25 „ 15-25 20.35 30.40 35-5C 45-65 60.80 75.IOO 10 mm. 13 „ 16 „ 18 „ 20 22 „ 25 Reflecting Power of Various Materials. Material Percentage of Reflection Highly polished silver 92 % Highly polished brass 7°~75% Highly polished copper .- 60% Ordinary mirrors 5°% (about) White paper 82% Aluminium reflecting cloth 9° % Yellow painted wall 4°% Light green paper 20% Dark brown paper . ... 13% Red-blue and green paper 11% Dull black paper 5% Black .cloth 1 % Black velvet % Note on above table. — This gives total proportion of reflected to incident light over all directions. For the motion picture exhibitor it is of greater importance to know the proportion of light reflected from a given surface at some definite reflection angle or angles. The next table gives this re- flected light value for various screens at side angles of fifteen degrees, forty-five degrees and sixty degrees, a magnesium oxide screen being taken as the unit for comparison. 232 The Kinematograph Year Book. Say it in letters of fire ! npO be really attractive, the electric sign for the front of your kinema must be specially designed to embody the latest improvements in electrical pub- licity. We can construct the sign, supply flasher and switchgear, instal and erect complete. Give us particulars of what you have in mind, and we will prepare the design and estimate without obligation on your part. BORO' ELECTRIC SIGNS Chas. J. Lytle - - General Manager (Proprietors, Odhams Press Ltd,) 57, 58 & 59, Long Acre, London, W.C.2 'Phone: Gerrard 9870 {14. lines). Wires: " Borobilpo, Rand, London." Summary of the ELECTRICAL SUPPLY IN CHIEF TOWNS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. The following information, covering plans for 1927, is by the courtesy of S. Rentell &> Co., Ltd., 36, Maiden Lane, London, W-.C. 2, Publishers of" The Practical Electrician' s Pocket Book," which contains a great deal of other information of value to the motion picture electrician. A signifies Alternating. C Continuous. * 1 -phase § 1 and 3 -phase (c) also At, 50 y^s 3,000 v. J 2 -phase (a) 1 and 2 -phase (d) also C, 230 v . and 460 v. % 3-phase (b) 1, 2 and 3-phase (e) also At, 50 /ss 400 v. (g) H. T. Bulk Supply. METROPOLITAN & SUBURBAN. Cycles ■ Name of Company or Local A uthority. Voltage of Supply. System. AUg. Barking District Council . 230 & 460 C 230, 400 At 50 Barnes, Mortlake and East Sheen District Council 210, 420 C &A Battersea Corporation 230, 460 C & A* 50 Beckenbam District Council 400 At 5og 200, 400 A* 50 Berrnondsey Corporation . 240 & 480 C Bethnal Green Borough Council . 240 & 415 At 50 Brompton and Kensington Co., Ltd 100 A* 83 Charing Cross, City, &c, Co., Ltd. ... Chelsea Electricity Supply Co. ... . 100, 200, 400 C . 200 & 400 c Chiswick (Company) 220, 440 c 220, 380 AJ 50 City of London Co., Ltd.— City 204, 415 C 204 A* 50 Southwark 215, 430 C County of London E. S. Co., Ltd. — (a) Camberwell (part), Peckham 205 A* 50 205, 410 C (b) Finsbury and Holborn (part) 104 A* 50 .530 C . (c) Southwark, Berrnondsey , 205, 410 C (d) Balham, Clapham, Dulwich, Roehampton, South- fields, Streatham, Tooting and Wandsworth .., 205 A* 50 (e) Croydon 205 A* 50 (f) Romford j 205 A* - 50 I (g) Romford (part) I440 At 50/ Ealing District Council 230 A* 50 East Ham Corporation 240, 480 C Eltham (Woolwich Borough Council) , 220 & 380 A§ 5o Erith Urban District Council 200 & 350 A§ 5o Finchley Urban District Council 250 & 500 C Fulham Council 200 At - 50 Hackney Corporation 240 •& 480 C Hammersmith Corporation no & 220 A* 50 Hampstead Corporation 105 & 210 A* Heston and Isleworth District Council 240 & 480 C Hornsey Borough Council 240 & 480 C Hounslow. (See Isleworth.) Ilford District Council 230 & 460 C & A§ 234 The Kinematogvaph Year Book, Cycles Name of Company or Local Authority. Voltage of Supply. System. A Itg. iDlllJg HJli \_UJ- UUl dLiUH ... ••• ••■ ... TOO, 200, 4^0 A* Kensington and. Knightsbridge Co, 200 & C Ley ton District Council ... ... ... ... *50j 300 C — 240, 415 At 50 l^oncion iiiectric ouppiy corporation ... ... ... 105) 210 A* 85 420 At 25 Metropolitan E, S. CoM Ltd. IVIid "London ■•• ... ... „ 200 (X 100 C — Brentford • . . * . . 24°> 415 At 50 Han well 240 & 4^5 At 50 Southall 240, 415 A* 50 Acton 23c*. 4^0 C 24.0, 4^5 At 50 Paddington 100, 200 Ab 50 North lVTetroDolitan Electric Power Supply Co Ltd 1 Cheshunt (Waltham Cross) 240 cx 4^5 At 50 Chingford ... ... ... ... ... •.. . 240, 415 At 50 East Barnet Valley 240 & 415 At 50 Edgware • • . • . . . . * . 240 & 415 At 50 Edmonton 240 & 415 At 50 Enfield Highway and Wach and Ponders End ... 240, 415 At 50 240, 480 C Friem Barnet • . 240, 415 At 50 Harpenclen ... ... ... ... ... 24°j 4I5 At 50 Hatfield 24°> 4X5 At 50 IJtlLlUlU ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 240 & 480 C 240 & 4^5 At 50 Hoddesdon ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 4°> 4*5 At Kingsbury ... ... ... ... ... .£40 cv 4-Lj At 50 St. Albans 240, 480 C 240, 415 At 50 Southgate : 240 & 415 At 50 Tottenham 24O & 415 At 50 Waltham Abbev 240 & 4-^5 At 50 Ware ... ... O |f\ Xt JTC z 4U cv 4 1 J At 50 Wealdstone 240 & 415 At 50 Wembley •* .. . . .. Z4U ct 4LJ At 50 "Wortinc T4ill "Flprfrip T iol-ifincr C~c\ l\*JLClllg J.J.1J.J. J-jIG^- Li Xjl^litilJg \,\J, ... ... •■• 200 Sc 400 C 23O A* 50 At 50 r^opiar v^orporation ... ... ... ... ... 0 on A C & At Richmond Light and Power Co. ... ... ... TomAC1 on/1 Pall Mall fn T frl Ot. J dine 5 dllU a all iYlcUJ LO., i^LCI. ... ... ... 220 & 44^ C 220 & 440 C — Af 230 o£ 4 00 At ' 50 ot. iviaryieuone corporation ... •.. • ... 240 & C 240 & 415 At 50 ot. Jrancras corporation ... ••• ■ ■•■ ••• 220, 440 C Shoreditch Corporation ... ... ... •.. ••• 240, 4^0 C Smi.thfi.eld M.arkets Electric Supply Co. ... *.. 200, 400 C South London E. Supply Corporation (Lambeth) ... 220 A* South Metropolitan E. L. and P. Co Blackheath, Greenwich ••• ... ••• 200, 400 Aa 50 T7rvT-oct Will r orest xiin ••• , ... ... ... ... 100, 200 Aa 50 J_.ewisham ••• « • • ••• • . • ••• ••• 200 Aa 50 Penge . . . ■ . . ... ... ... ... ... 200 Aa 50 Sydenham ... ... ... ... ... ... 100, 200 220 & 440 A* Southwark Borough Council 1 C Stepney Corporation ... ... ... ... ... 240 & 48c* C . — - Stoke Newington Corporation 240 & 4^0 C . Tottenham and Wood Green Co. X^td. ... ... ... 240, 480 C Twickenham, Teddington, Hampton, Hampton \A ick, E. Molesey, Ham, Esher, Claygate Co. ... ... 240, 4^^ C 240, 420 A§ 50 240, ^ A* 50 1X7 14-T, 4- IT l TV « *' « S* -1 W altnamstow Urban District Council ... ... ... 230, 4^0 C 230, 400 At 50 West Ham Corporation ... 100, 200, 400 Aa 50 Westminster E. S. Corporation 200 & 400 C 200 A* 50 Willesden (N.Mte'n Co.) 240, 480 C 240, 480 A* 50 240, 415 At 50 Wimbledon and Merton (Borough Council) Maidens and Coombe 220 A* 50 Woolwich Corp. W. B. Council ... 210, 420 C Plumstead (Woolwich Borough Council) 210, 420 C 220, 380, 500 At 5° Electrical Supply in Great Britain and Ireland. PROVINCIAL (ENGLAND AND WALES), Town. Station owned by or current from. Aberdare ... District Council ... Abertillery ... District Council ... Aberys twyth ... Company ... Abingdon ... Company Accrington ... Corporation Aldeburgh ... Company Aldershot ... District Council ... Aldershot Camp ... ... War Dept. Undertaking Alfreton ... Derby & Notts E.P.C. Alnwick ... Company - Altrincham ... ... Company ... Ammanford ... Ammanford E. Supply Arnside ... Company ... Ascot ... Company ... Ashington ... ... Company ... ... Ashtead ... Leatherhead Co. ... Ashton-on-Mersey ... ... See Altrincham ... Ashton-under-Lyne ... Corporation Askrigg (Yorks) ... Company ... Aston ... City of Birmingham Atherton ... District Council ... Aylesbury ... District Council ... Bacup ... Corporation Banbury (Oxon.) ... ... Company ... Bangor ... Corporation Banstead (Surrey) ... City of London Bargoed ... Corporation Barnsley ... Corporation Barnstaple ... ... Corporation Barrow-in-Furness ... Corporation ' Barton-on-Humber ... Company Basingstoke ... Corporation Bath ... Corporation Batley ... Corporation Bedford ... Corporation Bedlington ... ... N. Counties E. S. Co. Bedworth ... L. & W.E.P. Co. Beeston ... Derby & N.E.P. Co. Belper ... See Alfreton Berkhamsted ... Chesham Company Berwick-on-Tweed ... Company Bexhill ... Corporation Bexley Heath ... District Council ... Bideford (Devon) ... ... Company ... Bilston ... - ... ... Company Bingley ... District Council ... Birkdale ... Company Birkenhead ... Corporation Birmingham ... Corporation Birstall ... E. D. Yorkshire Co. Bishop Auckland ... ... C. & D.C.E.P.C. Bishop's Stortford... ... Company Blackburn ... Corporation Blackpool ... Corporation Blaenau Festiniog ... ... Yale E. P. Co. ... Blandf ord , ... Co.npanv Blyth ... N. Counties E. Co. Bognor ... Company Voltage of Supply. .. 230 & 460 230 & 400 250, 500 250, 440 .. 220 & 440 .. 230 & 460 230 3c 400 .. 230 & 400 230 & 460 .. 200 & 400 .. 210 & 420 200, 400 240, 420 250, 440 .. 240 & 480 100, 200, . 250 220 .. 220 & 440 240, 416 .. 240 & 480 210, 420 ... 240, 480 250, 5OO XI5 220, & 440 240g 220, 440 220, 380 .. 230 & 4OO .. 230 & 460 200, 4OO 230, 4OO 200 ... 230 & 400 230, 460 230, 4OO 230 & 460 220, 44O 220, 380 ,.. 220 & 44O ,.. 230 & 460 220, 44O no, 220 ,.. 220 & 44O 230 & 400 ... 105, 210, 365 24O, 480 250, 440 250, 44O 200, 346 ... 240 & 480 ,.. 220 & 44O ... 200 & 400 .. 240, 415 ... See Brierley Hill ... 230 & 400 230, 460 230, 460 230, 400 ... 220 & 440 .. 230 & 400 240, 480 240, 480 220 no, 220 230 & 400 220 & 440 200 400 ... 240 & 500 220 240, 480 ... 220 & 440 System C At C A§ C C At C C C c At A!) C A* C C C At C c c At A* C Aa C A§ A§ C c A§ A* A§ C A§ C C At C C c A* c At A§ C At A§ A§ C C A* At. A§ C c At C A§ C A* C A* At C A* At C C A* C Cycles Altg 50 50 236 The Kinematograph Year Book, Town. Boldon Bolton Boo tie Bournemouth Bovey Tracey Bradford Bridgend Bridgwater ... Bridlington ... Brierley Hill Brighouse ... Brighton Bristol Broadstairs Bromley (Kent) Bromsgrove Brynamman Buckfastleigh Buckingham Bude Budleigh Salterton Burgess Hill Burnley Burry Port (Carmarthen). Burslem Burton-on-Trent ... Bury (Lanes.) Bury St. Edmunds Buxton Byfleet Caerphilly Camberley (Surrey) Camborne Cambridge ... Canterbury Cardiff Carlisle Carmarthen Carnarvon . . . Carshalton ... Castleford ... Caterham ... Chagford Chatham Cheam Chelmsford ... Cheltenham Chepstow ... Chertsey Chesham Chesham Bois Chester Chesterfield ... Chichester ... Chippenham Chipping Norton Chislehurst ... Station owned by Cycles or current from. Voltage of Supply. System. Altg. V^, yJ Ullldli! j L> , 1 . J_y - 250, 440 Ai 40 ... 100 & 200 A* 50 230 & 460 230 & 400 AJ 50 Sec Liverpool • Company ... ... ... 100, 200, 400 A S 100 25°> 5°° *°° 4- Corporation ... .. . 230 400 + 50 230 & 460 T*ii o.tri ft frmnril ... 200 , 230. 44^ Ab 60 Company ... ... 230 & 460 c Corporation ... ... 220 & 44-0 r" »-> Miri FT for P D A + 5° Municipal ... 230 & 460 c 230 &. 400 Ai 50 Corporation ... ... 115? 230, 460 Corporation «.. . . . 105 & 2 10 A* 93 210, 365 At 5° 250 & 500 Company ... ••■ 21c, 420 c 210, 420 A* 5° W 8r Q "F P Cn o.vv . tx j.Ht.r. LUi 110, 190 At 25 230, 400 At 5° Company ... ... 220 A* 50 Company ... ... 250 Company * ■ . ... Company ... ... 200 & 400 C Company 220 c Company 230 c Corporation 220, 440 c 2+0, 416 AJ Company See Llanelly See Stoke-on-Trent . Corporation . Corporation . Corporation . Corporation . Woking Co. . U. D. Council ... . Company . Company . Company ... . Corporation . Corporation . Corporation . Company . Company . See Sutton, Surrey . E. D. Yorkshire Co. . . Urban E. S. Co . Company . Kent E. P. Co . See Sutton, Surrey . E. S. Corporation, Ltd. .. Corporation .. Company .. See Woking .. Company .. Company .. Corporation .. Corporation .. Corporation ,. Company ... .. Company ... .. Company io^, 200 2oo, 250, 400 220 & 440 230, 400 200 & 400 230 & 460 See Woking 230, 400 240 240, 480 200, 400 220, 440 200, 400 200, 230, 400 400, 440 230, 460, 500 230^ 400 220 230 &. 460 230 & 400 240 & 480 200 230, 4OO 100, 480 no 200 230 230, 400 230, 460 240, 415 200, 346 210, 420 230, 400 240, 480 240, 415 220 & 440 230, 403 no & 220 210, 420 A* At C At • C C A§ A* A* A & C C c A* At m c C A§ A* C A§ A* C A* C A§ C A§ A§ C A§ C At C At : c' A* 50 50 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Electrical Supply in Great Britain and Ireland. 237 Station owned by Cycles ii Town, ot cuyyent from. Voltage of Supply. System. Allg, Chobham ... See Woking — ■ — • . — Christchurch ... Company ... See Bournemouth — — ■ Cirencester ... Company ... 230 & 460 C — Clacton-on-Sea ... District Council ... ... 230 & 460 C Claygate ... Company ... ... 240 & 420 A§ Cleckheaton ... District Council ... 230, 460 C — 230, 400 A§ 5o Cleethorpes ... Company 230, 460 C & AJ 50 Clevedon ... Company 230, 400 At 50 Colchester ... ... Corporation ... 210 & 420 C — Colne (Lanes.) ... Corporation 240, 480 C ■ — ■ 24c, 420 Af. — Colwyn Bay ... District Council ... 220, 440 C 230, 400 A§ 50 Coniston (Lanes.) ... ... Company ... 200 C — ■ Consett ... C. & D.C.E.P. Co. 250, 440 A% 40 Coventry ... Corporation ... - 200 Aa 50 Cowes ... See Newport (I.O.W.) - - — Crawley ... Sussex E.S. Co. ... 240 C — Crayford ... West Kent Elec. Co. ... 240, 415 At 50 Crewe ... Corporation 230, 4^0 C Cromer ... Company ... 240 & 480 C — Crowborough ... Company ... 250 A* 50 Croydon ... Corporation 230, 460 C — - 200, 400 A* 50 230, 400 ... 230 & 400 At 50 Crumlin ... S. Wales E.P.D. Co. A§ 25 Cuddington (Cheshire) ... Weaverham Co. ... 230 A* 50 — Darlaston ... Company ... See Brierley Hill — Darlington ... Corporation 230, 460 C — 230, 460 A* 50 230, 400 At Dartford ... Corporation 230, 460 C — 400 At 5og Dartmouth ... ... Company ... 240 & 480 C — Darwen ... Corporation 230, 460 c ■ — 230, 400 A§ 50 Datchet ... See Slough — _ — Dawlish ... Company ... ... 200 C & A 5o Denby ... See Derby Derby ... Corporation 230, 460 C — . 230, 400 At 50 200 A* 50 Devonport ... See Plymouth .T. ■ — ■ — Dewsbury ... Municipal 220, 440 C 230, 400 At 50 Doncaster ... Corporation .. 230 & 400 230 & 460 A§ C bo g Dorchester ... C. of Dorset Co.... 220 c Dorking ... Company ... .. 240 & 480 c Douglas, Isle of Man ... Corporation 220, 440 c Dover .. Corporation .. 100 & 200 A* ) 100 500 c / . Drighlington Droitwich ... Dudley Durham City Easington ... East Grinstead Eastbourne ... Ebbw Vale ... Eccles Egham Elland Ellesmere Port Epsom Erdington ... Esher Eton Ewell, Surrey Exeter Exmouth Eythorne . See Birstall . See Bromsgrove Shrop. W. & S. Co. , Durham E.P.D. Co. , Houghton Co Urban District Council ... Corporation Company Corporation See Staines District Council ... Mersey Power Co. ... District Council Birmingham Corporation Company Company S. Met. E.L. Co. Corporation Company Company See Smethwick 240 & 480 250, 440 230, 460 200 230, 460 200, 230, 403 240, 480 230, 400 250, 440 230 & 460 230, 400 220, 440 240 & 420 110, 220 200 105, 210 ) 420 ) 225 & 450 220, 440 ) 3,000 1 C At C A* C A§ C A§ A§ C £§} A§ C A* Aa C At 5og 5og 238 The Kinematograph Year Book. Town. Falmouth ... Fa -*ham Faringdon ... Farnborough Farnham Farnham (Bucks Farnworth . . . Faversham ... Felixstowe ... Fence Houses Fleetwood ... Folkestone ... Foots Cray ... Frinton Frome Gateshead ... Gillingham Glossop Gloucester Godalming Goole and District Goring and Streatley Gorseinon Gosforth Gosport Grange-over-Sands Grantham ... Grassington Gravesend Grays Thurrock Grimsby Guernsey Guildford Halesowen Halifax Ham Handsworth Hanley Harrogate Harrow Hartlepool East ... Harwich Haslemere Haslingden Hastings Hayes (Middlesex) Hayle Haywards Heath (Sussex) Hazel Grove (Cheshire) . Hebburn Hebden Bridge Heckmondwike Hendon Hereford Herne Bay Hersham Hexham Heywood High Wycombe Hillingdon Station owned by or current from. Elect. S. Corpn., Ltd. Urban District Council Company Aldershot Co. ... Company Company District Council ... Corporation Urban District Council N. Counties E.S. Co. District Council ... Company Bexley U.D.C. ... Company Company Durham' E. P. D. Cycles if Co. Corporation Urban E.S. Co Corporation Company ... See Birstall Company ... Company ... .. Newcastle E.S. Co. .. Company .. See Arnside .. Company .. Company .. Corporation ,. District Council ... .. Corporation .. Company .. Corporation .. Company .. Corporation .. Company . Same as Birmingham .. See Stoke-on-Trent .. Corporation .. Company .. C. & D. C.E.P. Co. ,. Corporation .. See Hindhead .. Corporation .. Corporation .. Uxbridge Co. .. Cornwall Power Co. Company ... .. Municipal .. Company ... . District Council ... ,. District Council ... .. Company ,. Corporation . Company . Company . Company ... . Corporation .... . Company . See Uxbridge Voltage of Supply. System. Altg. ... 240 & 480 C 105, 210 . A 50 230 C 240 A* 50 ... 100 & 170 AJ 50 220, 440 A* 50 ... 220 & 440 C 230, 400 At 5° 230 & 460 c ... 200 & 400 C 240, 415 A-t ... 220 & 380 At 40 200 & 400 C ... 210 & 420 c ' 200, 400 A* 50 ... 230 & 460 C ... 240 & 480 C 250, 480 c 25A, 5o8 A* 40 250, 440 At 40 100 & 230 A* 50 173 & 400 At 5° .. 240 & 480 C ' ... 220 & 440 C — ... 240 & 480 C 210 C 200 c 200, 230 A* 50 400 At 50g 240, 480 C 240, 500 . A* 4° 240 & 480 c 240 & 480 c 250 C . . ... 230 & 460 C 50g 230, 460 C 230, 440 At 5° ... 230 & 460 C 2 30 & 400 At ... 210 & 420 C ... 220 & 440 C _ ... 5^ Smethwick 230, 460 C — 230, 400 At 50 ... 240 & 420 At 50 ... 100 & 200 A* 50 220 & 440 C .. 240 & 480 C 240 & 500 A* 40 .. 240, 415 At 50 230, 400 A§ 5o ... 200 & 400 A* 50 200, 4OO A* 50 230, 4OO At 50 440 At 25g 230 C 230, 400 .... 240 & 440 ... 240 & 480 230, 460 240, 415 City 220, 440 Rural 230, 400 A§ A§ C C A§ C A§ Construction suspended by War. 240, 240, 125, 220, 200, 230, 480 250 440 400 400 210 & 4: C A* A§ C At C 50 40g Electrical Supply in Great Britain and Ireland. 239 Town. Hinckley Hindhead , Hindley (Lanes.) .. Hipperholme Hirst Hitchin Holme (Holinbridge, Holmfirth Holsworthy Holyhead Honiton Honley Horrabridge Horsham Houghton-Ie-Spring Hove Station owned by or current from. ... L. & W.E.P. Co. ... Company ... Company ... See Birstall ... Company ... Company Yorks) District Council ... ... District Council ... ... Company ... District Council ... ... Company ... ... District Council ... ... Company ... District Council ... ... Company ... ... District Council ... Hoylake and W. Kirby Huddersfield Hull Hythe Ickenham Ifield Ilfracombe ... Ilkeston Ukley Ingleton (Yorks) ... Ipswich Ivybridge Jarrow Keighley Kendal Kenil worth Keswick Kettering Kettlewell Kidderminster King's Lynn Kingston-on-Thames Kingston-upon-Hull Kingswear Kingswinford Kirkheaton and Sefton Knaresborough Lampeter Lancaster Launceston Leamington Spa ... Leatherhead Ledbury Leeds Leek Leicester Leigh (Lanes.) Leominster Letchworth Lewes Leyburn Lichfield Limpsfield Lincoln Littleborough Littlehampton District Council ... Corporation Corporation Company Uxbridge Co. Sussex E. S. Co. Company Company ... Municipal Company ... Corporation (Company private) Durham E.P.D. Co. Corporation Corporation Company Company District Council ... Company See Smethwick ... Corporation Corporation Municipal See Dartmouth ... See Brierley Hill E. L. & p. Co. ... U.D.C. ... . ... Private Corporation Company ... Company ... Company Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation , See Chippenham . Company . Company . Company . Corporation . Company ... . Corporation . Corporation . Company Cycles if Voltage of Supply. System. A ltt\ . 250 & 440 At 50 220, 440 C 100, 200 A* 5° 230 & 400 AJ ~ 50 240 A4. 4° 240 & 480 200, 240 C & AJ — - 230, 4OO A§ 50g 200 200 & 4OO r 200 C 230, 400 A§ 5° 230 & 46O C — 220 & 380 A + AT. 40 220, 440 A * A .50 220 c 230 A* 50 100, 200, 400 A§ 50 .. 220 & 44O C — 23O & 400 • A§ 50 210, 420 A* 50 200, 400 A* 50 230 C 24O & 480 .. 230 & 460 C 230, 460 c 23O, 4OO A t AT. 5° 100, 200 c 230 & 460 c 230, 400 Af 50 200 c 240, 4^0 c .. 230 & 460 c 5og .. 220 & 440 c •• 250, 433 A§ 50 100 A* 100 230, 460 C 240, 415 A§ 50 230 C 200, 400 c 240, 415 A§ 50 105, 210 A* 75 24O, 415 At 50 ... See Hull 130 C 200 A* 50 220, 230 C 230 & 460 C 230, 400 At 50 200 C 230, 460 C 250, 433 A§ 50 220, 440 C 220, 380 A§ 50 230 C 100, 200 Ab 50 346, 400 Ab 50 230, 46c, 500 C 200, 24O, 415 A.t 50 220 & 440 C 230, 400, 460 A§ 50 250, 50O C 240, 415 At 50 230, & 460 C 130 c 230,400 At 50 See Sevenoaks 230, 460 c 230, 400 At 50g 230, 400 At 50 240 C 240 The Kinematograph Year Book. Station owned by Cycles i Town. ' or current from. Voltage of Supply. System. Altg. ' Liverpool and Suburbs Corporation 230, 460 C 230, 400 Ai 50 Llandaff See Cardiff Llandrindod Wells . District Council ... ... 230 & 460 C Llandudno District Council ... ... 220 & 440 C Llanelly . Company ... 250, 440 Ai 50 250, 400 Aj 50 Llangollen ' , , Company ... 220 C Llanrwst , Company 220 C — Long Eaton District Council ... ... 220 & 440 C& Ai 50 Longton , See Stoke-on-Trent . I Loughborough ; Corporation ... 220 & 440 c _ Lowestoft Municipal ... 230 & 460 C Ludlow ... ... ... , Company 230 C Luton , Corporation 250, 500 c . , Corporation 240, 415 At 50 Lyme Regis , 220, 440 C Lymington , Company ... 240 & 480 C Lynmouth and Lynton ... . Company : 100 A* 100 Lytham St. Annes Municipal 240, 480 C 240, 4I5 A% Macclesfield . Company ... 230 & 460 C Maidenhead Corporation ... 230 & 460 C Maidstone Corporation 230, 400 C — . 230, 460 At Maldon (Essex) Company 200, 400 ... 100 & 200 C Malvern District Council ... A* 50 Manchester Corporation 200, 400 C 240, 420 a; 50 Mansfield Corporation 240, 480 C 250, 440 At Margate Company 240, 480 C Market Drayton ... Company 240, 480 c — Matlock Company ... 250, 440 A§ 5° Melton Mowbray Companv ... 240 & 480 C Menai Bridge U.D.C. Sub-station 230, 400 A + 50 Merthyr Tydfil Company 230, 460 C 250, 440 A§ 25 Mexborough Middlesbro' ... Corporation ... 220 & 440 C Corporation 220, 440 C & A§ 40 250, 440 A* 40 Middleton (Lanes.) Company ... 220, 440, 525 C Milford-on-Sea Company ... 230 & 460 C Minehead Company 220, 44O C . Mirfield District Council ... ... 100, 200, 230 A* 5° Monkseaton Company 240, 500 A* 40 250, 440 AJ 40 Monmouth Corporation 1:0, 200 A* 60 ^lorecambe ... «-i , Corporation ... 230, 400 Ai 50 Morley Corporation 100, 200 A* 60 Morpeth Company 240, 480 A* 40 440 Ai 40 Mountain Ash Municipal 230, 400 A§ 25 Sec PortisliCcicl iNCcH.ll ^LJLflUUgLl/ ... ... Corporation . .. Af 5° Neath District (Five INCcltii. XV.J-/.V_'. ... A* 5° Parishes) 440 At- 5° Nelson (Lanes.) Corporation ... .. . 230, 460 Q 230, 400 AS Newbridge ... Newbury Urban E.S. Co. ... ... 240 & 480 c — Newcastle-on-Tyne E.S. Co. Company ... 240 & 480 c — 240, 440, 500 240, 480 A§ 40 Newcastle-on-Tyne & Dis- Company ... c 2 5o A* 40 A + 40 N ewcastle-under-Lyme „ Corporation ... ... 230 ol 4^0 Q 240, 415 ... 210 & 420 Ai 50 Newmarket Company c Newport (I.O.W.) Company ... ... 240 & 480 c Newport (Mon.) Corporation ... 100, 200, 230 A* 87J&50 230 400 Ai 50 230, 460 c Newquay Company ... ... 230 & 460 c Newton Abbo See Torquay] Electrical Supply in Great Britain and Ireland. 241 Station owned by Cycles Town or current from. Voltage of Supply. System * A lie Northallerton .. Company 220 C — Northampton .. Company 210, 420 C 210, 372 AJ 210, 420 Af 50 North Shields .. See Tynemouth — Northvvich ... .. Company 220 & 440 C & Aj 50 230, 400 A* 5° Northwood ... ... Company ... 240, 480 A§ Norwich .. Corporation 220 & 440 C ' ' 220 & 380 A J 50 Nottingham .. Corporation 200 & 400 C — ■ 230, 400 A§ Nuneaton .. Corporation 220, 440 C g 230, 400 At Ogmore Valley .. Company 220 & 400 A§ Okehampton .. Private 100 C — • Oldbury .. Company 250, 500 c — no, 190 A 25g Oldham .. Corporation 210 & 420 C — 230 & 400 A§ 50 Old Windsor ... Company no, 220 A* 50 Orford, Suffolk. .. Company 210 C ■ — ' Ormskirk .. Company no & 220 C — Oswestry .. Company 220 c — Otley .. See Birstall . — , — ■ — ■ Ottery St. Mary ... .. Company 200 c ' — ' Oxenhope . . Keighley — No supply yet — i — — Oxford .. Company 100 c 100, 200 A* 50 I75, 350 AJ 5° Oxted .. Sevenoaks Co. 110, 220 At 50 Padstow .. Company 220 C — Paignton .. Company 220 & 440 C — Peacehaven .. Company 230, 400 A§ Pelaw-on-Tyne .. Company 240, 480 C - — 6000 At 40 — Pembroke .. Company 220 C Penarth .. Company 230, 460 c 5og Penmaenmawr .. Dist. Council 230, 400 A§ 50 Penrith .. Company ... .... no & 220 C — Penzance .. Company ... 240. & 415 A§ 25g Peterborough .. Corporation 200, 400 C ■ — ' 230, 400 At 50 Pinner .. Colne Valley Co. 100 & 173 At 50 Plymouth ... .. Corporation 230, 460 C — 200, 346 A§ 50 Plympton .. Company 200 C Pontefract ... .. Y.E.T. Co 230 & 400 At 50 Pontypool . . Company ... 230 — 400 A§ 25 Pontypridd ... Corporation .. 230, 460 C 230, 400, 440 A§ 25 Poole .. v^ompany ... ... ... See Bournemouth — • Poppleton .. York Corporation 230, 400 At 50 Porlock .. Company ... 200 C Portishead ... ... N. Somerset E.S. Co. .. 230, 400 A§ 50 Portsmouth .. Corporation 100, 200, 240 \ A§ 50 Prescot .. B.I. Cables, Ltd. 415 J 250 C — IK, 200, 230 A§ 50 Preston .. Corporatioa 220, 44O C — 220, 240, 416 A§ 50 Prestwich .. Municipal 200, 4OO At 5° Pudsey . .. Corporation ... 230, 400 A§ 5° Queenborough ... .. Sheerness Co. 240, 440 At 50 Radcliffe .. District Council ... 220 & 440 C — 230, 400 At A§ 50 Ramsbottom ... Lanes. E.P. Co 230 & 400 50 Ramsgate and District ... Company 240, 480 C Ravensthorpe .. Dewsbury Corporation .. 230, 400 At 50 Rawtenstall .. Corporation 230, 460 C 230, 400 At 50 Reading ... Company 200, 4OO C 200, 345 A§ 5'J Redditch .. S.W. & S.E.P .Co. - ... 2IO, 230 A* 50 360, 400 ■ At 50 242 The Kinematograph Year Book. Town. Reigate and Redhill Rhayader Rhondda Rhyl Rhymney Valley ... Rickmansworth Rochdale Rochester Ross-on-Wye Rotherham Rottingdean Rugby Ruislip Runcorn Rushden Ruthin Ryde (I.O.W.) Ryhope Ryton St. Annes-on-Sea St. Austell St. Helens (Lanes.) St. Helens (I.O.W.) St. Helier, Jersey ... Sale Salford Salisbury Saltburn-by-Sea Sandgate Station owned by or current from. Corporation Company U.D.C District Council ... Company Company Corporation See Chatham Company Corporation See Brighton District Council ... Company Mersey Power Co. Company ... See Chippenham Company See Boldon See Sherburn See Lytham St. Annc-s Company Corporation Company ... Company District Council ... Corporation Company Company See Folkestone ... Voltage -of Supply. 200 230 . 230 & 400 . 230 & 460 230, 400 240, 415 220, 440 230, 400 230 . 230, 460, 500 230, 400 220 240, 415 . 250 & 440 . 210 & 420 240, 480 no & 220 230, 460 230, 400 240, 480 240, 415 240, 420 200, 400 220, 440 210 & 42O 220 System. A* C . A§ A,} S c A§ C c A§ At A§ A§ C C & A* C C At C & A* At A§ A* C & A* C C Cycles if Altg. 50 25 50 25 50 50 335 50 Sandown .. Company 240, 480 C & At 50 Savile Town .. Dewsbury Corporation .. 230, 400 At 50 Scarborough .. Corporation 500 200 C A* • .80 Scunthorpe (Lines.) .. U.D.C 250, 440 At 50 Seaforth .. See Liverpool Seaton (Devon) .. Companv 220 C Seaton Delaval .. Newcastle Co. ... 240 & 440 At 40 Sedgley .. Company. See Brierley Hill. — Sennybridge (Brecon) .. Company no C Sevenoaks .. Company no, 220 At 50 Shalford .. Corporation 220, 440 A* 50 Shanklin, I.O.W. ... .. See Newport, I.O.W. ... Sheerness .. Company . 230 & 460 C Sheffield .. Corporation 200, 350 Ab} 50 2000, 11200 Shepperton .. See Woking Sherborne .. Company 240 C Sherburn . . County Durham E.P. Dis- trict Co. 250 & 440 At 40 Shildon (Old and New) .. N. Counties E.S. Co. ... 240 & 480 C Shipley .. District Council ... 230, 460 C 230, 400 At 50 Shipston-on-Stour ... .. Company 100 C Shrewsbury .. Corporation 210 & 420 C Sidcup .. Company 200, 400 A* 50 Sleaford .. District Council 220 C Slough .. Company 220 & 440 C Smethwick ... .. Shropshire W. & S. Co. ... 250, 500 C no, 190 At 25g Southampton .. Corporation 200, 400 C 200 Aa 5o 240, 415 At 50 Southend .... .. Corporation 230, 460 C Southport .. Corporation no, 220 A * 50 190, 380 At 50 South Shields .. Corporation no, 220 A* 50g 500, 550 C Electrical Supply in Great Britain and Ireland. 243 Station owned by Cycles if 1 own. or current from. x 01 1 age oj supply. System. Allg. Southwold ... Company 200 C Spenborough ... District Council ... ... 230 & 460 C 230 & 400 Ai 50 Spennymoor ... N. Counties E.S. Co. 240, 480 C Stafford ... Corporation 210, 420 C 230, 400 A§ 5og Staines ... Company 100, 200 A* 50 240, 416 At. 50 Stalybridge ... District Council ... 230, 460 C — 230, 400 A§ 40 Stamford ... Urban E.S. Co. ... ... 240 & 480 C — Steyning, Sjssex ... ... Company ... 230, 240 C — Stockport ... Corporation 200 C — 230, 400, 460 230, 460 C & A§ 50 Stockton-on-Tees ... ... Corporation C — 250, 440 At 40 Stoke-on-Trent ... Corporation ... 100 to 500 C & A 50 & 100 depending on area Stourbridge ... Company ... . ... ... See Brierley Hill — — Stowmarket ... Company 200 C — Stratford-on-Avon ... ... Company ... 220 & 440 c — Street ... Company ... ... 220 & 440 c — Stretford, Lanes. ... ... District Council ... 230, 460 c — 250, 500 c — 240, 400 A§ 50g Strood ... See Chatham — — ■ — - Sunderland ... Corporation 220, 550 c — 220, 380 A§ 50g Surbiton ... Callenders Cable Co. ... 240 & 480 C — Sutton, Surrey ... Company 200 A* 50 Sutton Coldneld ... ... Corporation ... 230 & 460 C — Swanage ... Company 240 A* 50 Swansea ... Corporation 220, 440 C — 220, 380 A§ 50 Swindon ... Corporation 220, 44O C — 220, 380 AJ 50 Swinton (Lanes.) ... ... Municipal 250, 500 C 230, 400 Ai 50 Swinton (Yorks.) ... ... Corporation ... 230, 4OO At 50g Tadcaster ... Company ... ... 230 & 460 C — Taplow ... Corporation 230, 460 C — Tarporley ... Private 100 C — Taunton ... Corporation ... 105 & 210 A* 50 550 C Tavistock ... Company 250, 500 C — Teignmouth ... Company 220 C — Tewkesbury ... Company ... 230 C - - Thirsk and Sowerby ... N. Counties Co. ... ... 240 & 480 C & A * 40 Thornaby-on-Tees . . . ... C.D.C.E.P. Co. ... ... 240 & 480 AJ 40 Tilehurst ... Reading Co. ... 200, 345 A§ 50 Tilmanstone ... E. Kent Colliery Co. ... 220, 3,000 At 50. Tipton ... Company ... See Brierley Hill — — Ti ertcn, Devon ... ... Corporation 230, 460 C — Todmorden ... ... Corporation 230, 460 C — 100, 400 At 5og Tonbridge ... District Council ... ... 220 & 440 C Tonyrefail ... Ely Valley L. Co. ... 230 & 400 A§ 5og Torquay ... Corporation 200, 400 A* 50 240, 420 240, 480, 500 A* 50 C ■ — ■ Totnes ... Company ... 225 & 450 C — Trafford Park ... Company ... 250 & 500 C — 240, 400 Ai 50 Trovvbri Jge ... Company 230, 400 A§ 50 Tunbridge Wells ... ... Corporation 220 A* 50 Tunstall ... See Stoke-on-Trent — — Tynemouth ... Corporation 220, 440 C . — 240, 480 A* 40 240, 440 At 40 Uxbridge ... Company 200, 400 A* 50 .230, 400 At 50 Ventnor ... Company 210, 420 C Wadebridge ... Company ... 130 C Wakefield ... Corporation 200 At 50 230, 400 Aa 60 Wallasey ... Corporation 100, 200, 440 A§ 50 Wellington See Sutton, Surrey 244 The Kinematograph Year Book. Sitxtion owned by Cycles if Town Of CHYY€nt ftOYiX Voltage of Supply. system . Altg. Wallsend .. Newcastle E.S. Co. 240, 480 C — Walsall 250, 500 A* 40 .. Corporation 210 C 230 & 400 . At 50 Walton-on-Naze .. Municipal 230 C VValton-on-Thames. . . .. Company ... 240, 480 C & A* 50 Wantage .. Company ... 230 C — Warkworth ... .. Company 100 A* — W arrington ... .. Corporation 230, 460 C — Warwick 250, 440 At .. Company ... 230 & 460 C — Waterloo-with-Seaforth . .. Liverpool Corporation 433 230, 460 A$ C 50 — vvdtiora 230, 400 At 50 . . Corporation ...200, 340, 415 A§ 50 Wednesbury .. Company 200 At 50 230, 460 C ■ — 1 Weanesnela .. See Brierley Hill Wellingborough .. Company .. 230 & 460 c — - Welwyn Garden City 230, 400 At 5° .. Company • • 240, 415 At 50 West Bromwich .. Corporation 230, 460 C — 230, 400 A§ West Drayton .. Uxbridge Co. 200, 400 A* 50 West Hartlepool ... .. Corporation 230, 460 C — 230, 460 A* 40g Weston-super-Mare .. Company ... 230 & 460 C — Weybridge ... . Urban fc-.S. Co. ... .. 240 & 480 A* Weymouth ... . . Corporation 230 & 460 C Whitby (Yorks) . District Council ... ... 230 & 460 c 50g Whitehaven .. Corporation ... 210 & 420 c — • Whitley (Yorks) ... .. U.D.C. 230, 460 c Whitstable .. Company ... 230 c — Widnes .. Company .. See Runcorn ■ — — Wigan . Corporation 230, 460 c — 230 A* 400, 440 At 50 Wilmslow . Company ... 210, 420 C ■ Winchester .. Corporation 210, 420 c — Windermere .. Company 100 A* 100 Windsor .. Company ... 110 & 220 C & A* 50 Wisbech .. Company ... 240 & 480 c — Witney . Corporation 220 C — Woking .. Company 200 A* 50, 100 Wolverhampton . Corporation ... 220 & 440 C 50 230 & 400 At 50 Woodbridge . Company 200 At 50 Worcester ... . Corporation 200 A* 5o 346, 440 AJ 50 230, 460 C — Worcester Park (Surrey) . .. Met. L.E. Co. ... .. See Sutton, Surrey — — ' Worksop . District Council ... 220, 440 C — 220, 440 A* 50 220, 380 At 5og Worthing ... . Corporation s.. 230 & 460 C — 230, 400 A§ 50 Wrexham . Corporation 230 400 A§ 5o 230, 460 C Yarmouth, Great ... . Corporation 100, 200 A* 83 200, 345 At 50 Yeovil . Company 240, 480 C York . Corporation 230, 400 At 230, 460 C Ystradgynlais . Company .. 200 & 240 C — SCOTLAND. Aberdeen . Corporation 220, 44O c 230, 400 At 50 Aberdour . See Freuchie Airdrie . See Coatbridge ... Alioa . Corporation .. 220 & 44O c Arbroath . Company .. 250 & 500 c Ardrossan See Irvine Electrical Supply in Great Britain and Ireland. 245 Station ovned bv Cycles, if Town. or current from Voltage of Supply. System. Alig. Ayr (Borough) • Corporation ioo, 200 A 50 210, 415 A$ 50 Ballater (Aberdeen) . Company 220 C Barrhead Company ... See Bothwell — Bathgate . Scottish Midland Co. .. 250 & 440 A§ 50 Beauly . Company 240 C Beith . Kilmarnock See Irvine : — — . Bellshill . Lanark C. C See Bothwell — . — Blair Atholl . Duke of Atholl 220 c — Blantyre Bo'ness . See Bothwell — — — . Corporation 230 & 460 c — (Borrow Stourness) Bonnybridge . Scot. Central E.P. Co. .. 250, 440 A(m) 50 Both well . Clyde Valley Co 230, 250 1 At 400, 440 j 52 Brechin . N. Scotland E.L.P. Co... . 240 & 480 Cj — Brora . Private no, 220 C — Broughty Ferry . Now merged in Dundee — — — Buckhaven . Fife E.P. Co See Freuchie — — Burntisland . Fife E.P. Co . See Freuchie — — Cambuslang . County Council 250, 500 C — Clydebank . Strathclyde E.S. Co. .. See Bothwell — — ■ Clyde Valley . Company ... See Bothwell — — Coatbridge and Airdrie . Company 240, 480 c 220, 440 See Freuchie At 25 Cowdenbeath . Fife E.P. Co • — Crieff . Company 240 C — Dalkeith . Corporation . 225 & 450 c — Dollar . Elec. Supply Corpn. 240 c Dumbarton . Company 240, 480 c — Dumfries . Company 230 C & A§ ~ 50 Dundee . Corporation . 200 & 400 C ■5og 200, 346 . See Irvine A§ Dundonald (Ayr) ... . Kilmarnock — — Dunfermline . Fife E.P.C 220, 440 Aa 50 East Loth. & Midlothian. .. Corporation 230, 400 A§ 50g East Wemyss . Fife E.P.C . See Freuchie Edinburgh ... . Corporation 230 & 400 230, 460 A$ C Elgin . Company .... 240, 480 C — Falkirk . Corporation 230, 460 C — 23o, 400, 440 At 50 Fochabers .. Private . 200 & 400 C Fort William .. Company 150, 300 ' C . — Freuchie ... ... . . Fife E.P. Co . 250 & 440 A§ 50 Galashiels . Company ... . 250 & 440 As 50 Glasgow . Corporation 250, 500 C 250, 440 At 25 Gourock . See- Greenock — — Govan . Merged in Glasgow . — ■ — — J Grangemouth .. Company . 250 & 440 At Greenock . Corporation 250, 500 C 250, 440 At 50 Hamilton .. Corporation . 240 & 480 C Hawick .. Company . 240 & 480 C Invergordon . Corporation 220 CI . Inverness ... . Corporation . 240 & 480 c| , Irvine . Ayr Elec. Board . 240 & 415 A§ 240 & 480 C Jedburgh . Company ... . 225 & 450 c Kilmarnock .. Ayr Elec. Board... • 240, 415 A 240, 480 C Kirkcaldy .. Corporation 230, 460 C . 440 At Leith . Corporation . See Edinburgh Leven .. Fife E.P. Co. ... . See Freuchie Lochgelly . Fife E.P. Co . See Freuchie — — Lossiemouth .. Corporation 230 C Markinch . Fife E.P. Co See Freuchie Maxwelltown .. Combined with Dumfries — Melrose ., .. Elec. Supply Corpn. . 225 & 450 c Montrose .. N. Scotland E.P. Co. . . 240 & 480 c Mossend .. Lanark C.C . See Bothwell Motherwell .. Corporation . 240 & 480 c Musselburgh . Company . See East Lothian Newmilns . Kilmarnock . See Inane North Berwick . Corporatisn 240 c 246 The Kinematograph Year Book. Station owned by Cycles ij Town. or current from. Voltage of Supply. System Altg. Oban ... ... Corporation 230 & 460 c Paisley . Corporation 200 & 250 Aa 50 440 . At Partick Corporation 240 & 480 C ■ Perth , Corporation 230 & 460 C Port Glasgow , Greenock 250, 500 C — 250, 440 K Renfrew , Clyde Valley E.P. Co. ... See Bothwell " — \ Ul ... ... ,,, Pile Xlt.tr, V_/0, ... ... See Freuchie Rothesay . Corporation 240, 480 C — Rutherglen . Strathclyde E.S. Co. ... See Bothwell — — St. Andrews , Elec. Supply Corpn. 225 & 450 C t . Skeltnorlia ... . Company 200 & 400 C Stirling . Corporation 230 & 460 C — Townhill . Fife E.P. Co 220 Aa Troon . Kilmarnock See Irvine Uddingston ... . Lanark C.C See Bothwell Windygates . Fife E.P. Co See Freuchie IRELAND. Ardee . Company 220 C Ballinrobe (Co. Mayo) . Company 220 Ci — Ballyclare ... . Private 220 c Ballyconnel . Company 220 c — Ballyshannon . J. Myles & Co 240, 480 G — Bandon (Co. Cork) . Company ... 230 O Bantry . Company 250 c Beleek . R. D. C. ... no c — Belfast . Corporation 220, 440 c 450, 500 At Blackrock (Co. Dublin) .. . Supply commences soon 200, 346 A+ 50 Bray (Co. Wicklow) . District Council 100 & 200 A* 60 Bundoran ... . Myles & Co 220 A* 50 Carlow ... ... . Private 200 c Larrickmacross . Company 220 C Carrick-on -Shannon . Company 250, 500 C Castle wellan . Company 220 c Cavan . Company 220 c Charlestown... . Private ' no c Charleville ... . Private 220 c Clonakilty (Co. Cork) . Company 220 c Clones . Company 220 c Cork ... . Company 230 & 460 C. & A.* 50 Dromore (Co. Down) . Company ... 220 C Dublin . Corporation 200 & 346 At Dundalk . Municipal no, 220, 460 Enniscorthy . U. D. C 220 & 440 C — Galway . Company 120, 240 c Greystones. . Company ... ... ... 100, 200 A* 50 Kildare . R. D. C 200 C Kilkenny ,. Private 220 C Killarney . Company 100 A* 100 Killorglin (Co. Kerry) . Company 220 C Kilrush . Company 220 C Lame . Company 210 C 105 A* 100 Limavady . Private no, 220 A* 100 Limerick . Corporation . 230 & 460 C Listowel . Company 220 C Londonderry . Corporation . 220 & 440 C 50 220, 380 r* Loughreal . Company 220 C Newcastle (Co. Down) . Company 220 c — Newcastle West . Company 220 c New Ross (Co. Wexford).. . Company 220 c — Pembroke (Dublin) . District Council , 220 & 440 c Portaferry . Company 220 c — Portarlington . Company 230 460 c Portrush .. . Municipal 220, 440 c Portstewart . Municipal 220 c Queenstown . Company , 230 & 460 c Rathmines . District Council ... . 220 & 440 c Roscrea . Company ... 200 c Skerries . Private 220 . c Skibbereen (Co. Cork) . Company , 220 c Swinford (Co. Mayo) . R. D. C. ... 220 G Tullamore ... . Company 220 c Waterford . Municipal 220, 400 50 TRADE DIRECTORY INDEX PAGE Alphabetical Directory... ... ... ... ... ... 24S Provincial Renters ... ... ... ... ... ... 270 Welsh Renters ... ... ... ... ... ... 273 Scottish Renters ... ... ... ... ... ... 273 Irish Renters... ... ... ... ... ... ... 274 British Studios and Producing Firms ... ... ... 274 The Kinematograph Year Book. ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Addresses, 'Phone Nos. & Telegraphic Addresses of Firms in all Territories. A. Phone. Telegrams. A.i Chieina Supply Co., Ltd., 16, Hanway Street, Oxford Street, London, W.i Museum38c)i — Ai. Museum389i. Aberdeen Picture Palaces, Ltd., 3, King Street, Aberdeen Aberdeen 1173. Academy Cinema Co., 266, High Street North, East Ham, London, E. 12 Grangewood 0175. Accurate Check Taker, Ltd., 17-21, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2 Regent 4685 Unreserved, Rand. Acme Cinema Screen Co., 12, Manor Road, London, N. 16 Clissold 1495- Actors' Association, 50, Bedford Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard "6657. Adlets, Ltd., Bank Buildings, 20, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 Holborn 2485 Syncopated. Aerofilms, Ltd., Aerial House, The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W. 9 Colindale 6157. Agence Debrie, 23, Mortimer Street, London, W. 1 Museum 3607. Alfred, F. (late Lionel Phillips Co.), 29A, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 7412 Liophilli. All British Films, 9, Mill Street, Leeds Leeds 24815. Alliance Studio, St. Margarets-on-Thames Richmond 1945. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 86, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1778— Allartisco, West- cent. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street, Birmingham ... Midland 3104 Allartisco. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 9, Queen Street, Cardiff Cardiff 5556 Allartisco. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 71, Middle Abbey Street, Dublin Dublin 4519 Allartisco. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 127, West Nile Street, Glasgow... Douglas 1794 Allartisco. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 20a, Queen's Arcade, Leeds Leeds 22718 Allartisco. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 10, Commutation Row, Liver- pool North 319 Allartisco. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 3, Parsonage, Deansgate, Man- chester Central 3205— — Allartisco. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 4, Westmorland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 1582 — ■ — Allartisco. American Co. (London), Ltd., 89-91, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 0530 Amfcolo. Amman Alpha Cinemas, Ltd.. Alpha Cinema, Brynamman, Carmarthen Andrew Reid Film Service, Ltd., 211, West Campbell Street, Glasgow Douglas 145. Anglo-American Speciality Co., Kinema House, Church Road, Wallasey, Liverpool Wallasey 2327. Anglo-Continental FilmCo. , Ltd. , Kelsall Chmbrs. , 46, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds Leeds 22351. Anima FilmCo., 8, NewCompton Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 4772-3 — ■ — Exanimafil. Westcent. Apollo Cinemas Co., 23, St. Mary Street, Cardiff Cardiff 3498. Apollo Films, Ltd., 5, Denmark Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 7349. Argosy FilmCo., Ltd., 191, Wardour Street, London, W . 1 Regent 241 1 — Argosifu, Westcent. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., Suffolk House, Suffolk Street, Birmingham Midland 11 81. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., 23, Charles Street, (Agents, Phoenix Film Co.,) Cardiff Cardiff 1024 Green 1024. Argosy FilmCo. , Ltd., 81, Dunlop Street, Glasgow, C. 1 Central 1698— Argofil, Glasgow. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., 7, New Station Street, Leeds Leeds 26193. A C C I J R ATF Cost Little /A V/ V U IX J-\ I Ej Save Much Money, TICKET ISSUING AND Time and Labour. REGISTERING MACHINES Unequalled for Cinemas. ACCURATE CHECK TAKER LTD., 17-21, Tavistock St., Covent Gdn., London, W.C.2 Trade Directory. 249 Argosy Film Co., Ltd., Ormes Buildings, The Parsonage, Man- chester Central 7602. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., 65, Thornton Street (Agents Northern Mutual Films), Newcastle Central 3388 The Goods. Argus Advertising Agency, Ltd., 50, Summer Row, Birmingham Artads Service, 109, Lisson Grove, London, N.W. 1 Paddington 1261. Artads Service, 2, Westbourne Street Mews, Lancaster Gate, London, W Paddington 1261 Works Ex- tension. Artons, Ltd., Rickmansworth, Herts Artons, Ltd., 6, Clark's Mews, High Street, London, W.C. 2 Regent 4333. Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, Ltd., 16, Mortimer Street, London, W. 1 Museum 1671. Associated Amusements, Regd. (A. E. Johnson), 15, Strand, London, W.C. 2 Associated Provincial Pictures Houses, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3212 Procinthe, Piccy. Astoria Films, Ltd., 52, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3157 Itapettina, Lon- don. Astra Films (Yorkshire), Ltd., 19, King Charles Croft, Leeds Leeds 22558. Astra-National Productions, Ltd., 101, Wardour Street, London, W.i Regent 2404 Onalductal, Westcent. Astra-National Productions, Ltd. , 1-5 , Hill Street, Birmingham . . . Midland 1 68 . Astra-National Productions, Ltd., 38, Deansgate, Manchester ... City 698. Atkinson, Harry, Morley, Leeds Atlas Advertising Association, Tower Buildings, 132, Albion Street, Leeds Leeds 23403 Adverassoc. Australasian Films, Ltd., Beacon House, 12. D'Arblay Street, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 2747. Automatic Film Printers, Ltd., 90, Wardour Street, London, W.i, and Charles Street, White Hart Lane, Barnes, S.W. 13 Gerrard 3964 and Putney 1578. Automaticket, Ltd., 112, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Gerrard 1020 — Tradrego, London. Avery, John G., 149, Chatsworth Road, Willesden Green, London, N.W. 10 Award Theatres, Ltd., Palace Chambers, Stroud, Glos Stroud 11 Palace. B. Bacon's Pictures, Ltd., Sidney, 108, Great Russell Street, Blopmsbury, London, W.C. 1 Museum 5221-2 Nocabdis Westcent. Baer, M., 176, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 2619 Biophone, Lon ■ don. Baker, Herbert, 12, Holland Grove, London, S.W. 9 Brixton 4358. Baker's Screens, 30, Foxley Road, London, S.W. 9 Brixton 4358. Ball, Jonathan, High Street, Royston, Nr. Barnsley Royston 12. Bailey, Leonard G., 22, Cathedral House, Long Millgate, Man- chester City 6574. B. & N. Films, 1, Musicians' Buildings, Severn Street, Birmingham Midland 3790. Barber, Geo. H., Palace, Tunstall, Staffs Hanley 253 Palace. Barker Studio, Ealing Green, London, W. 5 Barnett's Film Agency, Richard, 65, Frith Street, London, W. 1... Regent 5411 -Ibbarfilcy, Ox. Barr, Ltd., 16, South Quay, Gt. Yarmouth B. B. Pictures (1920), Ltd., 81, Dunlop Street, Glasgow Central 5485. Beacon Carbons, Ltd., Albion Works, Bingley Bingley 113 Electricos. Beahan Film Service, Ltd., 7, New Station Street, Leeds Leeds 26193. Beard, R. R., Ltd., 10, Trafalgar Road, London, S. E. 15 Rodney 3136 — — Biojector, Kent. Beck, John, Tivoli Theatre, Blackpool Blackpool 508. Beck & Windibank, Ltd., Clement Street, Birmingham Central 3834 — — Carpets. Beck, R. & J., Ltd., 68, Cornhill, London, E.C Avenue 5772. Beck, R. & J., Ltd., 69, Mortimer Street, London, W.i Museum 3608. Bedford Cinemas, Ltd., 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool Bank 4076. Beever, James & Co., 26, Aldermanbury, London, E.C. 2 City 3272 — ■ — Beevonaire, Phone. London. B.F. Picture and Variety Circuit (B. Frutin), 164, Argyle Street, Glasgow Central 4114. Bell & Howell Co., Ltd., 320, Regent Street, London, W.i ... Langham 4376. 1W~ UNIFORMS'" IN ALL STYLES AND COLOURS. BEEVER'S (JAMES BEEVER & CO.) 26, ALDERMANBURY, LONDON, E.C.2. Telephone : City 3272. ... ... Telegrams : Beevonaire, Phone, London. The Kinematograph Year Book. Bendon Trading Co., 132, West Nile Street, Glasgow, C.i Douglas 579 Beudon, Benham & Sons, Ltd., 64-66, Wigmore Street, London, W. 1 Mayfair 6662. Benjamin, L., & Co., 99, Middlesex Street, London, E. 1 Wall 7568. Bensons, 4, Tottenham Court Road, London, W. 1 Benstead, Geoffrey, 5, Gt. Newport Street, London, W.C. 2 ... Regent 1423-4-5 Benstead Biomacolor, Westrand. Bentley's (Walter) Agency, 122, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i Bernerd, Jeffrey & Co., Ltd., 191, Wardour Street, London,W.i Regent 6016 Bernojeff, West- cent. Berney, Sam, 5, Piccadilly Mansions, 17, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Gerrard 3977. Bernhard-Kean Productions, Ltd., 99A, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C Garrard 6364. Bernhard-Kean Productions, Ltd., 68, Gt. Clyde Street, Glasgow Central 96. Bernhard-Kean Productions, Ltd., 65, Thornton Street, New- castle-on-Tyne Central 6069 — — Tartan. Bernstein, Sidney L., 197, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 6334-5 Berdarold, Westcent. Berry, W. E., Ltd., Nesfield Printing Works, Nesfield Street, Bradford Bradford 1291 — ■ — -Posters. Besson & Co., Ltd., 196, Euston Road, London, N.W. 1 Museum 6377. Best, Joseph, 52, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 4431. Betts, John, 1, Soho Square, London, W. 1 Bewlay, Harry C, Camouflage House, The Moor, Sheffield Biocolour Picture Theatres, Ltd., 5, Great Newport Street, London, W.C. 2 Regent 1423 -Biomacolor, Westrand. Bishop & Son, 20, Upper Gloucester Place, London, N.W. 1 ... Paddington 1142. Blackman, A. H., Picture House, Teddington Kingston 3306. Blakeley, John E., Ltd., 74, Victoria Street, Manchester City 1002 Filmcen. Blattner, L. (Keycities), Gaiety Theatre, Peter Street, Man- chester City 6215. Blue Halls, Ltd., Coronation House, 4, Lloyds Avenue, London, E.C. 3 Royal 6159 Amentin, Fen. Blumenfeld, D. C, 31, Lisle Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard :u6r. Bohemian Film Agencv, Orme's Buildings, Parsonage. Manchester Citv 3660. Bonded Film Stores, Ltd., 33-35, Endell Street, London, W.C. 2 . . Gerrard 3887. Booth, Henry (Hull), Ltd., Nautch Printing Works, Park Avenue, Hull Central 7491 & 7267 — Numerical. BORO' BILLPOSTING CO,, 57-59, Long Acre, London, W.C. 2... Gerrard 9870 Bcrcbilpo, Rand. Bosworth & Co., Ltd., 8, Heddon Street, Regent Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 8267. Bowman, Fredk. H. U., 141, Duke Street, Liverpool Royal 326. Bradford and Leeds Transport Co., 24, Listerhills Road, Bradford Bramlins, Ltd., 17, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Gerrard 4407 — ■ — BramlifUm, Piccy. Branford, V., Palace, Whitehaven Brearley, J., 21, Bridge Street, Manchester City 9112. Brifco, Ltd., Sales Dept., 1-3, Regent Street, London, S.W. 1 ... Regent 3227 Negposfilm,Piccy. Bristol Film Service, Ltd., 127, Victoria Street, Bristol Bristol 1199 Filmire. Billie Bristow, Ltd. (Press Agent), 197, Wardour Street, London, W. r Gerrard 0240-1. Britannia Films, Ltd., 128, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 British Board of Film Censors, 80-82, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 2076 Censofilm. British Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., 199, Piccadilly, London W. 1 .... Regent 1390. British Empire Film Institute, Abbey House, Westminster, Lon- don, S.W. 1 Victoria 2449. British Exhibitors' Films (1922), Ltd., Compton House, 99A, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 6364 & 6365-— — Exhibifi. Rand. British Film Cleaners, Ltd., 10, Upper Charlton Street, London, W. 1 Museum 2019. British General Film Enterprises, Ltd., 80-82, Wardour Street, London, W. r FEATURES • SERIALS • COMEDIES • EDUCATIONALS A so Complete Programmes. Films of Every Description. M.BAER FILM EXCHANGE 176, Wardour St., London, W.I. Telegrams and Cables : Codes : BIO PHONE, LONDON. A. B.C. 5th Edition, and Bentleys. LONDON'S OLDEST FILM EXPORTERS Trade Directory. 251 British Instructional Films, Ltd., Regent Studios, Park Road, Surbiton Kingston 4491-2 Breducafil, Surbiton. British National Film League, 40, Gerrard Street, London, W. r ... Gerrard 9115. British National Pictures, Ltd. ,Oaklands, Shenley Road, Elstree... Elstree 149 British National Pictures, Ltd., 149-151, Regent Street, London, Rejent 4027— Natpicture, Piccy. W. 1 1 British Phonofilms, Ltd., 6, Little Denmark Street, London, W.C. (Studios : Cranmer Court, Clapham) Regent 1607. British Poster Advertising Assocn .,31, Great James Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. 1 ' Museum 6365— — Disthene. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Mazda House, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Museum 9801 Mazdalux, Westcent, London. British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Co., Ltd., Parson's Green Lane, London, S.W. 6 Putney 2470 Vacuumiser. Broadhead, William Henry & Son, Hippodrome, Hulme, Man- chester City 5928-0. Brockliss, J. Frank, Ltd., 10,. Poland Street, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4776-7— Stafilm, Piccy. Brockliss, J. Frank, Ltd., Cromford House, Cromford Court, Manchester Central 1876. Brown, F., Ltd., Langley Works, Long Acre, London, W.C. 2 ... Gerrard 1465. Brown, Sam& Co., 92, Charlotte Street, London, W. 1 Museum 8888. Browne, H. A., r,Soho Square, London, W.r Regent 2275 & 5378 Tribrow, Westcent. Browning, J., & Co., Ltd., 57, Dalblair Road, Ayr, N.B Ayr 469. Bulman Cinema Screen Co., 46, Gerrard Street, London, W. 1 ... Regent 3309. Bulman Cinema Screen Co., 15, Gt. Ducie Street, Manchester Burton Latimer Electric Palace Co., Ltd., 3A, Silver Street, Wellingborough Wellingborough 230 Watts. Studios. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 175, Wardour Street, London, W.i Regent 2760— — Butchilms.West- cent, London. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., iioa, North Street, Belfast Belfast 1877 Butchilms. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 47 Butchilms. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 139, Ashley Road, Bristol Butchilms. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 17, Quay Street, Cardiff Cardiff 3182 Butchilms. Butcher's- Film Service, Ltd., 211, West Campbell Street, Glasgow Douglas 145 Butchilms, Glas- gow. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 66, New Briggate, Leeds Leeds 26339 Butchilms. Butchers Film Service, Ltd., 15, Paradise Street, Liverpool Royal 3793 — ■ — Butchilms. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 40, Deansgate, Manchester City 1270 Butchilms. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 31, Westgate Road, Newcastle- on-Tyne Central 683 — — ■ Butchilms. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 4, Chaucer Villas, Chaucer Street, Nottingham Notts 4613— —Butchilms. B.W.P., Ltd., 3, Rupert Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 1510 Cineplay, Piccy. C. Campbell Gas Engine Co., Ltd., Kingston, Halifax, Yorks Capitol Productions, Ltd., 49, Deansgate, Manchester City 3693 Colplay. Capitol Signs, 2, Vineyard Mews, Farringdon Road, London, E.C. r Carcopol Film Co., Ltd., 15, Pembroke Terrace, Cardiff Cardiff 3656 — - — Centre. Cary & Co., 13-15, Mortimer Street, London, W. r Museum r772 Muscaryoel. Wesdo. Castle & Central Cinemas, Ltd., 70, St. Mary Street, Cardiff Cardiff 2982 Omnibus. Cattermoul, Cecil, Ltd., 93, Wardour Street, London, W.i Gerrard 6910 Scanofil, West- cent. " CD." Cinemas, Ltd., The Oxford, High Street, Birmingham Central 4392. Central Agency, The, 179, Euston Road, London, N.W. 1 Museum 1798. Central Film Printing Co., Ltd., 6a, Seaford Street, Harrison Street, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C. r Museum 3771. Central Hall Circuit, 1, Central Parade, Catford, London, S.E. 6 ... Lee Green 2118. Challis, A. G., 179, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1361 — ■ — Clarinlm, West- cent. BUTCHERS FILM SERVICE LTD., 175, WARDOUR STRE T, LONDON, W.I Branches at— GLASGOW. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. MANCHESTER. LIVERPOOL. LEEDS. BIRMINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. BRISTOL. CARDIFF. 252 The Kinematograph Year Book. Chalmers, Ltd., Burnside Street, Glasgow Douglas 248 Footlight, Glasgow. Champion, Chas. H., & Co., Ltd., Carlton House, Regent Street, London, S.W. 1 Gerrard 2134 Karbonimpo Piccy: Champion, J. B., & Sons, Reliance Works, Dursley, Glos Dursley 5- — ■ — Champion. Chappell Piano Co., Ltd. (Mustel Organs), 50, New Bond Street, London, W; 1 Mayfair 6910. Cheshire County Cinemas, Ltd., Empress Theatre, Runcorn Cheshire Picture Halls, Ltd., Empire, Conway Street, Birkenhead Birkenhead 1815. Christie Film Sales, Ltd., 12, D'Arblay Street, London, W. 1...... Regent 1888 — ■ — Chrisfilma,Wesdo. Church's (Gilbert) Enterprises, 17, Foiman Street, Nottingham Nottingham 4382 — Gilberfilm. Cinads, Ltd., Bank Buildings, 20, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 Holborn 2485-6 Pliers. Cinads (Yorkshire), Ltd., Bank Buildings, 20, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 Holborn 2485-6 Pliers. Cine Requirements, 5, Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Regent 4292 & Brixton 3887. Cinema Accessories Co., 77, Defoe Road, London, S.W. 17 ... Streatham 3804. Cinema Advertising Service, 2, Titchfield Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 5660. Cinema & Electrical Equipment Co., 5, Great Newport Street, London, W. 2 Regent 1493. Cinema Apparatus Co., Ltd., Orme Buildings, The Parsonage, Manchester Central 4648 — - — Project. Cinema Building Co., 182, Trongate, Glasgow Bell 1660 Carnival. Cinema Developments, Warrington, Ltd., 20, Brazennose Street, Manchester Urmston 236 Palace. Cinema Employment and'Sale Bureau, 18, Cecil Court, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 14 r4. Cinema Exchange, Ltd., Orme's Buildings, Parsonage, Man- chester City 8016. Cinema Publicity Co., 18, Featherstone Bldgs., Holborn, London, W.C. 1 Chancery 8433. Cinema Sign Co., 21, Aldgete Avenue, London, E. 1 Avenue 9645. Cinema Signs, Ltd., 147, Wardour Street, London, W. 1, and 21, Aldgate Avenue, London, E. 1 Regent 2500-1-2 and Avenue 9645. Cinema Supplies, 176, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 2619 Biophone, West- cent. Cinema Supply Co. (Ai), Ltd., 16, Hanway Street, London, W. 1 Museum 3891. Cinema Traders, Ltd., 26, Church Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 5287-8 Biocinema, Westcent. Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association of Gt. Britain and Ireland, Broadmead House, Panton Street, London, S.W. 1 Regent 2Q18-9 — Ceabilrex Phone, London. Cinematograph Trade Benevolent Fund, 36, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i Gerrard 4104. Circuit Cinemas, Ltd., 53, Brown Street, Manchester City 9057. Clage's, Baltic Yard, Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London, E. 17 ... Walthamstow 1628. Clarion Film Agency, Ltd., 12, Cannon Street, Manchester City 5688 Proclaim. Clayton's Bioscope, 14, Oak Street, Sheffield South 822. Clement BlakeandDay, 22, Wardour Street, London, W. r Gerrard 1192 Lennocks. C. & M. Productions Ltd., 74-76, Old Compton Street, Lon- don, W.i Regent 5733-4-5 Okaphilms, London. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 5, Severn Street, John Bright Street, Birmingham Midlands 3376-7 Vicmopic. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 40, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1508 Servalls. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 7, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin Dublin 3848 Rentwell. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 51-53, Renfrew Street, Glasgow Douglas 255 Okaphilms. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 1, Upperhead Row, Leeds Leeds 22070 Okaphilms,Leeds C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 113, Islington, Liverpool North 253. C. & M. Productions Ltd., 3, The Parsonage, Manchester City 8454-5 Cleanly. C. &M. Productions, Ltd., &7,Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 5996 Okaphilms. Coast Cinemas, Ltd., Rialto Picture House, Colvvyn Bay Colwyn Bay 254 -Rialto. Collins, Pat., Gondola Works, Shaw Street, Walsall, Staffs ... Walsall 702 Gondola. Commercial Films, Ltd., 29A, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 8275. Cjinmunity Service, Ltd., 1, Montague Street, London, W.C. 1... Museum 3413 — — Occomopic, Westcent. FOR SUPER-PRODUCTIONS AND FEATURES PROJECTION IS EVERYTHING! CARBONS Trade Directory. 253 Compton Organ Co., John, Ltd., Turnham Green Terrace, London, \V 4 Chiswick 1476. Consolidated Cinematograph Co., Ltd., 17, Shaftesbury Avenue, London W 1 Gerrard 1713— Velopment, Piccy. Cook's Publicity Service, Ltd., 40, Maida Vale, London, W. 9... Maida Vale 178 1— Inducement, Padd. Co-operative Cinematograph Co., Ltd., 225, Oxford Street, London, W.i Gerrard 1871 Screenopic, Wesdo. Cooper, McDougall and Robertson. Ltd., Chemical Works, Berk- hamsted Berkhamsted 3— — Cooper. Cope, A. G., 155, Duke Street, Liverpool Royal 3026 Dramatic. Cope, A. G., 30, Hoghton Street, Southport Southport 386 Stylish. _ CosmographFilmCo., Ltd., 8, New Compton Street.London, W.C.2 Gerrard 4772-3 ■ ifselmig Westcent. Cosmograph Film Co., Ltd., 213, Buchanan Street, Glasgow ... Douglas 3570 Dramatic, Glas- gow. Coutts & Co., 17, Quay Street, Cardiff Cardiff 10G0. Coutts & Co., 27, The Hayes, Cardiff Coutts, E., 114, West Campbell Street, Glasgow Coxall, Horace S., 211 West Campbell Street, Glasgow, C. 2... Douglas 1164 Films. Cramer & Co., 41, Old Compton Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1404. Crest Films, 22, Denman Street, Piccadilly Circus, London, W.i. Regent 7165- Crick's Cinematograph Co., 30, Gerrard Street, London, W.i Regent 7441. Criterion Plates, Paper, Films, Ltd., Criterion Works, Stechford, _ Birmingham Stechford 7- Criterion. Croneen, H. G. & W., 21 and 23, High Street, Gillingham, Kent Gillingham 38. Cornfield, M., 102, Royal Avenue, Belfast... Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester City 4200— Gasengine. Cross's Pictures, Ltd., 22, Frith Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 9844 Impicrosa. Crowe & Co., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne Croydon Film Co., Ltd., 3, Borough Hill, Croydon Croydon 0306 -Lamagrafil, Piccy, London. Croydon Film Co., Ltd. (London Office), 38, Regency House, Warwick Street, London, W. 1 : Gerrard 5347- Curry's Circuit, Prince of Wales Theatre, Grimsby Grimsby 2822 Curry Theatre. Curtis Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Conduit Place, Praed Street, . London W. 2 Paddington 4076— Rheofaire, Phone, London. D. Daco Advertising Co., 45, Bedford Row, London, W.C. 2 Dairy Supply Co., Ltd., 29, Museum Street, London, W.C 1 Museum 4130. Dallrneyer, J. H., Ltd., 31, Mortimer Street, London, W. 1, and Church End Works, Dallrneyer Road, Willesden, N.W. 10... Museum 6022-3, and VVillesden 167 — — Dallrneyer, Willroad. Daponte, D. L., B.Sc. (Daponte Pulsograph), 147, Cannon Street, London, E.C. 4, and 2 Rue de Lancry, Paris Central 250— Cidartnat, Can- non, London. Darby's Advertising Agency, Ltd., 81, London Road, Croydon... Croydon 1087. Davis, S.,& Co., Aldwych House, London, W.C.2 Holborn2i4i. Day's Amusements, Ltd. , Harry, Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. 2 Dav Bertram & Co., Ltd. ,9, Charing Cross. London, S.W. 1... _ Dav Will, Ltd., 19, Lisle Street. London, W.C. 2 Regent 4577— Titles, Westrand. De 'Forest Phononlms, Ltd., 21, Denmark Street, London, W.C. 2 Regent 1607 — Musvoxfum, Westcent. Despatch Film and Cinema Accessories Service, 204, Pearse Street, Dublin Dublin 4517 — Lens,- Dublin. Douglas, William, 5, Denmark Street, CharingCross Road, London, W.C.2 Regent 4292- Dowson Patent Cinema Shutter Co., Ltd., Warwick House, 9, Warwick Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 7220. Dramatic Films, Ltd., 15, Castle Arcade, Cardiff Cardiff 197 Dramatic. Draper, W. & Co., 217, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Central 2 179 Fulite, Glasgow. Ducal Films, Ltd., 179, Wardour Street, London, W Regent 3174- Duncan Watson & Co., 61-62, Berners Street, London, W. 1 Museum 2860 Kathode. PROJECTORS - CAMERAS - GUARANTEED REPAIRS 30, Gerrard Street, London, W.I. Telephone: Regent 7441. 254 The Kinematograph Year Book. Dundealgan Electric Theatre Co., Ltd., Town Hall Buildings, Dundalk Dj^son, J., Godwin Street, Bradford Bradford 6037-8-9 Equipment E. Eagle Picturedromes, Ltd., County Playhouse, King Street, Wigan Eastern Counties Cinemas, Ltd., Regent Theatre, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford Chelmsford 94— — Regent Theatre. Easton's Music Lending Library, Atkins Road, Clapham Park, S.W. 12 Streatham 0950. Edgcombe, J. H., Ltd., 36, Soho Square, London, W. r Regent 4214 (2 lines). Edinburgh Cinema Supply Co., 18, Waverley Market, Edinburgh Edinburgh 21553. Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 123, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. 4 City 9831 Ediswan. Educational Films Co., Ltd., 76, Wardour Street, London, W.i... Regent 6070 — - — Filedholf, West- cent. E. L. Syndicate, Ltd., 27, Soho Square, London, W.i Gerrard 7859. Electric Theatres (1908), Ltd., 225, Oxford Street, London, W.i Regent 4133-4. Electrical Equipment & Carbon Co., Ltd., 109-111, New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 7058-9 Thermotype Westcent. Electrical Supplies Co., Ltd., Light House, 233, Tottenham Court Road, London, W. 1 Museum 88 11. Electrical Trades Union, 56 and 58A, Walworth Road, London, S.E. 17 '. Rodney 3954. El'te Organ Syndicate, Ltd., 169-173, Regent St. .London. W.r. Gerrard 3311— — Snazell Piccy. Elite Picture House Co. (Bradford), LtcV., Elite Picture House, Toller Lane, Bradford Ellis's Cinematograph Theatres, Homeside, Barrington Road, Wellswood, Torquay Torquay 2895. Ellison, W. T., & Co., Ltd., Irlams o' the Heights, Manchester ... Pendleton 30 Turnstiles. . Emelka (London), Ltd. , 19, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2... Regent 2803 — Emelka, Westrand. Emery, J. F., Theatre Royal, Manchester Empire Kinema Supply Co., 22, Cathedral House, Long Millgate, Manchester City 6574. Empire Paste Co., Ltd., Acme Works, Clapton, London, E. 5... Clissold 1385 & 2841— — Empas- colim, Lowclap. Ensign (Agency), Ltd. , 9 ^, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3180 & 2867 — Flamornot , Eppel's Films, Ltd., 42, Pearse Street, Dublin Essanay Film Service, Ltd., 1, Soho Square, London, W. 1 Regent 1675 Essanspoor. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 167, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4840 Unfilman, West- cent. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 28, Upper Church Lane, Belfast >. Belfast 2614 Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., Severn Street, Birming- ham Midland 1902-3 Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 59, Park Street, Bristol Bristol 3692 Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 4th Basement, Principality Buildings, Priory Street, Cardiff Cardiff 6101— — -Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 2, Burgh Quay, Dublin Dublin 4255 Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 34, Great Clyde Street, Glasgow Central 1532— Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 17, Wellington Street, Leeds Leeds 22705 — — Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 115-117, Islington, Liverpool North 535 Unfilman. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., Parsonage Chambers, The Parsonage, Manchest r Central 79S6-7 Unfilman. SEATING Telephone: C. J. EVANS & CO., Telephone: N?rJi Makers of all that is best in ??„ 3122. THEATRE UPHOLSTERY. CONTRACTORS TO THE LEADING SYNDICATES. Cone Works, 20a, Conewood Street, Highbury, London, N.5. " THE BEST IS NOT TOO GOOD,'' RENOVATIONS Trade Directory. 255 European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 33, Bath Lane, Newcastle- on-Tyne Central 2803 Unfilman. Evans, Chas. J., & Co., 20A, Conewood Street, Blackstock Road, Highbury, London, N. 5 North 3122. Excelsior M.P. Co., 5, Denmark Street, Charing' Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Regent 4292. Exhibitors' Supply Co., 20, Cannon Street, Manchester Express Film and Cir.e. Agency, Veritas House, 7. Lower Abbey Street, Dublin , Dublin 3848 Rentwell. F. Faculty of Arts, 10, Upper John Street, Golden Square, London, Regent 6076. W. 1 Falksley Co., 13A, Derby Road, Nottingham Nottingham 4821 Pictures. FamousFilms(Midland);Ltd.,i-5, HillStreet Birmingham Midland 757. Famous Films (Midland), Ltd., 17, Forman Street, Nottingham ... Nottingham 4382 &4034 Famfilm. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 166-170, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 6886— — Famlaserv, West - cent. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 12, John Bright Street, Birmingham Midland 3781- Famlaserv. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 16-18, Priory Street, Cardiff Cardiff 7674 — —Famlaserv. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., Paramount House, n, Pearse Street, Dublin Dublin 2633 Famlaserv Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 164, Buchanan Street, Glas- gow Douglas 2879 Famlaserv. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 48, Wellington Street, Leeds ... Central 2047r — Famlaserv. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 124, Dale Street, Liverpool ... Central 2060 — ■ — Famlaserv. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., Cromford House, Cromford Court, Manchester City,) 893-4 — Famlaserv. Famcus-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., Paramount House, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central ^64 Famlaserv. Famous Players Film Co., Ltd., 166-170, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4201 Famoplafil, Ox. Famous Music Masters (Northern), Ltd., ib and 3A, Queen's Arcade, Leeds Faulkner, W. G., & Co., Ltd., 72, Oxford Street, London, W. r... Museum 6939. Favourite Cinemas, Ltd., 62, Oxford Street, London, W.i Museum 4346-7 — — Savofavour, Westcent. Feature Films, Ltd., 179, Wardour Street, W. 1 Gerrard 4976-7 — — Nycinesalz Westrand. Fenton Circuit, 4, Central Buildings, Darlington, Yorks Darlington 2496. Ferodo, Ltd., Sovereign Mills, Chapel-en-le-Frith, via Stockport... F. F. (London), Ltd., 26, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 3032. F. G. Colour Films, Ltd., 43, Eltham Road, London, S.E. 12 Lee Green 1995. F. H.C. Pictures, 40, Gerrard Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 173T. F. H. C. Pictures, Pavilion Studios, Portsmouth Road, Esher Esher 674. Fielding & Piatt, Ltd., Atlas Works, Gloucester Gloucester 58, 826 Atlas. Fifeshire Cinema Co., Ltd., Dunfermline, Fifeshire Leven 147. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 22, Soho Square, London, W. r Regent 2773 Essafdm, West- cent. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., r, Broad Street Chambers, Bir- mingham Midland 1993 Essafilm. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 35, Castle Arcade, Cardiff Cardiff 6843 Essafilm. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 77, Mitchell Street, Glasgow; ... Central 2281 Essafilm. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 5 and 6, Ludgate Hill, Leeds... Central 24479 Essafilm. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 28, Victoria Street, Man- chester Central 1889 Essafilm. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., Grainger Chambers, 22, Grainger Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 1277 Essafilm. Film Booking Offices (rgrg), Ltd., 37, Charles Street, Sheffield Central 5059 Essafilm. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 49A, Bold Street, Liverpool Royal 2441 Essafilm. Film Bureau (London and Counties), Ltd., Motograph House, Upper St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C. 2 Regent 3^7. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 6, Denman Street, London, W. 1 ... Regent 5400 Filclearo. GO TO THEATRE EQUIPMENT LTD IF YOU WANT YOUR KINEMA TO BEAT YOUR OPPOSITION. BEST LOWES T WORKMANSHIP. PRICES. 179, WARDOUR STREET, - Tel. : Regent 13 73. 'Grams OUIOK SERVICE. - LONDON, W.I. 'Theatequip, Westcent." 256 The Kinematograph Year Book Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., i, Broad Street Chambers, Birming- ham Midland 2614. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 5, Donegal! Street, Belfast Belfast 2525. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 127, Victoria Street, Bristol Bristol 3312. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., Wharton Street, Cardiff Cardiff 273374. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., Lord Edward Street, Dublin Dublin 3414. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 77, Mitchell Street, Glasgow Central 2786. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 12, Land's End, Leeds Leeds 22834. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 5, Slater Street, Bold Street, Liver- pool Royal 3760. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., Chrono House, St. John Street, Newcastle City 429. Film Cooling Towers (1925), Ltd., 124, Chancery Lane, For don, W.C. 2 Holborn 5877. Film Distributors, Ltd., 89-91, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 0531. Film Exploitations, Ltd., 90, Wardour Street, London, W. 1... Gerrard 3964-5 — ■ — Filmexplin, London. Film Laboratories, Ltd., 90, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 ... Regent 2418— — Filmolitan, Ox. Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ro3, Wardour Street, London, W.i Film Publicity Service (Fred Pullin). 13A, Soho Square, London, VV. 1 , Gerrard 3856. Film Society, 56, Manchester Street, London, VV. r (Miss J. M. Harvey, Secy.) Mayfair 4180. Film Transport Co., 26, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 ... Regent 6499. First National Pictures, Ltd., 37 and 39, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 5960 — ■ — Firnatex, Wes cent. First National Pictures, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 3083 Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., 70, Park Street, Bristol Bristol 615 Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., 10, Working Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1831- — ■ — Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., Middle Abbey Street, Dublin Dublin 4186 Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., 10, Bothwell Street, Glasgow Central 515 Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., Bardon Chambers, King Street, Leeds Leeds 26325 Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., 61 a, Bold Street, Liverpool Royal 2106 Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., Orme's Buildings, The Parsonage, Manchester Central 7544 — ■ — Firnatex. First National Pictures, Ltd., 136, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne Central 1855— — Firnatex. Flatau, S. J., 6. Conduit Street, London, W. 1 Mayfair 2139. Fleet Photoplays, Ltd., 38, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 2273. Flugel & Co. (London), Ltd., 225, Acton Lane, London, W 4 Chiswick 3497. Foster, Fred A., 69, Arnold Road, Nottingham Nottingham 7242. Foster's Agency, 32, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Gerrard 6248. Fox Film Co., Ltd., 13, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London, W. r Museum 51 13-4 — — Effoxifil, Wesdo . Fox Film Co., Ltd., 1-3, Temple Street. New Street, Birmingham Central 474 Effoxifil. Fox FilmCo., Ltd., 14, Priory Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1744— Effoxifil. Fox Film Co. , Ltd. , 9B, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin Dublin 152 Effoxifil . Fox Film Co., Ltd., 142A, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow C.2 Central 2676— — Effoxifil. Fox Film Co., Ltd., Trinity House, 33-35, Commercial St., Leeds Leeds 22046 Effoxifil. Fox Film Co., Ltd., Central Buildings, 109-111, Islington, Liver- pool North 435 — — Effoxifil. Fox Film Co., Ltd., 38, King Street WTest, Manchester City 1131 Effoxifil. Fox Film Co., Ltd., St. Nicholas Chambers, Amen Corner, Newcastle-on-Tyne City 678 Effoxifil. France, Thomas, Ltd., 108, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 1 Museum 0751. Francis, Day & Hunter, Ltd., 138-140, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Regent 795 r- French, R. Duncan, 14, North John Street, Liverpool Bank 5836. Fried, A., 1 85 a, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 6853— — Garanfreed, Westcent, London. Friese-Greene Colour Films, Ltd., 43, Eltham Road, S.E. 12 ... Lee Green 1995. Furse, W. J., & Co., Ltd., Traffic Street, Nottingham Nottingham 6917-8-9 Furse. MORRIS FILM SERVICE CINEMATOGRAPH FILM RENTERS, IMPORTERS and EXPORTERS. Extensive Stock of New and Secondhand Films. Serials, Comedies, Hand- Coloured, Trick, Educational subjects Exclusive rights for loremost productions available. 5, Denmark St., Charing Cross Rd., London, W.C.2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Cedes: ABC 5th Edition and Bentleys. Telegrams: Morfilm, Westcent. Trade Directory. 257 Furse, W. J. & Co., Ltd., 9, Carteret Street, Westminster, London, S.W. 1 Victoria 6730. Furse, W. J. & Co., Ltd., 12, Sydenham Road, Cotham, Bristol Bristol 5162. Furse, W. J., &. Co., Ltd., Leylands Street Works, Kedleston Road, Derby Derby 685 Furse, W. J., & Co., Ltd., 18, Corporation Street, Manchester... Central 6943-4. Fyfe, Wilson & Co., Ltd., 31, Budge Row, London, E.C. 4 City 2602 Ductility. Fyfe & Fyfe, Ltd., 96, Renfield Street, Glasgow Douglas 706 Douglas 706. G. Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd., Ancaster House, 42-3, Cranbourn Regent 4450-1 Astuteness- Street, London, W.C.2 Westrand. Gale & Repard, 90, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 Regent 0320 and Gerrard 234S. Fiparega, Westcent. Garrett, Sidney (Inter-Globe Export Corp.), 12, D'Arblay Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 3102. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 6, Denman Street, London, W. 1 Regent 5400— — Filmirers, Telew. Gaumont Co. .Ltd., 5-6, Sherwood Street, London, W. 1 Regent 5400 — Filmirers. Telew. Gaumont Co., Ltd., The Studio, Lime Grove, Shepherd's Bush, London, W. 12 Riverside 2090. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 5, 7, 9, Donegall Street, Belfast Belfast 2425 Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., r, Broad Street Chambers, Birmingham ... Midland 2614-5 Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 127, Victoria Street, Bristol Bristol 33r2 — — Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., Wharton Street, Cardiff Cardiff 2733-4 Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., Lord Edward Street, Dublin Dublin 3414 Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 77-79, Mitchell Street, Glasgow Central 2786-7 Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 12, Land's Lane, Leeds Leeds 22884 Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., Chrono House, 5 /g, Slater Street, Liverpool Royal 3760— — Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 41, Corporation Street, Manchester City 8130-1 — —Gaumont. Gaumont Co., Ltd., Chrono House, St. John Street, Newcastle- on-Tyne City 429 and 430 Gaumont. Geipel, William & Co., 72A, St. Thomas Street, London, S.E.i... Hop 594. General Electric Co., Ltd., The, Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 Regent 7050 (61 lines) Elec- tricity, Westcent. George Clark Pictures, Ltd., The Studio, Station Road, Beacons- field, Bucks Beaconsfield 183. Gerrard Sales Co., 2, Gerrard Place, London, W. 1 Regent 1292. Gevaert, Ltd., 115, Walmer Rd., North Kensington, London, Wro Park 4333— — Artoveg, Nottarch. Gilbert Films, Ltd., 1-5, HillStreet. Birmingham Midland 757. Gilbert Films. Ltd. ,17. FormanStreet. Nottingham Nottingham 4382 £4034^ — — Gilberfilm. Gill, Matt, Ltd., 60, Victoria Street, Manchester Central 7925 Magil. Girosign Co., i6a, Eastcastle Street, Oxford Street, London,W. 1 Museum 4129. Glasgow Numerical Ticket, Etc., Co., Ltd., 31, Finnieston Street, Glasgow C.3 Central 6350 Tickets, Glasgow. Glimpsograph, Ltd., Bank Buildings, 20, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 Holborn 2485 Pliers. Godal International Films, Ltd., r2, D'Arblay Street, London,W.i Regent 3167. Goodall's Pictures, Ltd., Albion Street, Cleckheaton Cleckheaton 224 Palace. Gorton & District Cinemas, Ltd., r6, Peter's Square, Stockport... Gould & Portmans, Ltd., "6, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C. 1 Museum 5525. Graham Wilcox Productions (London), Ltd., 174, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 0556-7, Ilmsastraf, West- cent. Graham Wilcox Prods. (London), Ltd., 1-7, Hill St., Birmingham Midland 168. Graham, J., 95, Dumbarton Road, Glasgow Western 2305. Grand Centrals, Ltd., 225, Oxford Street, London, W.i Regent 4133-4 Screenopic, Wesdo. Grattan-Milloy, Ltd. (see Milloy, Grattan, Ltd.) Gray & Davison, Ltd., 1-3, Cumming Street, London, N. 1 ... North 1008. Green, Geo., Ltd., 182, Trongate, Glasgow Bell 1660-1-2 Green's Film Service, 182, Trongate, Glasgow Bell 1660- Greene, A. C. E., Victoria Hall, Halifax Halifax 221. Greene, Leslie, 7 Elliot Street, Liverpool Royal 538 Royal 538. Greene , Leslie , r 2 8 , Nightingale Lane , London , S . W Battersea 2 647— Battersea 2647 . <3ra\> & Davison, Xinuteb, are the oldest established Organ Manufacturers and combine the old-faihioned sense of Quality and Responsibility with the most Advanced Methods of Construction and Convenience. CINEMA ORGANS Reconstructions. Additions. Overhauling and Cleaning. Maintenance. Electric Blowing Installations. . 1-3, CUMMING STREET, LONDON, N.l, also LIVERPOOL and OXFORD. Telephone - North 1008. Charges strictly moderate. Established 1750. I 258 The Kinemato graph Year Book. Greene's Pictures, Palace, Lowtown, Pudsey Stanninglef 71453 Greene's Pictures. Greta FilmService.FilmHouse, Mill Hill. Leeds Leeds 21394 — — Nunbeter. Greville Brothers, 31, Great James Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C.i Museum 2212 Overtime, Holb., London. Grierson. Ltd.. 43. BloomsburySquare. London. W.C.i Holborn 2982 (3 lines)— —Elek- trume Phone London. Guiterman, S., & Co., Ltd., 35-36, Aldermanbury, London, E.C. 2 Wall 8074-6 Guiterman, Phone. H. Haigh, E., & Son, 10, Commutation Row, Liverpool North 80. Hale, E. J., Suffolk House, Suffolk Street, Birmingham Midland 11S1. Haling, S., 12, Moreton Street, Gt. Ducie Street, Manchester City 1198 Featufilm. Hall and Dixon, Ltd., 19, Garrick Street, London, W.C.2 Regent 1930. Halliwell Hughes Circuit, " Calder Dene," Beech Lane, Calder- stones Park, Liverpool... Mossley Hill 249. Hallett, G., 6, Victoria Avenue, Penarth (Agent for Beck and Windibank) Hammond, A., & Co., n, Lancashire Court, New Bond Street, London, W. 1 Mayfair 1984 — Septiside, Wesdo. Hampton & Sons, Ltd., Pall Mall East, London, S.W. 1 Gerrard 0030. Harold (Uniforms), Ltd. , Alfred, 22, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 2832. Harper Piano Co., Ltd., 258-262, Hoiloway Road, London, N. 7 North 1636 and 4453 Pertain- ing. Harpers Ticket Issuing and Recording Machine, Ltd., 12, Hill Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. 19 Wimbledon 670 Wimbledon 670. Hart & Co., Union Mills, Dewsbury Road, Leeds Leeds 28295. Hart, Combe, L., & Co., Ltd., 404/6, Hoiloway Road, London, N.7 Hart, Norman (B.A., Cantab.), Broadmead House, 21, Panton Street, London, S.W.i Gerrard 6814. Harris & Gillow, So & 82, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 2506-7-8 — —Faddist, Westcent, London. Harrods, Ltd., Brompton Road, London, S.W Sloane 1234. Hartley, H., Hipprodrome, Halifax Road, Todmorden Todmorden 210. Hawkes & Son, Denman Street, London, W. 1 Regent 7373 (4 lines) — Sonoious. H. E. Hayward Productions, Ltd., 6, New Compton Street, Loixdon, W.C.2, and 101-103, Brixton Hill, S.W. 2 Regent 402. Hellenbrand, J. H., 66a, Bournemouth Park Road. Southend- on-Sea Southend 12S2. Henderson's North of England Film Bureau, Ltd., 65, Thornton Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 3164- — — Films. Henderson, W. A., 193, Wardour Street, London, W.i Regent 7392. Henderson, W. A., 18, St. John's Street, London, S.E. 25 Sydenham 2552. Hendry, J., 26, Renfield Street, Glasgow Central 2012. Henrion Carbons, Ltd., 34, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1 ... Victoria 3918. Hero Films, Ltd., 5, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2 Holborn 6683. Hertz & Co., 9, Mincing Lane, London, E,C.3 Royal 6492. Hewittic Electric Co.. Ltd.. Hersham. Walton-on-Thames Efher 603 — ■ — Hewittic. Hinckley and Dursley Theatres, Ltd., Hinckley Theatre, Hinckley Hinckley 97 & 85 -Theatre. Holophane, Ltd., 19, Elverton Street, Vincent Square, London, S.W.i Victoria 2491 & 8258. Houghton-Butcher (Great Britain), Ltd.. 88-89. High Holboin, London. W.C.i Holborn 2500— Bromide, Phone " H.P." Productions, Ltd., Hesketh Crescent, Torquay H. & S. Film Service, Ltd., 26, Litchfield Street, Charing Cross Regent 5117 Audrograph, Road, London, W.C.2 Westrand. Hub Film Co., Ltd., 28, Severn Street, Birmingham Midland 818. Hubrich, A. (Ufa-Berlin), 164, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 5311. Hughes, W. C. , &Co. .Brewster House. 82. Mortimer Road. Kings- land. London, N. 1 '. Clissold 1122 Pamphengos, Kinland. Hummel, M. & M., 94, Hatton Garden, London, E.C. 1 Holborn 1752 Bycorner, London. Humphries. George and Co. . 39, Great Windmill Street. Piccadilly Circus,' London. W. 1 ...... Regent 2592. Rubber, Estimates Free. 19, Garrkk St., LONDON ALL QUALITIES KEEN PRICES from Lino. Composition. AT 4/6 CARPETS Lii HALL & DIXON, Ltd. Trade Directory. 259 1. Ideal Films, Ltd., 76-78, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 6070-1-2 Idefilm, Telew. Ideal Films, Ltd., The Studio, Boreham Wood, Elstree, Herts ... Elstree 52. Ideal Films, Ltd., 57, John Bright Street, Birmingham Midland 1599 Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 16, Redcliffe Street, Bristol Bristol 5484- — Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 8, Pembroke Terrace, Queen Street, Cardiff ... Cardiff 5047 Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 112, Marlborough Street, Dublin Dublin 4620 Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 39 & 39A, Bath Street, Glasgow Douglas 1352 Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 22, New Briggate, Leeds Leeds 26900 Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 26, Tarleton Street, Liverpool Royal 2348— Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 36, Deansgate, Manchester City 6219 Idefilm. Ideal Films, Ltd., 67, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne City 374 Idefilm. Illustra Enterprises, 159, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 7789- Impartial Film Agency, Oxford House, 9-15, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 2419. Imperial Animated Picture Co., 24, Listerhills Road, Bradford Bradford 4651. Imperial Accessory Co., Cromford House, Crcmford Court, Man- chester Central 1876. Incorporated Association of Kinematograph Manufacturers, Ltd.,*8o and 82, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 2076 Kinnefilm. Incorporated British Renters, Ltd., 171, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 1761 Filrentas, Ox. Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights and Composers, 11, Gower Street, London, W.C. 1 Independent Films, Ltd., 26, D'Arblay Street, London, W.i Regent 1150. Independent Films, Ltd., 15, Great Ducie Street, Manchester Central 8201 Films, Man- chester. Independent Supers, Ltd., 3, Pembroke Terrace, Cardiff Cardiff 7657. Indian and Colonial Supply Association, 83-86, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4 City 6363 City 6363. Interexchange, Ltd., 6, New Compton Street, London, W.C. 2 ... Regent 0402 Vendiscott, West- cent. Inter-Globe Export Corporation (Sidney Garrett), 12, D'Arblay Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 3102. International Cinematograph Corporation, Ltd., 101, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 2626-7-8 and Gerrard -3131 Infeafilco, London. International Cinematograph Corporation, Ltd., Frampton House, Gresham Road, Hall Green, Birmingham Shirley 137. International Film Traders, 5, Denmark Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 7951 Robfeature. International Variety and Theatrical Agency, Ltd., 3, Leicester Street, London, W.C. 2 Regent 2620-1-2 Affiltrus, Westrand. Irish Electric Palaces, Ltd., 79, Donegall Street, Belfast Belfast 5800. Isis Films, Ltd., 52, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3157. Itapettina. Isis Films, Ltd., 139, Ashley Road, Bristol J. Jackson's Amusements, Ltd., Hippodrome, Rochdale Rochdale 361 Hippodromee. Jamilly, D., 12, D'Arblay Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 2826 Bismillah. Janion Film Renting Co., Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, W.C. 1 Museum 5429.' Jardine & Co., Ltd., Elsinore Road, Old Trafford, Manchester... Trafford Park 136. Jay, Ben, 186, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 5685. Jay, Sidney, Suite 13, Palace House, 128, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Regent 4329 and- 5326. Jersey and Guernsey Amusements Co., Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i Regent 3212 Procinthe, Piccy. Johnson & Sons (Mfg. Chemists), Ltd., 23, Cross Street, London, E.C. 2 Clerkenwell 1660— — Caustic. Jones &Co., 111-113, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E.i... Hop 1026. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 19-21, Tower Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 7916 — ■ — Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 21, Smallbrook Street, Birmingham... Midland 1297 Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 4, Park Lane, Queen Street, Cardiff... Cardiff 807 Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 205, Pearse Street, Dublin Dublin 4639 Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 16, Dixon Street, Glasgow Central 2955 — Jurigraph. THE LATEST DESIGNS IN SEATING AND FURNISHING SCHEMES (BEST MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP) MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THEATRE EQUIPMENT LTD. 179, WARDOUR STREET, - Tel. : Regent 1373. 'Grams - LONDON, W.I Theatequip, Westcent." 260 The Kinematograph Year Book. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 34, Wellington Street, Leeds Leeds 20885 Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 13, Renshaw Street, Liverpool Royal 4720 Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 28, Mawson's Chambers, Deansgate, Manchester City 5143— — Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 210, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne Central 3535 Jurigraph. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 71, Norfolk Street, Sheffield Central 1374 Jurigraph. K. Kamm&Co.,Ltd.,27,PowellStreet,GoswellRoad,London,E.C.i Clertenwell 6595— — Zercgi£ph, Barb. Kay Film Printing Co., Ltd., 5-6, Red Lion Square, London, W.C.i Holborn 4996. Kay Film Printing Co., Ltd. (Laboratories), 49A, Oxford Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. 4 Mountview 3316. Kean & Scott, Ltd., Corporation Street, Birmingham Central 5900-1, Kearton's Films, Ltd., Cherry, 6-7, Piccadilly Mansions, 17, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Keith, Prowse & Co., Ltd., 38, Berners Street, London, W. 1 Museum 0096. Kent Cinema Circuit ,Ltd., Palace Cinema, High Street, Eltham, Kent Eltham 1311. Kenyon's (Mrs. Ada) Circuit, Playhouse, Oldham Road, Man- chester Kershaw, A., & Son, Harehills Lane, Leeds Leeds 41808 Science. Kershaw Projector Co., The, 3, Soho Square, London, W.i Regent 1230 Noiram, Westcent Kershaw Projector Co., The, Albion Walk, Albion Street, Leeds... Leeds 22237 Projector. Keycities, Ltd., 29A, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 Regent 4619 Keycities. Kilner, Frederick W., 26, Litchfield Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 Regent 2777 Superfilms. Kinematograph Equipment Co., Ltd., 197, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 6334— Berdarold, West- cent. Kinematograph Equipment Co., Ltd., 82, West George Lane, Glasgow, C. 2 Central 1602. Kinematograph Equipment Co., Ltd., 15, Gt. Ducie Street, Man- chester City 9583 Berdarold, Man- chester. Kinematograph Exchange, 81, Aldersgate Street, London, E.C. 1 Clerkenwell 2682 Retoucher, Barb. Kinematograph Exchange, 54, Lime Street, London, E.C Avenue 5157 Phototypic. Kinematograph Exchange, 90, Fleet Street, London, E.C. 4 City 6981 Films, Fleet. Kinematograph Exchange, 26-28, King's Road, London, S.W. 3 Kensington 2575 Euroscope, Sloane. Kinematograph Manufacturers' Association, 80-82, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 2076— — -Kinnefilm. Kinematograph Properties, Ltd., 90, Barking Road, Canning Town, London, E. 16 Albert Dock 1784. KINEMATOGRAPH PUBLICATIONS, LTD., 93, Long Acre, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 9870 Southernwood, Rand. Kinematograph Renters' Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Ltd., 33, Soho Square, London, W. 1 Regent 2885. " KINEMATOGRAPH WEEKLY," 93, Long Acre, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 9870 — Southernwood, Rand. " KINEMATOGRAPH WEEKLY," 4, Corporation Street, Man- chester Central 4660. Kineparts, Ltd., 10, Ham Yard, Gt. Windmill Street, London,W.i Gerrard 3662. King, A. B., 95, Renfield Street, Glasgow Douglas 3079 Kenafilm. King & Newman, 115, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. 2 Gerrard 455&- Kingshot Synd., Ltd., Empire, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey Kingston 1212-3 Empire. Kirwan, M. B., Ltd., 16, Ackers Street, Manchester Ardwick 3195. Kodak, Ltd., Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 0970 Kodak. L. Lancashire Entertainments, Ltd., 5, Cathedral Yard, Manchester City 7265. Langrish, E. A. & Co., Ltd., 94, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4904-5- Ellangrica, Wesdo. BUYING ? SELLING ? KING & NEWMAN, KINEMA SALESMEN, 1 15, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 Act for many well-known Solicitors, Accountants, and Exhibitors, and are the only firm specialising solely in the Sale and Finance of Kinema Property. Trade Dtrecwry. 261 Langrish, E. A. & Co., Ltd., 1-7, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 3619. Langrish. E. A. & Co. , Ltd. , 4, Park Lane, Cardiff Cardiff 7676. Langrish, E. A. & Co., Ltd., 88, Renfrew Street, Glasgow Douglasi305 Langrish. Langrish, E. A. & Co., Ltd., Gt.,Ducie Street, Manchester City 4271. Langrish, E. A. & Co., Ltd. 33, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 3008. Larkin Pictures Corporation, 17, FormanStreet, Nottingham Nottingham 4382 &4°34 Gilberfilm. Larkin Pictures Corporation, 1-5, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 757. Latham, H. R., & Co., Ltd. (Engineers), 16-18, Vauxhall Road, Liverpool Central 1031 — — Precise. Lawisto Advertising Co., 87, Horton Grange Road, Bradford Bradford 4728 Lawisto 4728. Lawley Apparatus Co., Ltd., 15-16, Brewer Street, London, W.i Regent 2422. Lazarus, H., &Son, Ltd., ioa, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2 Bishopsgate 1829 Malleable,- Finsquare. Lea & Son, Oxygen Works, Runcorn, Cheshire Runcorn 1 Lea, Oxygen. Leach, S. G., & Co., Ltd., 26-30, Artillery Lane, London, E.i London Wall 3840 — — Adnil, Aid. Leadlay, Ltd., 6, Clement's Inn, London, W.C Holborn 6542 (5 lines). Leeds Scenic Studio Co., Union Mils, Dewsbury Road, Leeds Leeds '28295. Lennox, Ltd., Cecil, 134, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 3307. Le Personne, L. & Co., 99, Cannon Street, London, E.C.4 Central 2430— — Lepersonne Letchwortb Palace, Ltd., Palace, Letchworth Letchworth 53. Leverton, William*, Film House, Mill Hill, Leeds Leeds 27829 Leverton, Film House, Leeds. Levetus, Ltd., 194, Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2 London Wall 0305. Levy Circuit, Sun House, Holloway Head, Birmingham Midland 1004 Sunsol. Levy, P., & Co., iioa, North Street, Belfast Belfast 1877 Butchilms. Levy, P. & Co., 17, Fade Street, Dublin Dublin 4918 Butchilms. Lion Cinematograph Co., Ltd., 26-30, Upper Tooting Road, London, S.W. r7 Streatbam 3688. Lion Cinematograph Co., Ltd. (West End Office), 43, Whitcomb Street, London, W.C. 2 Lippold, A., ia, Montford Place, London, S.E.n Reliance 1523. Lizars, J., 6, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh Edinburgh 22272 Optical. Lockwood, L. B., & Co., 4, Newall Street, Bradford Bradford 2980— —Seating, Brad" ford. London and Midland Circuit, Ltd., 5, Gt. Newport Street, Lon- Regent 1423— Biomacolor, don, WX.2 Westrand. London & Provincial Advertising Co., Ltd., 104, High Holborn, London, W.C. 2 Chancery 8374. London Cinemas, Ltd., Grand Theatre, Fulham, London, S.W.6 Putney 4348. London Poster Advertising Association, Ltd., 31, Great Jarres Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. 1 Museum 6365. London Press Exchange, Ltd., no, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 8900. London Theatrical Bureau, 19, Bow Street, London, W.C. 2... Gerrard 6363. Lumley & Co., Ltd., L., Bush House, Aldwvch, London, W.C. 2 City 7527. Luzo Films (of Paris), 5, Denmark Street, 'London, W.C. 2 ... Gerrard 7349— Ziehhlms. Lyon, James S., Ltd., 112, High Holborn, London, W.C. 1 ... Holborn 1152 Proscenium McCave, B. A., 177, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4 Central 3317 Magnet Advertising Co. , Recorder House ,91, Church Street , Stoke Newington, London, N. 16 Clissold 6992-3 & 0787- Manchester Film Producing Co., 64, Victoria Street, Manchester City 3989 Animated. Mann, Egerton & Co., Ltd., 156, New Bond Street, London,W.i Gerrard 9060. Mann Egerton & Co., Ltd., Major's Corner, Ipswich Ipswich 176 and 800. Mann Egerton & Co., Ltd., 21- j, King Street, Norwich Norwich 217. Mansell & Ogan, Ltd., 15-17, Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 3066. Marks Films, Ltd., 28, Deansgate, Manchester Central 5882— Kramfilm. Maslin Bros., 32, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.i Clerkenwell 6460. Masters, D. J., Ltd.. 52, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C.i Holborn 1204 Optimastex, Holb. Matthews, A. G., 96, Langside Avenue, Glasgow Langside 422. MayWalter Orchestras, 81-83, ShaftesburyA venue. London. W. r Gerrard 7630. McConnell, Hartley, Ltd., Publicity House, 10, Pearse Street. Dublin Dublin 283. FOR ELECTRICAL FITTINGS ALL MAKES OF CARBONS, STAGE FITTINGS, ELECTRIC SIGNS, FIREPROOF CURTAINS, AND EVERY REQUISITE FOR THE KINEMA, APPLY TO THEATRE EQUIPMENT LTD. 179, W ARDOUR STREET, - - LONDON, W.I- Tel. : REGENT 1373. 'Grams : "Theatequip, Westcent." 262 The Kinematograph Year Book. McGaw. William . Regent Picture House , Renfield Street . Glasgow Douglas 3303 . McKibbin's Circuit, West End P.H., Shankhill Road, Belfast ... Belfast 4422. McLoughlin, P. A.. Ltd., 15, Gt. Ducie Street, Manchester Central 1713 — ■ — Pamfilco. Mears Theatres, Ltd., Joseph, 5, Hill Street, Richmond, Surrey Richmond 2900. Mercury (Booth Grainge) Fiim Service, Ltd., 26 (b), Queen's Arcade, Leeds Leeds 26946 Mernlm, Metcalfe, Chas. P., 21, King Charles Croft, Leeds Leeds 25008. Metropolitan Electric Theatres, Ltd. ,25 and 26, Piccadilly Man- sions, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i Regent 6290 and 7527. Metropolitan Films, Ltd., 33, Endell Street, London, W.C.2... Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Man- chester 190 to 197 Westinghouse, Metzler & Co. (1920), Ltd., 142, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 3622— — Lermetz. Mexborough Theatres, Ltd., Empire, Swinton Road, Mexborough Mexborough 10S. Meyrowitz., E. B., Ltd., 199, Regent Slreet, London, W. r Gerrard 1652. Midland Counties Circuit, Ltd., 513, Salisbury House, London Wall, London, E.C.2 London Wall 2841. MidlandExclusives.Ltd.,1-5, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland757. Midland Exclusives, Ltd., 17, Forman Street, Nottingham Nottingham4382 &.4034 Gilberhlm. Millgate, V. (Walturdaw Rep. & Bulman Screens Agent), 15, Gt. Ducie Street, Manchester Central 8201. Milloy, Grattan, Ltd., 12, Cannon Street, Manchester City 7980 Milloy. Mitchell, H. J. B., 4, Carnarvon Street, Glasgow, C. 3 Charing 24. Mitchell, J., 112, Marlborough Street, Dublin Moon, Henry & Sons, Ltd., 10 and 12, Holloway Head, Birming- ham Midland 2298 Moonograph, Birmingham. Moore, A., 2, Alfred Street, Belfast Moorhouse, H. D., 93, Market Street, Manchester City 2940-1. Moorhouse, S., & Co., Ltd., Stalybridge, Lanes Mordecai, J., 12B, Manor Road, Stoke Newington, London, N.r 6 Clissold 0546. Morgan Film Service, 3, Denman Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London , W. 1 Gerrard 7277 — Myagadpal, Piccy. Morris Film Sendee, 5, Denmark Street, London, W.C.2 Regent 3672 — Morfilm, Westcent. Morris, F. Southan, Picturedrome, Park Street, Luton, Beds. ... Morris, J. R. (National Carbon Co.), Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 3038. Morris, L., 9r, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1700. Morton's Pictures, Ltd., Princes Hall, George Street, Hull Moss' Empires, Ltd., 24, Denmark Street, London, W.C.2 ... Regent 2338 Hirers, Westcent . Motion Picture Music Co. ,8 and 10, Denman Street, London, W.i Regent 7373 (4 lines). Mott-Cowan , M. , Film Renter, 1 r 3 , Islington . Liverpool North 25 3- — ■ — Emsee. Moy, Ernest F., Ltd., Greenland Place, Camden Town, N.W. 1 North 1978, 2652 Movedor, Norwest. M.P. Sales Agency, Ltd., 1, Soho Square, London, W. 1 ... Regent 2275 Kalubio Ox., London. M. & P. Enterprises, Ltd., Newton Works, Goldsmith Street, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 '. Holborn 0497 Everseal, West- cent. Musicians'Union,8, Golden Square, London, W. 1 Gerrard 4486. N. Napoleon Films, Ltd., 8, New Compton Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 4772-3 Smicofilm. National Association of Theatrical Emplovees, King's Chambers, Portugal Street, London, W.C. 2. (Hugh Roberts, L.C.C. Gen. Sec.) Holborn 1305 Stageland, Estrand. National Electric Theatres, Ltd., Grafton House, Golden Square, London, W.i Gerrard 3382 Anirnafilms,Reg. National Entertainment Association, 22, Leicester Square, London, W.C; 2 Gerrard C083 and (night line) Gerrard 0218 Excelitum, Westrand. OR EVERYTHING - EXCEPT TILMS MOV- OMNIA PHONE-NORTH 2652-1978 • 120. BAYHAM STREET. CAMDEN TOWN, LONDON .N.W.,. • TELEGRAMSOMNIASBUR> * S'OPWEST, LONDON Trade Directory. 263 National Film Agency, 64, Victoria Street, Manchester City 3989 — — Animated. National Screen Service, [Ltd., 25, Denmark Street, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 5524. Nettlefold Productions, Archibald, Hurst Grove, Walton-on- Thames Walton 16. Neville & Churchill, 62, Oxford Street, London, W.i Museum 5782. New Bioscope Trading Co. (1922), Ltd., 1-5, Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 6473-4 Newbio' Westrand. Newcastle United Film Co., 42, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne Central 1925 Wherry. New Century Pictures, Ltd., 34, Wellington Street, Leeds Leeds 20583-4. Entertain. New Era Films, Ltd., 26-27, D'Arblay Street, Wardour Street, London, W.i Regent 5318-9 Nurahlim, Wesdo. New Era Films, Ltd., 42, Parsonage Chambers, 3, The Parsonage, Manchester City 5571. New Era Productions, Ltd., 26-27, D'Arblay Street, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 5318-9— — Noveraduct, Wesdo. New Era Films, Ltd., 38, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 7109. Newman & Sinclair, Ltd., 43, Highgate Hill, London, N. 19... Mountview 1013. NewPelaponeEngine Co. .Ltd. ,4r, BakerStreet, London, W. i ... Grosvenor 2519 Newpela. Nicholson, Arthur, 208, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne ... City 614. Non-Flam Film Hiring Co.(Artons, Ltd.), 6, Clark's Mews, High Street, London, W.C.2 Regent 4333. Norris Henty & Gardners, Ltd., 115, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. 4 City 9493 — Nornodeste, Cent. North Eastern Theatres, Ltd. ,11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 5104. Northern Combines, Ltd., 38, Deansgate Arcade. Manchester Central 2915. Northern Mutual Films, Ltd., 65, Thornton Street, Newcastle- on-Tyne Central 3388 The Goods. North of England Cinemas, Ltd., The Hippodrome, Middles- Middlesbrough 515 ■ Hippo- brough drome. North Western Booking Agency, 60, Lime Street, Liverpool ... Royal 491 1. 0. ODHAMS PRESS LTD., 85-94, Long Acre, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 9870 Southernwood Rand. Olympia (Blackburn), Ltd., St. Peter Street, Blackburn Blackburn 6498. Olympic Kinematograph Laboratories, Ltd., School Road, London, N.W.10 : : Willesden 1974 & 5182 Ohkaylab, Harles. Olympodromes, Ltd., 191, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 7328. Omnia Kine Apparatus Co., Ltd., 120, Bayham Street, Camden Town, N.W.i North 2652, 1978 Omniasbury. Norwest. Optical Society, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington, London, S.W.7 Orniiston, Thomas, 6, Brandon Street, Motherwell, Scotland Motherwell 381-2. Osborne Peacock Co., Ltd., Lincoln House, High Holborn, W.C. 1 Holborn 6177 — Opservice, Holb. (HeadOffice, 11, Piccadilly, Manchester) Overseas Film Service, Ltd., 28, Denmark Street, London,W.C. 2 P. Pacey's Agency, 40, Albemarle Street, London, W.i Regent 6531. Page Films Ltd., 143, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Central 43 Winnaphilm. Paige Publicity, 28, Rosamond Street East, Manchester City 9176. Palatine Film Co., Ltd., 60, Victoria Street, Manchester Citv 5571 Programs. Palmer & Ashford, Ltd., 5, Gt. Newport Street, London, W.C.2 Palmer, George (Universal Cinema Supplies), Ltd., 13, Gerrard Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1475- Parkinson Productions, H. B., 12, Little Denmark Street, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 1728. Parkstone Film Co., Ltd., Lytham, Lanes. (Studios & Laboratories) Parnell, F., ia, Piccadilly House, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 2 Gerrard 4045. PALMERS CARES ARE CINEMA SPARES GEORGE PALMER'S 13, Gerrard Street, LONDON, W.I 'Phone : REGENT 1 475. 264 The Kinematograph Year Book. Parsons, Herbert R., 161, Tranmere Road, London, S.W. 18 ... Paterson (Glasgow), Ltd., 79, Howard Street, Glasgow Central 5289. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 103, 109, Wardour Street, London, W.i Regent 2836 Phonofilm. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 84, Wardour Street, London, W. 1... Regent 2842 Pathirena. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 88, John Bright Street, Birmingham Midland 2455 Pathire. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 13, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 4040 Pathire. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 2, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin Dublin 4360 Pathire. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 102, Union Street, Glasgow Central 1965 and 1966 Pathire.- Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 1-8, Wellington Chambers, Leeds... Leeds 21564 Pathire. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., Commutation Row, Liverpool ' Bank 41 77 and 4188 — -Pathire. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 3 Parsonage Chambers, Manchester... City 5149-50 Pathire. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 208, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne : City 614 Patbire. Pathe of France, Ltd., 5, Lisle Street, W.C. 2 Regent 757 r. Pavilions, 505, Oxford Street, London, W Mayfair 5112-3. Pearce, Walter, 33, KingStreet, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 2231. Pearl Films, Ltd., 86-88, WTardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1776-7 Pearlofilm. Pearl Films, Ltd. , 86-88, Castle Street, Belfast Belfast 4365 Wesfilm. Pearl Films, Ltd., 144-5, Suffolk Street, Birmingham Midland 1467 Pearlofilm. Pearl Films, Ltd., 46, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1848^— Pearlofilm. Pearl Films, Ltd., 93, Talbot Street, Dublin Dublin 401 Triangle. Pearl Films, Ltd., Lillies Chambers, 39, Albion Street, Leeds Central 22454 — ■ — -Pearlofilm. Pearl Films, Ltd., 4, St. Mary's Street, Deansgate, Manchester... City 8590-1 Pearlofilm. Pearl Films, Ltd., 71, Westgate Road, Newoastle-on-Tyne Central 3531 — ■ — Kinedomos. Peek William O., Richmond House, St. Ives, Hunts Peeling & Van Neck, Ltd., 4, Holborn Circus, London, E.C.i Central 9196. Penzance Cinema, Ltd., Pavilion Theatre, Penzance Penzance 330 & 146. Percy Winocour Film Corporation, Ltd., Ancaster House, 42-43, Cranbourn Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 8932 Winsefilms, Westrand. " Perfect " Opaque Slides Co., Imperial Works, Shanklin Road, Mountview 7187. London, N.S Performing Right Society, Ltd., 13, George Street, Hanover Square, London, W.i , Mayfair 1 168-9 Phonoright Wesdo. Periodical Trade Press, and Weekly Newspaper Proprietors' Association, Ltd., 6, Bouverie Street, London, E.C. 4 Central 2441 " Weneppa," Fleet, London. Peterborough District Cinemas, Burmer Road, Peterborough Pexton, Chatham, 46, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C.i Holborn2ii7. Phillips, A. G., 64, Ewart Street, Brighton Phoenix Film Service, Ltd., 23, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1024 Green 1024, Cardiff Photo Film Sales, Ltd., 26-27, D'Arblay Street, London, W. 1... Regent 1150 Cinefosal, Wesdo Photographic Advertising, Ltd., 108, Victoria Street, London, S.W.i Victoria 1991. Photographic Advertising, Ltd., Castle Studios, Warwick Road, Ealing, London, W. 1 Piccadilly Pictures, Ltd., 42-43, Cranbourn Street, London, W.C. 2 Regent 4450-1 — ■ — Astuteness, Westrand. Piccadilly Studios, Ltd . , Poole Street, New North Road, Islington, London, N. 1 Clerkenwell 9100. PICTUREGOER, 93, Long Acre, London, W.0.2 Gerrard 9870 Southernwood Rand. Piena, Maurice, Ltd., Piena House, West Street, Cambridge Circus, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 7236— — Litolff Phone London. Pioneer Film Agency, Ltd., 23, Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 2608-9. Pixton, G., & Co., Ltd., ioa, Soho Square, London, W.i Regent 1567 — — Pixtonar. Pooles, C. W., Entertainments, Ltd., 31, Eastgate, Gloucester Gloucester 1127 Dates. Pooley & Austin, 34, Broadway, Westminster, London, S.W. 1 Victoria 3373 and 2913. Pope's Electric Lamp Co., Ltd. 5, Arthur Street, New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 6074. Poplar Film Service, High Street, Stoke-under-Ham, Somerset Porter, F. A., & Co., 13, Queen's Square, Belfast, , Belfast 392 — Limmer. Portsmouth Film Service, 83, Clarendon Road, Southsea Portsmouth 5748 Films, Portsmouth: Potter, F. E., Ltd., Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 ... Regent 3366. Powers Distiibuting Corporation, Ltd., Polebrook House, GoL'.en Square, W.i Regent 1514. Premier Services, Ltd., 146, Dale Street, Liverpool Central 739 Ibbarfilcy. Premier Services, Ltd., 15, Great Ducie Street, Manchester Fresbury, S., & Co., 87, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Regent 4219— -Adpuprin, West- rand. Preston Film Exchange Co., Ltd., Kinema House, Corporation Street, Preston Preston 10— Pictures, Preston. Pride, F. H ., 3-4, Ramillies Place, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 ... Regent 7478. Prieur & Co., Ltd., 40, Gerrard Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 91 15 Enerphose Westrand. Trade Directory. 265 Prince (Val) Decorations, Ltd., 1, Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2 Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 12, Great Newport Street, Lon- don, W.C. 2 , :. Gerrard 1247 Pedecelim, Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 34, John Bright Street, Birmingham Midland 3779 — —Pedecelim. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 20, Castle Arcade, Cardiff Cardiff 7562 — —Pedecelim. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 211, Hope Street, Glasgow Douglas 2234 Pedecelim. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., ib, Queen's Arcade, Leeds... Leeds 20364-5 Pedecelim. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 36, Coopers Buildings, "A," Liverpool Royal 4020 Pedecelim. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 3, Parsonage Chambers, The Parsonage, Manchester , City 8070-1 Pedecelim. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., Streets Buildings, 87, Westgate Road Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 2372— Pedecelim. Progress Film Co. (London), Ltd., 40, Deansgate, Manchester City 1270 Butchilms. Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3212 — — Procinthe, Piccy. Publicity Films, Ltd. (Concessionaires of the L.P.E. Films Service) 108, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 8900 (ro lines)— Filmicity. Pullin, Fred, 13A, Soho Square, London, W. 1 Gerrard 3856. Purser, Henry F., & Brother Ltd., 42, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C.i Holborn 4902. Pyrene Co., Ltd., 9, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.i Victoria 8592 (4 lines) — ■ — ■ Pyrenextin, Sowest. Q. Quality Film Plays, Ltd., 5-6, Red Lion Square, London, W.C. 1 Holborn 4996. R. Raymond-Elliott British Photoplavs, 40, Gerrard Street, London, W. 1 Rayne, H. & M., 15, Rupert Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4535. Reay, Robert, 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 3703. Reciprocity Films, Ltd., 80-82, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 7038— Ciprohlms, West- cent. Reciprocity Films, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 168. Record Cinema Circuit, Ltd., Federation Chambers, Wheeler Gate, Nottingham Nottingham 6980-1 — — -Sharpies. Reid (Andrew) Film Service, Ltd., 211, West Campbell Street, Glasgow Douglas 145. Reliable Film Company, 15, Cheapside, Halifax Halifax 2020. Rentell, S., & Co., Ltd., 36-39, Maiden Lane, London, W.C. 2... Gerrard 2460. Renters, Ltd., 171, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 1761 — — Filrentas, Ox. Rider, W. J., & Co., Ltd., 58, Dean Street, Soho, London, W. 1 Gerrard 6076. Rigby, Robert, Ltd., Little James Street, London, W.C. 1 Museum 9001-2 Precinemat. Robertson Film Service, Ltd., 148, Wellington Street, Glasgow... Douglas 2043 Comedies, Glasgow. Roger, Thomas, 18, Clyde Street, Motherwell Motherwell 85. Rogers (Stanley) Cinemas, 109, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 5489. Rogers & Fenton, Central Buildings, Darlington Darlington 2496. Rolltic, Ltd., 70, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C Clerkenwell 1686 Rolltic Ave., Rose Film Co., Ltd., 2 5 &26, Greek Street Chambers, Leeds Rose Film Co., Ltd., Orme's Buildings, Parsonage City 7602. Ross, Ltd., 3, North Side, Clapham Common, London, S.W. 4 ... Battersea 0376 and 0702 Rossicaste, Phone. Ross Ltd., 13 & 14, Gt. Castle Street, London, W. 1 Langham 2240 Rossano, Wesdo . Ross, Ltd., 217, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Central 2179 — Fulite, Glasgow. Rowe, Victor W., St. Kevin's Studios, 46, Rodenhurst Road, Clapham Park, London, S.W. 4 Brixton 3979. Rowland Williams Circuit, Buckland Chambers, Queen's Arcade, Cardiff .* Cardiff 1807. Royal Enterprises, Ltd., 24, North John Street, Liverpool ... Bank 9236. Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, 35, Russell Square, London, W.C. 1 Museum 041 1. Russell's Animated Pictures, 19, de Crespigny Park, London, S.E. 5 Brixton 3148. Russell's Animated Pictures, 96, Wardour Street, London, W.i ... Rustcn & Hornsby, Ltd., Engineers, .Lincoln S. Salter, John, 13, Featherstone Buildings, London, W.C Chancery 7408. Savoy Cinemas, Ltd., 62, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Museum 4346-7 Savofavour, Westcent. Scala Theatres, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3212 Procinthe, Piccy. Schoheld & Schofield, 201, Hope Street, Glasgow Douglas 3457 Scofilco. Scott, Dixon, North Shields and Prudhoe-on-Tyne North Shields 153. Scott, J., Cinema, Dunbar Scott Theatres, Ltd., 18, Clyde Street, Motherwell Motherwell 85— — Roger, Solicitor. 266 The Kinematograph Year Book. Scottish Cinema & Variety Theatres, Ltd., 105, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Central 2830 Cinesup. Screen-Art, Ltd., Beacon House, 12, D'Arblay Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1888 Screnarli,Wesdo. Selwyn, H. P., Hippodrome, Greenwich, London, S.E. 10 Greenwich 0425 Hippodrome. Servall's Exclusives, 40, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1508 Servalls. Seventh Avenue Film Co., Ltd., 3, Macclesfield Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i Gerraad 2008 Reubenson, Westcent, London. Shaw, Son & Co., J., Holmfirth, Huddersfield Holmfirth 124. Sheffield & District Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., 18, York Street, Sheffield Central 1522 Cinema. Sheffield Photo Co., 6, Norfolk Row, Sheffield Central 3891 Photo, Sheffield Sherwood Exclusive Film Agency, Ltd., 191, Wardour Street, Lon- don, W. 1 Gerrard 4148 Sherhlclu, Westcent. Shipman & King, 24, Charing Cross Mansions, Charing Cross Road, London, W.6.2 Regent 3269. Silverman, H.,Connaught Cinema, 164, Edgware Road, London, W. 2 Paddington 2612 Simpson, R. W., 19, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne City 834 Tartan. Singleton, R. V., 39, Kirkpatrick Street, Glasgow Bridgeton 689. Sloan Electrical Co., Ltd., 8, 10 & 12, Golden Lane, London, E.C. 1 Clerkenwell, 2032. Smith, P., Imperial Works, Shanklin Road, Crouch End, N.8. ... Mountview 7187. Smith's Films, Ltd., Geo., 197, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Sol Exclusives, Ltd., Sun House, 11, Holloway Head, Birmingham Midland 1004 Sunsol. Solomon, Ralph A., 1, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 168. Soman, Claude W., 90, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 3964-5 — - — Filmerplin. South W'ales Cinemas, Ltd., Albert Hall, Cradock Street, Swansea Central 2672. Sovereign Exclusives, Ltd., 97, John Bright Street, Birmingham Midland 601 Sovereign. Speechly, Henry, & Sons, Camden Organ Works, St. Mark's Road, London, E. 8 Clissold 2916. Splott (Cardiff) Cinema Co., Ltd., 15, Windsor Place, Cardiff... Cardiff 4572- — ■ — Balance. Sports Film Co., Ltd., 7, Gerrard Street, London, W.i Regent 4721 — Sporfilco/VVestrand Spring's (Frank E.) Circuit, Parsonage Chambers, 3, The Parsonage, Manchester Stafford & Co., Ltd., Netherfield, Nottingham Carlton 14 and 1 53— —Stafford. Stafford & Co., Ltd., 87 & 88, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Museum 6246 Stafford. Standard Film Agency, 26, St. Anne's Court, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4152-3 Highflier, Westcent. Standard Kinematograph Co., Ltd., Laboratories, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton Kingston 3096 Standard, Thames Ditton. Standard Kinematograph Co., Ltd., Laboratories, 22, Frith St., London, W. 1 Regent 7610. Star Film Service (Cardiff), Ltd., 48, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 6894— Stafilserv. Star Publicity Co., Carlisle Street, Soho Square, London, W.i Gerrard 7875-6 — Twinkle, West- cent. Star Ramble Films, 6, New Compton Street, London, W-C.2 Stedfast Film Co., Ltd., 140A, Gloucester Mansions, Cambridge Gerrard 3681 Stedfilms,West • Circus, London, W.C. 2 , cent. Stein & Johnson, 11 a, 95, Station Street, Birmingham Midland 2924. Stoll Circuit, Stoll Offices, Coliseum Buildings, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 7903 Oswastoll, West- rand. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 155, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4310 and Gerrard 4297 — — Stofilire, Wesdo. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 43A, Temple Street, Birmingham Central 2098 Stolire. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 27, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 2141 Stolire. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 75, Middle Abbey Street, Dublin Dublin 3207 Natfilm. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 114, Union Street, Glasgow Central 2619— — Stolire. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 121, Vicar Lane, Leeds Leeds 25489 — - — Stolire. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 38, King Street West, Manchester Central 285 Stolire. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd. (Foreign Sales), 52, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C. 3 Royal 5493. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., Union Buildings, St. John Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 2248 Stolire. Stone's (Will) Circuit, New Hippodrome, Tonypandy, S. Wales Tonypandy 54 Stone. St. Paul's Films, 6, St. Paul's Studios, Baron's Court, London, Riverside 2370 — Servisrilm, Ham- W.14 mer. Strand Cinema Theatre Co. (1920), Ltd., 39, Strand Street, Douglas, I.O.M Douglas 14 Strand Cinema. Strand Music Co., 203, Strand, London, W.C. 2 Strange, R. E., & Co., Ltd., 12, Little Denmark Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 1728. Stratford-on-Avon Guild, Ltd., 20, Henley Street, Stratford-on- Avon. Stratford-on-Avon 191 Crafts. Trade Directory. 267 Streatley House Group (Circuit), 187, Piccadilly, London, W. 1 Gerrard 8766 Syndic. Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 149, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. 4 Central 7121 Sturtevant. Suburban Super Cinemas, Ltd., 191, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 7328. Sunderland Amusements, Ltd., 37, King Street, South Shields South Shields 6. Supershows (Battersea), Ltd., 92, Wandsworth Road, London, S.W.8 Brixton 2510. Sussex Organ Works (S. F. Dalladay), Manor Hall, Manor Road, Hastings Swan & Co., 24, Gt. Pulteney Street, Golden Square, London, W.i Gerrard 8622 Swanmagnus, Piccy. Sydney Film Service, 113, Islington, Liverpool North 145. T. Taylor, J. S. (Exhibitors Supply Co.), Cannon Street, Manchester Taylor, Taylor & Hobson, Ltd., 74, Newman Street, London, W. 1 (and Stoughton Street Works, Leicester) Museum 8956-7 Illiquo. Theatre Equipment Ltd., 179, Wardour Street, London, W.i. ... Regent r 373-4 Theatequip^ Westcent, London. Theatres Advertising Co., 87, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 Regent 4219 Adpuprin, West- rand. Thompson, Charles, 97, Albion Street, Leeds Leeds 25S59 Ceetee, Leeds. Thompson's (Thos.) Circuit, The Hippodrome, Middlesbrough Middlesbrough 515 Hippo- drome. Thompson & Collins Enterprises, Ltd. , PavilionTheatre, Newcastle Central 601 Pavilion. 1 illotson & Firth, Ltd., Printers and Poster Writers, Morley,Leeds Morley 231— T. & F. Timadays, 6, Stanhope Road, Walthamstow, London, E.r7 Walthamstow 1781. Tippett (J.D.) Productions, 91, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Regent 2260. Topical Film Co., Ltd., 76, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3775~6 Tophilma. Topical Productions, 411, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Central 82 Incidents. Topicals Syndicate (Surrey N. Metcalf, Propr.), Kingsgate House, 115, High Holborn, London, W.C. 1 Holborn 1284 and Chancery 7337. Tours, Ltd., Colehurst, Worcester Worcester 393 Carlton, Cole- hurst. Tozer & Linsell Circuit, 55, Cambridge Street, Pancras Road, London, N.W. 1 Trafalgar Films, Ltd., 13, Palace House, 12S, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Triangle British Films, Ltd. , 26, St. Annes's Court, Wardour Street, Lonion, W.i Regent 4152-3 — ■ — Highflier, Westcent. Triangle Plavs Co., 182, Trongate, Glasgow Bell 1660 -Carnival. Turner (W. W.) & Co., Ltd., 30, York Road, King's Heath, Birmingham South 72 Cinechair. Tyne Picture Houses, Ltd., Central Buildings, Station Road, Wallsend-on-Tvne Wallsend 66. 13. Ubique Film Sales, Ltd., 26, Litchfield Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 Regent 2777 — — Superfilms. Ufa-Berlin (see Hubrich, A.) U.K.E. Film Co., Ltd., 27, John Bright Street, Birmingham... Midland 1604. Uniform Clothing & Equipment Co., Ltd., 5, 10 and n, Clerken- well Green, London, E.C. 1 Clerkenwell 6682 Uniquip. United Advertising Service, Ltd., 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2 Holborn 1562. United Films, Ltd., 87, Wardour Street, London, W 1 Regent 1568-9 Utfilms, West- cent, London United Films, Ltd., 1, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 757. United Kingdom Advertising Co., Ltd., 25, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. 1 Gerrard 5860 Alsafraz, West- cent, London United Kingdom Photoplays, Ltd., 179, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 4976 Unikinphos. United Kingdom Photoplays, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street, Birmingham Midland 168. 9 Unity Film Co., Ltd., 193, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1907-8 Unizimbru, Westcent, London. FOR THEATRES, ETC. BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE TRADE, Send for Coloured List and Patterns to : — UNIFORM CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 5, 10, 11, CLERKENWELL GREEN, LONDON, E.C.1. 268 The Kinematograph Year Book. v. Van Damm, Vivian, 21, Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 7796 and Regent 1607. Variety Artistes' Federation, 18, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 (Fred Herbert, Secy.) Gerrard , 6950 Artifedera Westrand. Vevers, C. C, 13, Dewsbury Road, Leeds Vevers. Vickers Filmcraft, Ltd., 229, Acton Lane, London, W. 4 Chiswick 132. Victory Theatres, Ltd., Edgar Street, Accrington Accrington 2350. Vigo Film Printing Co., Ltd., Lawrence Road, Tottenham, Lon- don, N. 15 Tottenham 2961-2. Vinten, W., 89-91, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 2702 Vintacinni, West- cent. Vints Theatres, Ltd., 142, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. Gerrard 2013 Vindicon, Rand. Vocal Films and Cinema Vocal Stars (Stratton- Wells), Ormes Buildings, The Parsonage, Manchester City 3660. W. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 74-76, Old Compton Street, London, W. 1 Regent 5733-4~5 Okaphilms. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 5 Severn Street, John Bright Street, Birmingham Midlands 3376-7 Vicmopic. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 40, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1508 ServaDs. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 7, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin... Dublin 3848 Rentwell. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 51-53, Renfrew Street, Glasgow Douglas 255 Okaphilms. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 1, Upperhead Row, Leeds Leeds 22070 Okaphilms,Leeds W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 113, Islington, Liverpool North 253. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 3, The Parsonage, Manchester City 8454-5 — Cleanly. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 87, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne Central 5996 Okaphilms. Waddington, John, Ltd., Wakefield Road, Leeds Leeds 2078r Wadding. Wadsworth, Ernest, Ltd., 35, Oxford Street, Manchester City 6838. Wainwright, J. G. & R. B., Ltd., 6-7, Piccadilly Mansions, W. 1 Gerrard 3812 — — Eximwainri. Wainwright, A. C. J., Orme's Buildings, The Parsonage, Man- chester Central 7602. Walker, E. O., & Co., 26, Cannon Street, Manchester City 693. Walker, MacEwen & Co., Ltd., 3, Kingly Street, Regent Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 5007 Interfilm. Wallaw Pictures, Ltd., Wallaw Buildings, Ashington, North- umberland Ashington 31 Wallaw. Walter's (John) Circuit, Art Pictures, Fleetwood Walturdaw Cinema Supply Co., Ltd., 46, Gerrard Street, London, W. 1 Regent 3310 and 3309 Alber- type, Westrand. Walturdaw Cinema Supply Co., Ltd., c/o Stein and Johnson, iia and 95 Station Street, Birmingham Midland 2924. Walturdaw Cinema Supply Co., Ltd., c/o W. Coutts & Co., 27, The Hayes, Cardiff Cardiff 1060— — Coutts, Cardiff. Walturdaw Cinema Supply Co., Ltd., c/o J. Robertson, 82, West George Lane, Glasgow Central 1602. Walturdaw Cinema Supply Co., Ltd., c/o A. W. Austin, i6a, Queen's Arcade Balcony, Leeds Leeds 22769. Walturdaw Cinema Supply Co., Ltd., 15, Gt. Ducie Street, Man- chester Central 8201. Ward Theatres, Ltd., Albany, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i Regent 3212 — — Procinthe, Piccy. Wardour Films, Ltd., 173, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 ... Regent 2533-4 Mutuamos, Westcent. Wardour Films, Ltdr, 44, Royal Avenue, Belfast Belfast 3444 Mutuamos. Wardour Films, Ltd., 137A, Suffolk Street, Birmingham Midland 1019 — ■ — Mutuamos. Wardour Films, Ltd., 5, St. John's Square, Cardiff Cardiff in Mutuamos. Wardour Films, Ltd., 17, Pearse Street, Dublin Dublin 2178 Wavfilm. Wardour Films, Ltd., 130, West Nile Street, Glasgow Douglas 40. Wardour Films, Ltd., 11, Wellington Street, Leeds Leeds 22364 Mutuamos. Wardour Films, Ltd., 26, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool Royal 1016 Mutuamos. Wardour Films, Ltd., 3, The Parsonage, Suite 17, Manchester ... City 5418 — ■ — Mutuamos. Wardour Films, Ltd., 138, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 1525 Mutuamos. Waring & Gillow, Ltd., 164/180, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Museum 5000— Warison. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 13 & 14, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London, W. 1 Museum 6315-6 — ■ — Warbropic, Wesdo. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd. ,82, HillStreet, Birmingham Midlandi&79 Warbropic. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., Metropole Buildings, The Hayes, Cardiff Cardiff 1365 — —Warbropic. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 185, Pearse Street, Dublin ... Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 80, Mitchell Street, Glasgow Central 1627 Warbropic. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 4, Cross Belgrave Street, New Briggate, Leeds Leeds 26263— Warbropic. Trade Directory. 269 Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 81, Dale Street, Liverpool ... Central 5280 Warbropic. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 2, Cannon Street, Manchester City 4479 Warbropic. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., Imperial Chambers, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 590 — ■ — Warbropic. Warren & Co. (Regent Street), Ltd., Panton House, 25, Hay- market, S.W. 1 Gerrard 1832-3. Wates Bros., Ltd,, 12, Gt. Queen Street, London, W.C. 2 Gerrard 0575 Zywaresing, Westcent. Watford Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Whippendell Road, Watford Watford 180 Control. Watkins Meter Co., Imperial Mills, Hereford Watkins. Watkins & Watson, 17, White Lion Street, London, N. 1 ... North 2039. Watt, Henry J., 1, Central Parade, London, S.E.6 Lee Green 2118. Webb, W. A., & Co., 192, Sherlock Street, Birmingham Midland 2733 Comacite. Webber & Meecham, Ltd , 38, Gt. Windmill Street, London, W. 1 Regent 4076. Weiner, J., Ltd., 128, Long Acre, London, W.C.2 Gerrard 1130 Lithoprint,Rand Wellington Film Service, Ltd., Film House, Mill Hill, Leeds Leeds 23524. Welsh Halls Cinema Co., Ltd., Salisbury Cottage, Trealaw ... Tonypandy 48. Welsh, Pearson & Co., Ltd., West End House, 3-6, Rupert Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 15 10 Cineplay. West Central Film Service, Ltd., 80-82, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 1366. Western Import Co., Ltd., 86-88, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Regent 1776-7 Wesfilm. Western Import Co., Ltd., 86-88, Castle Street, Belfast Belfast 4365- Wesfilm. Western Import Co., Ltd., 144-5, Suffolk Street, Birmingham Midland 1467 Wesfilm. Western Import Co., Ltd., 46, Charles Street, Cardiff Cardiff 1848 — —Triangle. Western Import Co., Ltd., 93, Talbot Street, Dublin Dublin 401 Triangle. Western Import Co., Ltd., Lillie's Chambers, 39, Albion Street, Leeds Leeds 22454 -Triangle. Western Import Co., Ltd., 4, St. Mary's Street, Deansgate, Man- chester City 8590-1 Westimp. Western Import Co., Ltd., 71, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne Central 3531 — — Kinedomos. Wettstein, Ernest, 93-95, Wardour Street, London, W. 1 Gerrard 6910 Laureatus, Westcent. Wheeler, Jas. S., 42, Leighton Road, Bush Hill Park, Enfield, London, N Whincup, H. A., Ltd., i6a andi8A, Queen's Arcade, Leeds...... Leeds 22769— Whifilms. Whiston, Douglas A., 191, Strand, London, W.C.2 City 3864. Whitaker, H. A., & Co., Trinity Works, Scarborough Scarborough 444. Whitaker, Trinity Works. . White Company, The Frederick, 54-56, Victoria Street, Man- chester City 7646 Publicity. Whomes, Ltd. ("Orgapians''), 240-242, Broadway, Bexley Heath Bexley Heath 148 Whomes. Williamson Film Printing Co., 80-82, Wardour Street, London, Gerrard 9751-2 and Barnet C554 W.i (Night 'phone, Hampstead 4789)- Wilprimcol. Williamson Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Litchfield Gardens, Willesden Green, London, N.W.10 '. Willesden 0073 Kinetogram, Willroad. Wilmot, Barnard & Co., 5, Bilton Grove Avenue, Harrogate... Wilmot, Barnard, Harrogate. Wilson, HughD., 3, Leicester Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C.2 '. Regent 2620. Wilson, W. M., & Co., 15, Pitt Street, Glasgow Central 1076 — —Tyres. Wilson's Soda Fountains (1921), Ltd., Claremont Road, Rusholme, Manchester Winads, Ltd., British Screen Service, 93 and 95, Wardour Street, London, W.i Regent 6088-9 — • — Winadfilm, Westcent. Wirrall Picturedromes, Ltd. (Queen's Picture House Circuit), Queen's Picturedrome, Wallasey Withers, A., New Hall, Bargoed, South Wales Bargoed 72 Newhall. Wolfe & Hollander, Ltd., 251, Tottenham Court Road, London, W. 1 Museum 1850-1 Wolfhol. Womersley's Electric Co., Ltd., Branch Road, Armley, Leeds ... Leeds 21267. World's Master Productions, Ltd., 35, Little Newport Street, London, W.C. 2 Regent 3146-7 Enormity, Westrand. Wright, John, & Co., Ltd., Essex Works, Aston, Birmingham Central 2189 Euniip. Wyndham, J. O., 7, Pembroke Terrace, Cardiff Cardiff 3397. Z. Zillwood, Frank, & Sons," Newart " Poster Studios, Evan Street, Southampton Southampton 3410. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 270 The Kinentatograph Year Book. PROVINCIAL RENTERS. BIRMINGHAM. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 3104. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., Suffolk House, Suffolk Street. Midland 1181. Astra-National Productions, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 168. B. & N. Films, 1, Musicans' Buildings, Severn Street. Midland 3790. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street, Midland 47. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 5, Severn Street. Midland 3376. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 28, Severn Street. Midland 1902. Famous Films (Midland), Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 757. Famous-Lasky Film Service, . Ltd. , 12, John Bright Street. Midland 3781. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 1, Broad Street Chambers. Midland 1993. First National Pictures, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street, Midland 3083. Fox Film Co., Ltd., 1-3, Temple Street. Central 474- Gaumont Co., Ltd., 1, Broad Street Chambers. Midland 2614. Gilbert Films, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 757- Graham Wilcox Productions, Ltd., 1-7, Hill Street. Midland 168. Hale, E. J., Suffolk House, Suffolk Street. Midland 11 81. Hub Film Co., Ltd., 28, Severn Street. Midland 818. Ideal Films, Ltd., 57, John Bright Street. Midland 1599. International Cinematograph Corporation, Ltd., Frampton House, Gresham Road, Hall Green, Shirley 137. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 21, Smallbrook Street. Midland 1297. Larkin Pictures Corporation, 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 757. Midland Exclusives, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 757. Pathe Freres, Ltd., 88, John Bright Street. Midland 2455. Pearl Films, Ltd., 144-5, Suffolk Street. Mid- land 1467. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 34, John Bright Street. Midland 3779. Reciprocity Films, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 168. Sol Exclusives, Ltd., Sun House, 11, Holloway Head. Midland 1004. Solomon, Ralph A. , 1, Hill Street. Midland 168. Sovereign Exclusives, Ltd., 97, John Bright Street. Midland 601. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 43A, Temple Street. Central 2098. U.K.E. Film Co., Ltd., 27, John Bright Street, Midland 1604. United Films, Ltd., 1, Hill Street. Midland 757- United Kingdom Photoplays, Ltd., 1-5, Hill Street. Midland 168. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 5, Severn Street, John Bright Street. Midland 3376 and 3377- Wardour Films, Ltd., 137A, Suffolk Street. Midland 1019. Warner Bros., 82, Hill Street. Midland 1879. Western Import Co., 144-145, Suffolk Street, Midland 1467. BRADFORD. Imperial Animated Picture Co., 24, Listerhills Road. Bradford 4651. BRISTOL. Bristol Film Service, 127, Victoria Street. Bristol 1 1 99. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 139, Ashley Road. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 59, Park Street. Bristol 3692. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 127, Victoria Street. Bristol 3312. First National Fictures, Ltd., 70, Park Street. Bristol 615. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 127, Victoria Street. Bristol 3312 and 3313. Ideal Films, Ltd., 16, Redcliffe Street. Bristol 5484. Isis Films, Ltd., 139, Ashley Road. CLECKHEATON. GoodalTs Pictures, Ltd., Albion Street. Cleck- heaton 224. GLOUCESTER. C. W. Poole's Entertainments, Ltd., 31,' East- gate. Gloucester 1127. HALIFAX. Reliable Film Company, 15, Cheapside. Halifax 2020. LEEDS. All British Films, 9, Mill Hill. Leeds 24815. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 20 a, Queen's Arcade. Leeds 22718. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., 7, New Station Street. Leeds 26193. Astra Films (Yorkshire), Ltd., 19, King Charles Croft. Leeds 22558. Beahan Film Service, Ltd., 7, New Station Street. Leeds 26193. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 66, New Briggate. Leeds 26339. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 1, Upperhead Row. Leeds 22070. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 17, Welling- ton Street. Leeds 22705. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd. , 48, Wellington Street. Leeds 20471. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 5, Ludgate Hill, Vicar Lane, Leeds 24479. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 12 Land's Lane. Leeds 22884. JUPITER ARC -LAMPS are universally used in the World's Largest Studios. Sole Importers and Distributors in Great Britain : PEELING&VAN NECK, LD., 4/6 Holborn Circus, London, E.C.1 Trade Directory. 271 First National Pictures, Ltd., Bardon Chambers, King Street. Leeds 26325. Fox Film Co., Ltd., Trinity House, 33-35. Com- mercial Street. Leeds 22046. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 12, Land's Lane. Leeds 22884. Greta Film Service, Film House, Mill Hill. Leeds 21394. Ideal Films, Ltd., 22, New Briggate. Leeds 26900. Jury-Metro-Goldwvn . Ltd., 34, Wellington Street. Leeds 20885. Leverton, William, Film House. Mill Hill, Leeds 27829. Mercury Film (Booth Grainge) Service, 26B, Queen's Arcade. Leeds 26946. Metcalfe, Chas. P., 21, King Charles Croft. Leeds 25008. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 1-8, Wellington Chambers. Leeds 21564. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., ib, Queen's Arcade. Leeds 20364-5. Rose Film Co., Ltd., 25 & 26, Greek Street Chambers. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 121, Vicar Lane. Leeds 25489. Thompson, Charles, 97, Albion Street. Leeds 25859. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., r, Upperhead Row, Leeds 22070. Wardour Films, Ltd., n, Wellington Street. Leeds 22364. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 4, Cross Bell- grave Street, New Briggate. Leeds 26263. Wellington Film Service, Ltd., Film House, Mill Hill. Leeds 23524. Western Import Co., Ltd., Lillie's Chambers, 39, Albion Street. Leeds 22454. Whincup, H. A., Ltd., i8a, Queen's Arcade. Leeds 22769. LIVERPOOL Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 10, Commuta- tion Row. North 319. Bowman, Fredk. H. U., 141, Duke Street. Royal 326. Butchers Film Service, Ltd., 15, Paradise Street. Royal 3793- C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 113, Islington. North 253. Cope, A. G., 155, Duke Street. Royal 3026. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 115-117, Islington. North 535. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 124,. Dale Street. Central 2060. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 49A, Bold Street. Royal 244.T. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd.. 5, Slater Street, Bold Street. Royal 3760. First National Pictures, Ltd., 6ia, Bold Street. Royal 2106. Fox Film Co., Ltd., 109-111, Islington. North 435- Gaumont Co., Ltd., Chrono House, 5. 7 and 9, Slater Street. Royal 3760. Ideal Films, Ltd., 26, Tarleton Street. Royal 2348. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 13, Renshaw Street, Royal 4.720 . Mott-Cowan, M., ri3, Islington. North 253. North Western Booking Agency, 60, Lime Street. Royal 4911. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 2, Commutation Row. Bank 4177. Premier Services, Ltd., 146, Dale St. Central 739- Producers Distributing Co.. Ltd., 36, Cooper's Buildings, " A." Royal 4020. Sydney Film Service, 113, Islington. North 145- W. & F. Film Service, 113, Islington. North 253- Wardour Films, Ltd., 26, Mount Pleasant- Royal 1016. Warner Bros. Pictures, Ltd., 81, Dale Street. Central 5280. MANCHESTER. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 3, Parsonage. Central 3205. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., Orme's Buildings, The Parsonage. Central 7602. Blakeley, J. E., 74, Victoria Street. City 1002. Blattner, L. (Keycities), Gaiety Theatre, Peter Street. City 6215. Bohemian Film Agency, Orme's Buildings, The Parsonage. City 3660. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 40, Deansgate. City 1270. Capitol Productions, Ltd., 49, Deansgate. City 3693. Clarion Film Agency, Ltd., 12, Cannon Street. City 5688. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 3, The Parsonage. City. 8454. Empire Kinema Supply Co., Cathedral House, Long Millgate. City 6574. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 3, Parsonage. Central 7986-7. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., Crornford House, Crornford Court. City 4893. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 28, Victoria Street. Central r889. First National Pictures, Ltd., Orme's Buildings, The Parsonage. Central 7544. Fox Film Co., Ltd., 38, King Street West. City 1131. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 41, Corporation Street. City 8130. Matt Gill, Ltd. , 60, Victoria Street. Central 7925 . Haling, S., 12, Moreton Street. City 1198. Ideal Films, Ltd., 36, Deansgate. City 6219. International Cine. Corporation, Orme's Build- ings, The Parsonage. Central 7602. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn,Ltd. , 28, Deansgate. City 5143. McLoughlin, P. A., Ltd., 15, Gt. Ducie Street. Central 171 3. Manchester Film Producing Co., 64, Victoria Street. City 3989. Mark's Films, Ltd. , 28, Deansgate. Central 5882 . Milloy, E. Grattan, Ltd., 12, Cannon Street. City 7980. National Film Agency, 64, Victoria Street. Ci*y 3989. New Era Films, Ltd., 42, Parsonage Chambers. City 5571. AUTOMATIC 3b™ 90, WARDOUR ST., LONDON, W.I. Telephone: and at Barnes. Gerrard 3964. FOR BETTER PRINTS EVERY FACILITY FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT 272 The Kinematograph Year Book. Palatine Film Co., Ltd., 60, Victoria Street. City '55 1. PithJ^r eres Cinema, Ltd., 3, Parsonage. City 5149. Pearl Films, Ltd., and Astra National, 4, St. Mary's Street, Deansgate. City 8590. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 3, Parsonage Chambers, The Parsonage. City 8070-1. Progress Film Co. (London), Ltd., 40, Deansgate. City 1270. Rose Film Co., Ltd., Orme's Buildings, The Parsonage. City 7602. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 38, King Street West. Central 285. Vocal Films, Orme's -Buildings, The Parsonage. City 3660. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 3, Parsonage. City 8454-5. Waimvright, A. C. J., Orme's Buildings, Parson- age. Central 7602. Walker, E. O., & Co., 26, Cannon Street. City 693. Wardour Films, Ltd., Parsonage Buildings. City 5418. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 2, Cannon Street. City 4479- Western Import Co., Ltd., 4, St. Mary's Street, Deansgate. City 8590. White (Frederick) Co., 54-56, Victoria Street. City 7646. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 4, Westmorland Road. Central 1582. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., 65, Thornton Street. Central 3388. Bernhard-Kean Productions, Ltd., 65, Thornton Street. Central 6069. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd. , 31, Westgate Road. Central 683. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 87, W'estgate Road. Central 5996. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., European House, 33, Bath Lane. Central 2803. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., Paramount Artcraft House, 18, Bath Lane. Central 1564. Film Booking Offices (1919). Ltd., Grainger Chambers, 22, Grainger Street. Central 1277. Film Clea-ing Houses, Ltd., Chrono House, St. John Street. City 429. First National Pictures, Ltd., 136, Westgate Road. Central 1855. Fox Film Co., Ltd., St. Nicholas Chambers, Amen Corner. City 678. Gaumont Co., Ltd., Chrono House, St. John Street. City 429. Henderson's North of England Film Bureau, Ltd., 65, Thornton Street. Central 3164. Ideal Films, Ltd,, 67, Westgate Road.. City 374- Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 210, Westgate Road. Central 3535. Newcastle United Film Co., Neville Chambers, 42, Westgate Road. Central 1925. Northern Mutual Films, Ltd., 65, Thornton Street. Central 3388. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 2o8,Westgate Road. City 614. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., Streets Buildings, 87, Westgate Road. Central 2372. Reay, Robert, 11, Bath Lane. Central 3703. Simpson, R. W., 19, Bath Lane. City 834. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., Union Buildings, St. John Street. Central 2248. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd. , 87, Westgate Road. Central 5996. Wardour Films, Ltd., 138, Westgate Road. Central 1525. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., Imperial Chambers, 96A, Westgate Road. Central 590 Western Import Co., Ltd., 7r, Westgate Road. Central 3531. NOTTINGHAM. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., 4, Chaucer Villas, Chaucer Street. Nottingham 4613. Church's (Gilbert) Enterprises, 17, Forman Street. Nottingliam 4382. Famous Films (Midland), Ltd., 17, Forman Street. Nottingham 4382. Gilbert Films, Ltd., 17, Forman Street. Notting- ham 4382 & 4034. Larkin Pictures Corporation, 17, Forman Street. Nottingham 4382 & 4034. Midland Exclusives, Ltd., 17, Forman Street. Nottingham 4382 & 4034. PRESTON. Preston Film Service, Kinema House, Corpora tion Street. Preston 10. SHEFFIELD. Clayton's Bioscope, 14, Oak Street. South 822. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, 71, Norfolk Street. Central 1374. Grams. : Turigraph Sheffield Photo Co., 6, Norfolk Row. Central 3891. SOUTHSEA. Portsmouth Film Service, 88, Clarendon Road. Portsmouth 5748. Grams. Films, Portsmouth. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. Stratford-upon-Avon Guild, Ltd., 20, Henley Street. Stratford-upon-Avon 191. Grams. : Crafts, Stratford-upon-Avon. JOHN STUART Juvenile Lead in Gaumont 1926 Productions : "LONDON LOVE," " MADEMOISELLE FROM ARMENTIERES," " HINDLE WAKES." Trade Directory. ?73 WELSH RENTERS CARDIFF. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 9, Queen Street. Cardiff 5556. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., 23, Charles Street, Cardiff 1024. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd.. 17, Quav Street. Cardiff 3182. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 40, Charles Street. Cardiff 1508. Carcopol Film Co., Ltd., 15, Pembroke Terrace, Cardiff 3656. Dramatic i-ilms. Ltd.. is, Castle Arcade. Cardiff 197. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 4th Base- ment, Principality Buildings, Prior}- Street Cardiff 610 1. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd. . 16—18, Priory Street. Cardiff 7674. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 35, Castle Arcade. Cardiff 6S43. Fleet PhotoDlavs, Ltd., 38, Charles Street. Cardiff 2273. Fox Film Co., Ltd., Principality Buildings. Priory Street. Cardiff 174.4. Gaumont Co., Ltd., Wharton Street. Cardiff 2733. Ideal Films Ltd., 8, Pembroke Terrace, Queen Street. Cardiff 5047. Independent Supers, Ltd., 3, Pembroke Terrace. Cardiff 7657. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn. Ltd., 4, Park Lane, Queen Street. Cardiff 807. New Era Films, Ltd., 38, Charles Street. Cardiff 7109. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd.. 13. Charles Street. Cardiff 4040. Phoenix Film Service, Ltd., 23, Charles Street. Cardiff 1024. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 20, Castle Arcade. Cardiff 7562. Servairs Exclusives, 40, Charles Street. Cardiff 1508. Star Film Service (Cardiff), Ltd., 48, Charles Street. Cardiff 6894. Tel. address : " Stafilserv." Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 27, Charles Street. Cardiff 2 141. Wardcur Films, Ltd., 5, St. John's Square, Cardiff iir. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., Metropole Buildings, The Hayes. Cardiff 1365. Western Import and Pearl Films, Ltd., 46, Charles Street. Cardiff 184S. Tel. address: Triangle, Cardiff. SCOTTISH RENTERS. EDINBURGH. Northern Film Agency, 9, West Register Street. Central 11. GLASGOW. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 127, West Nile Ptreet. Douglas 1794. Argosy Film Co., Ltd., 81, Dunlop Street. Central 1698. Bendon Trading Co., 132, West Nile Street. Douglas 579. Bernhard-Kean Productions. Ltd., 68, Gt. Clyde Street. Central 96. Cosmograph Film Co., Ltd., 213, Buchanan Street. Douglas 3570. Coxall, Horace S. 211, West Campbell Street, Douglas 1 1 64. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 34, Gt. Chyde Street. Central 1532. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., 164, Buchanan Street. Douglas 2879. Film Booking Offices (1919), Ltd., 77 '79,Mitcr.eil Street. Central 2281. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 77, Mitchell Street. Central 2786. First National Pictures, Ltd., 10, Bothwell Street. Central 515. Fox Film Co., Ltd., 142A, St. Vincent Street. Central 2676. Gaumont Co., Ltd., 77-79, Mitchell Street. Central 2786. Granger's Exclusives (1925), Ltd., 211, West Campbell Street. Douglas 145. Green's Film Service, 182, Trongate. Bell 1660. Ideal Films, Ltd., 39 and 39A, Bath Street. Douglas 1352. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd,, 16, Dixon Street. Central 2955. Page Films, Ltd., 143, St. Vincent Street. Central 43. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 102, Union Street- Central 1965. Producers Distributing Co., Ltd., 223, Hope Street. Douglas 2234. Reid, Andrew, Film Service, Ltd., 211, West Campbell Street. Douglas 145. Robertson's Film Service, Ltd., 148, Wellington Street. Douglas 2043. Schofield &Schoneld, 201, HopeStreet. Douglas 3457- Stoll Film Co., Ltd., 28, West Nile Street. Central 2691. Triangle Plays Co., 1S2, Trongate. Bell 1660. W. & F. Film Service, Ltd., 51-53, Renfrew Street. Douglas 255. Wardour Films, Ltd., ico, Buchanan Street. Douglas 40. Warner Brothers Fictures, Ltd., 102, Union Street. Central 1627. FOR EVERYTHING -EXCEPT Fl LMS 274 The Kinematograph Year Book. IRISH RENTERS. BELFAST. Butcher's Film Service, Ltd., iioa, North Street. Belfast 1877. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 48, Upper Church Lane. Belfast 2614. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., 5, Donegall Street. Belfast 2525. Gauniont Film Co., Ltd., 5-7-9, Donegall Street. Belfast 2425. Levy & Sons, no, Upper North Street. Belfast 1877. Moore, A., 2, Alfred Street. Wardour Films, Ltd., Garfield Chambers, 44, Royal Avenue. Belfast 3444. Western Import Co., Ltd., 86-83, Castle Street. Belfast 4365. DUBLIN. Allied Artists Corporation, Ltd., 71, Middle Abbey Street. Dublin 4519. C. & M. Productions, Ltd., 7, Lower Abbey Street. Dublin 3848. Despatch Film Service, 204, Pearse Street Dublin 4517. Eppels Films, LtJ.^42, Pearse Street. European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., 2, Burgh Quay. Dublin 4255. Express Film Agenc Veritas House, 7, Lower Abbey Street. Dublin 3848. Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd., Paramount House, 11, Pearse Street. Dublin 2633. Film Clearing Houses, Ltd., Lord Edward Street. Dublin 3414. First National Pictures, Ltd., 62, Middle Abbey Street. Dublin 4186. Fpx Film Co., Ltd., 9B, Lower Abbey Street. Dublin 152. Gaumont Co. , Ltd. , Lord Edward Street. Dublin 3414- Ideal Films, Ltd., 112, Marlborough Street. Dublin 4620. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., 20.5, Pearse Street. Dublin 4639. Levy, P. & Co., 17. Fade Street. Dublin 4918. McConnell Hartley, Ltd., Publicity House, Pearse Street. Dublin 283. Mitchell, J., 112, Marlborough Street. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 2, Lower Abbey Street. Dublin 4360. Pearl Films, Ltd. , 93 , Talbot Street. Dublin 401. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., 75, Middle Abbey Street. Dublin 3207. Wardour Films, Ltd., 17, Pearse Street. Dublin 2178. Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., 185, Pearse Street. Western Import Co., Ltd., 93, Talbot Street. Dublin 401. BRITISH STUDIOS AND PRODUCING FIRMS. Aerofilms, Ltd., Aerial House, The Hyde, Hendon> London, N.W.9. Colindale 6157. Alliance Studio, St. Margaret's-on-Thames* Richmond 1945. Archibald Nettlefold Productions, Hurst Grove, Walton-on-Thames. Walton 16. Astra-National Productions, Ltd., 101, Wardour Street, W. 1. Regent 2404. Barker Studio, Ealing Green, W. 5. British Instructional Films, Ltd., Regent Studios, Park Road, Surbiton. Kingston 4491. British National Pictures, Ltd., Heddon House, Regent Street, W.i — and Studios, Boreham Wood, Elstree, Herts. British Phono Films, Ltd., 6, Little Denmark Street, W.C. Regent 1607. Studios, Cranmer Court, Clapham. B.W.P., Ltd., 3, Rupert Street, W. 1. Gerrard 1510. Community Service, Ltd., 1, Montague Street, W.C.i. Museum 34*3 • Gaumont Co., Ltd., 59, Lime Grove, Shepherd's Bush, London, W. 12. Riverside 2090. George Clark Pictures, Ltd., The Studio, Station Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Beaconsfield 183. Godal International Films, Ltd., 12, D'Arblay Street. W. 1. Regent 3167. Graham Wilcox Productions (London), Ltd., 174, Wardour Street, W. 1. Regent 0556-7. Ideal Film Co., Ltd., Boreham Wood, Elstree, Herts. Elstree 52. New Era 'Films, Ltd., 27, D'Arblay Street, Wardour Street, W.i. Regent 5318-9. Pathe Freres Cinema, Ltd., 84, Wardour Street, W. 1. Regent 2842. Photographic Advertising, Ltd., 108, Victoria Street, S.W. r. Victoria 1991. Studios, Warwick Road, Ealing, W. Piccadilly Pictures, Ltd., 42, Cranbourn Street, W.i. Regent 4450. Studios, Poole Street, Islington Clerkenwell 9100. Quality Film Plays, Ltd., 5-6, Red Lion Square, W.C. 1. Holbom 4996. Standard Film Agency, 26, St. Annes Court, W.i. Regent 4.152. Steadfast Film Co., Ltd., 140A, Gloucester Mansions. Cambridge Circus, W.C. 2. Gerrard 3681. Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd., Langton Road, Cricklewood, N.W.2. Willesden 3293. Walls & Henson, Ltd., Aldwych Theatre, W.C. 2. Welsh, Pearson & Co., 41, Craven Park, Harles- den, N.W. 10. Willesden 2862. EXPERIENCE TELLS For all Theatre Furnishing & Decoration. Consult Specialists, HALL & DIXON, Ltd. 19, GARRICK STREET, LONDON The Kinematograph Year Book. 275 A Sure Guide to Public Taste THE PICTUREGOER" is a sure index to the taste of those film lovers who are your best patrons. Every number contains lavishly illustrated articles, reviews and criticisms from the point of view of the man and woman in the stalls. Keep in touch with your public by reading "The Picturegoer " every month. ONE SHILLING \J MONTHLY The !Movie Magazine de Luxe. 276 The Kinematograph Year Book. THEATRE HOUSE ORGANS (WITH OR WITHOUT ADVERTISEMENTS;. We relieve you of compilation and editing. We publish "PICTURELAND," "OUR FIL VIS," "OUR PLAYS AND PLAYERS" (for Theatres), "THE SHOW " (for Music Halls). Hundreds of Theatres and Cinemas use our Publications. EXCLUSIVE HOUSE ORGANS if desired, containing Monthly Film Bookings, Illustrated Synopses, Editorial Chat, etc. WEEKLY PROGRAMMES CONTRACTED FOR. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS ARE DESIRED any of the above publications, or exclusive magazines, mutually agreed quantities, FREE OF CHARGE. Editorial Department under the control of Mr. Low Warren, F. J. I. (Formerly Editor, " Kinematograph Weekly") Send for Samples and Circular giving hints as to how to use House Organs to the best advantage. THEATRES ADVERTISING COMPANY, Entertainment Publishers, 87, Charing Cross Rd., W.C.2 Regent 4219. 'Grams : Adpuprin, Westrand, London. Also Contractors for Local and National Slides, Curtains, Films. A Profitable Investment. THE soda fountain has proved to be one of the most profitable investments for any cinema, no matter of what size. It is surprising that even to-day there are some establishments without this up-to-date feature. Fruit sodas and other specialities are catching on at a tremendous pace. There are still people, of course, who have the impression that a soda fountain entails a large outlay. A fountain for a small establishment can be installed for less than £25 ; while other models can be had up to £160. A skilled attendant is no longer necessary, because the modern Flugel fountain is fitted up with handy receptacles for grated nuts for various kinds of sundaes ; porcelain jars to contain fresh fruits ; receptacles for chipped ice, and insulated ice cream cabinets. Separate ice coolers are also included. It is these details which give a service of a 100 per cent, efficiency. The Flugel 4ft. 6ins. Clear Service Fountain at £160 makes a very impressive displav, and enables the proprietor to give a com- plete Soda fountain service, including all the various fruit sodas, parfaits, sundaes, and other delicacies. Another popular model is the Flugel " Size One " Counter Fountain, which costs only £20. It can be fitted into an existing counter, or it can be made portable for outside catering, dances, sports meetings, etc. This low priced fountain will produce soda fountain drinks equal in quality to those made on the most expensive installation. If it should also be required to fill bottles as well as to serve on draught from the fountain, the necessary bottle filling attachment can be supplied for £5 extra. Full details can be had from Flugel and Co. (London), Ltd.. 225, Acton Lane, London W.4. DIRECTORY OF KI N E M AS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND With the exception of circuit halls, which are arranged under the general heading of the proprietary company or individual, the theatres of the country are arranged ALPHABETICALLY by TOWNS under the headings of LONDON, ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND and IRELAND. (See end of Directory for Index.) 27S The Kinematograph Year Book. Theatre Circuits, *3>c, Registered Offices, Phones and Halls in the Circuits, ABERDEEN PICTURE PALACES, LTD. — Address : 3, King Street, Aberdeen. Chairman : A. D. Hay. Secretary : J. M. Clapperton (Advocate). Managing Director : A. D. Hay. Telephone: Aberdeen 1173. Telegrams : 3, King Street, Aberdeen. Globe, Nelson Street, Aberdeen. Star Picture Palace, Park Street, Aberdeen. King's Cinema, George Street, Aberdeen. Picture Playhouse, Union Street, Aberdeen. ACADEMY CINEMA CO.— Head Office: 266, High Street North, East Ham, E.I 2. Proprietors: W. T. Scriven and W. J. Huxtable. General Manager: Arthur Tench. Telephone: Grangewood 0175. Academy Cinema, Leytonstone. Picture Coliseum, Upton Park. Picture Coliseum, East Ham. AMMAN ALPHA CINEMAS, LTD. — Head Office : Alpha Cinema, Brynamman, Carmarthen. Alpha Cinema, Brynamman. Gaiety, Cwmgorse. APOLLO CINEMAS CO. (Private Syndicate).— Head Office : 23, St. Mary Street, Cardiff. Chairman: Harry Cohen. Film Director: Arthur Cohen. Accountant : J. H. Davenport. Telephone: Cardiff 3498 and (London) Dal- ston 722. Apollo Picture Theatre, Stoke Newington. Coronet Picture Theatre, Cardiff. Grand Cinema, Gillingham. Central Cinema, Woking. Tredegar Hall Picture Theatre, Newport (Mon.) . Palace Theatre, Woking. AWARD CIRCUIT.— Head Office: Palace Chambers, Stroud, Glos. Managing Director : Albany Ward. General Manager : P. Maitland. Telephone: Stroud it. Telegrams : Palace, Stroud. Palace Theatre, Stroud. Picture House, Stroud. Picture House, Cirencester. Palace, Cinderford. Picture House, Lydney. Palace, Swindon. Palace, Calne. BACON'S (SIDNEY) PICTURES, LTD.— Regis • tered Office : 108, Great Russell Street Blaomsbury, London' W.C.1. Governing Director : Sidney Bacon. Telephone: Museum 5221-2. Telegrams: Nocabdis, Westcent, London. Rivoli Cinema, Southend. City Picture House, Carlisle. Electric Palace, Highgate. Highgate Empire. Olympia, Newcastle-on-Tyue. New Public Hall, Carlisle. Public Hall, Erith. Princess's Theatre, Crayford. Picture House, Erith. BAILEY'S (LEONARD G.) CIRCUIT.— Office : 22, Gathedral House, Long Millgate, Man- chester. Booking Manager: Leonard G. Bailey. Telephone : Manchester City 6574. Empire, Blackley, Manchester. Clifton Palace, Blackpool. Alexandra, Hyde. BALL'S (J.) CIRCUIT.— Head Office: High Street, Royston, near Barnsley. Managing Director : Jonathan Ball. Telephone: Royston 12. Empire, Darfield, near Barnsley. Empire, Darton, near Barnsley. Palace, Royston, near Barnsley. BARBER (GEO. H.).— Head Office: Palace, Tunstall, Staffs. Prop, and Manager: Councillor Geo. H. Barber. Telephone: Hanley 253. Telegrams: Palace, Tunstall, Staffs. Palace, Tunstall. Regent Hall, Tunstall. Palace, Wolverton. Scala, Stony Stratford. BARR, LTD.— Head Office : 16, South Quay, Great Yarmouth. Managing Director : E. V. Barr. Secretary: E. H. Field. Empire, Great Yarmouth. Gem Picture House, Great Yarmouth. Palace, Lowestoft. HiDDodrome, Lowestoft. THEATRE EQUIPMENT LTD. CAN BE RELIED UPON FOR BEST VALUE AND PROMPT SERVICE. 179, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l. Tel.: Regent 1373. 'Grams: "Theatequip, Westcent." Kinema Directory {Circuits). 279 B.B. PICTURES (1920), LTD.— Head Office : 81, Dunlop Street, Glasgow. Telephone: Central 5485. B.B. Cinerama, Victoria Road, Glasgow. B.B. Cinerama, Perth. B.B. Picture Hall, Coatbridge. BECK'S (JOHN) CIRCUIT. — Office : Tivoli Theatre, Blackpool. Booking Manager : John Beck. Telephone: Blackpool 508. Tivoli Theatre, Blackpool. King Edward Picture House, Blackpool. County Cinema, Lancaster. Palace Cinema, Great Harwood. Waterloo Picture House, Blackpool. BEDFORD CINEMAS, LTD. — Head Office : 19 Sweeting Street, Liverpool. Managing Director : John F. Wood. Telephone : Bank 4076. King's Cinema de Luxe, Oakfield Road, Liver- pool. Bedford Hall, Walton. Marina Picture Theatre, Seacombe. Lyceum Picture House, Egremont. Super, Birkenhead. Queen's Picture Theatre, Birkenhead. Park Picture House, Birkenhead. Regent Picture House, Crosby. 'Broadway, BootJe. Strand Cinema, Bootle. Cameo, Liverpool. Trocadero, New Brighton. Savoy, Liverpool. King's Cinema, Little Sutton, Cheshire. SAM BERNEY.— Office : 5, Piccadilly Mansions, 17, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.1. Telephone : Gerrard 3977. Coliseum, Harrow Road, W. Empire, Camberwell Green, S E. Cine:na, Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, S.E. Victoria Cinema, Islington, N. Prince of Wales, Harrow Road, W. BERNSTEIN, SIDNEY L. — Head Office : 197 VYardour Street, London, VY.1. Telephone : Regent 6334-5. Telegrams : Berdarold, Westcent, London. Rialto, Enfield. Rialto, Leytonstone. Empire Kinema, Willesden. Empire Kinema, West Ham. Empire Kinema, East Ham. Empire Kinema, Plumstead. Empire Kinema, Ilford. Empire, Shrewsbury. Empire, Edmonton. B, F. (B. FRUTIN) PICTURE AND VARIETY CIRCUIT— Head Office : 164, Argyle Street, Glasgow. Sole Partner : B. Frutin. General Manager: Wm. A. Rsa. ! General Secretary and Supervisor : David M. Wilson. Telephone: Central 41 14. Queen's Theatre, Watson Street, Glasgow. Royal Cinema, Glasgow. Bedford Picture House, Glasgow. BIOCOLOR PICTURE THEATRES, LTD.— Registered Offices : Reynolds House, 5, Great Newport Street, London, VY.C.2. Joint Managing Directors : E. E. Lyons and H. T. Underwood. Telephone: Regent 1423 (3 lines). Telegrams : Biomacolor, Westraad, London, Academy Picture House, Brighton. New Savoy Theatre, Glasgo.v. Grand Theatre, Glasgow. Hippodrome, Cardiff. Coliseum, Newport, Mon. Empire, Holloway Road, London. Peckham Hippodrome, Peckham. Britannia Theatre, Hoxton. Empire, Bradford. Coliseum, Burslem. New Hippodrome, Stoke. Dalston Picture House, Dalston. Empire, Hanley. Hippodrome, Colchester. Gaiety, Birmingham. Palace, Bristol. Savoy, Plymouth. BLAGKMAN'S (A. H.) MIDDLESEX KINEMAS: LTD.— Head Office : Picture House, Ted - dington. Proprietor: A. H. Blackman. Telephone : Kingston 3306. Picture House, Teddington. New Gaiety Cinema, Twickenham. Palaceum, Hampton. Lyric, Wandsworth. BLUE HALLS, LTD.— Offices : Coronation House, 4, Lloyd's Avenue, London, E.C.3. General Manager and Secretary : H. Lennox. Telephone: Royal 6159. Telegrams : Amentin Fen, London. Blue Hall, Edgware Road, W. Palladium Opera House, Brighton. BRANFORD'S (V.) CIRCUIT. — Head Offico: Palace, Whitehaven. Palace, Whitehaven. Garrison Theatre, Catterick Camp. People's Palace, Frizington. Alhambra, Penrith. BUTCHER'S FILM SERVICE LTD., 175, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l Branches at— GLASGOW. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. MANCHESTER. LIVERPOOL. LEEDS. BIRMINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. BRISTOL. CARDIFF. 280 The Kinemato graph Year Book. BRITISH CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRES, LTD.— Head Office : 199, Piccadilly, W.1. Managing Director : Major A. W. Banner, 0. B.E. Telephone: Regent 1390. Picture House, Above Bar, Southampton. Picture House, Tavern Street, Ipswich. BROADHEAD'S THEATRES. — Registered Office : Hippodrome, Hulme, Manchester. Proprietors : William Henry Broadhead and Son. General Manager : Percy B. Broadhead. Telephone: City 592S-9. Hippodrome, Hulme, Manchester. Royal Osborne Theatre, Manchester. King's, Longsight, Manchester. Metropole, Openshaw, Manchester Queen's Park Hippodrome, Manchester. Junction Theatre, Manchester Empress Electric, Manchester. Royal Hippodrome, Salford. Pavilion, Liverpool. Empire Hippodrome, Ashton-under-Lyn-. Pavilion, Ashton-under-Lyne. Crown Theatre, Eccles, Manchester. Hippodrome, Bury. Palace. Preston. Hippodrome, Preston. Winter Gardens, Morecambe. BURTON LATIMER ELECTRIC PALACE CO., LTD.— Head Office : 3a, Silver Street Wellingborough. Managing Director and General Manager : Alfred T. Watts. Telephone: Wellingborough 230. Telegrams : Watts Studios, Wellingborough. Picture House, Irthlingborough. Star Cinema, Finedon. Electric Palace, Burton Latimer. CASTLE AND CENTRAL CINEMAS, LTD.— Address : 70, St. Mary Street, Cardiff. Directors: F. E. Andrews, A. Andrews, W. Andrews, P. Andrews. Telephone : Cardiff 2982. Tehgrams : Omnibus, Cardig. Central Cinema, The Hayes, Cardiff. Castle Cinema, Worcester Place, Swansea. Central Cinema, Hannah Street, Porth. CENTRAL HALL CIRCUIT.-Head Office: 1, Central Parade, Gatford, London, S.E.6. Telephone: Lee Green 2 118. Central Hall Picture House, Catford. Central Hall Picture House, Stamford Hill. Cinema Palace, Kingston-on-Thames. "CD." CINEMAS, LTD. — Registered Office1 Quality House, Temple Row, Birmingham. Head Office : The Oxford, High Street, Birmingham. Cliairman : Joseph Cohen. Managing Director: M. Dent. Telephone: Central 4392. White Hall Super Cinema. Derby. Regent, Birmingham. Oxford, Birmingham. Select, Birmingham. Hay Mill Picture House, Birmingham. Aston Cross Picture House. Birmingham. Gaiety, Birmingham. Olympia, Darlaston. Hippodrome, Nuneaton. CHESHIRE COUNTY CINEMAS, LTD.— Head Office : Empress Theatre, Runcorn, Empress Theatre, Runcorn. King's Cinema, Runcorn: Pavilion, Northwich. Co-op. Cinema, Widnes. CHESHIRE PICTURE HALLS, LTD.— Head Office : Empire, Conway Street, Birkenhead. Director and General Manager: W. F. Williams. Secretary : A. C. Gibson Wallace. Telephone: Birkenhead 1815. Coliseum Picture House, Birkenhead. Empire Cinema, Birkenhead. Palladium, Birkenhead. Picture House, More ton. Lyceum, New Ferry. CINEVIA DEVELOPMENTS WARRIN3TON LTD. — Registered Office : 20, Brazennose Street, Manchester. Circuit Supervisor : Mrs. Jenny Hipwell. Telephone: Urmston 236. Telegrams : Palace, Urmston. Palace, Urmston. Star Kinema, Warrington. Picturedrome, Warrington. CIRCUIT CINEMAS, LTD.— Head Office : 53 Brown Street, Manchester. Telephone: City 9057. Premier Cinema, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Cosmo Cinema, Gorton, Manchester. Savoy Cinema, Sale, Cheshire. Don Cinema, Beswick, Manchester. Tower Picture Theatre, Ancoats, Manchester. Bedford Street Picture House, Leamington Spa. Claremont Cinema. Moss Side. Manchester. Green Hill Cinema, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, CLAVERING CIRCUIT.— Head Office: 95 Mile End Read, E.1. Chairman and Managing Director: Albert Clavering. Secretary : W. H. Bickerton. General Manager : L. T. Swain. Asst . General Manager : F. J. Delamare, Telephone : East 0165 and 3393. Rivoli, Whitechapel Road. Mile End Empire. Woolwich Hippodrome. Broadway Theatre, New Cross. Putney Hippodrome. CLAYTON, E. C— Address : 14, Oak Street Sheffield. Telephone: South 822. Electra Palace, Parkgate (near Rotherham). Heeley Electric Theatre, Sheffield. Oxford Picture Palace, Sheffield. Pavilion, Attercliffe, Sheffield. Lyric Picture House, Darnall, Sheffield. Hoyland Cinema, near Barnsley. Strand Cinema, Douglas, I.O.M. Cinema House, Ramsey, I.O.M. Picture House, Douglas, I.O.M. Picture House, Goldthorpe, Nr. Rotherham. Pavilion, Peel, Isle of Man. Picture House, Chesterfield. Palace, Woodseats, Sheffield. Kinema Directory (Circuits). 281 COAST CINEMAS, LTD. — Head Office : Riaito Picture House, Colwyn Bay. Director and General Manager: Edward Pittingale. Telephone: Colwyn Bay 254. Telegrams : Riaito, Colwyn Bay. Cinema, Conway. Oxford Palace,' Penmaenmawr. Cinema, Llanrwst. Riaito Picture House, Colwyn Bay. COLLINS(PAT.),CIRCUIT.— Head Office: Gondola Works, Shaw Street, Walsall, Staffs. Proprietor : Pat Collins. - Secretary : A. H. Proverbs. Telephone : Walsall 702. Telegrams : Gondola, Walsall. Grosvenor Electric Theatre, Bloxwich. Alhambra, Dudley Port. CONSOLIDATED CINEMATOGRAPH COM- PANIES, LTD.— Head Office : 17, Shaftes- bury Avenue, London, W.1. Chairman : R. Sumner Jones. General Manager : C. Grant. Telephone: Gerrard 1713. Telegrams : Velopment, Piccy, London. Picture House, Newcastle on-Tyne. Picture House, Sunderland. CRONEEN'S (H. G. & W.) CIRCUIT.— Head Office : 21 and 23, High Street, Gillingham Kent. Proprietors : H. G. & W. Croneen. Telephone: Gillingham, Kent, 38. Invicta Picture Palace, Gillingham. invicta Picture Palace, Chatham, invicta Picture Palace, Strood. Royal Cinema de Luxe, Ashford, Kent. Cinema de Luxe, Margate. CURRY'S CIRCUIT— Head Office: Prince of Wales Theatre, Grimsby. Managing Director : Joseph H. Curry. Teleplwne: Grimsby 2822. Telegrams : Curry Theatre, Grimsby Tivoli, Grimsby. Strand, Grimsby. Lyric, Grimsby. DUNDEALGAN ELECTRIC THEATRE CO., LTD.— Registered Offices : Town Hall Buildings, Dundalk. General Manager : J. Gormley. Town Hall, Dundalk. Whitworth Hall, Drogheda. Town Hall, Enniskillen. White Horse Hotel, Drogheda. EAGLE PICTUREDROMES, LTD.— Registered Office : County Playhouse. King Street, Wigan. County Playhouse, Wigan. Gidlow Picture House, Wigan. Queen's Theatre, Pemberton. Carlton, Pemberton. Palace, Piatt Bridge. Empire, Piatt Bridge. Palace, Atherton. Gem, Atherton. Central Hall, Pemberton. Majestic, Tyldesley. ( Union Playhouses Ltd.; Lyme House Cinema, Prescot. EASTERN COUNTIES CINEMAS, LTD. — Head Office : Regent Theatre, Mouisham Street Chelmsford. General Manager : R. Gerald Balls. Teleplwne : Chelmsford 94. Telegrams: Regent Theatre, Chelmsford. Electric Theatre, Norwich. Regent Theatre, Chelmsford. Central Cinema, Ipswich. Empire Theatre, Norwich. ELECTRIC THEATRES (1908), LTD.— Registered Office : Cinema House, 225, Oxford Street, W.I. Managing Director : R. A. Thompson. Secretary : A. Aberdeen. Telephone: Regent 4133 and 4134. Britannia Picture Palace, 211, High Street, Camden Town. (North 43.) Croydon Picture House, 108, North End, Croydon. (Croydon 202.) Theatre de Luxe, Northgate, Gloucester. (Glou. 937.) Theatre de Luxe, St. Andrews, Norwich. (Nor. 1292.) Theatre de Luxe, 150, North Street, Brighton. (B'ton. 948.) ELITE PICTURE HOUSE CO. (BRADFORD), LTD —Registered Office : Elite Picture House, Toller Lane, Bradford. Chairman : C. Blagbrough. Secretary : John E. Anderton. Elite Picture House, Bradford. Coliseum, Bradford. Grand, Bradford. Picturedrome, Bradford. ELLIS'S CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRES.— Head Office: Homeside, Barrington Read, Wellswood, Torquay. Sole Proprietor and Managing Director: A. O. Ellis. Telephone: Torquay 2895. Electric Palace, Paignton. Electric Theatre, Brixham. Electric Theatre, Tiverton. Picture House, Buckfastleigh. Empire, Plymouth. Columbia \ as used by ALL First - Class Theatres 282 The Kinematograph Year Book. J. F. EMERY'S CIRCUIT.— Head Office : Theatre Royal, Manchester. New Central Hall, Collyhurst. Empire, Leigh. Empress Cm ma, Pendleton. Sc^la, Pendleton. Th atre Royal, Manchester. finema, Seedley. tsoro', Salford. Market Street Picture House, Manchester. Oxford Picture House, Manchester. Pavilion, Reddish. Palace, Walkden. Elite, Wimbledon. King's, Wimbledon. King's, Bristol. FAVOURITE CINEMAS, LTD.— Office : Evelyn House, 62, Oxford Street, London, W.1. Managing Director: J. E. Pearce. Telephone : Museum 4346-7. . Telegrams : Savofavour, Westcent. Blue Halls, Hammersmith. Olympia, Liverpool. FENTON CIRCUIT.— Head Office : 4, Central Buildings, Darlington, Yorks. Telephone: Darlington 2496. Knaresborough Cinema, Knaresborough. Garrison Theatre, Catterick Camp. FIFESHIRE CINEMA CO., LTD.— Head Office : Dunfermline, Fifeshire. General Manager : James Roden. Telephone: Leven 147. Globe, Buckhaven. Empire, East Wemyss. Regent, Leven. Pavilion, Leven. FLATAU CIRCUIT.— Address : 6, Conduit Street, London, W. 1. Proprietor: S. J. Flatau. Telephone : Mayfair 2139. Tivoli, Eastbourne. Victoria Hall, Southsea. Temperance Hall, Northampton. FYFE AND FYFE; LTD.— Head Office : 96, Renfield Street, Glasgow. Telephone .- Douglas 706. Telegrams : Douglas 706. Pavilion Theatre, Galashiels. Pavilion Theatre, Forfar. Klnning Park Hall, Glasgow. GALE AND REPARD.— Head Office : 90, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. Secretary : Charles T. Welch. Telephones : Regent 0320, Gerrard 2348. Telegrams : Fiparega, Westcent, London. Grand Cinema, Barking Road (controlled by Kinematograph Properties, Ltd.). Lincoln Kinema, Corn Exchange, Lincoln (controlled by Lincoln Kinema. Ltd.). Canning Town Cinema, Barking Road, E. (con- trolled by Canning Town Kinema, Ltd.). Grand Theatre, Gainsborough (controlled by Gainsborough Kinema, Ltd.). Palmadium, Palmers Green (controlled by Palmers Green Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Secretary, A. L. Stockwin). GOOD ALL'S PICTURES, LTD. — Registered Office : Albion Street, Cleckheaton. Managing Director: Walter Good all. Secretary : Percy Goodall. Telephone : Cleckheaton 224. Telegrams: Palace, Cleckheaton. Pavilion, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury. Picture Palace, Dudley Hill, Bradford. Picture Palace, Cleckheaton. Picture Palace, Heckmondwike. Picture Palace, Macclesfield. Picture House, Stafford. Sandonia, Stafford. Savoy Picture House, Cleckheaton. GORTON AND DISTRICT CINEMAS, LTD.— Office : 16, Peter's Square, Stockport. Ceylon Picture House, Newton Heath. Olympia, Gorton, Manchester. Royal, Rochdale Road, Manchester. J. GRAHAM.— Head Office : 95, Dumbarton Road, Glasgow. Telephone: Western 2305. Standard, Partick, Glasgow. Picture House, Possil Park, Glasgow. Grove Cinema, Glasgow. Picture House, Springburn, Glasgow. Alexandra, Paisley. Victoria, Whiteinch, Glasgow. Carlton, Glasgow. Maxwell, Pollokshaws. GRAND CENTRALS, LTD., — Cinema House, 225, Oxford Street, London, W.I. Managing Director : R. A. Thompson. Secretary : A. Aberdeen. Telephone: Regent 4133 and 4134. Telegrams : Screenopic, Wesdo. Carlton, 30, Tottenham Ct. Rd. (Museum 71 81.) Majestic, 36, Tottenham Ct. Rd., W. r. (Museum 71 81.) Grand Central, 24, Tottenham Ct. Rd. (Museum 7181.) Hippodrome, Sheerness (Sheerness 89). GEORGE GREEN, LTD.— Head Office: 182, Trongate, Glasgow. Telephone : Bell i66o-r-2. Telegrams : Carnival, Glasgow. Cinema, Tollcross, Glasgow. Cinema, Rutherglen Road, Glasgow. Picturedrome, Wbitevale, Glasgow Picturedrome, Gorbals, Glasgow. Picturedrome, Govan, Glasgow. Picturedrome, Bridgeton, Glasgow. Playhouse, Ayr. Picturedrome, Irvine. La Scala, Aberdeen. Pavilion, Bathgate. Pavilion, Muirkirk. Pavilion, Johnstone. Playhouse, Renfield Street, Glasgow. (In course of erection.) LESLIE GREENE CIRCUIT.— Head Office : 7. Elliot Street, Liverpool. Telephone: Royal 538. Telegrams: Royal 538 Liverpool. London Office: 128, Nightingale Lane, London, S.W.12. Telephone : Batter sea 2647. Telegrams ■' Battersea 2647, London. Metropole Theatre, Bootle. Kings way, Hoylake. Queen's Theatre, West Kirby. Kinema Directory [Circuits), 283 W inter Gardens, Hoylake. Walton Vale Picture House, Liverpool. Victoria Super-Cinema, Liverpool. Carlton Rooms, Liverpool.. Lyric Theatre, Liverpool. And other Halls in conjunction with above.) GREENE'S PICTURES.— Head Office : Palace, Lowtown, Pudsey. Lessees: J. Greene and A. C. E. Greene. Manager : A. Simpson. Telephone : Stanningley 71453. Telegrams : Greene's Pictures, Pudsey. Palace, Lowtown, Pudsey. Pavilion, Stanninglev. Victoria Hall, Ward's End, Halifax. Palace, Town Hall, Sowerby Bridge. Gem, Halifax. E. HAIGH AND SON. -Head Office : 10, Com- mutation Row, Liverpool. Telephone: North 80. Picturedrome, Birkenhead. New Hope Hall Cinema, Liverpool. Gaiety Cinema, Liverpool. Dingle Picturedrome, Liverpool. Scala, Liverpool. Royal Cinema, Wallasey. Homer Cinema, Liverpool. Derby Cinema, Liverpool. Futurist, Liverpool. Tivoli, Liverpool. Lyric, Birkenhead. HALLIWELL HUGHES'CIRCUIT.— Head Office: " Calder Dene," Beech Lane, Calderstones Park, Liverpool. Secretary: Wu. Jas. Gra.ce. Telephone: Mossley Hill, 249. Empress, Tuebrook, Liverpool. Grand Cinema, Liverpool. Dingle Picturedrome, Liverpool. Beresford Cinema, Liverpool. Corona Cinema, Crosby, Liverpool. The Rivoli, Liverpool. HERBERT HARTLEY.— Office : Hippodrome, Halifax Road, Todmorden. Telephone: Todmorden 210. Hippodrome, Todmorden. Olympia, Todmorden. J. HENDRY.— Head Office : 26, Renfield Street, Glasgow. Telephone : Central 2012. Central Picture House, Musselburgh. Central Picture House, Portobello. Central Picture House, Broxburn. HINCKLEY AND DURSLEY THEATRES, Ltd.— Office : Hinckley Theatre, Hinckley. Secretary : A. D. Orchard. Telephone: Hinckley 97 and 85. Telegrams : Theatre, Hinckley. ■ Hinckley Theatre, Hinckley. Palladium, Hinckley. Victoria Cinema Theatre, Dursley. IRISH ELECTRIC PALACES, LTD.— Head Office : 79, Donegall Street, Belfast. Managing Director : A. T. Wright. Telephone: Belfast 5800. Palace, Bangor. Electric Theatre, Larne. Arcadian Gardens, Bangor. JACKSON'S AMUSEMENTS, LTD. — Head Office : The Hippodrome, Rochdale. Managing Director: James Jackson, juh. Telephone: Rochdale 36r. Telegrams : Hippodrome, Rochdale. Ceylon Cinema de Luxe, Rochdale. Hippodrome, Rochdale. Coliseum, Rochdale. Empire, Rochdale. Empire, Bacup. La Scala, Rochdale. Picturerome, Prestwich, nr. Manchester. BEN JAY. — Head Office : 186, YVardour Street London, W.1. Telephone : Regent 5685. Columbia Cinema, Hackney, E. Gainsborough Picture House, Shoreditch, E. King's Cinema, Dalston, E. Pavilion, Tottenham, N. Scala, Oxford. Corner Cinema, Tottenham. KENT CINEMA CIRCUIT, LTD. — Office : Palace Cinema, High Street, Eltham. Director : J. R. Browning. Telephone: Eltham 1311. Eltham Cinema, Eltham. Palace Cinema, Eltham. MRS. ADA KENYON'S CIRCUIT. — Head Office : Playhouse, Oldham Road, Manchester. Playhouse, Miles Platting, Manchester. New Royal, Ashton New Road, Manchester. Star Picture Theatre, Corporation Street, Preston. KING (A. B.) BOOKING MANAGER. Office : 59, Bath Street, Glasgow. Telephone: Douglas 3079. Telegrams : Kenahlm, Glasgow. La Scala, Glasgow. Rosevale Cinema, Partick, Glasgow. Elder Picture House, Govan, Glasgow. Lome Cinema, Ibrox, Glasgow. Casino, Castle Street, Glasgow. -Head I XT ¥ ^° Plcture nas ever before received such wonderful praise from r\l J< • > a11 at., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d. to is. Station, Plaistow (Tube). WESTMINSTER, S.W. Army and Navy Cinema, Strutton Ground, S.W.i. — -Prop., Army and Navy Cinemas, Ltd. Man. Dir., J. F. Tierney. Res. Man., T. M. Heffern. Booked at hall. Continuous, Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d, Phone, Victoria 7392. Station, Victoria . St. James' Picture Theatre. — Prop., Pimlico Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., J. J. M:>ore. Booked at H.O., 513, Saiisburv House, Lon- don Wall, B.C., by L. A. Thomson. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, is. 2d. to £1 is. Phone, Victoria 7572. Elite, Merton Road, S.W.19. — Prop., Wimble- don. Elite Super Cinema, Ltd. Man., James Chapman. Res. Man., James Chapman, Junr. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Wim- bledon 2082. Station, Wimbledon, (S.R.). King's Palace. M;rton Road, S.W.19. — Prop., Wimbledon Elite Super Cinema, Ltd., Kent House, Regent Street, W.i. Gen. Man., Jamss Chapman. Res. Manageress S. Ruth Clark. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Pictures and variety. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Wimbledon 0791. Station, Wimbledon (S.R.). New Queen's Cinema, Worple Road. — Prop, and Man., f. G. Wills. Booked at hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5"d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Wimbledon 2193. Station, Wimbledon (S.R.). WOODFORD, E. South Woodford Cinema. George Lane. — Props., Cundy, Mills and Co. Manageress, D.Wood. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wanstead 788. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD, S.E. Canterbury. —Props. , Hyams and Rose. Gen. Man., A E. Corrick. Booked at hall by P. Hyams. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Hop 34.00. Gatti's. — Continuous. Three changes weekly. Phone, Hop 5418. WHITECHAPEL, E. Brick Lane Palace, Brick Lane, E.i. — Prop., Attractive Cinema (Bethnal Green), Ltd. 281-285, Bethnal Green Road. E.i.— Res. Mm., H. Moss. Booked at hall. Three shows daily. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Bishopsgate 1058. Cambridge Music Hall, 136, Commercial Street, E.i. — Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, aid. to 6d. Phone, Bishops- gate 1139. Rivoli Cinema, Whitechapel Road. — Prop., East London Cinemas, Ltd. Gen. Man., Fred J. Delamare. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, Avenue 5183. WILLESDEN, N.W. Empire Kinema, Church Road, N.W. — Prop.. S. L. Bernstein, 197, Wardour Street, W.i. (Regent 6334). Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, €d. to is. 6d. Phone, Willesden 2917. Station, Willesden (Met.). Willesden Green Electric Theatre, 298, High Road, N.W. 10. — Prop, and Res. Man., H. F. Heffer. Booked at hall. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d, Phone, Willesden 4844. Station, Willesden Green (Met.). WIMBLEDON, S.W. M rton Apollo Theatre, M rton Road, S.W.19.— Props., Garretts and Vanos. Booked at hall by J. L. Vanos. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Pho.ie, Wim- bledon 1366, Station, Wimbledon (S.R.), WOOD GREEN, N. Central Cinema, Station Road. — Prop., Ralph Spscterman. Res. Man., Miss D. Jacob. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Palmei 's Green 0881. Station, Wood Green. Palais de Luxe, Station Road. — Prop., River Park Cinema, Ltd. Gen. Man., H. Louis Wilson. Man., P. Nash. Booked by H. Louis Wilson at Premier Electric Theatre, Harringay. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Palmer's Green 0690. Palladium. — Prop., Wood Green Picture Palladium, Ltd. Gen. Man., Dudley Winton. Res. Man., Maurice Elsmore. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s., Phone, Mount View 2249. Station, Noel Park (L.N.E.R.). WOOLWICH, S.E. Cinema, Beresford Square.- — Prop., H. P. Selwyn. Res. Man., Mrs. Miller. Booked at Greenwich Hipprodrome by H. A. Miller. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, fd.tois. fd. Phone, Woolwich 0225. Station, Woolwich Arsenal (S.R.). New Cinema, New Road. — -Prop., Arundel, Ltd. Res. Man., T. H. Arundel. Booked at hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Woolwich Arsenal (S.R.). Palace, New Road. — Prop, and Man., S. J. Huff. Booked at hall. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Woolwich 0707. Station, Woolwich Arsenal (S.R.). Premier Electric Theatre, Powis Street. — Prop., H. P. Selwyn. Man., George Miller. Booked at Greenwich Hippodrome by H. A. Miller. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 5d. Phone, Woolwich 0560. .Woolwich Hippoorome, Wellington Street. — Prop., Woolwich Hippodrome, Ltd., Camden Chambers, Camden Town, N.W. Res. Man., J. H)u'ihan. Booked at H.O. Continuous 2.15 to 10.30. Sundays 6 to 10.30. Two changes weekly. Prices, qd. to 2s. 4c!. Phone, Woolwich 0069, Station. Woolwich Arsenal (S.R.). Kinema Directory {England), 305 ENGLISH KINEMAS. ^#%BERBARGOED (Mon.), Pop. 5,131. K' s'ejia. — Prop., Thos. Tones. Res. Man., I. ^-JlrKsT Continuous. Two__changes weekly. . Pricej^_6dt_ia_.i&._ Station, Aberbargoed, G7WYR\ ABERCARN (Mon ), Pop. 20,123. Victoria Hall.— Prop., T. H. Tones, " Cartref," Newbridge, Mon. Booked by J. H. Jones. One show nightly, two on Saturdays. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station, Abercarn, G.W.R. ABERGAVENNY (Mon ), Pop. 9,008, Coliseum. — Prop., Abergavenny Coliseum Co.' Ltd. Res. Man., W. H. Waller. Booked at 2. Offi e Road, Miesteg, by R. Dooner. One, show nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Abergavenny 3^. Stations, Aber- gavenny, G.W.R. and L.M.S. " ABERSYCHAN (Mon), Pop. 4,00!). Capitol (late Empire). — Res. Man., A. R. Weyer. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices 5d. to is. 5d. Station, Abersychan. ABERTILLERY (Mon ), Pop. 38,835. Empress Cinema.— Prop. . Abertillery Theatres Ltd., Pavilion, Abertillery. Res. Man., W. J. Wilkinson. Booked at New Hall, Bargoed, by A. Withers. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Abertillery 3. Station, Abertillery, G.W.R. Gaiety. — Prop., Abertillery Theatres- Ltd.. Pavilion, Abertillery. Res. Man., W. J. Wilkinson. Booked, at New Hall, Bargoed, by A. Withers. Continuous. Prices 3d. to 8d. 'Phone: Abertillery 3. Station, Aber- tillery. G.W.R. New Metropole.— Prop, and Res. Man., C. J. Seaborn. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. iod. Station, Abertillery, G.W.R. Pavilion Th eatr e . — Prop. , Abertillery Theatre s Ltd., Pavilion. Abertillery. Res. Man., W. J. Wilkinson. Booked at New Hall, Bargoed, by A. Withers. Continuous. Prices 3d. to 8d. Phone. Abertillerv 3. Station, Abertillery, G.W.R. ACCRINGTON (Lancs), Pop. 43,610. E mpire, Edgar Street.— Prop., Victory Theatres Ltd. Res. Man., Fred W. Green. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Accrington 2350- Station, Accrington L.M.S. Hippodrome, Ellison Street.— Prop., Variety Theatres (Manchester), Ltd. Res. Man,, D. O. Clark. Two shows nightly. Prices. 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Accrington 2500. Station, Accrington, L.M.S. King's Hall, Whalley Road— Prop., King's Hall Co. Res. Man., T. Howarth. Two shows nightly. Station, Accrington, L.M.S. Palace, Peel Street. — Prop., Palace Pictures (Accrington) Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., R. Stewart. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to iod. Phone, Accring- ton 2589. Station, Accrington, L.M.S. Picture House. — Prop., Wilson and Barlow. Res. Man., John R. Killeya. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices 3d. to is. Phone Accrington 2527. Station, Accrington, L.M.S. Princes Theatre, Edgar Street.— Proprietory Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Fred W. Green. Two shows nightly. Phone, Accrington 2701. Station. Accrington. L.M.S. ACKWORTH (Yorks), Pop. 4,831. Electric Theatre, Moor Top. — Prop., Ward and Fieldhouse. Res. Man., S. Fieldhouse. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Twice Mon. and Sat. Mat., Sat. Prices, sd. to 8d. Phone, Ackworth 34, Station, Nostell, L.N.E.R. ADDLESTONE (Surrey), Pop. 8,098. Arcadia Cinema. Cinema Royal.— Prop., C. Reeves Hicks. Res. Man., C. W. Scates. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Addlestone, S.R. ADLINGTON (Lancs), Pop. 4,393. Theatre, Railway Road.— Prop., Adlington Theatres, Ltd. Sec. J. Fearnhead, F.S.A.A. Res. and Bkg. Man., Ernest Livsey Booked at Hall. One show nightly, twice Saturday. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Addington, L.M.S. ABINGDON (Berks), Pop. 8,000. The Abingdon Kinema. — Prop., W. Thatcher, 63, Stert Street, Abingdon. Res. Man., Charles Morris. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Saturday. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. iod. Phone, Abingdon 20. Station, Abingdon, G.W.R. ADWICK-LE-STREET (Yorks), Pop. 11,831. Brodsworth Picture Palace. — Prop. G. Nuttall, Doncaster. One show nightly, three on Sat. Prices, 5d. to 9c1. Station, Carcroft, L.N.E.R. Empire Palace. WE SELL CINEMAS Quickly. Quiet'y. And without Publicity. Manv thousands of Buyers waiting for Halls of all sizes, at all Prices, in all Parts. CLEMENT BLAKE & DAY, THE Cinema Agents, 22, WARDOUR STREET. LONDON, W.I. 306 1 he Kinematograph Year Book. ALCESTER (Warwick), Pop. 2,259. Picture House, High Street. — Prop., Alcester Picture House, Ltd. Gen. Man., H. W. C. Robbins. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Alcester 7. Station, Alcester, L.M.S. ALDEBURGH (Suffolk), Pop. 2,892. Picture House, High Street. — Prop., Alde- burgh Cinema and Amusements, Ltd. Gen. Man., R. A. Moore. One show nightly. Thurs. and Sat. gala nights. Two changes weekly. Prices. 6^d. to 3s. 6d. Phone, Aldeburgh 37. Station, Aldeburgh, L.N.E.R. ALDERSHOT (Hants), Pop. 28,756. Alexandra Cinema Hall. — Prop, and Res. Man., E. L. Wood. Booked at Hall. Daily, 5.45 to 8.0, and 8.15 to 10.30. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Aldershot 356. Station, Aldershot Town, S.R. Films by Film Trans- port Co., Ltd., 26, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 Ewshot Camp Cinema. — Prop., Church of England Institute. Res. and Bocking Man., J. W. Millwood. Once nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Fleet 201. Films by Transport Co. Garrison Cinema, Queen's Avenue.- — Prop., Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, Imperial Court, Upper Kennington Lane, S.E. 11. Phone, Hop 6060. Res. Man., Stanley E. Perkins. Booked by A. Rawlings at H.O. Continuous, 7 days per week. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Aldershot Town, S.R. Hippodrome. — Prop. Kingshot Syndicate, Ltd. Manor Park Pavilion. High Street. Prop., Manor Park Pavilion. Ltd. Sec. R. Fort. Asst. Man., R. Fort,Junr. Bkd at Hall by Sec. Three times daily, twice on Sunday. Prices. 46.. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Aldershot 567. Palace Picture Theatre, Station Road. — Prop., Aldershot Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., A. T. Sylvester. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Two changes weekl -. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Aldershot 99. Stanhope Theatre. — Prop., Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, Imperial Court, Upper Kennington Lane, S.E. 11. Phone, Hop. 6060. Pictures and Variety. Res. Man., Jno. Atkin. Booked at H.O. by A. Rawlings, Entertainment Man., Alfred Bert. Three changes weekly. Prices 4d. to is. Phone, Aldershot 351. Station, Aldershot Town, S.R. Theatre Royal. — Prop., Kingshot Syndicate, Ltd. Wellington Cinema. — Prop., Committee Royjd Garrison Church Institute, Wellington Lines. Res. and Booking Man., H. I.indley. Booked at Hall. Twice Nightly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Aldershot 440. Station, Aldershot, S.R. ALFORD (Line), Pop. 2,000. Cinema Playhouse. — Booked at" Hall. Shows Mon.. Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. Prices, fd. to is. fd. Phone, Alford 26. Station, Alford Town, L.N.E.R. ALNWICK (Northumberland), Pop. 6,991. Corn Exchange. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. H. Sanderson. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Alnwick 51. Station, Alnwick, L.N.E.R.. King's. — Prop., T. Wilcox. Three changes weekly. Station, Alnwick, L.N.E.R. Playhouse. — Prop., Alnwick Playhouse, Ltd. Res. Man., Frederick A. Willcox. Pictures and Varieties. Station, Alnwick, L.N.E.R. ALSTON (Cumberland). Pop. 3,344. Cinema. ALTON (Hants), Pop. 5,580. Alton Picture Theatre, Normandy Street. — Prop., Alton Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., V. Sloman. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Alton 103. Station, Alton, S.R. ALTRINCHAM (Cheshire), Pop. 20,461. Central Theatre, Shaws Road. — Prop, and Man., Alf. Venables. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Altrincham, M.S. and A.R. Cinema House and Cafe. Willowtree Road. Hippodrome. — -Man., M. Hayto:\. Picture Theatre, Stamford New Road. — Prop., Altrincham Picture Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., L. Pearson. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Altrincham 800. Station, Altrincham, M.S. and A.R. AMBLE (Northumberland), Pop. 4,851. Central Theatre. — Prop., Amble Picture Hall Co. One show nightlv. Station, Amble, L.N.E.R. AMBLESIDE (Westmorland), Pop. 2,878. Assembly Rooms. — -Prop, and Man., G. L. James, Millans Park, Ambleside. Continuous. Prices 3d. to is. iod. Phone, Ambleside 98. Station, Windermere, L.M.S. AMERSHAM (Nr. Chesham) (Bucks), Pop. 4,220. Pavilion.— Prop, and Res. Man., Walter R Collins. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Amersham 54.. Station, Amersham, Met. R. AMES3URY (Wilts), Pop. 1,531. Little Theatre. — -Prop and Man., J. G. Boston. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices 6d. to is 3d. Station .Jmesbury, S.R. AMPTHILL (Beds ), Pop. 2,270. Cinema. — Prop, and Man., F. Southan Morri?. Booked at Picturedrome, Luton. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Amp thill. AN DOVER (Hants), Pop. 8,569. New Theatre. Near Market Place. — Prop., Andover Cinema Theatre Co., Ltd. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Andover 92. Station, Andover Junction .S.R. ANNFIELD PLAIN (Co. Durham). Pop. 16,524. King's Pavilion. — Prop.. T. Cass Craven. Man., R. J. Wilkinson. Two shows nightly. Two. changes weekly. Prices. 4'd. to 8d. Phone; Annfield Plain 22. Station. Annfield Plain, L.N.E.R. Palace. — Prop., Palace (Annfield Plain), Lto., 25, King Street, South Shields. Res. and Booking Man., J. M. Rae. Ortce nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 2d. 8d. Station, Annfield Plain, L.N.E.R. Rinenia Directory (England). ANNITSFORD (Northumberland), Pop. 1,200. Coronation Hall. — Prop;., Hutson and Chap- man. Res. and Booking Man., R. Henderson. Booked at Hall, One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 2d. to 8d. Station, Annitsford, L.N.E.R. ANSTEY (Leics ), Pop. 3,000. Anstey Cinema, Forest Gate. — Res. Man., F. C. Grimsley. Booked at Hall. Two shows weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. ARNOLD (Notts), Pop. 11,800. Empress Picture House. — Prop., Joseph Wardele. Head Office, Nelson Road, Arnold. Twice weekly. Res. Man., J. "Wardele. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Davbrooke, L.N.E.R. St. Albans Picturedrome, Nelson Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., Joseph Wardele. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Daybrooke, L.N.E.R. ASCOT (Berks), Pop. 2,o51. The Sunninghill Picture House. — -Prop., Capt. H. Brooke. Res. Man., C. W. Searle. Booked by manager. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Ascot 231. Station, Ascot, S.R. ASHBOURNE (Derby), Pop. 4,147. Empire. ASHBY(nr. Scunthorpe) (Lincs.), Pop, 6,000. Globe Cinema. — Props., A. Watson and Sons, Res. Man., A. Thompson. Booked by H. P. Watson at Pavilion, Scunthorpe. Once nightly, continuous Sat . Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phones, 248, Y2. Stations, Frodingham and Scunthorpe, L.N.E.R. ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH (Leic?.), Pop. 4.980. Lyric Theatre (Closed). ASHFORD (Kent), Pop. 14,355. Picture Palace, Tufton Street. — Prop., Ash- ford Entertainments Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Ernest P. Thorne. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Mat. Sat. Prices, . 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Ashford 237. Station, Ashford Junction, S.R. Royal Cinema De Luxe. — Prep. , H. G. and W. Croneen, High Street, Gillingham. Res. Man., A. G. Bowen. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Phone, Ashford T24. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Beaver Road, S.R. ASHFORD (Middx ), Pop. 7,683. Clarendon Picture House. Clarendon Road. — Prop., T. Perrin. Fnces sd. to is. bd. Phone, Ashford ir. Station, Ashford, S.R. ASHHGTON (Northumberland), Pop. 29,583. Buffalo Picture Palace, Station Road. — Prop., Wallaw Pictures, Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Lawson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Ashing- ton 31 Station, Ashington, L.N.E.R. Miners' Theatre, Station Road. — Props., Ashington Empire Theatre and Picture Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Geo. L. Crow., Variety, Revue, Drama and Films. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Ashington 4. Station Ashington, L.N.E.R. Pavilion.- — Prop., Wallaw Pictures, Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Lawson. Twice nightly. One change weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Ashington 6. Station, Ashington, L.N.E.R. Wallaw Picture House.— Prop., Wallaw PictuFes, Ltd. Man. Dir., AY. Lawson. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to is. Phone, Ashington 31. Station, Ashington, L.N.E.R, ASHTON-IN-MAKERFIELD (Lancs), Pop. 22,489. Hippodrome. — Prop., Mark Hauser, Cambridge Chambers, Lord Street, Liverpool. Licensee and Man., Bernard McHale. Booked at Hall. Variety, Drama and Pictures. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Ashton-in-Makerfield, L.N.E.R. or Bryn, L.M.S. Palace.— Prop., M. Rylance. Res. Man., J. Tabiner. Queen's Picture House. — Prop., Ashton-in- Makerheld Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., L. A. Mackay. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Ashton-in-Makerfield 66. Station, ' Brvn L.M.S. Savoy Picture House. — Res. Man., W Rylance. Scala Cinema, Heath Road. — Props., Liverpool Cinema Feature Film Co., Ltd., 71, Gt. Charlotte Street, Liverpool. Licensee and Man.. R. P. Gregory. Booked at H.O. by Man. Dir., A. Levy. Continuous, Sat. twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to iod. Phone, Ashton 37. Stations, Ashton-in-Makerheld, L.N.E.R. or Bryn, L.M.S. ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE (Lancs), Pop. 43,333. Empire Hippodrome. Majestic Picture House, Qld Street.— Prop. Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Geo. Brooks. Continuous during week, twice Sat. Daily Mat., except Fri. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Station, Charlestown, L.M.S. Pavilion, Old Street.— Props., W.H. Broadhead and Son. Continuous show four nights. Twice nightly Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Ashton 95. Station, Charles- town, L.M.S. BUTCHERS FILM SERVICE LTD., 175, W ARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l Branches at— GLASGOW. NEVCASTLE-ON-TYNE. MANCHESTER. LIVERPOOL. LEEDS. BIRMINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. BRISTOL. CARDIFF. 368 The Kinernatogra Queen's Electric Theatre, Wellington Road. — Prop.. Ashton-under-Lyne Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. A. Balmforth. Fifteen shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Ashton 375. Station, Charlestown, L.M.S. Ryecroft Picture Palace, William Street. — ■ Prop, and Man., S. Myers. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Charlestown, L.M.S. Star Picture Theatre, Church Street. — Prop., Lancashire Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Man., B. Taylor. Two shows nightly. Two Mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Station, Charlestown, L.M.S. ASKAM (Lancs), Pop. 1,489. Pavilion Cinema. — -Prop., Askam Cinema, Ltd. Lessee and Man., T. F. Massicks. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Askam, L.M.S. ASKERM, nr. Doncaster (Yorks), Pop. 3.730. Picture House. ASPATRIA (Cumberland), Pop. 3,525. Palace Cinema. — Props., C H. Over and Sons, Market Square, Aspatria. Res. Man., Charles Henry Over. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Aspatria 15. Station, Aspatria, L.M.S. ATH ERSTONE (Warwick), Pop. 5,960. Picturedrome. — Props., J. W. Briggs and H. E. Vero. Res. Man., H. E. Vero. One show nightly, three on Sat. One change weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Atherstone 6. Station, Atherstone, L.M.S. ATHERTON (Lancs), Pop. 19,863. Gem Theatre, Bullough Street.— Prop., Eagle Picturedrome, Ltd. Booked at County, Wigan. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Phone, Atherton 57. Palace, Market Street. — Prop., Eagle Picture- drome, Ltd. Booked at County, Wigan. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Phone, Atherton 57. AUDLEY (Staffs), Pop. 14,751. Coronation Picture Palace, Hall Street.— Props., Oakes and Turner. Res. Man., P. Turner. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 9d. Station, Audley, L.M.S. AVONIWOUTH (Glos). Cinema, Collins Street.— Prop., W. J. Rolph. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Avonmouth Dock, G.W.R. AXMINSTER (Devon), Pop. 2,049. Cinema Market Square. — Prop., C. Humphries, Station Read, Axminster. AYLESBURY (Bucks), Pop. 12,114. Market Theatre, Market Square. — Prop., Aylesbury Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Varieties and Pictures. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Aylesbury 68, Station, Aylesbury, L.N.E.R. Pavilion.— Prop., Chas. Senior. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Station, Aylesbury L.N.E.R. Year Book. BaCUP (Lancs), Pop. 21,256. Empire. — Prop., Jackson's Amusements, Ltd.; Hippodrome, Rochdale. Phone 361. Res; Man., Percy Boucher. Once nightly, twice Sat. Mats., Tues and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Bacup, 159. "Station, Bacup, L.M.S. Kozy. — Prop., The Valley Entertainments (Waterfoot), Ltd. Res. Man., J. Chadwick. One show nightly, three on Sat . Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Bacup, L.M.S. BAGSHOT (Surrey), Pop. 2,178. Electric Theatre. — Lessee, Capt. J. Ander- son. Res. Man., Cap". J. Ander-:on. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bagshot 83. Station, Bagshot, S.R. BASLDON, Nr. Shipley (Yorks), Pop. 6,527, Picture House. — Prop., Baildon Cinema. Ltd. Lessee and Res. Man., J. Roberts. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to ghd. Station, Baildon, L.M.S. BAKEWELL (Derby), Pop. 3,062. Cinema. — Prop., A. R. G. Thompson, 10, Keble Avenue, Oldham. Res. Man., Miss M. E, P. Thompson. Booked at H.O. by Prop. One show Tues., Wed,, Thurs. and Fri. , two on Mon. and Sat . Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Bakewell, L.M.S. BALDOCK (Herts), Pop. 3,500. Cinema, White Horse Street. — Prop... Baldock Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., N. A. Ayres. One show nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Baldock. Films by Herts, and Beds. Transport. BARBER BRIDGE (Lancs). Empire Picture Palace. BANBURY (Oxford), Pop. 13,347. Grand Theatre, Broad Street. — Prop., E. A. Bagley. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Banbury 159. Station, Banbury, G.W.R. Palace Theatre, Market Place. — Prop., The Palace Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Sydney E. Sayers. Booked at Hall. Pictures and Variety. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Banbury 154. Station, Banbury G.W.R. BARKING (Essex), Pop. 35,543. Broadway Theatre, Broadway. — Prop., The Barking Broadway Bioscope Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., Thos. Trendall. Continuous, Prices, 2d. to is. Phone, Grangewood 170. Electric Theatre, Rippell Road. — Props., Rose & Bockner. Res. Man., M. Bockner. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Price* 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, East Ham, 61. Station, Barking, L.M.S. BARNARD CASTLE (Co. Durham), Pop. 4,730. Scala, 13, Galgate. — Prop, and Man., Robert E. Sutherland. Booked at Hall by Prop, Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Statioi , Barnafd Castle, L.N.E.R. Kinema Directory {England). 309 Wvcliffe Cinema.- — Prop, and Man., M. Kirkup, 21, Marshall Street. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Barnard Castle, L.N.E.R. BARN ET (Herts), Pop. 11,772. Cinema Palace, High Street.— Prop., Home Counties Kinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., G. D. Woodman. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Price;, 4d. to as. Phone, Barnet 677. Station, High Barnet, L.N.E.R. Picture Theatre, Lytton Road, New Barnet- Props., Harries and Me huish. Res. Man., Stephen J. Ryan. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Mats. W-'d. ai.d Sat. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Barnet 2401. Station, New Barnet, L.N.E.R. Films by Road Transport; BARNOLDSWICK (Yorks), Pop. 11,951. Majestic Picture House. — Prop., M. Hartley. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station. Barnoldswick, L.M.S. People's Palace. — Prop., People's Palace (Barnoldswick) Ltd. Res. Man., W. W. Brown. Booked at Theatre de Luxe, Leeds, by T. Palmer. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Barnoldswick 98. Station, Barnoldswick, L.M.S. BARNSLEY (Yorks) Pop. 68,991. Alhambra Theatre, Doncaster Road. Cosy Picture House, Pitt Street. — Prop., Tom Walshaw. Res. Man. , James Hosty. Booked by C. W. Last, Southstoke, Talbot Road. Leeds. Continuous. Mats. Tues., Wed., and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station. Barnslev, L.M.S. Electric Theatre, Eastgate. — Prop, and Man. W. Burrell. Booked at Hall. Continuous evenings. Prices, 2 Jd.to 6d. Phone, Barnslev 644. Station, Barnsley, L.M.S. Empire Super-Cinema, Eldon Street. — -Prop., New Century Pictures, Ltd., 34, Wellington Street, Leeds. Res. Man., H. Leacey. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d.tois. 3d. Phone, Barnsley 363. Station, Court House, Barnsley, L.M.S. Globe Picture House, New Street. — Prop., Globe Picture House, (Barnsley), Ltd. Res. Man. and Licensee, R. H. Whyham. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Daily Mat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Barnsley 467. Station, Barnsley Court House and Exchange, L.M.S. Pavilion Theatre. — Prop., Mid- Yorkshire, Entertainments, Ltd., 2T, King Charles Croft, Leeds. Phone, 25008. Res. Man., John M. Ramsden. Booked at H.O. by Chas. P. Metcalfe, Man. Dir. Continuous from 6.30 p.m. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Barnsley 388. Station, Court House, L.M.S. Princess Picture Palace, Town End.— Prop., New Century Pictures, Ltd. Res Man., B. Pretty. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Barnsley 237. Station, Barnsley, L.M.S. Public Hall, Harvey Institute, Eldon Street. — Props., The Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the County B010' of Barnsley. Phone 470. Librarian and Man. P. W. H. Taylor, Harvey Institute, Barnsley. Is open for engagement for Cinema or Theatrical shows. Station, Barnsley, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Star Picture House. — Prop., Barnsley Enter- tainments, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Pridmore. Booked at Leeds. Twice nightly. Mat. Sat. Station, Barnsley, L.M.S. BARNSTAPLE (Devon), Pop. 14,409. Theatre Royal.— Prop., Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., G. F. Howard, One show nightly. Mat. Wed., Fri. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Station, Barnstaple, S.R. BARROW-IN-FURNESS (Lancs) 74.254. Pop. Coliseum, Abbey Road. — Prop., C. and M. Routledge, Ltd. Man. Dir., Mrs. Calvert Routledge. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. Continu. us. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Barrow 598. Station, Barrow Central, L.M.S. Electric Theatre, Dalton Road. — Prop., Electric Theatre Co. Res. Man., Frank E. Pearson. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone. Barrow T84. Station, Central, L.M.S. Gaiety and Picturedrome, Abbey Road — Prop., Gaiety and Picturedrome (Barrow), Ltd. Res. Man., Harry Armstrong. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Barrow 375. Station, Central, L.M.S. His Majesty's Theatre. — Props., C. and M, Routledge, Ltd. Man. Dir., Mrs. Calvert Routledge. Plays, Concert Parties and Pictures. Palace Picture House, Duke Street.- — Prop., Barrow Entertainments, Ltd. Lessee, S. H. Marks, Manchester. Res. Man., M. Harris. Two shows nightly. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 418. Station, Barrow-in-Furness, L.M.S. Salthouse Pavilion, Roose Road. — Res. Man., Sydney Foster. Booked by F. Foster at Victory Cinema, Preston. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Barrow 515. Station Barrow-in-Furness Central, L.M.S. Walney Theatre, Walnev Island.- — Prop., WillCatlin. Res. Man., H. Ford. Once night- ly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Phone, 422. Station, Barrow, L.M.S. BAR ROW-ON -H UMBER (Lincs), Pop. 3,200. Foresters Hall.— Prop, and Res. Man., Walter Dixon. Booked at Hall. One show nightlv. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, New Holland, L.N.E.R. SOUND CONSTRUCTION GOOD SEATING sclal Designs. HALL & DIXON, Ltd. Special Samples on View. 19, Garrick St., LONDON 3io The Kin emaio graph Year Book. BART0N-0N-H UMBER (Lings), Pop.6,454. New Theatre. — Prop, and Man. , A. C. Window. Pictures, Varieties, etc. Once nightly. Prices 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Barton-on- Humber, L.N.E.R. Oxford Picture Theatre. — Prop., Edwin Wm. Whiteley, Central Hall, Beighton, near Sheffield. Res. Man., W. H. Webster. Booked at Central Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is.„ 3d. Station, Barton-on-LI umber, L.N.E.R. Star Theatre.— Prop., Edwin Wm. Whiteley, Central Hall, Beighton, near Sheffield. Res. Man., W. H. Webster. Booked at Central Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Barton-on-Humber, L.N.E.R. BARTON-UNDER-NEEDWOOD (Staffs), Pop. 2,500. Central Hall. — Prop., Barton-under-Need- wood Pictures, Ltd. Man., Geo. Ball. Two shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Barton-under-Ne-ed- wood 3. Station, Barton and Walton, L.M.S. BASINGSTOKE (Hants), Pop. 12,718. Electric Theatre, Wote Street. — Res. and Bkg. Man., C. Walker. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Basingstoke 133. Station, Basingstoke, S.R. Grand Cinema. BATH (Somerset), Pop. 68,786. Beau Nash Picture House. — Prop., Beau Nash Cinema Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., J. Jarratt. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Station, Bath, G.W.R. Oldfield Picture Theatre. — Props., Perfect Picture Houses, Ltd. Booked at Hall. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone,, Bath 20. Stations, Bath, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Palace Theatre. — Prop., W. S. Pearce. Music hall, occasional exhibition topical films only, usually at each house, time per- mitting. Picturedrome, Southgate Street.— Prop., Bath Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man. and Sec, Arthur Hales. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Bath 333. Station, Bath. G. W.R. The Historic Assembly Rooms. — Prop. — ■ Savoy Cinemas Ltd., 62, Oxford Street, London, W.i. Phone, Museum 4346. Res. Man. and Licensee, T. A. Adams. Booked at H. O. by Mr. Neilson. Continuous. Prices 6d. to 3s. 6d. Phone, Bath 325. Station, Bath, G.W.R. BATLEY (Yorks), Pop. 36,151. Collin's Cinema, Victoria Street, Batley Carr. . — Prop., Collins Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., H.Westmoreland. Continuous from 6.30 p.m. Mat., Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Pri es, 2-id. to nd. Phone, Dewsbury 267. Station, Batley Carr, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Empire Super Cinema, St. James Street.— Prop., Batley Theatre and Opera House. Ltd. Res. Mm., Will Stubbs. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 1?. Phone, Batlev 412. Station, Batley, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Picture Palace, Well Lane. — Prop., Batl?y Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., W. H. Copeland. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Mat., Mon. and Sat. Prices, 2 -Ad. to nd. Phone, Batley 308. Station, Batley, L.M.S. Regent Picture House, Bradford Road.— Prop., Regent Pictures (Batley) Ltd. Res. Man. and Sec, J. Spencer. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Three mats. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Batley 449. Station, Batley, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Victoria Hall, Branch Road. — Prop., Regent's Pictures (Batley), Ltd. Man. and Sec, J. Spencer. Res. Man., C. Clow. Booked at Regent Picture House. Two shows nightly. Three Mats. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone, Batley 419. Station, Batley, L.M.S. BEACONSFIELD (Bucks), Pop. 3,640. Picture House. BEAUFORT (Monmouth), Pop. 4,760. Gaiety Hall. — Prop., Blaina Cinema Co. Res. Man., R. Lee. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Station, Beaufort, G.W.R. BECCLES (Suffolk), Pop. 7,077. Cinema. — Props., Hipperson, Elliott and Elking- ton. Res. Man., R. A. Atkinson. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices ^d. to is. 3d. Station, Beccles, L.N.E.R. BESXENHAM (Kent), Pop. 33,350. Pavilion, High Street. — -Prop., South London Cinema Co. (1916), Ltd. Res. Man., Frank Theobalds. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Ravensbourne 1863. Station, Beckenham Junction, S.R. BEDFORD (Beds), Pop. 43,247. Empire. — Prop., Blake Bros. (Theatres), Ltd. Res. Man., F. Simnv. Three shows daily.. Two changes weekly. Phone, Bedford 3438 Station, Bedford, L.M.S. Palace, High Street. — Prop., Bedford Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Kettles. Continuous. Oailv Mat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Bedford 738. Station, Bedford, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Duck Mill Walk. — Prop., R., Chetham. Res. Man., Mrs. R. Chetham. Three shows daily. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bedford 231. Station, Bedforel. L.M.S. BEDLINGTOft (Northumberland), Pop. 6,625. Palace Theatre. — -Prop., Northern Entertain- ments Co. Res. Man., J. Hutchison. Two shows nightly, Mon. and Sat., one rest of week. Four changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 3d. Station, Bedlingtoh, L.N.E.R. Prince of Wales. — Prop., F. L. Hastwell, c jo J. F. Latimer, Priestgate, Darlington. Man., Geo. Robinson. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. and 9d. Station, Bedlington, L.N.E.R. BEDWAS (Monmouth), Pop. 6,607. Pavilion. — Station, Bedwas, G.W.R. Workmen's Hall. BEDWORTH (Warwick), Pop. 11,551. Palace. — Prop., Edward Walks. Continuous Booked at Hall. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Bedworth, L.M.S. Star Cinema. — Prop., Edward W. WTallis, 46, Fosse Road, Leicester. Res. and Bkg. Man, Reg. F. Pickard. Booked at Hall. Continu- ous. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Bedworth, L.M.S. Kmema Directory (England). 3ii BEESTON (Notts), Pop. 12,496. Palladium, High Street. — Prop., Palladium (Beeston, Notts), Ltd. Res. Man., Thos. J. N. Meakin. Booked at New Empress Cinema, Nottingham, by L. Harriman. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Beeston, L.M.S. Picture Palace, High Road.— Prop., J. H. H. Allsop. Res. Man., C. E. S. Allsop. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Beeston, L.M.S. BEIGHTON (Derbv), Pop. 5,500. Picture Palace. BELPER (Derby), Pop. 12,325. Palace. — Prop., Thos. P. Moorley. Res. Man., W. H. Morton. One show nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 40!. to nd. Station, Belper, L.M.S. Public Hall Cinema. — Props. Electric Cinema Co. (J. & J. M. Heath). Res. and Bkg. Man.. J. M. Heath. Booked at Picture House, Crich, Derbyshire. Once nightly. Mat, and two shows Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Belper 117. Station, Belper. L.M.S. BELTON, nr. Doncaster (Lincs.), Pep. 1,528. Public Hall, Grey Green. — Prop., Trustees. Res. Man., W. A. Ross. Occasional shows. Station, Belton, Axholme Ry. BELVEDERE (Kent), Pop. 9,288. Grand Electric. — Props. ,W.T. Smith and Son. Res. Man., G. E. Smith. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Films by Motor Transport. Queensland Electric Theatre. — Props., Sparrow and Skinnerton. Res. Man., W. M. Sparrow. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Phone, Erith 250. Films by Motor Transport . BERKHAMSTEB (Herts), Pop. 7,295. Court Theatre. — -Prop., J. Lloyd. Res. Man.- R. C. Littlebury. Two shows nightly. Station, Berkhamsted, L.M.S. BEVERLEY (Yorks), Pop. 13,469. Marble Arch Picture Palace, Butcher Row. — Prop., Marble Arch Picture Palace Co. Ltd. Res. Man., Joshua Butt. Ccntinucus. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices , 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Beverlev 168. Station, Beverley, L.N.E.R. Picture Playhouse, Corn Exchange. — Props.. E. F. Symmons and L. C. Holderness. Res, Man., E. F. Symmons. Booked at Hall, Continuous. Mat., Thurs. Two changes weekly. Prices, ^d. to is. 3d. Phone, Beverley 15. Station, Beverley, L.N.E.R. BEWDLEY (Worcs), Pop. 2,758. New Garden Cinema. — Prop., Bewdley and Bridgnorth Picture Houses. Res. Man., W. J. Dillon. Booked by E. Garfield, 30, Birchneld Road, Astcn. Birmingham. Con- tinuous. Prices. ,jd. to is. Phone, Bewdley 26. Station, Bewdley, G.W.R. BEXH ILL-ON-SEA (Sussex), Pep. 20,365. Playhouse, Western Road. — Prop., Norman Road Cinema Co., Ltd. Gen. Man.,P. Banks. Continuous. Two changes weekly Prices, 4. d. to is. iod. Phone, Bexhill 78. Station, Bexhill, S.R. St. George's Cinema Theatre. Town Hall S~mare. — Sole Prop., J. F. Ash. Continuous 2.45 to 10.30. Mat., daily. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Bexhill 423. Station, Bexhill, Central, S.R. (fio n Ch.uing Cross end Vi toil ). BEXLEY (Kent), Pop. 21,463. Freemantle Hall. — Prop., H. Quintom Per- formances, Sat. only. Prices, 4d., 6d. and is. Station, Bexley, S.R. BEXLEY HEATH (Kent), Pop. 9,504. Broadway Cinema, Broadway. — Prop., Bexlev Heath Cinema Ltd. Res. Man., G. H. Mason. Continuous. Mat., Sat. and Wed. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone. Bexley Heath 184. Station, Bexley Heath, Palace Pictures and Varieties. — Prop, and Man., H. Quinton. Two shows nightly. Two Mats, weekly. Three changes weekly. Frices, 5d. to is. 3d. ; boxes, 3s. and 4s. Phone, Bexley Heath 296. Station, Bexley Heath, 5. R. BIBEULPH (Staffs), Pop. 7,936. Palace, King Street. — Prop., Crooks, Turner and Shemilt. Res. Man., Geo. Crooks. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 2id. and 8d. Station, Biddulph, L.M.S. BILEFORD (Devon), Pop. 9,125. Palace Theatre. — Prop., N. Robertson, Highfield, Buekleigh, Westward Ho ! Phone, Northam 153. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two Sat., Mat, Wed. and Sat. Prices. 4 d. to is. 6d. Phone, Bideford' 213. Station. Bideford, S.R. Palladium, Mill Street.— (Closed). BIGGLESWADE (Beds), Pop. 5,396. Empire, Hitcbin Street. — Prop., Arthur Hill. Res. Man., E. A. Hill. Continuous. Three shows Sat. and Holidays. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Big- gleswade 97. Station, Biggleswade, L.N.E.R. BILLINGSHURST (Sussex), Pop. 1,872. Village Hall Cinema. — Closed. I\T 1^ w No picture has ever before received such wonderful praise from Yyl W' all quarters. A colossal production that will live in the memory •'* forever. Nothing has been seen on the screen to compare with it. "THE LIFE OF CHRIST" By arrangement with Mr. Louis London. The sole Exhibition Rights for Great Britain and Ireland (excepting- Midlands), Controlled by MORRIS FILM SERVICE, 5, Denmark Street, Charing Cross IRoad, W.C.2 Tetephone : Regent 3672. Telegrams: Morfilm,Westcent, 312 The Kinematograph Year Book. BILSTON (Staffs), Pop. 27,565. Wood's Palace.- — Prop., Wood's Picture Halls, Ltd. Man. Dir., T. R. Wood. Drama and Films. Continuous. Becked at Hall by Man. Dir. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bilston 25. Station, Bilston. G.W.R., and by own van from Birmingham. BINGLEY (Yorks), Pop. 18,949. Bingley Hippodrome, Main Street. — Prop., Bingley Hippodrome, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Upton. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2^d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bingley 174. Station, Bingley. Myrtle Cinema. — Prop., Bingley Cinema, Ltd. Booked by E. B. Jaciues, 96, Cavendish Street, Keighley. Twice nightly. Mai., Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Bingley 211. Station, Bingley, L.M.S. B I RCHINGTON -ON-SEA (Kent), Pop. 3,500. Select Cinema. — Res. Man., R. Harrison. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Birchington-on-Sea, S.R. BIRKENHEAD (Cheshire), Pop. 145,592. Claughton Picture House, Claughton Road. — Prop., Claughton Picture House Co., Ltd., 8, Cook Street, Liverpool. Fhone, Bank 8605. Res. Man., W W. Wright. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Daily mats. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Birkenhead 2029. Station, Central, Mersey R. Coliseum Picture House, Tranmere. — Prop., Cheshire Picture Halls, Ltd. H.O. Empire, Conway Street, Birkenhead. Res. Man. W. Williams. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Rock Ferry 355. Station, Green Lane Mersey R. Empire Cinema, Conwav Street. — Prop., Cheshire Picture Halls, Ltd. Head Office, 32, Conway Street, Birkenhead. Gen. Man. and Dir., W. F. Williams. Booked at Hall by Gen. Man. Continuous. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Birkenhead 1815. Station, Woodside, G.W.R. Lyric Cinema, Price Street. — Prop., Lyric Cinema (Birkenhead), Ltd. Head Office, 124, Price Street. Birkenhead. Man. Dir., D. Walsh. Twice nightly. Mats. Mon. and Thurs. Stations, Liverpool Central, Lime Street and Exchange Woodside. Palladium, Price Street. — Prop., Cheshire Picture Halls, Ltd. Res. Man., Fred T. Price. Booked by W. F. Williams at 32, Conway Street, Birkenhead. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone, Birkenhead 2093. Station, Woodside, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Park Cinema, Park Road East. — Prop., Lyceum Egremont, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Lloyd. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Birkenhead 36. Station, Woodside, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Picturedrome, Charing Cross. — Prop., Birken- head Picturedrome and Billiard Hall, Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. Shaw. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Birkenhead 1911. Station, Central. Picture House, Conway Street. Queen's Hall. — 'Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d, to is. Phone, Birkenhead 1498. Station, Birkenhead. Regent Picture House, Higher Tranmere. Rock Ferry Palace. Scala, Argyle Street.— Prop., Scala (Birken- head). Ltd. Continuous. Phone, Birkenhead 161. Station, Birkenhead, Mersey R. Super, Conway Street. — Prop., "Bedford Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., Leonard N. Rowley. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, gd. to is. 3d. Phone, Birkenhead 221 1. Station, Central, Mersey R. Warwick Cinema, ioi, Windsor Street.— Prop, , Robert Wilkinson, 53. Grange Mount, Birkenhead. Phone, 3184. Res. Man. , John Mutch. Booked by Prop. Two shows daily. Prices, 6d. to nd. Phone, Royal 4397. Station, Liverpool. BIRMINGHAM (Warwick), Pop. 919,438. Acocks Green Picture Playhouse, Warwick Road. Props., N. C. Smith and E. Booth. Res. Man., Harry W. Crane. Continuous. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Acocks Green 97. Station, Acocks Green, G.W.R" Albion Picture Theatre New Inns, Hands, worth. — Prop., Albion Pictures Theatres, Ltd. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 6d., 8d., and is. Phone, Northern 433. Station, Snow Hill, G.W.R. Ashted Row Picture House. — Man. Dir. and Licensee, W. Devey. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Mon. Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. 4d. 5d. and 6d. Phone, East 432. Station, New Street. L.M.S. Aston Cross Picture House. — Prop., " CD." Cinemas, Ltd., The Oxford, High Street, Birmingham. Phone, Central 4392. Res. Man., A. C. Wigley. Booked at H.O. Matinee daily. Saturday continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, East 430. Station, New Street. Balsall Heath Picture House, Balsall Heath Road. — Prop., Balsall Heath Picture- drome, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Hancock. Continuous. Mats. Mon. and Wed. Two changes weekly. Prices, .sd. to is. Phone, Midland 1040. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Birchfield Picture House, Perry Bar. — Prop., Birchfield Picture House, Ltd. Busi- ness Man, A. J. Knight. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 5d., 8d. and is. Phone, Northern 666. Stations, New Street, L.M.S., and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Bournbrook Electric Theatre, Grange- Road, Selly Oak.— Prop., Bournbrook Electric Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. M. Parrett. Continuous 6.30 to 10.30. Mats, Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices,. 4d., 8d. and is. Mats. 2d. and 3d. Phone, Selly Oak 160. Station, Selly Oak, L.M.S.. Broadway Cinema, Bristol Street. — Props., N. C. Smith and E. Booth. Res. Man., B. F. Smith. Booked at Hall by Francis H. Leedam. Continuous, 6.30. to 10.35. Mats., daily at 3. Sats., Continuous 2.35 to 10.30. Prices, 6d., 9d. is. and is. 3d. Phone. Midland 1799. Stations. New Street. L.M.S.', and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Bull Ring Cinema, Park Street. — Prop., Lvons Estate, 117, Colmore Row. Res. Man., F~. J. Stokes. Booked at H.O. by Lionel Lyons. Continuous. Prices, 3d. and 3d. Phone, Central, 3423. Station, New Street. Capitol Cinema, Ward End.— Prop.. Capitol Cinema (Ward End). Ltd. Res. Man., Wm. Moseley. Booked by G. F. McDonald at Rookery Picture House v Handsworth. Con- tinuous. Mats.. Mon.. Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone. Ens\ S28. Station,, New Street, L.M.S- Rinema Directory (England). 3i3 Coliseum, Saltley Road. — Prop., M. W. T., Ltd., Saltlev Road, Birmingham. Res. Man., G. W. Bailey. Prices, 3d. to is. 4d. Phone, East 796. Station, New Street, L.M.S. and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Coronet Cinema, Coventry Road, Small Heath. — Prop., Coronet Cinema (Small Heath) Ltd. Res. Man., E. Ellerslie. Continuous, 6 to 10.30. Sat. twice nightly, 6 and 8.30. Mat. daily at 2.45. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Victoria 420. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Dudley Road Picture House, Dudley Road. — Prop., Dudley Road Picture House, Ltd. Res. Manageress, Mrs. A. Flowers. Continuous 6.30 to 10.30. Mats. Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d., 6d. and 8d. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Elite, Bordesley Green. — Prop., Savoy Cinemas, Ltd., 62, Oxford Street, London, W.i. Phone, Museum 7932. Elite Picture House, Soho Road, Hands- worth. — Frop., Elite (Soho Road) Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., L. H. Elbourne. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., 8d. and is. 2d. Phone, Northern 665. Station, Snow Hill, G.W.R. Empire Theatre, Smethwick. — Prop., E. Hewitson, Princes Hall. Smethwick. Res., and Booking Man., Alan E. Hewitson. Con- tinuous with Variety. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Smethwick 221. Station, Smethwick, Empire Theatre, Pershore Road, Stirchley. — Prop., Stirchley Empire, Ltd. Res. Man., A.Dowding. Continuous 6.15 to 10.30. Mats. Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to nd. Phone, King's Norton 172. Station, Birmingham termini. Empress Picture Palace, Witton. — Prop., Empress Cinema Co., Ltd. Man. Dir. and Licensee, E. T. Couchman. Two shows nightly. Mats. Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. and 8d. Phcne, East 804. S ation, Wittcn, L.M.S. Era Picture Playhouse, Bordesley Green. — - Prop.. Era Cinema. Ltd. Licensee and Man.. Wm. Jones. Booked at Springfield Picture House. Continuous. Prices. 4d. and 6d. Phone, Victoria 543. Stationr, New Street, L.M.S.. and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Erdington Picture House. Prop., C. H. Dent. Res. Man., Alec Stannard. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d., nd. and is. 2d. Phone, Erdington 230. Station, Erdington, L.M.S. Futurist Theatre, John Bright Street. — Prop., GreaterScala (Birmingham). Ltd. Gen. Man., Chas. Williams. Asst. Man., Jack William-. Continuous. Prices, is. 3d.. 2s. and 3s. Phone, Midland 292. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Gaiety.— Prop., " C. D." Cinemas, Ltd., The Oxford, High Street, Birmingham. Phone, Central 4392. Globe Picture Palace, High Street, Aston. — Prop., Lyons Estate. Res. Man., Richard Holder. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Birmingham Northern 6=;2. Station, New Street. T .M.S. Grand Picture House, Alum Rock Road.— Prop., Saltley Grand Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. and Bonking Man., Frank P. Cozens. Booked at Hall. Continuous 6.30 to 10.30. Mat. Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Grand Picture Palace, Soho Road, Hands- worth.— Prop., C. G. H. S. Cinema Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., E. C. Kirmo. Continuous 6.30 to 10.30. Mats. Mon., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 8d. and is. Phone, Northern 595. Station, Handsworth, L.M.S. Grange Super Cinema, Coventry Road, Small Heath.— Prop., C. Bryant & E. J. Bryant. Res. Man., W. East Smith. Phone, Victoria 434. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 61. to is. 3d. Station, Bordesley, G.W.R. Gravelly Hill Picture House, Slade Road. — Prop., Gravelly Hill Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., Albert Mitchell. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to grt. Phone, East 461. Station, Aston, L, M.S. Great Hampton Picture Palace, Livery Street. — Prop., Excellent Cinemas (1924) Ltd. Res. Man., J. D. Steel. Continuous. Two Mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to Sd. Station, Snow Hill. Green Lane Picture House, Green Lane, Small Heath. Phone, Victoria 504. — Prop., Green Lane Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., Jack Foster. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., every afternoon. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Station, Snow Hill, G.W.R. Harborne Picture Palace. — Prop., Record Cinema Circuit, Ltd., Wheeler Gate, Notting- ham. Res. Man., H. E. Jordan. Continuous 6.15 to 10.30. Mats., Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat., at 2.45. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., 8d. and is. Phone, Edgbaston 1281. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Hay Mill and Yardley Picture House. — - Prop.. "C. D." Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., F. Maund. Booked by Man. Dir., M. Dent, Oxfoid Cinema, H;gh Street, Birmingham. Continuous. Ma*., Mon. and Wed. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Heath Picture Palace, Washwood Heath Road, Saltley.— Prop., Heath Picture Palace, Ltd. Man. Dir., H. B. Lane. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, East 230. Highgate Picture Theatre, Darwin Street.— Prop., Highgate Picture Theatre, Ltd. Licensee and Res. Man., C. Swinbourne. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Phone, Midland 612. Stations, New Street L.M.S., and Snow Hill, G. W.R. Ideal Picture House, King's Heath. — Prop., H. H. Reynolds. " Cintra," 31, Wyecliffe Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Phone, Northern 234. Res. Man. and Licensee, Lilian A. Lord. Booked by Prop. Continuous. Three Mats, weekly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone, South 419. ' Station, Fling's Heath, L-.M.S. tor all Studio Lighting Equipment — JUPITER ARCS Sole Importers and Distributers in Great Britain: PEELING & VAN NECK, LP.. 4/6, Holborn Circus, London, E.C.1 3i4 The Kinemah graph Year Book. Imperial Picture Palace, Moseley Road.— Prop., Mrs. K. Grigg. Res. Man., Ernegt M. Lake. Booked by V. I. Olliver, New Palla- dium, Hocldey. Continuous. Mat., Mon., Wed.. Thurs. and Sat. Two changts weekly. Prices, ?d. and is. Phone, South 883. Station, New Street. Kingsway Cinema, King's Heath. — Prop., Kingsway Cinema (King's Heath), Ltd. Res. Man., Redvers R. Smith. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, South 1352. Station, New Street. Ladywood Cinema, Ledsam Street.— Prop., Ladywood Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., R. Archibald Wright. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous 6.30 to 10.30. Mat., Mon. at 3. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, New Street. Lozells Picture Theatre, Lozells Road.— Prop., Lozells Picture House, Ltd. Gen. Man. and Licensee, Augustus Collins. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Northern 49. Stations, New Street, L.M.S., and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Lyric Picture Playhouse, Edward Street Parade. — Prop., Birmingham Lyric Picture Playhouse, Ltd., 43, Cannon Street, Birming- ham. Phone, Central 6880. Res. Man., John H. Harrison. Booked at H.O. and Hall. Continuous. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to nd. Mats., 2d. to 6d. Phone, Central 630. Stations, New Street, L.M.S., and Snow Hill, G.W.R. METROPOLE.Snow Hill. — Prop., J. G. L., Syndi- cate, Ltd. Res. Man. and Licensee, Louis Lingard. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone, Central 3986. Station, Snow Hill, G.W.R. Model Theatre, Coventry Road. — Prop., Reynolds, Garfield and Reynolds. Res. Man. , Albert A. Harrison. Booked at Olympia. Ladypool Road, Sparkhill, by H. G. Sherlock, Continuous 6 to 10.30. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Phone, Victoria 484. Stations, New Street, L.M.S., or Snow Hill, G.W.R. Moseley Picture House, Moseley Road. — Licensee and Man., J. Levey. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices sd. to nd. Phone, Mid. 2382. Station, Camp Hill, L.M.S. New Palace, Summerhill Road. — Prop , Moss Empires, Ltd. Res. Man., Percy Wilde. Continuous evenings. Mat., daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Central 5636. Station, Snow Hill, G.W.R. New Palladium, Soho Hill, Hockley, Hands- worth. — Props., Hockley Picture House Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., V. I. Olliver. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, Northern 380. ' Station, Snow Hill, G.W.R. Newtown Palace, Newtown Row. Prop.> South Square Syndicate Ltd. Res. Man.. T. W. Roberts. Continuous 6.30 to 10.30. Mat. daily at 2 p.m. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., 4d. and 6d., Mats., 2d., 3d. and 4d. Phone, Central 6179. Stations, New Street, L.M.S. , and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Oak jCinema, Selly Oak.— Prop., Selly Oak Pictures, Ltd., 6, Grosvenor Chambers, Broad Street, Birmingham. Res. Man., Ernest K. Hawtin. Booked at H.O. by H. A. Barber. Continuous. Mat., Mon. and Thurs. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Selly Oak 139. Station, Selly Oak, L.M.S. Olympia Picture House, Ladypool Road, Sparkhill.— Prop., Garfield and Reynolds. Res. Man., H. J. Sherlock. Continuous. Two changes week! v. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone. Victoria 124. 'Station, New Street, L.M.S. Original Saltley Picture Theatre. — Prop. H. H. Reynolds. Res. Man., H. Bliss Hill. Continuous, 6.1 --. to 10.30. Mat., Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat., at 2.45. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4M. to is. Phone, East 399. Stations, Saltley or New Street, L.M.S. Oxford, High Street. — -Prop., CD. Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., L. Tonks. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d., 8d. is. and is. 3d. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Palace, High Street, Erdington.— Prop., C. H- Dent, Grove House, Erdington. Res. Man., C. S.'Dent. Booked by Prop. Continuous, except Sit. Mat., Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, Cd. to 2s. Phone, Erdington 723-4. Station, Erdington. L.M.S. Palace, King's Norton. — Prop., The Palace, King's Norton, Ltd. Res. Man., H. S. Perfect. Booking Man, H. S. Perfect. Continuous. Prices sd., 8d., is. and is. 3d. Phone, King's Norton 69. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Palace Picture House. — Oldbury Road, Smethwick. Picturedrome, Stratford Road. — Prop., Hock- ley Picture House Co., Ltd. Man . and Licensee, C. H. Kettle, i.n tinuous 6 to 10.30. Sat., from 3. Mats., M n. and Wed. Twochanges weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Victoria 379. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Picture House, High Street, Erdington. — Prop. , C. H. Dent, Grove House, Erdington. Man., J. M. Dent. Booked by Prop. Con- tinuous, twice on Sats. Mat., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Erdington 724. Station, Erdington, L.M.S. Regent, New Street.- — Prop., CD. Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., Albert Wigley. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, is. and is. 6d. Phone, Midland 1331. Station, New Street. Rookery Picture House, Handsworth.— Prop., G. F. McDonald. Head office, Rookery Road, Ha uisworth. Res. Man., G. F. M. McDonald. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Pnces, sd. to is. Phone, Northern 691. Station Snow Hill, G.W.R. Savoy Picture Theatre, Stratford Road.— Prop., Hockley Picture House Co., Ltd., Hockley, Birmingham. Phone, South 1201. Man., J. Wakerley. Booked at H.O. Mats., Mon., and Wed. Sat., 3 to 10.30. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd., 8d. is. and is. 2d. Station, Hall Green, G.W.R. Scala Theatre, Smallbrook Street. — Prop., Greater Scala (Birmingham), Ltd. H.O., Lichfield Chambers, Upper Priory, Birming- ham. Res. Man., P. Gorton. Gen. Man., Chas. Williams. Continuous. One change weekly. Prices, is. 3d. and 2s. Phone, Midland 578. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Select Picture House, Station Street.- — Prop.. C. D. Cinemas, Ltd., Oxford Picture House,. High Street, Birmingham. Res. Man., A.. E. Pardoe. Booked at H.O., by M. Dent., Man. Dir. Continuous. Prices, Cd. to is. 3d. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Springfield Picture Playhouse, Sparkhill. — ■ Prop., Springfield Picture Playhouse, Ltd., 43, Cannon Street, Birmingham. Man. and Licensee, Joseph Drew. Booktd at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Mon. and Sat. Prices. 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, South 1211. Stations New Street, L.M.S., and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Temperance Hall, Temple Street. — Prop., Temperance Hall Cj., Ltd. Res. Man., L H. Lear Caton. Phone, Central 3036. Station, New Street, L.M.S. ! Kinema Directory (England). 3i5 The Delicia, Gosta Green. — Prop., Gosta Green Pictures Ltd. Re?. Man., E. Sceley. Continuous 6.30 to 10.30, Sat. 2.30 to 10.30. Mat., daily at 3. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Mats., 3d. to 8d. Phone, Central 7451. Triangle Cinema, Gooch Street. — Props., Lyons and Garfield, Kings Court, Colmore Row, Birmingham. Phone, Central 3298. Res. Man.. C. Dyke. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 4d. and td. Phone, Midland 1060. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Tyseley Picture House, Warwick Road. — Prop, and Res. Man. .Percy Dyche, " Quisara," Vernon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Edgbaston 2622. Station, Tyseley, G-W.R. Victoria Cinema, Coventry Road, Small Heath. — Props., Coronet Cinema (Small Heath), Ltd. Res. Man., S. H. Last. Con- tinuous 6 to 10.30. Sat., 2.30 to 10.30. Mats., Mon. and Wed., at 2.45. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Mats., 3d., all seats. Station, New Street, L.M.S. Victoria Playhouse, Victoria Road, Aston. — Prop, and Res. Man. , A. W. Rogers. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 2d. to is. Phone, East 479. Station, Aston, Birming- ham, L.M.S. Villa Cross Picture House, Handsworth.— Prop., Record Cinema Circuit, Ltd., Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. Res. Man., A. S. Cooke. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Northern 607. Station, New Street, L.M.S., and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Waldorf Picture Theatre, Walford Road, Stratford Road. — Prop., Arthur E. Parry, " Hughendon," Hampton-in-Arden. Res. Man. and Licensee, Hugh Alfred Wigley. Booked at Hall by Prop. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Station, New Street, L.M.S. West End Cinema, Suffolk Street. — Prop.. Birmingham West End Cinema, Ltd. New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., G. C. H. Dicker. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, is, 3d.. 2s. and 3s. Phones, Midland 22 and 1188. Stations, New Street, L.M.S., and Snow Hill, G.W.R. Winson Green Picture House, Winson Green Road.- — Prop., Winson Green Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Harry Devey. Continuous. Four Mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to ud. Phone, Central 1790. Station Winson Green, L.M.S. BIRSTALL (Yorks ), Pop. 7,086. Low Lane Cinema. — Prop., A. E. Shields, 29, Kirkgate, Bradford. Res. Man., G. A. Bates. Phone, Bradford 4097- Booked at H.O. by Prop. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to gel. Station Bradford, M.R., and L.N.E.R., and Road Transport. BIRTLEY (Co. Durham), Pop. 11,278. Co-operative Cinema, Durham Road. — Prop., Birtley District Co-operative Society, Ltd. Res. Man., J. R. Wilkinson. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 2jd. to 6d. Phone, Birtley 22. Station, Birtley, L.N.E.R. Theatre Royal, Orchard Street. — Prop.; W. H. Smith. Two shows nightly. Prices> 3d. to 6d. Station, Birtley, L.N.E.R. BISHOP AUCKLAND (Co. Durham). Pop. 14,300. Hippodrome Picture House, Railway Street. — -Prop., M. Drummond. Res. and Booking Man., J. G. L. Drummond. Once nightly, three times Saturday. Two changes weekly and Sunday programme. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bishop Auckland 121. Station, Bishop Auckland, L.N.E.R. King's Hall.: — Prop., Auckland Jennings and Co. Res. Man., F. Auckland. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bishop Auckland 225. Station, Bishop Auckland L.N.E.R. Temperance Hall, Victoria Street. — Prop., Bishop Auckland Temperance Society. Res. Secretary, Fred Ramsden, 25, Victoria Street, Booked at hall. Continuous. Frices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Bishop Auckland, L.N.E.R* BISHOP'S STORTFORD (Herts), Pop. 8,857. Bishop's Stortford Cinema. — Prop., E. E. Smith. Man., G. P. A. Smith. Booked at Hali by Prop. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Bishop's Stortford 117. Station, Bishop's Stortford, L.N.E.R. Films by Thames Film Transport. BISHOP'S WALTHAM (Hants), Pep. 2,597. Palace Cinema. BLACKBURN (Lancs), Pop. 126,630. Alexandra Picture Theatre, Dock Street, Eanam. — -Prop., Ainsworth and Hudson. Res. Man., J. Hudson. One show nightly. Mats., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Phone, Blackburn 5748. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. Charnley's PiCTURES, Victoria Hall, Eanam Bridge. — Gen. Man., I. Oddie. One show night- ly. Three Mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Phone, Blackburn 5152. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. Empire Electric Theatre, Aqueduct Road, Ewood. — Props., Empire Electric Theatre (Blackburn), Ltd. One show nightly. Mats., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Blackburn 5615. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. King's Hall. — Prop., Bank Top Pictures, Ltd. Man. Dir., J. Eccles. Booked by Man. Dir. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. and 8d. Phone, Blackburn 5552. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. CENT. 64 ttl YA r>17 pi TTTI 55 THE HUNDRED PER La 1 LSHi MTVJ l 11, ATTRACTION, THE STROLLING PLAYERS," (By arrangement with Mr. Louis London.) Exploitation Rights for United Kingdom and Ireland controlled by FAMOUS FILMS (LONDON), CHA5R«AoRsi &raedetw.c 2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Telegrams : Morjxlm, WestcenL 3i6 The Kiriematograph Year Book. Majestic Cinema, King William Street. — Prop., Exchange (Blackburn), Ltd. Res. Man., Leigh Courtney. Booked at Central Cinema, Blackburn, by J. Jenkinson. One show nightly, two Sat. Mat. , daily. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Blackburn 6433. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. New Central Hall, Mincing Lane. — Prop., New Central Hall (Blackburn), Ltd. Man., J. Jenkinson. One show nightly, two Sat. Mat., daily. Two changes weekly. Prices. 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Blackburn 6357, Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. Olvmpia, St. Peter's Street.— Prop., Olympia (Blackburn), Ltd. Man., G. Rawcliffe. One show nightly, two Sat. Mat., daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, fd. to is. Phone, Blackburn 6498. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. Palladium, Mill Hill, near Blackburn. — Prop., Palladium (Blackburn), Ltd. Res. Man., Lister Haworth. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 5d., 6d. and gd. Phone, Black- burn 6240. Station, Mill Hill, L.M.S. Prince's Theatre, Jubilee Street. — Prop., Exors. of E. H. Page. Man., A. Hargreaves. One show nightly. Station, Blackburn. L.M.S. Regent Palace, King Street.— Prop., Regent (Blackburn), Ltd. Res. Man., James Dugdale. One show nightly, two Sat. Mat., daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 6d. and 9d. Phone, Blackburn 6648. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. Savoy Cinema, Bolto Road. — Prop. . Reginald Yorke. Man., Harry Yorke. Booked at Hall by Prop. Once nightly. Mat., daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone. Blackburn 5233. Station, Blackburn L.M.S. Star Cinema. — -Prop., E. Taylor, 594, Whalley, New Road. Res. Man., J. Taylor. Booked at Hall by Prop. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Blackburn. 6249. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. Theatre Royal.— Prop., Northern Theatres Co., Ltd. Act. Man., Stanley Hope. Once nightly. Phone, Blackburn 6810. Station, Blackburn, L.M.S. BLACKDOWN CAMP (Surrey). Garrison Theatre. — Prop., Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, Imperial Court, Upper Kennington Lane, S.E. 11. Phone, Hop 6060. Pictures and Varieties. Entertain- ments Man., Alfred Bert. Man., T. Vaughan. BLACKHALL COLLIERY (Co. Durham). Super Cinema. BLACKHALL MILL (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,000. Palace Theatre, HamsterLy Coll ery. --Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., it, Ba'h L;n , Newcas'.h-on-Tvns. Phone, Central ^104. Booked at H.O. by Man. Dir., Sol. Sheck- man. Res. Man., R. M. Laws. One show nightly, two on Mon. and Sat. Two changes. Prices 3d. to is. 3d. Station. High West- wood, L.N.E.R. BLACKHILL (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,141. Olympia. — Prop., John Adams. Res. Man., A. V. Adams. Mon. and Sat. twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Consett 130. Station, Blackhill, L.N.E.R. BLACKPOOL (Lancs), Pop. 99,640. {Sunday evening shoivs at all kinemas all year round.) Casino Cinema Pleasure Beach, South Shore. — Prop., Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Ltd. (Closed — Re-open Easter, 1927). Phone, Blackpool 609. Station, Blackpool (Waterloo Road). Clifton Palace, Church Street. — Prop., Black- pool Clifton Palace Co., Ltd. Man., W. Thornley. Continuous evening. Daily Mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Blackpool 1S3. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road), L.M.S. Hippodrome, Church Street. — Prop., Blackpool Entertainments (1920), Ltd. Man. Dir., W. B. Holt. Man., A. R. Harrison. Two shows daily. Prices, 9d. to is. 6d. Phone, Blackpool 2234. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road), L.M.S. Imperial Picture Palace, Dickson Road, North Shore. — Props., Sharpero and Graham. Res. Man., J. Spencer. Booked at Hall by T. Graham. Two shows daily. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Blackpool 270. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road), L.M.S. King Edward Picture Palace, Central Drive. - — Prop., Blackpool Central Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., John Beck. Act. Man., J. T. Jones. Two shows daily. Two changes • weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Black- pool 1 06 1. Station, Blackpool (Central). Palace Picture Pavilion, Promenade. — Prop., Blackpool Tower Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., Harry Hall. Three shows daily. Phone, Blackpool 1600. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road and Central), L.M.S. Princess Picture House, Promenade. — Prop., Blackpool Entertainments (1920), Ltd. Man. Dir. and Gen. Man., W. B. Holt. Two shows daily. Prices, 9d. to is-. 6d. Phone, Black- pool 467. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road). Regent Picture House, Church Street. — ■ Prop., Regent Picture House (Blackpool), Ltd. Gen. Man., Geo. L. Abercrombie. Booked at Hall by Gen. Man. Two shows daily. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Blackpool 1357. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road). Rendezvous Cinema and Cafe, 57, Bond Street. — Prep., Rendezvous Cinema (Black- pool), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., T. A. Smethurst. Booked at Hall. Thrice daily. Prices, gd. to is. 3d. Phone 2279- Station, . Waterloo Road, Blackpool, L.M.S. Royal Pavilion, Rigby Road. — Prop., Black- pool Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., T. Hopcutt. Booked by J. Jenkinson at Central Hall, Black- burn. Twice daily during season ; Sat. only winter season. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Blackpool 297. Stations, Blackpool (Talbot Road or Central), L.M.S. Tivoli Picture Theatre, Talbot Square.— Prop., Tivoli Theatre Co. Gen. Man., John Beck. Act. Man., J. Horsfall. Two shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Blackpool 508. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road), L.M.S. Trocadero Cinema, Central Beach. — Prop., Blackpool Trocadero, Ltd. Gen Man., Jom Graham. Res. Man. Wm. Gardner. Booked at Hall by Tom Graham. Two shows d-.ily. Prices, 5d. Md. and 1 id. winter only. Phone, Blackpool 503. Station. Blackpool (Central), L.M.S. • Victoria Pier, South Shore. — Prop., South Shore Pier and Pavjlion Co. , Ltd. Man. , Geo. Roberts. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Black- pool 604. Station, Blackpool (Waterloo Road) . I Kinema Directory (England). 317 Waterloo Picture House, Waterloo Road, South Shore. — Prop., South Shore Pictures Co. Ltd., Gen. Man., John Beck. Act. Man., Walter Waine. Two shows daily. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Blackpool 326. Station, Blackpool (Waterloo Road), L.M.S. Winter Gardens Pavilion, Church Street. — Prop., Blackpool Winter Gardens and Pavilion Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., C. T. Hutchison. Secretary, A. E. Peace. One show nightly. Mat., daily in summer. Two changes weekly. Prices, is. to is. (3d. Phone. Blackpool 1820. Station, Blackpool (Talbot Road), L.M.S. BLACKWOOD (Mon.), Pop. 6,200. Capitol, Hall Street. Pavilion, High Street.— Prop., Will Stone, New Hippodrome, Tonvpandv. Phone 54. Res. Man., E. W. Hopkins. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Continuous Sat. from 5.30 p.m. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Blackpool, L.M.S. BLAENAVON (Mon.) Pop. 12,470. Coliseum. — Props., Attwood Bros. Res. Man., S. W. Attwocd. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Blaenavon 48. Station, Blaenavon, G.W.R. Workmen's Hall.— Prop., Blaenavon Work- men. Sec, John Davies. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Phone, Blaenavon 24. Sta- tion, Blaenavon, G.W.R. (low level). BLAINA (Mon.). Evipire. — -Prop., Blaina Cinematograph Co. Ltd. Gaiety, High Street. BLANDFORD (Dorset), Pop. 3,194. Palace. — Prop., P. E." Coaker, Cheap Street, Sherborne. Phone 32. Res. Man., A. E. Battrick. Booked at Sherborne. One show- nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Blandford. BLAYDON-ON-TYNE (Co. Durham). Pop. 16,000. F.MPiRE,Church Street.- — Prop. .Stanley Rogers, 109, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, Central 5489. Gen. Man., Edward J. Hinge. Act. Man., W. Sidney Jude. Booked at Head Office. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Blaydon 19. Station, Blaydon-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Pavilion Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., Smelt Bros. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Blaydon-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. B LETCH LEY (Bucks), Pop. 5,532. Electric Palace, High Street.- — Prop., A. E. Jacobs. One show nightly. Twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2M. to is. 3d. Phone, Bletchley 2. Station, Bletchley, L.M.S. BLOXWSCH (Staffs), Pop. 8,950. Electric Theatre, High Street. — Prop., P. Collins. Res. Man., A. H. Proverbs. Three/ shows Sat., two on Mon. Continuous rest of week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Bloxwich, L.M.S. BLYTH (Northumberland), Pop. 31,833. Central Cinema, Market Place. Prop., Central, Cinemas (Blyth), Ltd., Res. Man.', J. W. H. Ratcliffe. Continuous. Prices, 5 to 5 and 6 to 10.30. Two changes weekly. Phone, Ravens- bourne 1406. Station, South Brcmley, S.R. Palais de Luxe, High Street. — Prop., Living Picture Palaces, Ltd. Res. Man., A. Watts. Shows, 3 to 5 and 6 to 10.30. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Phone, Ravensbourne 1406. Station, North Bromley. BROMSGROVE (Worcs), Pop. 9,470. New Court Theatre, Church Street. — Prop., Phelps Bros. Res. Man., H. Phelps. Continu- ous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Bromsgrove L.M.S. Playhouse. Worcester Street.- — Prop, and Res. Man.,T. McDermott. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Bromsgrove, L.M.S. BROMYARD (Herefordshire), Pop. 1,573, Picturedrome. — Prop, and Res. Man., Miss M. James. Booked by Prop. Two shows weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Bromyard, G.W.R. BROTTON (Yorks), Pop. 4,425. Grand Cinema. — Prop, and Man., Thomas Lord. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Brotton, L.N.E.R. Hippodrome. — Prop, and Man., Thomas Lord. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Brotton, L.N.E.R. IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." 324 The Kinematograph Year Book BROWN HILLS (Staffs), Pop. 18,241. Palace.— Props., S. J. Bray and W. F. W. Davies. Res. Man., W. F. W. Davies. One show daily, two on Sats. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., sd. and 9d. Station, Brownhills, L.M.S. BRUTON (Som ), Pop. 1,724. Unionist Hall. BUCKFASTLEIGH (Devon), Pop. 2,265. Picture House, Station Road.— Prop., A. O- Ellis. Res. Man., Miss Petherick. Booked at H.O., Homeside. Barrington Road, Wells- wood, Torquay. Phone, Torquay 2895. Fri. and Sat. nights. Sat. Mat. Station, Buck- fastleigh, G.W.R. BUCKINGHAM (Bucks), Pop. 3,059. Electric Cinema. — Prop., R. and H. Chapman. Two shows weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station. Buckingham, L.M.S. BUDE (Cornwall), Pop. 3,145. Picture House.— Prop., W. J. Graver. Res. Man., G. E. Graver. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Station, Bude, S.R. BULWELL (Notts) Pop. 18,509. Highbury Cinema. — Prop., Highbury Cinema. Ltd. Res. Man., L. B. Truman. Booked at Hall, by Chairman of Directors. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bulwell 113. Olympia. — Prop., Bulwell Pictures and Variety Co., Ltd. Head office, Olympia, Bulwell. Gov. Dir., Edwin Widdowson. Man. Dir., Hy. J. Widdowson. Booked at Olympia Theatre. Two shows nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bulwell 95. Station, Bulwell, L.M.S. Palace, Main Street. — Prop., Bulwell Pictures and Variety Co., Ltd. Head office, Olympia, Bulwell. Gov. Dir., Edwin Widdowson. Man. Dir., Hy. J. Widdowson. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Bulwell 28. Station, Bulwell. BUNGAY (Suffolk), Pop. 3,250. New Theatre. — Prop., S. F. Dixon. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Three Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Bungay, L.N.E.R. BURGESS HILL (Sussex), Pop. 5,651. Scala Cinema, Cyprus Road. — Prop, and Man., P. V. Reynolds. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. 'Phone Bur- gess Hill 137. Station, Burgess Hill, S.R. and by Transport. BURNHAM-ON-CROUCH (Essex), Pop. 3,433. Electric Kinema. — Prop., C. T. and H. S. Newman Bros. Booked by H. S. Newman, Gable House, Burnham-on-Crouch. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. -to is. Station, Burnham-on- Crouch, L.N.E.R. BURNHAM-ON-SEA (Somerset), Pop. 5,569. Electric Theatre. — Prop., Burnham Electric Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., W. S. Patey. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, G.W.R.. andS. &D.R. BURNLEY (Lancs), Pop. 103,175. Alhambra Picture Theatre. — Prop., Alham bra (Burnley), Ltd. Res. Man., Mr. Robinson . One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to c,d. Phone, Burnley 765. Station, Burnley Barracks, L.M.S. Andrews Picture House, Church Institute — Prop., Andrews Cinemas (Burnley), Ltd . Man., H. Lyons. Two changes weekly. Phone, Burnley 577. Station, Burnley. Coliseum Cinema, 223, Gannow Lane. — Prop., Coliseum Cinema Co . , Ltd . Res . and Booking Man., W. Hartley. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, 1 Burnley 876. Station, Rosegrove, L.M.S. Empress Picture House, Sandygate. — -Prop. J. Bradley. One show nightly. Two changes, weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Burnley. 847. Station, Burnley Barracks, L.M.S. Grand Super Cinema. — Prop., Grand Amuse- ments, Ltd. Three shows daily, 2.30, 6.40, and 8.30. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone 632. Station, Burnley Bank Top, L.M.S. Imperial Cinema, Redruth Street.- — Prop., Gan- now Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Glenn. Booked by H. D. Moorhouse, 93, Market Street . Manchester. One show nightly, two on Sat, Mat., Tues. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Burnley 933. Sta- tion, Burnley Bank Top, L.M.S. King's, Hebrew Road.- — Prop., J. Bradley. Two changes weekly. Popular prices. Pavilion, Church Street. — Prop., J. Grimshaw, Ltd. Res. Man., Austin H. Longford. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 7d. Station, Bank Top, L.M.S. Pentridge Picture Hall, Oxford Road. — ■ Prop., Pentridge Cinema, Ltd. Man. Dir., P. Crossley. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Mat., Mon., Tues., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to it. Phone, Burnley 1048. Station, Burnley, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Stoneyholme. — Prop., Burnley Cinema Co. Res. Man., A. Plews. Booked at Hall by A. Plews. One show nightly. Prices, 5d. to gd. Phone, Burnley 777. Sta- tion, Burnley Bank Top, L.M.S. Royal, Robinson Street. — Prop., J. Bradley. Two changes weekly. Popular prices. Savoy Cinema Superb and Cafe. — Prop., Savoy (Burnley), Ltd. Man., A. Ingham. Three shows daily. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d., boxes 7s. 6d. Phone, 519. Stations, Bank Top or Manchester Road, L.M.S. Temperance Hall, Parker Lane.- — -Prop., J. Bradley, Empress Pictures, Burnley. Phone, 827. Res. Man., W. Emmett. Booked by J. Bradley. One show nightly. Mat., Tues. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Burnley 291. Station, Burnley, L.M.S. Tivoli Picture House, Colne Road. — -Prop., J. Bradley. Res. Man., H. Halstead. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Burnley 786. Station, Bank Top, L.M.S- BURNOPFIELD (Co. Durham), Pop. 13,000. Derwent Pavilion. — Props., Hill and Conan, Sunderland. Res. Man., Geo. Robin- son. Booked at H O. by G. F. Hill. One show nightly. Twice Mon. and Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Rowlands Gill, L.N.E.R. Grand. — Res. Man., J. M. Trotter. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Rowlands Gill, L.N.E.R. Kinema Directory [England). 325 BURSCOUGH BRIDGE (Lancs), Pop. 3,167. Cinema. — Prop., John R. Horrocks. Station, Burscough Junction, L.M.S. BURSLEM (Staffs), Pop. 42,450. Burslem Picture Palace, Cleveland Street.— Prop., Burslem Picture Palace, Ltd. Gen. Man. and Licensee, J. C. Pico. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Hanley 78. Station, Burslem, L.M.S-. Coliseum. — Prop., Midland Coliseums, Ltd., Res. Man., Mrs. F. Burrows. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Central 15 18. Station, Burslem. Palladium Waterloo Road. — Prop., Huntley and Allan. Res. Man., Wm. Allen. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 40". to is. Station, Burslem, L.M.S. Picture Palace, Smallthorn. Prop., Burslem Picture Palace Co., Ltd. -Gen. Man., J. C. Pico. Nightly. Phone, Hanley 78. Super Cinema, Moorland Road. — Prop., Burs- lem Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Gen. Man. and Licensee, J. C. Pico. Continuous. Prices, 3d. and 6d. Phone, Hanley 78. Station, Burs- lem. L.M.S. BURTON LATIMER (Northants) Pop., 3,400. Electric Palace. — Prop., Burton Latimer Electric Palace Co., Ltd., 3A, Silver Street, Wellingborough. Phone 230. Man. Dir., A. T. Watts Res. Man., H. W. Miller. Booked at H.O. Once nightly. Continuous Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Irthling- borough, L.M.S. BURTON-ON-TRENT (Staffs), Pop. 48,927. Derby Turn Picture Palace. — Prop., Derby Turn Picture Palace Co., Ltd., Dallow Street. Phone, 475- Res. Man., S. A. Sufiolk. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Burton-on-Trent 475. Station, Burton-on-Trent, L.M.S. Electric Theatre, High Street. — Prop., National Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., A. G. Maxted. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bur- ton 448. Station, Burton-on-Trent, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Curzon Street. — Prop., Burton- on-Trent Picturedrome Co., Ltd. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Burton 720. Station, Burton-on- Trent, L.M.S. BURWELL (Games), Pop. 2,140. Gardner Memorial Hall. — Occasional Shows, BURY (Lancs), Pop. 56,426. Art Picture Hall, Knowsley Street. — Prop., Bury Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Man. Dir.. John Walters. Gen. Man., T. Lewis. Three shows daily. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Bury 591. Station, Bury, L.M.S. Castle Picture House, Bolton Street.— Prop., Bury Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Reg. Office, Art Picture House, Bury. Gen. Man., Tom Lewis. Booked at H.O. by Gen. Manager. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Bury 516. Station, Bury, L.M.S. Empire Picture Hall. — Prop, and Man., Isaac Jacobson.278, Bury New Road. Manchester. Phone, Higher Broughton 1145. Booked by Prop. Three shows daily. Prices, 3d. to od. Phone, Bury 446. Station, Bury, L.M.S. Hippodrome. La Scala Super Cinema, Spring Street. — Prop. Scala Theadrome Co., Ltd. Gen. Man. and Sec, John Mather. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Bury 140. Stations, Knowsley Street, Bolton Street, Bury, L.M.S. Star Picture House. — -Prop., Star Picture Hall Co. (Bury), Ltd. Res. Man., A. S. Spencer. One show nightly, two Mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Bury 634. Station, Burv L.M.S. BURY ST. EDMUNDS (Suffolk), Pop. 15,941. Central Cinema. — Prop., Central Cinema (Bury St. Edmunds) Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., P. J. Scarlato. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Bury St. Edmunds 260. Station, Bury St. Edmunds, L.N.E.R. Empire. — Prop, and Res. Man., Walter Cook. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bury St. Edmunds 133. Station, Bury St. Edmunds, L.N.E.R. Playhouse, Buttermarket. — Prop., Playhouse Co. (Bury St. Edmunds), Ltd. Res. Man., Fred Graves. Booked by D. F. Bostock at Hippodrome, Ipswich. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to 2S. Phone, Bury St. Edmunds 296. Station, Bury St. Edmunds, L.N.E.R. Films by Transport Co. BUXTON (Derby), Pop. 15,651. Hippodrome, St. John's Road. — -Prop., Buxton and High Peak Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Man., Clifford Slatter. Continuous. Two shows Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Buxton 423. Station, Buxton, L.M.S. Picture House, Spring Gardens. — Prop.; Buxton and High Peak Entertainments, Ltd. Man., Clifford Slatter. Asst. Man., Frank Radford. Continuous. Two shows Sat. Prices, 56.. to is. 3d. Phone, Buxton 131. Station, Buxton, L.M.S. CaISTOR (Lincs), Pop. 2,000. Public Hall. — Prop., A. E. Marshall. One show Mon. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Moor- town, L.N.E.R. BUTCHER'S FILM SERVICE LTD., 175, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l Branches at— GLASGOW. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. MANCHESTER. LIVERPOOL. LEEDS. BIRMINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. BRISTOL. CARDIFF. 326 The Kinemafograph Year Book. CALLINGTON (Cornwall), Pop. 1,636. Public Hall.— Prop., J. H. Crick & Sons. Once weekly. CALNE (Wilts), Pop. 3,640. Cinema Palace. — -Award Circuit, Palace Cham- bers, Stroud, Glos. Phone^Stroud n. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Calne. CAMBERLEY (Surrey), Pop. 8,000. Academy Cinema, York Town. — Prop., Doman and Fairs. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Camberley, S.R. Arcade Cinema. — Props., Doman and Fairs. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Station, Camberley, S.R. CAMBORNE (Cornwall), Pop. 14,582. Ci ned rome, St. George's Hall.— Prop., British Riviera Cinedrome, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. J. Telfer Davey. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Camborne, G.W.R. Vincent's Hippodrome, Roskear.— Closed. CAMBRIDGE (Cambs), Pop. 59,262. Central Cinema, 21, Hobson Street. — Prop., Central Cinema (Cambridge), Ltd. Man., Leslie L. Lovell. Booked at Hall. Continuous 2.30 to 10.30. Prices, 8d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Cambridge 13. Station, Cambridge, L.N.E.R. Kinema, Mill Road. — Prop., Pointer & Coulson, Man., A. J. Pointer. Booked at Victoria Cinema. Continuous from 6.30. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Cambridge, L.N.E.R. Playhouse, Mill Road. — Prop. Cambridge Picture Playhouses, Ltd. Gen. Man., L. Freeman. Continuous 6 to 10.30. Mats.,Thurs. and Sat. at 2.30. Pictures and Variety. Prices, 4d. to 2s. Phone, Cambridge 1055. Station, Cambridge, L.N.E.R. Films per Motor Trans- port, 25, Denmark Street, London, W.i. Rendezvous Cinema, and Ballroom, Magrath Avenue. — Prop., Mrs. E. J. Mason, Living- stone Hotel, Petty Cury, Cambridge. Phone, Cambridge 365. Res. and Booking Man., J. A. Mason. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 2s. Phone, Cambridge 1169. Station, Cambridge. Tivoli,. Chesterton Road.- — Prop., Tivoli (Cam- bridge), Ltd. Res. Man., C. Gilpin-Holmes. Booked at Central Cinema by P. V. Walks. Continuous. Mat., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Cambridge 1637. Station, Cambridge, L.N.E.R. Victoria Cinema, Market Hill. — Props., A. J. Pointer and Sons. Res. Man., A. J. Pointer. Booked at Hall. Continuous from 2.30. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Cambridge 509. Station, Cambridge. CANNOCK (Staffs), Pop. 32,321. Cannock Picture House, Walsall Road.— Prop., Paramount Picture Theatres, Ltd. Gen. Man., Frank Williams. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Station, Cannock, L.M.S. CANTERBURY (Kent), Pop. 23,738. Canterbury Electric Theatre, St. Peter's Street. — Prop., Canterbury Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., W. T. Mainwaring. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Canterbury 11 Y. Station, Canterbury West, S.R. St. George's Theatre, Lower Bridge Street. — Prop., St. George's (Canterbury) Theatre Co., Ltd. Phone, Canterbury 304. Man. Dir.. J. H. Wills. Booking Man., J. H. Wills. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices. 4*d. to is. 3d. Films despatched by Kent Films Motor Transport Co., Ltd. CARCROFT, Nr. Doncaster (Yorks). Pop. 7,500- Picture Theatre. — Prop., C. F.Ward. Res* Man., A. Lister. Booked by G. Brocklesby* A.L.A.A., Certified Accountant, Conisborough* near Rotherham. Phone, Conisborough 29. Nightly. Prices 3d. to is. Phone, Adwick-le- Street 20. Stations, Adwick-le-Street and Carcroft, L.N.E.R. CARLIN HOW (Yorks), Pop. 3,000. Grand Electric Theatre. — Prop., T. Thomp- son. Res. Man., F. Stephens. Booked at Hippodrome, Middlesbrough, by Thos. Thomp- son. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Skinnin- grove, L.N.E.R. CARLISLE (Cumberland), Pop. 52,701*. Botchergate Picture House, 37, Botchergate- — Prop., Carlisle Picture House Co., Ltd., 95, Bath Street, Glasgow. Phone, Douglas 2769. Res. Man., Archd, B. B. Dowies. Booked at H.O. by J. Matthews. Continuous, Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Carlisle 411. Station, Carlisle Citadel, L.M.S. City Picture House, English Street.— Prop., Sidney Bacon's Pictures, Ltd., 108, Gt. Russell Street , Bloomsbury , W.C . 1 . Res . Man . , P. C. Moon y. Contiguous. Two charges weekly. Prices 6d. to is. 6a. Phone, Carlisle 540. Station, Carlisle, L.M.S. New Public Hall, Chapel Street. — Prop. Sidney Bacon's Pictures, Ltd., 108, Gt. Russell Street, Bloomsbury, W.C.i. Res. Man., Cecil R. Whiles. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d. to 8d. Phone, Carlisle 428. Station, Carlisle, L.M.S. Stanley Hall, Botchergate. — Prop., Lecn Gould. Res. Man., Leopold H. Doherty. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Carlisle 458. Station, Carlisle (Citadel). Star Hall, Denton Holme.— Prop., Leon Gould. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. CARLTON (Notts), Pop. 18,511. Victoria Picture House. — Prop., E. Parker. Head office, Station Road, Carlton. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Carlton, L.M.S. CARNFORTH (Lancs), Pop. 3,247. Kinema.— Man. Dir., Wm. J. Weeks. Con- tinuous Mon. and Thurs., once nightly Tues., Wed. and Fri. Twice Sat. and Mat. Two and three changes weekly. Phone, Carnforth 11. Station, Carnforth, L.M.S. CARR VALE (Derby). Central Hall. CARSHALTON (Surrey), Pop. 1,400. Public Hall. CASTLE DGNINGTON (Leics), Pop. 2,530. County Cinema. — Prop., County Cinema Enterprises, Kegworth. Res. Man., Reg. G. Eley. Booked at County Cinema, kegworth. One show Mon., Tues. and Fri., two on Sat. Prices, 4?,d. to nd. Station, Castle Doning- ton, L.M.S. Kinema Directory [England). 327 CASTLE CARY (Som.) Pop. 1646. Town Hall. CASTLEFORD (Yorks), Pop. 24,183. Albion Picture Palace, Albion Street. — Prop. Albion Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., H. Craven. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Castleford 32. Station. Castleford, L.N.E R. Majestic, Aire Street. — Prop., Majestic (Castle- ford) Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., W. Clowes. Two shows nightly. Prices, .jd. to is. 3d. Phone, Castleford 231. Station, Castleford, L.N.E. R. Picture House, Station Road. — Prop.,R. T. A. Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., T. TV. Dolby. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Castleford 51. Station, Castleford, L.N.E.R. CASTLETON (Lancs), Pop. 3,918. Princes Picture Palace, Princes Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., Albert E. Milward. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Castleton . CATERHAM (Surrey), Pop. 11,782. Guards Depot Cinema. — Res. Man., Quarter- master, Guards Depot. Booked at Hall. Shows Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Phone, Caterham 53, ext. 3. Station, Cater- ham. Valley Cinema. — Prop, and Man., Frank Watters. Booked at Hall by appointment. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Caterham, S.R. CATTERICX (Yorks), Pop. 565. Camp Cinema.— Prop., Catterick Cinema Co. Res. Man., J. Willets. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Catterick Bridge, L.N.E.R. Garrison Theatre. — Booked by Fenton Circuit, 4, Central Buildings, Darlington. CAVERSHAM (Berks), Electric Theatre, Church Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., C. J. Stanley. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Reading, G.W.R., or by Road Transport. CHADDERTON (near Oldham) (Lancs), Pop. 28,730. Free Trade Hall, Milne Street. — Prop. Alfred Wright, 140, Grange Avenue, Werneth. Phone 168. Booked by Prop, at H.O. and Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone, Chadderton, 186. Station, Werneth L.M.S. CHALFONT ST. PETER (Bucks), Pop. 4,000. Memorial Hall Cinema. — Props., Memorial Hall Committee. Res. and Booking Man., P. E. Coward. Booked at Hall. Shows, Thurs.. Fri. and Sat. Price 5d. to is. iod. Station, Gerrards Cross. CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH (Derbyshire) Pop. 5283. Cinema, Constitutional Hill. Empress Cinema. CHAPELTOWN (near Sheffield) (Yorks). Pop. 8,701. Picture Palace, Station Road. — Prop., Chapel- town Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., A. E. Hodgson. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station Chapeltown, L.M.S. CHARD (Somerset), Pop. 4,322. Picture House. — Prop., Rowland Reeves. Once nightly, two Wed. and three on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Chard 74. Station , Chard, S.R. and G.W.R. CHARLBURY (Oxox.) Pop. 1,500.. Ciiarlbury Palladium. — Prop., and Man., Bernard Robinson. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. iod. Station, Charlbury. Films by Road Transport. CHATHAM (Kent), Pop. 42,665. Imperial Picture Playhouse, High Street. — Prop., Chatham & District Cinema. Ltd. Res. Man., A. W. Clarke. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Chatham 618. Station, Chatham, S.R. Invicta Picture Palace, High Street.— Prop., H. G. and W. Croneen, 21/23, High Street, Gillingham. Res. Man., Edward H. Tremain. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Chat- ham 472. Station, Chatham, S.R. National Electric Theatre, High Street. — Prop., National Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Will Browning. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Chatham 214. Station, Chatham, S.R. Films by Motor Transport. Picture House. — Man. Dirs., Sir Oswald Stoll and Aid. H. E. Davis, J. P. Res. Man., G. Tallents. Booked by Stoll Circuit. Continuous. Phone, Chatham 157. Station, Chatham, S.R. CHATTERIS (Cambs), Pop. 5,086. Picture Palace. — Prop, and Res. Man., M. Williams. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Chatteris, L.N.E.R. CHEADLE (Cheshire), Pop. 11,036. Electra Picture House. — Prop., E. H. Burns. Res. Man., J. Burns. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Gatley 3g. Station. Gatley, L.M.S. CHEADLE (Staffs), Pop. 5,841. Osborne Cinema. — Prop., Boyce Wood. Res. Man., Sydney Pearce. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, aid. to gd. Station, Cheadle (Staffs), L.M.S. No picture has ever before received such wonderful praise from all quarters. A colossal production that will live in the memory for ever. Nothing has been seen on the screen to compare with it. 'THE LIFE OF CHRIST" By arrangement with Mr. Loui- London, ibition Rights for Great Britain and Ireland ( excepting Midlands), The sole Exh Controlled by MORRIS FILM SERVICE, 5, Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Telegrams: Morfilm, Westcent. 328 The Kinematograph Year Book. Palace— Prop, and Res. Man., J. Bibby. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to gd. Station, Cheadle (Staffs), L.M.S. CHELMSFORD (Essex), Pop. 22,457. Pavilion Super Cinema, Rainsford Road.— Prop, and Man., H. Hull. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Station, Chelmsford, L.N.E.R. Regent Theatre, Moulsham Street. — Prop., Eastern Counties Cinemas, Ltd. Regent Theatre, Chelmsford. Res. and Bkg. Man., R. Gerald Balls. Continuous. Phone, Chelms- ford 94. Station, Chelmsford, L.N.E.R. Select Kinema, off Moulsham Street. — Man. and Dir., R. H. Etchells. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Chelmsford, L.N.E.R. CHELTENHAM (Glos), Pop. 48,444. Coliseum Theatre. — Prop., H. G. Beard. Res. Man., A. H. Greenland. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. gd. Phone, Cheltenham 3715. Station, Cheltenham (St. James), G.W.R. Daffodil Picture House, Suffolk Parade.— Prop., Daffodil Picture House Ltd. Res. Man. , W. Rust. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cheltenham 3360. Station, Cheltenham (St. James), G.W.R. North Street Picture House. — Prop., H. G^ Beard. Res. Man., A. H. Greenland. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cheltenham 3715. Station. Cheltenham (St. James), G.W.R. Palace Picture Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man. Shakspere Shenton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cheltenham 2553. Station, Chelten- ham, G.W.R. Winter Garden, Promenade. — Prop., The Cheltenham Winter Garden Co., Ltd. Res. Man., C. Priestley-Edwards. Booked at Hall, Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices. 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cheltenham 2212. CHEPSTOW (Hon), Pop. 5,144. Electric Picture Hall, Beaufort Square.— Prop., J. D. Jones & Co. Res. Man., J. D. Jones. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Station, Chepstow, G.W.R. Palace Theatre. — Prop., (Albany Ward Theatres), P.C.T., Ltd., 2, Redland Park, Bristol. Phone, Bristol 4317. Res. Man. C. A. White. Booked at H.O. by A. Neiman. One show nightly. Three Sat. and Mon. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Chepstow 41. Station, Chepstow, G.W.R. CHERTSEY (Surrey), Pop. 15,123. Constitutional Hall, Guildford Street.— Man., C. W. Scates. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Open Sat. only. Picture House, Guildford Street.— Prop. C. Reeves Hicks. Man., C. W. Scates. Con- tinuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. CHESHAM (Bucks.), Pop. 8,584. Palace.— Man., W. C. Wilson. Booked at Hall. CHESHUNT (Herts), Pop. 13,629. Cinema, College Road. — Prop. Richard W. Jones. Bookedby Prop., at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Cheshunt, L.N.E.R. CHESLYN HAY (Staffs) Palladium. — Prop, and Res. Man., F. Taylor, Booked at Hall by Res. Man. Continuous, Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Cheslyn Hay. near Walsall, L.M.S. CHESTER (Cheshire), Pop. 40,794. Glynn Picture House. — Prop.. Glynn Picture House, Ltd. Gen. Man., F. D. Rowley. Booked at Hall by Gen. Man. Twice nightly. Mat. Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Chester 652. Station, Chester, G.W.R., and L.M.S. Majestic Picture House, Brook Street. Prop., Majestic Picture House (Chester), Ltd. Res. Man., H. W. Ledger. Booked at Music Hall. Twice daily. Mats., Mon., Wed., and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Chester 5gg. Station, Chester, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Music Hall, Northgate Street. — Prop., Chester Music Hall (192 1), Ltd. Gen. Man., W. E. Mulvey. House Man., R. Evans. Booked at Hall on Tues. and Fri. by W. E. Mulvey. Three shows daily. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, 380. Station, Chester, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Park Cinema, Saltney. Royalty Theatre, City Road. — Prop., Milton Bode. Res. Man., H. Norcott. Occasional shows only. Booked at H.O., County Theatre, Reading. Prices, 6d. to 3s. Phone, Chester 271. Station, Chester, G.W.R. CHESTERFiELD (Derby), Pop. 61,236. Brampton Coliseum, Chatsworth Road. - Prop., Entertainments (Chesterfield), Ltd. Res. Man., L. Nash. Booked by W. Wood at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Chesterfield, L.M.S. Cinema, Mansfield Road. — Prop., Husband Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., H. Booth. Booked at Hall. Continuous. . Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Chesterfield, L.M.S. Corporation Theatre, Corporation Street. — Pictures and Musical Shows.- — Lessees, Hippo- drome (Chesterfield), Ltd. Res. Man., Mathew H. Glenville. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to 3s. Phone, Chesterfield 2901. Station, Chesterfield, L.M.S. Lyceum.— Prop., Lyceum Co., Ltd. Res. Man., F. Davis. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Whittington Moor, L.M.S. Oxford Picture Palace, New Whittington.— Prop., Oxford Palace (New Whittington), Ltd. Res. Man., Lieut. Percy Merrick, M.C. Booked by W. G. Grafton, sec, 30, Meadow Head, Woodseats, Sheffield. One show nightly, three on Sat. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, New Whittington, L.M.S. Picture House and Cafe, Holywell Street. — Prop., Chesterfield Picture House, Ltd., 36, St. Mary's Gate, Derby. Phone, 1673-4. Res. Man., F. J. Harris. Booked by E. C. Clayton, 14, Oak Street, Heeley, Sheffield. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phono, Che-terfi:id 2791. Station, Chesterfield, L.M.S. Victoria Picture House, Knifesmith Gate. — Prop., Victoria Enterprises, Ltd. Res. Man., J. G. Brier. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Chesterfield 677. Station, Chesterfield. Kinema Directory {England). 329 CHESTER-LE-STREET (Co. Durham), Pop. 15,594. Empire Theatre. — -Prop., Chester-le-Street; Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Jas. Durey. Booked at Hall by J. Durey. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone, Chester-le-Street 102. Station, Chester-le- Street, L.N.E.R. Pala.ce. — -Prop, and Man., T. H. Worley. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Phone, Chester-le-Street 80. Station, Chester-le- Street, L.N.E.R. CHICHESTER (Sussex), Pop. 12,410. Corn Exchange. — -Prop, and Man., Stanley James. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Chichester 184. Station, Chichester, S.R. Picturedrome, South Street. — Prop., Picture drome, Chichester, Ltd. Res. Man., Geo. L. Tichborne. Booked at Hall. Matinees Evenings continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Chichester 208. •?f Station, Chichester, S.R. CHIPPENHAM (Wilts), Pop. 7,713 Nield Hall. Palace Theatre, Station Hill. — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man. A. A. Mansell, One show nightly, three shows on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 6d. Phone, Chippenham 35, Station Chipper>- ham, G.W.R. CHIPPING SODBURY (Glos), Pop. 1,000 Picture House. — Prop, and Res. Man., John Penglaze. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, Chipping Sodbury 30. Station, Chipping Sodbury, G.W.R. CHOPPINGTON (Northumberland), Pop. 5,432. Olympia Picture Hall, Guidepost. — Props., Henderson and Elliott. Man., Robert Henderson. Booked by W. Henderson, Shipcote School House, Inskip Terrace, Gateshead. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. and 6d. Station, Choppington, L.N.E.R. Star Picture Hall, Scotland Gate. — Props., Henderson and Elliott. Res. Man., W. H. Elliott. Booked by W. Henderson, 7, Stavor- dale Terrace, Gateshead-on-Tyne. One show nightly. Prices, 5d. and 8d. Station, Chop- pington, L.N.E.R. CHOPWELL (Co. Durham), Pop. 10,000. King's Theatre.— Prop., Chopwell Cinema Co., Ltd., 1, Leabury Terrace. Phone, Chop- well 4. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Mon. and Sat., one rest of week. Station, High Westwood, L.N.E.R. CHORLEY (Lancs), Pop. 30,576. Empire, Dole Lane. — Prop., Perfecto Filmo- graph Co., Ltd. Booked by T. A. Grime- Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone. Chorley, 247. Station, Chorley, L.M.S. Hippodrome, Gillibrand Street. — Prop., Chorley Hippodrome Co. Booked by T. A. Grime. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Chorley 247. Station, Chorley, L.M.S. Theatre Royal, Market Street. — Prop., Chor- ley Theatre Co., Ltd. Booked by Man. Dir. Pictures and occasional high-class con- cert parties. Two shows nightly. Station, Chorley, L.M.S. CHRISTCHURCH (Hants), Pop. 6,991. Pavilion Picture House. — Prop., Christ- church Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Wm. A. Wimbleton. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to ts. 3d. Station, Christchurch, S.R. (Hampshire Transport Co., Ltd., 81/3, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.). CHURCH, Nr. ACCRINGTON (Lancs), Pop. 6751. Queens Hall. CINDERFORD (Glos), Pop. 3,399. Cinema. — Prop., M. E. Jacobs. Res. Man., G. Rogers. . One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Station, Cinderford, G.W.R. Palace. — Prop., Award Theatres, Ltd., Palace Chambers, Stroud. Phone, Stroud 11. Man. Dir., Albany Ward. Gen. Man., P. Maitland. Res. Man., G. Rogers. Booked by P. Maitland at H.O. Once nightly. Two shows Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cinderford 77. Station, Cinderford, G.W.R. CIRENCESTER (Glos), Pop. 7,408. Picture House andTheatre. — Lessees, Award Theatres, Ltd., Palace Chambers, Stroud. Man. Dir., Albany Ward. Phone, Stroud 11. Res. Man. Hal Cummings. Booked by P. Maitland at Palace Chambers, Stroud. Pictures and Theatrical Shows. Twice nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cirencester 70. Station, Cirencester, G.W.R. CLACTON-ON-SEA (Essex), Pop. 17,049. Electric Theatre, Great Clacton. — Prop, and Man., C. F. Wright. Continuous. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone Clacton 228. Station, Clacton-on-Sea, L.N.E.R. Kinema Grand, West Avenue. — Prop., F. Pennell, M.B.E., Res. Mans., Capt. E. R. Pennell, D.F.C., and A. Pennell. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Clacton 81. Station, Clacton-on-Sea, L.N.E.R. Tivoli. — Prop., Plaza (Clacton), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man. ,Steve Slinger. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two Mats. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Clacton 300. Station, Clac- ton-on-Sea, L.N.E.R. THE HAHN-GOERZ "ARTISOL" LAMP Gives far greater illumination and saves 60 to 80% in current and 50% in cost of carbons. Lists from PEELING& VAN NECK, LD., 4/6, Holborn Circus, London, E.C.1 330 The Kinematograph Year Book. CLAY CROSS (Derby), Pop. 8,685. Kino Hall. — Prop., Clay Cross Cinema Co. Res. Man.. James Cresswell. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Clay Cross, L.M.S. Palace Theatre. — Prop. Clay Cross Cinema Co. Res. Man., T.H.Bailey. One show nightly. One change weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Clay Cross 24. Station, Clay Cross, L.M.S. CLAYTON (Yorks), Pop. 5,040. Picture House, Station Road. — Prop., The Clayton Cinema Co. Booked by F. Lister, 21, Victoria Street, Clayton, near Bradford. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Thornton 175. Station, Clayton Bridge, L.N.E.R. CLAYTON -LE -MOORS (Lancs), Pop. 8,559. Empress Pictures. — Prop., R. Cockshutt. Twice nightly. Station, Accrington, L.M.S. Star Pictures. — Prop., J. Yates. Once nightly, twice Sat. Station, Accrington, L.M.S. CLEATOR MOOR (Cumberland), Pop. 8,299. Hippodrome.— Prop., Stanley Rogers, 109. Pilgrim Street, Newcastle. Phone, Newcastle Central 5489. Res. Man., S. Humphreys, Booked at H.O. Once nightly, twice Mon. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Cleator Moor 30. Station, Cleator Moor, L.M.S. and Furness Ry. CLECKH EATON (Yorks), Pop. 12,866. Picture Palace, Albion Street.— Prop., Good- alls' Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Brooke. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Cleckheaton 224. Station, Cleckheaton, L.M.S. Savoy Picture House, Albion Street. — Prop. Goodalls' Pictures, Ltd., H.O., Albion Street, Cleckheaton. Res. Man., H. Brooke. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cleckheaton 224. CLEETHORPES (Lincs), Pop. 28,160. Coliseum, High Street. — Prop., Cleethorpes Empire, Ltd. Man. Dir., T. D. Bell. Res. Man., Len Sullivan. Booked at Empire by Man. Dir. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Cleethorpes, L.N.E.R. Empire Cinema, Alexandra Road. — Prop., Cleethorpes Empire, Ltd. Man., Dir. T. D. Bell. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Theatre Royal. — Lessee, Louis Morris. Gen. Man., Clifford J. Spain. Booked at H.O. 91, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i. and at Hall. Station, Cleethorpes, L.N.E.R. CLEVEDON (Somerset), Pop. 6,726. Picture House, Old Church Road. — Prop, and Man., Victor E. Cox, trading as The Clevedon Cinephone Co. Continuous. Mat., Tues.andSat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Clevedon 58. Station, Clevedon, G.W.R. CLEVELEYS (Lancs), Pop. 5,000. Beanland's Pavilion. — Prop., W. Beanland. Res. Man., Tom Bailey. Booked at Hall by Prop. Pictures, concert party and drama. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Cleveleys 287. Station, Thornton (for Cleveleys), L.M.S. Savoy Cinema, Victoria Road. — Prop., Cleveleys Entertainments, Ltd. Chairman R. Pilling ; Sec. H. Mills. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. 2.30. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Cleveleys 46. Station, Thornton (for Cleve- leys). L,M.S. CLITHEROE (Lancs), Pop. 12,204. Palladium Cinema. — Prop., High Park Picture Palace Co (Southport), Ltd. Man. Dir., A. Knight. Res. Man., Geo. H. Haslam. Booked by A. Knight, Queen's Cinema, Southport. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 147. Station, Clitheroe. L.M.S. Picture Hall, King Lane. — Prop. .Co-operative Society, 2, Moor Lane, Clitheroe. Res. and Bkg. Man., George Stickland. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 5d. and 9d. Phone, Clitheroe 67. Station, Clitheroe, L.M.S. CLOWN E (Derby), Pop. 6,037. Palace, Rectory Road.- — Prop., Clowne and District Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Herbert Hebden. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices 4d. to is. Station, Clowne, L.M.S. COALVILLE (Leicester), Pop. 22,000. Grand Cinema. — Prep., G. D.eming and Co Res. Man., Chas. K. Deemirg. Booked at Hali. One show nightly. Mat., Mon. Wed. and Sit. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Coalville, s 6. Static n, Coalville, L.M.S. Olympia Theatre, Marlborough Square. — Prop. Coalville Olympia, Ltd. Man. Dir. , C. Deem- ing. Res. Man., T. A. Buckle}'. Booked at Hall by C. Deeming. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Coalville 56. Station, Coalville, L.M.S. COB HAM (Surrey), Pop. 5,100. Village Hall. — Prop., Cobham Par sh Council. Sub-!et to Tufnell-Klug. Thar?, end Sat. only. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Cotham, S.R. COBRIDGE, Stoke-on-Trent (Staffs), Pop. 10,711. Cobridge Picture Hall, 230, Waterloo Road, Burskm. — Pr3p. an:l Res. Man., R. G.Grant, Booked at hall. C nt.i uous Mat.. Sat. Two changes wecklv- Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Cob idjP, L.M.S. COCKERMOUTH (Cumberland), Pop. 4,845. Grand Theatre, Station Road. — Prop, Grand Theatre and Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Arthur Wilson. Booked at Hall. Once nightly Twice Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 54. Station, Cockermouth, L.M.S. COLCHESTER (Essex), Pop. 43,377. Electric Theatre, Headgate. — Res. Man., Alexander Thomson. Booked at Church Lane, Lexden, by D. Ager. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station. Colchester, L.N.E.R. Empire, Mersea Road. — Props., Williams and Pritchard, 23, Belvedere Street, Workington, Cumberland. Res. Man., Capt. E. G. H. Fremantle, M-A. (Cantab.). Booked at H.O. , by J, B, Williams. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Phone. Colchester 646, Station, Colchester, L.N,E,RV Kinema Directory {England). 331 Hippodrome, High Street. — -Prop., Biocolour Picture Theatres, Ltd., 5, Great Newport Street. W.C. 2. Phone, Regent 1423. Res. Man., L. M. Collings. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Phone, Colchester 94. Station, Colchester, L.N.E.R. COLEFORD (Glos), Pop. 2,781. Cinema.— Prop, and Res. Man., R. Reeves. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Coleford, L.M.S. COLESHILL (Warwickshire), Pop. 3,200. The Cinema. — Props., John Wynn and G- French. Res. Man., G. French. Booked at Hall. Nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Station, Coleshill, L.M.S. COLNE (Lancs), Pop. 24,755. Central Hall. — Prop., J. Ferguson. Station, Colne, L.M.S. Hippodrome. — Prop., Varieties (Colne), Ltd. Res. Man., T. Lancaster. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Mat., Tues. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Colne 108. Station, Colne, L.M.S. King's Theatre. — Prop., Varieties (Colne), Ltd. Res. Man., T. Lancaster. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, gd. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Colne 108. Station, Colne, L.M.S. Municipal Hall.— Occasional shows. Station, Colne, L.M.S. Savoy Cinema, Market Street. — Res. and Bkg. Man., W. A. Spencer. Station, Colne, L.M.S. CONGLETON (Cheshire), Pop. 11,764. Capitol. — Prop., Congleton Capitol Theatre. Ltd. Booked by J. C. Pass, Man. Dir., at Hall. Pictures, Variety, etc. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Congleton, L.M.S. Super Cinema. — Prop., Congleton Cinema, Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Taylor Hyde. Res. Man., Harold Booth. Booked by Man. Dir. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Congleton 130. Station, Congleton, L.M.S. C0NISB0R0' (Yorks), Pop. 3,000. Globe Palace. — Lessee, J. Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Conisboro', L.N.E.R. CONSETT (Co. Durham), Pop. 12,151. Empire Palace, Front Street.- — Prop., Consett Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., R. Atchison. Booked at hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Consett 9. Station, Consett, L.N.E.R. Globe Theatre. — Prop., Globe Theatre Co. Res. Man., Lloyd Clarence. Two shows nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 8d. Phone, Consett 95. Station, Consett, L.N.E.R. New Town Hall. — Prop, and Man., Will Tuck. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Consett, L.N.E.R. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., Will Tuck. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Consett, L.N.E.R. COPPULL (nr. Chorley) (Lancs), Pop. 5.503. Coppull Electric Palace, Mill Lane. — Prop., and Res. Man., J. W. Baxter. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Coppull, L.M.S. CORNSAY (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,000. Victory. — Prop., Woodhead and Dickinson. One show nightly. "Two changes weekly. Station, Waterhouses, L.N.E.R. COSBY (Leicester). Cosby Cinema.— Prop., Mrs. E. Chamberlain. Res. Man., A. H. Ballington. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. COTTENHAM (Cambs). Lordship Hall. COTTINGHAM fnr. Hull) (Yorks), Pop. 5,130. Imperial Picture House. — Prop., Imperial Picture House, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., J. E. Hodgkinson. Booked at Hall. Contin- uous. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cotting- ham 100. Station, Cottingham, L.N.E.R. COULSDON (Surrey), Pop. 11,000. Coulsdon Cinema. — Prop., C. R. Hicks. Booked at Hall. Once daily. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. COUNDON (Co. Durham), Pop. 6,912. Eden Pavilion.— Prop., Derwent Pavilion Co. Res. Man., J. Dirnstone. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Coundon, L.N.E.R. COVENTRY (Warwicks), Pop. 128,205. Alexandra Theatre, Ford Street.— Prop., E. Strong. Gen. and Booking Man., T. Bolstridge. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Daily Mat. • Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d.tois. 3d. Phone, Coventry 716. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Broadway Theatre, Earlsdon.- — Booked at Hall by H. Connelly. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Coventry 2056. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Coliseum. — (Building.) CHEAP COMPLETE PROGRAMMES. No other Renting house can offer you the selection we can. We specialise in programmes suitable for small or large Kinemas. WE QUOTE LOWEST PRICES. STANDARD FILM AGENCY (BERNARD SMITH), 26, ST ANNE'S COURT, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l. Telephones: REGENT 4152—4153 Telegrams : Highflier, Westcent, LONDON. 332 The Rinematograph Year Book, rown Theatre, Far Gosford Street.- — Props., O. Deutsch and R. Noakes. Res. Man., W. J. Taylor. Booked by W. J. Taylor at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Phone, Coventry 2113. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Cupid Cinema, Stoney Stanton Road.— Prop, and Res. Man., Messrs. Warners. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Empire, Hertford Street.— Prop., Mrs. H. G« Dudley Bennett. Res. Man., S. J. Hobbs. Three Lshows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Coventry 1800. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Globe Theatre, Primrose Hill St. — Props., O. Deutsch and R. Noakes. Res. Man., R. H. Dewes. Booked by W. J. Taylor at Crown Theatre, Coventry. Continuous, daily Mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Coventry 3813. Station, Coventry. Grand Picture Theatre, Foleshill Road. — Prop., Foleshill Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., W. J. Henderson. Two shows daily. Two changes, weekly. Prices, 2|d. to nd. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Imperial. — Prop., A. W. Pell, Ltd. Res. Man., J. W. Burdin. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., 6d. and gd. Phone, Coventry 2470. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Palladium Picture House — Prop, and Res. Man., F. H. Turner. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Coventry 2738. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Picture House, Smithford Street. — Prop., Jackson and Jackson. Booked at Hall by F. Jackson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Coventry 816. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Prince of Wales Picture House, Stoney Stan- ton Road. — Prop, and Man., F. H. Turner, Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Coventry 2137. Station. Coventry, L.M.S. Royal Electric Cinema, Hales Street. — Prop. Grand Cinema (Coventry), Ltd. Res. Man.' R. H. Jackson. Booked at Birmingham. Continuous. Daily Mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Coventry 2621. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Scala, Far Gosford Street. — Res. Man., Chas. Orr. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. Tivoli Theatre. — Prop., Foleshill Theatres Ltd. Res. Man., W. J. Henderson. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly Prices, 2^d. to 8d.. Station, Coventry, L.M.S. COWES (I. of W ), Pop. 9,998. Royalty Theatre, Birmingham Road.— Prop. , Arthur Hill, Stonelands, Ryde. Res. Man., Samuel G. T. Williams. Booked by Prop. Two shews nightly. Two changes weekly. Mat.. Wed. Prices, 6d. to 10s. Phone, "Cowes 125. Station, Cowes, S.R. Victoria Cinema. — -Prop., A. Hill, Stonelands, . Ryde. Man., Samuel G. T. Williams. Booked by Prop., Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cowes 125. Station. Cowes, S.R. CRADLEY HEATH (Staffs), Pop. 10,101. Empire Theatre, High Street. — Prop., Empire Theatre (Cradley Heath), Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Williams, Coldingham, Belbroughton. Phone, Belbroughton 24. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Cradley 188 Station, Cradley Heath, G. W.R. Royal Theatre, Bank Street. — Res. Man., W. Williams. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightlv. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Cradley 188. Station, Cradley, G.W.R. CRAMLINGTON (Northumberland), Pop. 8,529. King's Hall. — Prop., Northumberland Picture House Co., Ltd. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Cramlington, L.N.E.R. CRANBROOK (Kent), Pop. 3,831. The Cinema. — Prop., F. W. Malpass. Booked at hall. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. ^d. Phone 57. Station. Cranbrook, S.R. CRANLEIGH (Surrey), Pop. 3,749. Central Hall, High Street.— Prop., E. Lanch" berry. Lessees, Oaksford, Hill and Sharp- Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. Sat- Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Cranleigh, S.R., or Leyland Road Transport. CRANWELL (Lincs.) The Cinema. CRAWCROOK (Co. Durham), Pop. 4,000 Globe Electric Theatre. — Prop., Stanley Rogers, 109, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-011- Tyne. Gen. Man., E. J. Hinge. Res. Man. Reginald Burch. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Two Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Ryton, 86. Station, Ryton-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Queen's Cinema. — Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle- on-Tyne. Phone, Central 5104. Booked at H.O. by Sol. Sheckman, Man. Dir. Res. Man., S. Lewis. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Ryton, L.N.E.R. CRAWLEY (Sussex), Pop. 4,421. Imperial Picture Palace, Brighton Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., C. Gadsdon. Booked at hall by Res. Man. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Crawley 39. Station, Crawley, S.R., or Brighton Motor Transport, 81, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. r. CRAYFORD (Kent), Pop. 11,924. Princess's Theatre.- — -Prop., Sidney Bacon's Pictures, Ltd., 108, Gt. Russell Street, London. Phone, Museum 5221. Res. Man., C. G. Ellison. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 6d. Phone, Bexley Heath 336. Station, Crayford, S.R. CREDITON (Devon), Pop. 3,502. Cinema. — Prop., H. R. Harris. Res. Man., G- Hill. Four shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Credi- ton, S.R. GRESWELL (Notts), Pop. 6,000. Electric Palace. — Prop., J. A. Rogers, sen., Creswell. Res. Man., J. A. Rogers, junr. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Creswell 1. Station, Elmton and Creswell, L.M.S. Kinema Directory (England), 333 CREWE (Cheshire), Pop. 46,477. Empire, Heath Street.— Prop., C. W. House. Res. Man., J. A. Milton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Grand Cinema, West Street.— Man., H. Thomp- son. Three times daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 228. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Kino Picture House, Co-operative Hall.— Prop, and Res. Man.,G. M. Hand. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Four Mats. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d, to is. 2d. Phone, Crewe 11. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Palace, Edleston Road.— Prop., H. A. Wilcox. Res. Man., H. A. Wilcox. Twice weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Queen's Hall Cinema, High Street. — Prop., New Empress Cinema Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., H. A. Wilcox. Booked at Hall, and by J. L. Harriman, Palace, Long Eaton. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. CREWKERNE (Somerset), Pop. 3,703. Palace Theatre, West Street. — Prop., Capt. K. E. Coleberd. Res. Man., Thomas Stem- bridge. Booked at Hall. Prices, sd. to 2s. Station, Crewkerne, S.R. CRICH (Derbyshire), Pop. 3,000. Picture House. — Prop., Electric Cinema Co. (J. & J. M. Heath), Res. and Booking Man., J. M. Heath. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Mat. and two shows Sat. Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Ambergate 29. Station, Ambergate, L.M.S. CROMER (Norfolk), Pop. 5,435. Cromer Theatre of Varieties, Hans Place. — Prop., Theatre of Varieties, Ltd., Cromer Res. and Booking Man., Edward Trollor. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 2s. Phone, Cromer 52. Station Cromer, L.N.E.R. CROOK (Co. Durham), Pop. 12,706. Empire Palace, Market Place.— Prop., North- Eastern Theatres, Ltd., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, Central 5104. Res. Man., J. M. Rae. Once nightly. Two changes weekly and Sunday programme. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Crook, L.N.E.R. Hippodrome, Hope Street. — Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, Central 5104. Man., Frank K. Seymour. Booked at H.O. by Sol. Sheckman. Once nightly, continuous Sat. Sunday programme. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Crook 83. Station, Crook, L.N.E.R. Theatre Royal, Addison Street.- — Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., Bath Lane, New- castle-on-Tyne. Man., Frank K. Seymour. Booked at H.O., by Sol. Sheckman. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Crook, L.N.E.R. CROOKHAM CAMP (Hants). Crossroads Cinema. CROSBY (near Liverpool) (Lancs), Pop, 3,300. Corona Cinema, College Road.— Prop., Corona Cinema (Great Crosby), Ltd., Calder Dene, Beech Lane, Calderstones Park. Phone, Mossley Hill 249. Res. Man., J. Wallace Walker. Booked by T. H. Hughes at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Crosby 762. Station, Blundellsands and Crosby, L.M.S. Regent Picture House. — Prop., Crosby Picture House, Ltd., 24, North John Street, Liverpool. Phone, Bank 9236. Res. Man., L. L. Walls. Booked by J. F. Wood, 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool. Phone, Bank 4076. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Crosby 700. Stations, Waterloo and Crosby, L.M.S. CROSSGATES (Nr. Leeds). Pop. 9,000. Picture House. — Prop., Crossgates Picture House, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., A. R. Wood. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, 89. Station, Crossgates, L.M.S. CROSSHILLS (Yorks), Pop. 5,000. Picture House, Station Road.— Prop., Cross- hills Picture House Co. Res. Man., Chas. NuttalJ. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Crosshills 83. Station, Kildwick, L.M.S. CROSS KEYS (Mon.), Pop. 5,000. Coliseum. — Prop., Cross Keys Coliseum (Mon- mouthshire), Ltd. Res. Man., A. S. Waters. One show nightly. Two shows Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. Phone, Cross Keys 33. Station, Cross Keys, G.W.R. Palace. CROSTON (Lancs), Pop. 1,970. Cinema, Station Road. — Prop., E. Jackson and Sons. Res. Man., W. Jackson. Shows Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Croston, 36. Station, Croston, L.M.S. CROWBOROUGH (Sussex), Pop. 6,500. Picture House, Croft Road. — Props., Shipman and King., 26, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Phone, Regent 3269. Res. Man., R. G. Fisher. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Crowborough, S.R. CROWLAND (Northants). Cinema. — Prop., W. Soames, Stamford House, Market Deeping. Booking Man., P. J. Wainwright, Burmer Road, Peterborough. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Peterborough (North), L.M.S. 64 I V A HF PI TTTf " THE HUNDRED PER CENT. I UHi rUHl, ATTRACTION, "THE STROLLING PLAYERS," (By arrangement with Mr. Louis London.) Exploitation Rights for United Kingdom and Ireland controlled by FAMOUS FILMS (LONDON), Cha5r,ndgencmraorsI !5aedetw.c.2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Telegrams : Morfilm, Westcent. 334 The Kinematograph Year hook. CROWLE (Lincs), Pop. 3,010. Picture House. — Prop., Empire (Ardwick-le- Street), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., J. Spivey. Once nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Crowle, L.N.E.R. CROWTHORNE (Berks), Pop. 4,003. Electric Cinema, High Street. — Res. and Booking Man., Alfred Bert. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cro.vthorne 35. Station, Wellington College. S.R. CROYDON (Surrey), Pop. 190,877. Cinema Royal (late The Orpheum).- — Prop., E. H. Thompson. Res. Man., Reginald Thompson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Croy- don 1827. Station, Croydon, S.R, Croydon Pavilion, Broad Green. — Prop., R. O. Baker. Res. Man., T. H. Green. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, West Croydon, S.R. Dome Cinema, Brighton Road, South Croydon. Props. — Landau and Buckman. Res. Man. T. C. Vince. Booked at Hall by Prop. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Croydon 2269. Station, South Croydon. Hippodrome, Crown Hill. — -Prop., Croydon Amusements, Ltd. Res. Man., Frank B. Prior. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Croydon 1444. Station, West Croydon, S.R. Norbury Cinema. Palladium. — Prop., Croydon Amusements, Ltd., Man., W. C. Dawes. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2S. 4d. Phone, Croydon 1155. Stations, East or West Croydon, S.R. Picture House, 108, North End. — -Prop., Electric Theatres (1908), Ltd., 225, Oxford Street, W. Phone, Regent 4133- Res- Man., E. A. A. Augarde. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Croydon 202. Station, West Croydon, S.R. Princes Cinema, North End. — Prop., Croydon Picture House Co., Ltd. ," Burton Chambers, Friar Lane Corner, Nottingham. Booked at Hall by E. G. Donnison. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Croydon 1363. Station, West Croydon, S.R. Scala, North End.— Prop., Gaiety Picture House (Southampton), Ltd. Res. Man., T. Digby Worsley. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 6d. Phone, Croydon 1620. Station, East Croydon, S.R. Selhurst Picture Theatre, Windmill Road, West Croydon. — Prop, and Gen. Man., Leslie Murray. Man., John D. Russell. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Mats., Mon. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Selhurst, S.R. CRUMLIN (Mdn.). Empire. CUDWORTH (Yorks), Pop. 7,608. Palace, Barnsley Road. — Prop., Palace of Varieties, Ltd. CWM (Mo.v.), Pop. 9,824. Coliseum. — Prop., James SnelJing. Res. Man., H. G. Reeves. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cwm n. Station, Cwm, G.W.R. Cwmavon Olympia Cinema. CWM0ARN (Mon.), Pop. 4,000. Olympia (Closed). Park Hall. — Prop., Park Hall Co. Res. Man., A. Jones. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. tor id. Station, Abercarn G.W.R. CWMFELIN7A3H (Mon.), Pop. 4,000. Nine Mile Point Colliery Workmen's In- stitute.— Prop., Local Workm?n. Res. Man ., G. Curtis. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 3L to qd. Phone, Ynysddu 20. Station, Ynysdcu, L.M.S. D ALTON BROOK (near Rotherham) (Yorks), Pop. 5,000. Palace.- — Prop., Young and Prior. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Westgate, Rotherham, L.M.S. D ALTON -IN -FUR NESS (Lancs), Pop. 12,303. Co-operative Hall. — Prop., County Enter- tainment Co., Ulverston. Res. Man., Henry Simpson. Booked at H.O. Occasional pictures. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Dalton-in-Furness. Empire Picture Palace.— Prop., Backhouse and Drinkwater Picture Palaces, Ltd., 81, Market .Street, Dalton-in-Furness. Pictures and Variety. Res. Man., Jack Backhouse. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Dalton-in-Furness 14. Station, Dalton-in-Furness, L.M.S. DARFIELD (Yorks), Pop. 5,566. Empire Theatre. — Prop., Provincial Empire Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., J. W. Hunt. Booked at Home Farm, Royston, by J. Ball. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices 3d. to iod. Phone, Rovston 12. Station. Darfield, L.M.S. DARLASTON (Staffs), Pop. 18,218. Olympia Picture Palace. — Prop., " CD." Cinemas, Ltd., The Oxford, High Street. Birmingham. Phone, Central 4392. Res, Man., Walter Mould. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 50. to gd. Phone, Darlaston 19. Stations, Darlaston, L.M.S., and Wednesbury, G.W.R. Picturedrome, Crescent Road. — Prop., Hockley Picture House Co., Ltd., Soho Hill, Hands- worth, Birmingham. Phone, Northern 380. Res. Man., Councillor Sydney K. Lewis. Booked at H.O. by V. I. Olliver. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Darlaston 6. Station, James Bridge, Darlaston, L.M.S., or Wednes- bury, G.W.R. DARLINGTON (Co. Durham), Pop. 65,866. Alhambra, Northgate. — Prop., Provincial Cine- matograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, Regent Street, London, W.i. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Darlington 2108. Station, Darlington, L.N.E.R. Arcade Cinema, Skinnergate. — Prop., Frj- vincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, Lond, n, W. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., Jas. J. MacFarlane. Booked at H.O. by A. W. Jarratt. Continuous. Prices, 4d., 6d. and is. Phone, Darlington 2695. Station, Darlington, L.N.E.R. Assembly Rooms. — Prop., Darlington Cine- matograph Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. M. Forster. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Darlingtcn Kinema Directory (England). 335 Central Palace.— Prop., George P. Fenton and Stanley Rogers. Res. Man., G. F. Park. Booked at Hall bv George P. Fenton. Con- tinuous. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Station. Darling- ton, L.N.E.R. Court Kinema. — Prop., Provincial Cinemato- graph Theatres, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London. W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., Vivian Brandon. Booked at H.O., by A. W. Jarratt. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Darlington 2616. Station. Darlington (Bank Top), L.N.E.R. Empire. — Prop., Darlington Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Res. Man., A. T.Chalmers. Continuous. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Darlington, L.N.E.R. Scala. — Prop., Scala Cinema. Res. Man., E. Mellor. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Darlington 2152. Station, Darlington. DARNALL (near Sheffield) (Yorks), Pop. 5,000. Cinema House, Calcliffe Road.— Prop., W. C. Brindley, 41, Brook Road, Meersbrook Park, Sneffield. Res. Man., W. C. Brindley. Booked at Hall between 1 and 2 p.m. daily. Two shows nightly. Mats., Sat. and special days. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Attercliffe 345. Station, Sheffield, c.o. Parcels Office. Phillips Road Transport from Leeds and District. Lyric Picture Palace.— Prop., Lyric Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., E. C. Clayton. Res. Man., H. Lacey. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Attercliffe 350. Station, Darnall, L.N.E.R. DARTFORD (Kent), Pop. 26,005. Cinema, Lowfield Street. Prop., Dartford Cinema Co. Res. Man., Mrs. West. Booked at Hall. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Dart- ford 372. Station, Dartford, S.R. Gem.— Prop. , L. Morris. Res. Man., A. H. Thomas. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Dartford 182. Station, Dartford, S.R. Scala Theatre, Kent Road. — Prop.. L. Morris, 91, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 1700. Res. Man., A. H. Thomas. ' Booked at H.O., by Prop. Pictuies and Varxty. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Dartford 182. Station, Dartford, S.R. DARTMOUTH (Devon), Pop. 7,201. Cinedrome— Prop., George Northcott, 4, Valletort Terrace, Devonport. Res. Man.. P. Coles. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Phone. Dartmouth 68. Station, Dartmouth. DARTON (near Barnsley) (Yorks), Pop, 11,266. Empire. — Prop., Provincial Empire Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., A. Overend. Booked at Rovston by J. Ball, Palace. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Darton, L.M.S. DARWEN (Lancs), Pop. 37,913. Albert Hall, Duckworth Street. — Prop., Darwen Cinema Co. Man., Bert Shorrock. Booked at Hall by Man. Two shows nightly. Two Mats, weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Darwen 243. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Olympia, Bolton Road. — Lessees, Yorke and Yorke. Two shows nightly. One mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Darwen 384. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Palladium. — Props., H. Whalley & Sons. Man., H. Greenhalgh. Two shows nightly. Four mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Darwen 480. Public Hall. — Prop, and Man., R. Leach. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, except Fri. ,Sats and holidays. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Dar- wen 264. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Savoy Picture House, Blackburn Road. — Prop., W. Lloyd. Res. Man., W. C. Robinson. Two shows nightly. Two Mats. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Darwen 39. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Theatre Royal. — Prop., J. Holgate. Man., Jas. Parkinson. Twice nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Darwen 193. DAVENTRY (Northants), Pop. 3,530. Danetre Picture House, New Street. — Prop., Daventry Picture Theatre Co., War- wick. Booked by R. Neale, 64, Warwick Street, Daventry. Four shows weekly. Two changes. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Daventry 17. Station, Daventry, L.M.S. DAWDON COLLIERY (Co. Durham), Pop. 3,000. Princess.— Prop., Princess Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Walton. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Sealham Harbour, L.N.E.R. DAWLEY (Salop ), Pop. 7388. Cosy Cinema. DAWLISH (Devon), Pop. 4,672. Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., L. J. Shapter. Booked by him at 2, The Strand. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Dawlish 2. Station, Dawlish, G.W.R. DEAL (Kent), Pop. 12,990. Queen's, High Street. — Prop., Queen's Cinema Co. Res. Man., G. C. Brown. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mats. Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Films by Kent Films Motor Transport Co. Theatre Royal Cinema, King Street. — Prop. Deal and Walmer Amusements Ltd., 4 and 5, Park Street, Deal. Res. Man., Chas. Collins. Booking Manager, Chas. Collins. Two shows nightly. Two mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 5d. Station, Deal, S.R. DENABY (nr. Rotherham) (Yorks), Pop. 3.000. Empire Palace, Doncaster Road. — -Prop., Empire Palace (Denaby), Ltd. Res. Man., T. W. Goodison. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly except Friday. Three changes weekly. Prices 3d. to 8d. Phone, Conisborough 46. Station, Conisborough, L.N.E.R. DENHOLME (nr. Bradford) (Yorks.), Pop. 2,938. Mechanics' Hall. — Prop., Trustees of Den- holme Mechanics' Institute. Hon. Super- visors, H. V. Bancroft and Chas. Moore. Booked through Imperial Animated Picture Co., 5, Hustlergate, Bradford. One show on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Denholme, L.N.E.R. " P.D.C — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY." 336 The Kinematograph Year Book. DENTON (Lancs), Pop. 17,631. Denton Palace, Ashworth Street. — Prop. Denton Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., Cecilia Ackers. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Denton 78. Station, Denton, L.M.S. People's Hall. — Prop., Rev. L. Scott. Res. Man., Mrs. A. M. Fidler, 1, Kensington Grove, Denton, to whom, all communications should be addressed. Twice nightly. Mon. and Sat. Once nightly rest of week. Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Stations, Denton, L.M.S. and Guide Bridge, L.N.E.R. DERBY (Derbyshire), Pop. 129,836. Alexandra Theatre, Normanton Road.— Prop., Alexandra Theatre (Derby), Ltd. H.O., Market Hall, Derby. Man. Dir., P. Felix. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Derby 429. Station, Derby, L.M.S. Central Hall Cinema. — Promoters, Derby Co-operative Society Educational Committee. Sec, J. H. Wigginton. Booked at Hall. Wed- nesday evenings in winter season. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station, Derby, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Cosmopolitan Cinema, Upper Boundary Road. —Prop. , S. France. Res. and Booking Man., D. France. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Mon. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Derby 1770. Station, Derby, L.M.S. Cosy Picture House. — Prop., London Road Cinema, Ltd. Man. Dir., J. K. A. Haslehurst. Head office, London Road, Derby. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, Derby 1159. Station, Derby, L.M.S. Empire Cinema, Beckett Well Lane. — Prop.. Edgar Duckworth. Res. and Becking Man., J. Ferguson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. £d. Phone, Derby 1382. Station, Derby, L.M.S. Normanton Picture House, Dairy House Road.— Prop., Art Picture Hall, Ltd. Head office, Market Hall, Derby. Man. Dir., P. Felix. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, =,d. to is. 3d. Phone, Derby 1111. Station," Derby, L.M.S. Picture House, Babington Lane. — Prop. Mid- land Electric Theatres (1911), Ltd. Head office, 36, St. Mary's Gate, Derby. Phone, Derby, 1673-4. Booked at Head Office by B. Dent. Res. Man., Mrs. J. G. Lyons. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Piione, Derby 708. Station, Derby, L.M.S. White Hall Super Cinema. — (Restaurant and Cafe)— Prop., C. D. Cinemas, Ltd., 75~77, Colmore Row, Birmingham. Phone, Central 3880. Gen.Man.,T.Wilmot-Carlton. Booked by M. Dent, at The Oxford, Birmingham. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone. Derby 1061. Station, Derby, L.M.S. DESBOROUGH (Northants), Pop. 4,108. Oddfellows' Hall. — Prop., Oddfellows' Friendly Society. Res. Man., Chas. Groocock. Booked at Hall. Prices, 2^d. to 7d. Phone, Desborough 28. Station, Desborough, L.M.S. DEVIZES (Wilts), Pop. 6,022. Palace. — Prop., A. Austin Pilkingtons Theatres- Booked at H.O., Salisbury. DEVONPORT (Devon), (See PLYMOUTH.) DEWSBURY (Yorks), Pop. 54,165. Andrews' Majestic, Wellington Road. — Prop., Andrews Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man. James B. Kaye. Continuous from 6 p.m. Mat. Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Dewsburv, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Picture House, Market Place. — Prop., Dews- bury Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., Walter Shaw. Continuous from 6 p.m. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Dewsbury 180. Station, Dewsburv. Pioneer Pictures. — Prop., Dewsbury Pioneer Industrial Society, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Geo. Restall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone. Dewsburv 235. Station, Dewsbury, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Whitehall Cinema, Foundry Street. — Prop., G. E. Smith. Res. Man., A. J. Thomas, Booked at hall. Continuous from 6.30 p.m. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Dewsbury 322, Station, Dewsbury, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. DIDSBURY (Lancs), Pop. 14,798. Bijou Electric, Elm Grove. — Prop., Crane and Merryweather. Station, Didsbury, L.M.S. DINNINGTON (nr. Rotherham), (Yosks), Pop. 4,900. Palace. — Prop. , Dinnington Palace, Ltd. Man. Dir. , J. England. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Dinnington 22 Station, Kiveton Park, L.N.E.R. DISS u\torfolk), Pop. 3,513. Picture House, Victoria Road. — Prop., H. B. Sulling. Res. Man., F. Taylor. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Diss, L.N.E.R. DDNCASTER (Yorks), Pop. 54,052. Balby Cinema, The Parade, Balby.— Prop., Balby Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., A. E. Dobney, Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Don- caster L.N.E.R. Cinema House, High Street. — Prop., Picture House (Doncaster), Ltd. Booked at Picture House by G. H. Haines. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Doncaster L.N.E.R. Electra Cinema, Frenchgate. — Prop., Don- caster Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. .Res. Man., A. Moate. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 4d. to gd. Station. Doncaster. L.N.E.R. Palace Theatre. Silver Street. — Prop., Palace Theatre (Doncaster), Ltd., 47-8, High Street, Doncaster. Booked by Chas, Thompson, at 97, Albion Street, Leeds. Continuous. Prices, 5d.tois. 6d. Phone, Doncaster 365. Station. Doncaster, L.N.E.R. Picture House, High Street. — Prop., Picture House (Doncaster), Ltd. Booking Man., G. H. Haines. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Station, Doncaster, L.N.E.R. Majestic Cinema, Hall Gate. Prop., Doncaster Majestic Cinema, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. A. Sharpe. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mats. Mon. and Thurs. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Doncaster 673. Station, Doncaster. L.N.E.R. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOX P.D.C. PICTURES." Kinema Directory {England). 337 DORCHESTER (Dorset), Pop. 9,554. Palace Theatre, Durngate Street. — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres, 123, Regent Street, London, W. 1. Res. Man., G. More ton Williams. Booked at H.O. by A. W. Jarrett. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Dorchester, S.R. and G.W.R. CORKING (Surrey), Pop. 8,058. Electric Theatre, South Street. — Prop., Dorking Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Res Man., Frank Sharp. Booked at Hall. Con-, tinuous. Three Mats. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Dorking 123. Station, Dorking, S.R. and Leyland Transport. Playhouse, West Street. — Frop. and Man., Jas. Warwick. Booked by Prop. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 2S. 4d. Phone, Dorking 22. Stations, Dorking (Town and North), S.R. Films by Leyland Road Transport Service. DOUGLAS (Isle of Man), Pop. 20,000. Crescent Picture House. — Prop., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd. Head office. Gaiety Theatre, Douglas. Prices, 6d. to is. Twice weekly. Open summer season only. Cunningham Holiday Camp Cinema. — Prop., E. H. Cunningham. Res. Man., W. Cunning- ham. Booked at Hall by W. Cunningham. One showr nightly. Price to public, 6d. Sta- tion, Douglas, I.O.M. Steam Packet Co. Empire Cinema. — Prop., J. Carter. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d, Grand Cinema, Victoria Street. — -Props., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd. Head office, Gaiety Theatre, Douglas. Res. Man., G. H. Hudson. Booked by H. A. Brown at 10, Fairfield Crescent, Liverpool. Continuous. Prices, €d. to is. Station, Douglas. Parcels Office, I.O.M. Steam Packet Co. Picture House, Strand Street. — Props., Strand Cinema Theatre Co. (1920), Ltd., 39, Strand Street, Douglas. Man., George Jordan. Con- tinuous. Phone, Douglas 14. Station, Douglas, I.O.M. Steam Packet Co., Ltd. Pier Pavilion. — (Under Re-construction — will be opened in June, 1927). Strand Cinema, Strand Street.— Props., Strand Cinema Theatre Co. (1920), Ltd. Man., George Jordan. Res. Asst. Man., Richard S. Gore. Continuous. Phone, Douglas 14. Station, Douglas, I.O.M. Steam Packet Co., Ltd. ' DOVER (Kent), Pop. 39,985. King's Hall, Biggin Street. — Prop., Harry Day's Amusements, Ltd. Res. Man., R. Fisher. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Station, Dover Priory, S.R. Queen's Hall, Queen's Street.— Prop, and Res. Man., Clarence Whittell. Booked at Hall. by Ernest H. Whittell. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Dover Priory, S.R. and Kent Films Transport Co., Ltd. Regent Picture House. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. H. Brunton. Continuous. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Also Sunday. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Dover Priory, S.R. Town Hall. — Dover Entertainments Com- mittee possess cinematograph appliances for use in Town Hall. For particulars, apply to C. T. Long, Secretary, Entertain- ments Committee, Brook House, Dover. Phone, Dover 90. DOVERCOURT (Essex), Pop. 15,800. Empire Theatre, Kings Way. — Prop., W. Russell and E. Saunders. Res. Man., Chas. W. Root. Booked at H.O., by W. Russell. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Harwich 21. Station, Dovercourt Bay, near Harwich, L.N.E.R., or Motor Transport by Eastern Counties Film Service, Ltd., 3, Kingly Street, W.i. Regent Theatre. — Prop., S. B. Crees. Res. and Booking Man., G. W. Crees. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Dovercourt Bay, L.N.E.R. DOWNHAM MARKET (Norfolk), Pop. 2,343. Electric Cinema. — Prop., London and Eastern Counties Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., F. H. Chadwick. Nightly at 7.15. Sat. continuous from 6.15. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Downham, L.N.E.R. DRIFFIELD (Yorks), Pop. 5,674. Victoria Theatre, Middle Street South- Prop., Driffield Victoria Theatre and Cafe Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., Capt. F. A. Webb. Booked at Princess Theatre, Hemel Hempstead, by Man. Dir. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. gd. Station, Driffield, L.N.E.R. \ DRIGHLINSTON (Yorks), Pop. 4,032. ^Whitehall Cinema. Prop, and Man., J. W. > Taylor, 373, Harewood Street, Bradford. Booked at Hall Monday evenings by appoint- ment. Once nightly. Mat. and continuous, 6.15 to 10.30 Sats. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Bradford 456. Station, Drighlington, L.N.E.R. DROITWICH SPA (Worc), Pop. 4,588. Pavilion Theatre, Friar Street. — Lessee and Res . Man . , Stanley Choler ton . Booked at Hall . Variety and Pictures. One show nightly, including Sunday. Mat. Sat. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Droitwich Spa, G.W.R. Salters Hall. BUTCHER'S FILM SERVICE LTD., 175, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.I Branches at— GLASGOW. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. MANCHESTER. LIVERPOOL. LEEDS. BIRMINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. BRISTOL. CARDIFF. 338 The Kinematograph Year Book. DRONFIELD (Derby), Pop. 4,435. Electra Palace, Chesterfield Road.— Prop., Dronfield Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., W. Dodson Twigg. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to nd. Station. Dronfield, L.M.S. DROYLSDEN (Lancs), Pop. 13,877. Electric Theatre, Ashton Gate. — Prop., Droylsden Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., R. Fazackerley. Two shows Sat., continuous rest of week. Four changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Open- shaw 262. Station, Fairfield, L.N.E.R. Palace Theatre. DRYBROOK (Glos), Pop. 5,000 Cinema.— Prop., W. Gibbs, r, James Street, Brithdir, Glam. Res. Man., A. Gibbs. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, CiDderford, G.W R. DUDLEY (Northumberland), Pop. 4,000. Grand Electric Theatre. — Props., Hutson and Chapman. Res. and Booking Man., R. Henderson. One show nightly. Two Sat. Prices. 2d. to 8d. Station, Annitsfoid. L.N.E.R. DUDLEY (Worc), Pop. 55,908. Alexandra Hall, Lower Gornall. — Prop., Alexandra Halls (Midlands), Ltd. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Dudley, L.M.S. Castle Cinema. — Prop., W. B. McMillan. Res. Man., W. F. F. McMillan. Booked at Hall by Prop. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Dudley 2617. Station, Dudley, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Dudley Opera House. — Prop., B. Kennedy. Res. Man., Fred Rothery-Ellis. Booked at Hall. Occasional pictures. Prices. 3d. to 3s. Phone, Dudley 2287. Station, Dudley. G.W.R. and L.M.S. Empire, Hall Street. — Prop., Dudley Empire Picture House, Ltd. Man., S. W. Siddaway. Booked at H.O., 1, Wheelergate, Nottingham. Continuous evenings, mats, daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, 2087. Station, Dudley. Netherton Pictureland. — -Prop., H. Bishop. New Criterion. — -Prop., Dudley Criterion Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., S. Bray. Continuous. Two changes "weekly. Phone, Dudley 2421. Scala Theatre.— Prop., W. B. McMillan- Res. Man., W. H. Howarth. Booked at Castle Cinema, Dudley, by Prop. Continuous. Prices 3d. to 8d. Phone, Dudley 2267. Station, Dudley, G.W.R. and L.M.S. DUDLEY HILL (Yorks). Picture Palace. — Prop., Goodalls Pictures Ltd., Albion Street, Cleckheaton. Phone> Cleckheaton 224. Res. Man., A. Ellis- Booked at H.O. by P. Goodall, Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Dudley Hill 108. Station, Dudley Hill. L...N.E.R, DUDLEY PORT (Staffs), Pop. 4,685. Alhambra. Victoria Cinema. — Prop and Res. Man , W. W. Doughty. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, D udley Port . L.M.S. DUKINFIELD (Cheshire), Pop. 19,433. Oxford Super Cinema. — Prop., Oxford Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., H. Clegg. Booked at Hall. Continuous Mon. to Fri. Two shows Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Ashton 910. Station. Stalybridge, L.M.S. Palladium, Crescent Road.- — Prep, and Man., F. Taylor. Bockcd at Hall. Continuous, two shows Sat. Mat., Men. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d. to £d. Phone, Ashtcn 1335. Station. Dukinfield. L.M.S. Princess Picture Theatre, King Street. — Prop., Princess Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., Franklin Booth. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Dukinfield, L.M.S. DUNSTABLE (Beds), Pop. 8,894. Palace. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. F. Mai chant, 40, Priory Road. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Dunstable, L.N.E.R. DUNSTON-ON-TYNE (Co. Durham). Pop. 9,272. Albert Picture Palace, Ravensworth Road. — Prop., Dunston Picture Hall Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Ed. Parkin. Station, Gateshead, L.N.E.R. Imperial Hall, Ravensworth Road. — Prop., Dunston Imperial Hall Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., F. W. Morrison. Booked by F. W. Morrison. Two shows nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone, Whiekham 66. Station, Dunston-on- Tyne, L.N.E.R. DURHAM (Co. Durham), Pop. 18,000. Assembly Rooms Cinema. — Prop., T. Rush- worth and Sons. Res. Man., F. Rushworth. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Durham 195. Station, Durham, L.N.E.R. Globe Cinema, 51&, North Road, Durham. — Prop., Durham Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Mrs. M. J. Gray. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Durham 238. Palace. — Prop., Rawes' Entertainments Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Ted Rawes. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone, Durham 137. Station, Durham. DU3SLEY (Glos), Pop. 2,601. Victoria Cinema Theatre. — Prop., Hinckley and Dursley Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., H. H. Harris. One show Mon. to- Fri. Twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Dursley 77- Station, Dursley, L.M.S. EaRBY (Yorks), Pop. 5,890. Cinema. — Prop., Earby Cinema Co. Man., J. Hutchinson. Two changes weekly. Cosy Cinema. EARLESTOWN (Lancs), Pop. 10,500. Empire. Pavilion. — Prop., South Lancashire Hippodrome Co., Ltd, Gen. Man., Fred Har- rison. Phone, Newton-le-Willows 63. Station3 Earlestown, L.M.S. Rinema Ditectory (England). 339 Hippodrome.— Prop., South Lancashire Hippo- drome Co., Ltd. Man. Dir. and Booking Man., Fred Harrison. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Earlestown, L.M.S. Pavilion, Market Street. — Lessees, South Lancashire Hippodrome Co., Ltd. Man. Dir. and Booking Man., Fred Harrison. Booked at Hall, lwo shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Newton-le-Willows 63. Station, Earles- town Junction, L.M.S. EARL SHILTON (Leicester), Pop. 4,435 Palace. — Prop, and Man., H. S. Cooper. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Earl Shilton 37. Station, Hinckley L.M.S. EASINGTON (Co. Durham), Pop. 9,190. Hippodrome. EASINGWOLD (Yorks). Pop. 2,000. Cinema, Market Place. — Prop., John W. Sturdy. Ivy Cottage, Easirgwold. Booked by Prop, at H.O. Once nightly on Thurs., Fri.j and Sat. Prices,*ed. to is. EAST ARDSLEY (Yorks), Pop. 5,030. Empire Picture Palace. — Prop, and Res. Man., H. Dodsworth. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Ardsley, L.N.E.R. EASTBOURNE (Sussex), Pop. 62,030. Devonshire Park Pavilion Cinema, Devon- shire Park. — Prop., Devonshire Paik (East- bourne), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Arthur Davis. Twice daily at 3 and 8. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Eastbourne g. Station, Eastbourne, S.R. Eastern Cinema, Seaside. — -Prop., H. Baker. Res. Man.-j P. V. Lunch. Continuous. Daily Mat. Two changes weekly. Phone, East- bourne 705. Station, Eastbourne, S.R. Elysium, Seaside. — Prop., Elysium. Ltd. Phone, 43. Gen. Man., Ray Allan. Con- tinuous. Daily Mat. Prices, 4d. to is. Cd. Station, Eastbourne. S.R. New Central Cinema, Seaside Road. — Prop., Central and Eastern Cinemas, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., P. V. Lunch. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Eastbourne 1183. Station, Eastbourne, S.R. Picturedrome, LangneyRoad. — Prop., Picture- drome (Eastbourne), Ltd. Gen. and Booking Man., Randolph E. Richards. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Eastbourne 1441. Station, Eastbourne, S.R. Regent Picture House, High Street, Old Town. — Lessee, J. B. Crawley. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Eastbourne 1293. Station, Eastbourne, S.R. Tivoli Super-Cinema, Seaside Road. — Prop., M. Freedman. Res. Man., E. J. Parker. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Eastbourne 1031. Station, Eastbourne, S.R. EAST DEREHAM (Norfolk), Pop. 5,659- Corn Exchange Cinema. — -Prop., Corn Ex- change Co. Res. Man., H. T. Precious. Occasional shows. Station, Dereham. Exchange Theatre. — Props., Nash, Diggins and Smithard. Local Man., W. J. Wright. Booking Man., C. Watkin Knight, St. James' Theatre, King's Lynn. Once nightly, twice Sat. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, East Dereham 76. Sta- tion, E. Dereham, L.N.E.R. Dereham and District Picture Palace. — Prop., Dereham and District Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. M. Wray. Booked by S. H. Darren. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Dereham, L.N.E.R. EAST GRINSTEAD (Sussex), Pop. 7,319. Cinema de Luxe, London Road. — Prop. and Man., V. G. Lovell. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. , Tues. ,Fri. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, East Grinstead 277. Station, East Grinstead, S.R. Whitehall Palace.— Prop., Letheby and Christopher, Ltd. Res. Man., F. C. Maplesden. Continuous. Mat., daily except Friday. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, East Grinstead 82. Station, East Grinstead, S.R. EASTLEIGH (Hants), Pop. 15,617. Eastleigh Variety Theatre, Market Street. — ■ Prop, and Man., Geo. W. A. Wright. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Eastleigh 29. Station, Eastleigh, S.R. Picture House. Market Street. — Prop., Geo. W. A. Wright. Man.. E. J. Cox. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Eastleigh 55. Station, Eastleigh, S.R. EAST & WEST MOLESEY (Surrey). Pop. 7,277. East Molesey and Hampton Court Picture Palace. — Prop., Thomas Allen. Res. Man., S. H. Martin. Booked at' Hall by Prop. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Station. Hampton Court, S.R. EAST RETFORD 'Notts), Pop. 13,412. Corn Exchange. Picturedrome. Town Hall. EASTWOOD (Notts), Pop. 5,074. Empire. — Prop., F. G. Stubbs, Lumley House, Eastwood. Res. Man., J. Clarke. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Langley Mill 23. Stations, Langley Mill and Eastwood, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. EBBW VALE (Mon), Pop. 35,383. Market Hall Cinema. — Prop., Market Cinema Co. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Ebbw Vale 41. Station, Ebbw Vale, L.M.S. Palace, Church Street.— Prop., Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. Tilney. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to gd. Station. Ebbw Vale, L.M.S. EC0LES (Lancs), Pop. 44,237. Crown Theatre, Church Street. — Prop., W. H. Broadhead and Sons. Res. Man., Albert Rogers. Two shows nightly. One change weekly. Prices 3d. to 3s. Phone, Eccles 824. Station, Eccles, L.M.S. Empire. — Prop., Lancashire Entertainments, Ltd. Gen. Man., A. Taylor. Twice nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Eccles, L.M.S. Regent. — Prop., Lancs. Entertainments, Ltd- Gen. Man., A. Taylor. Station, Eccles- 340 The Kinematograph Year Book. ECCLESFI ELD (near Sheffield) (Yorks), Pop. 22,404. Ecclesfield Cinema. — Prop., Ecclesfield Cinema, Ltd. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Ecclesfield, L.M.S. ECKINGTON (Derby), Pop. 12,164. Picture House. — Prop, and Res. Man., Geo. E. Gray. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Eckington 88. Station, Eckington, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. EDENBRIDGE (Kent), Pop. 2,895. Oddfellows' Hall. — Prop., Arthur Martin, Dudwell House, Edenbridge. Shows, Thurs. and Sat. Station, Edenbridge Town, S.R. EDLiNGTON (nr. Doncaster) (Yorks). Cinema.— Prop., Edlington Cinema Ltd., 5, Priory Place, Doncaster. Res. Man., H. Radband. Booked by G. Brocklesby, F. L.A.A., certified accountant, Conisborough. Nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Conis- borough 29. Station, Doncaster, L.N.E.R. EGHAM (Surrey), Pop. 13,735. Bohemia, 153, High Street. — Prop., S. Stotes- bury. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Station, Egham, S.R. Gem Electric Theatre, High Street. — Prop., J. D. Harris. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. EGREMONT (Cheshire), Pop. 3,982. Lyceum, King Street. — Prop., Lyceum Egre- mont, Ltd. Head office, 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool. Phone, Bank 4076. Res. Man., H. R. Gurney. Booked at H.O. by J. F. Wood. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Wallasey, 743. Station, Lime Street, L.M.S. Royal Picture House, King Street. — Prop., Wallasey Cinema, Ltd. (same address). Res. Man., Capt. Percy Dale, M.C. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wallasey 1269. Station, Liverpool terminus. EGREMONT (Cumb), Pop. 6,584. Castle Cinema. — Prop., Egremont Cinema, Ltd., Station Road, Dalton-in-Furness. Res. Man., T. F. Massicks. Booked by J. Back- house, Empire Theatre, Dalton-in-Furness. Once nightly, twice Mon. and Sat. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Egremont 20. Station, Egremont, L.M.S. Palace. — Prop, and Man., John Braithwaite, 41, South Street. Booked at Hall. Once nightly on Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Fri., twice Tues., and three Sat. Prices, 5d. and 8d. Station, Egremont, L.M.S. ELDON LANE (Co. Durham), Pop. 3.0DO. Clu3 Cinema.— Prop., The Eldon Lane Work- men's Club and Institute, Ltd. Booking Man., J. C. Harwood. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly and Sunday programme. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Station, Bishop Auckland, L.N.E.R. ELLAND (Yorks), Pop. 10,554. Central Picture House. — Prop., Central Pictures (Elland), Ltd. Res. Man., James Montgomery. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Elland, L.M.S. Palladium, Southgate.- — Prop., Central Pictures (Elland), Ltd. Res. Man., James Mont- gomery. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to is. Station, Elland, L.M.S. ELLESMERE PORT (Cheshire), Pop. 17,000. Hippodrome. — -Prop., Thos. H. Bale, Stanney Grange, Whitby, Birkenhead. Phone, Elles- mere Port 65. Res. Man., Albert Booth. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Elles- mere Port, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Queen's Cinema. — Prop., St. George Cinema, Ltd., 24, North John Street, Liverpool. Phone, Bank 1326 and 9236. Res. Man., H. B. Smith. Booked at H.O. and Hall by Man. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Ellesmere Port 87. Station, Ellesmere Port, G.W.R. ELSECAR (Yorks), Pop. 4,500. Electra Palace Theatre. — Lessee and Man., William Burrell. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Elsecar and Hoyland, L.M.S. ELY (Cambs), Pop. 7,690. Electric Cinema, Market Street. — Prop., Ely Cinema Co. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. Bryant. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Ely, L.N.E.R. EIWSWORTH (Hants), Pop. 4,337. Town Hall Cinema, The Square.— Prop., E. Victor Ruffle, 9, North Street. Booked at Hall. Continuous from 6.15 p.m. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 133. Station, Emsworth, S.R. ENFIELD (Mddx ), Pop. 60,743. Premier Cinema, Enfield Wash. Queen's Hall Cinema. — Props., L and A. G. Rata. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Enfield 4™. Station, Enfield, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Rialto Theatre. — A Bernstein Theatre, 197, Wardour Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 6334. Daily, 2.30ton. Phone. Enfield 711. Station, Enfield, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. EPPING (Essex), Pop. 4,197. Picture Palace, High Street.— Prop., Miss A. D. Page. Twice nightly, Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Epping 102. Station, Epping, L.N.E.R. and Road Transport. EPSOM (Surrey), Pop. 18,803. Cinema Royal, High Street. — Prop., E. H. Thompson. Res. Man., E. Gullick. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 2s. Phone, Epsom 438. Station, Epsom, S.R., and Leyland Transport Service'. Palladium.— Prop, and Man., Wilfred Orbell. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 6d. to 2s. Station, Epsom, S.R. ER1TH (Kent), Pop. 31,568. Oxford Picture Theatre. — Prop., Oxford Picture Theatre (Erith), Ltd. Man., W. T. Collar. Booked at Hall. Station, Erith'. Public Hall.— Prop., Sidney Bacon's Pictures', Ltd., 108, Gt. Russell Street. Bloomsbury' W.C.i. Res. Manageress, Miss M. H. Goldring.' Kinema Directory {England), 341 Booked at H.O. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Erith 92. Station, Erith, S.R. Tower Cinema.- Props., W. T. Smith and Son. Man., W. 1. G. Smith. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4c! . to is. Films by Motor Transport. ESH WINNING (Co. Durham), Pop. 3,000. Pavilion. — Prop., F. W. Storey. Res. Man., J. Cooke. Booked at Hall by F. W. Storey. One show nightly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Esh Winning 4. Station, Waterhouses, L.N.E.R. ESTON (Yorks), Pop. 30,634. Picture Hall.— Prop, and Res. Man., J. H. Calvert. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Station, Eston, L.N.E.R. ETON (Bucks), Pop. 3,366. Eton Cinema Theatre, High Street. — Prop., H. Boyle & Son, 2, Albany Road, Windsor. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Eton and Windsor, S.R. EVENWOOD (near Bishop Auckland) (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,000. Empire, — Prop., Etherington Bros. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices 6d. to is. Station, Evenwool, L.N.E.R. EVESHAM (Worcs), Pop. 8,685. Grand Cinema. — Prop., Grand Cinema (Eve- sham), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Frank Ridge. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Evesham, G.W.R. The Scala, High Street. — Prop., The Super Cinema and Theatre (Evesham), Ltd. Bkg. Man. and Licensee, Joe Black. Booked at Hall. Pictures, Variety and Theatrical. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Boxes, 6s. and 8s. Phone, Evesham 217. Station, Evesham, G.W.R. and L.M.S. EYE (Suffolk), Pop. 1781. Cinema. — -Prop., W. Soames, Stamford House, Market Deeping. EYTKORNE (near Dover) (Kent), Pop. 931. Eythorne Cinema. — -Prop., Cinema House Co. Booked at Hall by S. Forsythe. Once nightly Thur's., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Eythorne, S.R. EXETER (Devon), Pop. 59,608. City Palace, Fore Street.— Prop., City Palace, Co. Res. Man., Mrs. L. Williams. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, €d. to is. 6d. Station, Exeter, G.W.R. Empire Electric Theatre, High Street. — Props., Geo. H. Bray and Fred Ford. Man., Geo. Bray. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Exeter 707. Stations, St. Davids, G.W.R.; Queen Street, S.R. Hippodrome, London Inn Square. — Prop., Northernhay Properties, Ltd., 63, Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Museum 3142. Res. Man.. F. H. A. Williams. Booked at H.O. by Fred. Peel. Two shows nightly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Exeter 594. Station, Queen Street, S.R. King's Hall Picture House, St. Thomas.— Prop. King's Hall (Exeter), Ltd. Sec, Edgar House. Manageress, Mrs. E. Burns, Mat. daily. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Exeter, G.W.R. Palladium, Paris Street.- — Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Leonard W. Jesseman. Mat. daily. Conti- nuous 6 to 10.30. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Exeter 962. Theatre Royal, London Inn Square. — Prop., Exeter Theatre Co. Res. Man., P. M. Duns- ford. Occasional shows. Phone, Exeter 121. Station, St. David's, G.W.R. EXMOUTH (Devon), Pop. 13,614. King's Kinema, Exeter Road.— Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d, Phone, Exmouth 330. Station, Exmouth. S.R., or Exmouth via Starcross, G.W.R. New Picture House, Parade. — -Prop., and Res. Man., L. B. Thomas. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Mat. daily. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d . Public Hall. — Prop, and Res. Man., Walter J. A. Bayley. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Exmouth, S.R. r ACIT (Lancs), Pop. 2,437. Star Cinema.— Prop., E. Hilton. One show nightly. Two- changes weekly. Station, Facit, L.M.S. FAILSVYORTH (Lancs), Pop. 16,972. Grand Theatre, Oldham Road. — Prop., Chas. Ogden, 6, St. Mary's Gate, Manchester. Phone, Central 7657. Res. Man., E. Dale Butler. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Failsworth 75. Station, Failsworth, L.M.S. Popular Palace.— Prop, and Res. Man., D. Turner. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Failsworth 140. Station, Failsworth. FAKENHAM (Norfolk), Pop. 3,181. Cinema.— Res. Man., Mrs. Banham. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Fakenham, L.N.E.R. Universal use proves conclusively the superiority of Columbia N, 342 The Kinematograph Year Book. Ele-ctric Pavilion. — Prop., Priest & Co. Booked at Head Office, Holt Road. Res. Man. , H. S. Priest. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Fakenham, L.N.E.R. FALMOUTH (Cornwall), Pop. 13,318. Polytechnic Cinema. — -Lessees, Harris Bros., Gen. Man., W. G. Woodward. Booked at St. George's Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Falmouth, G.W.R. (Parcel Office). St. George's Hall, Church Street. — Prop., Harris Bros. Res. Man., Harold R. Wood- ward. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Falmouth 169. Station, Falmouth, G.W.R. (Parcel Office). FAREHAM (Hants), Pop. 10,066. Alexandra Theatre, West Street.— Prop. , Fareham and District Entertainments. Ltd. Res. Man., V. S. B. Coombe. Booked by Wm. Bonwick,at Criterion Theatre, Gosport, Hants Twice nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Fareham 88. Station, Fareham, S.R. FARINGDON (Berks), Pop. 3,076. Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., S. N. Barnard, Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices. 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Faringdon, G.W.R. FARNBOROUGH (Hants), Pop. 12,645. Avenue Palace, Camp Road. — Prop., C. Darby. Res. Man., C. Darby. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, S. Farnboro' 60. Station, S. Farnborough, S.R. Empire Electric Theatre, Linchford Road, North Camp. FARNCOMBE (Surrey), Pop. 3,841. King George's Cinema. — Props., Sports Film Co., Ltd., 7, Gerrard Street, W.i. Phone, Regent 4721. Res. Man., James Harrison. Booked at H.O. Once nightly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Godalming 455. Station, Farn- combe. FARNHAM (Surrey), Pop. 12,133. Palace, 8, East Street. — Prop., Farnham Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., A. G. Keeping. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Farnham 99. Station, Farnham, S.R. FARNHAM COMMON (Bucks), Pop. 1,500. Cinema Hall.— (Closed). FARNWORTH (Lancs), Pop. 27,900. Empire, Albert Road, Farnworth. — Prop., Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Rams- den. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Farnworth 362. Station, Moses Gate, L.M.S. Hippodrome, Moses Gate. — Res. and Bkg. Man., Harry P. Fortune. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone. Farnworth 78. Station, Moses Gate, L.M.S,, Palace, King Street. — Prop., Empire Picture Palace, Ltd., 9, Maudsley Street, Bolton. Res. Man., J. W. C. Knight. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, 28. Station, Farnworth, L.M.S., and motor delivery by Mrs. Heathcote, Farnworth. FAVERSHAM (Kent), Pop. 10,870. Empire Picture Hall Tanner Street. — Props., E. W. Thomas and Sons. Res. Man., P. W. Thomas. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4|d. to 1 id. Station, Faversham, S.R. Gem Picture Palace, Preston Street.— Res. Man., D. Cornfoot. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Faversham, S.R. FEATHERSTONE (Yorks), Pop. 14,839. Hippodrome. — Prop., Hippodrome Feather- stone, Ltd. Res. Man., R.N. Greenwood. Booked by T. C. Holden, Empire, Harrogate. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Featherstone 27. Station, Featherstone, L.M.S. FELIXSTOWE (Suffolk), Pop. 11,655. Playhouse, Hamilton Road. — Prop., Felix- stowe Picture House, Ltd. Res. Licensee, A. S. Van den Bergh. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Felix- stowe 170. Station, Felixstowe Town, L.N.E.R. Victoria Cinema. — -Under same control as Play- house. Closed in winter. FELLING (Co. Durham), Pop. 26,152. Corona Theatre, Coldwell Street. — Prop., Felling and District Pictures, Ltd. Man. Dir., Stanley Rogers. Gen. Man. and Sec, Edward J. Hinge. Res. Man., Robert Gilbert- son. Booked at 109, Pilgrim Street, New- castle. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Felling-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Imperia, Wellington Street.— Prop., Imperia Hall Co. (Felling), Ltd. Res. Man., J. H. Smith. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Felling 47. Station, Felling, L.N.E.R. FELTHAM (Mddx ), Pop. 6,329. New Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., A. J. Thorogood, 49, Hanworth Road, Feltham. Booked at Hall, evenings only. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Feltham, S.R. FENCEHOUSES (Co. Durham), Pop. 4,000 Palace.— Prop., Fencehouses Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Mitchell. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Fencehouses, L.N.E.R. FENTON (Staffs), Pop. 25,620. Palace, Market Street. — Prop., Fenton Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., S. W. Bentley. Two shows nightly. Mat., Tues., Wed. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Phone, Longton 284. Station, Fenton, L.M.S. Royal Cinema, Manor Street.— Prop., Harper & Ashton, Ltd. Res. Man., W. O. Ashton. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Fenton, L.M.S. FERRYHILL (Co. Durham), Pop. 10,133. Gaiety Thevtre. — Prop, and Res. Man., R. B. Welch, Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 5d. to nd. Phone, Ferryhill 39. Station, Ferryhill: L.N.E.R. Kinema Directory (England). 343 Miner's Hall, Dean Bank.— Prop., Tay Carson & Cadman. Res. Man., J. Cadman. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Ferryhill, L.N.E.R. FILEY (Yorks), Pop. 4,549. Grand Theatre and Picturedrome, Union Street.- — Prop., Filey Enterprises, Ltd. Man. Dir., Andie Caine. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, 58. Station, Filey, L.N.E.R. FINEDON (Northants), Pop. 3,973. Star Cinema. — Prop., A. T. Watts. Res. Man., Len Coles. Booked at 3A, Silver Street, Wellingborough. Phone 230. One show Mon., Tues., Fri. Continuous Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Irthlingboxough, L.M.S. FLEET (Hants), Pop. 3,589. Cinema. — Prop., H. Watmore. Res. Man., Fleet Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Fleet 200. Station, Fleet, S.R. FLEETWOOD (Lancs), Pop. 19,448. Art Pictures, Lord Street.— Prop., John Walters. Res. Man., Leslie Walters. Two shows nightly. Mat. daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Fleetwocd 429. Station, Fleetwood, L.M.S. Empress Picturedrome, Lord Street.— Prop., North Lancashire (Fleetwood) Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. N. Campbell. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to yd. Station, Fleetwood, L.M.S. Palace, Adelaide Street.- — Prop., Fleetwood Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., T. Roberts. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d.tois.6d. Phone, Fleetwood 513. Pier Pavilion, Esplanade. — Prop., Fleetwood Pier and Pavilion, Ltd. Sec. and Man., H. A. Deakin, F.C.I.S. One show nightly, Mat. daily in summer. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone 563. Station, Fleetwood, L.M.S. FOLKESTONE (Kent), Pop. 37,571. Best Kinema, Grace Hill. — Prop., Dr. Rundle. Gen. Man., Reg. Dawson. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Folkestone 485. Station, Central, S.R. Central Picture Theatre, George Lane. — Prop., Central Picture Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., George Thompson. Booked by George Thompson, George Lane, Folkestone. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Folkestone 335. Road Transport. Pier Pavilion. — Prop., Victoria Pier (Folke- stone) Synd., Ltd. Res. Man., Councillor Robert Forsyth, Dancing and occasional Sunday Picture Shows. Phone, Folkestone 369, Station, Folkestone Central, S,R. Playhouse, Guildhall Street. — Prop., Guildhall Pictures and Caf^ (Folkestone), Ltd, Res, Mam, H. Lord. Continuous. Two changes weekly. "Prices. 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Central. FOREST HALL (Northumberland). New Picture House.— Prop., Stanhope Grand Cinema Co. Man., R. S. Allen. Two shows nightly, one show Sun. Two changes weekly. Phone, Benton 143. Station, Forest Hall, L.N.E.R. FORDINGBRIDGE (Hants), Pop. 3,456. Picture House. — Lessees, Broad, Gilbert Hall, W. Smith, P. Smith and W. Morrell (Sec. and Res. Man.). Booked by P. Smith, Grocer, Fordingbridge. One show Thurs. and Fri., two shows Sat. Prices, 6d. and is. 3d. (Children half price.) Station, Fording- bridge, S.R. FORMBY (Lancs), Pop. 6,319. Picturedrome. — Prop., Formby Picturedrome Co. Res. Man., Thos. Palin. Booked by R. G. Hibbert, Wardour, Manchester. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Formby, L.M.S. Queen's Picture House, Three Tuns Lane.— Prop. Formby, P.H..Ltd., 24, North JobnSt., Liverpool. Phone, Bank 9236. Res. Man., Wm. Knight. Booked at H.O. by Regent Enterprises, Ltd. Two Shows Mon., Wed., and Sat. Once rest of week. Prices, 6d. to is.6d. Phone, Formby 430. Station, Formby. FOWEY (Cornwall), Pop. 2,168. Royal Borough Cinema. — Prop., Mrs. A. Walford. Res. Man., Ernest B. Hellard. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Fowey, G.W.R. FRAM LING HAM (Suffolk), Pop. 2,400. Cinema. - Prop., H. C. Howlett. Res. Man. J. R. Howlett. Booked at Castle Street. One show Wed. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Framlingham, L.N.E.R. FRESHWATER (Isle of WiGHT),Pop.3,440. Palace Theatre.— Prop., Cecil Elgar and W. G. Barnard. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices sd. to is. 8d. Phone, Freshwater 31. Station, Freshwater, S.R. FRIMLEY (Surrey), Pop. 13,675. Palace, Deepcut. — Prop., J. Paterson. Three shows nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station North Camp, S.R. FRIZINGTON (Cumb.), Pop. 3,656. People's Palace. FRODSHAM (near Warrington) (Cheshire). Pop. 4,000. The Grand, Church Street. — Prop., Frods- ham Cinema Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., Tom Fyall. Booked at Hall by Tom Fyall. Once nightly. Mat. and two shows Sat. and holidays. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Frodsham 100. Station, Frodsham, L.M.S. and G.W.R. joint. FROME (Somerset), Pop. 10,506. Palace Theatre, Pictures and Theatrical.— Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Booked at H.O. by A. W. Jarratt, Res, Man,, Leo D'Ayton. One show nightly. Three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is, 6d. Phone, From,^ 2.0 Station, Frome. GW\RV 344 The Kinematograph Year Book. Gainsborough (Lincs), pop. 19,694. Grand. — Prop., Gainsborough Kinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., T. Draper. Booked at 90, Charing Cross Road, London. Phone, Regent 320 and Gerrard 2348. Continuous. Three Mats, weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Gainsborough 90. Stations, Gainsborough Lea Road and Central, L.N.E.R. King's Theatre, Trinity Street. — Prop., Gainsborough and District Liberal Club. Licensee and Gen. Man., G. T. Pawsey. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Price, 4d. to gd. Phone, Gains- borough 157. Station, Gainsborough, L.N.E.R. GARFORTH (Yorks), Pop. 3,927. Picture House. Station Road. — Prop. , Garf orth Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., E. R. Archer. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Garforth, L.N.E.R. GARNDIFFAITH (near Pontypool), (Mon.) Workmen's Hall and Institute, Ltd., 5, Herbert's Road. — Booked at Hall by Reginald Pugh, Man.audSecretary. One performance nightly. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Phone, Talywain, 32. Station, Talywain, G.W.R. and Road Transport by Eastern Valleys Transport Co., Griffithstown. GARSTANG (Lancs), Pop. 832. Institute, High Street. — Prop., Garstang Cinema Co. Res. Man., R. W. Lang. Two shows weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Garstang, L.M.S. GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE (Co. Durham), Pop. 124,514. Askew Picture House. — Prop., Cecil Horn. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. H. Manger. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. and 4d. Phone, Gateshead 134. Station, Gateshead, L.N.E.R. Bensham Picture House. — Prop., Bensham Picture House (1923), Ltd. Man., A. Buglass. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices 5d. and 8d. Phone, Gateshead 241. Station, Gateshead-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Coatsworth Picture Hall, Berwick Road, West.— Prop., Coatsworth Picture Hall, Ltd. Res. Man., Thos. D. Armstrong. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Gateshead 106. Station, Gateshead-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Empress Electric— Prop, and Res. Man., G. Bolam. Two shows daily. Two changes weekly! Station, Gateshead-on-Tyne. Palace Theatre, Sunderland Road. — Prop., Thompson and Collins Enteiprises, Ltd., New Pavilion, Westgate Road, Newcastle - on- Tyne. Phone, Central 601. Res. Man., C. E. Brown. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Gateshead 44. Station, Gateshead-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Palladium, Saltwell Road, Bensham. — Prop. L. Evans. Phone, Jarrow 57. Res. Man., W. Henderson. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Pictures and Variety. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Gateshead 423. Station, Gateshead-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Ravensworth Picture Hall.— Prop., Photo- plays, Ltd., 75 Howard Street, North Shields, Phone, 219. Man., William McDonald, Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Gateshead 221. Station 5 Gateshead-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R, Scala Theatre, High Street.— Prop., Thomp- son and Collins Enterprises, Ltd., Pavilion Theatre, Newcastle. Phone, Central 601, Res. Man., V. O. McNiff. Booked at H.O. by Geo. F. Hill. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone, Gateshead 62. Station, Gates- head, L.N.E.R. Shipcote Hall, Durham Road. — Prop., Ship- cote Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., J.S. Snell, Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Phone, Gates- head 20. Station, Gateshead, L.N.E R. GERRARD'S CROSS (Bucks), Pop. 2,200. The Playhouse. GIGGLESWICK (Yorks), Pop. 953, Kinema. GILLINGHAM (Kent), Pop. 54,038. Gem.— Prop., Frank Saraski. Grand Picture Theatre, Skinner Strett.— Prop., Friedman and Cohen. Res. Man., H. A. Morton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Gilling- ham 50. Station, Gillingham, S.R. Invicta Picture Palace, High Street. — Prop., H. G. and W. Croneen, 21 /23, High Street, Gillingham, Kent. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Gilling- ham 38. Station, Gillingham, S.R. GLOSSOP (Derby), Pop. 20,528. Empire Theatre. — Prop., Provincial Cinema- tograph Theatres, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Res. Man., George Brooks. Booked at H.O. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two Mats. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Glossop 114. Station, Glossop, L.N.E.R. Palace Theatre, George Street.— Prop. , Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, Regent Street, London, W.i. Res. Man., George Brooks. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Mats., Tues. and Sat. Prices, 4M. to is. Phone, Glossop 114. Station, Glossop, L.N.E.R. Theatre Royal. — -Prop., Provincial Cinemato- graph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, Regent Street, London, W.i. Res. Man., George Brooks. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Glossop 114. Station, Glossop, L.N.E.R. Woolley Bridge Palace. — Prop., Woolley Bridge Palace Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., J. Dearnaley. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Hadfield, L.N.E.R. GLOUCESTER (Glos), Pop. 51,330. Empire, Park End Road.— Props., The Empire, Gloucester, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., James Maysey. Booked at Hall. Continuous, Prices 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Gloucester 999. Station, Gloucester, G.W.R. and L.M.S. King's Picture House. Westgate Street.— Prop., H. Scott Bayliss, P. H., Cannock. Res. Man., W. H. Domoney. Booked by F. Williams at P.H., Cannock Continuous. Mat. Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Gloucester, G.W.R. Palladium, Westgate Street. — Prop., H. Scott Bayliss, P.H., Cannock. Res. Man., W. H. Domoney. Booked by F. Williams at P.H., Cannock. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Gloucester, G.W.R. Picturedrome, Barton Street. — Prop., Palmer's Picturedrome. Ltd. Gen. Man., H. Cecil Beryl. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Gloucester 932. Stations . Gloucester, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Rinema Directory (England). 345 Theatre de Luxe, Northgate Street. — Prop., Electric Theatres (1908), Ltd. Res. Man., Patrick W. Campbell. Booked at Cinema House, 225, Oxford Street, London. Contin- uous. One and two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Phone, Gloucester 937. Station, Gloucester. GODALMiNG (Surrey). Pop. 9,193. Empire Picture Palace. Station Road. — Prop, and Man., W. G. Fudger. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d, Phone, Godalming 229. Station, Godalming. S.R. GOLBORNE (near Warrington) (Lancs), Pop. 7,183. Royal Pavilion.— Prop., West Lancashire Cinema Co. Res. Man., Thos. J. Whelan. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Phone P.O. 1. Station, Golborne, L.M.S. GOLCAR (Yorks), Pop. 10,359. PiCTUREDROME.—Prop., "Walker & Haigh. Res. Man., W. Walker. Two changes weekly. Station, Golcar, L.M.S. GOLDENHILL (Staffs), Pop. 5,200. Electric Theatre.— Prop., F. S. Whittaker. Res. Man., Miss F. "Whittaker. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 46.. to 6d. Station, Tunstall, L.M.S. GOLDTHORPE (Yorks), Pop. 10,000. Empire Palace. — Prop, and Res. Man., E. H. West. 42, Axholme Road, Doncaster. Phone, Doncaster 288. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Goldthorpe 28. Station, Wath-upon-Dearne, L.M.S. New Cinema. — Prop., Goldthorpe Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Totty. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Bolton-on-Dearne, L.M.S. Picture House. — -Props., Goldthorpe Hippo- drome, Ltd. Man. Dir., E. C. Clayton. Res. Man., Russell Totty. Continuous. Phone, Goldthorpe 58. Station, Wath-on-Dearne, L.M.S. GOOLE (Yorks), Pop. 19,118. Carlton Picture House, Boothferry Road.— Prop., Picture Hall (Goole), Ltd. Res. Man., Percy Austin. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Goole 277. Station, Goole, L.M.S. Cinema Palace, Boothferry Road.— Prop., Savoys (Hull), Ltd., Bank Chambers, Goole. Res. Dir., W. Rockett. Booked by Brinley Evans, Cecil Theatre, Paragon Square, Hull. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Goole 47. Station, Goole, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. GORLESTON-ON-SEA (Suffolk), Pop. 12,000. Coliseum, High Street. — Prop., East Coast Enterprises, Ltd., 16, Green Street, London, W.C.2. Phone, Regent 2067. Res. Man., Sydney G. Edwards. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Gorleston 73. Station, Great Yarmouth (Southtown), L.N.E.R. Palace, Beech Road. — Prop., R. W. Mason, 93, West Street, Farnham, Surrey. Phone, Farnham 7. Res. Man., W. D. Brett. Booked by the Southern Counties Film and Variety Agency, Aldershot. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Gorleston 34. Films by Norfolk and District Film Transport Co. GOSFORTH (Northumb ), Pop. 15, 719. Globe Electric Theatre, Salters Road. — Prop., Globe Electric Theatre (Gosforth), Ltd. Res. Man., Matthew C. Bell. Booked by I. Collins, Famous Lasky Film Service Ltd., Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Gosforth 337, Station, South Gosforth, L.N.E.R. GOSPORT (Hants), Pop. 33,588. Criterion Theatre, Forton Road.— Prop., W. Bonwick. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Gosport 8128. Station, Portsmouth Harbour, S,R. Gosport Theatre, High Street. — Prop., Southsea Picture Playhouse Co. , Ltd. Man. , E. J. Fairchild. Booked at Fawcett Picture House, Southsea. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. , 8d. and is. Phone, Gosport 8401. Olympia Picture House, Stoke Road.— Prop. H. Home. One show nightly. Two changes. weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Gosport 307. Station, Gosport, S.R. GOUDHURST (Kent), Pop. 2,970. Goudhurst Cinema, Church Road. — Prop, and Man., F. W. Malpass. One show weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Goudhurst, S.R. GRANGETOWN (Yorks). Paragon Picture Hall. — Prop., Paragon Picture Co., Ltd. Man., Wilf. Smith. Once nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2M. to 6d. Station, Grangetown, L.N.E.R. GRANGE-OYER-SANDS (Lancs), Pop. 2,920. Victoria Hall Cinema. — Lessees, Victoria Cinema Co. Res. and Booking Man., R. Leslie Graham. Booked at Fairlea, Grange- over-Sands. Once nightly. Prices, td. to is. 3d. Station, Grange-over-Sands, L.M.S. MORRIS FILM SERVICE " EDUCATIONAL SPECIALISTS." Stock comprises Four Hundred Films of TRAVEL, SCIENTIFIC, ZOOLOGICAL, INDUSTRIAL, NATURE SUBJECTS. Enquiries from Schools, Institutions and Educational Committees solicited. Complete Outfits supplied. 5, Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Telegrams : Morfihn, Westcent. 34^ The Kinematograpk Year Book. GRANGE VILLA (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,000. Pavilion Theatre. — Prop., C. Buckton. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Pelton, L.N.E.R. GRANTHAM (Lincs), Pop. 18,902. Exchange Hall Cinema. — Prop., Peter- borough Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., J. A. Campbell. Booked at Market Chambers, Grantham. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Grantham, L.N.E.R. Picture House, St. Peter's Hill.— Prop., St. Peter's Hill Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., J. A. Campbell. Booked at Market Chambers, Grantham. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Grantham 245. Station, Gfantham. GRASSMOOR (Derby), Pop. 2,000. Electric Theatre, North Wingfield Road.— Prop, and Res. Man., George Henry Craw- shaw. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Chester- field 5Y3. Station, Chesterfield, L.M.S. GRAVESEND (Kent), Pop. 31,137. Cinema, Windmill Street. — Prop., Gravesend Picture Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., E. Rayner. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Gravesend 163. Station, Gravesend, S.R. Gem Theatre, New Road.— Prop., Gravesend Gem Theatre Co., Ltd. Man., A. E. Lockhart. Continuous. Prices, 2d. to is. 3d. Phone, Gravesend 374. Station, Gravesend, S.R., and Kent Motor Transport. London Theatre.— Prop., London Cinema Co. Man., D. Merritt. GRAYS (Essex), Pop. 17,364. Empire, High Street.- — Prop., Frederick's Electric Theatres, Ltd., 25, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.i (Gerrard 2756). Res. Man., Bert Smeeden. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Four mats, weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Tilbury 142. Station, Grays, L.M.S. GREAT AYTON (Yorks), Pop. 2,320. Empire Picture Palace. — Prop., Thompson and Jones. Res. Man., W. Pearson. One show nightly Mon, and Wed., two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 9d. Station, Great Aytdn, L.N.E.R. GREAT BRIDGE (Staffs). Picture Palace. — Prop., E. J. Crinnian. Head office, Great Bridge. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Station, Great Bridge, G.W.R. GREAT GRIMSBY (Lincs), Pop. 87,500. Globe Picture Theatre, Victoria Street. — ■ Lessee, M. Dowse. Res. Man., R. B. Jones, Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 2174. Station, Grimsby Town, L.N.E.R. Lyric. — Res. Man.. J. H. Curry. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone 2958. Station, Grimsby Town, L.N.E.R. Oxford Picture House, Oxford Street. — Prop, and Man., T. Wiseman. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Station, New Clee, L.N.E.R. Paragon Cinema Theatre, Corporation Road. — Props., King's (Grimsby), Ltd., 121 Corporation Road, Booked at Hall. Res. Man., A. King. Continuous. Phone, Grimsby 3388. Station, Grimsby Town, L.N.E.R. Premier Picture Palace, Cleethorpes Road.- — Prop., Premier Picture Palace (Grimsby), Ltd. Man. Dir., J. W. Poynton. Phone, 3 1 31. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Grimsby Docks, L.N.E.R. Savoy Picture House, Victoria Street.— - Prop., The Theatre (Grimsby) Ltd. Man. Dir., L. A. Thomson. Res. Man., H. Johnson. Booked at 513, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.2. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, 2576. Station, Grimsby Town, L.N.E.R. Strand, Park Street. — Prop., Strand and Lyric Cinema Theatres (Great Grimsby), Ltd. Res. Man., H. Stevens. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Grimsby 261 1. Station, Grimsby Town, L.N.E.R. Tivoli Theatre. — Prop., Curry's Tivoli Theatre of Varieties Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. H. Curry. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Grimsby 2135. Station, Grimsby Docks. Tower Picture Theatre, Kent Street. — Prop., Tower Picture Theatre (Grimsby), Ltd. Man., T. T. Protheroe. Booked by Robt. Freeman, Jameson Chambers, Jameson Street, Hull. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Grimsby 2627. Station, Grimsby Docks, L.N.E.R. GREAT HARWOOD (Lancs), Pop. 13,596. Grand, Rushton Street.- — Prop, and Res. Man., M. Gill. One show nightly. Two mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Gt. Harwood, L.M.S. Palace,; Rushton Street.- — Prop., Hippodrome (Lancaster) Ltd., Dalton Square, Lancaster. Phone, Lancaster 55. Res. Man., J. Barker. Booked at H.O. by J. Beck. Once nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices 4d. to is. Phone, Great Harwood 42. Station, Great Harwood. GREAT YARMOUTH (Norfolk), Pop. 60,710. Central Cinema, Market Place< — Prop, and Man., G. A. Wilson. Two changes weekly, Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, South Town. Empire Picture Playhouse. — Prop., E. V. Barr, Ltd., i6a, South Quay. Phone 40. ' Res. Man., E. T. Bowles. Booked at H.O., by E. H. Field. Continuous July to Sept. Twice daily Oct. to June. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Yarmouth 479. Station, South Town, L.N.E.R. Films by Norfolk and District Transport, Dansey Yard, Wardour Street, London, W. Gem Theatre, Marine Parade.- — Prop., Barr, Ltd. Res. Man., E. J. Mills. Two shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Great Yarmouth 4/9. Station, Gt. Yarmouth, L.N.E.R. Hippodrome, Marine Parade.- — Prop., T. E. Read and Son. Res. and Booking Man., W. O'Brien. Booked at Hall. Circus and Vaudeville ; pictures occasionally. Prices, 6d. to 3s. Phone, Gt. Yarmouth 214. Stations, Gt. Yarmouth (Southtown, Vaux- hall and Beach), L.N.E.R. Regent.— Prop., Regent Theatre Syndicate. Res. Man., G. F. Allen. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Yarmouth 554. Station, Southtown, L.N.E.R Kmema Directory {England). 347 GRIFFITHSTOWN (Monmouth), Pop. 5,036. Palace.- — Prop., Griffithstown Palace Co., Ltd. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Griffiths- town, G.W.R. GRSSVi ETHORPE (near Barnsley) (Yorks), Pop. 4,000. Empire Palace. — Prop., Grimethorpe Empire Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., W. TL Nicholson. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices 46.. to gd. Station, Cudworth, L.M.S. GUERNSEY (Channel Islands), Pop. 40,121. Empire Electric Theatre, South Quay. — Prop, and Res. Man., T. A. Bourregeois, South Quay. Phone, 4420. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 5M. and 8d. Station, Southampton, S.R., and Weymr.uth, G.W.R. Lyric Hall, New Street, St. Peter Port. — Prop.,E. Grison. One show nightly. Sunday at 8p.m. Mats., Thurs. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R., and Southamp- ton, S.R. People's Picture PALACE,St. Julian's Avenue. — Lessee and Man., W. H. Bartlett. Asst. Man., J. G. Tippet t. One show nightly. Prices, 4 id. to nd. Station, Guernsey, G.W.R. Sr. Julian's Theatre. — Prop., Jersey and Guernsey Amusements Co., Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., J. Kerr. One show nightly. Prices, yd. to 2s. Station, Guernsey via Weymouth, St. Peter Port. St. Sampson Picture Palace, South Side, St. Sampson. — Prop., C. H. Cross, The Clarence, Guernsey. Res. Man., Mr. Mal- lamby. Booked at H.O., by Prop. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Guernsey, G.W.R. GUILDFORD (Surrey), Pop. 24,927. Central Picture Theatre., Onslow Street.— Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, Sd.tois. 3d. Phone, Guildford 368. Station, Guildford, S.R. Cinema, Woodbridge Road. — Prop., Guildford Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., Frederick Renad. Continuous. Phone, Guildford 1234. Station, Guildford, S.R. Picture Playhouse, High Street. — Prop., Guildford Picture Playhouse and Winter Gardens, Ltd. Res. Man., Richaid H. Eggleton. Continuous. Prices, cd. to 2s. 4d. Boxes, 10s. Cd. Phone, Guildfoid 50. Station. Guildfoid, S.R. GUISBOROUGH (Yorks), Pop. 7,105. Empire. — -Prop., Guisborough Empire Pictures Co., Ltd. Booked at Hippodrome, Middles- brough, by Thos. Thompson. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Guisborough, L.N.E.R. GUISELEY (Yorks), Pop. 5,353. Picture Palace, Otley Road.— Prop., Guiseley Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. V. E. Gill. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Guiseley, L.M.S. HaDFIELD (Derbyshire). Pop. 6,730. Picturedrome, Bank Street. — Prop., Hadfield Picturedrome Co. Res. and Booking Man., Michael J. McGee. Once nightly, twice Sat. Station, Hadfield, L.N.E.R. HADLEIGH (Suffolk), Pop. 3,500. Cinema, High Street. — Lessee, Stephen Slinger, Tivoli, Clacton. Phone, Clacton 300. Res. Man., L. C. Rogers. Booked at Clacton Tivoli. Continuous. Prices, Cd. to is. 3d. Station, Hadleigh, L.N.E.R. HA1LSHAM (Sussex), Pop. 4,604. Pavilion Cinema, George Street. — Props., Shipman and King, 24, Charing Cross Mans., London, W.C.2. Phone, Regent 3269. Res. Man., J. Rigelsford. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Hailsham, S.R. HALESWORTH (Suffolk), Pop. 2,059. Cinema. — -Prop., Miss M. Hipperson. Booked at Cinema, Be:cles, by Mrs. C. C. Hipperson. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Halesworth, L.N.E.R. Picture Palace, Corn Hall.— Prop., C. R. Punchard, 39, London Road. Booked at H.O. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Halesworth 2. Station, Halesworth, L.N.E.R. HALIFAX (Yorks), Pop. 93,129. Alhambra, St. James' Road.- — Prop., Halifax Friendly and Trades' Club. Res. Man., Lewis T. Wormald. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 8d., is. Phone, Halifax 979. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. Cosy Corner Cinema, Queen's Road.— Res. Man., E. Upton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Halifax '265. Station, Halifax Old Station, L.M.S. Electric Theatre, Commercial Street. — Prors., National Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., G. W. Ridler. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to rs. Phone, Halifax 1626. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. Gem Picture House, Crossley Street. — -Prop., A. C. E. Greene. Res. Man., H. Rawlinson. Two shows daily. Three Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. and 5d. Phone, Halifax, 1414. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. Kingston Picturedrome, .Queen's Road, King's Cross. Prop., Mark Barker. Gen. Man., L. Priestley. Res. Man., S. Barker. Booked at Hall. Continuous, two shows Sat. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. Palladium, King Cross. — Prop., Palladium Pictures. Halifax, Ltd. Res. Man., Thos. Job. Bookings at Hall. Two changes weekly. Con- tinuous. Phone, Halifax 1538. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. Picturedrome, King Cross.- — Prop., Crowe and Barker. Res. Man., Albert Crowe. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Halifax 1430. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. Picture House, Ward's End. — Prop., Provin- cial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., R. T. Elsmore. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Halifax 1489. Station, Halifax, L.M.S, 348 The Kinematograph Year Book. Theatre de Luxe, Northgate. — Prop., York- shire Enterprises, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Lloyd Smith. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Halifax 1018. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. Victoria Hall, "Ward's End. — Prop, and Res. Man., A. C. E. Greene. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Halifax 221. Station, Halifax, L.M.S. HALSTEAD (Essex), Pop. 5,916. Colne Valley Cinema. — -Prop., R. Tozer and S. E. Linsell. Res. Man., A. E. Randall. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Halstead, L.N.E.R. Empire.— Prop., R. Tozer and S. Linsell. Res. Man., A. E. Randall. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Halstead, L.N.E.R. HAMPTON (Middlesex), Pop. 10,677. Palaceum. — Prop, and Man., A. H. Blackman. Booked at Picture House, Teddington. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Molesey 476. Station, Hampton, S.R. HAN LEY (Staffs), Pop. 66,255. Capitol Theatre, New Street. Prop., James Grant, Ash Hall, Werrington, Stoke-on-Trent. Gen. and Booking Man., W. J. Wright. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Hanley 1977. Station, Hanley, L.M.S. Empire, Piccadilly. — Prop., National Provincial Circuit, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Barrington. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Hanley 1356. Station, Hanley, L.M.S. Imperial Picture Palace, Glass Street. — Prop., Imperial Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. Mans., A. C. Salt and J. Hughes. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Hanley, L.M.S. Tivoli Picture Palace, Old Hall Street. — Prop, and Res. Man. , Alan Eyre. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station, Hanley, L.M.S. HARBORNE (Staffs), Pop. 14,876. Picture House, Serpentine Road.— Prop., Record Cinema Circuit, Ltd. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Four mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 8d. and is. Phone, Edgbaston 1281. Station, Harborne, L.M.S. HARPENDEN (Herts), Pop. 6,738. Victoria Theatre, Leyton Road. — Prop., Capt. F. Webb. Res. Man., J. S. Dyball. Booked by Prop. Continuous. Two mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Harpenden 121. Station, Harpenden, L.M.S. or by Road Transport. HARROGATE (Yorks), Pop. 38,938. Central Cinema, Oxford Street, and Beulah Street. — Prop., Central Cinema (Harrogate), Ltd. Gen. Man., John T. Grange. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Harrogate 357. Station, Harrogate, L.N.E.R. Empire.— Prop., J as. Holden & Son. Res. Man., T. C. Holden. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Twice Sat. Pictures and variety. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Harrogate 589. Station, Harrogate, L.N.E.R. Palace Theatre, Skipton Road. — Prop. and Booking Man., John T. Grange. Booked at Central Cinema, Harrogate. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone. Harro- gate 2188. Station, Harrogate, L.N.E.R. Royal Hall. — Prop., Harrogate Corporation. Gen. Man., John E. Wilshere. Booked at Hall. Twice daily (winter months). Phone, Harrogate 49. Station, Harrogate, L.N.E.R. Scala, Cambridge Street. — Prop., New Century Pictures, Ltd. (Leeds). Res. Man., R. H. Callam. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. 4d. Private Boxes, 5s. Phone, Harrogate 1325. Station, Harrogate, L.N.E.R. St. James Picture House. — Prop, and Man.> Francis D. Sunderland. Booked at Hall- Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Harrogate 958'. HARROW (Mddx), Pop. 19,468. Coliseum, Station Road. — Props., Mr. and Mrs. Marcus. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 3s. 6d. Phone, Harrow 266. Station, Harrow, Met. R. Harrow Cinema, Station Road. — Props., Mr. and Mrs. Marcus. Open Saturdays only. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Harrow 266. Station, Harrow, Met. R. HARTLEY WINTNEY (Hants). Victoria Cinema. — Prop., Stanley A. Gough. Res. Man., Edgar Raddon. One show on Mon., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Winchfield, S.R. HARWICH (Essex), Pop. 13,036. Electric Palace. — Prop., Francis Bertram- Booked at 52, Wellesley Road, Colchester. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Harwich, L.N.E.R. HASLEMERE (Surrey), Pop. 3,865. Cinema, Wey Hill. — Prop., Haslemere Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Walter C.Bass. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Haslemere, S.R. The Empire.— Prop. , Haslemere Cinema Co., Ltd., Wey Hill. Res. and Booking Man., Walter C. Bass. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Haslemere, S.R. HASLINGDEN (Lancs), Pop. 17,485. Empire Cinema, Deardengate.' — Prop., Palace and Empire Cinemas (Haslingden), Ltd. Man. Dir., J. Lambert. Gen. Man., D. E. Pickup. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Rossendale 269. Station, Haslingden, Palace, Deardengate. — Prop., Palace and Em- pire Cinemas (Haslingden), Ltd., Deardengate. Man. Dir., Jas. Lambert. Gen. Man., D. E. Pickup. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Rossendale 269. Station, Haslingden, L.M.S. HASTINGS (Sussex), Pop. 66,496. Central Picture Theatre, Station Road. — Prop., W. F. Pettie and H. Hobbs, Picture Empire, 58, Camberwell Road, London, S.E.5. Phone, Hop 2834. Res. Man., P. A. Lock. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Hastings, S.R, Kinema Directory {England). 349 Cinema de Luxe, Pelham Place . — Res. Man., Arthur C. Bartlett. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Hastings 903. Station, Hastings, S.R. Public Hall Cinema. — Props, and Res. Mans., Adams and Watt. Booked at hall. Contin- uous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to ts. 3d. Phone, Hastings 832. Station, Hastings, S.R. HASWELL (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,860. Palace. — Prop., Robert Johnson, n, Park Place E., Sunderland. Res. Man., Wffi. Johnson. Booked by Proprietor. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Haswell, L.N.E.R. HATFIELD (Herts), Pop. 4,000. Picture House (Public Hall). — Man., Arthur Guest, The Kinema, Welwyn Garden City. Shows Mon. and Fri. Station, Hatfield. HAVANT (Hants), Pop. 4,405. Empire. — Prop. , Southern Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Man., J. L. C. Walker, Khor Khandak, Beechworth Road, Havant. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Havant 179. Station, Havant, S.R. HAVERHILL (Suffolk), Pop. 4,083. Empire Cinema. — Prop., H. Hubbert. Res. Man., E. Leverett. Booked at Hall. One show Monday to Friday. Continuous Sats. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Haverhill 45. Station, Haverhill, L.N.E.R. HAVERTON HILL (Co. Durham), Pop. 6,000. The Cinema. — Prop., Tees Entertainments, Ltd. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Haverton Hill, L.N.E.R. HAWKHURST (Kent), Pop. 3,123. Victoria Hall. — Prop, and Man., F. W. Malpass. Res. Man., H. Barham. Occasional shows. Station, Hawkhurst, S.R. HAWORTH (Yorks), Pop. 6,605. Bronte Cinema, Victoria Road. — Prop., Bronte Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., A. W. Moore. Once nightly. Prices, 2-|d. to 8d. Station, Haworth, L.M.S. Hippodrome, Belle Isle Road. — Prop., Haworth, Hippodrome, Ltd., Old Bank Chambers, Keighley. Phone, Keighley 164. Res. Man. M. P. Cryer. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 2jd. to 6d. Station, Haworth. HAYCOCK (Lancs), Pop. 10,333. Picturedrome, Clipsley Lane.— Lessee and Man., Percy A. I. Tonge. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Haydock, L.N.E.R. HAYLE (Cornwall), Pop. 1,026. Copperhouse Cinema. — Prop., Wilkinson Jones. Res. Man., R. C. Tozer. Booked at Gaiety de Luxe, Newlyn, by Prop. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Hayle, G. W.R. Palace Picture House. — Prop., and Res. Man., H. L. Pool. Booked at Hall. Nightly at 7.30. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Hayle, G.W.R. HAYLING ISLAND (Hants), Pop. 1,840. Cinema. — Prop., P. J. Brown. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Hayling 66. Station, Hayling Island, S.R. HAYWARDS HEATH (Sussex), Pop. 5,090. Heath Theatre, Broadway. — Prop. J. Van Koert, Res. Man., Mrs. L. F. Clarke. Booked at Arcadia Cinema, Lewes Road, Brighton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Hay wards Heath 64. Station, Hay ward's Heath, S.R. HAZEL GROVE (Cheshire), Pop. 9,631. Grove Cinema, Commercial Road.- — Prop., and Man., Thorne and Marples. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Hazel Grove, L.M.S. HEANOR (Derby), Pop. 21,438. Cosy Cinema, Market Place. — Prop., Heanor Picture House, Ltd. Man., W. Watson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Heanor, L.M.S. Empire Theatre.— Prop., Midland Empire Theatres, Ltd., Victoria Street, South Nor- manton. Phone, No. 1. Res. Man. and Licensee, Harold Milburn. Booked at H.O. by J. Pollard. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Langley Mill 169. Station, Heanor or Langley Mill, L.M.S. HEATH (Derby), Pop. 2,132. Holmewood Picture Palace. — Prop., Holme- wood Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Percy Ballington. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Heath, L.N.E.R. HEATHFIELD (Sussex), Pop. 3,155. Picture House, High Street. — Prop., C. B. Ryder and Co., Ltd. Booked at H.O., High Street. Once nightly, except Lues, and Fri. Mat., Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Heathfield Tower 27. Station, Heathfield, S.R. HEBBURN (Co. Durham), Pop. 24,171. Gem. — Prop., Gem Theatres, Ltd. Man., J. Oliver. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Two changes weekly. Phone, Hebburn 37. Station, Hebburn, L.N.E.R. HUNDRED PER ATTRACTION, CENT. LYA DE PUTTI," THE THE STROLLING PLAYERS," (By arrangement with Mr. Louis London ) Exploitation Rights for United Kingdom and Ireland controlled by FAMOUS FILMS (LONDON), Cha5r.^ncmr^ rs3aedetw.c.2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Telegrams: M or film i West cent. 350 The Kinematograph Year Book. Theatre Royal. — Prop., J. H. Dawe. Gen. Man., S. Dawe. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Hebburn 79- Station, Hebburn-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. HEBDEN BRIDGE (Yorks), Pop. 6,459. Co-operative Hall Pictures, Crown Street. — Prop., S. and G. A. Greenwood. Man., S. Greenwood. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mon. to Fri. ; two shows and mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Hebden Bridge 167. Station, Hebden Bridge, L.M.S. Picture House, New Road. — Prop., Thistle- holme Estate Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Geo. A. Greenwood. Once nightly. Twice Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. HECKMONDWIXE (Yorks), Pop.14,000. Pavilion. — Prop., West Riding Picture Pavilion Co., Ltd. Station, Heckmondwike, L.M.S. Picture Palace. Croft Street.- -Prop., Good- alls Pictures, Ltd., Albion Street, Cleck- heaton. Phone, Cleckheaton 224. Res. Man., K. L. Gardner. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Mats., Mon., Tues. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Heckmondwike 186. Station, Heckmond- wike, L.M.S. HEDNESFORD (Staffs), Pop. 5,149. Electric Palace.— Prop, and Res. Man., Roland Barton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Hednes- ford, L.M.S. Picture House, Rugeley Road. — Prop., Para- mount Picture Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Arthur Williams. Booked at H.O., Cannock, by Frank Williams. Continuous. Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Cannock 141. HELSTON (Cornwall), Pop. 2,616. Cinema, Menage Street. — Lessee and Man., A. Corrison. Films booked at 19, The Crescent, Truro. One show nightly, two Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Helston 53. Station, Helston, G.W.R. HEM EL HEMPSTEAD. (Herts), Pop. 20,000. Aero Kinema, Marlowes. — Props., Nicholls and Coles. Res. and Bkg. Man., R. Lillford- Delph. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Boxmoor 36. Station, Boxmoor, L.M.S. Memorial Hall, Apsley End. — Occasional shows. Booked at Hall. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Boxmoor, L.M.S. Princess Picture Theatre. — Prop., Capt. Fred Webb. Res. Man., Larry H. Webb. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Boxmoor. L.M.S. HEMSWORTH (Yorks), Pop. 11,235. Picture House. — -Prop., Hemsworth Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., R. Burns. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Hemsworth, L.N.E.R. HENLEY-ON-THAMES (Oxford), Pop. 6,841. Palace Cinema, 33, Bell Street. — Props., Williams and Pritchard. Man., Gordon Williams. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Henley 244. Station, Henley-on-Thames, G.W.R. Films by Thames Motor Transport, HENLOW (Beds ), Pop. 913. Electric Cinema, R.A.F. Depot. HEREFORD (Herefordshire), Pop. 23,324 Garrick Theatre.— Prop., R. A. Maddox. Res. Man., W. Riley. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Hereford 1186. Station, Barrs Court, G.W.R. Kemble Theatre. — Props., The Trustees and Committee of the Hereford Corn Exchange and Kemble Theatre. Res. Man., B. Dade. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Phone, . Hereford 2665. Station, Hereford, G.W.R. Palladium.— Prop., Palladium (Hereford), Ltd. Southlands, Stroud Road, Gloucester. Phone, Gloucester 1112. Res. Man., L. W. Corey. Booked by Milson T. Orchard, Dir. and Sec, at Hall and Gloucester. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Hereford 1092. Station, Hereford, G.W.R. The Pavilion, St. Owen Street.— Prop., R. A. Maddox. Phone, Hereford 1054. Res. Man., W. Riley. Booked at Hall, by Res. Man. Twice nightlv, with Mat., Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Hereford, G.W.R. HERNE BAY (Kent), Pop. 11,872. Casino.— Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Heme Bav 114. Station, Heme Bay, S.R. Red Lantern, High Street.— Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Heme Bay, 44, Station, Heme Bay, S.R. HERTFORD (Herts), Pop. 10,712. Castle Cinema, The Wash. — Res. Man., Ernest J. Carpenter. Booked at Hall bv E. J. Carpenter. Continuous. Prices 6d. to 2s. Phone, Hertford 141. Station, Hertford (North or East), L.N.E.R., or Motor Transport. HESSLE (Yorks), Pop. 6,107. Star Picture Palace.— Prop, and Res. Man., T. S. Robinson. Booked at Hall. 0:\e show nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Hessle, L.N.E.R. KESWALL (Cheshire) King's Hall. — Prop., John Pye, The Garage, Heswall. Man., J. Storey. Booked at H.O., Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Heswall 108. Station, Heswall, L.M.S. (via Hooton or Chester). HETTON-LE-HOLE (Co. Durham), Pop. 17,284. Pavilion Theatre, Richard Street. — Prop. R. Barton and Sons. Res. Man., J. W. Barton. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Hetton- le-Hole 20. Station, Hetton, L.N.E.R. HEXHAM (Northumb ), Pop. 8,849. Gem Palace, Market Place. — Prop., Hexham Entertainments Co., Ltd., Queen's Hall, Hexham. Phone, 213. Res. Man., Norman Alyson. Booked at H.O. by Tom H. Scott. Two shows nightly. Four changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Hexham 21^. Station, Hexham, L.N.E.R. Rinema Directory [England). 35* Queen's Hall, Beaumont Street. — Prop., Hexham Entertainments Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., Tom H. Scott. Gen. Man., Norman Alyson. Booked by Tom H. Scott. Twice nightly. Four changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Hexham 213. Station, Hexham, L.N.E.R. HEYWOOD (Lancs), Pop. 26,691. Empire Cinema, Wood Street.- — Prop., Empire Cinema. Res. Man., Albert "Wilkinson. Con- tinuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Hey- wood, L.M.S. Gem Picture House, Market Street. — Prop., Gem Picture House Co. (Heywood), Ltd. Man., Percy Taylor. One show nightly. Two Sat. Mat. daily except Thurs. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Heywood, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Market Street. — Prop., C. Littler, 16, Hazel Avenue, Whalley Range, Manchester. Phone, Chorlton 868. Con- tinuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Heywood 80. Station, Heywood. HIGHB RIDGE (Somerset), Pop. 2,478. Picture House, Church Street. Prop., High- bridge Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., F. Wheeler. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Highbridge, G.W.R. HIGH SFEN (Co. Durham), Pop. 4,000. Palace, Front Street. — Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Phone, Central 5104. Booked at H.O. , by Sol Sheckman, Man. Dir. Res. Man., Stanley Dunn. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Rowlands Gill, L.N.E.R. HIGH WESTWOOD (Co. Durham), Pop. 3,000. Britannia Picture Palace, Yewdale Street. — Prop., Pegswood Picture Theatre Co. One show nightly, two on Saturday. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 5d. Station, High Westwood, L.N.E.R. HIGH WYCOMBE (Bucks), Pop. 21,950. Electroscope, Oxford Streets — Prop., "Wy- combe Electroscope Co., Ltd. Gen. and Res. Man , A. J. Squires. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, High Wycombe 40. Station, High Wycombe, G.W.R. Grand Cinema, Desborough Road.- — Lessee, C. Longthorn. Res. Man., H. G. Longthorn. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, $d. to is. 6d. Phone, Wycombe 145. Station, High Wy- combe, G.W.R. (Transport). Palace Cinema, Frogmore. — Prop., High Wycombe Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man. Hedley W. Weaver. Booked by Edward Boultbee at Palace, High Street, Slough. Nightly. Prices, 2|d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, High Wycombe 341. Station, High Wycombe, G.W.R. Fiims by Motor Transport, Dancey Yard, W.i. HINCKLEY (Leicester), Pop. 13,310. Borough Theatre Hinckley Theatre. — Prop., Hinckley and Dursley Theatres, Ltd. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, =jd. to is. Phcne, Hinckley 97. Station Hinckley, L.M.S. Palladium.— Prop., Hinckley and Dursley Theatres, Ltd. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to iod. Phone, Hinckley 85. Sta- tion, Hinckley, L.M.S. HINDLEY (Lancs), Pop. 23,574. Castle Pictures. — -Prop, and Res. Man., F. E. Thwaites. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Price 4d. Station, Hindley, L.M.S. , Palace. — Prop., Wigan Entertainments, Ltd. Man., Miss Sequitos. Booked by F. Wors- wick. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to od. Station, Hindley, L.M.S. Victoria Hall. — Prop and Res. Man., F. E. Thwaites. Nine shows weekly. 'Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Station, Hindley, L.M.S. HITCHIN (Herts), Pop. 13,535. Blake's Theatre, Ickleford Road. — -Props., Hitchin Amusements Co. Man. Dir., W. N. Blake, The Empire, Bedford. Res. Man. W. Rolston. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Hitchin 179. Station, Hitchin, L.N.E.R. Playhouse, Market Square. — Props., Hitchin Amusements Co. Man. Dir., W. N. Blake, The Empire, Bedford. Res. Man., G. Parker. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 2s. Phone, Hitchin 179. Station, Hitchin, L.N.E.R. HODDESDON (Herts ), Pop. 5,410. The Cinema, Burford Street. — Props., Shipman & King, 24, Charing Cross Mansions, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2. Phone, Regent 3269. Res. Man., Aubrey L. Bustin. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Broxbourne or Rye House, L.N.E.R. HOLBEACH (Lincs), Pop. 2,340. Holbeach Cinema, Park Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., H. S. Ramsdale. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mon., Tues. and Fri. Continuous Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Holbeach, L.M.S. HOLLINWOOD (Lancs), Pop. 10,745. Queen's Picture Theatre, Hudson Street.— Prop., Hollinwood Cinema Co., Ltd., 4, Ex- change Buildings, 6, St. Mary's Gate, Man- chester. Phone, City 1968. Res. Man., Harold Smith. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Failsworth 147. Station. Hollinwood. HOLMFIRTH (Yorks ), Pop. 10,444. Valley Theatre. — Prop., Valley Picture Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Frank Elles- mere. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Mat., Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Holmfirth 50. Station, Holmfirth, L.M.S. HOLSWORTHY (Devon), Pop. 1,417. Market Hall Cinema, The Square.— Props., Bennett and Sillifant. Man., Jno. Sillifant. Booked at fHall. Three nights weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 3d. Station, Hols worthy, S.R. 352 The Kinematograph Year Book. HONITON (Devon), Pop. 3,090. Cinema, High Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., H. R. Harris. Booked at Central Cafe. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Honiton, S.R, HONLEY (Yorks), Pop. 4,700. Palladium, Eastgate.- — -Prop., Honley Palla- dium, Ltd. Res. Man., G. H. Brown. Booked by Mr. Earnshaw, Princess, Huddersfield. One show nightly. Two Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is.' Station, Honley, L.M.S. HOOLEY HILL (nr. Manchester (Lancs.) Stamford Picture House.— Prop., Merry- weather and Cramer. HORBURY (Yorks.), Pop. 7,830. Co-operative Hall Cinema. KORDEN (Co. Durham), Pop. 12,000. Empress Theatre. — Prop., Horden Electric Theatre, Ltd. Gen. Man., J. H. Tindle. Res. Man., Jack Bocca. One show Tues., Wed., Fri. and Sun., two Mon., Thurs., and Sat. Three changes weekly. Station, Horden, be- tween West Hartlepool and Sunderland. L.N.E.R. Theatre de Luxe. — Prop., Horden Workmen's Social Club. Res. Man., W. Tindle. Two shows Mon., Thurs. and Sat. One rest of week. Prices, 3d. and 5d. Films by Road Transport. HORLEY (Surrey), Pop. 6,098. New Pavilion, Massetts Road. — Prop., Ship- man and King, 24, Charing Cross Mansions, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Phone, Regent 3269. Res. Man., C. Etheridge. Booked at H.O. Charing Cross Mansions. One show nightly, two Sat. Mat., Wed. and Sat at 2.30. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Horley 306. Station, Horley, S.R. HORNCASTLE (Lincs ), Pop. 3,461. Victory Cinema, High Street.— Prop, and Res. Man., P. W. Teed. One show nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 4d., 8d. and is. 2d. Station, Horncastle, L.N.E.R. HORNCHURCH (Essex), Pop. 2,461. Cinema, Station Lane.— Prop., F. S. Matthes, Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Hornchurch, L.M.S. HORNSEA (Yorks), Pop. 4,278. Star Future Theatre, Newbegin. — Prop., Hornsea Amusements, Ltd. Res. Man., Harold Bennett. Booked at Cecil Picture Theatre, Hull, by B. Evans. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Hornsea P.O. 136. Station, Hornsea, L.N.E.R. HORSHAM (Sussex), Pop. 11,413. Capitol Theatre, London Road. — Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, 247. Station, Horsham, S.R. Carfax Cinema.— Prop, and Man., Bingham Bros. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Horsham. S.R. Central Picture Theatre, NoUhSt eet. HORW1CH (Lancs), Pop. 15,616. Palace, Church Street.— Prop., Palace (Hor- wich), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., S. Ingham. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Horwich, L.M.S. Picture House, Chorley New Road. — Prop., Horwich Picture House, Ltd. Res,, and Booking Man., Leonard Rimmer. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Horwich 158. Station, Horwich, L.M.S. Princes Theatre and Cinema. — Prop., Central Billiard Halls (Burnley) Ltd., 263, Padiham Road, Burnley. Phone, Burnley 310. Res. Man., Sam Marsden. Booked by Joe Bradley at Empress Cinema, Burnley. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Horwich 13. Station, Horwich, L.M.S. HOUGHTON-LE-SPR5NG (Co. Durham), Pop. 10,205. Empire.— Prop., Empire Entertainment Co Res. Man., Robert Wheatley. One show nightly, two on Sat. Station, Houghton-le- Spring, L.N.E.R. New Gaiety Theatre. — Prop., J. Ainsley. Res. Man., R. Ainsley. One show nightly. One change weekly. Prices, 4d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Houghton-le-Spring 43. Station, Fencehouse, L.N.E.R. HOUNSLOW (Middlesex), Pop. 31,381. Alcazar Picture Theatre. — Prop., J. Tilney, Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices. - 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Hounslow 122. Electric Empire, High Street.— Prop, and Res- Man., T. C. Dorling. Continuous. Mat., Mon. > Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices- 4d., 8d. and is. 2d. Phone, Hounslow 269, Station, Heston, D.R. Regent Picture House, Hanworth Road. — Prop, and Res., Man., W. J. Attack. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Houns- low, S.R., and Slough and District Transport. HOVE (Sussex), Pop. 46,519. Electric Empire, George Street.— Prop. C. Dunesby. Two shows nightly. Two mats. weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Hove, S.R. Empire Cinema. Haddington Street. — Prop., H. Scriven. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Brighton 4414. Station, Hove, S.R. Tivoli Cinema, Western Road. — Prop, and Man., Victor Smart. Booked at St. George's • Cinema, Bexhill. Continuous, 2.30 to 10.30. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone 3194. Station, Brighton, S.R. HOWDEN (Yorks), Pop. 2,000. Shire Hall Cinema.— Three shows weekly. HOYLAKE (Cheshire), Pop. 17,055. Kingsway Picture House, Market Street. — Prop., KingswayPicture House (Hoylake),Ltd., Res. Man., Joseph E. Vernon. Booked at Liverpool by Leslie Greene. Continuous. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. gd. Phone, Hoylake 682. Station, Hoy- lake, L.M.S. Winter Gardens (Leslie Greene Circuit), 7, Elliot Street , Liverpool. — Phone, Royal 538. Res. Man., Joseph E. Vernon. Kinema Directory (England), 353 HOYLAND (Nr. Barnsley, Yorks), Pop. 15*579. Cinema, Market Street. — Prop., Hoyland Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Bert Swain. Booked by E. C. Clayton, 14, Oak Street, Sheffield. Phone. South 822. Continuous. Two changes weekly Prices, 6d. and qd. Phone, Hoyland 19. Sta- tion, Elsecar and Hoyland, L.M.S. Princess Cinema. — -Prop., Princess Picture Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., T. C. Shayler. Booked at Ha'l by J. F. Tidswell. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone Hoyland 45. Stations, Elsecar and Hoyland, L.M.S. Royal Picture Palace, Hoyland Common. — (Closed). HUCKNALL (Notts), Pop. 16,835. Empire, Vine Terrace. — Prop., Pastimes (Huck- nall), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., J as. White. Booked at Hail. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Hucknall, L.M.S. Scala. — Prop., Scala and Globe (Ilkeston), Ltd. Head office, Scala, Kucknall. Res. Man., H. Stevenson. Booked at Hall by W. H. Brooks. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Hucknall, L.M.S. HUDDERSFIELD (Yorks), Pop. 110,102. Cinema Picture House, Longroyd Bridge.— Prop, and Man., George Thompson. Booked at Hall. Contiguous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Empire Picture House, John William Street.— Prop., Max Goldstone, Llmwood Mills, Camp Road, Leeds. Phone, Leeds 26994. Res. Man., J. I. Goldstone. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Huddersfield 1798. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Excelda Picture Palace, Lockwood.— Prop., Lockwood Picture Palace Co., Res. Man., A. K. Bottomley. Booked at H.O. by Mr. Copeland, Picture Palace, Batley. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Hudders- field 544. Station,' Huddersfield, L.M.S. Grand Picture Theatre. — Prop., Hudders- field Picture Theatre Co., Ltd., Manchester Road. Gen. and Booking Man., Harry Heath. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Huddersfield 703. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Lyceum. Moldgreen.— Prop., Lyceum Cinema (Moldgreen), Ltd. Man., Tom Mitchell. Booked at H.O. by J. Jesson, 54, Bradford Road, Hudd. Continuous. Prices, .<(d. to is. 2d. Phone, Hudd. 2101. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Palladium, Birkby. — Prop., Palladium Picture Co. (Birkby), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Morris Davies. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Prices, sd. to is. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Buxton Road.- — Prop., Hum- bert's Pictures, Ltd., 2, Darley Street, Brad- ford. Res. Man., Harry Vernon. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Huddersfield 610. Station. Hudders- field, L.M.S. Picture House, Ramsden Street.— Prop., Northern Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., CI r's Town. Booked at Palace Theatre, Rochdale, Ly F. A. Kay. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Huddersfield 874. Station, Huddersfield. L.M.S. Picture Palace, Mdnsbriiga. Premier Picture Palace. Paddock Head. — Irop., Premier Picture Palace Co. (Paddock Head), Ltd. Res. and Bkg: Man., J. T. Beau- mint. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d, to is. Phone, Huddersfield 2133. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Princess Picture House and Cafe, Northum- berland Street. — Prop., Princess Pictures, Ltd. " Res. Man., A. Earnshaw. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Huddersfield 2235. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Savoy Ficture House, Marsh. — Prop., Savoy Picture House (Huddersfield), Ltd. Res. Man., M. Freedman. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Huddersfield, 1900. Static n, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Star Picture Theatre, Viaduct Street.- — Prop., Huddersfield Star Theatre, Ltd., Man. Dir., H. Delamere. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, 1089. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. Victoria Hall, Buxton Road.— Prop, and Res. Man., Henry Kaye. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Huddersfield, L.M.S. HULL (Yorks), Pop. 300,000. Assembly Rooms. — ■ Boulevard Electric Picture Palace, Boule- vard.— Prop., Boulevard Electric Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Lawrence Maggs. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Central 33869. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Cecil Theatre, Anlaby Road. Prop., Hull Cine- mas, Ltd. Res. Man., Albert H. Rockett. Booked at Hall by Brinley Evans. Con- tinuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phones, Central 5515 and 6048. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Central Picture House, Prospect Street.— Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. H.O., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone Regent 3212. Booked at H.O. Res. Man., Francis G. Williams. Continuous, 2 p.m. till 10.30 and Mats. Two changes weekly. Prices is. to 2s. Phone, Central 2776. Station, Hull, Paragon Street, L.N.E.R. Cleveland Picture House, Cleveland Street. — Prop., Cleveland (Hull) Picture House, Ltd. H.O., 8, Trinity House Lane, Hull. Booked by Res. Man., B. Evans. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 7d. Phone. Central 1825. Station, Wilmington, L.N.E.R. Eureka Picture Hall, Hessle Road.- — Prop., Eureka Picture Hall, Ltd. Res. Man., E. W. Butcher. Booked at H.O. by R. W. Wheeldon. Man. Dir., 230, Boulevard, Hull. Continuous. Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Corporation 1036. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Hessle Road Picture Palace, Hessle Road. — Prop., Hull Picture Playhouse, Ltd. H.O., Parliament Chambers, Quay Street, Hull. Booked at H.O. by Brinley Evans, Cecil Theatre, Hull. Res. Man., 'G. J. Morgan. Continuous. Daily Mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. Phone, 33709. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Holderness Picture Hall, Holderness Road, —Prop., Holderness Hall (Hull), Ltd. H.O., Alexandra Theatre, Hull. Booked at H.O. by W- Morton. Res. Man., Fred G. Sims. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Corporation 33878. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. King's Hall, Fountain Road. — Prop., The Wesleyan Mission, Queen's Hall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull. Telephone Central 1349. Man., M 354 The Kinematograph Year Book. Rev. Noel F. Hutchcroft. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Weekly. Price, 3d. Phone, Central 1712. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Lyric, Anlaby Road. — Res. Man., J. B. Har- greaves. Pictures and Variety. Station Paragon, L.N.E.R. Magnet Picture Palace, West Dock Avenue. — ■ Prop., Hull Picture Playhouse, Ltd. H.O: Parliament Chambers, Quay Street, Hull. Booked at H.O. by Brinley Evans. Res. Man., G. J. Morgan. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Price, 3d. Station, Paragon. Majestic Pictures, George Street. — Prop., Morton's Pictures, Ltd. H.O.. George Street, Booked at H.O. by Tom Bogue. Res. Man., Tom Bosue. Continuous. One run weeklv. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Central 338S4. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Monica Picture House, Newland Avenue. — Prop., Monica Picture House, Ltd. H.O., Newland Avenue. Booked at H.O. by Brinley Evans. Res. Man., Miss E. Jordan. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. National Picture Theatre, Beverley Road. — Prop., Hull Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., and Dir. A. Spinks. Booked at Cecil Picture Theatre, Anlaby Road, Hull, by Briniey Evans. Con- tinuous. Daily mat. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, Central 2975. Station, Paragon. Palace Theatre, Anlaby Road. — Prop., Moss Empires, Ltd. Booked at H.O., Edinburgh. Res. Man., J. Challons. Two shows nightly. One change weekly. Station, Paragon. Picturedrome, Holderness Road. — Prop. Sherburn Pictures (Hull), Ltd. Res. Man. J. P. Waite. Booked at H.O. by W. H. Maggs. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Corporation 2173. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Picture Playhouse, Porter Street. — -Prop., Hull Picture Playhouses. Ltd., Parliament Chambers, Quay Street, Hull. Phoue, Central 6816. Booked at H.O. by Brinley Evans, Res. Man., Fred C. Willson. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Central 33237. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Princes Hall, George Street.— Prop., Morton's Pictures, Ltd George Street, Hull. Booked at H.O. by T. Bogue. Res. Man., T. Morton. Continuous. 2.30 to 10.30. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4c!. to is. Phone, Central 450. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. ^Regent Picture Theatre, Anlaby Road. — Prop., Regent Picture Theatre (Hull), Ltd., Jameson Street, Hull. Central 1351- Res. Man., Carl Whitfield. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, sd. to is. 6d. Phone, Central 4676. Station, Hull (Paragon), L.N.E.R Ri alto Picture Theatre, Beverley Road. — Prop., Northern Combines, Ltd. Registered office, 40, Deansgate Arcade, Manchester. Phone, Central (Hull) 8236. Res. Man., W. W. Lloyd. Booked at Hall by Res. Man. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Central 6623. Station, Paragon (Station Hall), L.N.E.R. Savoy Picture Theatre, Holderness Road.— Prop., Savoy (Hull), Ltd. Res. Man., L. F. Barnett. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 3d. Phone, Central 6562. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Sherburn Picture Hall, Sherburn Street.— Prop., Sherburn Picture Hall, Ltd. Res. Man., Reg. Tomes. Booked at H.O. by R. W. Wheeldon. Continuous. Two changes weekly . Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Central 1793. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Strand Picture Theatre, Beverley Road. — 1 Prop., Beverley Road Picture Theatre (Hull), Ltd. H.O., 23, Anlaby Road, Hull. Booked at H.O. by Brinley Evans. Res. Man., Mr. Cartledge. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, Central 1002. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. Tower Picture Palace, Anlaby Road. — -Prop., The Tower Picture Palace (Hull), Ltd«, Jame- son Chambers, Tameson Street, Hull. Phone Central 1351. Res. Man., J. Watson, A.C.R.A. Booked at H.O. by Robert Freeman. Con- tinuous. Prices, 8d. to 2S. Phone, 100 1. Sla tion. Paragon, L.N.E.R. Waterloo Picture House, Waterloo Street. — Prop., Robinson Hainsworth, S3> Leonard Street, Hull. Res. Man., R. Hainsworth. Booked at Hall by Res. Man. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Hull, L.N.E.R. West Park Picture Theatre, Anlaby Road. — Prop., Hull Picture Playhouses, Ltd. Res. Man.. A. Johnson. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Central 2355. Station, Paragon, L.N.E.R. HUNGERFORD (Berks), Pop. 8,322. Cinema. — Prop, and Man., John S. Collins. Booked at Hall by Leo de Breanski. Once nightly. Price?, 3d. to is. 2d. Station, Hungerford, G.W.R. and Western Films Motor Transport. HUNSTANTON (Norfolk), Pop. 4,282. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop, and Man., L. H. Wells, Northcote House. Booked by Prop. Three shows weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Hunstanton, L.N.E.R. HUNTINGDON (Hunts), Pop. 4,194. Grand Electric Theatre. — Prop., Murkett Bros. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. D. Murkett. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Huntingdon 98. Station, Huntingdon, L.N.E.R. HUTHWAITE (Notts), Pop. 5,479. Cinema, Sutton Road. HYDE (Cheshire), Pop. 33,437. Alexandra Picture Pavilion, Corporation Street.— Prop.', L. Railey. Res. Man., A. H. Hague. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Hyde 19^. Hippodrome, Clarendon Street.— Prop., W. Stansfield. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Pictures and Variety. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d. to is. Phone, Hyde 215. Station, Hvde, L.N.E.R. Queen's Cinema, Manchester Road. — Prop, and Man., S. Myers. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone, Hyde 251. Station, Hyde, L.N.E.R. Scala Picture House, Clarendon Street. — Prop., S. O'Brien and T- H. Davies. Res- Man., S. O'Brien. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two mats. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Hyde 139. Station, Hyde, L.N.E.R. HYTHE (Kent), Pop. 7,764. Hythe Picture Palace. — Prop., Hy the Picture Palace (1913) Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., J. H. Kent. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Hythe, Kent., S.R. Kinema Directory (England). 355 I BSFOCK (Leicester). Pop. 759. Palace Theatre. — Prop., E. P. Whittall, Lyndon Villa, Coventry Road, Bed worth. Res. Man., H. E. Gilliver. Booked. at Bedworth by Prop. One show nightly. Twice Sat. Prices, 5d. to nd. Phone : Ibstock 12. Station, Heather and Ibstock, L.M.S. ILFORD (Essex), Pop. 85,191. Empire Kinema, Ilford Lane. — Prop., S. L. Bernstein. Phone, Ilford 280. Station, Ilford, L.N.E.R. Super Cinema. — Phone, Ilford 0246. Prop. Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd.. New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Man. Dir., W. Evans. Booked at H.O. by A. W. Jarratt. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Station, Ilford, L.N.E.R. ILFRACOMBE (Devon), Pop. 11,779. Empire Cinema, Northfield Road. — -Prop., J. L. Penny, High Street, Ilfracombe. Res. Man., H. P. Smith. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to . is. 3d. Station, Ilfracombe, S.R. Scala Theatre. — Prop. , Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Peter Thane. Booked by P.C.T., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, W.i. Phone Regent 3212. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to 2s. 4CI. Phone, Ilfracombe 52. Station, Ilfracombe, S.R. ILKESTON (Derby), Pop. 32,269. King's Picture House, Bath Street. — Prop., Ilkeston Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., A. S. Brailsford. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Ilkeston 17. Station, Ilkeston, L.M.S. Scala Picture House. — Prop., Scala Theatre Co. Res. Man., A. Severn. "One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Ilkeston, L.M.S. ILK LEY (Yorks.), Pop. 9,105. King's Hall, Station, Road. — llkley Urban District Council. Phone, llkley 155. Station, llkley, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Picture House. — Prop., Picture House (llkley), Ltd. Man., A. Croft. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, llkley, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. ILMINSTER (Somerset), Pop. 2,367. Electric Cinema. — Props., George Gauge and G. H. Montacute. Res. and Bkg. Man., G. H. Montacute. Booked at Silver Street. Once nightly, Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Ilminster, G.W.R. INGLETON (Yorks ), Pop. 1,680. Ingleboro' Picturedrome. — -Prop, and Man. J. T. Marsden. Booked at Hall. One show. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Prices, sd. to is., children 3d. and 5d. Station, Ingleton, L.M.S. IPSWICH (Suffolk), Pop 79,383. Central Cinema, Princes Street. — Prop., Eastern Counties Cinemas, Ltd. H.O., Regent Theatre, Chelmsford. Phone, Chelmsford 94. Res. Man., Gilbert H. Smith. Booked at H. O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Ipswich 2732. Station, Ipswich, L.N.E.R. Hippodrome. — Props., E. H. Bostock and Sons, Ltd., 69, Dalhousie Street, Glasgow. Phone, Douglas 498. Res. Man. , Douglas F. Bostcck. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 3d. Phone, Ipswich 2447. Station, Ipswich, L.N.E.R. Lyceum, Carr Street. — Prop., E. H. Bostock. and Sons, Ltd. Res. Man., Douglas F. Bos- tock. Booked at Hippodrome, Ipswich. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 3d. Phone, Ipswich 290. Station, Ipswich, L.N.E.R. Picture House, 5, Tavern Street. — Prop., British Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Head office, 199, Piccadilly, London, W. Phone, Regent 1390. Res. and Bkg. Man., B. J. Land. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Ipswich 2654. Station, Ipswich, L.N.E.R. Poole's Picture Palace, Tower Street. — • Props., C. W. and J. R. Poole. Res. Man., R.G. Rogers. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Ipswich 2637. Public Hall. — Prop., British Cinematograph Theatres Ltd., 199, Piccadilly, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 1390. Man., B. J. Land. Booked at Picture House. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is, 3d. Phone, Ipswich 2654. IRLAM (Lancs.), Pop. 9,471. Globe Cinema. — Prop., Irlam Cinemas Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Harold Smith. Once nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices 5d. to nd. Phone, Irlam 109. Station, Irlam, C.L.C.R. Palace Cinema, Liverpool Road. Prop., A. W. Pilling. Res. and Booking Man., Warden Newlove. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Three shows Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Irlam 49. Station, Irlam, C.L.C.R. IRLAWIS 0' THE HEIGHTS (Lancs.) Olympia Picture House. — Props., Suburban Picture Theatres, 41, Corporation Street. Manchester. Res. Man., Ernest Hough. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone, Pendleton 20. Station, Manchester, L.M.S. IRTHLINGBOROUGH (Northants), Pep. 4,809. Picture House. — Prop., Irthlingborough Thea- tre Syn., 3a, Silver Street, Wellingborough. Phone, 230. Man. Dir., A. T. Watts. Res. Man., F. R. Cobb. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Continuous Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Irthling- borough, L.M.S. IVYBRIDGE (Devon), Fop. 1,574. Cinedrome. — Prop, and Man., H. A. Parkes. Booked at H.O., Cinedrome, Plympton. Shows Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Ivybridge, G.W.R. JaCKSDALE (Notts ), Pop. 6,003. Picture Palace, Selston Road. — Prop., Jacks- dale Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Sec, G. Weston, Middlewook, Jacksdale. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Station, Codnor Park, L.N.E.R. JARROW-ON-TYNE (Co. Durham), Pop. 35,590. Empire, Union Street. — Prop., J. H. Dawe. Gen. Man., S. Dawe. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Jarrow 82. Station, Jarrow, L.N.E.R. Kino, Grange Road. — Prop., Jarrow Kino Ltd. Res. Man., F. W. Johnson. Two shows nightlv. Phone, Jarrow in. Station, Jarrow, L.N.E.R. 356 The Kinematograph Year Book. Picture House, North Street. — Prop., John Weddle and Co., Ltd. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Jarrow 83. Station, Jarrow, L.N.E.R. Theatre Royal, Market Square. JERSEY (Channel Islands), Pop. 49,500. Ai.hambra. — Prop., Jersey and Guernsey Amuse- ments Co., Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Jersey 165. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R., and Southampton, S.R. Opera House. — Prop., Jersey and Guernsey Amusements Co., Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., Fred Benton. Booked at H.O. Occasional Pictures. Phone, Jersey 477. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R., Southampton, S.R. Picture House, Don Street. — Prop., Jersey and Guernsey Amusements Co., Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, - W.i. Phoae, Regent 3212. Res. Man., T. J. Dyson. Booked at H.O. Continuous from 2.45. Prices, od. to 3s. Phone, Jersey 764. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R. Royal Hall, Peter Street. St. Helier.— Prop., West's Pictures (Tersey), Ltd. Res. Man., E. Clarence Boielle. Booked by H. Hyman, 19, Gloucester Road, Finsbury Park, N.4. Continuous, daily mat. Prices, 7d. to 2s. 6d. Phone, Jersey 487. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R., Southampton, S.R. KeIGHLEY (Yorks.), Pop. 41,942. Cosy Corner Picture House, Low Street.— Props. , J. Holmes (phone. Idle 185), and M.P. , Cryer (phone, Keighley 164). Res. Man., C. Ackroyd. Booked at Hall by J. Holmes. Three shows daily. Prices, 2^d. to 6d. Sat., 3d. to 8d. Phone, Keighley 526. Station, Keighley, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Market Cinema, Market Street.— Prop., Market Cinema Co., Ltd., Keighley. Res. Man., Tom Walshaw. Booked by C. W. Last. Southstoke, Talbot Road, Leeds. 'Twice nightly. Mat.. Sat. Prices, 2 id. to 6d. Station, Keighley, L.M.S. Oxford Hall, Oakworth Road.— Prop., Oxford. Hall (Keighley), Ltd. Res. Man., L. Phillips. Booked by L. Phillips, Hustlergate, Bradford. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Keighley, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Palace, Cavendish Street. — Prop., Keighley Palace, Ltd. Sec, M. P. Cryer. Phone 164. Res. and Booking Man., C. B. Hird. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Four Mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2^d. to6d. Sats. 3d. to 8d. Phone. Keighley 251. Station, Keighley, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Picture Hous •: Skipton Road.— Prop., Picture House (Keighley), Ltd. Booked at H.O., Keighlev. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly.' Prices, 5d. and 8d. Sats. 8d. to is., Phone, Keighley 561. Station, Keighley. Regext Picture House, North Street. — Prop. Keighlev Regent Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., C. Foulds. Booked by Joseph L. Holmes, Parkside, Eccleshill, Bradford. Three shows daily. Prices, =sd. and 8d. Sats., Sd. and is. Phone, Keighley 660. Station, Keighley. KEGWORTH (Leicester). Pop. 2,225. County Cinema. — Prop. , County Cinema Enter- prises, Kegworth. Res and Booking Man., Reg. G. Eley. One show Mon., Wed. and Thurs., two on Sat. Prices, 4|d. to nd. Station, Kegworth, L.M.S. KENDAL (Westmorland), Pop. 14,149. Kinema, Sandes Avenue. — Prop. , Picture House (Kendal), Ltd. , North John Street, Liverpool. Res. Man., J. A. Bardsley, B.Sc. Booked at Hall. Continuous except Sat. (Three shows). Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Kendal 411. Station, Kendal, L.M.S. S. George's. — Prop., S. George's Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. W. Butler. One show nightly. Continuous. Wed., Sat. two. One Mat. weekly. Two changes weekly. Phone Kendal 57. Station, Kendal, L.M.S. KENILWORTH (Warwick), Pop. 6,752. Picture House, Station Road. — -Props., The Kenilworth Picture House, Ltd. Man. Dir., A. S. Read. Man., R. E. Wild. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir., Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone,. Kenilworth 108. Station, Kenilworth, L.M.S. KESWICK (Cumb ), Pop. 4,400. Alhambra Picture Theatre, St. John Street.— Prop., Keswick Alhambra Theatre Co., Ltd, Res. and Booking Man. , J. H.Wilson. Booked at Hall. One show Mon. to Fri., two shows and Mat. on Saturdays. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Keswick, L.M.S. KETTERING (Northants.), Pop. 29,692. Coliseum, Russell Street. — Prop., Thompson Bros. Res. Man., A. Thompson. Two shows, nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Kettering 278. Station, Kettering, L.M.S. Electric Pavilion, High Street. — -Prop., Hut- ton and Shapeero. Res. Man., J. B. Taylor. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Kettering, L.M.S. Empire Cinema, Montagu Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., T. H. Bamford. Booked at Hall Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Kettering, L.M.S. Victoria Picture House, Gold Street. — Prop., Victoria Playhouses (Kettering), Ltd. Gen. Man., Arthur H. Needham. Booked at HalL Continuous. Phone, Kettering 365. Station, Kettering, L.M.S. KIDDERMINSTER (Worc), Pop. 27,122. Empire (Pictures and Variety).- — Prop., Em- pire Picture House (Kidderminster), Ltd. Horse Fair, ' Kidderminster. Res. and Booking Man., H. W. C. Robbins. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Kidderminster 314. Station, Kidder- minster, G.W.R. Grand Playhouse, Mill Street. — Prop., B. P. Priest. Res. Man., R. C. Gudgeon. Booked at Hall by G. Smith. Continuous. Variety and Pictures. Prices, sd. to is. 7d. Phone, Cradley 161. Station, Kidderminster, G.W.R. Opera House. — Man. Dir.. Sir Arthur Carlton, " Colehurst," Worcester. Phone, Worcester 393. Res. Man., A. W. Thompson. Booked by Man. Dir. Once and twice nightly. Prices, 6d. to 4s. 3d. Phone, Kidderminster 255. Station, Kidderminster, G.W.R. Picture House, Vicar Street. — Prop.. Midland Counties Circuit, Ltd., 513, Salisbury House, London Wall. London, E.C.2. Phone, London Wall 2841. Res. Man., A. E. Weeks. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Mat. daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Kidder- minster 105. Station, Kidderminster. G.W.R. Kinema Directory (England). 357 KIDSGROVE (Staffs ), Pop. 9,491. Valuntine Cinema, Liverpool Road. — Prop., Kidsgrove Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man.. E. W. Hollies. Booked at Hall by Sec. and two Directors. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Harecastle, L. M.S. KILLAMARSH (Derby), Pop. 4,544. Empire Kinema. — Prop., J. Steeples, Empire Super Kinema, Rotherham. Phone 402. Gen. Man., and Sec, Fred Shaw. Res. Man. , S. F. Gre^n. Booked at H.O. One show nightly, thr e on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Killamarsh, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. KIMBERLEY (Notts ), Pop. 5,170. Picture House, Regent Street. — Prop., W. Wilkinson. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Kimber- ley. L.N.E.R. KINGSCLIFFE (North ants), Pop. 989. Cinema.— Prop., W. Soames, Stamford House, Market Deeping. Booking Man., P. J. Wainwright, Burmer Road, Peterborough. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Peterborough (North) L.M.S. KING'S LYNN (Norfolk), Pop. 19,968. Electric Theatre, Broad Street. — Prop., King's Lynn and District Amusements, Ltd. Head office, St. James' Theatre. Phone, King's Lynn 56. Gen. Man., C. Watkin Knight. Booking Man., C. Watkin Knight, St. James' Theatre. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, King's Lynn, L.N.E.R. St. James' Theatre, St. James' Place. — Prop., King's Lynn and District Amusements, Ltd. Gen. Man.. C. Watkin Knight. Booking Man., C. Watkin Knight. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, King's Lynn 56. Station, King's Lynn, L.N.E.R. Theatre Royal. Prop, and Res. Man., E. R. Ad^ms, Ripley House, King's Lynn. Booked at Theatre. Once or twice nightly. Prices, is. to £1 3s. od. Phone, King's Lynn 137. Station, King's Lynn, L.N.E.R. KINGSWINFORD (Staffs). Picture House.— Prop., M. Cooper. The Grand Picture House. — Prop., Elysian Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., G. Corbett. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to rid. Station, Brettell Lane, G.W.R. KINGSTON-ON-THAMES (Surrey), Pop 39,484. 3imema Palace, Richmond Road. — Prop., Central Hall, Co. Res. Man., T. Watt, Booked by Secretary at i, Central Parade, Catford, S E.6. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Kingston 2428. Station, Kingston, S.R. Elite Picture Theatre, London Road.- — Prop., Elite Picture Theatre (Kingston-on- Thames), Ltd. Man., Louis S. Clark. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Kingston i860. Station, Kingston, S.R. Empire. — Prop., Kingshot Syndicate. Ltd. Picture Theatre, Richmond Road. — Prop., A. W. Love, 7, Bridge Street, Walton-on- Thames. Phone, Walton ^3. Manageress, Miss L. E. Clark. Booked at Walton-on- Thames by A. W. Love. Continuous. Prices, Sd. to is. tod. Phone, Kingston 0207. Station, Kingston, S.R. Super Cinema, Fife Road. — Prop., Super Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., H. R. Cohen. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 5d. to is. iod. Phone, Kingston 1267. KIPPAX (Yorks.), Pop. 4,075. Alhambra Picture Palace, High Street. — ■ Prop., Kippax Picture House, Ltd. Man., E. R. Archer. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Kippax, L.N.E.R. KIRKBY-IN-ASHFIELO (Notts), Pop. 17, 236. King's Picture Palace. — Prop., Midland Cinema Syndicate, 86, Main Street, Bulwell, Nottingham. Phone, Bulwell 71. Booked by E. Pottage, H.O. Two changes weekly. Continuous. Prices, sd. to is, 3d. Phone, 33, East Kirkby. Station, Kirkby-in-Ash- field, L.M.S. Star Theatre, Kingsway, East Kirkby. — Prop. People's Kinema Co., Ltd. "Castle Rising." Lenton Road, Nottingham. Phone, Notting- ham, 3874. Res. Man. , J. Whitnall. Bo< kcd at H.O. Continuous. Prices, =d. to is. Phone, East Kirkby 75. Station. Kirby-in- Ashfield, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. KIRKBY LONSDALE (Westmorland Pop. 1,394. Cinema Hall. — Prop., Thomas R. Thornborrow, Market House. Bookedat Hall. Oncenightly. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Kirkby Lonsdale, L.M.S. KIRKHAM (Lancs ), Pop. 3,814. Co-op. Picture House. — Lessee and Man., E. Grattan Milloy. Booked at 12, Cannon Street, Manchester. One show nightly. Three Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Kirkham, L.M.S. Empire Picture House. — Prop, and Man., Llewellyn Gorton. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, three times Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Kirkham, L.M.S. KIVETON PARK (Yorks ), Pop. 2,500. Cinema. — Prop., Kiveton Park Cinema Co. Ltd., One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Eckington 7. Station, Kiveton Park, L.N.E.R. KNARESBOROUGH (Yorks ), Pop. 5,518. Cinema, Park Parade. —Prop., Cinema (Knares- borough), Ltd. Res. Man., William Fenton. Booked by G. P. Fenton, Central Palace, Darlington. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Knaresborough, L.N.E.R. KNOTTINGLEY (Yorks ), Pop. 6,752. Palace. — Prop., Scott and Howdle. Res. and Booking Man., G. A. Howdle. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Phone, Knotting- ley 56. Station, Knottlngley, L.M.S. KNOWLE (Warwick), Pop. 2,357. Knowle Picture Playhouse. — Prop, and Res Man., John Chamberlain. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, sd. to is. Pictures and Varieties. Phone. Knowle 124. Stations Knowle and Dorridge, G.W.R. 358 The Kin emato graph Year Book, KNUTSFORD (Cheshire). Pop. 5,411. Picture House. — Res. and Bkg. Man., John Mason. Continuous. Phone, Knutsford 328. Station, Knutsford. Lancaster (Lancs.), Pop. 40,226. County Cinema, Dalton Square. — Res. Man., F. Barker. Three shows daily. Phone, Lan- caster 55. Station, Lancaster Castle, L.M.S. Kingsway Super Cinema, Parliament Street. — Prop., Kingsway Cinema (Lancaster), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., W. H. Sanderson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, ^d. to is. 6d. Phone, Lancaster 295. Stations, Lancaster (Castle and Green Ayre) L.M.S. Palladium Super Cinema, Market Street. — Prop., Lancaster Palladium, Ltd. Res. Man., J. X. Prendergast. Thrice daily. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Lancaster 5^3. Station, Lancaster, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Church Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. Atroy. Continuous. Mat., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to is. Phone, Lancaster 546. Station, Lancaster Castle, L.M.S. LANGLEY GREEN (Worcester), The Langley Cinema. — -Prop., Langley Cinema Co., Ltd. H.O., Langley Green. Res. Man., A. Seymour. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Oldbury 120. Station, Langlev Green , G. W.R. LANGLEY MILL (Derby), Pop. 4,166. Picture House.— -Prop., Langlev Mill Picture House Co. Booked at Hall. Res. and Bkg. Man., A. Mellor. Once nightly, two Sat. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Langlev Mill, L.M.S. LANGLEY MOOR (Co. Durh am), Pop. 5,000. Empire. — Props., Wood and Briggs. Res. Man. J. Wood. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Brandon Colliery, L.N E.R. Hippodrome, Front Street. — Prop., George Matkin- Johnson. Booked at Hall by Prop. Eight shows weekly. Prices, 2d. to gd. Phore Brandon 2S. Station, Brandon, L.N.E.R. LANGWITH (Derby), Pop. 640. Co-operative Picture Palace, Main Street. — Prop., Langwith Co-operative Society, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Thomas Elkin. Booked at H.O. Ouce nightly. Prices, sd. to is. Phone, Shirebrook 16. Station, Langwith. L.M.S. LAUNCESTON (Cornwall), Pop. 3,981. icture Theatre. — Res. and Booking Man., C. E. Kingdom. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Continuous Sat. Prices, Cd. to is. 3d. Station, Launceston, G.W.R. & S.R. LEAMINGTON SPA (Warwick), Pop. 28,946. Bath Cinema, Cafe and Restaurant, Spencer Stre t. — Props., Bath Cinema Co.. Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., A. N. Tuck. Booked at Hall. Continu- ous. Mat. daily, except Mon. and Fri. Prices. 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Leamingtcn Spa 278. Station. Leamington. G.W.R. and L.M.S. Bedford Street Picture House. — Prop., Circuit Cinemas, Ltd. Booked at 53, Brown Street, Manchester, Res. Man., H. D. Pagden . Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Leamington 697. Colonnade Theatre. — Prop., A. Morris. Res. Man., A. Morris. Booked at Hall by Res. Man. Continuous. Mats., Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Leamington 753. Station, Leamington Spa, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Royal Spa Cinema, Bath Street. Winter Hall Cinema, The Paiade (October to March). — Lessee, Mrs. Fowler. Man., E. J. Pountney. Twice nightly. Mat. daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Leamington 598. Stations, Leaming- ton Spa, L.M.S. & G.W.R. LEATHERHEAD (Surrey), Pop. 5,821. Picture House, High Street. — Prop., Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Geo. Boultwocd. Res. Man., L. B. Brock. Booked by Props., at "Dun- mail." Preston, Paignton. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Leatherhead, S.R LEDBURY (Herefordshire), Pop. 3,152. Cinema House, The Homend.— -Prop, and Res. Man., L. W. Crossley. Eight shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, ^d., nd. and is. 5d. Phone, Ledburv 32. Station, Ledburv, G.W.R. LEEDS (Yorks ), Pop. 458,320. Abbey Picture Hou-e, Kirkstall. — Prop., Abbey Picture. House Co., Gen. Man., John Briggs. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Headinglev 669. Station, Kirkstall, L.M.S. Nlexandra Picture Theatre, Camp Road. — Prop., M. Segelman. Res. and Bkg. Man., G. Segelman. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Leeds 23139. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Assembly Rooms, New Briggate, Briggate. — Prop., New Century Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., G. W. Tavlor. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Leeds 26882. Station, Leeds. Atlas Picture Hall, Kirkstall Road. — Prop.. J. R. Sharp, Moortown. Res. Man., S. White. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Leeds 23136. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. rtTLAs Picture House, Meanwood Road.— Prop.. J. R. Sharp, Moortown. Res. Man., S. White. Booked at Kirkstall Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Phone, Leeds 23197. Station, Leeds. Belgrave Central Hall, Cross Belgrave S treet . — Prop , Belgrave Church . Res . Man . , Rev. J. G. Sutherland. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. C AfiTOi., Meanwood.— Prop., Meanwood Enter- tainments, Ltd. Man. Dir., P. E. Snowden. Res. and Bkg. Man., T. Birt Whittaker. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, jd. to is. Phone, Leeds 51801. Carlton Cinema, Carlton Hill. — Props., Ellis and Watson. Gen. Man.. H. Vernon Hague. B oked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Leeds 2727Q. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. C nema, Carr Crofts, Annley.— Prop., Harry Bell, Green Man Inn, Hunslet. Booked at Lyceum. Cardigan Road, Leeds, by E. M. Rush. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Leeds 23507. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. City Cinema, Boar Lane. — Prop., L. R. D. Enterprises, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Millburn. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, gd. to is. 3d. Phone, Leeds 24920. Station, Leeds Kinema Directory {England). 359 Coliseum, Cookridge Street. — Prop., New Cen- tury Pictures, Ltd., 34, Wellington Street, Leeds. Res. Man., Fred A. Parker. Booked at H.O. by J. Foster. Twice daily, three times Sats. and holidays. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Leeds 26898. Station. Leeds, L.M.S. Crescent Picture House, Dewsbury Road. — Prop., Crescent Picture House, Ltd. Man. Dir.,' J. Claughton. -Res. Man., H. Carter. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 22747- Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Crown Cinema, Tong Road, New Wortley. — Prop., Leeds and District Picture Houses, Ltd. Phone, Headingley 419. Res. Man., Geo. S. Baird. Booked by L. Denham, The Lounge, Headingley. Three shows daily. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Leeds 24553. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. ,c.o. Parcels Office. Electra Picture Lounge, Jubilee Terrace.— Props., E. B. Leycock and C. Lishman. Res. Man., F. Lishman. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Leeds 25398. 'Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. Gaiety Kinema, 91, Roundhay Road. — Prop., The Potternewton Estates Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., B. Caverson. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two shows Sat. Mat. daily. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, 41954. Station, Leeds. Grosvenor Picture Theatre. Camp Road. — Prop. . I. Thwaites. Booked at Hall by Prop. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone. Leeds 25124. Station, Leeds. Haddon Hall Picture House, Bentfield Terrace, Burley— Prop., Haddon Hall, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Gaines. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone. Leeds 51160. Station, Leeds. L.N.E.R. Harehills Cinema, Florence Street. — -Prop., West Riding Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., H. Oates. Booked at Hall by W. McCormick. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Leeds 42078. Station, Leeds. L.M.S. Harehills Picture House, Harehills Corner. —Prop., Harehills Amusements Co., Ltd. Continuous. Daily Mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d., 8d. and is. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Headingley Picture House, Cottage Road, Headingley. — -Prop., Headlingley Picture House, Ltd., Carlton Hill, Leeds, Phone, 20001. Res. Man., Henry W. Buck. Booked at Hall by Man. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices. 6d. to is. Phone, Headinglev 51606. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Hillcrest Picture Lountge, Harehills Lane. — ■ Prop., Hillcrest Picture Lounge, Ltd. Gen. Man., Fred Collins. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous Mon. to Fri. Twice Sats. and holidays. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, National 27691. Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. Hyde Park Picture House, Brudenell Road, —Prop., Harry Child. Res. and Bkg. Man., Winstow Breekin. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices. Gd. to is. Phone, 52045. Imperial Picture House, Kirkstall Road. — ■ Prop., Wm. Ogden. Two shows nightly. Mat., Mon. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Leeds 26235. Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Lyceum Picture Palace, Cardigan Road. — ■ Res. Man., Edward M. Rush. Booked atHall by Man. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Leeds 51765. Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. Lyric, Tong Road. — Prop., West Leeds Amuse- ments, Ltd. Res.Man.,E.Moorhouse. Booked at Hall by W. Hobson, Man. Dir. Twice nightly. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Leeds 21054. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Majestic, City Square.— Prop., Leeds Picture Playhouse, Ltd. Res. Man., R. H. Weighill. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Leeds 27251. Station, Leeds, Malvern Picture Palace, Beeston Road. — Prop., Paragon Picture Co. (1920), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., George Spencer. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two shows Sats. and holidays. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Leeds 21751." Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Manor Picture House, Manor Road, Holbeck. Prop., E. F. G. Rollison. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Leeds 23279. ' Station, Leeds (Central), L.M.S. Miners' Institution, Accommodation Road. — Prop., J. Garside. Res. Man., G. H. Cart- wright. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 4d. Newtown Picture Palace, Cross Stamford Street. — Prop., Newtown Picture Palace Co., Ltd., 46, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Res. Man., E. Gocdall. Two shows nightly. Mats.. Men. and Sat. Prices, 3d., 4d. and Gd. Phone, Leeds 22462. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Olympia Picture House, Cherry Row. — Props., A. and L. Bassovitch, 18, Elmwocd Street, Leeds. Res. and Bkg. Man.. A. Bassovitch. Two shows nightly. Mat. . Sat. Prices. 2d. to 5d. Phone. Leeds. 22535. Station. Leeds, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Palace Picture Hall, Eyres Avenue, Armley. Prop., Armley Rink Co., Ltd. Res. and Bke. Man., F. W. Gillard. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices. 4d. to 8d. Phone, Leeds 22376. Station, Armley, L.M.S. Palladium Picture Palace, Bridge Road, Holbeck. Prop., Palladium Picture Palace Co. Man., H. Brining. Bookedat Hall. Twoshows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Leeds 23713. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Parkfield Picture Palace, Jack Lane, Hunslet. — ;Prop., Messrs. Burrells, Torre Road , Leeds. Phone, 2 1744. Res. Man., H. Ward. Booked at Hall by Man. Two shows nightly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone, Leeds 22642. Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. Pavilion, Low Road, Hunslet/ — Prop., Pavilion Picture House Co. (Leeds), Ltd. Res. Man., H. Pemberton. Two shows nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Leeds 27895. Station, Hunslet, L.M.S. Pavilion Theatre, Dewsbury Road. — Prop., North of England Cinemas, Ltd., Hippo- drome, Middlesbrough. Phone, Midd. 515. Res. Man., W. H. Bingham. Booked at H.O. by Thos. Tho upson . Two shows nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Phone, Leeds 22325. Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. People's Picture Palace, Meadow Road. — ■ Prop., H. Hopkins. Two shows nightly. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d.r0 is. Phone, Leeds 23343 Station. Leeds. Pictodromf, Wortley Road, Armley. — Prop. CansfieldandMarsden. Res. Man., F. Marsden. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone. Leeds 22083. Station, Armley. Picturedrome, Waterloo Road, Hunslet. — Prop., J. G. Smart. Two shows daily. Two changes weekly. Phone, Leeds 22134. Sta- tion, Hunslet, L.N.E.R. Picture Hall, Branch Road, Armley.— Prop., C. Hurst. Two shows nightly. Two changes weeklv. Phone, Leeds 22275. Station, Armley, L.N.E.R. Picture House, Briggate. — Prop., European Motion Films, Ltd., Wardour Street, W.i. Man., George Park. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Station. Leeds. L.M.S. 360 The Kinematograph Year Book. Picture House, Burley Road. — Prop., Burley Picture House Co., Ltd. Lessee and Bkg. Wan. , A. Sutcliffe. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Leeds 22203. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Picture House, Domestic Street, Holbeck.— Prop and Res. Man., "W. Mathew. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to ad. Phone, Leeds 22862. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Picture House, Easv Road.— Prop., H. White and Sons. Man., A. White. Booked at Hall by H. and A. White. Twice nightly. Two changes weeklv. Phone, Leeds 24097. Sta- tion, Leeds, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Picture House, Town Street, Beeston.— Prop., Leeds and District Picture House, Ltd., The Lounge, Headingley. Phone, 52419. Gen. Man., M.S. Read. Res. Man., Louis J. Mannix. Booked at The Lounge by Leonard Denham. Continuous, 6.45 to 10.30. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Picture House, Woodhouse Street.— Prop., Kaye Aspinall and J. B. Midgley. Phone, Leeds 21765. Gen. and Bkg. Man., Edward M. Rush. Booked at Lyceum, Cardigan Road, Leeds. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Leeds, L.M.S.' Picture Palace, Lower Town Street, Bramley. — Prop., Bramley Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., H. J. Blundell. Booked by J. Spencer at Regent Picture House, Batley. Continuous ( Tues. to Fri., 2 shows Mon. and Sat. Prices, 4d.tois. Phone, Stanningley 71208. Station, Bramley. L.N.E.R. Premier Picture Hall, South Accommodation Road.— Prop., Premier Picture Hall Co. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Phone, Leeds 241 10. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Princess Picture Theatre, Pontefract Lane. — Prop., M. Cohen, 28, Mexboro' Street, Chapel- town. Res. and Bkg. Man., H.Cohen. Booked at Hall. Phone,2i25i. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Queen's Picture Theatre, Holbeck. Regent Picture House. Burmantof i-. - Prop., Regent Picture House Co. Res. Man., J. W. Spence. Booked at Head Office, Leeds Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is Phone, Leeds 23350. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Savoy Cinema. — Prop., Savoy Cinemas, Ltd. 62, Oxford Street, London, W.i. Phone, Museum 7932. Scaia Theatre, Albion Place. — Prop., Scala (Leeds), Ltd. Gen. Man., Wm. Greenfield. Booked at H.O. by Sol Levy. Continuous. Prices, is. 3d. to 2s. Phone, Leeds 27057. Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. St. Patrick's Picture Palace, New York Road. — Prop., A. J. Collingwood. Res. Man., J.Powell. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to sd. Phone, Leeds 23889. Station, Leeds, L.N.E.R. Theatre de Luxe, Kirkgate. — Prop, and Man., T. Palmer. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Leeds 23489. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. The Lounge, Headingley. — Prop., Leeds and District Picture Houses, Ltd. Res. Man., Andrew Roberton. Booked by Leonard Den- ham, Man. Dir. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, gd. and is. Phone, Head- ingley 419. Station, Headingley, L.N.E.R. Tower Picture House, New Briggate. — Prop.. Ellis and Watson. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. E. Hague. Booked at Hall. Continuous, Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Leeds 23137. All Leeds stations. Victoria Picture Hall, York Road— Prop., M. Goldstone. Res. Man., Leslie Goldstone. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Leeds 23620. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. Victory Picture Palace, Camp Road.— Booked by J. F. Tid_w.ll. Twice nightlv, Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. All Leeds stations. Wellington Picture House, Wellington Street. Res. and Bkg. Man., B. Goldstone. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Leeds 26323. Station. Leeds, L.M.S. LEEK (Staffs), Pop. 17,213. Grand Theatre Picture House, High Street.— Prop., Allan Milton. Man., James Pilkington. Booked by James Brearly, 21, Bridge Street, Manchester. Twice nightly. Prices. 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Leek, L.M.S. Hippodrome. — Prop., Allan Milton. Res. Man., James Pilkington. Booked by Allan Milton at Carlton Holme, Buxton. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Leek, L.M.S. Maiestic. — Prop., The Majestic Picture House (Leek), Ltd. Reg. Office, Maiestic Picture House, Union Street, Leek. Man., G. Owen. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, 138. Station, Leek. L.M.S. LEICESTER (Leics), Pop. 234,190. Aylestone Cinema, Grace Road. — Prop., Ayle- stone Cinema Co. Res. Man., F. Stafford. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 6d. to is. Phone, Aylestone 266. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Belgrave Cinema, Belgrave Road.— Prop., Walter H. B. Emson. Manageress, Mrs. Edith Black. Continuous. Mats., Mon. and Thurs. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Central 4562. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Cinema de Luxe, Granby Street. — Prop., Midland Comities Circuit, Ltd., 513, Salisbury House, London Wall, London, E.C.2. Phone, London Wall 2841. Res. Man., George Taylor. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, Leicester Central 2212. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. City Cinema, Market Place. — Prop., City Cinema Ltd., Regd. Office, 4, Horsefair Street, Leicester. Man., R. Lowndes Salmon. Con- tinuous from 2 p.m. Prices, is., is. 6d. and 2s. Phones, Leicester 1385 and 4652. Stations, Leicester, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Coliseum, Melton Road. — Prop., Coliseum (Leicester), Ltd. Head Office, 93, Market Street, Manchester. Res. Man., A. A. Forknall. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is, Phone, Leicester Central 4417. Station. Leicester, L.M.S. Evington Cinema, East Park Road. — Prop., Evington Cinema, Ltd. Booked at Hall by C. E. West. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Leicester Central 354. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Fi oral Hall, Belgrave Gate.— Prop., Leicester Palace Theatre Co. Res. Man., W. P. Carter. Booked at Stoll Offices by L. Langdon. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Leicester Central 5424. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Grand Electric Palace, Silver Street.— Prop ,, Midland Electee Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Wallis. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Leicester Central 1774. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Kinema Directory (England). High Street Cinema, High Street. — Prop., Chambers & Smurthwaite, Ltd. Res. Man., Herbert Gibbon. Booked at Head Office. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Leicester Central 1783. Station, Leicester, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Hippodrome, Wharf Street —Prop., Leicester Hippodrome Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Capt. Ball. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Mats., Mon., Thurs., and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Leicester Ceutral 3222. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Imperial Picture House, Green Lane Road. — Prop., Mynard & Wright. Man. Dir., Roland M.Wright. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. toQd. Phone, Leicester Central 2568. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Melbourne Picture House, Nedham Street. — ■ Prop., Melbourne Picture House, Ltd. Man., H. J. Dacre. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Leicester Central 3881. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Olympia, Narborough Road. — -Prop., Leicester Enterprise, Ltd. Head Office, 93, Market Street, Manchester. Res. Man., F. D. Gray. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Leicester Central 2273. Station, Leicester, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Picturedrome, Mere Road.— Prop, and Res. Man., I. P. Wright. Continuous. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Leicester Central 2460. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Scala Kinema and Cafe. — Prop., Harry Goodman. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, Central Leicester 2511. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Shaftesbury Picture House, Uppingham Road. — -Prop., Leicester Cinemas, Ltd. Head Office, Q3, Market Street. Manchester. Res. Man., Harry Barker. Continuous. Twoshows Sat. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Booked at Head Office. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Leicester Central 2482. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. Sovereign Picture House, Woodgate.— Prop., Sovereign Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., R. Rosbottom. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Leicester Central 2808. Station, Leicester, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Star Picture House, Belgrave Gate.- — Prop.. Mynard & Wright. Man. Dir., Alfred Mynard. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Mats., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 9c!. Phone, Leicester Central 2568. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. The Picture Housf, Granby Street.— Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallerv House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Booked at H.O. Res. Man., J. H. Lundy, junr. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Leicester 3621. Station, Leicester, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Tudor Cinema, Vaughan Street.- — Prop., Lei- cester Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., Miss Barbara Ebbage. Continuous. Two changes weekly, Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 46!. to 7d. Phone, Leicester Central 4069. Station. Leicester, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Westleigh Kinema, Fosse Road Central. LEIGH (Lancs), Pop. 45,545. Cinema, Leigh Road. — Prop., Picture Halls, Ltd. Man. Dir., W. H. Knowles. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Leigh 257. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. Empirk Cinema. Bradshawgate. — Prop. , Maurice Carr, Princes Cinema, Wigan. Phone, Wigan 858. Res. Man. ,D. Jackson. Booked by Prop, at H.O. Continuous, two shows Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Leigh 25. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. Hippodrome Cinema, Leigh Road. — -Prop., Leigh Grand Theatre and Hippodrome, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Woolstencrof t. Booked by J. Brierley, 21, Bridge Street, Manchester. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Leigh 128. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Chapel Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., Thomas Paget. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. Picture House, Railway Road. — Prop., Asso- ciated Provincial Picture Houses, Ltd. Res. Man. , T. W. Payne. Continuous. Twoshows Sat. Mats., Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. Sems Picture House. — -Prop, and Res. Man., T. Whyle Shorrock. Phone, Leigh 153. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. LEIGH-ON-SEA (Essex), Pop. 15,000. Coliseum Cinema, Elm Road. — Prop., C. Dare. H.O., 26, Paternoster Row, E.C. Phone, City7537. Res. Man. .Douglas Dare. Bookedat H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. Empire Palace. — Prop, and Man., R Burton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Station, Leigh, L.M.S. (See also Southend-on-Sea.) LEIGHTON BUZZARD (Beds), Pop. 6,795. Exchange Theatre. — Prop., Metropolitan Elec- tric Theatres, Ltd., 25, and 26 Piccadilly Man- sions, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 6290. Res. Man., R. Barrie. Continuous. Phone, Leighton Buzzard 160. Station, Leighton Buzzard, L.M.S. Oriel Cinema. — Prop., Metropolitan Electric Theatres, Ltd., 25 and 26, Piccadilly Mansions, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 6290. Res. Man., R. Barrie. Contiuous. Two changes weekly. Station, Leighton Buzzard, L.M.S. LEMINGTON-ON-TYNE (Northumb.), Pop. 11,000. Prince of Wales Theatre.— Prop., J. Gran- tham, Grand Cinema Palace, Benwell, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, Central 918. Res. Man., J. Lambert. Booked at H.O. One show nightly, twice Sat. Two changes, weekly. Prices, 4 Cinema, Buxton Road. — Lessees and Mans. J. E. Coffey and A. E. Brees. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Macclesfield 265. Station, Hibel Road. Majestic Picture House, Mill Street.- — Prop., Macclesfield Majestic Picture House, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., H. O. Hogton. Booked at Hall. Continuous Mon. to Fri., two shows Sat. Mats., Mon. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, 412. Station, Hibel Road. Picturedrome, Chestergate. — Prop., Maccles- field Super Cinema, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Mrs. R. W. Fox. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Twice nightly on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Macclesfield 216. Station, Maccles- field, L.M.S. Ficture Palace, Duke Street. — Prop., Good- alls Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Bradwell. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Three on Sat. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Maccles- field 496. Station, Macclesfield, L.M.S. Premier Picture House.— Prop., Premier Picture House, Ltd. Man. Dir., Mrs. A. Isherwood. Continuous. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Maccles- field 367. Station, Macclesfield, L.M.S. Theatre Royal.— Prop., WTm. Dean. Res., Man., A. J. Hardman-Taylor. Occasional shows. Phone, Macclesfield 157. Station, Hibel Road, L.M.S. MAIDENHEAD (Berks ), Pop. 16,741. Picture Palace, Queen Street.— Prop., Queen Street Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Mr. Wright. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Maidenhead, G.W.R. Picture Theatre, Bridge Street. — Prop., Maidenhead Picture Theatre, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Alfred II. Goodey. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, 277- Station, Maidenhead, G.W.R. Films by Road Transport. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY. Kinema Directory (England). 367 R5AIC8TONE (Kent), Tcp. C7,«8. Central Picture Playhouse and Cafe. — Prop., W. S. Robinson. Asst. Man.. B. West. Booked at Hall by Prop. Con- tinuous. Prices, fd. to as. 4d. Phone, Maidstone 507. Station, Maidstone, S.R. Palace. — Prop., Kingshot Syndicate, Ltd.. Empire, Kingston-on-Thames. Pavilion, Pudding Lane. — Prop., Maidstone Pavilion, Ltd. Gen. Man., P. Douglas Reeves. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, 491. Station, Maidstone East, S.R. MALDON (Essex), Pop. 8,589. Hippro drome. — Props., Shipman and King, 24, Charing Cross Mansions, Charing Cross Road. W.C.2. Phones Regent 3269 and Gerrard 2462. Res. Man., T. W. Smith. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Three mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Maldon East, L.N.E.R. MALTBY (Yorks.), Pop. 13,000. Globe Palace.— Prop., J. H. Blackett. Two shows nightly Mon. and Sat. , one other nights. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two charges weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Maltby. Picture House, Muglet Lane. — Prep., Maltbv Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., John Cress. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, Wed. and Fri., twice nightly rest ol week. Mats., Tues. and Fri. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Maltby (Parcels Oi f ee), L.M.S. MALTON (Yorks), Pop. 4440. Exchange P.H. — Prop., P. Read. MALVERN (Worc), Pop. 17,809. Picture House. — Prop., Assembly Rooms Co., Ltd. Res. Man., M. T. Stevens. Two shows nightly Mon., Thurs. and Sat., one rest of week. Two Mats, weekly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Malvern 30. Station, Gt. Malvern, G.W.R. MANCHESTER (Langs.), Pop. 730 551. Adelphi, Dean Lane, Moston — Prop., Victory Pictures (Manchester), Ltd. Man. Dir., H. D. Moorhouse. Res. Man., Arthur H. Evanson. Prices, 3d. and 6d. Phone, Failsworth 65. Station, Newton Heath. Alhambra Theatre, Higher Openshaw. — Prop., Alhambra (Manchester), Ltd. Phone, City 2940. Man. Dir., H. D. Moorhouse. Con- tinuous. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Openshaw 651. Station, Gorton, L.N.E.R. Ancoats Picturedrome, Palmerston Street. — Prop., Ancoats Picturedrome Co., Ltd. Sec.', T, C. Aldred. Res. and Rkg. Man., Edward A. Ellis. Booked at Hall by W. Millward. Twice nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 2 id. to cd. Phone, City 2278. A kcadia Electric Theatre, Yew Tree Avenue, Le enshulme.- — Prop , L F. Kelly. Man., F.J.Kelly Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Tw, changes weekly. Prices, 4d. tois. Phcre, Rusho me 645- Station, Manchester, I .M.S. Ardwick Empire. — Prop., Manchester Hippo- drome and Ardwick Empire, Ltd. Variety and topical only. Man., G. H. Barrasford. Two shows nightly. One change weekly. Prices, 4CI. to 2s. 4c!. Phone, Aiclwick 2800. Ardwick Picture Theatre, Ardwick Green.-— Prop., Ardwick Picture Theatre, Ltd. Man. Dir., Edwin T. Heys. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Central 1259. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Bijou Cinema, Erskine Street, Hulme. — Exors. of Mrs. Esther Goodier. Res. Man., Miss A. Goodier. Booked by J. F. Emery, Theatre Royal, Manchester. Continuous. Mat.. Mon. Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Central- 5222. Blackley Empire, Blackley. — Prop., B'ackley Electric Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., Leonard G. Bailey. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Cheetham Hill 242. Station, Manchester. Bridgewater Picture House, 23, Higher Cam- bridge Street, Hulme, Manchester. — Prop., J. H. Davies. Booked by H. Walker, Holly House, Edge Lane, Stretford. Two shows nightly. Mat., Mon., Wed., and Sat. Three changes weekly. Station, London Road. Butler Electric Theatre, Butler Street. — Prop., Butler Street Electric Theatre, Ltd. Man. Dir. Thos. E. Buswell. Booked at Theatre. Two shows nightly. Four mats, weekly. Prices 2d. to 6d. Casino Cinema, Wilmslow Road, Rusholme.— Prop., Ardwick Picture Theatre, Ltd. Man. Dir., Edwin T. Heys. Res. Man.. Arthur Rix. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. Three- shows daily. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Rusholme 465. Station. Manchester termini. Ceylon Picture House, Ceylon Street, Newton, Heath. — Prop., Gorton District Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Bryan. Booked at H.O. by J. W. Griffiths. Twice nightly. Mats., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to Cd. Phone, Rusholme 1108. Station, Newton Heath, L.M.S. Cinema, Seedley. — J. F. Emery's Circuit. H.O. Theatre Royal, Manchester. Claremont, Claremont Road, Moss Side.— • Prop., Circuit Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man. J. A. Ellis. Booked at 53, Brown Street, Manchester. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Rusholme 966. Station, Manchester. Coliseum, Ardwick Green. — Prop., Coliseum (Manchester), Ltd. Res. Man., Sidney Dench. Booked at H.O. by C. Ogden. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2^d. to 5d Phone, City 6150. Station, London Road. College Picture House, Coupland Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock. — Prop., College Picture Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Walker. Booked by H. Walker, Holly House, Edge Lane, Stretford. Continuous. Prices, 4c!., 6d., 9c!. Station,, Manchester lermini. Corona Picture Theatre, West Gorton.— Prop., New Century Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., E. Mitchell. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, London Road, L.N.E.R. Cosmo.- — Prop.. Circuit Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., Thos. Mattenshead. Booked at 53, Brown Street, Manchester. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Openshaw 243. Station, Manchester. Cosy Corner Cinema, SwTan Street. — Props.. F. Carlton, A. Gardner and T. Greenall. Res. Man., Fred S.vers. Booked by F. Carlton, Gen. Man., at 22, Snowdon Road, Eccles. Continuous. Prices, fd. and 8d. Station, Manchester. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX 0FF1CE-B00X P.D.C. PICTURES. 368 The Kinematograph Year Book. Crescent Cinema, Chapman Street, Hulme.— Prop., Picture Hall (Hulme), Ltd. Res. Man., W. Millward, Junr. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, City 4742. Station, Manchester. Cromwell Picture House, Pendleton. — Prop., Cromwell Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., Louis Best. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Pendleton, L.M.S. Darncombe Picture Palace. — Prop., Walter W. Griffin. Res. Man., S. Spurrs. Twice nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices 3d. to 8d. Phone, Rusholme 249. Deansgate Picture House.— Prop., Deans- gate Picture House and Cafe Rendezvous, Ltd., Manchester. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, City 8336. Don Cinema Theatre, Beswick. — Prop., Circuit Cinemas, Ltd., 53, Brown Street. Res. Man., C- Chadwick. Booked at Head Office. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station. London Road, Manchester, L.M.S. Empress Electric Theatre, Oldham Road.-- Prop., W. H. Broadhead & Son. Two shows Mon. and Sat. Continuous rest of week. Mat., Mon. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Central 2391. Station, Manchester termini. Empress Cinema, Pendleton. Free Trade Hall. — Prop., Manchester Cor- poration. Man., F. Ravenscroft, Town Hall, Manchester. Occas;onal shows only. Gaiety Picture House, Peter Street. — Lessees, Keycities, Ltd. Man. Dir., L. Blattner. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 9d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, City 6215. Station, Manchester. Gem Electric Theatre. Rochdale Road.— Prop., Gem Electric Theatres (Manchester), Ltd. Res. Man., R. Pearson. Three shows daily. Two changt s weekly. Phone, Cheetham Hill 1017. Globe, Cornbrook Street, Old Trafford.— Prop., North-Western Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Reale. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 3d. Phone, Trafford Park 124. Station, Manchester termini. Globe, Thcmas Street, Cheetham Hill.— Prop., H. D. Moorhouse and John Holmes. Res. Man., W. Neill. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Cheetham Hill 537. Station, Crumpsall, L.M.S. Grand Junction Theatre Warwick Street, Hulme.— Prop., W. H. Bfoadhead & Son. Res. Man., Thomas Newall. Two shows nightly. Cinema and Vaudeville Acts. Phone, Central 2397. Stations Central, L.N.E.R., Victoria and London Road. Grand Picture Theatre, Stockport Road, Levenshulme.— Prop., Grand Picture Theatre Co. (Levenshulme), Ltd. Man. Dir. Jas. W. Griffiths. Res. Man., Wm. Gill. . Booked at Hall bv Man. Dir. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone Rusholme 1 108.' Station, Levenshulme, L.M.S. Green Hill Cinema, Cheetham Hill Road. — Prop. Circuit Cinemas, Ltd., 53, Brown Street Manchester. Phone, City 9057. Res. Man.. S. Short. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d. to ed. Phone Cheetham Hill '76. Station. Victoria, L.MS. Grosvenor Picture Palace. Oxford Road, All Saints. — Prop. , Grosvenor Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Gen. and Bkg. Man.. Arthur Sellars. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Arwick 3175- Station, Victoria. Hippodrome, Oxford Street. Variety and topical Imperial Picture House, Brook's Bar.— Props., Cinemas (Manchester), Ltd., 20, Brazennose Street, Man. Phone, Centra 3620. Res. Man.. Norman V. Stancliffe. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices id. to is. 6d. Phone, Trafford Park 116. Station, Manchester Central. Junction Theatre. King George V. Picturedrome, Gorton Lane. — Prop., Manchester and District Picture House Co., Ltd., Cathedral House, Long Millgate, Manchester. Gen. Man., Lennard G. Bailey. Two shows nightly. Three mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Manchester termini. King's Theatre, Longsight.— La Scala, 207, Oxford Road, Manchester. — Prop., Rhodes Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Hayes. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Phone, Central 759. Station, Oxford Road, L.M.S. Lyceum, Cornbrook.— Prop , W. Simpson. Res. Man., W. Stansfield. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 2*d. to 7d. Station, Manchester, Central. Lyceum Cinema, City Road, Old Trafford. — Prop., W. Stansfield. Hippodrome, Hyde. Phone 215. Res. Man., W. G. Stansfield. Booked by Prop, at Hippodrome. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Trafford Park 97- Station, Old Trafford L.M.S. Majestic Picture Theatre, Whitworth Street, West Minchester. — Prop., Walter Stott. 64, Victoria Street, Manchester. Res. Man.. Bert Gordon Smith. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices 6d. and is. Phone, Central 6508. Station, Manchester. (All.) Market Street Picture House. — Prop.,. Oxford Street and Market Street (Manchester) Cinemas, Ltd. Phone City 8376. J. F. E. aiery Circuit, Theatre Royal, Manchester' Res. Man., Wm. Wilkinson. Booked at H.O' Continuous. Prices is. and is. 6d. Phone, City 1371. Station, London Road. Metropole Theatre, Ashton Old Road, Openshaw. — Prop.. Wm. Henry Broadhead and Son, Hulme Hipprodrome, Manchester. Res. Man., Frank Tilsley. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 2s. 4d. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Mosley Pictures, Stott Street, Beswick.— Prop., Exors. of C. Tune. Res. and Bkg. Man., F. E. Ashcroft. Two shows nightly. Prices 3d. to 6d. Station, Manchester termini. Moston Imperial Palace Hartley Street. — Prop., Moston Imperial Palace, Ltd. Man., Wm. H. Simcock. Booked at Hall by Man. on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Cheetham Hill, 360. New Central, Paley Street, Collyhurst. — Prop., Emery and Wilkinson. Man., W. Wilkinson. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d.to5d. Station, Manchester L.M.S. New Central Picture Palace, Clowes Street, West Gorton. — Prop., New Central Pictuie Theatre, Ltd. Res. and Bkg: Man., Albert Lancashire. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices 3d. to «d. Stations, Manchester, c.o. Parcels O .ice. New Palace, Farmside Place, Levenshr.lme. — Prop, and Man., J. Harrison. Continucus. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Manchester. L.M.S. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE." Kinema Directory (England). 369 New Royal Picture Theatre, Ashton New Road. — Prop., Mrs. Ada Kenyon, Brighton House, Rusholme, Manchester. Res. Man., Albert Davvber. Phone, Rusholme 548. Booked at Playhouse. Two shows nightly. Prices 5d. to is.' Phone, Openshaw 374. All communications to Playhouse, Oldham Road, Manchester. Station, Manchester. Olympia, Hyde Road, Gorton. — Prop., Gorton and District Cinemas, Ltd. Man., E. San- derson. Two changes weekly. Station, Manchester. Openshaw Picture Hall, Ashton Old Road — Prop., T. M. Draper. Twice nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices 3d. to 6d. Phone, Openshaw 162. Station, Manchester, L.M.S. Oxford Picture House, Oxford Street.— Prop., T. F. Emery's Circuit, Theatre Royal, Man- chester. Res. Man. R. J. Elsmore. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, is. and 2s. Phone, Central 2821. Station, Manchester termini . Palace Cinema, Cnllyhurst Street, Rochdale Road.— Prop., E. Wood, " Glencoe," 3. 1 King's Drive, M ddleton. Res. Man., A. W. Wood. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone. Central 5786. Station, Victoria. L.M.S. Palais de Luxe. Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton- cum-Hardv. — Prop.. Palais De Luxe (Charlton), Ltd. Gen. and Bkg. Man., Sam Parkinson. Continuous. Three shows Saturday. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Chorlton 635. Station, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Palatine Picture House, Palatine Road. — Prop., South Manchester Picture Co., Ltd. Res. Man., H. D. Moorhouse. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Didsbury 605. Station, Manchester termini. Paragon Picturedrome, Rusholme Road, Chorlton-on-Medlock. — Prop., Sam Blinkhorn. Twice nightly. Mat., Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 2|d. to 6d. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Park Picture House, Alexandra Park. — Prop., Duke of Edinburgh Picture Palace Co., Ltd., 2, Sors Office Avenue, Southport. Res. Man. , Arthur Clarkson. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to is. Phone, Rusholme n77- Station, Central Man- chester. L.M.S. Pavilion, Church Street, Newton Heath.— Prop., Central Cinema Co. (Newton Heath}, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Morley. Two shows nightly. Mon. and Sat., continuous rest of week. Two changes weekly. Station, Dean Lane, L.M.S. Piccadilly Picture Theatre, Piccadilly. — Prop., Piccadilly Picture Theatre (Man- chester), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Chas. Ogden. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, is. to ?s. Phone, Manchester Central 3949. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Palmerston Street, Ancoats. — Prop, and Res. Man., Thos. C. Aldred. Playhouse, Oldham Road, Miles Platting.— Prop., Mrs. Ada Kenyon, Brighton House, Wilmslow Road, " Rusholme, Manchester. Phone, Rushholme 548. Res. Man., Arthur Rogerson. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mats., Mon. and Sat. Prices, Cd. to is. Phone, City 9178. Station, Manchester Popular Picture Palace, Chapman Street, Hulme. — Prop., Wm. Christy. Three shows daily. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Central, L.M.S. Popular Picture Palace, Wi son Street, Miles Platting.— Prop , Miles Platting, I.L.P. Res. Man., Ernest J. Howarth. Two shows nightly, three mats, weekly. Prices, 2d. to 5d. Station, Miles Platting, L.M.S. Premier Cinema, Cheetham Hill Road. — Prop., Circuit Cinemas, Ltd., 53, Brown Street, Manchester. Phone City 9057. Res. Man., S. Short. Booked at H.6. Two shows nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sot. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cheetham Hill 76. Station, Victoria, L.M.S. Prince's Picture Theatre, Grey Mare Lane.— J. F. Emery's Circuit, Theatre Royal, Man- chester. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd, Phone, Openshaw 64.T. Station, Manchester teimini. Princess, Conran Street. Harpurhey. — Prop., Princess Cinema Harp urhey Ltd. Gen. Man., Fred. Carlton. Booked at Palladium, Pat- ricroft. Twice nightly. Mats. Mon. and Sat. Prices 4d. and 6d. Princess Picture House, Raby Street, Moss Side.- — Prop., Grand Picture Theatre Co. vLevenshulme), Ltd. Res. Man., L. S. Bentley. Booked by J. W. Griffiths at Grand Theatre, Levenshulme. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Rusholme 1387. Station, London Road, L.N.E.R. Princess Picture Theatre, Conran Street. — Prop., Manchester and District Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Bert E. Deane. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Queen's Park Hippodrome. — Queen's Park Picturedrome, Rochdale Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., A. Sereno. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to gd. Station, Exchange, L.M.S. Queen's Picture Housf, Ashton Old Road.— Prop., B. Rhodes (Rhodes Pictures, Ltd.), La Scala P.H., Oxford Road, Manchester. Man., J. W. H. Clark. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Mats., Mon, Thurs. and 'Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4.6.'. ", 5d. and fd. Phone, Central 1267. Stations, Mayfield or London Rosd, L.M.S. Queen's Picture Theatre, Stcckport Road, Longsight. — Prop., Cinemas (Manchester) f Ltd., 20. Brazennose Street, Manchester. Phone Cmtral 3620. Res. Man. .W. Richard- son. Booked by Chas. Ogden, 6, St. Mary's TRIANGLE BRITISH FILMS.Lto MANAGING DIRECTOR : BERNARD SMITH. 26, St. Anne's Court, Wardour Street, W.l RENTERS, IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS Telephone: Regent 4152-4153. Telegrams: Highflier, Westcent, London. 370 The Kinem at o graph Year Book, Gate. Manchester. Continue us Men. to Fii. Two shows Sat. Two changes' weekly. Prices, 2d. to is. Phone. Rusholme ICC4. Station," London Rcfd, L M.S. Rialto, Higher Brought cn. Royal Cinema, Buckley Street, Rochdale Road. — Prop., Gorton and District Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., J. G. Haslam. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d to 5d. Station, Victoria, L.M.S. Royal Electric Theatre. Princess Road,- Moss Side. — Prop., J. Iverfield, 402, Mess Lane East, Moss Side. Phone, Rush clrrc 933. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Royal Osborne Theatre. Royal Picture Theatre, Pendleton. Roy Picturedrome, Ashton Old Road, Ard- wick. Prop., G. Dewhurst. St. James Picture Palace, Heap Street, High Town. — Prop., James Blundell. Booked at Hall. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Twice nightly. Three changes weekly. Savoy, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. — Prop., Savoy Cinemas, Ltd., 62, Oxford Street, London , W.i. Phone, Museum 7932. Savoy, Manchester Road, Chorlton-eum-Hardy. Prop., Savoy Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., T. W. Payne. Continuous. Two shows Sat. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d.. Phone, Chorlton 708. Station, Chorlton, L.M.S. Savoy Picture Palace, Savoy Street, Hyde Road. West Gorton. — Prop., G. Dewhurst. Two shows nightly. Mat., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 7d. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Scala. Pendleton. Scala Palace, Wilmslow Road, Withington. — Prop., Scala Electric Palace (Withington), Ltd. Res. Man., Thos. C. Aldred. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Didsbury 301. Station, Manchester, L.M.S. Shaftesbury Cinema Theatre, Stockport Road. — Prop., Shaftesbury Cinema Theatre Co. (Manchester), Ltd. Res. Man., Tommy Lyth. Booked by H. D. Moorhouse at 93, Market Street, Manchester. Two shows Sat. Continuous rest of week. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Rushdme 103. Station, Longsight. Shakespeare Picture Palace, Halliwell Lane, Cheetham Hill Road.— Prop., Jonah Lever. Res. Man.. R. P. Weightman. Booked by Prop, at Winter Gardens Theatre. Ccn- tinuous except Saturday and Holidays. Two changes weeklv. Prices, Cel. to is. 3d. Phone. Cheetham Hill 180. Station, Victoria, L.M.S. Stamford Cinema, Audenshaw. Star Picture Theatre, Gt. Ducie Street. — Prop., Star Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., L. Tatton. Two shows nightly. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Temple Pictorium, Cheetham Hill Road.— Prop., Temple Pictorium (Manchester), Ltd. Res. M^in., "John H. Howarth. Two shows nightly. Two changes. Prices 4d. and is, Phone, Cheetham Hill, 142. Station, Man- chester termini. Theatre Royal Cinema, Peter Street. — Prop., Manchester Theatre Royal Cinema (1923), Ltd . Man. Dir., J. F Emery. Dir. of Entertain- ments, E. Carreras. Res. Man., R. Clark. Booked at H.O. Prices, is. to 2s. 4c!. Con- tinuous. Phone, City 4334 and 7798. The Palace Picture House, Derby Street, Cheetham. Prop., Manchester Ice Rink. Ltd. Res. Man., Bertram E. Wake. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Six changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to is. Open May to November. Phone, City 5578. Station, Victoria, L.M.S. Tower Picture Theatre, Piercy Street, An- coats. — Prop., Circuit Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., C Chadwick. Two changes weekly. Phone, City 2926. Station. Manchester. Trafford Picture House, Talbot Road, Old Trafford. Triangle Picture Palace, Stretford Road, Hulme. — Prop, and Man., P. Whiteley. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station. Manchester. Tpocadero, Wilmslow • Road, Rusholme — ■ Prop., Piatt Picturedrome, Ltd. Res. Man., A. H. W. Nash. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Rusholme 751. Station, Central, L.M.S. Victoria Hall, Daniel Street, Butler Street, Ancoats. — Prop., Manchester and Salford Wesleyan Mission. Res. Man., Rev. Herbert Cooper. Two shows Sat. Price, 3d. Station, Central, C.L.C. Victory Picture House, Varley Street. Miles Platting. — Prop, and Man., Elizabeth Schole-s. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Victory Picture House, Blackley. — Prop., Victory Pictures (Manchester), Ltd. Man., H. D. Moorhouse. Res. Man., H. Killoran. Booked at H.O. by H. D. Moorhouse. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cheetham Hill 495. Station, Victoria, L.M.S. Whitehall Cinema, Old Lane, Higher Open- shaw. — Prop., Whitehall Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., H. Vost. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Twice nightly. Men. ar.d Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Openshaw 32s. Stations, London Read or Exchange. L.M.S. Winter Gardens Theatre, Peter Street. — Prop., Jonah Lever. Gen. Man., Frank* Chapman. Booked by Prop, at Hail. Con- tinuous. Prices Cd. to is. Cd. Phone, Central 5179. Station, Central, L.M.S. IVrAKNiNG.TR£E (Essex), Pop. 870. The Cinema. MANSFIELD (Notts), Pop. 44,418. Electric Picture Hall, Stanton Hill. — Prop., H. & F. Hebditch. Res. Man., H. Hebditch. One show nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Teversal, L.M.S. Empire Super Cinema. Stockwell Gate.- — Con- trolled by Record Gneixa CircLit, Ltd., Fed- eration Chamters, Wheeler G_\te. Nottingham. Phone,698c. Res. Man., W. L Halls-Brookes. Booked at H.O. by E. C. Shapeero. Con- tinuous. Mats., Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Mansfield 297. Station, Mansfield, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Hippodrome. — Prop., Oaksford Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., B. Oaksford. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Mansfield 227." Station, Mansfield, L.M.S. Palace Leeming Street.— Prop., Sherwood Palaces. Ltd. Res. Man., R. M. Kelly. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two charges weekly. Prices. ed. to nd. Station. Mans- field L.M.S. Picturedrome, Belvedere Street. — Prop., Cine- vars, Ltd., Pelham House, Pelham Street, Nottingham. Res. Man., J. W. Morton, Two shows nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Mansfield, L.M.S. Rock Picture House, Skerry Hill.— Piop., Cinevars, Ltd., Pelham House, Pelham Kinema Directory (England). 3^1 Street, Nottingham. Man., George H. Collins. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Mansfield 333. Station, Mansfield, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Stanton Hill Cinema, near Mansfield. — Prop.. Barker & Moore. Sec. & Man., Harry Moore. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 6d, to is. 3d. Phone, Sutton-in-Ashfield 171. Stations, Teversal, L.M.S., or Skegby. Victoria Hall.— Leeming Street, Prop., Sher- wood Palaces Ltd. Res. Man.,E. D Williams. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices 4d. to 8d. Station, Mansfield, L.M.S. MANSFIELD-WOODHOUSE (Notts ), Pop. 13,465. Picture House.— Head office, Picture House, Mansfield-Woodhouse. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Mansfield-Woodhouse, L.M.S. MARCH (Camb ), Pop. 8,939. Palace. — Licensee andMan.,J.S. Collingwood. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. . Prices, 4M. to is. 2d. Phone, March 4. Station," March, L.N.E.R. Regent.— Licensee and Man., J. S. Colling- wood. Head office, Dart Hill, March. Res. Man., J. S. Collingwood. Two changes weekly. Prices, is. to 3s. Phone, March 4. MARGATE (Kent), Pop. 46,475. Cinema de Luxe, High Street. — Prop., H. G. and W. Croneen, 21 and 23. High Street, Gillingham, Kent. Phore. Gillingham 38. Res. and Booking Man., Jack Armstead. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Mat., Daily. Prices, 3d. to is. €d. Phone, Margate 58. Station, Margate West, S.R. Clifton Cinema. — Prop., Clifton Baths (Mar- gate) Ltd. Man., and Booking Man., Jack Binns. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Margate 1073. Station, Margate, West, S.R. Dreamland Super Variety Cinema and Ball- room.— Prop., Dreamland (Maigate), Ltd. Man. and Booking Man. , Jack Binns. Becked at Hall. Pictures and Variety. Twice nightly. Daily Mat. Prices, sd. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Margate 844-5. Station, Maigate West, S.R. Lounge Picture Theatre, Northdown Road. — Prop., Dr. Rundle. Gen. Man., R. Dawson. Evenings, 6.30 to 10.30. Mats., 2.45. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Parade Cinema, The Parade. — Prop., Parade Cinema Margate (1914), Ltd. Res. Man., C. W. Stanley. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Margate 299. Station, Margate West, S.R. MARKET DEEPING (Deeping St. James) (LlNCS.). Picturedrome. — Prop., W. Soames, Stamford House, Market Deeping. Bkg. Man., P. J. Wainwright, Burmer Road, Peterborough. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. t® is. 3d. Station, Peterborough North, L.M.S. MARKET HARBOROUGH (Leicester), Pop. 8,577. County Electric Cinema, The Square. — Prop. Showfilms, Ltd. Booked at Oriental Cinema by R. Justice. Continuous. Two shows Sat. and holidays only. Station, Market Har- borough, L.M.S. Oriental Cinema, St. Mary's Road — Prop., Showfilms, Ltd., 28, St. Mary's Road. Res. Man., R. Justice. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Phone, 31. MARLOW-ON-THAMES (Bucks), Pop. 5 146 King George's Cinema. — Prop., Sports Film Co., Ltd., 7- Gerrard Street, London, W.t. Res. Man., Lyon Mackie. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Marlow, 227. Station, Marlow, G.W.R. MARPLE (Cheshire), Pop. 6,613. Gem Picture House. — Lessee and Man., W. Stott, 64, Victoria Street, Manchester. Phcre, City 3989. Booked at H.O. Once nightly. Three shows Sat. Prices, 4c!. to is. Station, Maiple, L.N.E.R. Shepley Hall. MARSDEN (Yorks.), Pop. 5,965. Electric Theatre.— Prop, and Man., T. Leyland. Once nightly. Two changes weekly Station, Marsden, L.M.S. MAHTOCK (Som.) Pop. 2055. Public Hall. MARYPORT (Cumb), Pop. 10,895. Empire Theatre, Senhouse Street.— Prop . Graves Bros. Res. Man., P. Haley. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Maryport 16. Station, Maryport, L.M.S. Palace Theatre, High Street.— Prop., Graves Bros. Res. Man., J. Graves. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Mary- port 16. Station, Maryport, L.M.S. MATLOCK (Derby), Pop. 7,055. Cinema House, Causeway Lane. — Prop.. Mat- lock Cinemas, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Harry Hodgkinson. Bocked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Matlock 121. Station, Matlock, L.M.S. Picture Palace, Dale Road. — Prop., Matlock Picture Palace Co. Phone, Matlock 72. Res. Man., J. B. Richards. Booked by J. B. Richards at Dale Ro£.d, Matlcck. Con- tinuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Matlock 72. Station, Matlock, L.M.S. MATLOCK BATH (Dfrby) Pop. 1759. Pavilion.— Prop., The Matlocks U.D. Council. Res. and Bkg. Man.. E. Randle. Shows, Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Matlock 1.96. Station, Matlock Bath, L.M.S. MEADOWFIELD, BRANDON COLLIERY (Co. Durham). Co-operative Kinema, Meadowfield. Prop., Brandon and Byshottles Co-operative Society, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man.,Chas. C. Robin- son. Once nightly, twice Sat. Phone, Brandon Colliery 13. Station, Brandon Colliery, L.N.E.R. MELBOURNE (Derby), Pop. 3,722. Royal Electric Theatre, High Street.— Prop, and Res. Man., Walter Fearn. Booked at Head office, 60, Bridge Street, Derby. One show nightly, two on Sat. and Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d Station, Melbourne, L.M.S. MELKSHAM (Wilts ), Pop. 3,594. Picture Hall— Prop., Gooding Bros., Ltd., 6, Green Street, Bath. Phone, Bath 1139. Res. Man., Mrs. Varley Higgins. Booked at H.O., Bath. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d Station, Melksham, G.W.R. The Kinematograph Year Book. MELTHAM (Yorks.), Pop. 5,055. Picture Palace. — Prop., Fred. Haigh. Once nightly. Two changes -weekly. Station, Meltham, L.N.E.R. MELTON MOWBRAY (Leicester), Pop. 9,187. Picture House, King Street. — Prop., Melton Mowbray Entertainments Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Bert Shaip. Ccntinucus Sat., one show other evenings. Mats., Tues. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, c~d. to rs. 6d. Stations. Melton Mowbray. L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. MERE (Wilts). Electric Palace.— Prop, and Res. Man., E. A. Hames. Booked at Hall. Sat. at 2.30 and continuous 6 to 10. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Gillingham (Dorset), S.R. METHLEY (Yorks ), Pop. 4,494. Sentinel Picture House. — Prop., Luke Lunn, Staithe House, Allerton, Bywater, nr. Castle- ford, Yorks. Res. Man. , Edwin Lunn. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, three Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Methley, L.M.S. MEXBORO' (Yorks ), Pop. 15,410. Empire Picture Palace. — Prop., Mexboro Theatres, Ltd. Man. Dir., J. J. Wcffenden. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone. Mexboro' 108. Station, Mexboro', L.N.E.R. Oxford Picture Palace, Market Place.— Protx, Mexboro' Theatres, Ltd. Man. Dir., J. J. Woffenden. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Mexboro', L.N.E.R. Royal Picture Theatre. — Prop., Mexboro' Theatres, Ltd. Man. Dir., J.J. Wooffenden. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Statin, Mexboro', L.N.E.R. MIDDLEHAM (Yorks), Pop. 700. Picture House. — Prop, and Man., W. C. Sykes, Yoreview, Middleham. Once nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Station, Leyburn, L.N.E.R. MIDDLESBROUGH (Yorks ), Pop. 131,103. Cleveland Cinema, Newport Road. — Prop., North of England Cinemas, Ltd. Man. Dir., Thos. Thompson. Res. Man., Geo. Adamson. Booked at Hippcdrome, Middles- brough by Thos. Thompson, Twice nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices. 3d. to Cd. Phcne, Middles- brough (Extension) 515- Station, Middles- brough, L.N.E.R. Elite Picture Theatre, Linthorpe Road. — Props.. Elite Picture Theatre (Middlesbrough), Ltd. Res. Man., H. Watson. Booked by Walter Bentley at 122, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i. Continuous. Prices, Cd. to is. 6d. Station, Middlesbrough, L.N.E.R.. Gem Picture House. High Street, North Ormesby.— Prop., The Palladium (Hartle- pools), Ltd. Man., R. C. Jeffccck. Contin- uous from 6 p.m. Mat., Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Middles- brough, L.N.E.R. Grand Electric Theatre, Newport Road.— P ops., E. and M. R. Baker, Corporation Road (phone, Middlesbrough 1133)- Res. Man., G. H. Rennie. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Phone, Middlesborough 389. Station, Middlesbrough, L.N.E.R. Grand Opera House, Linthorpe Road. — Prop.; North of England Cinemas, Ltd. Man. Dir.; Thos. Thompson. Res. Man., W. Thompson. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 8d. Station, Middlesbrough, L.N.E.R. Hipprodrome, Wilson Street. — Prop., North of England Cinemas, Ltd. Man. Dir., Thos. Thompson. Booked at H.O., Wilson Street by Thos. Thompson. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 46.. to is. 3d. Phone, Middlesbrough 515. Station, Middles- brough, L.N.E.R. Marlborough Cinema, Gilkes Street.- — Prop., T. Watson Smith's Peerless Pictures, Ltd. Res. andBkg.Man., Stanley R. Richmond. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. Phone, Middlesbrough 621. Station, Middlesbrough. L.N.E.R. Pavilion, Newport Road. — Prop., North of England Cinemas, Ltd. Man. Dir., Thos. Thompson. Res. Man., R. Colling. Booked by Thos. Thompson, Hipprodrome, Middles- brough. Two shows nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Phone. Middlesbrough 971. Station, Middlesbrough, L.N.E.R. Pavilion, Gibson Street, North Ormesby.— Prop. .North Ormesby Entertainment Co.. Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., John Weightman. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Cargo Fleet, L.N.E.R. Scala Cinema, Newport Road.— Prop., Scala (Middlesbrough), Ltd. Res. Man., Jules Reubens. Booked at Hall, by Sol Levy. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6 Williams, 23, Belvedere Street, Woikingtcn. Res. and Bkg. Man., John A. Williams. Booked at Hall. Continuous Mon. and Sat., once nightly rest of week. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station, Millom, L.M.S. Palladium.— Prop., Cumberland and West- morland Amusements, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., R. S. Roberts. Two shows, Mon. and Sat.; one show Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Millom 10. Station, Millom, L.M.S. MILNROW (Lancs.), Pop. 8,386. Empire.— Prop., Milnrow Empire, Ltd. Res. Man., E. Greenwood. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Sats. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Milnrow, L.M.S. MILN8BRIDGE (Yorks.), Pop. 5,000. Picture Palace, Savile Street.— Prop., Milns- bridge Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Whiteley. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 59. Station, Longwccd, L.M.S. MINEHEAD (Somerset), Pop. 6,016. Cosy Cinema. — Sole Lessee, Russell Totty. Res. Man., E. Heathcote. One show nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Minehead 211. Station, Minehead, G.W.R. Queen's Hall, Sea Front. — Sole Lessee, Russell Totty. Res. Man., E. Heathcote. Booked at Clayton's Bioscope, Sheffield. Once nightly. Prices, is. to 3s. 6d. Station, Minehead, G.W.R. MIRFIELD (Yorks.), Pop. 12,133. Rink Electric Picture Palace, Huddersfield Road, Battyeford.— Prop., J. T. Marsden. Res. Man., F. Gamett. One shew nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Battyeford, L.M.S. Town Hall Pictures, Town Hall.- — Prop., T. H. Kaye. Res. Man., S- Crawshaw. One show nightly, three cn Sat. Two charges weekly. Phone, Miifield 153. Staticn, Mir- field, L.M.S. MONMOUTH (Mon ), Pop. 5,207. Palace, Church Street.— Prop, and Res. Man., J. Smith. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. /d. Station, May Hill, G.W.R. MORECAMBE (Lancs), Pop. 19,182. Alhambra Palace, West End.— Prop., Al- hambra (Morecambe), Ltd. Man. and Sec, John Holroyd. Varieties, Pictures, Plays, etc. Booked at Hall. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 6d. Station, Morecambe, L.M.S. Central Pier Pavilion.' — Prop., New More- cambe Central Pier Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. H. Hind. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Morecambe Tower. — Prop., Morecambe Tower and Estates Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., H. R. V. Addenbrooke. Booked at Hall. Once nightly and m&ts. Two changes weekly. Phone, Morecambe 116. Station, Morecambe, L.M.S. New Pavilion.- — Lessee, George Hall. Palladium. — Prop., Palladium (Morecambe) Ltd. Res. Man., H. Hargreaves. Booked at Hall: One show nightly in winter, twice in summer. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. . Phone, Morecambe 108. Queens Cinema, New Queen's Street.- — Prop., Queen's Cinema Co. Gen. and Bkg. Man., Herbert R. Clayton. Continuous in season, nightly in winter. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Morecambe, L.M.S. Royalty Theatre. — Res. Man.. F. Morphet. Whitehall Picture House, Marine Road.— Prop., Whitehall Picture House (Morecambe), Ltd. Res. Man., J. Howson. Continuous, summer; one show nightly winter. Three mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Morecambe 224. Station, Morecambe, L.M.S. Winter Gardens. — -Prop., W. H. Broadhead and Son. Res. Man., Harry Levante. Two changes weekly. Phone, Morecambe 8. MORETON (Cheshire), Pop. 970. Picture House. — Prop., Cheshire Picture Halls, Co., Ltd. Head Office, Empire, Conway Street, Birkenhead. Res. Man., W. W. Fraser. Booked at H.O.,by W. F. Williams. Continuous. Prices, t~d. to is. 3d. Phone, Upton 22. Station, Moreton, L.M.S. MORLEY (Yorks), Pop. 23,989. New Pavilion, South Queen Street.- — Prop., Coronation Pavilion Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Chas. A. Higgins. Booked at People's Palace, Leeds, by P. Elliffe. Continuous, twice Sat. Mats., Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Prices sd. and gd. Phone, Morley 218. Station, Morley. Picture House, Queen Street.— Prop., Picture House (Morley), Ltd. Res. Man., E. Burke. Booked by E. V. Burke. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Morley 232. Station, Mor- ley, L.N.E.R. MORPETH (Northumb), Pop. 7,589. Playhouse.— Prop., Pictureland (Morpeth) Ltd. Man., F. Tinsley. Booked at Hall. Five changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Morpeth 124. Station, Morpeth. MOSSLEY (Lancs), Pop. 12,705. Empire Cinema, Apsley Gardens. — Prop., Empire Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., C. Lees. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Mossley, L.M.S. Royal Pavilion. — Prop., Mossley Co-operative Society. Res. Man., F. Picitt. MOSTON (Lancs), Pop. 4,085. Adelphi Cinema, Dean Lane. — Prop., Victory Pictures (Manchester), Ltd. Man. Dir., H. D. Moorhouse. Res. Man., Arthur H^ Evanson. Station, Newton Heath. MOTTRAM (Cheshire), Pop. 2,882. Futurists Theatre. — Prop.'s address, 188, Manchester Street, Oldham. Res. Man., C. A. Astley. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Station, Mottram. 374 The Kinematograph Year Book. MURTON COLLIERY (Co. Durham), Pop. 10,000. Empire and Olympia. — Prop., Murton Empire Pictures Co., Ltd. Res. Man., S. Chicken. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two, changes weekly. Prices, 5d. and 8d. Station Murton Junction, L.N.E.R. NaILSWORTH (Glos.) Pop. 3,143. Public Hall Cinema. — -Lessee, W. J. Beach. Three shows weekly. One change weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Nailsworth, L.M.S. NANTWICH (Cheshire), Pop. 7,296. Cosy Cinema. Town Hall Cinema, High Street.— Prop., T. E. Markham. Two shows nightly, Mon. and Sat., one rest of week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2 id. to rid. Station, Nantwich. Ye Olde Wyche Theatre. — Prop, and Man., T. E. Markham. Prices, sd. to is. 6d. Station, Nantwich , L.M.S. NELSON (Lancs), Pop. 39,839. Alhambra Picture Palace, North Street.— Prop., Hartley's Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man.. A. Proctor. One show nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Nelson 254. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Grand Theatre. — -Prop.. Hartley & Roberts, Res. Man., E. Greenwood. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Majestic Theatre, Russell Street. — Prop., Victory Theatres, Ltd. H.O., Edgar Street , Accrington. Res. and Gen. Man., A. Peel. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two mats. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone Nelson 334. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Palace, Leeds Road.— Prop., Hartley & Roberts. Res. Man., E Greenwood. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone. Nelson 278. Station. Nelson. Queen's Picture Theatre. Broad Street.— Prop., Nelson Picture Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., L. I.awlor. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two mats, weekly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Nelson 465. "Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Regent Picturedrome, Leeds Road.- — Prop., Regent Picturedrome Co., Ltd. Res. Man., S. Lyons. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Nelson 7. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Theatre de Luxe, Railway Street.— Prop, and Man., R. C. Whitaker. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. NETH ERFIELD (Notts), Pop. 6,386. Alexandra Picture Palace. — Prop, and Man., G. Henton. Booked by Prop, at Moneta, Blyth Street, Mapperley, Nottingham. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Carlton, Notts, L.M.S. NEWARK (Notts), Pop. 16,957. Newark Kinema. — Prop., Newark Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., J. I. Cann. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Newark 40. Station, Newark. Palace Theatre, Appleton Gate.— Prop., Newark Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., J. W. Armstrong. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to is 3d. Phone, Newark 199. Station, New- ark, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA (Northumb). Pop. 6,806. Wallaw Picture House. — Prop., Lawson & Carter. Res. Man., W. Carter. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, L.N.E.R. NEWBRIDGE (Monmouth). Memorial Hall. — Prop. Celynan Collieries Workmen. Res. and Bkg. Man., F. Thomas. Once nightly, twice on Sat. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Newbridge 42. Station. Newbridge, G.W.R. Public Hall Picture Palace.— Prop., H. V. Davis. Phone, Newbridge 32. NEW BRIGHTON (Cheshire), Pop. 7,871. Court Picture House — Prop., Mersey Halls, Ltd. Res. Man., P. Brimelow. Booked at Hall. Continuous from 6 to 10.20 p.m. Mat. Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wallasey 1300. Stations, Liverpool Termini and New Brighton. JViLace Cinema, Virginia Road. Tower Theatre. — Prop., New BrightonAmuse- ments, Ltd. Gen. Man., R. E. Goffin. Head office, Tower Theatre, Wallasey. Three shows daily in summer, two in winter. Two cinema changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wallasey 276 and 284. Station, Lime Street, Liverpool, L.M.S. Trocadero, Victoria Road. — Prop., Trocadero (New Brighton), Ltd., 19, Castle Street, Liver- pool. Phone, Central 1545. Man. Dir., J. F. Wood. Res. Man., K*bin H. Jones. Booked at Hall and 19, Sweeting Street. Liverpool, by J. F. Wood. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wallasey 1560. Station, Lime Street, Liverpool, L.M.S. NEWBURN (Northumberland), Pop. 4,500. Imperial Electric Theatre. — Props. , Dunnan and Maughan. Res. and Bkg. Man.,W. Wain- wright. Booked at Hall. Two shows Mon. and Sat. One rest of week. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Newburn P.O. Station, Newburn-on- Tyne, L.N.E.R. NEWBURY (Berks), Pop. 12,290. Cinema, Cheap Street. — Prop. J. TufnaiJ. Con- tinuous. Mat., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d., 8d. and is. 2d. Phone, Newbury 91. Station, Newbury, G.W.R. Newbury Picture Palace, Northbrook Street. — Prop., Newbury Picture Palace, Ltd., 45, Northbrook Street, Newbury. Gen. Man., Dir. and Sec, Albin White. Booked at H.O. by Man. Dir. Two shows nightly. Mats. Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d., 8d. and is. 2d. (balcony). Station, New- bury, G.W.R. Fdms by Road Transport. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE (Northumber- land), Pop. 274,955. Adelaide Picture Hall, 385, Elswick Road, Prop., Chas. Faith, North Bank, Otterburn Villas, Newcastle-on-Tvne. Phone, Jesmond 9S3. Res. Man., I. Faith. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Central 4967. Station, Newcastle (Central), L.N.E.R. Bamborough Picture Hall, Union Road, Byker. — -Prop., J. Renwick & Son. Res. Man., E. M. Moncrieff. Booked at Hall by B. Ren- wick. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station , Newcastle-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Kinema Directory (England). 375 Brighton Electric Theatre. — Prop. Newcastle Entertainments, Ltd., Westgate Road. Gen. Man., J. Coverdale Bell. Booked at Hall. Mon. to Fri. continuous. Twice Sat. ard holidays. Prices. 6d. to nd. Phone. Central 462. Station/Newcastle (Central). L.N.E.R. Brinkburn Picture Theatre Brinkburn St. — Prop., Tvne Picture Houses, Ltd. Res. Man., E. Lyle." Booked at H.O., Central Buildings. Station Road, Wallsend-on-Tyne. Phone, Wallsend 66. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices. 4d. to f~d. Phone, Central 2487. Station. Newcastle. L.N.E.R. Crown Electric Theatre, Scotswood Road, Elswick. — Prop., J. Dobson. Res. Man., A. Parker. Booked ' at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices 4d. to gd. Phone. Central 2871. Station, New- castle, L.N.E.R. Electric Palace, Heaton. — Prop., Heaton Assembly Hall Co., Ltd. Man.. F. Tabrah. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 4d. to is. Phone. Central 2910. Station. Heaton, L.N.E.R. Empire Cinema, Grainger Street.- — Prop., Moss Empires, Ltd. Res. Man., R. H. Dalkin. Con tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 2d. Phone, Central 1445. Station. Newcastle-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Gaiety, Nelson Street.- — Lessee, Stanley Rogers. Gen. Man., Edward J. Hinge. Booked at 100, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Con- tinaous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Central 1 150. Station, Newcastle, Central. Grainger Picture House, Grainger Street. — Prop.. Bernicia. Ltd. Man.. David E. Stans- fielcl. Continuous. Prices. Cd. to is. 3d. Phone , City 758 . Station . Newcastle , L.N.E.R. Grand Cinema Palace, Benwell. — Prop., J. Grantham. Res. Man., E. Grantham. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 4d. to 8d. Phone, Central 918. Station, Newcastle, L.N.E.R. Grand Theatre, Byker. — Prop., Thompson & Collins Enterprises, Ltd. Res. Man., E. E. McCormack. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Central =144. Station, Newcastle, L.N.E.R. Imperial Picture Hall, Byker. — Prop.. J. H. Dawe. Man.. S. Dawe. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Central 840. Station, Heaton, L.N.E.R. Jesmond Picture House, Lyndhurst Avenue. — Prop., Jesmond Picture House Co. (1922), Ltd. Res. Man., C. H. Smythson. Booked at Hall. Continuous evening show, one mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to ud. Phone, Jesmond 526. King's Hall, Cattle Market.— Prop., James Lowes. Res. Man., J. W. Davies. Con- tinuous 6.30 to 10.30. Three changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 4d. Station, Newcastle-on- Tyne, L.N.E.R. Mechanics' Institute, Walker. — Prop., Baker & Roche. Res. Man., Thos. B. Roche. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d. to 61. Station, Walker, L.N.E.R. Newcastle Picture House, Grey Street. — Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres Ltd. Man., A. D. Jennings. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, City 421-2. Station, New- castle, L.N.E.R. Olympia, Northumberland Road.- — Prop., Sidney Bacon's Pictures, Ltd.. 108. Gt. Russell Street, Bioomsbury, W.C.i. Res. Man., H. Chadwick. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone. Central 4583. Station, Central, L.N.E.R, Pavilion Theatre, Westgate Road. — Prop., Thompson & Coliins Enterprises. Ltd., Pavilion Theatre, Sunclerlard. Phone, Central 601. Res. Man.. Gharles M. Fraser. Booked at H.O.. by G. F. Hill. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to 2s. 4d. Station. Newcastle Central. L.N.E.R. Picturedrome, Gibson Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., H. Millar. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Picture House, Westgate Road. — Prop., Con- solidated Cine. Co., Ltd., 17. Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i. Res. Man.. Richard Waugh. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Central 4081. Station, Newcastle, L.N.E.R. Queen's Hall, Northumberland Street. — - Prop., "Q" Picture Houses, Ltd., Queen's Hall, Newcastle. Res. Man., D. Hardie. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir., George Black. Continuous. Prices, is. and 2s. Phone, Central 88. Station, Newcastle (Central). Raby Grand Cinema, Commercial Road, Byker. —Props., W. R. Marshall and J. Broughton, 31, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone Central 102. Res. Man., J. L. Davenport. Booked at H.O. by W. R. Marshall. Pictures and Variety. Two shows nightly. Mid-weekly cnange. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Phone, Central 4442. Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Royal Electric Theatre, Groat Market. — • Prop., J. Henderson. Res. Man., G. Hender- son. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices. 2d. to 6d. Station, Newcastle-on- Tyne, L.N.E.R. Scala, Chillingham Road, Heaton. — Prop., Armstrong Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., N. G. Farmer. Booked at H.O., Queen's Hall, Newcastle. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Pnone, City 484. Station, Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Stanhope Grand Cinema, Worley Street. — ■ Prop., W. R. Marshall and J. Broughton. Res. Man., W. Marshall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Stoll Picture Theatre. Westgate Road. — ■ Lessee, Sir Oswald Stoll. Coliseum Buildings, Chuiig Cross. Lonr"o:u Res. Man., H. Sam on. Booked at H.O. by Lloyd Langdon. Continuous. Phone, Central 1555. Sun Hall, Shields Road. — Prop.. H. Spoor. Res. Man., B. Spoor. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Vaudeville, Walker. — Prop., Baker and Roche. Res. Man.. Thomas B. Roche. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station Walker L.N.E.R. NEWCAS1 LE-UNCER-LYME (Staffs ), Pop. 20,418. Cinema, Nelson Square. — Prop., Nelson Square Cinema, Ltd. Phone, Newcastle, Staffs 137. Res. and Bkg. Man., J. Mervyn Yardley. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Station, Newcastle, Staffs, L.M.S. Pavilion, High Street. — Prop., R. Beresfoid, Man., N. Dean. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, 195. Station, Newcastle, Staffs, L.M.S. NEW FERRY (nr. Birkenhead) (Cheshire), Pop. 16 450. Lyceum. — Prop., Lyceum Picture House, Ltd. Head office, Empire, Birkenhead Res. Man., Louis Best. Two shows nightly. Twice weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 3d. Station, Bebbington and New Ferry, LJVLS. 376 The Kinematograph Year Book. NEWFIELD (Co. Durham), Pop. 4,000. Grand Electric Theatre. — Prop., and Res. Man. C. Buckton. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., 40!., Cd. and 8d. Station, Pelton, L.N.E.R. NEWHAVEN (Sussex), Pop. 6,436. Cinema de Luxe, High Street. — Prop, and Man., C. Cook. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Newhaven, S.R. Kinema. — Lessee, C. Cooke, 12, Boughton Road, Newhaven. Res. Man., H. H. Levenstein. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Newhaven Town, S.R. NEW HERRINGTON (Co. Durham), Pop. 13,000. Tivoli. — Prop., Fencehouses Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. L. Winsley. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Sunday shows. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Penshaw, L.N.E.R. NEWLYN, near Penzance (Cornwall). Gaiety Cinema. — Prop., Arthur Maunder. Booked at Hall by Prop. Once nightly. Prices 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Penzance, G.W.R. NEW MALDEN (Surrey), Pop. 12,653. New Malden Picture Theatre, Maiden Road- — Prop., F. Parnell, ia, Piccadilly Mansions, 17, Shaftesbury Avenue, W. Res. Man., John Moule. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, New Maiden 763. Station, Maiden, S.R. NEWMARKET (Suffolk), Pop. 9,753. Kozy Kinema, Victoria Mansions. — Prop, and Res. Man., Barrington Lynham. Booked at Hall, by Mrs. Barrington Lynham. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, fid. to is. 2d. Phone, Newmarket 70. Station, Newmarket, L.N.E.R. Victoria Cinema-de-Luxe, High Street. — Prop., Barrington Lynham. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. gd. Phone, Newmarket 70. Station, Newmarket, L.N.E.R. NEWMILLS (near Stockpart) (Derbyshire) , Pop. 8,492. Art Picture Playhouse.— John Walter's Circuit. H.O., Art Pictures, Fleetwood. Booked by Tom Lewis at H.O. Cinema, Union Road. — Prop., New Mills Cinema (Sheffield), Ltd., ig, Howard Street, Sheffield. Phone, Central 1064. Res. Man.. A. W. Mawson. Booked at H.O. by E. S. Allen, Man. Dir. Continuous Mon. to Fri. Mat. and two houses Sat. Prices, 4§d. to is. Phone, New Mills gi. Station. New Mills. L.M.S. Empire Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., D. Taylor. One show nightly, two on Sat. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Newmills 63. Station, Newmills, L.M.S. NEW MILTON (Hants), Pop. 5,000. Scala Cinema, Station Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., F. A. Hobson. One show nightly on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, New Milton, S.R. NEWPORT (I. of W.), Pop. 14,000. Grand Cinema, Tugley Street. — Prop., A. Hill, " Stonelands," Ryde, I.W. Phone, Ryde 233. Booked at Hall by Prop, and Sec. Twice nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Station, Newport (LOW.), S.R. Medina Hall, High Street. — Prop., A. J. Salter. Res. Man., A. C. Salter. Continuous. Station, Newport (I.O.W.), S.R. Rink Picture Palace, Hearn Street. — -Prop., J. E. Cole & H. W. Parnell. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Newport, S.R. NEWPORT (Monmouth), Pop. 92,369. Coliseum Picture Theatre, Clarence Place- Prop., Biocolor Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., C. H. Gwynne. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, Newport 3776. Station, Newport, G.W.R. Gem.— Prop., Ellen Watts. Res. Man., C. H. Watts. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Newport, G.W.R. Olympia. — Prop., Tilney's Kinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., A. R. Tilney. Booked at Head Office, Capitol, Cardiff, by H. Tilney. Con- tinuous. Two changes. Prices, 6d. to is. Cd. Phone, Newport 22=>g. Station. Newport, G.W.R. Palladium, Clarence Place. — -Prop., Palladium (Newport), Ltd. Res. Man., Archie S. Waters. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Phone, New- port 2g63. Station, Newport, G.W.R. Pill Palace. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. Crecraft. 100. Commercial Road, Newport. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightlv. Prices. 3d. to 6d. Station, Newport, G.W.R. Tredegar Hall Picture House, Stow Hill. — Prop., Apollo Cinema Co. Res. Man., L. Lewis. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone. Newport 2031. Station. Newport, G. W.R. NEWPORT (Salop), Pop. 3,050. Picture House, Town Hall. — Prop.. E. J. Wright. Booked at Hall by R. Wright- Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Newport 58. Station' Newport, L.M.S. NEWPORT PAGNELL (Bucks), Pop. 4142. Electric Theatre.— Prop., G. Salmons, L, Salmons and A. Bullard. One show nightly. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. One change weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Newport Pagnell 2g. Station, Newport Pagnell, L.M.S. NEWQUAY (Cornwall), Pop. 6,633. Newquay Picture Theatre. — -Prop., Newquay Picture Theatre, Ltd Gen. Man., G. F. Harrison. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Pavilion. — Prop., Pavilions, Ltd. Res. Man., D. Sitch. Booked at Hall by G. F. Harrison. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, gd. to is. iod. Station, Newquay, G.W.R. 'Phone, Cornwall i4g. NEW ROMNEY (Kent), Pop. 1,605. The Pavilion. — Props., Andrews and Son. Conway House, New Romney. Res. Man., H. Compigne Andrews, Mus.B. Cantab. Booked at Hall. Three nights weekly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Littlestone 3. Station, New Romnev, Kent. S.R. Rinema Directory [England)* 377 NEWSHAM (Northumb.), Pop. 6,985. Kino Hall. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. Ritson. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Station. Newsham. L.N.E.R. NEW S1LKSW0RTH (Co. Durham). Hippodrome. — Prop., Stanley Rogers and R. G. Elder. Res. Man., James Fremh. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Ryhope 1x2. Station, Sunder- land, L.N.E.R. NEWTON ABBOT (Devon), Pop. 13,837 Empire Theatre, Marsh Road. — Station, Newton Abbot, G.W.R. Imperial Theatre, Queen Street. — Station, Newton Abbot, G.W.R. NEW WASHINGTON (Co. Durham), Pop. 15,807. Alexandra. — Prop. , Northern Victory Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., J. W. Illingworth. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. Station. Usworth. Victoria. — Prop.. A. Shalless. Res. Man., L. Turnbull. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2id. to 4d. Station, Usworth, L.N.E.R. NORMANTON (Yorks.), Pop. 8,000. Empire Picture House, Wakefield Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. Musgrave. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Norman- ton, L.M.S. Grand, Palace, Castleford Road.— Props., A. & H. D. Wood, Ltd. Res. Man., H. D. Wood. Booked by A. Wood, The Arches, Station Road, Milnsbridge, near Huddersfield. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Normanton 15. Station, Normanton, L.M.S[ Palace Theatre. High Street. — Prop., Nor- manton Theatres, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., E. Smith. Twice nightly, mats., Mon. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Normanton 16. Station, Normanton, L.M.S. - NORTHALLERTON (Yorks ), Pop. 4,791. * Central Picture House. — Prop. , Northallerton Cinema, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., T. E. Hardisty. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Northallerton, L.N.E.R. Cinema de Luxe, Romanby Road. — Prop., Northallerton Cinema, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., T. E. Hardisty. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 5d. to is. Station, Northallerton, L.N.E.R. NORTHAMPTON (Northants.), Pop. 90,923. Cinema de Luxe, Campbell Square. — Prop.. Northampton Cinema Co. Res. Man., H. D. Pascoe. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Northampton 150. Station, Castle, Northampton L.M.S. Coliseum, Kingsthorpe Hollow. — Prop., W. Harris, 3, St. Andrew's Terrace, Northampton. Phone 1 1 33. Booked by Prop. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Northampton 1350. Station, Castle, Northampton, L.M.S., and Road Transport. East Park Picturedrome. — Props., E. & A. Robinson. Gen. and Bkg. Man., W. A. W. Smith. Continuous. Daily Mat. (except Fri.). Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone. Northampton 628. Station, Castle, L.M.S. Exchange Cinema, The Parade. — Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Res. Man., C. F. Dunkley. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Mats, daily. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Station, Castle, L.M.S Gem Cinema, Washington Street, Kingsthorpe —Prop, and Res. Man., C. Goff. Booked at Hall by Prop. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, North- ampton (Castle Street), L.M.S. Films by Road Transport. Majestic Cinema, Gold Street.- — Prop, and Man., H. G. Hadland. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Mats., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Northampton 170. Station, Northampton, L.M.S. Picturedrome. Sr. James Electric Cinema, West Bridge- Prop., St. James Electric Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., B. Hill. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, North- ampton, L.M.S. Temperance Hall, Newlands. — Prop., S. J. Flatau. Res. Man., Leonard Harcourt. Two shows nightly. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, North- ampton 779. Station, Castle, L.M.S. Vaudeville Cinema, Grove Road. — Prop, and Man.. A. G. Godwin. Booked at 65, Horse- market. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Northampton 664. Station. Castle, L.M.S. NORTH ENDEN (Cheshire), Pop. 3,097. Royal Electric Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., Peter Leigh. Three shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2^d. to 8d. Station, Northenden, Cheshire R. NORTHFLEET (Kent), Pop. 15,719. Cinema. — Prop., Northfleet Cinema Co. Man.. H. Hotter. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, twice Sat. and Mon. Prices, aid. to is. 3d. Station, Northfleet, S.R. NORTH SHIELDS (Northumberland), Pop. 56,000. Albion Cinema, Albion Road. — -Prop., Albion Cinema, Ltd., 75, Howards Street, North Shields. Phone/ 219. Gen. Man., W. H. Gwilliam. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone. North Shields 49?. Station, North Shields, L.N.E.R. Borough Theatre.- — Prop., Thompson and Collins, Pavilion Theatre. Phone, Newcastle 601. Res. Man., E. de Freece. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, North Shields 323. Station, North Shields, L.N.E.R. Comedy Tfektre, Saville Street. — Prop.. Comedy Theatre (North Shields), Co., Ltd, Man. Dir.. Reuben Jockelson. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. Twice nightly. Mat., Mon. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Phone, North Shields 651. Station, North Shields, L.N.E.R. Gaiety.— Prop, and Res. Man., J. Ritson. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, North Shields] Howard Hall. — Prop., Shipcote Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. Siddons. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, North Shields 450. Tyne Picture Hall. — Prop. Dixon Scott. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. and 4d. Station, North Shields, L.N.E.R. 378 The Kinematograph Year Book. NORTH WALSH AM (Norfolk), Pop. 4,156. Picturedrome, King's Anns Street. — Prop.- John Dixon, Tudor House, North Walsham- Man., H. P. Coates. Booked at Tudor House, North Walsham. Continuous. Prices, 4d- to as. Phone, North Walsham 4. Station. North Walsham, L.N.E.R. NORTHWICH (Cheshire), Pop. 18,385. Castle Cinema. — Prop.. Northwich and Wins- ford Cinema Co.. Ltd. Man.. Tom Sherlock. Booked at H.O.. 5. Cathedral Yard. Man- chester. Continuous. Prices. 4d. to is. Phone, Northwich 254. Station. Witton. Central Palace.— Props., S. Rogers and G. P. Fenton, 109, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle. Res. Man., A. Lee Rogers. Twice nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Northwich, Cheshire Lines. Pavilion Theatre, Hayhurst Street.— Prop., Cheshire County Cinemas. Ltd. Phone, Run- corn 196. Booked at Empress Theatre, Runcorn, by R. Hamilton. Res. Man., R. P. Walker. Two shows nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Northwich 256. Station. Northwich, L.M.S. NORTHWOOD (Middlesex), Pop. 5,230. Playhouse Cinema. — Prop., James Carson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Northwood 132. Station, Northwood, Met. Rly. from Baker Street, and L.N.E.R: and Morgan Trail. port. NORTON (nr. Walton) (Yorks), Pop. 8,000. Majestic Picture House.— Prop., Majestic Picture Theatre (Malton), Ltd., Yorkersgate. Malton. Phone, 107. Sec, J. R. Humphrey, Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Malton, L.N.E.R. NORWICH (Norfolk), Pop. 120,653. Cinema Palace, Magdalen Street.— Prop., Chas. Thurston. Gen. and Bkg. Man., J. A. Burr. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Norwich 1169. Station, Thorpe, L.N.E.R. Empire Picture House, Oak Street. — Prop., Eastern Counties Cinema?, Ltd. Res. Mana- geress, Mrs. E. Godbolt. Booked- at Hall. Continuous. Children's Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Norwich 1291. Station, Thorpe, L.N.E.R. Norwich Electric Theatre, Prince of Wales Road. — Prop., Eastern Counties Cineims, Ltd. Regent Theatre, Chelmsford. Res. Man., Granville Stutely. Booked at H.O. by R. Gerald Balls. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Cd. Phone, Norwich 1388. Station. Thorpe. Picture House, Haymarket. — Prop., Hay- market Picture House, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man.. Dan Benjamin. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 3d. to 2s. c~d. Phone, Norwich 1047. Station. Thorp?. L.N.E.R. (Parcels OUce). Regent, Prince of Wales Road. — Prop., Alex- andra Picture House and Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., C. L. Norley. Booked at Hall by F. H. Cooper. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Norwich 331. Station, Norwich, Thorpe, L.N.E.R. Thatched Picture Ho jse. All Saints' Green. — Prop, and Bkg. Mm.. F. J. Freeman. Man.. G. Starkey. Continuous. 3 to 10.30. Prices. 3d. to 2s. Phone. Norwich 865. Station, Norwich. Thorpe, L.N.E.R. Theatre-de-Luxe, St. Andrews. — Prop., Elec trie Theatres (1908), Ltd. Head office, Cinema House, 225. Oxford Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 4133-4.. Res. Man., Samuel Newberry. Booked at H.O. by R. A. Thomp- son. Continuous. Prices, sd. to 2s. Phone, Norwich 1292. Station, Norwich, L.N.E.R. Theatre Royal. — Prop., Kingshot Syndicate, Ltd.. Empire, Kingston-on-Thames. NOTTINGHAM (Notts), Pop. 262,658. Boulevard Electric Palace, Hyson Green.— Prop., State Electric Palaces, Ltd. Gen. Man., A. Shipley. Continuous. Three mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Nottingham 3181. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S Electra, Alfreton Road. — Prop., Leno's Picture- drome Co., Ltd. Res. Man., A. J. Giffard. Booked at H.O. by E. C. Shapeero, Federation Chambers, Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, 6980. Station, Nottingham L.M.S. Elite Picture Theatre. — Prep.. Elite Picture Theatre (Nottingham), Ltd., Parliament Street. Nottingham. Man., R. L. Adkin. Booked at 122. Shaftesburv Avenue. London. W.i. by Walter B^ntley, Man. Dir. Con-' tinuous. Prices, gd. to 2s. Phone, Nottingham 6640. Station. Nottingham. L.M.S., or Victoria. Nottingham. L.N.E.R. Globe Picture House, Trent Bridge. — Prop., Glob?, Nottingham, Ltd. Res. Man.. Sydney Gunn. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., 8d. and is. Phone, Nottingham 5653. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Goldsmith Street Picture Palace. — Head office, Goldsmith Street. Prop., T. Wright. Continuous. One change weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Nottingham 4180. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Ilkeston Road Palace. — Prop., Radfoid Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., C. Barrett. Booked by Mr. Wilcock, 8. Carlton Road, Nottingham. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phones, Nottingham 1070. 1036 and 1750. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Imperial Picture House, Wilford Road.— Prop., Meadows' Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., W. W. Davie. Continuous. Two changes weeklv. Prices. 3d. to is. Station, Notting- ham, L.M.S. Kinema, Hayden Road, Sherwood. — Prop, and Res. Man., C. Woodward. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Nottingham 4854. Station, Nottingham. Leno's Picturedrome, Radford Road. — Prop., Leno's Picturedrome Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. A. J. Giffard. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Nottingham 3488. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Lounge Picture Theatre, Shakespeare Street. ■ — Prop., Notts and Derby Cinema Exchange, Ltd. Man. Dir., H. J. Widdowson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Victoria, L.N.E.R. Mechanics' Picture Hall, Burton Street.— Prop., Hutton and Shapeero. Booked at H.O., r. Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. Res. Man., H. Smith. Continuous. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6dL to is. 3d. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Midland Electric Picture Palace. Arkwright Street. — Prop., A. E. Bishop. Head o.Tice, Midland Electric Picture Palace, Arkwright Street. Phone, Nottingham 3581. Res. Man., A. E. Bishop. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Kinema Directory (England). 379 New Empress Cinema, King Edward Street. — Prop., New Empress Cinema Theatre Co. Res. and Bkg. Man., J. L. Harriman. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Nottingham 4439. Station, Nottingham, L.N.E.R. & L.M.S. Palace Theatre, Sneinton Road. — Prop., E. Widdowson, Bullwell. Phone, Bui well 28. Res. Man., T. P. Henness. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Notting- ham 5443. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Parliament Picture Palace. — Prop., Notting- ham Pictures, Ltd., Federation Chambers, Wheelergate. Nottingham. Man.. F. Small- wocd. Booked at H.O. Continuous and Mat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Nottingham 6980 (2 lines). Station, Nottingham L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Pavilion Picture Theatre, Trent Bridge. — Lessee and Man.,Fredk. S. Bird, 3, Highfield Road, West Bridgford. Notts. Phone 2532. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices Cd. to is. 3d. Phone. Nottingham 618. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. People's Kinema, Castle Rising, The Park. Picture House, Berridge Road. — Prop., S. W.- Horton. Booked at Hall. Prices, 6d. to is. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Nottingham 5374. Station, Nottingham. Picture House, Long Row. — Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Booked at H.O. by A. W. Jarratt. Res. Man., J. M. Cannon. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. Mats., gd. to is. 3d. Phone, Nottingham 5059. Station. Nottingham. L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Regent Hall. Mansfield Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., T. Wright. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, 5964. Station, Victoria, L.N.E.R. Robin Hood Picture Palace, St. Annes Well Road. — Prop., Ssven, Brook, Wilcock, Starr and Greenwood. Res. Man., F. Greenwood. Booked by A. Wilcock. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 6d. to is. Phone, 1750. Station, Nottingham, L.M.S. Scala, Market Street. — Prop., Victory Cinemas; Ltd. Man., E. C. Morris. Booked at Hall- Continuous, 2.30 to 10.30. Prices, 9d. to is. 6d- Phone, Nottingham 3633. Station, Notting- ham, L.M.S. Vernon Picture House, 320, Vernon Road, Basford. — Prop., Vernon Picture House (Basford), Ltd. Res. Man., E. B. Day. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, 7080. Station, Basford, L.M.S. Victoria Picture House, Milton Street.— Prop., Sh rwood Picture House Co., Ltd., 18, Low Pavement. Res. Man., James Leyland. Booked at Hall by Harry Waid. Continuous. Prices. Cd. to is. 3d. Phone, Nottingham 4571. Stations: Nottingham, Victciia. L.N.E.R. and Midland, L.M S. NUNEATON (Warwicks), Pop. 41,894. Hippodrome. Palace.— Prop., Smith & Clarke. Res. Man.. S. Smith. Continuous. Two mat. weekly, Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Nuneaton 351. Station, Nuneatcn, L.M.S. (Mid. & Trent Valley). Picture House, Market Place. — Prop., Nun- eaton Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. L ir., E. A. Shute. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. Station, Nuneaton, L.M.S. (Mid. & Trent Valley). Royal Picture Theatre. — Prop., E. A. Shute. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. and 8d. Phone, Nuneaton 225. Station, Nuneaton, L.M.S. (Mid. & Trent Valley). Sc\la, Abbey Street.— Prop., Scala (Midland Counties), Ltd. Man., G. W. White. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Nun- eaton 196. Station. Nuneaton, L.M.S. (Mid. & Trent Valley). Super Cinema & Theatre, Bond Street. OaKHAM (Rutland), Pop. 4,0:0. Picture Theatre. — Prop, and Man., Capt. Guy Dawson. 3. Burley Road, Oakham. Booked at H.O. by Prop. Twice nightly, three days weekly. Mat.. Sat. Prices, Cd. to is. 6d. Phone. Oakham 7. Station, Oakham, L.M.S. OXEHAMPTON (Devon), Pop. 3,456. Picture Palace, Lodge Road.— Prop., S. Newcombe. Res. Man., Miss Carlotta Holmes. *Booked at Hall or 11. New Road, by C. Holmes. One show nightly. Mat.. Sat. Prices, 2jd. to is. 3d. Station. Okehampton. S.R. 0LD3URY (Worcs), Pop. 36,908. Palace, Freeth Street. — Prep., C. H. Dent, Grove House, Erdington, Birmingham. Phone, Erdington 723-4. Res. Man., A. Jones. Booked at Hall and H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to fd. Station. Old- bury, L.M.S. Picture House. — Prop., T. Leach. Res. Man,, G. Robbins. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 7d. Station, 01 Ibury, L.M.S. OLDHAM (Lancs), Pop. 145,001. Alhambra Picture House, Horsedge Street.— Prop, and Man., Harry Shaw. Evenings con- tinuous, holidays twice nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to 6d . Station, Oldham (Mumps), L.M.S. Casino Picture Hall, Middleton Road.— Prop., Oldham Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., James Boothman. One show nightly, two on Sat. Mat. Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, d.d. to is. Phone, Oldham 1026. Station, Oldham (Werneth), L.M.S. Cosy Cinema. Bridge Street. — Prop.. Popular Pictures (Oldham-). Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., S. Ashworth. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 2d. to Cd. Phone, Oldham 2307. Station, Oldham. (Mumps), L.M.S. Electraceum, King Street. — -Prop., Land and Builders, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., T. W. Berry. Two shows nightly. Mat., Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station, Oldham (Central), L.M.S. Empire, Waterloo Street. — Prop., Oliham Empire Theatre Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., J. Piatt. Gen. Man., E. Dottridge. Continuous even- ings, twice nightly Sat. Mat. daily. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Oldham 362. Station, Oldham (Central), L.M.S. Gem Picture Theatre, Suffolk Street, Werneth. —Prop., Gem Pictures (Oldham), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., G. Hughes. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Oldham 1920. Station, Oldham (Werneth) L.M.S. Grosvenor Super Cinema, Union Street. — Prop., Picture JJouse (Oldham), Ltd. Twice 38o The Kinematograph Year Book. nightly. Mat. daily. Prices 4-d. to is. 3d. Phone, Oldham 463. Station, Oldham (Central), L.M.S. Imperial, Featherstall Road North.— Prop., Palatine Cinema Co., Ltd. Booked at Hall. Res. Man., George Smith. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Oldham 1498. Station, Oldham (Werneth), L.M.S. King's Picture Hall, Fairbottom Street. — Prop., Albion Picture Hall (Oldham), Ltd. Man. Dir., G. Coop. Twice nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Oldham 1403. Station, Oldham (Central), L.M.S. Palladium, Union Street.— Prop.. Palladium Pictures (Oldham), Ltd. Res. Man., W. J. Fender. Booked at Hall. Contiuuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Oldham 1027. Station, Oldham (Central), L.M.S. Picturedrome, Clegg Street.- — Prop., John Shaw. Res. and Bkg. Man.. Harry Shaw. Booked at Hall. Continuous evenings. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station. Oldham Central, L.M.S. Savoy, Huddersheld Road. — Prop., Savoy Entertainments (Oldham), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., E. Rudland Wood, A.M.I. E.*E. Booked at Hall. Continuous ; twice nightly Sat. Mats., Mon., Tues. and Sat. Prices, <(d . to is. Phone, Oldham 2618. Station, Oldham (Mumps), L.M.S. Star, Greenwocd Street. — Preps., Milloy ard Buckley. 12, Cannon Street, Manchester. Man., J. Howard. Booked at Manchester. Twice nightly. Mat. Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Oldham (Mumps), L.M.S. Victory Cinema, Union Street. — -Prop., Pavilion Cinemas, Ltd. Man., C. F. Meaden. Con- tinuous evenings, twice nightly Sat. and holidays. Mat. daily. Prices. 4c!. to is. 3d. Phone, Oldham 1120. Station, Oldham (Mumps), L.M.S. OLD HILL (Staffs), Pop. 11,600. Grand Theatre. — Prop., B. P. Priest. Res. Man., Geo. C. Smith. Booked at Hall. Continuous Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Fri., twice nightly Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d.,5d. andod. Phone, Cradlev 161. Station, Old Hill, G.W.R. OLNEY (Bucks), Pop. 2,871. Electric Cinema, 81, High Street. — Prop, and Man., Harry Bolton. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, three shows Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station. Olney, L.M.S. ORMSKIRK (Lancs), Pop. 7,407. Pavilion. — Prop., F. W. Locke, Sunnyside, Judges Drive j Newsham Park, Liveipccl. Phone, Anfield 1131. Res. Man... F. A. Locke. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Mon. and Sat. Once rest of week. Prices 4a. to is. Phone, Ormskirk 269. Station. Ormskirk, L.M.S. ORPINGTON (Kent), Pop. 7,049. Palace.— Prop, and Res. Man., A. Spencer- May. Continuous. Two changes weekly" Phone, Orpington 22. Station, Orpington, S.R. OSSETT (Yorks), Pop. 14,300. Palladium, Town Hall Square. — Prop.. New- town Picture Palace Co. , Ltd. , 46, Wocdhouse Lane, Leeds. Phone, Leeds 23442. Res. Man., Archie Wilson. Two shows nightly. Mat.. Mon. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Ossett, L.N.E.R. OSWALDTWISTLE (Lancs), Pop. 15,107. Empire Picture Palace, Union Road. — ProDS., J. Whitaker and W. Reader. Res. Man., Cyril Whitaker. One show nightlv. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Church and Oswaldtwistle, L.M.S. Palace Cinema, Rhyddings Street.— Prop, and Res. Man., E. Wardle. One show nightlv. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Accrington 2g8o. Station, Church and Oswaldtwistle, L.M.S. Palladium, Union Road. — Man. Dir., J. Ash- croft. Once nightly, twice Sat. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Station, Church and Oswaldtwistle, L.M.S. Queen's Hall, Church. — Prop., Queen's Hall (Church), Ltd. Res. Man., E. Aspden. Once nightly, twice Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Accrington 2291. Station, Church, L.M.S. OSWESTRY (Shropshire), Pop. 9,790. Cinema. — Prop., King's Theatre, Oswestry. Booked at King's Theatre. Continuous. Prices. 4d. to is. 2d. Phone. Oswestrv 148. Station, Oswestry. G.W.R. King's Electric Theatre. — Prop., Wm. C. Hill Black. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Oswestry 148. Station, Oswestry, G.W.R. Playhouse, Oswald Road. — Prop., Ernest Stott. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Pictures and Variety. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Oswestry, G.W.R. OTLEY (near Leeds) (Yorks.), Pop. 9,538. Metropole. — Prop., Metropole Cinemas and Concerts, Ltd. Res. Maa., N. Henton. Booked at Hall by G. Compon. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Otley, L.M.S. OTTERY ST. MARY (Devon), Pop. 3,538. Palace Theatre Cinema. — Prop., E. R. F. Coleberd. Res. Man., J. H. Morgan. Booked by T. Stembridge at Palace Theatre Cinema, Crewkerne. One show nightlv, Tues. and Fri. Prices, =;d. to 2s. Station, Ottery St Mary, S.R. OUTWODD (Yorks). Empire, Outwood, Wakefield.— Prop. Roth- well Empire, Ltd. Res. Man., R. Harrison. Booked at H.O. by R. Harrison. One show nightlv. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Leeds, L.M.S. OVENOEN (Yorks), Pop, 6,000. Pioneer Picture House, Wheatley Lane. — Prop.. O.enden Pioneer Picture House Co., Ltd. , Halifax. Res. and Bkg. Man. , William S. Parker. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Phone. Halifax 2004. Station Ovenden (Parcel Office). OXFORD (Ox ), Pop. 57,952. Electra Palace, Queen Street.— Prop., Elec- tra Palace Co. (Oxford), Ltd. Res. Man., G. E. B. Parr. Continuous. Two changes weeklv. Phone, Oxford ggo. Station. Ox- ford, G.W.R. and L.M.S. George Street Cinema. — Prop., Oxford Cinematograph Theatre Co. (1922), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man. . W.A. Seymour. Bkd. at Oxford Super Cinema. Continuous. Twq changes weeklv. Piices. 4d. to is. iod. Phone. Oxford 676. Station. Oxfoid. G.W.R and L.M.S. Films by Motor Transport, Kinetna Directory (England), 381 New Cinema, Headington.— Prop, E. J. Hall. Res. Mans., E. J. Hall and Son. Booked at 24, London Road, Headington. Once nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 8d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Oxford 1012. Station, Oxford, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Films by Thames Transport. Oxford Super Cinema, Magdalen Street. — Prop.. Oxford Cinematograph Theatre Co. (1922), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. A. Seymour. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone. Oxford ic67, Station, Oxford, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Film?, by Motor Transport. Palace, Cowley Road. — Prop., Cowley Road Cinema Co. (Oxford), Ltd. Res. Man., Oliver T. Haines. Booked at Hall by Man. Con- tinuous. Mats, Mon., Thurs., and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Oxford 1089. Station, Oxford. G.W.R. or Road Transport. Scala, Walton Street.- — Prop, ani Man., Ben Jav. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Oxford 867. Station, Oxford, G.W.R. and, L.M.S. Films by Road Transport. OXTED (Surrey), Pop. 3,330. The Kinema. — Prop, and Man., D. L. Robert- son. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Oxted, S.R. PaDIHAM (Lancs.), Pop. 12,474. Globe Cinema, Mill Street. (Particulars as Grand Theatre below.) Grand Theatre, Station Road. — Prop., Padiham Amusements, Ltd. Man. Dir., T. H. Hartley. Res. Man., Herbert Kenyon. Booked at Manchester. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Padiham. 69, Station, Padiham, L.M.S. PADSTOW (Cornwall),. Pop. 1,737. Cinedrome. — Prop., E. J. Pope. Res. Man., W. E. Pope. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Station, Padstow, S.R. PAIGNTON (Devon), Pop. 14,443. Electric Palace, Totnes Road. — Res. Man., C. Santer. Booked at H.O. Homeside, Barrington Road, Wellswccd, Torquay. Phone, Torquay 2895. Twice nightly, Sat. Mat. Phone. Paignton 5353. Station, Paignton, G.W.R. Paignton Picture House, Torbay Road. — Prop., Paignton Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., G. Bearne. Continuous. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 3s. Phone, Paignton 244. Station, Paignton. PARKSTONE (with Branksome and Dis- trict) (Dorset), Pap. 29,000 Victory Palace, Asblev Road, Upper Park- stone.— Prop.. White, Holder & Co. Res. Man., C. White. Continuous. Two changes, weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Parkstone 129. Station, Parkstone, S.R. (Hants Transport). PATELEY BRIDGE (Yorks.), Pop. 2,50 0. Oddfellows' Hall. — Res. Man., Jas. Forrest, PATRICROFT (near Manchester) (Lancs.) Pop. 17,923. Majestic. — Prop., Lancashire Entertainments, Ltd. Gen. Man., A. Taylor. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4c!. to 9d. Station, Patricroft, L.M.S. Palladium.— Prop., Counties Cinema (Patri- croft), Ltd. Res. Dir. and Man., Fred Carlton. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Phone, Eccles 524. Station, Patricroft. PATRINGTON (Yorks), Pop. 1,147. Electric Cinema, Church Lane. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. H. Coates. One show nightly * on Fri., Sat. and Bank holidays. One change weekly. Prices, 2 id. to is. 3d. Phone, Patrington 3. Station, Patrington. PEEL (I.O.M.). Pavilion, Stanley Road. — Prop., Strand Cinema Theatre Co. (1920), Ltd., 39, Strand Street, Douglas, I.O.M. Res. Man., Albert E. Brown. Continuous. Phone, Peel 24. Station, Peel. PELAW (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,000. Grand Hall, Joicey Street. — Prop., Grand Hall (Pelaw-on-Tyne), Ltd. Man. Dir., John Smith, 14, Wellfield Terrace, Felling. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two on Mon. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Felling 13. Station, Pelaw Junction, L.N.E.R. PEMBERTON (Lancs ), Pop. 23,642. Carlton. — Prop., Eagle Picturedromes. Ltd. Reg. Office, County Playhouse, King Street, Wigan. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Station, Wigan. Central Hall. Queen's Theatre, Ormskirk Road.- — Prop., Eagle Picturedromes, Ltd. Reg. Office, County Playhouse, King Street, Wigan. Phone, 289. Res. Man., Jas. Cuerden. Booked at H.O. by T. C. Robinson. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to iod. Station, Wigan. PENDLEBURY (Lancs.), Pop. 9,986. New Adelphi Picture House. Picture Theatre, Bolton Road. — Prop., Pendlebury Picture Palace and Varieties, Ltd. Res. Man., A. Seddon. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Eccles 805. Station, Swinton, L.M.S. PENGAM (Mon ), Pop. 3,012. Palace Cinema.— Prop., Rowland Williams, Res. Man., Pat Walsh. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 9d. to is. 3d. Station, Pengam, G.W.R. Palladium. — -Prop., Rowland Williams. PENISTONE (Yorks ), Pop. 3,791. Town Hall Picture House.— Prop, and Man., Joseph Jesson. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. Station, Penistone, L.M.S. PENRITH (Cumb ), Pop. 8,342. Alhambra. — Booking Man., A. V. Branford. H.O., Palace, Whitehaven. PENRYN (Cornwall), Pop. 3,151. Cinema. — -Lessees, Harris Bros. Gen. Man. Harold R. Woodward. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Penrvn, G.W.R. 382 The Kinematograph Year Book. PENSHAW (Co. Durham), Pop. 5,000. Gem Picture Palace. — Prop., and Man., Thos. Curry, Rose Cottage, North Bid dick. Booked by Prop, at H.O. One show nightly. Prices 2jd. to 6d. Station, Penshaw, L.N.E.R. PENZANCE (Cornwall), Pop. 12,096. Cinema.- — Prop., Penzance Cinema Ltd. Man- Dir., Robert Thomas. One show nightly, two mat. weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Penzance, 146 and 330. Station, Penzance, G.W.R. Pavilion Theatre. — Prep.. Penzance Cinema. Ltd. Booked at H.O. Occasional shews. Phone. Penzance 146. Station. Penzance. G. W.R. Picturedrome. — Prop. Penzance Cinema, Ltd. Booked at H.O.. The Cinema, Penzance. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Penzance 146. Station, Penzance, G.W.R. PERSHORE (Worc.) Pop. 3,462. Picture House. — Res. and Bkg. Man., P. J. Carter. Once nightly. Prices. 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Pershore, G.W.R. PETERBOROUGH (Northants), Pop. 35,533. Broadway Kinema, Broadway. — Prop., Pro- vincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Res. Man., H. W. Watson. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Daily Mat. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d,. Phone, Peter borough 225. Station, Peterborough, L.N.E.R. New England Cinema.— Lessee Mrs. H. E. Denny. Res. Man., H. E. Denny. Continu- ous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Peterborough, L.N.E.R. Palace, Broadway. — Prop., A. Bancroft. Res. Man., J. Pancroft. Booked by H. Bancroft at Wisbech Hippodrome Ltd. Pictures and Varieties. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Pri es ^d. to is. iod. 'Phone Peter- borough 327. Stations, Peterborough (North and South) L.N.E.R. Woodston Cinema, Palmerston Road.— Phone, 320 Peterborough. Booking Manager, Aubrey. Maiden. Prop, and Res. Man.. Aubrey, Maiden. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, ^d. to is. Station. Peterborough, L.N.E.R. PETERSFIELD (Hants ), Pop. 3,933. Electric Theatre. —Prop., H. Filer, 6-8. St. James Road, Southsea. Phone, Portsmouth 5193. Res. Man., S. Filer. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Petersfield, S.R. Films by Marmion Motor Transport. PETWORTH (Sussex), Pop. 2,489. Electric Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., Stanley Collis, East Street, Booked at Hall. Four shows weekly. Mat. Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. iod. Station, Petworth, S.R. PICKERING (Yorks ), Pop. 3,504. Central Hall. — -Prop, and Man., J. A. Metcalfe, White Swan Hotel. Phone, Pickering 13, Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d.tois. Station, Pickering, L.N.E.R. PINXTON (Notts ), Pop. 5,105. Picture Palace. — Prop., Midland Empire Theatres, Ltd., Victoria Street; South Nor- manton. Phone, Normanton 1. Res. Man., W. Carrington. Booked at H.O. by J. Polland, Mansfield. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Station, Pinxton, L.M.S. PLATT BRIDGE (Lancs ). Empire.— Prop., Eagle Picturedromes, Ltd. Booked at County, Wigan. Once nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Piatt Bridge', L.M.S. Palace Picture House.— Prop., Eagle Picture- dromes, Ltd. Booked at County, Wigan. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 9d. Station, Piatt Bridge, L.M.S. PLYMOUTH (Devon), Pop. 209,857. Alhambra. — Prop... Kingshot Syndicate, Ltd.', Empire. Kingston-on-Thames. Andrews Picture House, Union Street- Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., George Sassoni. Booked at H.O. by A. \V. Jarratt. Continuous. Prices, 4M to is. 6d. Phone, Plymouth 935. Station, Millbav, G.W.R. Belgrave Electric Theatre, Belgrave Road, Mutley Plain.— Prop., Thomas Hovle. Dir., E. B. Hoyle. Man., R. D. Nichols. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Mutley, G.W.R. Cinedrome, Ebrington Street. — Prop., Thos. Hoyle. Res. Man., C. H. Rundle. Booked at Hall. Afternoon and evening. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Plymouth 810. Station, Millbay, G.W.R. Cinema de Luxe, Union Street'. — Prop., Mrs. Caston. Res. Man., W. Caston. Two shows nightly. Four mats, weekly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 2M. upwards. Station, Mut-- ley, G.W.R. Criterion Kinema. — Prop., Frank Pearce. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Millbay, G.W.R. Electric Theatre, Fore Street. — -Prop., Elec- tric Theatre (Devonport), Ld. Gen. Man., Frank A. Wheeler. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d., 5d., 8d., is. Phone, Devonport 416. Station, Devonport, G.W.R. ;nd S.R. Electric Theatre, St. John's Road.— Res. Man., H. B. Mather. Booked at Hall. Twice nightlv. Two changes weeklv. Station, Mill- bay, G.W.R. Empire Theatre, Union Street. — -Prop., Em ire (Plymouth) Ltd. Man. Dir., A. O. Ellis. Res. Man., P. C. Boasden. Bocked at "Home- side," Barrington Road, Wellswocd, Torquay. Phone. Torcuay 2895. Continuous. Two changes weeklv. Prices. 3d. to gd. Phone. Plymouth 2640. Station, Millbay. G.W.R. Gaiety, Union Street. — Lessee and Res. Man. Harry W. Knowles. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 61. to if. 6d. Station, Millbay, G.W.R. Majestic Cinema (late Wolseley), Camel's Head, Devonport. Prop, and Res. Man.. Leslie F. Taylor. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. and 9d. Station, Keyham, G.W.R. Morice Town Picture Palace, William Street, Devonport.— Prop., E. B. Hoyle, Man., R. D. Nichols. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d., 9d., is. Phone, Devonport 272. Station, Devonport, G.W.R. New Palladium, Ebrington St.- — Props., Second Investments Syndicate, Ltd. Res. Man., R. E. Eady. Booked at hall by Res. Kinema Directory [England). 383 Man. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Plymouth 114. Station, Millbav, G.W.R. Palladium, St. Levan's Road. — Lessee and Man.. H. B. Mather. Two shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Devonport S7. Station, Devon- port, G.W.R. Savoy Picture House, Union Street. — -Prop., Savoy Picture House (Plymouth), Ltd., 5, Gt. Newport Street, W.C.2. (Regent 1423. 4-5.) Res. Man., George Mudge. Booked at Hall and H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Mats, 6d. and is. Sunday concerts, Oct. till May. Phone, Plymouth 528. Station, Millbav, G.W.R. Tivoli Picture House, Fore Street — Prop., Tivoli, Devonport, Ltd. Gen. Man., H. Harcourt. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Devonport, G.W.R. PLYMPTON (Devon), Pop. 3,945. Cine drome.- — Prop., H. A. Parkes. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Plympton, G.W.R. POCK LIN 3T0N (Vorks ), Pop. 2,642. Central Hall, Market Square. — Prop., Central Hall Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., I. Lee. Booked at Hall. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Pocklington 46. Station, Pocklington, L.N.E.R. POLESWORTH (Warwickshire). Pop. 3,500. Electric Pictures. — -Prop., G. Deeming. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Polesworth 14. Station, Polesworth, L.N. PONDERS END (Middlesex), Pop. 12,736. Electric Theatre, High Street. — Prop., W* Paterson. Continuous. Mat., Mon., Thurs- and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices- 3d. to is. Phone, Enfield 502. Station- Ponders End, L.M.S. PONTEFRACT (Yorks), Pop. 16,763. Playhouse Cinema. — -Props., J. Hutchinson and A. Firth. Res. Man., J. Hutchinson. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weeklv. Phone. 164. Station, Ponte- fract, L.N.E.R. or L.M.S. The Picture House. — Prop., T. C. Holden. Man., H. M. Farrington. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, 205. Station, Tanshelf, L.M.S. PONTNEWYNYDD (Mon). West's Pavilion. — -Prop., West's Pavilion. Ltd. Res. Man., H. G. Spary. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Pontnewynydd, G.W.R. PONTYPODL (Mon ), Pop. 8,833. Park Cinema. — Prop., The Pontypool Cinema, Ltd. Man., J. B. Hill. Continuous. Phone, Pontypool 120. Station, Pontypool, G.W.R. POOLE (Dorset) (Town Pop. 14,000). Amity Hall, High Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. Bravery. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Poole 103. Station, Poole, S.R. Electric Theatre, High Street. — Prop., J. Bravery. Res. Man., W. G. Ferguson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Poole 103. Station, Poole, S.R PORTLAND (Dokset), Pop. 12,434. Palace, Park Road, Easton.- — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres. One show -nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Easton, G.W.R. Palace, Victoria Square. — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd. One show daily. Mat. Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Portland _ PORTSLADE-BY-SEA (Sussex), Pop. 7,696. Portslade Picturedrome. — Prop., and Res. Man.. F. J. Freeman. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6 1. to is. Phone, Portslade 79. Station, Portslade, S.R. PORTSMOUTH (Hants.), Pop. 247,343. Apollo, Albert Road, Southsea. — Prop., Apollo Kinematic Theatre (Southsea), Ltd., 5, King's Terrace, Southsea. Phone, Portsmouth, =1924. Sec, F. King. Res. and Gen. Man., F. B. B. Blake. Booked at Theatre. Continuous. Daily 2.15 p.m. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Portsmouth 4995. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. Films per London and Provincial Films' Motor-Transport. Arcade Picture House, The Arcade, Com- mercial Road.— Prop., J. W. Mills. Bkg. Man., J. M. Stedham, 8, WTilson Grove, Southsea. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. gd. and is. Phone, Portsmouth 5S34. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. Copnor Electric Theatre, Copnor Road.— Prop. E. F. Tborndyke. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. Eastney Electric Theatre, Eastney.- — Prop. E. J. Baker and Son. Man., Vernon E. Baker. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Fratton, S.R. Empire Cinema (Formerly North End Cinema), Stamshaw Road.— Prep.. W. J. Parlett. Res. Man., W. Petd. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d.tois. Phone, Portsmouth 5537. Stations, Portsmouth and Southsea, S.R. Gaiety Picture House, AlbertRoad, Southsea. — Prop, and Man.. Louis Zeid, 20, Festing Road, Southsea. Bookedat Hall. Continuous. Prices, fd. to is. 3d. Phone, Southsea 6350. Stations, Portsmouth Town or Frattcn, S.R. Globe Electric Theatre, Fratton Road. — - Props, and Mans., Pannell Bros. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, ;d. to is. Phone, Portsmouth 5859. Station, Fratton. Grand Cinema, Arundel Street. — Prop, and Man., H. Malcolm. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. Majestic Picture Theatre, Kingston Cross.— Prop., R. W. G. Stokes, " Rockville," Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville, Portsmouth. Con- tinuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Station, Ports- mouth Town, S.R. Palace, Commercial Road. — Props., Portsmouth Town Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., j. G. Woods. Continuous. Phone, Portsmouth 5665. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. Palladium, Lake Road. — Props., Cosham Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Turner. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices 4d. to is. Phone 3718. Station, Portsmouth Town, S,R. Paragon Pictures, Lake Road. — Prop., E. Martin, 200, Lake Road. Booking Man., J. H. Martin, Strand Kinema. Res. Man., E. Martin, Jnr. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Price 3d. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. 3«4 The Rinematograph Year Book. Queen's Cinema, Queen Street. — Prop., L. Zeid, 20, Festing Road, Southsea. Continuous. Prices, sd. to is. Station, Portsmouth Town. Regent Super Cinema. London Road. — -Prop., Palace Picture House (Portsmouth) Ltd. Gen. Man., F. J. Spickernell. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous, 6 to 10.30. Prices, 6d. to 2s, Phone, Portsmouth 6914. Station, Fratton, Scala Picture House, Elm Grove, Southsea. Phone, Portsmouth 5859. — -Prop, and Res. Man., Pannell Bros. Becked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Portsmouth 5859. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. Shaftesbury Cinema, Kingston Road. — Prop., Attractive Cinemas (Portsmouth), Ltd., 7, Bolton Road, Eastbourne. Res. Man., H. Bygrave. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Portsmouth 4976. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. South Parade Pier, Southsea. — Prop., Ports- mouth Corporation. Res. and Becking Man., F. G. Robson. Booked at Hall. Twice daily. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Portsmouth 541 1. Station, Fratton, S.R. Southsea Electric Theatre, Fawcett Road.— Prop.. Southsea Picture Playhouse Co., Ltd. Res. Man., H. A. Romain. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Ports- mouth 5645. Station, Fratton, S.R. Strand Kinema de Luxe, Lake Road.— Prop., E. Martin, 200, Lake Road. Res. Man., E. Martin, Jnr. Booking Man., J. H. Martin. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Station, Portsmouth Town, S.R. Trafalgar Kinema, Arundel Street. — Prop.> F. W. Pounds. Res. Man., Baden Croucher. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Portsmouth 3038. Station, Ports- mouth City, S.R. Victoria Hall. — Prop., S. J. Flatau. Res. Man., Tom Panton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Station, Portsmouth, S.R. POULTON-LE-FYLDE (Lancs), Pop. 2,732- Poulton Cinema. — Prop, and Man., J. J. Smith. Booked at Hall by Prop. One show nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices, id. to is. 3d. Phone, Poulton 11. Station, Poulton-le- Fylde, L.M.S. PRESCOT (Lancs.), Pop. 9,043. Lyme House Cinema, Eccleston Street. — Prop., Lyme House Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Manageress. Miss C. Brown. Booked by Mr. Robinson at County Playhouse, Wigan. Once nightly. Twice Sat. and holidays. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Prescot 114. Station, Prescot,- L.M.S. Palace, Kemble Street. — Prop., John Brown. Res. and Bkg. Man., H. Mainwaring. Twice nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Prescot '39. Station, Prescot, L.M.S. PRESTON (Lancs), Pop. 119,900. Cosy Theatre, St. Peter's Street.- — Prop, and Res. Man., A. Wiles. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to $d. Phone, Preston 875. Station, Central, L.M.S. Electric Theatre, Craggs Row.— Prop., H. Bennett. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Preston 490. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Grand Cinema, Marsh Lane. — Prop., Lanca- shire Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., E. Crossley. Two. shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Preston 598. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Guild Cinema, Geoffrey Street. — Prop., D. Ainsworth. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d., 6d., 8d. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Hippodrome, Friareate.— Prop., W. H. Broad- head and Son. Res. Man., Walter Hassan. Two shows nightly. Prices, 6d. to 3s. Phone, Preston 360. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Imperial, Church Street. — Prop., G. Carter. Preston Casino and Pictures, Ltd. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Phone, Preston 442. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Palace and Picturedrome. — Prop., Will Onda. Two shows nightly. Mats., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Piices, 4c!. to is. Phone, Preston 65. Station, Preston. L.M.S. Palace Theatre, Old Vicarage. — Prop.,W. H. Broadhead and Son. Res. Man., F. Tilsley. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Preston 317. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Palladium, Church Street. — Prop., Preston Palladium, Ltd. Gen. Man., Ivan Yeatman. Continuous. Two shows Sat. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Preston 470. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Princes Theatre. — Prop., Will Onda. Three shows daily, except Friday. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Preston 1 165. Station. Preston, L.M.S. Public Hall. — Prop., W. A. Davies. Phone, Preston 1. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Queen's Cinema. — Prop. and Man., James Harold Shackleton. Continuous. Three changes weekly, Booked at Hall. Prices, 2d. to 6d.. Phone, Preston 1004. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Savoy Cinema, Ashton Street. — Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Ashton, 140. Star Picture Theatre, Corporation Street.— Prop., A. W. Kenyon, Brighton House, Rusholme, Manchester. Phone, Rusholme 548. Booked at Playhouse, Oldham Road, Miles Platting, Manchester. Continuous. Mats. Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Preston 11 36. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Theatre Royal. — Prop., T. H. Bailey. Con- tinuous evening. Mats, daily. Phone, Preston 394. Station, Preston, L.M.S. Victory Cinema, St. Paul's Road, Deepdale. — ■ Prop. , Frank Foster. Bcoked at Hall. Phone, Preston 898. Continuous 6.30 to 10.30 Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Preston, L.M.S. PRESTWICH (Lancs ), Pop. 18,750. Picture House. Prestwich Picturedrome. — Prop., Jackson's Theatrical Enterprises, Ltd. Booked at 22, Victoria Street, Manchester. Res. Man., F. Barnard. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Higher Broughton 23. Station, Prestwich, Manchester, L.M.S. PRINCES RISBORO' (Bucks), Pop. 2,315. Princes Cinema. — Props, and Mans., A. & H. Wright. Booked at Hall by H. Wright. Shows, Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Princes Risboro', G.W.R. P3JTTLE WZLL (Essex), Pop. 9,993. Gaiety Cinema, West Street. — Prop, and Man., S. S. C. Thomson. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, $d. to is. Station, Prittle- well, L.N.E.R. Kinema Directory (England). 385 Gibbs Picture House. — Prop, and Man., F. Clive Gibbs. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices,6d.to is. Station, Prittlewell,L.N.E.R. PRUDHOE-ON-TYNE (Northumberland) . Pop; 8,921. Electric Theatre. — Prop., Prudhoe Electric Theatre, Ltd. Two shows nightly, Mon. and Sat., one rest of week. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Prudhoe, L.N.E.R. PUDSEY (Yorks.), Pop. 14,315. Picture House, Church Lane.— Prop., Picture House (Pudsey), Ltd. Res. Man., B. Croft. Booked at Hall by Fred Cce, J.P.,Toft House, Pudsey. Once nightly, twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Pudsey 71377. Station, Lowtown, Pudsev, L.N.E.R. Victoria Hall. — Prop., Ivy Maurice, Pegonia, Pudsey. Res. Man.. Harry Sugden. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Lowtown, Pudsey, L.N.E.R. QuEENBORO' (Kent), Pop. 3,073. Picturedrome. — Props., Sheppey and District Kinema Co., Ltd. Two changes weekly. QUEENSBURY (Yorks.), Pop. 5,873. Hall of Freedom. — Prop., Hall of Freedom Picture Co. Res. Man., H. Barrett. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 2|d. to 8d. Phone, Thornton 84. Station, O'-ieensbury, L.N.E.R. Victoria Hall. RaDCLIFFE (Lancs.), Pop. 24,677. Bridge Picture House, Kenyon Street .— Prop., Picture Theatres (Radcliffe), Ltd. Res. Man., J. Grant Mackenzie. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Pho ne, Radcliffe 167. Station, Radcliffe (New), L.M.S. Picturedrome, Water Street. — Prop., Pro- vincial Picturedromes, Ltd. Res. Man., Henry C.Alty. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Radcliffe 86. Station, Rad- cliffe (New), L.M.S. RAINHAM (Kent), Pop. 2,200. Royal Kinema, London Road. — Prop., Shep- pey and DLtrict Kinema Co.. Ltd., Two changes weekly. RAINWORTH (nr. Mansfield) (Notts), Pop. 3,500. Picture House.— Prop., Rainworth Picture House Co.. Ltd. Res. Man., F. L. Roberts. Booked at Hall. Once nightly Mon., Thurs. Fri., twice on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Mansfield, L.M.S., c/o Parcels Office. RAMSBOTTOM (Lancs ), Pop. 15,370. Co-Operative Hall. — Prop, and Man., E. Mor- rison, Mount Villas, Ramsbottom. Prices 5d. to is. Phone, Ramsbottom 23. Station, Ramsbottom, L.M.S. Empire, Railway Street.— Prop., Blakeborough, Ltd. Res. Man., E. E. Blakeborough. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to Qd. Phone, Ramsbottom 70. Station, Ramsbottom, L.M.S. Royal Picture Palace, Square Street.- — Prop., Blakeborough, Ltd. Res. Man., E. E. Blake- borough. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Rams- bottom 70. Station, Ramsbottom, L.M.S RAMSEY (Hunts ), Pop. 5,136. Cinema.— Prop., Murkett Bros. Phone, Hunt- ingdon 98. Res. Man., A. H. Sugden. Once nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Ramsey. L.N.E.R. RAMSEY (I. of M.), Pop. 5,328. Cinema House, Albert Road.- — Prop., Strand Cinema Theatre Co. (1920), Ltd., 39, Strand Street, Douglas. Res. Man., Walter R. Nicholson. Continuous. Phone, Ramsey 87. Station, Ramsey, Manx Electric Ry. RAMSGATE (Kent), Pop. 36,560. King's Theatre. — Prop., Ramsgate and Dis- trict Popular Amusements Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., R. V. Crow. Two shows nightly. Three mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d.t01s.2d. Phone, Ramsgate 209. Station, Ramsgate, S.R. Palace Theatre, High Street. — Lessee, W. T. Williams. Gen. Man., G. Williams. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Rams- gate 31. Station, Ramsgate, S.R. Ramsgate Picture House. — Prop., Ramsgate Pictura House, Ltd. Res. Man., Harry C. Thorburn. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mats., daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d.tois. 6d. Phone, Ramsgate 124. Station Rarmgate, S.R. Films by Kent Film Motor i'rn sport. Royal Victoria Pavilion. — Licensee, H. Edward Buwn. Pictures and Variety. Two changes weekly. Phone, Ramsgate 395. Station, Ramsgate, S.R. Star Cinema, George Stieet. — Prop., W. J. Attack. Twice nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Ramsgate, S.R. [Films for Ramsgate Kinemas delivered and collected by Kent Films Motor Transport Co., Ltd.] RAUNDS (Northants ), Pop. 3,762. Palace. — Props., Stevenson and Johnson. Res. Man., J. A. Stevenson. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, twice Sat. Mat. Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Raunds 31. Station, Raunds, L.M.S. RAVENSTHORPE (nr. Dewsbury) (Yorks) ' Pop. 6,376. Pavilion.— Prop., Goodall's Pictures, Ltd.. The Savoy, Cleckheaten. Phone, 224. Res- Man., W. Balmforth Haley. Booked at H.O« by P. Goodall. One show nightly. Three on Sat. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Dewsbury 792. Station, Ravensthorpe, L.M.S. RAWMARSH (nr. Rotherham) (Yorks), Pop. 17,911. Princess Picture Palace. — Prop., Princes Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., George Robinson. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Rawmarsh L.N.E.R. N 386 The Kinemafograph Year Book. RAWTENSTALL (Lancs.), Pop. 28,381. Picture House. — Props., Wilmore & Wisbey. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Rawtenstall 123. Station, Rawten- stall, L.M.S. Rossendale Pavilion, Bury Road. — Prop., Rossendale Pictures, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., H. Cookson. One show nightly. Twice Sat. Three Mats. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Rossendale 36. Station, Rawtenstall, L.M.S. RAYNES PARK (Surrey), Pop. 5,820. Raynes Park Cinema. — Prop., Mrs. Louie Gardner. Res. Man., Jas. Leslie Gardner. Continuous. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Wimbledon 787. Station, Raynes Park, S.R. READING (Berks.), Pop. 92,274. Central Picture Playhouse, Friar Street.— Sole Lessee, Walter W. Thompson. Man., Robert S. Stevens. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Read- ing 931. Station, Reading. Electric Theatre, Caversham.— Prop., Stanley and Brooks, 34, Church Street, Caversham. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Reading, G.W.R. Empire Cinema, Elm Park Road. — Prop, and Man., C. J. Stanley. Booked at Electric Thea- tre, Caversham. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Reading, G.W.R., or Road Transport. Vaudeville Theatre, Broad Street. — Prop., Vaudeville Theatre, Reading, Ltd. Ridgway House, 40-42, King William Street, E.C.4. Man. Dir., W. H.White. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2S. 4d. Phone, Reading 97. Station, Reading, G.W.R. REDCAR (Yorks), Pop. 16,399. Central Picture House, High Street. — Prop., T. Thompson, Hippodrome, Middlesbrough (phone, 515). Res. Man., J. T. Edmonds. Booked at H.O., by Thos. Thompson. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Station, Redcar. Pala.ce Theatre, Esplanade. — Prop., Arthur R. Bennet, Res. Man., L. H. Chant. Booked at Hall by Prop. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Redcar, 125. Station, Redcar, L.N.E.R. REDDISH (near Manchester) (Lancs), Pop. 14,252. Bijou Electric Theatre, Gorton Road.— Prop., Bijou Electric Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., A. Leigh. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 2jd. to 6d, Station, Reddish Central, L.M.S. - Pavilion, Gorton Road. — J. F. Emery's Circuit, H.O., Theatre Roval, Manchester. Res. and Bkg. Man., G. S. Smith. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Reddish, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. REDDITCH (Worc.J, Pop. 16,235. Palace Theatre Super Cinema. — Props., Redditch Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., Arthur Beaufort. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Red- ditch 48. Station, Redditch, L.M.S. Picture House, Alcester Street. — Prop., Mrs. R. Treadgold. Res. Man., J. T. Treadgold. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to qd. Station, Redditch, L.M.S. Public Hall, Church Road. — Prop., Notting- ham Pictures, Ltd., Federation Chambers, Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. Phone, Notting- ham 6980 (2 lines). Res. Man.. W. H.Denbigh. Booked at H.O. by E. C. Shapeero. Matinees and continuous at evening shows. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Redditch 151. Station, Redditch, L.M.S. R EDM ILL (Surrey), Pop. 17,998. Cinema Royal, Station Road. — Prop., A. Webb. Res. Man., T. W. Johnston. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekty. Prices, 4d. to 2S. Phone, Redhill 474. Station, Redhill, S.R. Pavilion, High Street (Pictures and Varieties) . — Prop., E. C. and H. H. Grimes. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. lod. Phone, Redhill 104. REDRUTH (Cornwall), Pop. 9,923. Picturedrome, Druid's Hall. — Prop, and Res- Man., W. H. Jenkin. One show nightly. Three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Redruth 33. Station, Redruth, G.W.R. REIGATE (Surrey), Pop. 28,915. Hippodrome.— Prop., Wisbech Hippodrome. Ltd. Man. Dir., H. Bancroft. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4 Turret Kinema, Bodmin. Phone, Bodmin 62. Res. Man., H. Carnell. Booked at H.O. by W. Bruce-Hacking. One show nightlv. Mat. Sat. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Station, Par, G.W.R. ST. HELENS (Lancs), Pop. 102,675. Bridge Street Picturedrome. — Prop., Savoy Picture Houses (St. Helens and Ashton-in- Makerfield), Ltd. Res. Man., D. Strickland. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, St. Helens 392. Station, St. Helens, L.M.S. Co-operative Cinema. — -Prop, and Booking Man., Frank Tarbruck. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, St. Helens 37. Station, St. Helens. Empire Cinema. — Prop., Sutton Pictures, Ltd., 23, Market Place, Wigan. Hippodrome. — Prop., South Lancs Theatres Ltd. Res. Man., C. Barnes. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, St. Helens 109. Station, St. Helens, L.M.S. Oxford Picture House, Duke Street. — Prop., Picture Theatres (St. Helens), Ltd., 3, Tulketh Street, Southport. Phone, Southport 544. Res. Man.,Chas. B. Cooper. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, St. Helens 485. Station, St. Helens, L.M.S. Palladium, Boundary Road.— Prop., Palladium (St. Helens), Ltd. Res. Man., R. H. Benson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, sd. to 1 id. Phone, St. Helens 497. Station, St. Helens, L.M.S. Pa vt mon, Jackson Street. — Proo., Picture Theaties 'St. Helens), Ltd. Res. Man. C. Hammond. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, St. Helens 484. Station, St. Helens, L.M.S. Savoy Picture House. Scala (late Electric Theatre), Ormskirk Stieet. — Prop., Scala (St. Helens), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., R. H. Benson. Twice nightly, daily Mats. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, St. Helens 654. Station, St. Helens, L.M.S. Sutton Empire, Junction Lane. — Prop., Sutton Pictures, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Peter Bates. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone, St. Helens 230. Station, St. Helens Junction, L.M.S. ST. IVES (Cornwall), Pop. 6,945 . Scala Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., Cecil Drage. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, St. Ives (Corn- wall), G.W.R. ST. JVES (Hunts), Pop 2,797. Broadway Kinema. -Prop., W. Cook. Res. Man., A. J. Sheffield. Iwo changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Station, St. Ives, L.N.E.R. ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA (Sussex), Pop. 12,339. Kinema Palace, Norman Road.— Prop., Nor- man Road Cinema Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., P. Banks. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Hastings 184. Station, Warrior Square, S.R. 39° The Kinematograph Year Book. Silverhill Picture House. — Booked at Hall by'L. W. Gunnell. Continuous. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Warrior Square, S.R. SALE (Cheshire), Pop. 16,337. Palace.— Prop., Sale Public Hall, Ltd. Res. Man., S. Williams. Booked at 93, Market Street, Manchester. Three shows Sat., continuous rest of week. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Sale 524. Station, Sale, M.S.J, and A.R. Savoy Cinema, Tatton Road. — Prop., Circuit Cinemas, Ltd., 53, Brown Street, Manchester. Two shows Sat., continuous rest of week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Sale 379. Station, Sale, M.S.J, and A.R. SALFORD (Lancs), Pop. 234,150. Alexandra Picture House. Rumford Street.- — Prop.,G. W. Hall, Res. Man. ,S. Hall. Phone, Pendleton 326 Arcadia, Blackfriars Road. — Props., M. andB. Ranter. Man., Miss G. Whitaker. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Four changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Manchester. Bijou, Broughton Road. — Prop., Manchester District Picture House Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., L. G. Bailey. Two shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Boro' Cinema. Halliwell Street, Trafford Road. —J. F. Emery's Circuit. H.O., 9, Oxford Street, Manchester. Devonshire Cinema, Devonshire Street.— Prop., Devonshire (Manchester), Ltd. Res. Man., Edgar C. G. Flint. Booked at Hall by Fred Carlton. Pictures and Vaudeville. Twice nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Higher Broughton 720. Stations, Exchange and Victoria, L.M.S. Empire Electric Theatre, Trafford Road. — ■ Prop. , Abraham Ogden, 61-63, Trafford Road, Salford. Phone, Trafford Park 145. Man., Joseph Walton. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Empire Electric Theatre, Gt. Cheetham Street. — Prop.. Broughton Empire, Ltd. J. F. Emery, Man. Dir. Phone, Higher Broughton 652. Res. Man., S. G. WingJield. Booked at H .0 . by H . Newbold . Two shows nightly. Continuous Sat. Mats., Mon., Wed and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Station. Man-' Chester. Empress, Pendleton. — Prop., J. F. Emery. Man., R. Gradwell. Booked by N. Bolton at Oxford Street Cinema, Manchester. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone. Pendleton 703. Station, Pendleton, L.M.S. Hippodrome, Cross Lane.— Prop., W. H. Broadhead and Son. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Pendleton 439. King's Electric Theatre, Regent Road. — Res. Man., E. Brookes. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Trafford Park 177. Station, Manchester termini. Langworthy Picturedrome, Langworthy Road. — Prop., Langworthy Picturedrome Co. Res. Man., Harry Hawnt. Booked at Hall Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to 9d. Phone, Pendleton 419. Station, Seedley,. L.M.S. New Marlboro Picture House, St. James Road, Hightown. — Prop., H. and A. Sereno, 35, Fountain Street, Market Street. Phone, Central 5715. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Man- chester termini. Ordsall Picture House, Ordsall Lane. — Res. Man., D. Warwick. Palace Cinema, Cross Lane. — Prop., Sailord Palace, Ltd., 93, Market Street, Manchester. Phone, City 2940. Res. Manageress, Miss E. Lawton. Booked by H. D. Moorhouse at H.O. Continuous except Sat. from 6.45. Mats, daily. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Pendleton 198. Station, Cross Lane. L.M.S. Picturedrome, Broughton Lane. — Prop., Broughton Picturedrome Co. Booked at Hall. Man., L. Hardcastle. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Manchester, L.M.S. Royal, Fitzwarren Street, Pendleton. — Prop., Pendleton Pictures Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., R. Allen. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Manchester, L.M.S. Salford Cinema, Chapel Street. — Props. Williams and Pritchard. Man., W. Gregory, Booked at Hall hy W. Gregory. Continuous. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Stations, Manchester and Salford termini. Scala, Ford Lane, Pendleton. — Prop., Pendleton Scala, Ltd, Res. Man., H. Newbold. Booked by J. F. Emery, Theatre Royal, Manchester. Continuous, Mon. to Fri., two shows Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Pendleton 57. Station, Pendleton, L.M.S. Seedley Cinema, Langworthy Road. Props., S. and C. W. H. Bowmer. Res. Man., C. W. H. Bowmer. Two shows nightly. Two mats, weekly. Prices, 2|d. to 7d. Station, Manchester termini. Star Picture Theatre. — Prop., F. Charles" worth. Res. Man., L. Winter. Tower Picturedrome, Gt. Clowes Street, Broughton. — Prop., T. Royle. Res. and Bkg. Man., E. J. Linsdell. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Higher Broughton 643. Station, London Road, L.M.S. Victoria Theatre Cinema, Great Clowes Street, Lower Broughton. — Prop., Broughton Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., Geo. Paulton. Booked by G. Montanini at 93, Market Street, Manchester. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Broughton 847. Station, Manchester. SALISBURY (Wilts), Pop. 22,837. New Theatre, Castle Street. Prop.. Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd., 15, Middle Street, Yeovil, Somerset. Phone, Yeovil 89. Res. Man., Geo. F. Price. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Salisbury 229. Station. Salisbury, S.R. and G.W.R. Palace, Endless Street. — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Victor Haydn. Booked at H.O., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Prices 5d. to 3s. Phone, Salisbury, 232. Station, Salisbury, S.R. and G.W.R. Picture House, Fisherton Street. — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres Ltd. Res. Man., Arthur Craven. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Phone, Salisbury 294. Station, Salisbury, G.W.R. SALTAIRE, SHIPLEY (Yorks). Picture House, Bingley Road. — Prop.. Saltaire Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., W. E. Holland. Booked by New Century Pictures, Ltd., 34, Wellington Street. Leeds. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. id. Phone, Shipley 594. Station, Saltaire, L.M.S. Kin&ma Directory (England). 39i SALT ASH (Cornwall), Pop. 3,631. Imperial Picture House. — One show nightly. Station, Saltash, Cornwall, G.W.R. SALTBURN-BY-THE-SEA (Yorks), Pop. 4,668. Assembly Rooms. — Prop., T. Thompson. Res. Man., L. Chesworth. Station, Saltburn. Cosy Cinema. Milton Street. Prop, and Man., John G. Middleton. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Saltburn 134. Station, Saltburn, L.N.E.R. Picture House, The Gardens.— Prop., Thos. Thompson, Hippodrome, Middlesbrough. Res. Man., A. Ingledew. Booked at H.O. by Thos. Thompson. Continuous. Station, Saltburn, L.N.E.R. SALTNEY (Cheshire). Coliseum. Park Cinema. — -Prop., Saltney Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. E. Smith. Booked by H. B. Smith at Queen's Cinema, Ellesmere Port. Once nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Chester 1430. Station, Chester, L.M.S., and G.W. Joint. SANDOWN (Isle of Wight), Pop. 7,664. The Rivoli, Station Avenue.— Prop, and Res. Man., T. E. Porter. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Station, Sandown. S.R. SANDWICH (Kent), Pop. 3,161. Empire. — Licensee, S. H. Chapin. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Sandwich, S.R. SANDY (Beds), Pop. 3,377. Co.iY Cinema. — Props., Gray, Marshall and McKelvey. Bkg. Man., W. McKelvey. Shows, Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Sandy 18. Station, Sandy, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. SAWB RIDGE WORTH (Herts), Pop. 2295. Cinema. — Prop., B. K. Parfitt. Booked at Hall. Nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Sawbridgeworth, L.N.E.R. SAWSTON (Cambs.) Pop. 1550. Lecture Hall. — Prop., Towgoods Pictures. Booked by W. H. Etchells. Once nightly, Thurs. and Fri., twice on Sat. By Road Transport. SCARBOROUGH (Yorks), Pop. 46,192. Aberdeen Walk Picture House, Aberdeen Walk. — Prop., Aberdeen Walk (Scarborough). Picttire House, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Grayson, Booked at Hall by H. Bench. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Scarborough 126. Station, Scar- borough, L.N.E.R. Futurist.— Prop., Catlin's Scarboro' Enter- tainments, Ltd. (same address). Gen. Man., H. Scriminger. Booked at Hall. Summer continuous, 6d. to 2s. Winter nightly, mat. daily, sd. to is. 6d. Phone, 644. Station, Scarborough, L.N.E.R. LONDESBOROUGH THEATRE, WestboroUgh. — ■ Props., Londesborough Theatre and Picture House (Scarborough), Ltd. Gen. Man., Frank Gregory. Booking Circuit controlled by New Century Pictures, Ltd., 34, Wellington Street, Leeds. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone 51. Palladium. SCUNTHORPE (Lincs), Pop. 27,354. Empire Theatre. — Prop., Palace Theatre (Scunthorpe), Ltd. Res. Man., John C. Jazon. Booked by C. Thompson at 97, Albion Street, Leeds. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to it. Phone, Scunthorpe 88. Station, Frodingham, L.N.E.R. Pavilion. — Prop., Watson and Sons. Res. Man., H. P. Watson. Booked at Hall. Con-, tinuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Scunthorpe 39. Station, Scunthorpe. SEACOMBE, WALLASEY (Cheshire), Pop 14,815. Hippodrome. Kinema Picture House, Liscard Road.— Lessee and Gen. Man., Alvin T. Willis, Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone. Wallasey 1161. Station, Liverpool termini. Marina Cinema, Brighton Street.— Prop., Bedford Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., Alfred E. lin sver. Continuous. Mat. daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Liverpool terinini. Queen's Picture House, Wallasey. — Prop., Wirral Picturedrome, Ltd. Res. Man., R. P. Rutherford. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Phone, Wallasey 877. Station Liverpool termini. Wallasey Hippodrome Theatre, Borough Road. — Phone, Wallasey 359. Station, Lime Street, L.M.S. SEAFORD (Sussex), Pop. 6,991. Empire Cinema, Sutton Road.— Prop., Seaford Empire Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., J. H. W. Channon. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Seaford 40. Station, Seaford, S.R. SEAFORTH (Lancs), Pop. 15,450. Palladium. Stella Picture House. Columbia carbons bring oat in bold relief every tone and detail of the picture ; the soft, brilliant snow-white light penetrates the whole area of print on the film ! The Kin emato graph Year Book. SEAHAM HARBOUR (Co. Durham), Po?. 16,971. Empire, South Terrace. — Prop., A. C. Harrison. Res. Man., Wallace Child. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4 L.N.E.R. Picture drome, Oddfellows' Hall. — Props., W.E. Dodman, A. R. Green and C. F. Dodman. Res. Man., "W. E. Dodman. Two shows nightly. Mat., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone. Stamford 172. Station, Stamford, L.M.S. STAN DISH (Lancs ), Pop. 7,294. Picture House. STANLEY S.O. (Co. Durham). Pavilion Cinema, High Street. — Prop., T. Cass Craven. Phone, Stanley 69. The Royal. STANLEY (near Wakefield) (Yorks), Pop. 14,689. Picture House, Lake Lock.— Prop., Stanley Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., T. N. Howe. Booked at Hall by Man. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Station, Stanley, L.N.E.R. STANNINGLEY (Yorks), Pop. 3,061. Pavilion. Royal Picture Hall, Bradford Road.— Prop, and Res. Man., S. Barnes. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Stanningley 106. Station, Stanningley. STAPLEFORD (Notts), Pop. 11,516. Palace. — Prop., Edwin Widdowson. Res. Man., Mrs. N. Blackham. Booked at Bulwell by H. J. Widdowson, Secy. Continuous. Two shows Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Stapleford, L.M.S. STAVELEY (Derby), Pop. 12,018. Central Cinema. — Prop., Kendall Bios. Res. Man., C. W. Kendall. One show nightly, one mat. weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Staveley 4. Station, Staveley Town, L.M.S. Empire, Chesterfield. — Prop., Kendall Bros. Res. Man., C. Kendall. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to \s. Phone, Staveley 4. STEVENAGE (Herts), Pop. 5,039. Cinema. — Prop, and Man., E. D. Hayward> Lawn View, London Road, Luton. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Stevenage 143. Station, Stevenage, L.N.E.R . STOCKINGFORD (Warwick), Pop. 9,708.. Palace, Short Street. — Prop., Ashley and Hill. Res. Man., E. Ashley. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d . Station, Stockingford, L.M.S. STOCKPORT (Cheshire), Pop. 123,315. Alexandra Cinema, Edgeley. — Prop., Alexan* dra Cinema Co. (Edgeley), Ltd. Res. Man., J. A. Fanton, Continuous. Mat., Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. togd. Phone, Stockport 2081. Station, Edgeley, L.M.S. Brinksway Pictorium. — Prop, and Man., H. Butterworth. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly Mon. and Sat. Once nightly rest of week. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Stations, Edgeley or Teviot Dale, L.M.S. Don Cinema, Bramhall Lane. — Prop., Rosen- daleCinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., A. H. Redfern. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Stockport, 2603. Station, Edgeley, L.M.S. Edgeley Pictures, Castle Street. — Prop., Elijah C. Aspden, The Patch, Bramhall Park Road, Bramhall, Cheshire. Phone, Bramhall 337. Manageress, Mrs. E. C. Aspden. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Stockport 2569. Station, Edgeley, L.M.S. King's Cinema, Bentley Str.et. — Prop., King's Cinema (Stockport), Ltd. Man. Dir., Ernest Wardle. Continuous. Mat., Mon. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Stockport, L.M.S. Palladium, Princes Street. — Prop., Stockport Picturedrome, Ltd. Gen. Man., Wally Baker. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Stock- port 2576. Station, Teviot Dale, L.M.S. Pavilion. Princes Picture Palace, Princes Street. — Prop., Stockport Palace, Ltd., 18, Union Road Phone, Stockport 2484. Res. Man., Stanley Bridcut. Booked at H.O. by Man. Dir. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d to is. 3d. Phone, Stockport 2404. Station Edgeley, L.M.S. Queen's Cinema, Fortwood. — Prop., Pothecary and Popple. Res. Man., G. W. Popple. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Teviot Dale, L.N.E.R. Savoy, Heaton Moor Road. — Props., Kelly and Harrison. Man., E. Mallin. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone Heaton Moor 114. Station, Heaton Chapel, L.M.S. Star Picture Theatre, Higher Hill Gate. — Prop, and Manageress, A. Isherwood. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d. to is. Phone, 2542. Super Cinema, Wellington Road. — Prop., Stockport Palace, Ltd., 18, Union Road. ' (Phone, Stockport 2484). Res. Man., Stanley Bridcut. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices 2d. to is. 3d. Phone, Stockport, 2244. Vernon Picture House, Carrington Road. — Props., Knott and Co., Res. Man., Thomas Knott. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Teviot Dale. Wellington Picture House, Wellington Road South. — Prop., Wellington (Stockport) Pic- ture House, Ltd. Res. Man., F. H. Hough. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. daily- Prices, 7d. to is. 3d. Phone, Stockport 2916- AUTOMATIC FILM PRINTERS LIMITED W.1, Telephone : Gerrard 3964. 90, WAR DOUR ST., LONDON, And at Barnes. FOR BETTER PRINTS EVERY FACILITY FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT 400 The Kinematograph Year Book. STOCKSBRIDGE (Yorks), Pop. 9,062. Palace.- — Prop., Palace (Stocksbridge). Ltd. Res. Man., J. Haines. Booked by J. H. Dyson at Moorlands, Wath-on-Dearne. Once nightly. Twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Deepcar, L.N.E.R. STOCKSFIELD-ON-TYNE (Northumb.), Pop. 5,000. Electric Picture Hall, Mickley Square. — Props, and Res. Mans. , J. and W. Stokoe. Booked at Hall, by W. Stokoe. One show nightly, two on Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Prudhoe. L.N.E.R. STOCKTON-ON-TEES (Co. Durham), Pop. 66,110. Cinema. — Prop., Cinema (Stockton), Ltd. Man. Dir., F. C. Ewing. Res. Man., A. A. Cawkwell. Booked at Hali by Man. Dir. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Stockton 239. Station, Stockton, L.N.E.R. Empire Theatre, Castle Terrace. — Prop., Em- pire Theatre Co. Res. Man., T. Burns. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Stockton-on-Tees 426. Globe Picture House, High Street.— Prop., Stockton Palace, Ltd. Man. Dir., Chas. Lewis. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Stockton- on-Tees 546. Station, Stockton, L.N.E.R. STOKE-ON-TRENT (Staffs.), Pop. 25,000. Majestic Cinema, Campbell Place.— Prop., Majestic Cinema (Stoke-on-Trent) Ltd, Man- ageress, Mrs. M. Magmanis. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Hanley 769. Station, Stoke-on-Trent, L.M.S. Marshlands Cinema, Wolstanton. — Res. Man., J. E. Mottershead. Continuous Two changes weekly. Station, Newcastle, L.M.S. New Hippodrome, Kingsway. — Prop.. Bio- color Picture Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man.,W. H. Govier. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. iod. Phone, Stoke 1297. Prince's Hall, Wharf Street. — Prop., Princes Hall Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man.,E. Pointon. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Stoke-on-Trent, L.M.S. Victoria Theatre, Hartshill. — Prop., Victoria Pictures (Hartshill), Ltd. Res. Man., L. Hodgkinson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Etruria. STONE (Staffs.), Pop. 5,680. Picture House. — Prop., Stone Cinema Co., Ltd. Booked at Hall by Res. Man., G. B. Haddon. One show nightly. Two mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone Stone. 42. Station, Stone. L.M.S. STONY STRATFORD (Bucks.). Scala. — Prop., Councillor G. H. Barber. Corona tion House, Tunstall Park, Stoke-on-Trent. Phone, Hanley 253. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. STOURBRIDGE (Worc), Pop. 18,023. King's Hall. — Prop., Poole's Theatres, Ltd., 31, Eastgate, Gloucester. Phone, Gloucester 1127. Res. Man., Harry R. Morris. Booked at H.O. by Gen. Man., Ernest C. Rogers. Con- tinuous. Prices. 3d. to is. Phone, Stourbridge 148. Station, Stourbridge Junction, G.W.R. Scala Picture Playhouse, High Street. — Prop., Stcurbridge Picture Playhouse, Ltd. Gen. Man., H. J. Wharton. Continuous. Mats., Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Stourbridge 26. Station, Stourbridge Town, G.W.R. STOURPORT (Worc.) Pop. 4,778. Stourport Electric Theatre, Lickhill Road, —Prop.. Stourport Electric Theatre, Ltd., Lombard St., Stourport. Res. Man., J. Courtney Powell. Booked at Concordia, Stour- port, by G. Jackson. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Stourport 28. Station, Stourport, G.W.R. STOWMARKET (Suffolk), Pop. 4,245. Palladium.— Prop, and Man., John Eric Salter, Wivenhoe, Stowmarket. Booked at Hall, Once nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Stowmarket, L.N.E.R. STRATFORD-ON-AVON (Warwick^, Pop. 9,391. Picture House and Palace Theatre, Green- hill Street. — Prop. . Stratford-on- Avon Picture House Co., Ltd. Sec, Waller Jeffs. Booked at Office. Nightly at 7.30; Mats.. Wed. and Sat. at 2.30. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Stratford- on-Avon 22. Station. Stratford-on-Avon, G. W.R. STRETFORD (Lancs ), Pop. 46,535. Palace Picture House, Church Street. — Prop., C. H. Wallwork. Res. and Booking Man., A. N. Wallwork. Booked at Hall. Continuous, Prices, 3d. and gd. Station, Stretford, L.M.S. Picturedrome, King Street. — Prop., Northern Combines, Ltd. Man., John Holden. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mon.toFri. Two shows Sat. and holidays. Mats., Mon. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Traffork Park 129. Station, Edge Lane, Stretford, L.M.S. STROOD (Kent), Pop. 16,279. Gem, Station Road.— Prop, and Res. Man., G. F. Slight. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Strood. S.R. Invicta Picture Palace, High Street. — Prop., H. G. and W. Croneen, 21-23, High Street, Gillingham, Kent.' Res, Man., G. J. Rase. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Chatham 716. Station, Strood, S.R. STROUD (Glos.), Pop. 8,561. Palace. — Prop., Theatres, Ltd. Man. Dir.. A. Ward. Booked by P. Maitland at Palace Chambers, Stroud. Continuous. Prices, €d. to 2S. 4d. Phone, Stroud 11. Station. Stroud. G.W.R. Picture House. — -Prop., Award Theatres, Ltd.. Palace Chambers, Stroud. Res. Man., Geo. Neill. Booked by P. Maitland at Palace Chambers, Stroud. Continuous. Three shows Sat. Daily Mat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone. Stroud 244. Station, Stroud, GAV.R. & L.M.S. STUDLEY (Warwickshire), Pop. 2,003. Imperial Pictures.— Prop, and Man., J. F. Washbourne. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Studley 7 (Birming- ham area). Stations, Studley and Astwood Bank, L.M.S. Kinema Directory (England). 401 SUDBURY (Suffolk), Pop. 7,046. Gainsborough,— Prop., Gainsborough Theatre Co. Res. Man., A. D. Ager. Continuous 6 to 10. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Sudbury, L.N.E.R. SUNDERLAND (Co. Durham), Pop. 159,100. Avenue Theatre, Gill Bridge Avenue. — Prop., Sunderland Theatres Co. Res. Man., C. Stout. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, 630. Prices, 3d. to is. Station. Sunderland, L.N.E.R. Bromarsh Grand Cinema, Bridge End.— Prop., Bromarsh Grand Cinema Co. Res. Man., Wm. Lacey. Two shows nightly. Mat. Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Sunderland 1779. Station, Sunderland, L.N.E.R. Cora Hall, Southwick Road. — Props., Execu- tors of the late J. H. Tindle. Res. Man., J. Tindle. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Sunder- land .1625. Station, Sunderland, L.N.E.R. Havelock Picture House, Fawcett Street- Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd.. New Galhry House, 123, Regent Stre3t, London, W.i. Circuit Man., F. M. Horsfall. Res. Man., J. Anthony. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Sunderland 1002. Station, Sunder- land, L.N.E.R. King's Theatre, Crowtree Road. — Props., Thompson and Collins, Enterprises, Ltd., Pavilion Theatre, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, Central 601. Res. Man.. W. J. Bull. Booked at H.O. by G. F. Hill. Pictures and Variety. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Sunderland 1008. Station, Sunderland. Millfield Cinema, Hylton Road. — Prop., Millfteld Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. L. Hogg. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two shows Sat. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Sun- derland, L.N.E.R. Palace, Black's. — Prop., Geo. Black Ltd. Res. Man., E. Rawson. Booked at H.O. by Black Bros. Continuous. One change weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Sunderland 485. Station, Sunderland. Picture House, High Street West. — Prop., Consolidated Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. T. Sharpies. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Sunderland 1668. Station, Sunder- land, L.N.E.R. Roker Theatre, Roker Avenue. — Props., Sunderland Amusements, Ltd. Res. Man., W. R. Ruecroft. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Sunderland 1504. Station, Sunderland. Savoy Electric Theatre, The Green, South- wick. Prop, and Man.,G. W. Oliver. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Sunderland 471. Station, Sunderland. L.N.E.R. Victoria Hall, Toward Road. — Prop., Sunder- land Corporation. Res. Man., M. Pratt. Phone, Sunderland 581. Station, Sunder- land, L.N.E.R. Victory Cinema. — Prop., B. Scott Elder. Res. Man., G. Lamb. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 5d. Station, Central, L.N.E.R. Villette Picture Hall, — Lessee and Res, Man., G. Lamb. One show nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 5d. Station, Sunderland, L.N.E.R. Villiers Electric Theatre, Villiers Street — Prop., Sunderland Amusements, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., James Jackson. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Sunderland, L.N.E.R. Wheatsheaf Hall. SURBITON (Surrey), Pop. 19,536. Coronation Cinema, St. Mark's Hill.— Prop.. L. Morris. Gen. Man., Clifford J. Spain. Booked by L. Morris at Hall and 91, Shaftes- bury Avenue, London, W.i. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Kingston 1266. Station, Surbiton, S.R. SUTTON (Cambs.), Pop. 1,531. The Cinema. — Prop., William O. Peek, Richmond House, St. Ives, Hunts. Booked at H.O. Two shows weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Sutton (Cambs.), L.N.E.R. SUTTON (Surrey), Pop. 21,065. Carlton Cinema, Carshalton Road. — -Prop., Carlton Cinema (Sutton), Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Thomson. Booked at Hall. Two shows daily. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station. Sutton, S.R. Picture Theatre, Cheam Road. — Prop., P. and F. Pellew. Res. Man., Chas. Emerson, Booked at Hall by P. Pellew. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. iod. Phone, Sutton 885. Surrey County Cinema. — •Prop., Associated Provincial Picture Houses, Ltd. Res. Man.. J. A. Barker. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Sutton 1009. Station, Sutton. SUTTON GOLDFIELD (Warwick), Pop. 23,028. Empress Cinema.— Prop., Empress Cinema Ltd. Res. Man., F. S. Sandover. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Sutton Coldfield 363, Station, Sutton Coldneld. SUTTON-IN-ASH FIELD (Notts), Pop. 23,852. King's Palace. — Prop, and Res. Man., B. Oaksford. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Sutton- in-Ashneld 79. Station, Sutton-in-Ashheld. Queen's Picture Palace, Outram Street.— Prop., Sutton and Kirkby Picture Palaces Co., Ltd. Res. Man., T. Burrows. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Sutton 76. Station, Sutton-in-Ashheld, L.N.E.R. MORRIS FILM SERVICE ' ■ EDUCATIONAL. SPECIALISTS." Stock comprises Four Hundred Films of TRAVEL, SCIENTIFIC, ZOOLOGICAL, INDUSTRIAL, NATURE SUBJECTS. Enquiries from Schools, Institutions and Educational Committees solicited. Complete Outfits supplied. 5, Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Telegrams: Morfilm , Westcent. 402 The Kinemafograph Year Book. Town Hall.— Prop, and Res. Man., B. Oaks- ford. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Sutton-in-Ashfield 79. Station, Sutton-in-Ashfield, L.N.E.R. SWADLINCOTE (Derby), Pop. 4,107. Alexandra Picture House. — Prop., Alexandra Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., P. McCann, Lessee. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station Swadlincote, L.M.S. Empire Theatre. — Prop.. Swadlincote Enter- tainment Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Leslie B. Wallace. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, Mon. to Fri. Continuous Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Swadlincote, L.M.S. SWAFFHAM (Norfolk), Pop. 2,913. Electric Pi cturedrome.— Props., H. G. and W. A. Brearley. Res. Man., G. Brearley, Four shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Swaffham, L.N.E.R. SWALLOWNEST (nr. Sheffield) (Yorks.) Pop. 5,000. Pavilion. — Prop., Joe Steeples. Gen. Man. and Sec, Fred Shaw. Res. Man., Alfred Steeples. Films booked at Empire Super Kinema , Rotherham . One show nightly, two on Sat. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone 402. Station, Woodhouse Mill, L.M.S. SWAN AGE (Dorset), Pop. 7,112. Swanage Cinema, Station Road. — Props., Pond & Walton. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Swan- age, S.R. SWINDON (Wilts.), Pop. 54,920. Arcadia Palace, Regent Street.— Prop., Arca- dia Palace Co. (Swindon), Ltd. Res. Man., W.W.Hook. Continuous. Four mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Central Cinema. — Prop., C. Cunningham. Man., L. Cunningham. Booked at Rink Cinema by Prop. - Continuous. Mat., Mon., Tues, Wed., Thurs., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Swindon, G.W.R. Empire. — Prop., Kingshot Syndicate, Ltd. Empire, Kingston-on-Thames. Palace, Gorse Hill. — Prop., Award Theatres, Ltd. Man. Dir., Albany Ward. Res. Man., Donald Shave. Booked at H.O., Stroud. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Swindon 135. Station, Swindon, G.W.R. Rink Cinema. — Prop., C. Cunningham. Man. L. Cunningham, junr. Booked at Hall by Prop. Continuous. Mat., Wed. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Swindon 222. Station, Swindon, G.W.R. 8WINT0N (Lancs.), Pop. 30,924. Swinton Picture Theatre, Station Road. — Prop. The Public Hall and Picture Theatre vSwinton), Ltd. Res. Man. S. Belshaw. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9H. Phone, Eccles 231. Station, Swin- ton, L.M.S. Victoria Picture Haxl. — Prop., V. Tildesley. 8Y8TON (Leic), Pop. 3,080. Picture House, Melton Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., S. W. Dixon. Booked at Hall. Four shows weekly. Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Sat. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Syston 8. Station, Syston, L.M.S. XaDCASTER (Yorks.), Pop. 3,399. Cosy Picture House. Palace. — Prop., K. Wilkins. TALKE (Staffs.), Pop. 2,000. Picture House, Butt Lane. — Prop., Partner- ship of four with F.C. Pass as Manager. Booked at Hall by F.C. Pass. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Harecastle, L.M.S. TAMWORTH (Staffs ), Pop. 8,032. Grand. — Prop., C. H. Dent, Grove House, Erdington. Phone, Erdington 723. Res. Man., Frank Riego. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4_d. to is. 3d. Phone. Tamworth 88. Station, Tamworth, L.M.S. Palace.— Props., Exors. of the late John Thorburn. Res. Man., E. Thorburn. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to is. 2d. Phone, Tamworth 59. Station, Tamworth, L.M.S. TAUNTON (Somerset), Pop. 23,219. County Cinema, East Street. — Lessees, Vickery Bros. Res. Man., Gladys E. Bridger. Con- tinuous. 6.30 to 10.30. Mats, daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Exchange Picture House, Parade. — Prop., Mrs. F. R. Rouse, 6, Billet Street, Taunton, Booked at Hall. Continuous- Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Taunton 564. Station. Taunton G.W.R. Gaiety Kinema, Kingston Road. — Prop., Vickery Bros. Continuous, 6.30 to 10.30. Two Mats, weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Taunton 184. Station, Taunton. Lyceum. — Prop., Lyceum (Taunton), Ltd. Man., H. Jarvis. Continuous. Three mats. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Taunton 291. Station, Taunton. TAVISTOCK (Devon), Pop. 4,317. Cinema. — Prop, and Man., C. C. J. and C. J. Burow. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Tavistock, G.W.R. and S.R. TEDDINGTON (Middiesex), Pop. 21.216. Picture House, High Street. — Prop., Middlesex Kinemas, Ltd. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s 4d. Phone, Kingston 3306. Station, Teddington, S.R. TEIGNMOUTH (Devon), Pop. 10,976. Lyceum Picture House.— Res. Man., Miss A. Lewis, Booked at Hall. Continuous. Three mats, weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. iod. Phone, Teignmouth 163. Station, Teignmouth, G.W.R Riviera Cinema. — Prop., A. W. Prince. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. iod. Phone, Teignmouth 164. Station, Teign- mouth, G.W.R. TENBURY WELLS (Worc), Pop. 2,000. Picture House. — Prop, and Res. Man., A. Balfour Johnson. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Tenbury Wells, G.W.R. TENTERDEN (Kent), Pop. 3,438. Cinema. — Props., Shipman & King, 24, Charing Cross Mansions, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Phone, Regent 3269. Booked at H.O. Two changes weekly. Kinema Directory {England) . 403 TEWKESBURY (Glos.), Pop. 4,704. Palace Electric Theatre. — Props., S. and N. Shenton. Res. Man., N. Shenton. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Tewkesbury, L.M.S. THAME (Oxford), Pop. 2,918. Grand Cinema, North Street. — Res. Man.,F. C. Crowhurst. Booked at 53, North Street, Thame, by F. C. Crowhurst. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Thame 3. Films by Millsom's Transport, Kingly Street, Regent Street, London, W. THETFORD (Norfolk), Pop. 4,704. People's Palace, King Street. — Prop., J. G. Brown, Belle Vue, Thetford. Twice nightly. Continuous Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Thetford, L.N.E.R. THIRSK (Yorks.), Pop. 6,000. Gaiety. Cinema, York Street. — Props. . Appleton andShimpson. Res. Man., J. M. Shimpson. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Twice Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Thirsk, L.N.E.R. Picture House, Westgate. — Prop, and Man.. W. N. Power. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Thirsk, L.N.E.R. THORNABY-ON-TEES (Yorks), Pop. 20,520. Central Hall, "Westbury Street. — Prop, and Man., S. W. Nightingale. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Stockton 683. Sta- tion, Thornaby-on-Tees, L.N.E.R. Queen's Super Cinema, Mandale Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., Wm. Garvey. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Stockton 7. THORNBURY (Glos.), Pop. 2,646. Picture House. — Prop., Airs. F. H. Grace, West Shen, Thornbury. Res. Man., F. H. Grace. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d., gd., and is. 3d. Station, Thornbury, L.M.S. THORNE (Yorks ), Pop. 5,300. Carlton. — Prop. . Carlton (Thorne), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man. . P. Austin. Booked at Carlton P.H., Goole. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Thorne, L.N.E.R. Electric Picturedrome.— Prop., Thorne Picturedromes, Ltd., Fieldside, Thorne, Nr. Doncaster. Res. and Bkg. Man., H. Binning- ton. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to iod. Stations, Thorne North and Thorne South, L.N.E.R. THORNLEY (Co. Durham), Pop. 3,380. Hippodrome. — Prop., North of England Cine- mas, Ltd. Hippodrome, Middlesbrough. Phone 513. Res. Man., E. Scully. Booked at H.O. bv Thos. Thompson. Twice nightly. Once Sunday. Sat. Mat. Station, Thornlev, L.N.E.R. THORNTON HEATH (Surrey), Pop. 10,819. Pavilion, High Street.— Prop., W. A. Martin. Res. Man., Alex. Martin. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Thornton Heath 1446. Station, Thornton Heath, S.R. THURCROFT, Nr. Rotherham (Yorks), Pop. 4,500. Cinema House. — Prop., Suburban Theatres,Ltd. Res. Man., T. Gilman. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Rotherham, L.M.S. TKURNSCOE (nr. Rotherham) (Yorks), Pop. 7,000. Cinema House. — Prop., Thurnscoe Cinema Co.. Ltd. Res. Man., F. Haigh. Booked by Geo. Brocklesby, Certified Accountant, 6, March Vale, Conisborough , Nr. Rotherham. Continuous. Stations. Hicldeton and Thurn- scoe, L.N.E.R. TIBSHELF (Derby), Pop. 3,926. Picture Palace. — Prop., Tibshelf Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man.. A. Pottage. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to nd. Stations, Tibshelf and Newton, L.M.S. TIDWORTH (Hants), Pop. 4,840. Electric Cinema, Jellalabad Barracks, Tid- worth. Prop., Church of England Welfare Board Within the Diocese of Salisbury. Res. Man. Herbert H. Stacey. Booked at Central Office, Bulford Camp, Salisbury, by R. J. Cooke. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Station, Tidworth, S.R. Garrison Theatre. Hippodrome. — Prop.. A. H. Kendal. Ltd. Gov. Dir., A. H. Kendal, The Albany, Tid- worth. Phone, Tidworth g7. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. iod. TILBURY (Essex), Pop. 9,584. Palace. Tilbury Alhambra and Cinema, Tilbury Dock. — Prop., Tilbury Alhambra and Cinema Hall, Ltd. Man. Dir., W. H. S. Burlton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Tilbury Docks, L.M.S. Tilbury Dock Club and Institute. Man. Alec. Brennan. Two nights weekly. TIPTON (Staffs), Pop. 34,131. Cinema Hall, High Street— Prop., C. F. Couper. Phone, Brierley Hill 102. Res. Man., J. Alma. Two shows nightly Mon. and Sat., one rest of week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d., 4d. and 6d. Station, Tipton, Regent Picture House, Owen Street. — Prop., Edgar Duckworth, 26, Colne Lane, Colne. Phone, 38 and g4. Res. Man., A. J. Davies. Booked at Empire Cinema, Derby, by J. Ferguson for the Prop. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone. Tipton 10. Station. Tipton, L.M.S. TIVERTON (Devon), Pop. 9,715. Electric Theatre, Newport Street. — Prop., . A. O. Ellis, Homeside, Barrington Road, Wellswood. Torquav. Phone. Torquav 28g5. Res. Man.,' Mrs. B. Varcoe, Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Mats., Thurs. and Sat. Phone, Tiverton' ng. Station, Tiverton, G.W.R. TODMORDEN (Yorks), Pop. 23,888. B.O.S. Cinema, Harrison Street, Cornholme, nr. Todmorden. Prop., Cornholme Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., Anderson Mitchell. Booked by Knapton Fulton. Once nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Cornholme, L.M.S. \°4 The Kinematograph Year Book. H podrome, Halifax Road. — Prop., H. Hart- ley. Res. Man., A. E. Nicholls. One show nightlv, two on Sat. Prices, 5d. to od. Station, Todraorden, L.M.S. Olvmpia, Burnley Road. — -Prop., H. Hartley, Res. Man., A. E. Nicholls. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 5d. to 9d. T0NBR1DGE (Kent), Pop. 15,929. Empire Picture House, (closed) New Theatre. — Prop., F. West. Continuous. Mat. Wed., Thurs. & Sat. Prices 56.. to is. iod. Station. Tcnbridge, S.R. Public Hall Cinema. — Res. Man., A. Dearden. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, 271. Station, Tonbridge, S.R. Star Picture Palace. — Prop., A. Johnson. Continuous. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Tonbridge 359. Station, Tonbridge, S.R. TORPOINT (Cornwall), Pop. 4,440. People's Palace.— Prop, and Res. Man., Teddy Ives. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, id. to is. Station, Devon- port, G.W.R. TORQUAY (Devon), Pop. 39,432. Burlington Picture House, Union Street. — Prop., Burlington Picture House (Torquay), Ltd. Man. Dir., W. F. Gilley. Res. Man., A. Dagnall. Three shows daily. Two change? weekly. Prices, gd. to 2s. Phone, Torquav 2567. Station, Torre, G.W.R. Cinedrome, Victoria Road. — Props., Conday and Rowland. Res. Man., P. McCarthy. Two shows nightly. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Torquay 815. Station, Torre, G.W.R. Electric Theatre, Union Street. — Prop., Torquay Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Mans. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pope. Booked at Hall by Cecil Pope. Three shows daily. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Torquay 2146. Station. Torre. Empire. — Prop., Arthur Rowland (Anderton and Rowland). Res. and Bkg. Man., P. McCarthy. Daily, Mat. and two evening shows. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Tor- quay 2585. Station, Torre, G.W.R. Pavilion. — Prop., Torquay Corporation. Res. Man., Ernest W. Goss. Booked at Hall. Twice daily. Prices, 6d. to 5s. gd. Phone. Torquay 3251. Station, Torquay, G.W.R. TORRINGTON (Devon), Pop. 2,458. The Cinema. — Prop., Fred Russell, Church Lane. Booked at Hall. Four nights weekly, Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Torrington. TOTNES (Devon), Pop. 3,982. Prince of Wales Theatre. — One show nightly, Mat. Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices. 6d. to is. iod. Phone, Totnes 14. Station, Totnes, G.W.R. TOTTINGTON (Lancs). Pop. 6,762. Palace, Market Street. — Prop., Miss Allen and Mr. £. Greenhalgh. One show nightly, two Sat. Mat., Sun. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Tottington, L.M.S. TOTTON (Hants). New Regent Cinema. — Prop., W. A. Hibberd. Res. Man., E. W. Crabbe. Booked at Hall. Continuous weekdays, Sundays at 8 p.m. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Totton, S.R., and Hampshire Transport Co. TOWCESTER (Northants), Pop. 2,148. Cinema.— Prop, and Man., Cyril A. Hall. Booked at Hall. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Station, Towcester, L.M.S. TREDEGAR (Mon ), Pop. 25,105. Olympia, Morgan Street. — Prop., Olympia (Tredegar) Cinemas, Ltd., 5, Melbourne Chambers, Merthyr (phone 121). Res. Man., J. L. H. Tinsley. Booked at H.O. by F. Taylor. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Tredegar 67. Station, Tredegar, L.M.S. Queen's Electric Cinema. — Prop., Welsh Palaces, Ltd., 4, Court Street, Merthyr Tydvil (phone 164). Res. Man., A. S. Page. Booked at H.O. by Matthew Truan. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Tredegar 61. Station, Tredegar, L.M.S. Temperance Hall. — Props., Tredegar Work- men. Occasional shows. Booked at Hall. Station, Tredegar, G.W.R. TRiMDON CDLLIERY (Co. Durham). Imperial. — -Prop., B. Scott Elder. Res. Man. and Licensee, A. Devereux, M.B.E. TRIMDON GRANGE (Co. Durham). Pop. 5,259. Empire.— Prop., B. Scott Elder. Res. Man and Licensee, A. Devereaux, M.B.E. Station, Trimdon Grange, L.N.E.R. TRING (Herts), Pop. 4,352. Empire Picture Theatre, Akeman Street.^ Prop., Tring Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., F. Brady. Booked by W. C. Wilson, The Palace, Chesham, Bucks. Once nightly. Three shows Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Tring, L.M.S. TROWBRIDGE (Wilts), Pop. 12,133. Palace.— Prop., Albany Ward Theatres, New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Man. Dir., W. Evans. Res. Man., H. E. Small. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Continuous Sat. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Trowbridge n7- Station, Trowbridge, G.W.R. TRURO (Cornwall), Pop. 10,833. City Hall and County Theatre, Boscawen S treet . — Prop . .Truro Corporation . Res . Man . Alex. Corrison. Booked at Hall. Theatrical and occasional pictures. Phone, Truro 27S. Station, Truro, G.W.R. Palace Theatre— Prop. . R. C. Hill. Phone, Truro 167. Res. Man.. H. R. Hill. Booked at Hall. Once nightly.' Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Truro, G.W.R. TUNBRIDGE WELLS (Kent), Pop. 35,568. Great Hall Cinema. — Prop., Tunbridge Wells Victory Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., George Manning. Booked at Hall. Daily mat. Kinema Directory (England). 405 Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s ; Phone, Tunbridge * Wells 198. Station. Tunbridge Wells (Central), S.R. Kosmos Kinema, Calverley Road. — Prop., Kosmos Kinema Co., Ltd. Man., J W. Walker. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Phone, Tnnbridge Wells 1020. Station, Tunbridge Wells, S.R. TUNSTALL (Staffs), Pop. 22,494. Palace, Station Road — Prop., Councillor G. H • Barber. Phone, Hanley 253. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Tunstall 253. Station, Tunstall, L.M.S. Regent, Hose Street. — Prop., Councillor G. H. Barber, Palace, Tunstall. Phone, Hanley 253. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. TUTBURY (Staffs ). Pop. 2,200. Palladium Picture House, Burton Street, Tutburv, Burton-on-Trent.— Proo.; Palladium (Tutbuiy), Ltd., Burton Street, Tutbury, Burton-on-Trent. Res. and Bkg. Man., David Rutherfcord. Booked at 37, Corn Mill Lane, Tutbury. Once on Thurs. and Fri., twice on Sat. Prices. 4d. to is. Station, Tut- bury, L.M.S. TWICKENHAM (Middlesex), Pop. 34,805. Lyric Cinema, York Street. — -Res. Man., E. L. Leslie. Booked at Hall by E. L. Leslie. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Phone, Richmond 149S. Station, Twickenham, S.R. New Gaiety Cinema, Richmond Road, East Twickenham. — Prop, and Man.. A. H. Black- man, Picture House, Teddington. Booked at Teddington. Continuous. Two changes weekly . Prices. 3d. to 2S. 4d. Phone, Rich- mond 715. Station, St. Margarets , S.R. TYLDESLEY (Laxcs.), Pop. 15,851. Carlton Cinema, Johnson Street. — Prop., J. Wood. Res. Man., J. Wood, Jun. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to 8d. Phone Atherton 171. Station, Tyldesley, L.M.S. Mixers' Hall. — -Lessee and Man., B. Parsons, Lilford Chambers, Lord Street, Leigh, Lanes. Theatre Royal, John Street. — Prop. J. Wood. Res. Man., J. Wood, Jun. Two shows Mon. and Sat., one rest of week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 8d. Phone, Atherton 171. Station, Tyldesley, L.M.S. Majestic Cinema. — Prop., Union Playhouses Ltd. Booked at County Playhouse, Wigan, by T. C. Robinson. Res. 'Man., Thoma- Barlow. Once nightlv. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Atherton 226. Station, Tvldesley, L.M.S. TYNE DOCK (Co. Durham), Fop. 20.000 Crown Electric Theatre, Hudson Street. — Prop., Queen's Grand Cinema Co., 31, West- gate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, South Shields 13. Man., B. Eldon. Two shows nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to • 6d. Station, Tyne Dock, L.N.E.R. Imperial Picture Hall. — Lessee, Harry Scott. Res. and Bkg. Man., Robert F. Scott. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, South Shields S2'4. Station, Tvne Docks, L.N.E.R. TYNEIY30UTH : Northumberland), Pop. 63,786. Plaza. — Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. UcKFSELD (Sussex), Pop. 3,384. The Picture House. — Prop., W. L. Harper- Res. Man., Harold S. Martin. Booked at Crofton Park Cinema by J. Parkinson. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Uckneld. S.R. ULVERSTON (Laxcs ), Pop. 10,121. Palladium Cinema, Victoria Road. — Prop., Palladium Cinema (LTverston). Ltd.. Res. Man., John H. Land. Booked at H.O. by Directors. Once nightly, twice Sat.. Mat. Sat. Prices. 3d. to is. Phone. 151. Station, Ulverston, L.M.S. UPPERM?LL (Yorks), Pop. 2,000. Saddleworth Picture Palace. — Prop, and Res. Man., H. Pearson. Two changes weekly. Station, Saddleworth, L.M.S. UPWELL (Isle of Ely). Pop. 4,000. Cinema.— Prop., W. O. Peek, St. Ives, Hunts. Res. Man., Pat Briars. Booked at H.O., Four shows weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Station, Upwell, nr. Wisbech. URMSTON (Lancs), Pop. 8,297. LTrmston Palace. — Prop., Cinema Develop- ments _ (Warrington) Ltd. Circuit Man., S. J. Hipwell. Continuous. Phone, 236. USHAW MOOR (Co. Durham), Pop. 7,000. Empire.— Prop., Empire Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Robt. Macdonald. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. id. Station, Ushaw Moor, L.N.E.R. USWORTH (Co. Durham), Pop. 7.980. King's Hall, Station Road. — Props., Eadie and Faid, 95, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tvne. Res. Man., Harry Faid. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station, Usworth, L.N.E.R. importers STANDARD FILM AGENCY „ „ ~ ~ ™ „ „ (BERNARD SMITH), EXPORTERS 26, ST. ANNE'S COURT, r 1 N F M 4°Tftr dadu W ARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l. tlMbMATOGHAPH Telephones : Teleorams ■ P T I M S ?EGE£TT Highflier, Westcent, f 1 L m 0 41o2— 4153 LONDON. The Kinematograph Year Booh. UTTOXETER (Staffs), Pop. 5,361. Queen's Cinema. — Prop, and Res, Man., A. Thorley. Booked at Hall by A. Thorley. One show nightly, twice Sat., and Mat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Uttoxeter, L.M.S. UXSRIDGE (Mddx.), Pop. 12,923. Empire Hall, Vine Street. — Prop., H. Tankard. Man., F. Polley. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Vine Street, G.W.R. Lecture Hall Cinema, R.A.F. Depot. — One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Uxbridge 231. Extension 24. Station, Uxbridge, G.W.R. Savoy, High Street. — Prop. Uxbridge Picture Playhouse Ltd. Man. Dir., Major A. C. E. Salvin-Bowlby. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone Uxbridge 81. Station, Vine Street. VENTNOR (I. of W.), Pop, 6,063. Bijou Cinema. — Prop., W. A. Phillips. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Ventnor, S.R. The Cinema, Grove Road.-— Prop., T. Brading. Two shows nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Phone, Ventnor 170, Station, Ventnor, S.R. V^ADEBRIDGE (Cornwall), Pop. 2,319. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop. , J. H. Wills, The Plat, Wadebridge. Booked by Prop. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Wadebridge, S.R. and G.W.R. WAKEFIELD (Yorks), Pop. 52,892. Carlton Picture House, Grove Road. — Props. New Century Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., B. Pretty. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Wakefield 535. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Station, Wakefield (Kirkgate). L.M.S. Coliseum, Stanley Road, Eastmoor. — Prop, and Man., C. S. Fielding, Glyn Garth, Hor- bury, WTakefield. Phone, Horbury 79. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. 6d., 9d. Phone, Wakefield 622. Stations, Wakefield, L.N.E.R., and Kirkgate, L.M.S. Empire, Kirkgate. — Props., New Century Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Brown. Booked by J. Foster at 34, Wellington Street, Leeds. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 8d., is. Phone, Wakefield 418. Station, Wakefield C Kirkgate) L.M.S. Grand Electric Theatre, Westgate. Prop., Grand Electric Theatre (Wakefield), Ltd. Man. Dir., L. M. F. Davenport. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. Continuous. Twice nightly Saturdays and holidays. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d.,tois. Station, Wake- field (Westgate), L.N.E.R. and Kirkgate, L.M.S. Palace, Belle Vue, Wakefield.— Prop., W. Askew. Res. Man., Mrs. Askew. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Wakefield (Kirkgate), L.M.S. Playhouse, Westgate. — Props., Wakefield Picture House, Ltd. Gen. Man., Claude Shayler. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Wakefield 240. Prices, 8d., is., is. 3d. (boxes). Station, Wakefield (Westgate), L.N.E.R. WALK DEN (Lancs), Pop. 4,958, Palace Picture House. — Lessees, Oxford Street and Market Street (Manchester), Ltd. Res. Man. Harry Sanders. Continuous. Phone, Walkden 37. Prices, 4d. to is" Station, Walkden, L.M.S. WALLASEY (Cheshire), Pop. 90,721. Capitol Super Cinema, Liscard Corner, Lis- card. — Prop., Capitol Cinema Co. (Wallasey). Res. Man., Percy F. Inkester. Booked at Hall by Man. and G. W. Harrocks. Con- tinuous. Daily Mat. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wallasey 2917 .All Liverpool Stations. Royal Cinema. Wallasey Picture House.- — Prop., Coliseum (Wallasey), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man.. George W. Sykes. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Wallasey 1079^- Stations, Wallasey Grove Road or Liverpool Central. Wallasey Theatre. WALLINGFORD (Berks.), Pop 2,724. Exchange Cinema. — Props., Dover and Cope. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Wallingford 16. Station, Walling - ford, G.W.R. WALLINGTON (Surrey), Pop. 8,502. Gaiety Theatre, Melbourne Road. — Prop, and Gen. Man., Leslie Murray. Man., Wm. Reeves. Booked at Hall for Wallington and Selhurst. Evenings at 6 p.m. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Sutton 2622. Station, Wallington, S.R. WALLSEND (Northumb.), Pop. 43,013. Borough Theatre, High Street East. — Lessee, Thompson and Collins Enterpiises. Res. Man., George Bernard. Two shows nightly. One change weekly. Prices, 3d. to is 6d. Phone, Wallsend 100. Station, Wallsend. Queen's Theatre, Station Road. — Prop., Queen's Grand Cinema Co. Res. Man., J. Broughton, Junr. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Phone, Wallsend 254. Station, Wallsend-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R. Royal Pictures. — Prop.,Tyne Picture Houses, Ltd. Gen Man., T. MacHarg. Booked at H.O., Central Buildings, Station Road Wallsend-on-Tyne. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Wallsend 66. Station, Wallsend, L.N.E.R. Tyne Picture Theatre. — Prop., Tyne Picture Houses, Ltd. Gen. Man., T. MacHarg. Booked at H.O., Central Buildings, Station Road, Wallsend-on-Tyne. Two shows nightly Two changes weekly. Phone, Wallsend 66. WALMER (Kent), Pop. 5,354. King's Hall Kinema, North Barrack Road. — Prop. Deal and Warmer Amusements, Ltd., 4 and 5, Park Street, Deal- Man., Chas. Collins. Booking Manager, Chas. Collins, Theatre Royal, Deal. Two shows nightly. Two matinees weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Station, Deal, S.R. Kinema Directory (England). 407 WALSALL (Staffs ), Pop. 96,964. Caldmore Green Picture Playhouse. — Prop.. Caldmore Green Picture Playhouse, Ltd. Res. Man. and Sec, D. G. Mellor. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Walsall 618. Station. Walsall, L.M.S. Cinema de Luxe, Stafford Street —Prop., Midland Counties Circuit, Ltd., 513, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.2. Phone, London Wall 2841. Res. Man. H. Johnson. Booked atH.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Walsall 515. Station, Walsall, L.M.S. Imperial Picture House, Darwall Street.— Prop., Walsall Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. Griffiths. Booked at H.O., by . J. Andrews. Continuous, 2.0 to 10.30. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. , 8d. and is. Phone, Walsall 245. Palace, The Square.- — Prop., Midland Counties Circuit, Ltd., 513, Salisbury House, London Wall, London, E.C. 2. Phone, London Wall, 2841. Res. Man., Harry G. Yates. Continuous Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Walsall 607. Station, Walsall, L.M.S. WALSINGHAM (Norfolk), Pop, 1,168. Cinema. — Prop., M. Codman. One show weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station Walsing- ham, L.N.E.R. WALTHAM CROSS (Herts), Pop. 6,847. Palace Theatre. — Prop., Capt. V. A. Haskett- Smith. Continuous from 6 p.m. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Walt- ham Cross 144. Station, Waltham Cross, L.N.E.R. WALTON-ON-NAZE (Essex), Pop. 3,666. Kino, Shore Road. — Prop., Mrs. Gilbert. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Wal- ton-on-Naze, L.N.E.R. WALTON-ON-TH AM ES (Surrey) Pop. 14,647. Palace Cinema. — Prop., Walton-on-Thames Cinema Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Collinson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Walton .248. Station, Walton-on-Thames. WANTAGE (Berks), Pop. 3,886. Wantage Cinema, Market Square. — Prop., Rosenthall and Bell. Res. Man., F. W. Douglas. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Wantage Road , G.W.R. WARBOYS (Hunts), Pop. 2,500. New Cinema. — Prop., W. O. Peek. Booked at St. Ives. Three shows weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, St. Ives (Hunts.), L.N.E.R. WARE (Herts), Pop. 5,949. Ware Cinema, Amwell End. — Props., Clayton and Beasley. Booked at 48, High Street, Ware. Continuous. Mat Sat. Station, Ware, L.N.E.R. WAREHAM (Dorset), Pop. 1,994. Empire Cinema. — Prop., New Inn, Wareham. Res. Man., A. Howieson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d, Station, Wareham, S.R. WARMINSTER (Wilts), Pop. 5,389. Palace Theatre. — Prop., Albany Ward Thea- tres, 199, Piccadilly, London, W. Res. Man., Yorke Trevor. Nightly. Station, War- minster, G.W.R. WARRINGTON (Lancs), Pop. 76,811. Empire, Buttermarket. — Prop., Warrington Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., R. K. Proudfoot. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Phone 532, Station, Warrington, L.M.S. Futurist Picture House. — Props., Naylor Bros. Res. Man., John C. Naylor. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, War- rington, L.M.S. New Grand Cinema, Bridge Foot. — Frop., New Grand Electric Cinema. Res. and Bkg, Man., Chas. Baker. Booked at Hah Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Warrington 353. Station, Warrington, L.N.E.R. Pavilion, Lovely Lane. — Prop., Delbarwick Pavilion, Ltd. Res. Man., J. T. Barton. Continuous. Three mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Warrington 682. Station, Warrington. Picturedrome, Sankey Street. — Prop.. Cinema Developments (Warrington) Ltd. Circuit Man., S. J. Hipwell. Res. Mm, Robert T. Stott. Three shows daily. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Warrington 346. Station, Warring- ton (Central), L.M.S. Premier Cinema, Powell Street, Lit:hford.— Props., Latchford Premier Cinema. Ltd. Res. Man., J. W. Paterson, 741, Knutsford Road, Warrington. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Latch- ford 345. Station, Latchford, L.M.S. Queen's Picture House, Orford Lane. — Prop., Orford Lane (Warrington) Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man. , Miss Green. Booked by R. P. Rutherford, at Queen's P.H., Poulton Road, Seacombe. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Warrington 483. Station, Warring- ton, L.N.E.R. Star Kinema, Church Street. — Prop., Cinema Developments (Warrington) Ltd. Circuit Supervisor. Mrs. S.J. Hipwell. Res., Man., Robt. T. Stott. Twice nightly. Mats., Mon.. Wed., Thurs., and Sat. Prices 3d. to 8d.,' Phone, Warrington 534. Station, Warrington Central, L.M.S. WARSOP (Notts), Pop. 7,237. Picture Palace, High Street. WARWICK (Warwick), Pop. 12,862. County Theatre. — Lessee, C. O. Brettell. Res. Man. , W. E. Spriggs. Booked at Theatre. Pictures, Varieties and Plays. Continuous. Phone. Warwick 176. Station, Warwick, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Hippodrome, Edward Street. — Prop., Hockley Picture House Co. , Ltd. Continuous. Tues:, Wed. ,Fri. Twice nightly. Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Warwick 98 . WASHINGTON (Co. Durham), Pop. 7,821. Glebe Picture House, Home View. — Prop., Glebe Picture House Co. Res. Man., R. Rout- ledge. Twice nightlv. Station, Washington, L.N.E.R. 408 The Kinematografih Year Book. WATCH ET (Somerset), Pop. 1,884. Watchet Public Hall. — Prop., Watchet Public Hall Co. Res. Man., W. G. Penny. Booked by F. Bromley Penny, Swain Street, Watchet. Once nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Watchet, G.W.R. WATERFOOT (Lancs), Pop. 3,145. Cosy Picture House. — Prop., The Valley Entertainments (Waterfoot), Ltd. Res. Man., J. Chadwick. One show nightly, two Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Waterfoot, L.M.S. King's Hall. — Prop., The Valley Entertain- ments (Waterfoot), Ltd. Res. Man., J. Chadwick. One show nightly, two Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Waterfoot, L.M.S. WATFORD (Herts), Pop. 45,910. Central Hall Picture House, King Street. — Prop., Watford Central Hall Co., Ltd. Res. Man., E. A. Barrett. Booked by Secretary, at 1, Central Parade, Catford, S.E.6. Con- tinuous. Prices, cd. to 2s. 4d. Phone. Watford 568. Station, Watford, L.M.S. Electric Coliseum, St. Alban's Road. — Props.. W. H. MooresandC. H. Pearce. Booked by W, H. Moores at Hall and in London. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to rs. 6d. Phone, Watford 492. Station, Watford Junction, L.M.S. Empire , M?rton Road. — Prop. , Watford Enter- tainments, Ltd. Booked at Hall by Man. Dir. , M. Walker. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. iod. Phone, Watford 93. Station, Watford Junction, L.M.S. Palace.— Prop., Watford Theatre Co., Ltd- Gen. Man., Charles Stafford. Two shows nightly. One change weekly. Prices, 5c!. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Watford 151. Station, Watford Junction, L.M.S. Super Cinema, Clarendon Road. — -Props., Watford Super Cinema. Ltd. Gen. Man., Chas, Stafford. Booked at H.O. by Walter Payne, 25, Charing Cross Road, W.i. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Watford 855. Station, Watford Junction, L.M.S. WATH-ON-DEARNE (Yorks), Pop. 18,000. Grand Cinema. — Prop., West Riding Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., G. H. Dyson. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 1 id. Phone, Wath 26. Station, Wath, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. Majestic Cinema Theatre High Street. — ■' Prop. .Wath Theatres. Ltd. Res. and Booking Man. , Frank Clifford.' Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone. Wath 81. Station, Wath-upon-Dearne, L.M.S. WATTON (Norfolk), Pop. 1,436. People's Electric Cinema. — Prop., F. Garner. Res. Man., J. Swan. One show weekly. Prices, ^d. to is. 2d. Station, Watton, L.N.E.R. WEALDSTONE (Mddx ), Pop. 13,439. Coronet Picture Theatre, High Street. — Prop., E. Howard, Booked at Hall. Res. Man., A. M. Brooks. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Stations, Harrow and Wealdstone, L.M.S. WEASTE (Lancs), Pop. 19,674. Weaste Picture Hall. — Prop., J. Lever. Res. Man., Arthur Willians. Phone, Pen- dleton 406. Station, Weaste, L.M.S. WEDNESBURY (Staffs), Pop. 28,198 Boro' Theatre, Earp's Lane. — -Prop, and Man., W. H. Adams, Avondale, Squire's Walk, Wednesbury. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Wednesbury, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Imperial Picture Palace, U.iptr High St eet. — Res. Man., F. D ning. Continuous. Tnree mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Wednesbury. G.W.R. Picture House, Walsall Street.— Prop., Asso- ciated Provincial Picture Houses, Ltd. Res. Man. , James E. Turner. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 4jd. to is. 3d. Phone. Wednesbury 127. Station, Wednesbury, G.W.R. WEEDON (Northants.), Pop. 1,593.1 Cinema Palace. — Prop, and Man., Cyril A- Hall. Booked at Cinema, Towcester. Prices' 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Weedon, L.M.S. WELLINGBOROUGH (Northants), Pop. 20,365. Electric Theatre. — Prop., Palace Co. (Well- ingboroughl, Ltd. Man. Dir., W. F. L Hewitt. Res. Man./G. B. Lee. Booked at'H.O., by W. F. J. Hewitt. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Welling- borough, L.M.S. Palace. — Prop., Palace Co. (Wellingborough) Ltd. Man. Dir., W. F. J. Hewitt. Booked at H.O., by W. F. J. Hewitt. Two shows nightly. Phone, Wellingborough 184. Station, Wellingborough, L.M.S. Silver Cinema, Silver Street.— Prop., Welling- borough Cinema Co., Ltd. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Wellingborough 153. Station, Welling borough, L.M.S. WELLINGTON (Salop.) Pop. 8,500. Town Hall Cinema. — Props. R. K. Brett and Others, "Lyndhurst," Park Hill Road, Harborne, Birm'ngham. Res. and Booking Man.,R. K. Brett. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Wellington, Salop, G.W.R. WELLS (Somerset), Pop. 4,372. Palace Theatre, Priory Road. — Props. ,E.S.L. and E. H. Collins. Res. Man., Cyril Taylor. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wells 127. Station, Wells, G.W.R. or S. & D.R. (Southern). WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA (Norfolk), Pop, 2,647. Electric Palace. — Prop., Wells-next- 1 he-Sea Cinema Syndicate. Res. and Booking Man. J. Blades. Twice weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Station, Wells, L.N.E.R. WELWYN GARDEN CITY (Herts), Pop. 3,120. Kinema.— Prop., Welwyn Restaurants, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Arthur Guest. Booked at Hall. Shows Tues. and Sat. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, Welwyn Garden 300. Station, Welwyn Garden City. Kinenta Directory (England). 409 WEMBLEY (Mddx.), Pop. 16,191. Wembley Hall, High. Road.— Prop, and Man., H. WdbouTn. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Wembley, L.M.S. WENDOVER (Bucks ), Pop. 2,024. R.A.F. Camp Theatre, Halton Camp.— Prop. > R.A.F. Res. Man., Edward A. Thomas. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Wendover 107. Station, Wendover, L.N.E.R. WEST BROMWICH (Staffs), Pop. 73,761. Hill Top Picture House. — Props. , Jackson and Ballingham. Gen. Man. . J. Jones. Booked at Hall by Gen. Man. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone. Wednesbury 218. Stations, Wednesbury L.M.S. . and West Bromwich, G. W.R. Imperial, Swan Lane. — Prop., Swan Lane, Picture Palace (West Bromwich), Ltd. Man., A. G. Parish. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, West Bromwich, G.W.R. Palace. — Prop., Midland Counties Circuit, Ltd., 513, Salisbury House, London Wall. London, E.C.2. Phone, London Wall 2841. Res. Man., E. C. Gordon Stuart. Booked at H. O. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, West Brom. 358. Station, West Bromwich. G.W-R. Queen's Picture House. St. George's Picture House, Paradise Street. — Prop., St. George's Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., W. Cheetham Wilford. Continu- ous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 7d. Phone, West Bromwich 50. WESTBURY (Wilts), Pop. 3,712. Vista Cinema. — Prop., C. Rowe. Res. Man., C. Rowe. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Station, Westbury, G.W.R. WESTCLIFF-ON-SEA (Essex), Pop. 106,000. King's Hall Cinema, Hamlet Court Road. — Prop. , Ashby's Grand Halls, Ltd. , 16, Basing- hall Street, E.C.2. Phone, City 3443. • Res. Man., W. G. Hudgell. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuois. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Southend 263. Station, Westcliff-on-Sea, L.M.S. Mascot Cinema, 511, London Road. — Prop., Mascot Cinemas, Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Chas: H. Long. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Westcliff, L.M.S. See also Southend-on-Sea. WESTERHAM (Kent), Pop. 3,170. Swan Picture Hall.— Prop, and Man., S. G. Outwin. Booked at Hall. Two shows Mon., Thurs. and Sat., on:e rest of week. Prices, 5d. to is. gd. Phone, Westerham 109. Station, Westerham, S.R. Films collected. WESTGATE (Kent), Pop. 5,100. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop., Westgate Enter- tainments Co., Ltd. Secretary, F. Cornford. Booked at Hall. Occasional shows. Prices, 5d. to 2S. 4d. Phone, Westgate 10. Station, Westgate-on-Sea, S.R. WEST HARTLEPOOL (Co. Durham), Pop. 68,689. Empire Theatre, Lynn Street. — Prop., West Hartlepool Empire Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Cecil W. Hunter. Booked at H.O. by Harry Esden, Cranbourn Mansions, London. Two shows nightly. Prices, 5d. to 3s. 6d. Phone, West Hartlepool 663. Station, West Hartlepool, L.N.E.R. Northern Picture Hall, York Road.— Prop., Northern Pictures, Ltd. Res. Man., G. W. R. Gray. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, West Hartlepool 2714. Station, West Hartlepool, L.N.E.R. Palladium, Northgate, Hartlepool East- Prop., Palladium (Hartlepool), Ltd., Hippo* drome, Middlesbrough. Phone, 515. Res. Man., Fred Bennett. Booked at H.O. byThos. Thompson. Two shows nightly. One Sunday. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Hartlepool 6001. Station, East Hartlepool. Picturedrome, Musgrave Street. — Prop., West Hartlepool Cinema Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., F. Rodgers. Manageress, Mrs. Rodgers. Two shows nightly. Four changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Station, West Hartlepool, L.N.E.R. Picture House, Stockton Street. — -Prop., North of England Cinemas, Ltd., Hippodrome, Middlesbrough. Phone, 515, Res. Man., Bert Proud. Booked at H.O. by Thos. Thomp- son. Twice nightly. Mat., Mon., Wed., and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, West Hartlepool 2033. Station, West Hartlepool. Royal Electric Theatre, Whitby Street.— Lessee, Robert Everton, Jun. Gen. Man,, W. Reynolds. Two shows nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices. 4d. to is. Phone, West Hartlepool 49. Town Hall, Hartlepool East. — Prop., T. Thompson. Res. Man., A. Sanderson. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to gd. Station, Hartlepool, L.N.E.R. West End Picture House. — Prop.. West Hartlepool Cinema Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., F. Rodgers. Res. Man., Mr. Rodgers. Booked at H.O. Prices, 2 id. to 8d. WESTHOUGHTON (Lancs), Pop. 15,593. Empire, Market Street. — Prop., West Houghton Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Man., Edward Clegg. One show nightly, two on Sat. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, West- houghton, L.M.S. Pala.ce, Church Street.— Prop, and Man. , J. A. Wilkinson. Three changes weekly. Station, Westhoughton, L.M.S. WEST KIRBY (Cheshire), Pop. 6,511 = Queen's Theatre, Grange Road. — -Prop., Grange Hall (West Kirby), Ltd., Arcade Buildings, Lord Street, Liverpool (Phone, Bank 4340). Res. Man., T. G. Mayne. Booked at H.O., by J. L. Greene. Continu- ous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Hoylake 398. Station, West Kirby, L.M.S. WESTON-SUPER-MARE (Somerset), Pop, 31,653. Central Picture House, Oxford Street. — Res. Man., E. J. Jones. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 9d. to is. 3d. Phone, Weston-super-Mare 474. Station, Weston super-Mare, G.W.R. 4io The Kinematograph Year Book. Electric Theatre, Walliscote Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. J. Street. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Weston-super-Mare 414. Station, Weston-super-Mare, G.W.R. Knightstone Pavilion. — Prop., Urban District Council. Lessees and Mans. . Gerald Alexander and T. W. S. Sheldrake. Res. Man. , E. L. F. Stevens. Booked by G. Alexander at Pavilion . Occasional shows. Phone, Weston-super- Mare 75. Station, Weston-super-Mare. G.W.R. Regent Street Picture House. — Prop., Weston-super-Mare (Regent Street) Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man. . W. Johns. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone. Weston-super-Mare 237. Station, Weston-super-Mare, G.W.R. WEST STANLEY (Co. Durham), Pop. 25,090. Albert Hall, Front Street.— Prop., Stanley Amusements, Ltd., 67, King Street, South Shields. Res. Man., Win. H. Bavidge. Booked at Hall, by L. C. Orr. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Stanley 46. Station, Shield Row.L.N.E.R. Elite.— Prop., T. C. Craven. Empire Picture Palace. — Prop, and Gen. Man., W. E. Piercy. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Shield Row, West Stanley (S.O.), L.N.E.R. New Pavilion. — Prop., T. C. Craven. WETHERBY (Yorks), Pop. 2,281. Ruby Picture House. WEYBRIDGE (Surrey), Pop. 6,688. Weybridge Kinema. Church Street.- — Prop., Willmore Bros. (Surrey), Ltd. Res. Man., O. E. Fairbrother. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Station, Weybridge, S.R. WEYMOUTH (Dorset), Pop. 24,570. Belle Vue Cinema.' — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres. Res. Man., Cecil S. Lewis. Booked at H.O., 199, Piccadilly, W. 1. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Weymouth 393. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R. Palladium. — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., C. S. Wallace. Two shows nigntly. Mat. daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R. and S.R. Junct. Regent Theatre (late Jubilee Hall). — Prop.. Albany Ward Theatres. Man., Fred Heath. Booked at H.O. . New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices, is. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Weymouth 180. Station, Weymouth, G.W.R. WHALEY BRIDGE (Cheshire), Pop. 8,500. Princes Palace. — Prop., W. E. Tyler. Two changes weekly. Station, Whaley Bridge, L.M.S. WHEATLEY HILL (Co. Durham), Pop, 6.000. Miners' Hall.— Prop, and Man., T. Morgan. Two shows nightly, Mon. and Sat. ; one rest of week. Prices, 6d. to is. Station; Thornley, L.N.E.R. Palace Theatre. — Prop., Hateley & Co. Res. Man., J. Hateley. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 3d. to 11 d. Phone, Thornley 9. Station, Thornley, L.N.E.R. WHITBY (Yorks), Pop. 12,512. Coliseum, Station Square. — Prop., Whitby Empire Electric Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., West Hodgson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Whitby 140. Station, Whitby, L.N.E.R. Empire, Station Square.- — Prop., Whitby. Empire Electric Theatre, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., West Hodgson. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Whitby 94 and 140. Picture House. WHITCHURCH (Shrops.), Pop. 5,656. Grand.' — Prop., North Cinema Theatres. Res. Man., A. Vernon. Booked at H.O., Station Road. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Whitchurch 47. Station, Whitchurch, L.M.S. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop., Bullen and Broom Film Co. Res. Man., R. W. Schofield. Three shows weekly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Whitchurch, L.M.S. WHITEFIELD (Lancs ), Pop. 6,902. Palace Picture House. — Prop., Besses Picture Theatre (Radcliffe), Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., J. Grant Mackenzie. Booked at Bridge Picture House, Kenyon Street, Radcliffe. One show nightly, two shows Sat. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Phone, Radcliffe 167. Station, Whitefield, L.M.S. WHITEHAVEN (Cumb.), Pop. 19,536. Gaiety Picture House. — Head office, 25-27, Oxford Street, London, W. Res. Man , W. Gibson. - Booked at H.O., by Alfred Laban. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Whitehaven 58. Station, White- haven, L.M.S. Empire Theatre. — Prop., Empire (Whitehaven) Ltd., Carnegie Theatre, Workington. Phone, Workington 120. Res. Man., Harry Maud. Booked at H.O. ,by Morris Maud. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. and 6d. Station, White- haven, L.M.S. Palace Cinema, Market Hall. -Licensee, A. Victor Branford. Asst. Man., Alan V. Branford. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Whitehaven 124. Station, Whitehaven, L.M.S. Theatre Royal, Roper Street. — Prop., Grand Empire Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., John H. Cameron. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Whitehaven 49. Station Whitehaven, L.M.S. . WHITLEY BAY (Northumb.), Pop. 11,435. New Coliseum. — Prop., New Coliseum (Whitley Bay), Ltd. Man. Dir., W. Baker. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Whitley Bay Cen- tral 196. Station, Whitley Bay, L.N.E.R. New Empire Cinema, Esplanade. — Prop., Northern Movies, Ltd., 7, Grange Road West, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Phone, Jarrow 137. Res. Man., Anthony W. Hall. Booked at H.O. by A. W. Hall and George Johnson. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Whitley Bay 496, Station, Whitley Bay, L.N.E.R. Picture House. — Prop., Whitley Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., P. Clavering Little. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Whitley Bay 235. Station, Whitley Bay, L.N.E.R. Kinema Directory (England). 411 W HITS! ABLE (Kent), Pop. 9,842. Oxford Cinema. — Res. Man., H. C. Williams. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station. Whitstable Town, S.R. Palais de Luxe. Prop, and Man., Edwin Chinnick. Continuous. Prices. 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Whitstable 144. Films by Kent Film Transport . Picture House, High Street.— Prop., Whit- stable Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., H. Paton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Whitstable Town. WHITTLE-LE-WOODS, nr.Chorley (Lancs), Pop. 4,000. Palace Cinema. — Prop, and Man., T. Battersby, 3, Oxheys Street, Preston. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Preston, L.M.S. WHITTLESEA (Cambs), Pop. 4,208. Cinema Palace, Market Street. — Props., Fred and C Hart. Res. Man., F. Hart. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2S. Station, Whittlesea, L.N.E.R. WHITWELL (Derby), Pop. 4,362. Kinema. — Prop. , Whit well and District Cinema Theatre Co. .Ltd. Res. Man. ,Oswald Bletchc r. Booked by S. Kirkham at Tivoli, Sheffield. Nine shows weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Whitwell 16. Station, Whitwell, L.M.S. WHITWICK (Leic), Pop. 6,000 Picture House, Silver Street. — Prop, Whitwick and District Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Albert John Briers. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Twice Sat. Mat., Tues. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Coalville 93. Station, Whit- wick, L.M.S. WHITWORTH (nr. Rochdale) (Lancs), Pop. 8,782. The Pavilion, Market Street. — Prop. and'< Man., Frank G. Donaldson. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Mat., Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Whitworth, L.M.S. WIDNES (Lancs.), Pop. 38,879. Bozzadrome, Albert Road.— Prop., M. Voronion- Res. Man., Arthur Bell. Booked at Hall- Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station. Widnes, Cheshire Lines. Century Picture Palace, West Street. Co-operative Hall, Lugsdale Road. — Prop., Cheshire County Cinemas, Ltd., Empress Theatre, Runcorn. Phone, Runcorn 199. Res. Man., Jack Latroy. Booked at H.O. by A. Leslie. Two shows nightly. Pictures and Variety, Phone, Wides 369. Station, Widnes, L.M.S. and Cheshire Lines. Picturedrome, Victoria Road. — -Props., Owens and Allen. Res. Man., Ernest Westhead. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mat., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to gd. Stations, Widnes and Central, L.M.S. Premier Picture House, Albert Road.— Prop., Widnes Cinemas, Ltd. Res. and Bkg, Man., L. A. V. Plumpton. Twice nightly. Mats.. Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Widnes 312. Station, Widnes, L.M.S. and Cheshire Lines. WIGAN (Lancs ), Pop. 89,447. Alliance Pictures, Crompton Street. — Res. Man., J. Hollas. Two changes weekly. Station, Wigan, L.M.S. County Playhouse, King Street.— Prop., Eagle Picturedromes, Ltd. Gen. Man. and Sec.,T.C. Robinson. Booked at Hall. Three shows daily. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Wigan 289. Station, Wigan, L.M.S. Empire Cinema. — Prop., Empire Cinema (Wigan), Ltd. Res. Man., E. Anderton. Booked at 3, The Parsonage, Manchester, by F. E. Spring. Three shows daily. Prices, 4<3.tois. Phone, Wigan 962. Station, Wigan, L.M.S. Gidlow Picture House.— Prop., Gidlow Picture House, Ltd. Gen. Man. and Sec.,T. C. Robinson. Booked at County Playhouse, Wigan. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Station, Wigan, L.M.S. Ince Picture Palace, Ince. — Prop, and Res. Man., C. W. Pennington. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Station, Ince, near Wigan, L.M.S. Labour Hall, Whalley. — Prop, and Man., W. Williams. Twice nightly. Station, Wigan.. Palace, King Street.— Res. and Bkg. Man., T H. Blackshaw. Two shows nightly. Prices' 4d. to 8d. Phone, Wigan 11. Station' Wigan, L.M.S. Pavilion, College Avenue. — Prop., Wigan Enter- tainments, Ltd. Res. Man, E. Worswick. Booked at Renters Office, by F. Worswick. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 7d. 'Phone, Wigan 373. Station, Wigan, L.M.S. Picture House, Scholes. — Prop., Thomas Atherton. Twice nightly. Mat. , Mon. , Wed. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Wigan 957. Station, Wigan, L.M.S. Princes, Wallgate. — Prop., Princes Cinema (Wigan), Ltd. Res. Man., A. C. Oakes. Twice nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Wigan 858. Station, Wigan, L.M.S. Royal Cinema, Wallgate. — Prop, and Man., B. Newman. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly and Mats. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station, Wigan. L.M.S. WIGTON (Cumb.), Pop. 3,659. lectric Picture Palace, Meeting House Lane. — Props., Swift and Bell. Lessee and Man., John E. Connolly. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d, and is. Station, Wigton, L.M.S. WILLENHALL (Staffs), Pop. 19,671. Coliseum. — Man. and Licensee, M. J. Campbell. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 3d. to 8d. Station, Willenhall (Bilston Street), L.M.S. Picture House, Stafford Street.— Prop. , Associated Provincial Picture Houses. Ltd. Res. Man., F. Adams. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4M. to is. 3d. Phone, Willenhall 139. Station Willenhall, L.M.S. WILLI NGTON (Co. Durham), Pop. 9,197. Empire. — Prop., Hateley and Co. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 7d. Phone, Willington 9. Station, Willing - ton, Co. Durham, L.N.E.R. WILLINGTON QUAY-ON TYNE (Northumber - land), Pop. 4.350. Pearl Hall. — Prop., Tyne Picture Houses, Ltd. Phone, Wallsend 174. Booked at H.O. Central Buildings, Station Road. Wallsend-on-Tyne . Phone, Wallsend 66. Station, Wallsend, L.N.E.R. 412 The Kinematograph Year Book. WILMSLOW (Cheshire), Pop. 8,286. Wilmslow Picture Palace, Station Road — Prop., "Wilmslow Picture Palace (1921), Ltd. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mat. and two shows Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Wilmslow 181. Station, Wilmslow, L.M.S. WINCANTON (Som.), Pop. 2,000. Town Hall. WINCHCOMBE (Glos.), Pop. 2,300. Assembly Rooms Cinema. — Prop, and Bkg. Man., J. H. Major, 4, Cheltenham Road, Winchcombe. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Winchcombe, G.W.R. WINCHESTER (Hants), Pop. 23,980. Guildhall. — Prop., The Mayor and Corpora- tion. Res. Man., F. A. Grant. Booked at Hall. Occasional shows. Non-flame films only. Phone, Winchester 247. Station. Winchester, G.W.R. and S.R. Regent Theatre. — Prop.. J. Simpkins. Con" tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, €d- to is. Royal Theatre. — Prop., J. Simpkins. Con- tinuous. Prices, is., is. 6d., 2s. Winchester Picture House, High Street. — ■ Prop., Winchester Picture House, Ltd., 19a, Coleman Street, London, E.C.2. Res. Man., Chas. Asplen. Booked by Colonel H. A. Browne, at 1, Soho Square, London. Con- tinuous. Daily Mat. Prices, gd. to 2s. 4d. Phone. Winchester 193. Station, Winchester, S.R. WINDERMERE (Westmorland), Pop. 6,496. Cinema, Beech Street. — Prop., Windermere and Ambleside Cinemas, Ltd., 8, Drury Lane, Water Street, Liverpool. Phone, Bank 4000. Res. Man., Miss Alice Benton. Booked at H.O. by L. H. Clegg (Man. Dir.). Con- tinuous. Prices, 4-d. to is. 6d. Phone, Winder- mere 339. Station, Windermere, L.M.S. WINDSOR (Bucks), Pop. 20,115. Cinema, Peascod Street.— Prop., Windsor Cinema, Ltd. Station, Windsor, G.W.R. Empire. — Props., Streamer and Gray. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Windsor, G.W.R. Theatre Royal. — Prop.. Kingshot Syndicate, Ltd. WINSFORD (Cheshire) Pop. 10,957. Magnet Cinema, Weaver Street. — Prop., Pendletown Pictures, Town Hall, Sandbach (phone, Sandbach 42). Res. Man., Miss Rowlands. Booked at H.O.' Once nightly. Three shows Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Winsford 14. Station, Winsford and Wharton . L.M.S. WINSLOW (Bucks), Pop. 17,000. Oddfellows' Hall. — Prop., R. J. Fountain, 42, High Street, Aylesbury. Booked at H.O. One show Fri. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Winslow, L.M.S. WIRKSWORTH (Derby), Pop. 3,615. Wirksworth Town Hall. — Prop., J. Brown and Co., 228, Fulwood Road, Sheffield. Res. Man., R. O. Brown. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Wirks- worth, L.M.S. WISBECH (Cambs), Pop. 11,316. Ai exandra Theatre. — Props., Wisbech Hippo- dromes Ltd. Man. Dir., H. Bancroft. Phone, Wisbech 116, Station. Wisbech, L.N.E.R. Electric Theatre, Norfolk Street. — Lessee and Man. .Chris Wood. Phone 1388. Station, Wisbeck, L.N.E.R. Hippodrome. — Props., Wisbech Hippodromes, Ltd. Man. Dir., H. Bancroft. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. iod. Phone, Wisbech 116. Station, Wisbech. WiTHAM (Essex), Pop. 3,718. Public Hall Cinema. — Tozer and Lindsell Circuit, 55, Cambridge Street, Pancras Road, London, N.W.i. WITHERNSEA (near Hull) (Yorks), Pop. 4,702. Kinema. — Prop, and Man., S. Stratford. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Withernsea 30. Station, With- ernsea, L.N.E.R. Select Picture House. — Props., Carten and Simpson. Res. and Bkg. Man., B. J. Carten. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Withernsea 20. Station, Withernsea, L.N.E.R. WITNEY (Oxford), Pop. 3,228. People's Palace, Market Place. — Lessee and Res. Man., E. A. Huddleston. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. jd. Station, Witney, G.W.R. WITTON PARK (Co. Durham). Park Kinema, Main Street. — Prop., Park Kinema Co., Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Man., Walter Dixon. Once nightly, three times Sat. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Station, Etherley, L.N.E.R. WIVELISCOIVIBE (Som ), Pop. 1,255. Palace Cinema.— Prop., Wiveliscombe Cinema Co. Res. and Booking Man., T. H. Cook. One show nightly, Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Mat., Thurs. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Wiveliscombe, G.W.R. WIYENHOE (Essex), Pop. 2,330. Foresters' Hall, — Occasional shows. Station, Wivenhoe, L.N.E.R. WOKING (Surrey), Pop. 26,430. Central Cinema, Chertsey Road. — Props., Cohen and Freedman, Apollo Picture Theatre, Stoke Newington Road, London, N.16. Phone, Clissold 722. Res. Man., Fredk. C. Iverson. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Woking 687. Station, Woking, S.R. Palace Theatre, Duke Street. — Props., Cohen and Freedman, Apollo Picture Theatre, Stoke Newington Road, London, N.16. Phone, Clissold 722. Res. Man., Fredk. C. Iverson. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Woking 687. Station, Woking, S.R. WOKINGHAM (Berks), Pop. 4,473. Picture Palace, 10, Broad Street. — Prop. , Wokingham Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Secre- tary and Man. Direc, A. E. Priest. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Wokingham, S.R. Kinema Directory (England). 4*3 WOLSINGHAM (Co. Durham), Pop. 3,414. Picturedrome. — Prop, and Re;. Man., A. Todd. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Wolsingham, L.N.E.R. WOLVERHAMPTON (Staffs), Pop. 102,373. Agricultural Hall, Snow Hill. — Prop., Asso- ciated Provincial Picture Houses, Ltd. Res. Man., F. J. Studd. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4k!. to is. Phone, Wolverhampton 97. Station. Wolverhampton . Coliseum, Dudley Road. — Prop., Midland Counties Circuit, Ltd., 513, Salisbury House, London Wall, London. E.C. 2. Phone. London Wall 2841. Booked at H.O. Res. Man.. R. G. Wagner. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to nd. Phone, Wolver- hampton, 876. Globe, Horselev Fields. — Prop. Cant. W. J. A. Cresswell. Olympia, Thornley Street. — Prop., F. Appleby Res. Man., J. Ouigley. Nightly. Two changes weeldy. Prices, 3d. to nd. Phone. Wolverhampton 1344. Station, Wolver- hampton, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Picture House, Victoria Street. — Prop., Mid- land Counties Circuit, Ltd.. 513, Salisbury House, London Wall, London, E.C. Phone. London Wall 2S41. Res. Man., P. P. Lloyd Booked at H.O. by L. A. Thomson. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Wolver- hampton 3S0. Station, Wolverhampton, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Queex's Picture House, Queen's Square. — Prop., Associated Provincial Picture Houses, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., H. Shawcross. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, is. and is. 6d., Phone, Wolverhampton T32. Scala, Worcester Street. — Prop., Associated Provincial Picture Houses, Ltd. , Xew Gallery House, 123. Regent Street. London. W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man.; C. Lloyd Davies. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Mats, daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4-Jd. to is. Phone, Wolverhampton 121. Stations, Wolverhampton High Level, L.M.S.. and Low Level. G.W.R. West Exp Cixema. — Prop., West End Cinema, Ltd., Wolverhampton. 6, Cherry Street, Birmingham. Res. Man., Jack Barrasford. Booked at H.O. by E. Garfield. Twice nightly. Mon. and Sat. Continuous rest of week. Prices, 4^d. to nd. Phone, Wolverhampton 7"7- Station, Wolverhampton. WOLVERTON (Bucks), Pop. 7,000. Palace. — Prop., Councillor G. H. Barber, Coronation House. Tunstall Park, Stoke-on- Trent. Phone, Hanley 253. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d to is. 2d. Station, Wolverton. WOMBWELL (nr. Barnsley) (Yorks), Fop. 19,035. Empire. Park Street. — Prop., Mrs. Stewart. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly, Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Wombwell, L.M.S. Hipprodrome, Hough Lane. — Prop.. H. Collum- bine, 49, St. Ann's Road, Rotherham. Res. Man.. Leslie Collumbine. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Wombwell, L.M.S. Pavilion. — Prop., Pavilion Pictures, Ltd. Lessee, T. Thorley. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Station Lane. WOODHALL SPA (Lixcs), Pop. 1,385. Paviliox KrxEM\. — Prop, and Man., Capt. C. C. Allport, " Svlvanhav." Woodhall Spa. Booked at Hall. Single shows. Change Mon. and Thurs. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Woodhall Spa 66. Station, Woodhall Spa, L.N.E.R. WOODHOUSE (nr. Sheffield) (Yorks), Pop. 5,308. Picture Palace, Market Place. — Prop., Scala Cinemas (Sheffield). Ltd., Winter Street, Sheffield. Phone. Central 106. Res. Man.. Harold Booth. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Wood- house 40532. Stations. Woodhouse. L.N.E.R. and Woodhouse Mill, L.M.S. WOODLANDS (Nr. Doncaster) (Yorks). Pop. 8,000. Picture House. — Prop., Wm. Nuttall, Athron Street. Doncaster. Res. and Bkg. Man., G. H. Wright. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d, to is. Phone, Doncaster 459. Station, Carcroft, L.N.E.R. WOOL (Dorset), Pop. 2,300. Cixema, Bovington. WOOTTON BASSETT (Wilts), Pop. 1,991 Mascot Cixema, High Street.— Prop, and Res. Man., E. W. Palmer. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Wootton Bassett, G.W.R. WOOTTON-UNDER-EDGE (Glos). Picture House, Market Street. — -Prop., W. T. Coe. Booked at Hall. Prices, 3d., 9d. and is. Station, Charfield, L.M.S. WORCESTER (Worcs), Pop. 48,848. Apollo Picture Palace, Park Street. — -Prop., George F. Sears, " Deerhurst," 24, St. Dun- stans Crescent, Worcester. Booked by Prop, at private address. Two shows nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices, 2d. to 3d. Station Shrub Hill, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Arcade Cixema, St. Swithin's Street.— Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., A. Milton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 9d. to is. 6d. Phone, Worcester 448. Station, Shrub Hill, G.W.R. New Theatre Royal. — Res. Man., Tom Bell. Booked by Sir Arthur Carlton at Colehurst Lodge, Worcester. Phone, Worcester 393. Stations, Shrub Hill and Foregate Street. St. Johx's Cixema. Silver Cixema, Foregate Street. — Prop.. H. Scott Bayliss. H.O. Picture House, Cannock. Phone, Cannock 141. Res. Man.. Philip Gorton. Booked at H.O. by Frank Williams. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices. 6d. to is. 6d. Phone. Worcester 653. Stations. Shrub Hill. L.M.S. and Foregate Street, G.W.R. WORKINGTON (Cumb ), Pop. 26,480. Hippodrome, Falcon Place.— Prop., Working- ton Hippodrome, Ltd., 10, John Street. Phone 199. Res. Sec, J. Stephens Jones. Joint Mans., J. Stephens Jones and W. Williams. Booked at Hall bv Sec. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Working- ton 194. Office 199. Station, Workington L.M.S. 414 The Kinematograph Year Book. Oxford Picture House. — Props., Graves Bros. Gen. Man. , Percy Haley. Res. Man., Louis B. Ainsworth. Booked by Percy Haley at Empire Theatre, Maryport. Twice nightly. Prices, 4c!. to is. 2d. Phone, Workington 201. Station, Workington, L.M.S. Theatre Royal. — Prop, and Man., Graves Bros. Gen. Man. , Percy Haley. Booked by Percy Haley at Empire, .Maryport. Two showsnightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Workington, L.M.S. The Carnegie. — Prop, and Man., Morris Maud. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Workington 120. Station, Workington, L.M.S. WORDSLEY (Staffs), Pop. 6,000. Olympia. — Props., C. F. and M. Couper. Res. Man., Mrs. Couper. One show nightly Continuous on Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Brettle Lane, Stourbridge, G.W.R.. WORKSOP (Notts), Pop. 23,198. Gaiety Picturedrome, Bridge Street. — Prop.; Worksop Gaiety Theatre Co. Ltd. Res. and Bkg. Mans., E. V. Pepper and G. W. Clark. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Pic- tures and Variety. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 299. Station, Worksop, L.N.E.R. Picture House, Newcastle Avenue. — Prop., Picture House (Worksop), Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Ben Bailey. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Worksop 189. Station, Worksop, L.N.E.R. Victoria Palace. — Prop., Hallamshire Cinemas. Ltd., 18, York Street, Sheffield. Phone. Sheffield, 888. Res. Man. , Wm. S. Clayton, Booked at H.O. by C. Morton. Continuous, Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Worksop 257. Station, Worksop, L.N.E.R. WORTHING (Sussex), Pop. 35,224. Dome Cinema, Marine Parade. — Prop, and Res. Man., C. A. Seebold. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Phone, Worthing 461. Station, Worthing, S.R. Picturedrome, Chapel Road. — Under the management of C. A. Seebold. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Phone, Worthing 95. Station, Worthing, S.R. Rivoli Cinema, Chapel Road. — Prop., C. A. Seebold. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, sd. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Worthing 179. Station, Worthing, S.R. WYMONDHAM (Norfolk), Pop. 4,794. Picture House. — Prop, and Man., Arthur E. Orton. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Three times Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Wymondham, L.N.E.R. Picture House.— Prop, and Man., Percival J. Carter. Bkd. at Hall. Once nightly. Three shows Sat. Prices. 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Wymondham, L.N.E.R. Yaxley (Northants)4 Cinema. — Prop., W. Soames, Stamford House, Market Deeping. Booking Man., P. J. Wainwright, Burmer Rd., Peterborough. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Peterborough (North), L.M.S. YEADON (nr. Leeds) (Yorks), Pop. 7,590. Picture House, High Street.— Prop. . Yeadon Picture Palace Co., Ltd., Kelsall Chambers, 46, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Phone, Leeds 23442. Man., Owen Brooks. Booked in conjunction with Newtown Picture Palace Co., Ltd., Leeds. Once nightly, two shows Sat. Pr.ces 4d. to 9d. Phone Rawdon 184. Films collected from Leeds by Carrier. Temperance Hall.— Prop., Gem Pictures* One show nightly, two Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Guiseley, L.M.S. Town Hall. — Prop., Gem Pictures. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Guiseley, L.M.S. YEOVIL (Somerset), Pop. 14,987. Central, Church Street. — Prop., A. S. Thring. Res. Man., F. R. Maidment. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Yeovil, S.R. and G.W.R. Palace Theatre, The Triangle. — Prop., Albany Ward Theatres. Res. Man., P. E. Davy. One show nightly. Three on Sat. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Phone, Yeovil 69. Station, Yeovil, G.W.R. and S.R. YIEWSLEY (Mddx.), Pop. 4,845. Marlborough Cinema.— Props., Hancock Bros. Man., W. M. Euerby. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Phone, Yiewsley 85. Station, Yiewsley and West Drayton, G.W.R. YORK (Yorks), Pop. 84,052. Casino. — Prop.. Lloyd Forsyth. Prices, sd. to is. Station, York, L.N.E.R. Electric Theatre, Fossgate. — Prop., National Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., F. Lang- staff. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, York 3624. Station, York, L.N.E.R. Grand Picture House (Cafe and Ballroom), Clarence Street. — Lessee, H. A. Whincup, i6a and i8a, Queen's Arcade, Leeds. Phone, Leeds 22769. Res. Man., John L Kilson. Booked at H.O. by Claude H. ^Whincup. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, York 3512. Station. York, L.N.E.R. Picture House, Coney Street. — Prop., York Cinemas, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Res. Man. , Harold Parkin. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, York 2493. Station, York, L.N.E.R. St. George's Hall Cinema, Castlegate.— Prop., York Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., D. G. Livingstone. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Phone, York 2538. Station, York, L.N.E.R. Tower Picture Theatre, New Street. — Prop., Tower Picture Theatre (York), Ltd. Res. Man., G. Trafford Drayton. Continu- ous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, York 2298. Station, York. -6 Kinema Directory (Wales). 415 WELSH KINEMAS. AbERAMAN (Glam.), Pop. 15,090. Grand Theatre. — Lessee, L. D. Abse, 146, Richmond Road, Roath, Cardiff. Phone, Cardiff 3742. Res. Man., B. Abse. Booked by P. Abse at H.O. Continuous. .Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Aberaman 10. Station, Abera- man," G.W.R. ABERFAN (Glam), Pop. 11,000. Electric Theatre. — Prop. Aberfan Electric Theatres, Ltd., 5, Milbourne Chambers, Merthyr Tydfil. Phone, Merthyr Tydfil 121. Res. Man., James E. Ferguson. Booked at office by F. Taylor. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Aberfan, G.W.R. ABERCWYMBO! (Glam). Cinema.— Prop, and Res. Man., M. Freedman. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Mountain Ash, G.W.R. ABERCYNON (Glam.), Pop. 9,109. Empire Cinema, Station Approach. — Prop., Principality Amusements, Ltd. Palais ^e Danse, Varieties and Theatricals. Booked by Harry S. Bowen at Palace. Prices, 4d. to ISi Station, Abercynon, G.W.R. Palace Super Cinema, Margaret Street.— Prop., Principality Amusements, Ltd. Gen. and Booking Man., H. S. Bowen. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Abercy- non, G.W.R. Workmen's Hall. — Prop., Abercynon Colliery Workmen. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Abercynon, G.W.R. ABERDARE (Glam.), Pop. 55,010. Aberdare Cinema. — Prop., Aberdare Cinemas (1923), Ltd. Man., A. R. Fenning. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Aberdare 132. Station, Aberdare, G.W.R. Empire and Playhouse. — Res. and Bkg. Man., William Binns. Booked at Hall. Occasional picture shows. Prices 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Aberdare, G.W.R. Rosy Kinema, Market Street. — Props., Walter Haggar and Family. Res. and Booking Man . , Walter Haggar. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Aberdare, G.W.R. Palladium, Canon Street. — -Prop., Hirwain Victoria Hall Co., Ltd. Res. Man., W. G. Brett. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Aberdare 135. Station, Aberdare, G.W.R. Park Cinema, Gadlys. — Lessee, W. Meskin Res. and Bkg. Man. Maurice Meskin. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Aberdare 77. Station, Aberdare, G.W.R. ABERGELE (Denbigh), Pop. 2,632. Palace Theatre. — Props., Palace Theatre Co. Res. Man., R. H. Smith. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 7d. Station, Abergele, L.M.S. ABERGWYNF1 (Glam), Pop. 4,102. Workmen's Hall, Blaengwynfi.— Prop., Aber- gwynft Workmen. Res. Man., T. Bevan. Booked at Hall by Thos. Bevan and Com- mittee. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d., 4d., and 6d. Station, Abergwynfi, G.W.R., via Bridgend. ABERKENFIG (Glam.), Pop. 4,008. New Cinema Hall.— Prop., J. Morgan Owen, 17, Working Street, Cardiff. Phone, Cardiff 6309. Res. Man., Dick Lewis. Booked at H.O. by Prop. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Tondu, G.W.R. ABERTRIDWR (Glam), Pop. 5,549. Workmen's Hall.— Prop., Windsor Collieries Workmen's Hall. Sec, James Kelly, iM.S.A. Phone, Senghenydd 22. Booked at Hall by Sec. Once nightly, twice Satur- day. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Abertridwr, G.W.R. ABERYSTWYTH (Cardigan), Pop. 11,220. Imperial Cinema, Bath Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. J. Evans. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Aberystwyth, G.W.R. Palladium, Market Street. — Prop., Arthur Cheetham. Res. Man., G. A. Cheetham. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Aberystwyth 122. Station, Aberystwyth, G.W.R. Royal Pier Pavilion. — Prop., Aberystwyth Pier Co.. Ltd. Res. Dir., SydCork. Phone, Aberystwyth 120. Station, Aberystwyth, G.W.R. BUTCHERS FILM SERVICE LTD., 175, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l Branches at— GLASGOW. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. MANCHESTER. LIVERPOOL. LEEDS. BIRMINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. BRISTOL. CARDIFF. 4x6 The Kinematograph Year Book. AMLWCH (Anglesey), Pop. 2,694. Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., Thos. Burrows. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 8d . to is. Phone, Amlwch 15. Station, Amlwch, L.M.S. AMMANFORD (Carmarthen), Pop. 6,984. Palace. Phone 59. PlCTORIUM. BANGOR (Carnarvon), Pop. 11,032. County Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man. James Hare. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Bangor 282 Station, Bangor, L.M.S. New City Picture House. — -Prop., Saronies, Enterprises. Res. Man., Alex Edwards. Booked by M. Saronie, at 3, Lord Street, Liverpool. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Bangor, L.M.S. Picturedrome. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. Lee. One show nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Station, Bangor, North Wales, L.M.S. BARGOED (Glam.), Pop. 12,226. Bargoed Palace. — Prop., Alfred Withers, New Hall. Phone, Bargoed 72. Booked at H.O. Res. Man., Bert Hinds. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Bargoed 72. Station, Bargoed, G.W.R. Hanbury Cinema. — Prop., Alfred Withers, New Hall, Bargoed. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Bargoed 72. Station, Bargoed, G.W.R. New Hall Cinema. — Prop., Alfred Withers, Booked at Hall. Continuous. Phone, Bargoed, 72. Station, Bargoed, G.W.R. BARMOUTH (Merioneth), Pop. 3,559. Pavilion. — Prop., Barmouth Pavilion, Ltd. Trinity Square, Llandudno. Res. and Bkg. Man., W. Leslie Todd. Booked at Hall. Con- tinuous summer. Once nightly winter. Prices, gd. to is. 6d. Phone, Barmouth 44. Station, Barmouth, G.W.R. White Cinema. — -Props., Davies Bros. Res. and Bkg. Man., Evan Davies. Booked at Hall. Continuous in summer, once nightly winter. Prices, 9d. to is. 6d. Phone, Barmouth 32. Station, Barmouth, G.W.R. BARRY (Glam.), Pop. 38,927. Romilly Hall, Broad Street.— Prop., W. H. Baker. Res. Man., W. H. Baker. Con- tinuous. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Barry, G.W.R. Silver Cinema. — Prop., Sir Arthur Carlton. Res. Man., Falconer Jackes. Booked by Sir Arthur Carlton, Colehurst, Worcester. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Barry 19. Station, Barry, G.W.R. Theatre Royal. — Prop., Tours, Ltd. Man. Dir., Sir Arthur Carlton. Res. Man., Falcouer Jackes. Booked by Sir Arthur Carlton, Cole- hurst, Worcester. Drama and Pictures. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Barry 19. Station, Barry, G.W.R. Vint's Palace — Prop., The Palace (Barry Dock), Ltd. Man. Dir., Leon Vint, 142, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. Gen. and Bkg. Man., Vivian Aldridge. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Barry 475, Station, Barry Docks, G.W.R. BETHESDA (Carnarvon), Pop. 4,134, Public Hall Cinema.— Prop, and Man., C. S. Wakeham. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. and gd. Station, Bethesda, L.M.S. BLAENAU FESTINIOG (Merioneth), Pop. 8,143. H Assembly Rooms Kinema.— Man., T. E. Griffith. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Blaenau Festiniog, L.M.S. and G.W.R. Empire Picture Palace.— Prop, and Res. Man., Capt. Lewis Davies. One show nightly, three on Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Blaenau Festiniog 27. Station, Blaenau Festiniog, L.M.S. and G.W.R. BLAENGARW (Glam.), Pop. 10,000. Central Cinema, King Edward Street. — Prop.,' Blaengarw Cinemas, Ltd., 16, Courtland Terrace, Merthyr Tydfil. Phone, Merthyr 323. Res. Man., H. Bentley. Booked at H.O. by M. Truan. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Pontycymmer 4. Station, Blaengarw, G.W.R. Workmen's Hall. — Prop., Committee and Trustees. Booked by Sec. at 12, Railway Terrace, Blaengarw. BLAEN-RHONDDA (Glam.). Fernhill Workmen's Hall. — Prop., Fernhill Workmen. Res. and Booking Man., W. Rees. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Treherbert 15. Station, Blaen-Rhondda, G.W.R. BRECON (Brecknock), Pop. 5,776. Coliseum, Wheat Street. — Props., R. W. Phillips and Son. Res. Man., S. R. Phillips. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Brecon 14X. Station, Brecon, G.W.R. Palace. — Prop., Brecon Entertainments Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., M. Ewart Wise. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Brecon, G.W.R. BRIDGEND (Glam.), Pop. 9,206. Cinema.- — Prop., Mrs. L. D. Abse, 65, Cowbridge Road, Cardiff. Phone, Cardiff 845. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, Cd. to is. 6d. Phone, Bridgend 101. Station, Brigend, G.W.R. Palace. — Prop., Mrs. L. D. Abse, 65, Cowbridge Road, Cardiff . Phone, Cardiff 845. Res. Man., J. Soloman. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Bridgend 101. Station, Bridgend, G.W.R. BRITON FERRY (Glam.), Pop. 9,176. Palace Kinema. — Prop., Palace Kinema Co. (Briton Ferry), Ltd. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Briton Ferry 45. Station, Briton Ferry, G.W.R. Picturedrome, Lowther Street. — Prop, and Man., O. J. Norman, Assembly Room Hotel. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone 53'. Station, Briton Ferry, G.W.R. and R. & S.B.R. Public Hall.— Prop., Briton Ferry Public Hall. Res. Man., D. L. Jones. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to 1 id. Phone, Briton Ferry 35. Station, Briton Ferry, G.W.R. Kinema Directory (Wales). 4*7 BRYN AMMAN (Carmarthen), Pop. 7,500. Alpha Cinema.— Prop., Amman Alpha Cinema Co., Ltd., Upper Brynamman, Carm. Res. Man., Edward Evans. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Brynamman, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Public Hall Cinema. BRYNMAWR (Brecknock), Pop. 8,062- Cosy Cinema. — Prop., Principality Electric Theatres, Ltd.. 29, Gelliwasted Road, Ponty- pridd. Phone. Pontvpridd 78. Res. Man.. E. White. Booked at H.O. by W. H. Evans. . Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. . Phone. Brynmawr 27. Station. Brvnmawr, G.W.R. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop., R. W. Phillips & Sons. Res. Man., J. Fred Phillips. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, three on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Brynmawr, G.W.R. and L.M.S. BUCKLEY (Flint), Pop. 6734. Palace.— Prop., Cropper & Sons. Res. and Bkg. Man., T. N. Cropper. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 1 id. Phone, Buckley 34. Station, Buckley Junction, L.N.E.R., and Padeswood and Buckley, L.M.S. Picture House. BUILTH WELLS (Brecknock), Pop 1,776. Kino. BURRY PORT (Carmarthen). Stepney Cinema. Snowden House.- — Prop., Thomas Williams, 118, Pencoed Road. Continuous. Prices, 6d. and od. Phone 58. Station, Burry Port. OaDOXTON (Barry) (Glam.), Pop. 5,844. Court Cinema. — Prop. , Rees Jones. Res. Man. , R.A.Strickland. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Barry 551. Station, Cadoxton, Barry, G.W.R. Palace. — Lessee, W. Jones. Co tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Cadoxton, Barry, G.W.R. CAERAU (Glam ), Pop. 6,000. Coliseum. — Prop., Caerau Coliseum Co., Ltd., The Square, Caerau. Res. and Bkg. Man.. G. Thomas. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. and 8d. Phone, Caerau 23. Station, Caerau, G.W.R. CAERGWRIE (Denbich). Derby Cinema. — Rural Cinema Co. CAERPHILLY (Glam), Pop. 36,893. Castle Theatre. — Prop., Castle lheatre and Music Hall Co. Res. Man., H. Thomas. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Caer- philly, G.W.R. Palace. — Prop., Castle Theatre and Music Hall Co. Res. Man., H. Thomas. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Caerphilly, G.W.R. CARDIFF (Glam), Pop. 200,262. Canton Cinema, Cowbridge Road. — Prop.. Splott (Cardiff) Cinema Co. .Ltd. . 15, Windsor Place, Cardiff. Res. Man., F. J. Hornblow. Booked at 15, Windsor Place, Cardiff. Con- tinuous. Mats., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices 5d. to is. 2d. Pnone, Cardiff 4240. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Canton Coliseum, Cowbridge Road.— Prop., R. and W. Williams. Res. Man., Frank Ridge. Continuous. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Pnone. Cardiff 4 4 -4. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Capitol, Queen Street. — Prop., Tilneys Kinemas. Ltd. Res. Man.. J. W. Wiffen. Booked at Hall by H. Tilney. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Cardiff 6477-8. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Central Cinema.— Prop., Castle and Central Cinemas, Ltd., 70, St. Mary Street. Phone, Cardiff 2982. Res. Man., A. T. Bowden. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes. weekly. Prices, $d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cardiff 2036. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Clifton Picture Palace, Roath.— Prop., R. Abse. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cardiff 4874. Station, Clifton, G.W.R. Coliseum. Coronet Picture House, Woodville Road. — - Prop., Apollo Cinemas Co., 23, St. Mary Street/Cardiff. Res. Man, R. E. Low. Booked by A. Cohen at Apollo P.H., Stoke Newington Road, London, N.16. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cardiff 4782. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Gaiety Cinema, Citv Road.— Prop. , Splott (Cardiff) Cinema Co., Ltd. 15. Windsor Place, Cardiff. Phone, Cardiff 4572. Man., G. Johnson-Godding. Booked at H.O. by A.B. Watts. Continuous. Mat. daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Cardiff 3012. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Hippodrome, Westgate Street. Imperial Cinema, Queen Street.— Prop., Premier Cinema Co (Cardiff), Ltd. Gen. Man., A. Hauser. Res. Man., Mis* Jefferys. Con- tinuous. I'hnne, Cardiff 2378. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Nelson Cinema. Ninian Palace.— Prop., L. D. Abse. Con- tinuous. Two changes wrekly. Pi ices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cardili 33+9- Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Olympia, Queen Street.— Prop. , A. Andrews. 70, St. Mary Street, Cardiff. Phone 2982. Res. Man., W. H. Baggett. Booked by A. T. Bowden, Central Cinema, Cardiff. Continuous. One change weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 5d. Phone, Cardiff 4115. Station. Cardiff, GW -R. Park Hall Cinema, Park Place.— Prop., Park Hall and Hotel Co., Ltd. Phone, Cardiff 729- Res. Man., A. C. Livermore. Booked at Hall by L Fooks. Continuous. One change weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Cardiff 36S7. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Pavilion Cinema. — Prop. , Savoy Cinemas, Ltd. , 62, Oxford Street, London. W. Res. Man., A. V. Spathaky. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to 2s. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Penylan Cinema, Albany Road.— Prop., Roath Park Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., S. W. Routley. Booked by Mr. Thomas. Continu- ous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Cardiff 3072. Station, Cardiff, G.W.R. Queen's Cinema, opposite Park Place.— Prop. , Savoy Cinemas, Ltd., 62, Oxford Street, London, W. Res. Man., A. V. Spathaky. Booked at H.O. Phone, Cardiff 339 1- Station, Cardiff. G.W.R. " P.D.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY.' 4i 3 The Kznematograph Year Book. Splott Cinema, Agate Street —Prop., Splott (Cardiff) Cinema Co., Ltd.— Res. Man., J. T. Hornblow. Booked at 15, Windsor Place, Cardiff, by A. B. Watts. Continuous. Mat. daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Phone, Cardiff 4854. Station. Cardiff, G. W.R. CARDIGAN (Cardigan), Pop. 3,452. Pavilion. — Prop., Cardigan Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. H. Claypoole. Once nightly, Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Cardigan, G.W.R. CARMARTHEN (Carmarthen), Pop. 10,011. Empire, Blue Street. — Prop, and Res. Man. Norman Barger. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Carmarthen, G.W.R. Lyric Picture Theatre.— Prop, and Res. Man., Norman Barger. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. CARNARVON (Carnarvon), Pop. 8,301. Empire Picture House, Crown Street. — Prop, and Man.,Caradoc Rowland. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, three on Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Carnarvon, L.M.S. CHIRK (Denbigh), Pop. 4,599. Parish Hall, The Wharf. — Prop., Ceiriog Cinema Co., Ltd. Four shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to is. Station, Chirk, G.W.R. CLYDACH-ON-TAWE (Glam.), Pop. 7,707. Dolphin Cinema.— Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to gd. Station, Clydach- on-Tawe, L.M.S. Globe Theatre. — Prop., J. Hopkin. Res, Man., Larry Warner. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Children's Mat., Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Clydach 46. Station, Clydach-on-Tawe, G.W.R. COLWYN BAY (Denbigh), Pop. 14,000. Cinema, Conway Road. — Prop., Watson Hartley. Res. Man., J. Hartley. Two shows nightly. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Colwyn Bay 351. Station, Colwyn Bay, L.M.S. . Picture House, Old Colwyn. — Res. Man., H. G. Wheeler. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Princess Picture Theatre. — Prop., G. H. Kenyon. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Mats., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Prices, Sd. to 2s. Phone, Colwyn Bay. 257. Station, Colwyn Bay, L.M.S. Rialto Picture House. — Prop., C®ast Cinemas, Ltd. Dir. and Gen. Man., E. Pittingale. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Colwyn Bay 254. Station, Colwyn Bay, L.M.S. CONNAH'S QUAY (Flint), Pop. 5,062, Hippodrome. — Prop, and Res. Man., Harry Lee. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, two Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Connah's Quay, L.M.S. CONWAY (Carnarvon), Pop. 6,506. Cinema. — Prop., Coast Cinemas, Ltd. Head office, Rialto, Colwyn Bay. Phone, 254. Res. Man., F. W. Malani- Wilson. Booked by W. Whitehead at 5, Cathedral Yard, Man- chester. Continuous. Mat. Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Stations, Conway, L.M.S. CRICKHGWELL (Brecknock), Pop. 2,000. Picture House— Prop. , James Isaac. Res. Man., A. G. Carpenter. Booked at Hall by Prop. Once nightly, Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Crickhowell, 33. Station, Abergavenny, G.W.R., thence by motor. CWMAMAN (nr. Aberdare), (Glam.). Pop. 5,000- Public Hall and Workmen's Institute. — Prop., Trustees. Res. and Bkg. Man., James Ray. Booked at Hall. Three nights weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Cwmaman 3. Station, Aberaman, Aberdare, G.W.R. CWM60RSE (Glam.). Gaiety.— Prop., Amman Alpha Cinemas, Ltd., Alpha Cinema, Brynamman, Carm. Res. and Bkg. Man., H. Lavington. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 2^d. to 9d. Station, Gwaun Cae Gurwen, G.W.R. CYMMER (Glam ), Pop. 2,521. Co-operative Hall, near Port Talbot. — Prop., Cymmer Co-operative Society, Ltd. Secretary of Society. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. and is. Phone, Cymmer 9. Station, Cymmer, G.W.R. DENBIGH (Denbigh), Pop. 6,783. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. F. Broome. Booked at Hall. Three shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Denbigh, L.M.S. DOWLAIS (Glam.), Pop. 18,112. Oddfellows' Hall, Union Street.- — Prop., W. Stone, Hippodrome, Tonypandy. Res. Man., Jack Lister. Booked at H.O. Con- tinuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Merthyr Tydfil, G.W.R. Victoria Electric Theatre, High Street. — Prop., Victoria Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., W. H. Baker. Booked by Thos. E. Jerman, 92, High Street, Dowlais. Continuous. Prices, sd. to is. 2d. Phone, Dowlais 61, Station, Merthyr Tydfil, G.W.R. FERNDALE (Glam), Pop. 18,144. Tudor Palaceum.- — Prop., F. Pellew. Res. Man., T. Pellew. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Ferndale 14. Station, Ferndale, G.W.R. Workmen's Hall. FISHGUARD (Pembroke), Pop. 2,999. Temperance Hall Cinema.- — Prop., Williams Bros., Main Street. Phone, Fishguard 23. Res. Man., J. R. Davies. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Fishguard and Goodwich, G.W.R. FLINT (Flint), Pop. 6,302. Empire. — Prop, and Man., R. Davies. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Flint 32. Station, Flint, L.M.S. " IF YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR BOX OFFICE-BOOK P.D.C. PICTURES. Kinema Directory [Wales). 419 Grand Kinema, Church Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., R. Davies. Two shows Mon. and Sat. one rest of week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Flint 31 and 2X2. Station, Flint, L.M.S. QlLFACH GOCH Glam.), Pop. 9,000. Globe Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., D. P. Griffiths. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 8d. and is. Station, Gilfach Goch, G.W.R. Workmen's Hall, Glenavon Terrace.— Prop., Workmen's Hall and Institute. Res. and Booking Man., David Thomas. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Gilfach 14. Station, Gilfach Goch, G.W.R. , and South Wales Film Transport, Windsor Place, Cardiff. GLANAMMAN (Carmarthen). Pal-ace.— Props., D. Richards and Co. Res. Man., D. Richards. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Glanamman, G.W.R. GLYN-NEATH (Glam.), Pop. 5,000. New Theatre. — Prop., Glyn-neath Picture and Variety Co., Ltd. Res. Man., C. Crecroft. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Glyn-neath 13. Station, Glyn-neath, G.W.R. GORSEINON (Glam.), Pop. 10,000. Electra Cinema.— Prop., Gorseinon Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., William E. Garley. Booked at Hall by Ben Oliver. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phoue, Gorseinon 14. Stations, Gorseinon L.M.S. and Gowerton, G.W.R. Palace, West End Square.— Prop. ,M. Richards, 31, West Street, Gorseinon. Res. Man., F. Richards. Booked at 31, West Street by F. Richards. Continuous, 6.30 to 10. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Stations- Gorseinon, L.M.S., and Gowerton, G.W.R., and Cardiff transport by road. GOWERTON (Glam), Pop. 2,748. Tivoli Cinema— Props., D. Thomas and Son. Phone, Gowerton 31. GWAUN-CAE-GURWEN (Glam ). Public Hall. — Man., O. Deane. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Gwaun-cae-Gurwen, G.W.R. Haverfordwest (Pembroke), pop 5,750. P Palace Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., Stephen Green, 9, Bridge End Square, Haver- fordwest. Booked at Hall. One show nightly, three on Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Haverfordwest, G.W.R. White's Cinema de Luxe. — Lessee, S.White. Res. Man., Will Morrison. Booked at Hall by Lessee. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Station, Haverfordwest, G.W.R. HIRWAIN (Glam.), Pop. 5,000. Victoria Hall. — Prop., Hirwain Victoria Hall Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., W. G. Brett, " Sunnybank," Aberdare. Phone, Aberdare 50. Two shows nightly, Mon. and Sat., one rest of the week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Hirwain, G.W.R. HOLYHEAD (Anglesey), Pop. 11,757. Empire Theatre, Stanley Street. — Prop.,Holy head Empire Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Hugh Gillies. Booked by R. R. Jones, 35, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Holyhead 44. Station, Holyhead, L.M.S. Hippodrome. Town Hall Cinema. — Newry Street. — Prop, and Res. Man.,Wm. Davies. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Station, Holyhead, L.M.S. HOLYWELL (Flint), Pop. 2,907. Prince of Wales Theatre and Cinema. — Prop., J. F. Burns and M. Clegg. Res. Man., J. F. Burns. Booked at H.O. Pictures and Variety. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Holywell 42. Station, Holywell, L.M.S. KeNFIG HILL (Glam ), Pop. 3,700. The Cinema. — Prop., Kenfig Hill Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man. Dir., G. F. Mullens. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Pyle, G.W.R., or Road Transport. KIDWELLY (Carmarthen), Pop. 3,181. Kidwelly Cinema.*— Prop, and Res. Man., I . L'uy Booked at J^all. One show nightly, two <-ii Sat. and Mat. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Kidwelly G W.R. KNIGHTON (Radnor) Pep. 1,900. Electric Picture House. — Prop. Capt H 7. Bray, D.S.C. Booked at Hall. Shows, I'hurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station Knighton, L.M.S. LAMPETER (Cardigan), Pop. 1,813. Central Cinema. — Props, and Mans., W. Jones and Sons. Booked at 5, High Street. Three nights weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Lampeter. LLANBERIS (Carnarvon), Pop. 2,912. Empire Cinema. — Prop, and Man., C. S. Wake- ham. One show nightly at 7 p.m. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to 9d. Station, Llanberis, L.M.S. LLANBRADACH (Glam.), Pop. 3,000. Workmen's Hall, High Street. — Prop., Llan- bradach Colliery Workmen. Res. and Booking Man., A. J. Hughes. One show nightly. Two mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d.'to gd. Station, Llanbradach, G.W.R. LLANDAFF (Glam.) Pop. 13,300. Royal Cinema, Llandaff North. "IF THERE'S A QUEUE OUTSIDE— IT IS A P.D.C. PICTURE INSIDE. 420 The Kinematograph Year Book. LLANDOVERY (Carmarthen), Pop. 1,932. Public Hall, Victoria Crescent. — Prop. , Public Hall Trustees. Res. and Booking Man., D. R. Williams. Three shows weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Llandovery, G.W.R. & L.M.S. LLANDRINDOD WELLS (Radnor), Pop. 4,605. Kino Picture House, Middlcton Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. Alec Millward. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly, June to Nov., once nightly Dec. to May. Change mid-week. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Llandrindod Wells 99. Station, Llandrindod Wells, L.M.S, LLANDUDNO (Carnarvon), Pop. 19,260. Cinema, Mostyn Street. — Prop., Llandudno Cinema Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., R. Jones. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Mat. daily. Phone, Llandudno 225. Station, Llandudno, L.MS Palladium. — Prop., Llandudno Palladium, Ltd. Gen. and Bkg. Man., P, rcy Artingstall. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mat. daily. Prices, 6d. to 3s. 6d. Phone, Llandudno 244. Station, Landudno, L.M.S. Princes Theatre. — Prop., Princes Kinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., C. F. Burton. Three shows daily. Twochanges weekly. Prices, 8d. to 2s. Phone, Llandudno 371. Station Llandudno, L.M.S. LLANDYSSUL (Cardigan), Pop. 902. Tyssul Cinema. — Props., Tyssul Amusements Syndicate. Booked at Taliesin, Llandyssul. by Committee. Fortnightly, Thurs, and Fri. evenings. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Llandyssul 7. Station, Llandyssul, G.W.R. LLANELLY (Carmarthen), Pop. 36,504. Cinema, Cross Hands, Nr. Llanelly. — Prop, and Man., Chris. Evans. Booked at Hall. Nightly. Three shows Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Llanelly, G.W.R., thence by 'bus to Cross Hands. Hippodrome. — Prop., C. Isaacs. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5c!. to is. 3d. Station. Llanelly, G.W.R. Llanelly Cinema. — Prop., Llanelly Cinema, Ltd. Gen. Man., Tom Vaisey. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, Llanelly 41. Station, Llanelly, G.W.R. New Dock Cinema, New Dock Road.— Prop., T. Thomas. Res. Man., T. Edwards. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Llanelly, G.W.R. Palace, Market Street. — Prop. , Llanelly Palace, Ltd. Gen. Man., Harry Hunter. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d.. Station, Llanelly, G.W.R. Popular Cinema.— Prop., J. Mathias. Res. Man., F. Temple Evans. Once nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Llanelly, G.W.R. LLANFA1RFECHAN (Carnarvon), Pop. 3,638. Town Hall Cinema. LLANGEFNI (Anglesey), Pop. 1,688. Arcadia Cinema Hall. — Prop., T. J. Jones. Res. Man., O. E. Hughes. Booked at Hall. Three nights weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Llangefni 24. Station, Llangefn L.M.S. LLANHARAN (Glam.), Pop. 1,504. Cinema.— Prop., T. Williams. Res. Man., Thomas Williams. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Llanharan, G.W.R. LLANRWST (Denbigh), Pop. 2,368. Cinema.— Prop, and Man., S. G. Griffiths. Booked by W. Whitehead, 5, Cathedral Yard, Manchester. One show nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Station, Llanrwst, L.M.S. LLANTRISANT (Glam.), Pop. 15,048. Cinema. MaESTEG (Glam.), Pop. 28,980. Cosy Cinema, Office Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., R. Dooner, 2, Office Road, Maesteg. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Maesteg 73. Station, Port Talbot, G.W.R. Gem Cinema. New Theatre, Commercial Street. — Prop. Welsh Hills Cinema Co., Ltd., Salisbury Cottage, Trealaw. Phone, Tonypandy 48. Res. Man., H. Hutt. Booked at H.O. by W. G. Hutt. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Maesteg 60. Station, Maesteg, G.W.R. MARDY (Glam.), Pop. 12,000. Mardy Workmen's Hall. — Prop., Workmen's Hall and Institute. Res. and Bkg. Man., I. J. Phillips. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. and 9d. Phone, Mardy 12. Station, Mardy, G.W.R. MERTHYR TYDFIL (Glam.), Pop. 38,000. Electric Theatre. — Prop., Merthyr Electric Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., Frank Taylor. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Merthyr 241. Station, Merthyr, G.W.R. Palace, Pontmorlais Circus.— Prop., Merthyr Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., Hall-Jones. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Merthyr 92. Station, Merthyr, G.W.R. Temperance Hall. — Prop, and Res. Man., Israel Price. Two shows nightly. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Merthyr 77. Station, Merthyr, G.W.R. Theatre Royal Super Cinema, Pontmorlais. — Prop, and Res. Man. , Will Smithson. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Phone, Merthyr 2. Station, Merthyr, G.W.R. MILFORD HAVEN (Pembroke), Pop. 7,764. Cinema, Market Square. — Prop., Scard s Cinema, Ltd. Man. Dir., H. J. Scard, Jnr. Two shows nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 2s. Phone, Milford Haven 36. Station, Milford Haven, G.W.R. Cross-overs must be from Main Line. "P.P.C. — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY," Kinema Dtrecfoiy {Wales). 421 Palace, Robert Street.— Prop., H. J. Scard, J nr. Two shows nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Milford Haven 36. Station, Milford Haven, G.W.R. Cross-overs must be from Main Line. MOLD (Flint), Pop. 4,659. Picture Palace. Savoy Picture House, Chester St. — Prop., Mold Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., John L. Schofield. Booked at Hall. Nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Mold 37, Station, Mold. MORRISTON (nr. Swansea) (Glam.), Pop. 10,814. Gem Cinema. — Prop., Belle Cinemas, Ltd., r, Llanbleddian Gardens, Cardiff. Phone, Cardiff 197. Res. Man. R. Ballard. Booked at H.O. Nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Morriston G.W.R. and L.M.S. Picturedrome.' — Prop., Morriston Picture- , drome, Ltd. Res. Man., A. J. Beynon. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, <;d. to is. 6d. Phone, Morriston 171. Station, Morriston, G.W.R. MOUNTAIN ASH (Glam ), Pop. 43,292. Empire,— Prop., R. W. Phillips. Res. Man., F. Norman Ackeroyd. Occasional picture shows. Station, Mountain Ash, G.W.R. New Theatre. — Prop., Nixon's Workmen. Sec, W. L. Smith. Res. Man., John Curnow. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone. Mountain Ash 16. Station, Mountain Ash. Palace Cinema. — Lessee and Res. Man., B. Richards. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Mountain Ash, G. W.R. MUMBLES (nr. Swansea) (Glam.), Pop 5,000. Mumbles Cinema. — Prop., Nat. J. Dix, 36, Ffynone St., Swansea. Res. Man., Tom Jones. Booked by Prop. Continuous- Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Swansea. G.W.R ANTYMOEL (Glam ), Pop. 10,000. Workmen's Hall. — Prop., Local Workmen, Res. and Bkg. Man., J. Hughes. Pictures and Variety. Continuous. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Phone, Nantymoel 7. Station, Nantymoel. G.W.R. NARBERTH (Pembroke), Pop. 1,140. Grand Cinema. — Prop., James Williams, Market Square. Booked at New Cinema, Nevland. Thurs., 7.30 p.m. Prices, 6d, to is.'6d. Station, Narberth, G.W.R. NEATH (Glam), Pop. 18,936. Empire. — Ropewalk. — Prop. Neath Empire Cinema and Variety Co., Ltd. Man. Dir.. C. R. Hedge. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly Pictures and Variety. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d' Phone, Neath 437. Station, Neath, GW.R. Gnoll Hall. — 'Prop., Gnoll Picture Variety Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. Trueman. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Neath 166. Station, Neath, G.W.R. Vint's New Hippodrome (Rebuilding shortly). Prop., Vint's Theatres, Ltd. Man., E. Gilley. Station, Neath, G.W.R. Vint's Palace. — Prop., Vint's Theatres, Ltd. 142, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. Res. Man., E. Gilley. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Neath 133. Station, Neath, G.W.R. NELSON (Glam.), Pop. 3,500. Electric Palace Cinema, Commercial Street. Prop., Nelson Palace Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., M. E. Hammond. Booked by R. T. Date at Hoelfawr, Nelson, Glam. One show nigtly. Two mats, weeklv. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Llancaiach, R.R.' Nelson, G.W.R. NEWCASTLE EMLYN (Carmarthen), Pop. 849. Central Hall, Castle Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. R. Parkington. Booked at office. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Station, Newcastle Emlyn, G.W.R. NEWTOWN (Montgomery), Pop. 5,657. Scala Cinema. — Props., Colgan and Porter, Palace, Ramsey, I.O.M. Man., George Black. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, at. 1.0 is. 2d. Station, Newtown, G.W.R. Victoria Cinema. —Pi ops., Colgan and Porter, Palace, Ramsey, l.O.M. Res. Man., George Black. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Newt>wn. NEW TREDEGAR (Glam.), Pop. 4,727. Empire Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., H. S. Simpson, 34, Clare Street, Cardiff. Phone, Cardiff 6063. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, New Tredegar 24. Stations, Tirphil, Rhymney R., and White Rose, B. & M.R. NEYLAND (Pembroke), Pop. 2,715. New Cinema, St. Clement's Road. — Prop., James Williams, Market Square, Narberth. Res. Man., A. McLean. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, Mon., Tues., Fri., and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 7d. Station, Nevland, G.W.R. CURTAINS ORIGINAL DESIGNS VARIED MATERIALS Showrooms at 19, Garrick St., LONDON HALL & DIXON, Ltd. 422 The Kinematograph Year Book. OgMORE VALE (Glam.), Pop. 18,000. Olympia (High Street).— Prop., Welsh Hills Cinema Co., Ltd., Salisbury Cottage, Trealaw, Glam. Phone, Tonypandy 48. Res. Man., Thos. Royce. Booked at H.O. by W. G. Hutt. Continuous. Prices. 2id. to is. Phone, Ogmore Vale, 17. Station, Ogmore Vale, G.W.R. Workmen's Hall. — Prop., Ogmore Vale Work- men. Sec, E. L. Howells. Phone, Ogmore Vale, 28. Res. Man., W. Aldride Davies. Booked at Hall by Sec. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Phone, Ogmore Vale 27. Station, Ogmore Vale, G.W.R. PEMBROKE (Pembroke), Pop. 15,481. Cinema, Main Street. — Booked at Hall. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Pembroke, G.W.R. PEMBROKE DOCK (Pembroke), Pop. 11,000. Grand Cinema, Meyrick Street. — Prop., Grand Cinema Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., H. Claypoole. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to is. 6d. Phone, Pembroke Dock 25. Station, Pembroke Dock, G.W.R Palace. — Prop., Barger Bros. Res. Man., T. Barger. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Pembroke Dock 42. Station, Pembroke Dock, G.W.R. PENARTH (Glam.), Pop. 17,097. Hippodrome, Albert Road. — Prop., Willmore Bros., Ltd. Man. Dir., Oliver Willmore. Booked at Windsor Kinema. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Penarth, G.W.R. Windsor Kinema. — Prop., Willmore Bros., Ltd. Man. Dir., Oliver Willmore. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Phone, Penarth 72. Station, Penarth, G.W.R. PENCLAWDD (Glam.). Cinema. — Lessee and Man., Mrs. Heywood, Bryn-Back, Penclawdd. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Pen- clawdd, L.M.S. PENCOED (Glam.), Pop. 3,000. Public Hall. — Prop., Pencoed Public Hall Co., Ltd. Sec. and Man., J. C. Bayliss. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Two changes weekly Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Pencoed, G.W.R." PENMAENMAWR (Carnarvon), Pop. 4,480. Oxford Palace. — Prop., Coast Cinemas, Ltd. Head office 5, Cathedral Yard, Manchester. Res. Man., Sydney Chapman. Booked at H.O. by Mr. Whitehead. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to 2s, Station, Penmaenmawr, L.M.S. PENRHIWCEIBER (Glam.), Pop. 8,816. Workmen's Hall. — Prop., Penrhiwceiber Colliery Workmen. Sec, John Peregrine. Booked at Hall by Committee. One show nightly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Penrhiw- ceiber 19. Station, Penrhiwceiber, G.W.R. (Low Level). PENTRE (RHONDDA) (Glam.). Grand Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. E. Willis. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Ystrad, G.W.R. King's Cinema.— Prop. R. Walters. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 4d. to 6d. Station Ystrad, G.W.R. PENYDARREN (Glam), Pop. 8,000. Cosy Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., John Taylor. One show nightly. Prices, 4r-Prop., North Star Cinema Co., Ltd. Res. Man., M. B. Black. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Aberdeen Joint. 440 The Kimmatograph Year Book, LESLIE (Fife), Pop. 3,660. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop., Shaw Bros. Booked by A. Shaw at Hail. Wed. and Sat. only. Prices, 3d, to is. Station, Leslie, L.N.E.R. LESMAGAHOW (Lanark), Pop. 8,755. Picture House. — Prop, and Man., A. Palmer. LEVEN (Fife), Pop. 7,180. Picturedrome. — -Prop., J. Roden. Two shows nightly, Mon., Thurs., Sat., continuous rest of week. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Leven, L.N.E.R. Regent.— Prop., Fifeshire Cinema Co., Ltd. Phone, Leven 147. Gen. Man., James Roden. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. LINLITHGOW (Linlithgow), Pop. 7,631 Scott's Royal Cinema (Victoria Hall) — ■ Lessee, J. Scott. LOANHEAD (Midlothian), Pop. 3,441. The Picture House. — Prop, and Res. Man., Arthur Brodie. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to gd. LOCHGELLY (Fife), Pop. 10,641. Cinema de Luxe, Bank Street.— Prop., Com- mercial Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., Tom Timmons. Two shows nightly. Four changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Lochgelly 35- Statin, Lochgelly, L.N.E.R. Opera House, Main Street.— Prop, and Man., J. Preston. Continaous. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Loch- gelly,'L.N.E.R. LOCHWINNOCH (Renfrew), Pop. 4,224. Picture House. — Prop., J. Manders. LOCKERBIE (Dumfries), Pop. 2,344. Annandale Cinema. — Prop., Annandale Cinema Co. Booking Man., A. Kirkwood, Academy Lodge. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Lockerbie 12. Station. Lockerbie. LOSSIEMOUTH (Morayshire), Pop. 4,166 Town Hall Cinema. Prop, and Man., David T. Reid. Booked by Andrew Reid at 211. West Campbell Street, Glasgow. Once nightly. Continuous Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Lossiemouth. LUMPHANAN (Aberdeen), Pop. 852. Parish Hall — Prop., Parish Council. Booked by Secretary, Parish Council Offices. LUNDIN LINKS (Aberdeen). La Scala Picture House. — Prop., Clayton Bros. Res. Man., W. B. Clayton. Booked at Hall. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. MaRKINCH (Fife), Pop. 4,022. Cinema House. MAUCHLINE (Ayr), Pop. 2,357. Picture House. MAXWELLTOWN (Kirkcudbright!, Pop. 6,094. Picture House (Closed). — Prop., Dumfries Theatre Co., Ltd. Phone, Dumfries 356. Station, Maxwelltown, L.M.S. MAYBOLE (Ayr), Pop. 4,500. Carrick Cinema, Culzean Road. — Prop., Carrick Cinema (Maybole), Ltd., 153, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Res. and Booking Man., John Gilmour. One show nightly, continuous Sat. Three changes weeklv. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Maybole, L.M.S. METHIL (Fife), Pop. 380. Gaiety Palace, High Street. — Prop., Palace (Methil) Co., Ltd. Res. Man., S. Jefferson. Continuous. Two changes weeklv. Prices 3d. to gd. Station, Methil, L.N.E.R. Palace, High Street. — Prop., D. Dewar. Res. Man., P. M. Robertson. Continuous. Three changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to is. Station Methil, L.N.E^R. Imperial Cinema (New Hall).— Res. and Booking Man., J. T. Urquhart. Continuous, two changes weekly. MID-CALDER (Midlothian), Pop. 3,207. Mid-Calder Institute, known as The Star Cinema.. — Res. and Booking Man.. Geo Paris. Booked at Daisy Cottage, East Calder O.ae show weeklv. Prices. 4d. to 8d. Station Mid-Calder. M1LLPOKT (Bute), Pop. 5,834. Millport Picture House, Town Hall. — Prop., Millport Picture House. Res. Man., J . Dymock. Booked by A. Twaddle, St. George's Cross P.H., Glasgow. Two shows nightly. Three changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Millport Pier, L.M.S. MILNGAVIE (Dumbarton), Pop. 4,807. Town Hall. — Res. and Booking Man., Mrs. Breckenridge. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices. 3d. and 8d. Station, Milngavie, L.N.E.R. MOFFAT (Dumfries), Pop. 2,057. Electric Cinema. — Prop, and Man., D, Rhind. Booked at Hall. Two shows weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Moffat 15. Station, Moffat, L.M.S. MONIF1ETH (Forfar). Pop. 4,175. Alhambra. — Prop., Alhambra (Moniheth), Ltd. Man., Win. Brown. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, twice on Sats. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station. Monifieth, joint L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. MONTROSE (Forfar), Pop. 12,692. Burgh Hall. — -Prop., Montrose Town Council. Eight shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Montrose, King's Playhouse, Hulme Street. — Prop. . Scottish Cinema and Variety Theatres, Ltd. 105, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Res. Man.. William Barrons. Booked by James M lne at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to gd. Station. Montrose. L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. New Empire Theatre. Castle Street. — Prop., Emp:re (M->ntrose). Ltd., 3. King Street, Aberdeen. Gen. Man., James Bell. Booked at Hall. Pictures and Varieties. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Montrose, L.N.E.R. and L-M.S., and Groves Transport. Kinema Directory {Scotland)* 441 MOSSEND (Lanark), Pop. 10,003. Pavilion Theatre. — Prop., Mossend Theatre Co. .Ltd. Res. and Booking Min. . Geo. Sedge- worth. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices. 4d. to is. Stations. Mossend or Bells- hill, L.M.S. MOTHERWELL (Lanark), Pop. 63,869. Cinema House, Brandon Street. — Prop., C. A. G:iberman. Booked at Hill. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Station, Motherwell, L.M.S. Empire Theatre, Camp Street. — Prop., Empire (Motherwell), Ltd. Booked by T. Ormiston at 6, Brandon Street. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to is. Station, Motherwell, L.M.S. La Scala, Brandon Street. — Prop., La Scala (Motherwell), Ltd. Res. Man., W. A. Camp- bell. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Motherwell 316. Station, Motherwell, L.M.S. New Century Theatre, Brandon Street.— Res. Man. D. Kennedy. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Motherwell 21. Station, Motherwell, L.M.S. Pavilion, Brandon Street. — -Prop., The Mother- well Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., A. R. Powell. Booked by T. Ormiston at 6, Brandon Street. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Motherwell 214" MJIRXIRX (Ayr), Pjp. 4,723. Picture House. — Prop. .Miirkirk Picture House Co.. Ltd., Sec. , Joseph Falconer. Glasgow Road, Ma'rk'rk. Booked by Sec. Continuous. Prices, 2d. to od. Station, Mairkirk. Films by Carrier. M J 33EL3U I 3/T Miqlo :htan), Pop. 1 7,1 1 1 . Central Picture House, The Mall. — Prop., Central Pictures (Musselburgh), Ltd. Res. Man., G. B. Renouf. Booked by J. Hendry at 26, Renfield Street, Glasgow. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Musselburgh 133. Station, Mussel- burgh, L.N.E.R. H \YWEiG iTS Cinema. — -Prop..D.-Di Rollo. Res, M ia. . M ss E. Dl Rollo. Booked at Hill by Prop. Continuous. Prices. 3d. to 9d. Station, Masselburgh. L.N.E.R. Pavilion. — Props., J. and Z. Baxter. Res. Man., Jas. Baxter. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Masselburgh. Nairn (Mairn-shire), Pop. 5,622. Palace Cinema, Church Street. — Prop., J. Archibald. Bickie. R?s. Mm.. G. Scott. Bsoke at H.O. O.ie show nightly. Three on Saturdav. Prices. 4d. to is. 3d. Station. Nairn. L.M.S. NEILSTON (Renfrew). Pjp. 15 27 J. The Glen Hall. — Prop., Mrs. Breckenridge , Man., W. B. Pollen, 3, M;Farlane Street. Paisley. Pnone, Paisley 2026. Continuous. Booked at Premier, Wniteinch, Glasgow Prices, 6d. and ad. NEW3UR3H (Fife), Pop. 1,932. Public H \.ll Cinema. High Street. — Prop., Public Hall Cinema Co. Booked by A. William- son at Fern Cottage, Njwburgti. Saturday and Wednesday periodieallv. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Newburgh, L.N.E.R. NEW CUMNOCK (Ayr), Pop. 6,281. Picture House, The Castle.— Prop^ New Cumnock Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., M.Le Kane. Once nightly. Mat. and twice Sat. Prices. 3d. to is. 3d. Station, New Cumnock. L.M.S. NEW MILLS (Fife). Pop. 2,200, Kinema.— Prop., The New Mills Kinema, Ltd., Main Street, New Mills, Fife. Res. Man., Alec Malcolm Roberts. Booked at Hall. Once nightly except Thursday. Mat. and twice Sat. Prices. 5d. to 8d. Station, Torry- bivrn. NEWMILNS (Ayr), Pop. 4,522. Picture House, Main Street. — Prop., David C. Jack. Res.Man.. Thos. McSkimming. Booked by proprietor. Phone, 155 Motherwell. Con- tinuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Newmilns, L.M.S. NE/VTON (Lanark^ Westburn Picture House, Hallside.— Lessee S. A. Bryer. Res. Man., Mrs. S. A. Bryer. Once nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 4d. to 6d. Station. Newton, L.M.S. NEW TON GRANGE (Midlothian), Pop. 4,468. Newton Grange Palace. — Prop., Burntisland Picture Palace Company. Res. Man, Sec. Thos. Turnbull. Solicitor, Manse Place, Falkirk. Booked at Hall. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Newton Grange, L.N.E.R. NEWTONON-AYR (Ayr), Pop. 9,755. Picture House.— Prop., R. V. Singleton. Res. Man., J. D. Morrison. Booked by W. Single- ton, at 39, Kirkpatrick Street, Glasgow. Phone, Bridgeton 689. NEWTON STEWART (Wigtown), Pop. 1,831. Picture House, 12, Victoria Street,— Prop, and Res. Man., G. H. Gouldson. Booked at 12, Victoria Street by Prop. Shows, Fri. and Sat. Prices. 3d. to is. Station, Newton Stewart, L.N.E.R. NORTH BERWICK (Haddington), Pop. 5,217. Cinema House. OiAN (Argyll), Pop. 6,344. Cinema House, George. Street. — Prop., "Oban Cinema House, Ltd. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 2d. Phone, Oban 75- Station, Oban, L.M.S. OLD CUMNOCX (Ayr), Pop. 5,491. Picture House. — Prop., Cumnock Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. and Booking Man., H. W. Morton. Booked at Hall. Continu- ous. Station, Old Cumnock, L.M.S. PAISLEY (Renfrew), Pop. 84,840. Alexandra Cinema, 25, Neilston Road. — Prop., Caleclon Entertainers, Ltd., 227, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Phone, Central 1046. Res. 442 The Kinematograph Year 'Booh. Man., Robt. M. Clark. Booked by James Graham, at 17, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Paisley 3446. Station, Paisley (Gilmour Street), L.M.S. Castle Cinema, Castle Street. — Prop., Castle Cinema Co. Booked by Robert McCelland at 19, Moss Street, Paisley. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Paisley 2638.. Station, Paisley, L.M.S. La Scala Picture Theatre, The Cross, Paisley — Prop., Paisley La Scala, Ltd. Res. Man.> J. Langlands Smith. Booked by A. B- King, 95, Renfield Street, Glasgow. Phone Douglas 1 2 18. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, 2442. Paisley Palladium, New Street. — Prop., Palladium (Paisley), Ltd. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, 2310. Station, Paisley, L.M.S. Paisley Picture Theatre, High Street.— Prop., Paisley Picture Theatre, Ltd., 187, Piccadilly, London, W. 1. Phone, Gerrard 8766. Res. and Booking Man., A. H. Tamplin. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d, Phone, Paisley 2466. Station, Gilmour Street, Paisley, L.M.S. Rink Picture and Variety Theatre, Lawn Street. — Props. ,E. H. Bostock and Sons, Ltd., 69, Dalhousie Street, Glasgow. Phone, Douglas 498. Res. Man., J. C. Galbraith. Booked by Proprietor. Once nightly. Twice Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, to 9d. Phone, Paisley 3490. Royal Animated Pictures, Good Templars Hall, Gilmour Street. — Prop., Good Templars Halls Trust. Res. Man., T. Kirkpatrick. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Paisley 2721. Station. Gilmour Street, Paisley, L.M.S. Star Cinema. (New Hall to be erected.) Town Hall.— Prop., Paisley Corporation. Res. Man., A. Fergus. One show, Sat. only. One change weekly. Prices, 5d. to nd. Phone, Paisley 2820. Station, Paisley, L.M.S. PEEBLES (Peebles), Pop. 6,105. Empire. — Prop., J. A. Scott. Res. Man., T. Scott. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Station, Peebles, L.N.E.R. Royal Burgh Cinema, Chambers Town Hall. — Lessees, Ward and Lamb. Res, Man., Jas. Ward. Booked at Hall. Occasional shows. Prices,6d. to is .3d. Station, Peebles, L.N.E.R. PENICUIK (Midlothian), Pop. 5,176. Scott's'Cinema. PERTH (Perth), Pop. 33,393. Alhambra. — Man..T. Stuart Malcolm. City Hall. — Prop., Town Council. Man., Jas. Morrison. Booked at City Chambers only. Occasional shows. King's Cinema, 55, S. Methuen Street.— Prop., Perth Picture House Co., Ltd. Phone 598. " Man., R. M. McDougall. Booked at Hall., Continuous. Mat. Prices, 6d. to is. 2d. Station, Perth, L.M.S. La Scala, Scott Street.— Prop, and Res. Man , J. Currie. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Perth 642. Station, Perth, L.M.S. New B.B. Cinerama, Victoria Street. — Prop. B.B. Pictures (1920), Ltd., 81, Dunlop Street Glasgow. Phone, 5485 Central. Res. Man.. T. Teal. Booked at H.O. by Ritson Bennell. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Perth, L.M.S. PETERHEAD Aberdeen), Pop. 16,144. Picture House. — Prop. , Peterhead Public Hall Co., Ltd. Res. Man., L. S. J. Wilkinson. Booked by A. G. Matthews, 96, Langside Avenue, Glasgow. One show nightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices. 6d. to is. Station, Peterhead, L.N.E.R. Palace. — Prop. .Palace Entertainments (Peter- head), Ltd.. Man., W. D. Sterndale. Once nightly, twice Sats. PITLOCHRY (Perth). Pop. 2,243. Picture House. — Gen. Man., Mr. McNaughton POLMONT (Stirling), Pop. 7,619. cture House. — Prop., W. and T. Duncan. Res. Man., W. Duncan. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Polmont, L.N.E.R. PORT GLASGOW (Renfrew), Pop. 21,047. Eclipse Pictures. — Prop., Eclipse Pictures Co. Ltd. Res. Man., J. Ebbutt. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Port Glasgow 60. Station, Port Glasgow, L.M.S. Picture Palace.— Prop., John Scrymgeour. Town Hall Cinema.— Prop., Port Glasgow Corporation. Res. Man., A. B. Campbell. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Station, Port Glasgow, L.M.S. PRESTONPANS (Haddington), Pop. 5,154. Picture House. PRESTWICK (Ayr), Pop. 9,432. Picture House, Ltd. — Res. Man., F. R. Baird. Continuous, Phone, Prestwick 45. Station, Prestwick, L.M.S. RENFREW (Renfrew), Pop. 14.482. Picture House. — Prop., Renfrew Ficture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Mrs. Bfattie. One show nightly, three on Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Slation, King's Inch, L.M.S. Picture House, Moorpark. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. W. Cruikshank. One show rightly, two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to gd. Station, Renfrew. RENTON (Dumbarton), Pop. 5,011. The Picture House. — Lessee and Man., F. Carlow. Once nightly. Prices, 4d. and 6d. Station, Renton, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. ROSYTH (Fife) Pop. 3,000. Palace— Queensferry Road.— Prop., Palace (Rosyth), Ltd. Man., J. A. Buncle. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. ROTHESAY (Bute), Pop. 9,000. Palace Cinema. — Prop., Palace Cinema, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Jack F. O'Driscoll. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. - Phone, Rothesay 133. Station, Rothesay Pier, per L.M.S. train and steamer. Kinema Directory (Scotland). 443 Theater de Luxe. — Prop., F B Burnette. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Rothesay 120. Station, Rothesay Pier, L.M.S. RUTHERGLEN (Lanark), Pop. 33,260. Grand Central. — Main Street. — Prop., Grand Central (Rutherglen), Ltd., 18, Clyde Street, Motherwell. Gen. Man. , Thos. Roger. Man, D. Digby Mils. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Rutherglen 450. Station, Rutherglen, L.M.S. Cinema.. — Prop., Geo. Green, Ltd. Res. Man., E. H. Collinson. Booked at 182, Trongate, Glasgow. Continuous. Picture Palace, Stonelaw Road.— Prop., Rutherglen Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. and Booking Min. ,W. Sharp. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Rutherglen 115. Station, Rutherglen, L.M.S. Saltcoats (Ayr), Pop. 13,477. Casino, Hamilton Street.— Prop., G. H. Kemp and Son. Res. Man., Harry Kemp. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. - Phone, Saltcoats 48. Station, Saltcoats, L.M.S. Countess Picture House. — Sole Lessee and Res. Man., Buchanan Thomson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Saltcoats, L.M.S. La Scala, Hamilton Street.— Props., G. H. Kemp and Son. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is 6d. Phone, Saltcoats 45. Station Saltcoats. SANQUHAR (Dumfries), Pop. 2,793. Sanquhar Picture House, High Street.— Prop, and Res. Man., T. Hughes. One show nightly. SELKIRK (Selkirk), Pop. 7,068. Ettrick Picture House.— Prop., Selkirk Picture Hall Co. Res. Man., C. Jowsey. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Three changes weekly. SHOTTS (Lanark), Pop. 14,232. Empire Theatre, Station Road. — Prop., Shotts Empire Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man., R. Tedman. Booked by Thos. Ormiston, Sec, 6, Brandon Street, Motherwell. Phone, Motherwell 26. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Shotts 34. Station, Shotts, L.M.S. Pavilion. SLAM AN NAN (Stirling), Pop. 3,409. Picture House. SOUTH QUEENSFERRY (West Lothian), Pop. 2,140. Daybells Cinema. — -Res. and Booking Man., R.Edmondson. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Dalmeny. STANDBURN (Stirling), Pop. 1,400. Avon Hall Cinema, Public Hall. — Prop., H. Scott and Co. Res. Man., J. Patterson. Three shows weekly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 9d. to is. Station, Bowhouse, L.N.E.R. ST. ANDREWS (Fife), Pop. 9,336. Cinema House.— Prop., St. Andrews Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., J. C. Greig. Booked by A. B. King, Glasgow. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone 164. Station, St. Andrews, L.N.E.R. STANLEY (Perth), Pop. 1,519. Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., John Gourlay. Sat. only. STEVENSTON (Ayr), Pop. 13,190. De Luxe Cinema, New Street. — Prop., Stevens- ton Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., David Murray. Booked at H.O. by Harry Kemp. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Stevenston, L.M.S. STEWARTON (Ayr), Pop. 3,937. Picture House, Lainshaw Street. — Prop- David C. Jack. Res. Man., A. Dunlop., Booked by Proprietor. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Stewar- ton, L.M.S. STIRLING (Stirling), Pop. 21,733. Alhambra Theatre, Arcade. — Prop., Stirling Alhambra, Ltd. Man. Dir., J. M. Calder. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, fd. to 2s. Phone, Stirling 401. Station, Stirling, L.N.E.R. Kinema, Orchard Place. — Prop., Menzies Bros. Res. Man., J. A. Menzies. Two shows nightly. Mat., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Stirling 207. Station, Stirling, L.N.E.R. Picture House.— Prop., Menzies Bros. Twice nightly. Prices, od. to is. 6d. Phone, Stirling f07. STONEHAVEN (Kincardine), Pop. 4,856. Queen's Rooms, Allardice Street. — Prop., Queen's Rooms Cinema Syndicate, Ltd. Res. Man., A. Ross. Booked by A. G. Matthews. Two shows nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Stonehaven, L.N.E.R. STONEYBURN (Linlithgow), Pop. 1,500. Picture Palace. STORNOWAY (Ross and Cromarty), Pop. 4,079. Lewis Picture House, Keith Street. — Prop, and Res. Man., Will Mack. Booked at Hall Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices 6d. to 2s. 4d Sta ion, Kyle of Lochalsh L.M.S. STRANRAER (Wigtown), Pop. 6,138. Empire Theatre, Queen Street (Variety). — ■ Prop., David C. Jack. Res. Man., J. Ralston. Booked by proprietor. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 2s. Station, Stranraer, L.M.S. Kinema, St. Andrew's Street. — Prop., David C. Jack. Res. Man., Jas. Ralston. Booked at H.O., 9, Trefoil Avenue, Shawlands, Glas- gow. Continuous. Two Changes. Prices, 6d. to is. 444 The Kinematog) aph Year Book. ST RAT HAVEN (Lanark), Pop. 4,210. Public Hall -Cinema. — Prop., J. Stewart. One show Tues., three on Sat. Prices, 3d to is. 3d. Station, Strathaven, L.M.S. STRATHMIGLO (Fife), Pop. 1,612. Picture House. — Three changes weeklv. Station, Strathmiglo, L.N.E.R. STROMNESS (Orkney), Pop. 2,263. Cinema, North End.- — Prop., Stromness Cinema Co. Res. Man., H. R. Mowatt. Two shows weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. TaIN .Ross and Cromarty!, Pop. 2,394. Picture Palace. TARBERT (Argyll), Pop. 1,983. Picture House. TARBRAX (Stirling). Picture House. — Prop., J. Johnstone. THORNTON (Fife). Pop. 2,408. Cinema.— Prop., Gilbert's Films. Man., N.T. Wilkie. Booked at Mafeking Cottage, Cowden- heath. Three shows weekly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Thornton, L.N.E.R. THURSO (Caithness), Pop. 4,278. Picture House. — -Prop... Northerri Cinemas. Ltd. , 9, Golden Square, Aberdeen . One show weekly, Saturdays. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station. Thurso, L.M.S. TILLICOULTRY (Clackmannan), Pop. 4,645. Town Hall. — -Prop., Man. and Booking Mat)., 5. Bertolini. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Station, Tillicoultry, L.N.E.R. TROON (Ayr), Pop. 10,203. Pavilion-. 15, Templehill. — Prop., Pavilion (Troon), Ltd., 58. West Regent Street, Glasgow. Phone. Douglas 3690. Res. and Booking Man., Harry McCall. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Phone, Troon, 345. Station, Troon, L.M.S. Picture House, Portland Street. — Prop. Troon Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., A. Lane. Booked by Thos. Ormiston, Sec, 6, Brandon Street, Motherwell. Phone, 381 Motherwell. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Troon 209. Station, Troon, L.M.S. TURRIFF (Aberdeen , Pop. 3,911. Towx Hall Cinema. — Prop., Lyall, Melvih and Johnston. Res. Man. , Alex Bannerman, Sec. , George Lyall, Solicitor. Shows Thurs. and Sat. Prices. 3d. to is. 6d. Phone, Turriff 5. Station. Turriff, L.N.E.R. UDDINGSTON (Lanark), Pop. 8,420. New Picture House. — Prop., Whyte and Young. Res. Man. J. R. Grant. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to gd. Phone, Uddingston 57. Station, Uddingston, L.M.S. Pavilion. — Prop., Uddingston Picture House Co., Ltd. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. Station. Uddingston, L.N.E.R. UPHALL (Linlithgow), Pop. 12,499. Cinema House. — Lessee and Res. Man., Ivor R. Grove. Booked at HaLL One show nightly. Continuous Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Broxburn 42. Films by Film Trans- port Services, Broxburn. WaLKERBURN (Peebles). Fop. 1,170. Cinema. WEST CALDER (Midlothian), Pop. 7,874. People's Palace Theatre.— Prop., West Calder Properties, Ltd. Res. Man., T. D. Blain. Booked at 5S, West Regent Street, Glasgow. Two shows nightlv. Three changes weekly. Prices. 4d. to is'. Phone, West Calder 7. Station, West Calder, L.M.S. WEST KILBRIDE (Ayr , Pop. 4,578. Picture House. — Prop., The Picture House (West Kilbride), Ltd. Res. Man., William Tyre. Booked at Hall. Once nightlv. Prices. 4d. to is. Station, West Kilbride, L.M.S. WHITBURN (Linlithgow), Pop. 6,617. Electric Theatre, West Main Street. — Prop., Whitburn Cinema Co. Res. Man., J as, Cleland. Three shows weekly. Three changes weekly. Station, Armadale, L.N.E.R. The Picture House. WHITHORN (Wigtown , Pop. 1,983. Candida Casa Cinema. — Prop, and Man., Wm M. Mister. 9 11, Glasserton Street. Booked at H.O. Two shows weekly. Prices. 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Whithorn (Portpatrick and Wigtown joint sections), L.M.S. WICK (Caithness), Pop. 10,615. Pavilion. — Man., Alex Aubrey. Booked at Hall. Once nightlv. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station. Wick, L.M.S. W1LS0NT0WN (Lanark), Pop. 2,045. Victoria Picture House. WINDYGATES (Fife), Pop. 2,629. Cinema. Station Road. — Res. and Booking Man. . Jas. P. Lister. Two houses Wed. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Leven 118. Station, Cameron Bridge, L.N.E.R. WISHAW (Lanark), Pop. 25,263. Pavilion. Picture House, Main Street. — Prop., Wishaw Picture House, Ltd., 38, Bath Street. Res. Man., Samuel Lever. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Wishaw, L.M.S. Savoy Picture House, Caledonian Road.— Prop, and Res. Man., Joseph McSevich, 6, The Clachan, Wishaw. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 2d. to 9d. Station, Wishaw Central. Tower Picture House, Cambusnethan. — Prop., Mr. Pennycook. Wishaw Kixema, Kirk Road. — Prop., Wishaw Play House, Ltd. Res. Man., Geo. Bass. Booked by T. Ormiston, at 6, Brandon Street, Motherwell. Phone, Motherwell 26. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2^d. to is. Phone, Wishaw 117. Station, Central. Kinema Directory (Ireland), 445 IRISH KINEMAS. MRMAGH (Armagh), Pop, 6,600. Armagh Picture House, Russell Street. — Prop. , Irish Empire Palaces, Ltd. Res. Man. . L. M. Ewing. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Armagh. City Cinema, Market Street. — Prop., Irish National Foresters. Booked at Hall by J. Cauldwell. One show nightly. Prices, 5a. to is. Phone 63. Station, Armagh, G.N. R. ATH LONE (Co. Westmeatii). Shannon Cinema. — Res. and Booking Man., J.Gallagher. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly, once Sundav. Four changes weeklv. Station, Athlone, G.S.R. ATHY (Co. Kildare). Athy Picture Palace. — Prop.. A thy P. P., Ltd. Dir. and Man., A. J. Hosie. Booked at Hall. Four shows weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Athy. BaLLFNA (Mayo), Pop. 5,000. Arcadia Picture Palace. — Prop, and Man., T. Ryan, Arran Street. Booked at Hall. Prices. 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Ballina. M.G.W.R. (Parcels Office). Town Hall Picture House, Arthur Street.— Prop., James Ahearn. Res. and Booking Man., James M'Hale. One show nigatly. Two on Sundays. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Ballina, M.G.W.R. BALLINROBE (Mayo), Pop. 1,600. The Cixema. — -Prop., Balhnrobe Cinema Co. Once weekly, Sun. Prices, 6d., gd. , is. 6d. Station, Balhnrobe. Gt. Southern Rlys. BALLYNAHINCH (Down), Pop. 2,000. The Picture House. — Prop., J. Corry. Open Fri. and Sat., winter only. Usual prices. Station, Ballynahinch, Co. Down. BALLYCASTLE (Antrim). The Picture House. — Prop.. McAllister Picture Hall Co. Man. and Sec, E. J. Fogarty. BALLYCLARE (Antrim), Pop. 1,500. Picture House. — Prop., Ballyclare Cinema Co. Man., F. Blair. BALLYKINLAR (Down). Sandes' Cinema. — Prop., Miss Sandes. Res. Man., Miss Eva Maguire. Three shows weekly. Station, Dundrum, Co. Down. BALLYMENA (Antrim), Pop. 9,000. Picture House. — Prop., Ballymena Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. and 'Booking Man., S. Eagleson. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Ballymena 20. Grams. : Cinema, Ballvmena. Station, Bally- mena, L.M.S. (N.C.C.). BALLYMONEY (Antrim), Pop. 3,000. Ballymoney Picture House, Main Street. — Prop, and Man., P. J. O'Kane. One show nightly. Three changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Ballymoney M.R. (N.C.C.) BANBRIDGE (Antrim). Pop. 5,000. Picture House. — Prop., J. U. Finney. Booked by Prop. Phone 10. Once nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Banbridge 10. Station, Banbridge. BANDON (Co. Cork), Pop. 5,000. Bandon Cinema.— Prop, and Res. Man., Thos. J. Powell. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 3d. to 2s. Station, Bandon, Gt. Southern Rly. BANGOR (Down), Pop. 11,236. Picture Palace. — Prop., Irish Electric Palaces, Ltd, Res. Man., Herbert Rogers. Con- tinuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Bangor 187. Station, Bangor, C.D.R. BELFAST (Antrim), Pop. 450,000. Alhambra Theatre, North Street.- — Prop., Alhambra Theatres, Ltd. Phone, Belfast 3107. Res. Man., J. MeDermott. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Belfast 380. Steamship service. Arcadian, Albert Street. — Prop., The Arcadian Picture Theatre, Ltd. Man., J. O'Neill. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. and 6d. All Belfast Stations. Central Picture Theatre, Smithfield.— Prop., Central Belfast Picture Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., A. Howarth. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. and 9d. Station, Belfast, L.M'.S. Classic Cinema, Castle Lane. — Prop., Classic Cinemas, Ltd., 13, Donegall Square North. Belfast. Res. Man., F. Sparkes. Booked by A. W. Jarratt at New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Continuous. Prices. 6d. to 2s. Phone 4987. All Belfast stations and cross-Channel boats, L.M.S. Clonard Picture House, Falls Road. — Prop., Clonard Hall Co., Ltd. Res. Man., W. J. Hogan. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Belfast 1958. Station, Belfast, G.N.R. . Coliseum, Grosvenor Road.— Prop., Belfast Coliseum, Ltd., 79, Donegall Street (Phone. 5800). Res. and Booking Man., Harold Buckley. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Belfast 5607. Steamship service. Crumlin Picture House, Crumlin Road. — Prop., Crumlin Picture House, Ltd. Res. Man., A. George. Continuous. Four mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone 4935. Station, Belfast. Diamond Picture House. — Man., J. McCann. Prices, 5d. and 8d. Phone 5200." 446 The Kinematograph Year Book. Duncairn Super-Cinema, Duncairn Gardens. — Prop., Duncaira Picture Theatre Co., Ltd. Gen. and Booking Man., Will White. Con- tinuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Station, Belfast, G.N.R. and Midland. Gaiety, North Street. — Prop.. Gaiety Picture Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., J. Quinn. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Belfast 2746. All Belfast stations and cross-Channel boats." Imperial Picture House, Cornmarket.— Prop., Ulster Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Man. Dir., B. N. McDowell. Booked at Hall. Continuous from 1 to 10.30. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone 1160. Telegrams, Paramount, Belfast Station, Donegall Quay, M.R. & G.N.R. Kelvin Picture Palace, College Square East. — Prop., Kelvin Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Captain A. V. Crothers. Continu- ous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Belfast 1112. Station, Belfast, G.N.R. (1). Lyceum Cinema., Antrim Road.' — Prop., M. Curran. Phone 1191. Res. Man., J. Curran. Lyric, High Street (formerly The Panopticon), Man., Thos. G. Harris. Stations, all Belfast stations and boats. Midland Picture House, Canning Street.— Man., J. H. Craig, Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices 3d, to 5d.. Phone 2594. Station, Belfast, G.N. & L.M.S. New Princess Palace. — Prop., City and Suburban Cinemas, Ltd. Res. Man., Ferris Pounds. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Pictures and Variety. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Belfast 3451. Station, Belfast. Old Princess Palace, Newtownards Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. T. Anderson. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3.to5d. Phone, Knock 387. Station, Midland. Picturedrome, Mount Pottinger. — Prop., Mount Pottinger Cinemas, Ltd., 79, Donegall Street. Res. Man., M. Croly. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone 3063. Station, Belfast, G.N.R., and Belfast Steam Shipping Co., Ltd. Queen's Picture and Variety Theatre, York Road. — Prop., Belfast Gaiety Theatre Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., G. M. Loughrey. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Prices, 3d. to 5d. Royal Cinema. — Prop., Warden, Ltd. Man. Dir. , Fred W. Warden. Man. , Cecil M. King. Continuous. Prices: before 5 p.m., 6d. and is.; after 5 p.m., is. and 2s. Phone, Belfast 1142. Station, Belfast, G.N.,and all steamers via Liverpool, Fleetwood, Heysham, and Stranraer Larne. Sandro Cinema, Sandy Row. — Prop., Sandro Cinema, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Charles Rogers. Twice nightly. Children's Mat., Sat. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone 4368. Station, G.N.R. (I.). Shankhill Picturedrome, 48, Shankhill Road. Manageress, Mrs. Montgomery. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 5d. Phone, Belfast 1715- Station, Belfast, G.N. The Picture House, Royal Avenue. — Prop., Northern Theatres, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man.,. J. Boughton. Continuous. Prices, is. and 2s. Phone, Belfast 2513. Per Fleetwood steamers. West End Picture House, Shankhill Road. — Props., Miss McKibben, A. Craig and A. Newel. Res. Man., Miss E. McKibben. Three shows daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Belfast 4423, Willowfield Picture House, Woodstock Road. — Prop., Willowfield Unionist Club. Res. Man., R. Carothers. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to 8d. Phone, Belfast 3741. G.N.R., Midland and cross- Channel boats. BIRR (King's Co.), Pop. 4,500. Birr Electric Picturedrome, Main Street, — Prop., Birr Electric Picture Co. Res. Man., J. J. O'Meara. Three shows weekly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 3d. Station, Birr, G.S. & W.R. BLACKROCK (Dublin). The Cinema. — Prop., The Blackrock Cinema Co. Man. Dir., J. Hanna. Twice weekly. Station, Blackrock, Dublin and S.E. Rly. BOYLE (Roscommon), Pop. 2,500. Boyle Picture Theatre, Bridge Street. — Prop, and Booking Man., Edward J. Tighe, High Street, Sligo. Phone, Sligo 79- Res. Man., Patrick J. Kilcullen. Four nights weekly. Prices, 9d. to is. 3d. Phone, Boyle 18. Station, Boyle. BRAY (Wicklow), Pop. 8,000. Picture House, Quinsboro' Road. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. E. MacDermott. Two shows nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Four changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Bray, D. & S.E.R. BRUFF (Limerick). Picture House. — Prop, and Res. Man., Wm. O'Donovan. Two changes weekly. Station, Kilmallock, G.S. and W.R. CaHIRCIVEEN (Kerry), Pop. 2,013. Kingdom Cinema. — Props. , Patrick J. Gilsenan and Charles Troy. Res. and Booking Man., P. J. Gilsenan. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Cahirciveen. CALLAN (Kilkenny). The Cinema. — Prop., W. Egan. Three shows. Station, Callan, G.S. & W. Rly. CARLOW (Carlow), Pop. 5,000. Cinema Palace.— Prop., Mr. Hanna. One show nightly. Four changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Carlow, G.S. & W.R. CARRICKFERGUS (Antrim). The Castle Cinema. — Prop., William Nabney. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Carrickfergus, Northern Counties Rly. Rossleigh Cinema. — Man., R. Lee. Three shows weekly. CARRICK-ON-SUIR (Tipperarv). Park- View Cinema. — Prop, and Man., Patrick J. McGrath. Three shows weekly. Station, Carrjck-on-Suir, G.S. & W. Rly. Kitiema Directory (Ireland). 447 CASH EL (TlPPERARY). The Cinema.— Prop, and Man.,M. H. Hannigan. Booked at Hall. Three shows weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cashel n. Station, Cashel, G.S. & Western Rly. CASTLEBAR (Mayo), Pop. 4,400. Concert Hall, Town Hall. — Prop., Very Rev. Archdeacon Fallon, The Presbytery. Res. and Booking Man., J. Corcoran. Occasional shows. Prices, 6d. to 3s. Station, Castlebar. Ellison Cinema. — Props., Bourke Bros. Res. and Booking Man., Thos. Bourke. Once nightly. Prices, 8d. to is. 9d. CASTLEWELLAN (Down). ' The Cinema. — Prop, and Man., B. Cusack. Station, Castlewellan, B. & Co., Down Rly. The Cosy. — Prop, and Man., F. Bosco. Station, as above. CHARLEVILLE (Co. Cork), Pop. 2,000. The Pavilion. — Prop., J. Hurley. Three shows weekly. Tues., Thurs. and Sun. Phme 17. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Station, Charleville, Gt. Southern Rly. CLONAKILTY (Co. Cork), Pop. 3,000. Cinema. — Props., T. Lowneyand D.C. McCarthy. Res. and Booking Man.,T. Lowney. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Clonakilty 26. Station, Clonakilty, G.S.R. CLONMEL (Tipperary), Pop. 12.0C0. Magner's Theatre and Oisin Cinema, how amalgamated under title, Clonmel (Asso- ciated) Theatre Co.— Gen. Man., W. B. Symes. Station, Clonmel, G.S. & W. Rly. COALISLAND (Tyrone), Pop. 2,000. Coalisland Picture House.- — Prop. ,Coalisland Picture House, Ltd. Res. Booking Man., James J. Conway. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. No show Sun. or Mon. Phone, Coalisland 10. Station, Coalisland, G.N. & M.R. COGRY DOAGH (Antrim), Pop. 1,000. Picture House.— Prop, and Man., Ivan McMeekin. Once nightly. Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Doagh 1. Station, Doagh, L.M.S. COLERAINE (Londonderry), Pop. 8,000. Coleraine Picture Palace, Railway Road. — ■ Prop., Coleraine Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Alex Douglas Sutherland. One show nightly. Mat., Thurs and Sat. Three changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Coleraine, M.R. COMBER (Down). Grand Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., A. J. White. One show nightly. Two changes weeldy. Prices, 6d. to gd. Station, Comber. COOKSTOWN Tyrone), Pop. 2,500. Elect Picture Palace. — Man., J. McElvogue, Station, Cookstown, G.N. Rly.(I). Cookstown Picture House. — Prop. , Cookstown Electric Picture House, Ltd. Booking Man., J. W. Fleming. One show on Mon., Thurs., and Fri. Prices, 2 M. to 9d. Phone , Cookstown 59. Station,Cookstown,perL.M.S.&G.N.R. CORK (Co. Cork), Pop. 80,000. Assembly Rooms Picturedrome. — Res. Man., Miss M. E. Spencer. Three shows daily. Three changes weeldy. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Cork 52. Station, Cork, G.S. & W.R. Blackpool Cinema, Blackpool. — Prop., Black- pool Cinema, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., Wm. S. Spencer. Twice nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone 1132. Station, Cork. Coliseum, Mc Curtain Street ,— Prop? . , Southern , Coliseums, Ltd., 52, Stafford Street, Dublin- Phone, Dublin 5573. Res. and Booking Man., A. E. Norwood. Two shows nightlyMats. at 3. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cork 893. Station, Cork, G.S. & W.R. Imperial Cinema, Oliver Plunkett Street.— Prop., Gertrude Hannon. Three shows daily, once Sunday. Three changes weekly. Prices. 9d. and is. 6d. Station, Cork, G.S. & W.R. Lee Cinema, Winthrop Street. — Props., Lee Cinema, Ltd. Booking Man., E. P. Dowling. Booked at Hail generally, or at The Moderne, 89, Patrick Street. Three shows daily. Prices, 9d.t01s.6d. Phone, Cork 1138. Station, Cork. Opera House, Emmett Place.— Prop., Cork Opera House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., Frank J. Pitt. Phone, Cork 22. Station, Cork. Palace, McCurtain Street.— Res. Man., J. McGrath. Two shows nightly. Pavilion Cinema and Cafe, 80, Patrick Street. — Prop., James Tallow, 80, Patrick Street. Gen. Man., Ernest R. Wates. Booked at Hall. Mats, daily. Continuous from 6.45. Prices, 9d. to is. 6d. Phone, Cork 891. Station, Cork, G.S. & W.R. st. Mary's Hall, St. Mary's Road. — Prop., Parochial Hall. Res. Man., J. F. Corkerry. Two shows nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 9d. Station, Cork, G.S & W.R. Washington Cinema, Washington Street. — ■ Props., J. Carpenter, H. and S. Whelan, and J.French. Man. Dir., J. T. Carpenter. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Once Sunday. Mats, daily. Prices, 9d. and is. 6d. Station, Cork, G.S. & W.R. DlNGLE (Kerry). The Phcenix Cinema. — Props., J. and J. C. Houlihan. Three changes weekly. DONAGHADEE (Down), Pop. 2,300. Picture House, Manor Street. — Lessee, D. Frazer. One show nightly. Two on Sal . Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 6i. Station, Donaghadee, C.D.R. DOWNPATRECK (Down), Pop. 2,000. Pavilion Cinema, Market Street. — Prop, and Man., Thos. Breen. Once nightly. Phone, Downpatrick 39. DROGHEDA (Louth). Boyne Cinema.— Prop., J. M. Stanley. Res. Man., E. D. Kenny. Continuous. Phone, Drogheda 50. 448 The Kinematograph Year Book. Whitworth Hall.— Prop., Dundealgan Electric Theatres Co. , Ltd. , Town Hal! Bldgs. , Dundalk. Phone, Dundalk 87. Res. and Booking Man., J. O'Mahony. Twice nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Drogheda 59. Station, Drogheda, G.N.R. DROMORE (Down), Pop. 2,000. Dromore Cinema. — Props., Jas. and R. W. Dale, Church Street. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, gd. and is. 3d. Station, Dromore, G.N.R. DUBLIN (Dublin), Pop. 400,000. Bohemian Picture Theatre, Phibsborough Road. — Prop., Bohemian Picture Theatre, . Ltd. Res. Man., C. Fogarty. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, is. and 2s. Phone, Drumcondra 72. Camden Picture House, Lower Camden Street.- — Prop, and Res. Man., W. Erskine. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Dublin 2305. Station, Harcourt Street, D. & S.E.R. Carlton, 52, Upper Sackville Street.— Prop., J. Ellis. Booked at Hall. Res. Man., Miss Clery. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 9d. to is. 3d. Phone 4853. Station. Dublin. Corinthian Picture Theatre, Eden Quay.— Prop., Corinthian Picture Co. Ltd. Phone, 3864. Chairman and Man. Dir., E. C. Nolan. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, is. 3d. to 2s. 4d. Dorset Picture House. — Prop. , M. W. Shanly. Res. and Booking Man., J. P. McKenna. Continuous. Pictures and Variety. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Dublin 656. Station, all Dublin stations. Electric Theatre, 45, Talbot Street. — Prop., Dublin Electric Theatres, Ltd. Man., George C. Cropper. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Dublin 4106. Station, Amiens Street; G.N.R. Fountain Picture House, James's Street.- — Res. and Booking Man., C. Marston. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Dublin 51950. Grand Central Cinema, Sackville Street.- — Props. , The Irish Kine. Co. (1920), Ltd. Man. , Harry O'Donovan. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Inchicore Cinema, Inchicore. — Prop., R. J. Kirkham. Continuous. Two changes weekly. LA Scala Theatre and Opera House, Princes Street. — Prop., G. P. Fleming. Res. Man., T. C. Reddin. Continuous. Tvvo changes weekly. Prices, is. 3d. to £1. Phone, Dublin 4295. Lyceum Picture Theatre, Mary Street. — Props., Devin and Porter, 45, Mary Street, Dublin. Phone, Dublin 391 1. Res. Man. , J. F. Devin. Continuous. Prices, sd. to is. Station, Amiens Street, G.N.R. Mary Street Picture House, Mary Street. — Props., Irish Kine. Co. (1920), Ltd. Con- tinuous. Three changes weekly. Manor Cinema, Manor Street, — Prop., J. Fagan. Continuous. Masterpiece Picture Theatre, 99, Talbot Street. — Prop, and Man.,. Chas. McEvoy. Continuous. Phone, Dublin 4244. Metropole Cinema, Sackville Street.— Props., Metropole Restaurant and Cinema, Ltd. Phone 5585. Res. Man., A. Elliman. Phone 2934. Continuous. One change weekly. Prices, is. 3d. and 2s. 4d. Station, Westland Row. Palace Cinema, 42, Pearse Street.— Prop., J. I. Eppel, 27, Grosvenor Square, Rathmines. Phone, Rathmines 74. Res. and Booking Man., Brian Magowan, 9, Brian Road, Marino, Dublin. Continuous. Prices, 9d. to is. 6d. Phone, Dublin 4309. Phibsboro' Picture House, Blacquiere, Phibs- boro'.— Prop., Phibsboro' Picture House Co., Ltd. Man., Wm, King. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Phone, Drumcondra 143. Phcenix Picture House, Ellis's Quay. — Prop., Phoenix Picture Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., R. J. G. Ah erne. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Phone, Dublin 1829. Picture House, Grafton Street/ — Prop., Pro- vincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., M. N. Richardson. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Dublin 3126. Station, Westland Row. Pillar Picture House, Upper Sackville Street' — Props., Irish Kine. Co. (1920), Ltd. Man., S. Berkley. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Princess Cinema, Rathmines Road.— Props., Rathmines Amusements Co., Ltd. Res. Man., John Gill. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Station, Westland Row. Phone, Rathmines 140. Rotunda Cinema, Cavendish Row. — Exors. of William Kay. Res. Man., Edmund Kay. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Three chaunges weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone 1627. All Dublin stations. Sackville Picture House, Lower Sackville Street. — Prop., Sackville Picture House Co. Man. Dir., R. Morrison. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Dublin 754. Station, Amiens Street, G.N.R. Stella Cinema, Rathmines. — Prop., Stella Picture Theatre Ltd., Rathmines. Res. and Booking Man., V. Kinsella. Continuous. Prices, 9d. to 2s. Phone, Rathmines 281. Theatre-de-Luxe, 84 to 86, Lower Camden Street.- — Prop., Dublin Kinematograph Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., M. Elliman. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, Dublin 51S40. DUNDALK (Louth), Pop. 13,000. Oriel Cinema. — Prop., J. M. Stanley. Man. J. McKeown. Booking Man., E. D. Kenny, Boyne Cinema, Drogheda. Twice nightly, Station, Dundalk, G.N.R. Picture House.- — Props., Irish Empire Palaces, Ltd. Man. Dir., A. T. Wright. Two changes weekly. Station, Dundalk, G.N.R. Town Hall. — Prop., Dundealgan Electric Theatres Co., Ltd. Gen. Man., John Gormley. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Dundalk 87. Station, Dundalk, G.N.R. DUNGARVAN (Waterford), Pop. 4,500. Cinema. — Prop., Daniel Crotty & Sons. Res. Manageress, Miss C. Crotty. Bool-ed at Hall by Miss C. Crotty. Three shows weekly. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, Dungarvan 8. Station, Dungarvan, G.S. & W.R. Telegrams : Crotty, Dungarvan. Kinema Directory (Ireland). 4 49 EnNIS (Clare). Picture House.— Prop., Helena Gough. Three changes weekly. Station, Ennis. Town Hall Cinema.— Prop., Mrs. McGregor. Man., Miss K. Boland. Two shows nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Ennis. ENNISKILLEN (Fermanagh). Town Hall. — Prop., Dundealgan Electric Theatres, Ltd. Man., P. J. Slevin. Twice nightly. FeRMOY (Cork), Pop. 5,500. Cinema Palace Theatre. —Props., Messrs. J. J. Bowen & Co. Kinema Assembly Rooms, Francis Street.— Prop., J. S. Noble and R. O'Mahony. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Feimcy 38. Station, Fermoy, G.S.R. QaLWAY (Galway), Pop. 15,000. Empire Theatre.— Prop., W. A, McNally. Res. Manageress, Miss O'Grady. Bool ed at Hall. Once nightlv. Prices. 5d. to is. iod. Phone, Galway 28. Station, Galway, M.G.W.R. Victoria. — Prop., J. McGrath. Continuous. Four changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. iod. Station, Galway, M.G.W.R. GOREY (Wexford), Pop. 2,000. Town Hall.- — Prop., Town Commissioners. Res. Man., Town Clerk. Two changes weekly . Two shows weekly. Prices, 6d. to 2 s. Station, Gorey, D. & S.E.R. HoLYWOOD (Down), Pop. 4,500. The Picture House. — Prop., Wm. McDonald. Continuous from 6.30. Mat. Saturdays only. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Holywood 127. K.ILKEE (Co. Clare), Pop. 2,500. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop. , Carron Cinema Co. Res. and Booking Man., J. G. Carron. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, Qd. and is. 6d. Station, Kilkee G.S. & W. Rly. K ILK EEL (Co. Down). Cinema. — Prop., M. Fagherty. Prices, 6d. and 9d. KILKENNY (Kilkenny). Cinema. — Prop., Kilkenny Cinema Co., Ltd- Man., J. Stallard. One show* nightly. Three- changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 15. 2d. Station, Kilkenny, G.S. & W.R. KILLARNEY (Kerry), Pep. 6,000. Killarney Picturedrome, East Avenue Hail. —Prop., Private Co. Res. Man., C. O'Keeffe. One show nightly, Tues., Thurs. and Sun. Three changes weekly. Prices, 8d- to is. 'iod. Station, Killarney, G.S, & W.R. KILLORGLIN (Kerry), Pop. 1,633. Carnegie Picture Hall. — Man., W. Mac- Sweeney. One show nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Killorg- lin, G.S.W.R. KILRUSH (Co. Clare), Pop. 3,800. Palace Theatre. — Props, and Mans. , P. and M. Tubridy. Booked at Hall. Two shows weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Kilrush. KINGSTOWN (Dublin), Pop. 17,377. Kingstown Picture House, Upper George Street. — Prop., Sackville Picture House Co., Ltd. Res. Man., R. Morrison. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Phone, Kingstown 252. Station, Kingstown, D.S.E.R. Pavilion Gardens, Marine Road.— Prop., Pavilion Gardens (Kingstown), Ltd. Res. Man., T. J. Gogan. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, '3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Kingstown 6r. Station, Kingstown, D.S.E.R. KINSALE (Cork). Coliseum. — Prop., D. P. Foley. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Station, Kinsale, Cork and Baidon R. LaRNE (Antrim), Pop. 8,000. The Picture House, Main Street. — Prop., Irish Electric Palaces. Man., Harry Aicken. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Larne 69. Station, Larne, L.M.S.R. LETTERKENNY (Donegal), Pop. 3,000. The Cinema. — Prop, and Man., Joseph P. Gregg. Three nights weekly. Prices, 4}d. to is. 3d. Station, Letterkenny. LIMAVADY (Londonderry), Pa?. 2,337, Electric Kinema, Town Hall. — Prop., Electric Kinema Co. Occasional special shows. Three changes weeklv. Prices, gd. to is. 6d. Station, Limavady, L.M.S. St. Patrick's Hall Picture House. — Props., The Han Picture Co. Man., F. J. Coghlan. Phone 15. Booked at office, Catherine Street, by Man. Once nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. Station, Lima- vady, M.R LIMERICK (Limerick), Pop. 38,000. Abbey Kinema, George's Quay. — Prop., James J. Trehy, 23, Glentworth Street. Three shows daily. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Limerick. G.S.R. Athen.eum Hall. — -Lessee, P. J. Croriin. Two changes weeklv. Station, Limerick, G.S. & W. Rly. Coliseum. — Prop., Helena and Thomas Gough. Res. Man., Thos. Gough. Two shows nightly. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Phone, Limerick 259. Station, Limerick, G.S. & W.R. Gaiety Cinema, 45, O'Connell Street.— Lessees. P. Foy and R. W. O'Russ. Two shows nightlv. Mat.. Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 7d. to is. Cd. Station, Limerick, G.S. & W.R. P 450 The Kinematograph Year Book. Garryowen Cinema, Broad Street.— Res. Man., S. A. Mclnerney. Two shows nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone. Limerick 195. Station, Limerick, G.S. & W.R. Grand Central Cinema, Bedford Row. — Props., Paul and May Bernard. Res. Man., Paul Bernard. Two shows nightly, two Mats. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Limerick 361. Station, Limerick, G.S. & W.R. Tivoli Cinema, The Mall. — Prop., Paul and May Bernard. Res. Man., Paul Bernard. Two shows nightly. Three changes weekly. Office at Grand Central Cinema. LISBURN (Antrim), Pop. 6,000. Picture House. Market Square. — Prop.. Lisburn Electric Palace, Ltd. Res . and Booking Man.. V. Dornan. Twice nightly. Prices. 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Lisburn, G.N.R. LONDONDERRY (Londonderry), Pop. 40,000. Picture Palace. Shipquay Street. — Prop., Irish Living Picture Co. , Ltd. Booked at Hall by Res. Man. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station. Londonderry, G.N.R. Rialto, Market Street.- — Prop., Rialto Theatres, Ltd. Man. Dir., Wm. J. Arthur. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is . Phone 551. Station, Londonderry, G.N.R. St. Columbs Hall, Orchard Street. — Prop., St. Columbs Hall Committee. Sec, J. Bonner. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d., 7d. and is. Phone, Londonderry So. Station, Londonderry, G.N.R. LONGFORD (Longford), Pop. 3,800. Staffords Cinema.- — Prop, and Res. Man... Jos. J. Stafford. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to 2S. Phone, Longford 20. Station. Longford, G.S.R. LURGAN (Armagh). Picture House. — Prop., J. Foster. Twice nightly. Prices, 4d. to is. 6d. Mallow (Co. cork), pop. 4,8oo. Central Hall, Main Street. — Prop, and Res. Man. , C. M. Donovan. Booked at Hall. Once nightiv. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Telegrams : Donovan, Central Hall. Station. Mallow. G.S. & W.R. MARYBOROUGH (Queen'sCo.), Pop. 3,000. Electric Cinema. — Props., P. and P. Delany. Res . and Booking Man ..P. J. Delany . Booked at 78, Main Street, Maryborough. Three shows a week. Prices, 8d. to is. 3d. Station, Mary- borough, G.S.R. MONAGHAN. '"Town Hall Cinema. — Lessee and Man.. Martin Rennie. MOUNTMELLICK (Queen's Co.), Pop. 2,000. Electric Cinema. — Prop., Mountmellick Elec- tric Cinema, Ltd. Res. Man., N. Scully. One show nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Mountmellick, G.S. & W.R. MULLINGAR (Westmeath), Pop. 4,000. National Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. Fitzmaurice. One show nightly. Changs- nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Mul- lingar NaVAN (Meath), Pop. 3,800. Navan Picture Palace, Ludlow Street. — Prop., Navan Picture Palace Co., Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., R. Kennedy. One show daily and occasional mats. Prices". 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Navan, G.N.R. and G.S.R. NENAGH (Tipperary), Pop. 4,000. Ormond Cinema.: — Man., W. Maloney. Town Hall Cinema. — Prop, and Man.. E O'Kennedy. Booked at Hall. Once nightly Two changes weekly. Prices. 8d. to is. 3d Station, Nenagh, G.S. & W. Rly. NEWCASTLE (Down), Pop. 1,000. Belle-Vue Cinema.— Prop., F. Bosco. One show nightiv. Two changes weckl v. Station, Newcastle, N. Counties Rly. & B. & CD. Rly. Palace Picture House. — Prop., B. Cusack. One show nightly. Station, Newcastle. NEWCASTLE WEST (Limerick), Pop. 3,000. Picture Palace. — Prop., Wm. Phelan. Res. and Booking Man., M. J. Whelan. Three nights weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Newcastle West 10. Station, Newcastle West, G.S. & W.R. NEW ROSS (Wexford). Pop. 5,000. Town Hall. — Prop., New Ross Cinema Co* Res. and Booking Man., J. Ward. One show nightiv. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station. New Ross, G.S.W.R. NEWRY (Donegal), Pop. 9,000. Imperial Palace. — Prop, and Man., F. Murtagh. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, Newry. The Frontier. — -Irish National Forresters. Man., W. Campbell. NEWTOWNARDS (Co. Down), Pop. 5,000. Palace. — Prop., E. J. Morrison. Pictures and Variety. Man., Campbell Morrison. Two shows nightly. Station, Newtownards, Belfast and Co. Down Rly. OlWAGH (Tyrone), Pop. 4,200. Picture House.— Prop, and Res. Man., Mrs. E. O. Smyth. One show nightly, Two changes weekly. Prices, 2^d. to is. 3d. Phone, Omagh 45. Stat'on' Omagh, G.N.R. Star Kinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. E. C. Donnelly. Once nightiv. Prices 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Omagh, G.N.R. PoRTADOWN (Armagh), Pop. 12,000. Picture House.- — Prop., Irish Empire Palaces, Ltd., 52, Stafford Street, Dublin. Gen. Man.* Wm. C. Summerson. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Portadown 98, Station* Portadown, G.N.R. (Ireland), Kinema Directory (Ireland) . 45i PORTAFERRY (Down). The Cinema. — Prop., John K. Hinds. Once nightly. 'Bus service from Belfast. PORTRUSH (Antrim), Pop. 2,000. Picture House.— Prop., Portrush Estate Co., Ltd. Res. Man., R. A. Cooper. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Prices, 9d. to is. 6d. Station, Portrush, M.M.C.R. PORTSTEWART (Londonderry), Pop. 1,500. Picture House. — Prop, and Res. Man., J. McCrory. Continuous. Three changes weekly. Phone, No. 8. Prices, is. 2d. and is. 6d. Station, Portstewart, M.R. Skerries (Dublin), Pop. 2,000. Electric Theatre. — Prop, and Res. Man., W. H. Flannagan. One show nightly Four changes weeklv. Prices, 4d. to is. Station Skerries, G.N.R. SLIGO (Sligo). Sligo. Picture Theatre.-— Prop., Kilgannon & Son, Ltd. Res. Man., J. P. Kilgannon. One show nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Sligo. The Pavilion. — Props., Kilgannon & Sons, Ltd. Pictures and Variety. Pictures, 9d. and is. 3d. Variety, is. to 3s. One show nightly. Station, Sligo. STEWARTSTOWN (Tyrone). The Picture House. — Prop, and Man., P. Corr. Once nightly. Three changes weekly. STRABANE (Tyrone), Pop. 5,000. The Pallidrome. — Prop., H. F. Cooper. TeMPLEMORE (Tipperary), Pop. 2,000. Templemore Picture House. — Prop., G. Moyman. Two shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Station, Templemore. THURLES (Tipperary), Pop. 4,200. National Theatre. — Prop., Mrs. J. McGrath. Once nightly. Three shows weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Thurles, G.S.W.R. TIPPERARY (Tipperary), Pop. 5,500. Picture drome, James Street. — Prop., W. G. Evans. Res. Man., Sadie Evans. One show nightly. Two mats, weekly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Phone, Tipperary 4. Station, Tipperary. Th e Tivoli.— Prop. , Bryan O'Donnell , Hill View , Tipperary. Phone n. Booked at Hall by J. O'Donnell. Once nightly. Three changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Station, Tipperary, G.S.R. TRALEE (Kerry), Pop. 11,000. PiCTLREDROME.— Prop., Murphy and Coffey. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Tralee, G.S.R. TRAMORE (Waterford), Pop. 2,000. Strand Cinema. — Prop., Mrs. E. Piper. Res. and Booking Man., J. J. O'Shaughnessy. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Station, Tramore, G.S. & W.R. TULLAMORE, OFFALY, Pop. 4,500. C.YMS Cinema.— Prop., Cyde Society. Res. and Booking Man., F. Slattery. One show nightly, on Sun., Tues. and Thurs. Prices, c~d. , gd., is. 3d. Phone 10. Telegrams : Slattery Cinema. Station, Tullamore, G.S. & W.R. TULLOW (Carlow). The Cinema. — Prop, and Man., R. J. Lawson. Once nightlv. Two changes weekly. Station, Tullow, G.S.R. TUAM (Galway), Pop. 2,900. Mall Cinema. — Prop., jos. O'Connor. One show daily. Four changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Phone, Tuam 12. Station, Tuam, G.S.R. Warrenpoint, Pop. 2,000. Ganden Cinema and Palais deDanse. — Props. , J. Leicester Jackson, Seaview, Warren- point, and T. H. Richardson, Athelby Terrace. Res. Man., J. Leicester Jackson. Films booked at Seaview, Warrenpoint. Once nightly. Prices, 8d. and is. 3d. Station, Warrenpoint. The Town Hall. — National Band and Picture Co. Prop., M. Doran. Res. Man., J. Carr. WATERFORD (Waterford), Pop. 27,464. Broad Street Cinema, Broad Street. — Prop., Waterford Cinema Co., Ltd., 18, Merchants Quay, Cork. Man., R. W. Latimer. Booked at 18, Merchants Quay, Cork. One show nightly. Three mats, weekly. Three changes weeklv. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Water- ford, G.S. & W.R. Coliseum, Adelphi Quay.— Props., Isadore I. Bradlaw and J. Grandy. Res. Man., A. J. Harris Whitney. One show nightly. One mat. weekly. Three changes weekly. Prices 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Waterford, WEXFORD (Wexford), Pop. 11 000. Cinema Palace, Harper's Lane. — Prop., Wex- ford Cinema Palace, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., C. E. Vize. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Phone, Wexford 50. Station, Wexford, G.S.R. Theatre Royal, High Street/ — Prop., Wexford Cinema Palace, Ltd. Res. Man., C. E. Vize. Phone, Wexford 50. Station, Wexford, D. & S.E.R. YoUGHAL (CorkT. Horgan's Picture Theatre. — Prop., T. Hor- gan. Once nightly. Three changes. Prices, 6d., 9d., is. Station, Youghal. Picture Palace. — Prop., Mr. Hurst. INDEX TO KINEMAS. PAGES Theatre Circuits 278 — 289 London Kinemas 290—304 English Kinemas 305 — 41 4 Welsh Kinemas 415 — 425 Scottish Kinemas ... ... 426 — 444 Irish Kinemas ... 445 — 451 452 The Kinematograph Year Book. MEMORANDA The Kinemalograph Year Book. MEMORANDA 454 The Kinematogvaph Year Book. The R in emaio graph Year Booh. 455 MEMORANDA 45^ The .^Kinematograph Year Book. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Accurate Check Taker, Ltd. Allison Pianos, Ltd. Aninia Film Go. Automatic Film Printers, Ltd. Automaticket, Ltd. . Baer, M. Beever, James and Co. Blackwell, Carlyle Boro Billposting Co. Breton, Flora le " Broadcaster, The " Brockliss, J. Frank, Ltd. Bulman Cinema Screen Co. . Butcher's Film Service, Ltd. Champion, Charles H., and Co., Ltd. (ShiiJ Clement Blake and Day Columbia Carbons Cook's Publicity Service, Ltd. Crick's Cinematograph Co. Elite Organ Syndicate, Ltd . Evans, C. J. and Co. Famous Films (London) Flugel and Co. (London), Ltd. Foster, F. Fox Film Co., Ltd. Gray and Davison . Hall and Dixon Jar dine and Co.. Ltd. " John Bull " Pen Depot Kamm and Co., Ltd. Kershaw Projector Co. King and Newman . Langrish, E. A., & Co., Ltd. Lazarus, H., and Son, Ltd. . M. and P. Enterprises, Ltd. Morris Film Service Moy Omnia . Neville and Churchill Odhams Press Ltd. Olympic Kinematograph Laboratories, Palmer, George Pathe of France, Ltd. Pearce, Walter Peeling and Van Neck, Ltd. " Picturegoer, The " . " Picturegoer," Salon, The . Powers Distributing Corporation, Ltd. Producer's Distributing Co., Ltd Rigby Robert, Ltd. Rolltic, Ltd.. Smith, P, . Standard Film Agency Stuart, John Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Theatre Equipment, Ltd. Theatres Advertising Co. Triangle British Films, Ltd. Uniform. Clothing and Equipment Co Vinten, W. . Walturdaw Cinema Supply Co., Ltd. Williamson Film Printing Co. Wurlitzer Organs Ltd Ltd Carbon PAGE 205 etseq. 223 Inside back cover 221 et seq. 102 250 249 30 232, 29 224 251 et seq. Front cover 290 et seq. 215 et seq. 94 253 202 254 315 et seq. 27 6 214 136 257 216 et seq. 3 55 204 nside front cover 250 203 201 2 256 et seq. 210 et seq. 297 et seq. 86 56 219 et seq. Back cover and edges Facing page 321 207 et seq. 275 101 200 19 et seq. 4 6 206 319 et seq. 272 Facing page 456 211 et seq. 276 369 et seq. 267 202 1 120 Facing page 320 Printed by Odhams Press Ltd., Long Acre, W.C.2. GIVE THE Ask your dealer for a free demonstration or write to us for the address of our repre- sentative in your, district. 74 Newman Street London ,W 1. Works: LEICESTER LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 111 0 007 551 642 3 FILM STOCK Positive-NonFlam -Negative 5. LISLE STREET. LEICESTER SQUARE,, LONDON, V.C. 2 TekpKorw ; RECENT 75?t (4 TtU£nm*l NO SCOPE. LONDON.